

2017-09-16 4页 doc 18KB 13阅读




家庭困难补助申请书范文家庭困难补助申请书范文 申 请 上穆社区领导: 我是上穆社区甘家村84号村民甘祖发,家庭人口3人,现在生活举步维艰,我本人由于上了年纪,身体也大不如前,太重的体力活已经做不下来,家里没有固定的经济来源。妻子在饭店打杂的工钱,只能供儿子在外读书,这一切在我的生活中都无疑是雪上加霜。在万般无奈的情况下,恳请社区领导能在经济和生活上给予一定的困难补助,解决我们的生活危机。为感~ 申请人:甘祖发 2013年1月9日 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" conc...
家庭困难补助申请范文 申 请 上穆社区领导: 我是上穆社区甘家村84号村民甘祖发,家庭人口3人,现在生活举步维艰,我本人由于上了年纪,身体也大不如前,太重的体力活已经做不下来,家里没有固定的经济来源。妻子在饭店打杂的工钱,只能供儿子在外读书,这一切在我的生活中都无疑是雪上加霜。在万般无奈的情况下,恳请社区领导能在经济和生活上给予一定的困难补助,解决我们的生活危机。为感~ 申请人:甘祖发 2013年1月9日 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 申 请 尊敬社区的领导: 我是上穆社区甘家村村民仇银凤,家庭人口3人,丈夫在外打零工儿子现在处于工作实习阶段,近年来,由于身体一直不好,而且患有严重的关节炎、腰椎盘突出和胃窦炎甲亢,每当过度劳累或天气聚变时就疼痛难耐。体质很差,经常生病,一年下来的医药费将近五六千,没有什么劳力,全家的开支几乎由丈夫一个人承担。没有什么一技之长,很难找到一个合适的工作。希望社区领导能在经济上给予一定的帮助。谢谢~ 申请人:仇银凤 2013年1月8日 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 尊敬的上穆社区支部: 我是上穆社区丁家边22号村民柏胤胜,今年55岁。我患有弱智,患病后生活不能自理,需有专人照顾。因为我的情况比较特殊,至今一人生活,还得依靠家中哥嫂和85岁老母在家照顾我。虽然我现在享受社区低保扶持和照顾,仍然不能解决根本生活问题。加上近年来,生活水平不断提高,年龄的增长和身体状况不断发生变化,家里经济生活十分困难。望求社区领导能给予我困难补助。我将十分感谢诚盼领导批准。 申 请 人:柏胤胜 2012年1月10日 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.
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