

2018-04-03 12页 doc 36KB 24阅读




重庆万科工程付款管理作业指引重庆万科工程付款管理作业指引 1. 目的: 为了加强对项目工程付款的管理,规范工程付款作业流程,提高项目资金管理能力。 2. 适用范围: 公司所有在建工程项目的工程付款管理作业。 3. 操作方法及流程 付款满足的一般原则: 已经签订有效的工程合同; 满足合同中要求的付款条件; 所有请款工程内容及工程量需符合形象进度的要求。 3.2( 付款时间要求: 3.2.1. 承包商每月24日前向监理公司递交本月进度款申请资料(上月24日至本月23 日的工程进度款申请)。 3.2.2. 次月1日下班之前项目经理部向财务...
重庆万科工程付款管理作业指引 1. 目的: 为了加强对项目工程付款的管理,工程付款作业流程,提高项目资金管理能力。 2. 适用范围: 公司所有在建工程项目的工程付款管理作业。 3. 操作方法及流程 付款满足的一般原则: 已经签订有效的工程; 满足合同中要求的付款条件; 所有请款工程内容及工程量需符合形象进度的要求。 3.2( 付款时间要求: 3.2.1. 承包商每月24日前向监理公司递交本月进度款申请资料(上月24日至本月23 日的工程进度款申请)。 3.2.2. 次月1日下班之前项目经理部向财务部申报本月资金。 3.2.3. 次月15日财务支付工程款。(原则上每月只办理一次工程款审批,如果需要在月初或 月末支付,需要项目部经办工程师通过邮件向财务负责人、主管领导报告,获审批同意后才 可执行,并同时抄送给项目成本人员和成本部经理。) 3.3( 操作流程: sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 重庆万科每月集中工程付款申报、审核、支付流程示意图 承包商监理公司项目经理部成本管理部财务管理部公司领导每月24日为付款申请的截止日期 每月24日之前报送本月工程付款造价顾问/造价工程师监理公司在26日申请资料一式两项目部经办工程师28日次月1日前审核完成,之前完成监理工份交监理公司审前完成审核,确认已经确定付款金额;并将付程师审核及总监核(结算款申请完成工程量,并提交项款申请资料汇总后提交复审,并提交项资料直接提交项目成本人员项目秘书目部经办工程师目部经办工程师) 项目秘书次月1日收集完财务审核并报送成付款金额汇总,并报送集团资金计划予财务部 项目部经办工程师次月3日前施工单位开发票金额 项目部经办工程师次月5日前完成付款申请单内网填报及打印签收,并与付款申请资料一并交项目秘书 造价工程师次月6日前承包商次月7项目部秘书次月5日前完完成付款申请单及内网日前开出发成收集付款申请资料及其签收,录入成本软件付票,并提交项对应的付款申请单,签收款计划,并提交项目部目部秘书确认后提交项目成本人员经理 项目部经理次月7日前完成付款申请单审批,并由项成本部经理次月财务部次月10日目部秘书收集对应发票8日前完成复核完成审核并录入后,与一份工程付款申请及审批,并全部EAS成本资料一并提交成本部,另提交财务部外一份工程付款申请资料由项目部存档限额内否 公司领导是审批 内网上录入付款单并在次月15日支付 发票原件付款申请报告封付款申请单封面甲供材分摊表原件一份面复印件一份复印件一份帐号资料证明原件一份付款申请单封面原件一份付款申请报告封面原件一份 4. 工程付款类别及相应资料组成: sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 万科,重庆,房地产有限公司 编号 VK-CQ-CB-02 密级 秘密 名称 重庆万科工程付款管理作业指引 版本 A/1 第3页 共6页 编制 刘丛胜 修订 审核 批准 邢鹏 生效期 2008年10 月31日 4.1 . 预付款 当达到合同约定的付款条件时,承包商报送预付款申请资料交监理公司审核,预付款申请资料必须包括: a. 工程(材料)进度完成情况确认表; b. 合同复印件;(也适用于直接支付进度款的首次付款) c. 帐号资料证明; d. 其他需要提交的证明资料。 所有预付款申请资料必须提交一式两份,并且两份资料须完全一致。 4.2 . 进度款 承包商按照合同约定完成相关工程进度,承包商报送进度款申请资料到监理公司审核,进度款申请资料包括: a. 工程(材料)进度完成情况确认表; b. 合同中关于付款的相关页面复印件; c. 工程量清单(连电子版本); d. 帐号资料证明; e. 各类扣款单复印件; f. 奖励通知单复印件; g. 违约索赔单复印件; h. 已经通过成本部复审的签证结算累计汇总; i. 已经通过成本部复审的签证结算书封面; j. 确认工程造价之预算; k. 其他款项往来证明; l. 形象进度照片; m. 其他需要提交的证明资料; 所有进度款申请资料必须提交一式两份,并且两份资料须完全一致。 4.3 .材料款 承包商以材料签收单为依据,报送材料进度款申请资料到监理公司审核,材料款申请资料包括: a. 工程(材料)进度完成情况确认表; sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden b. 合同中关于付款的相关页面复印件; c. 材料款申请表; d. 累计材料供应清单; e. 本月原始送货单; f. 已经审定的签证单结算书封面; g. 扣罚款,奖励单等往来款项证明; h. 帐号资料证明; i. 发票。 所有材料款申请资料除第d、g、h、i项必须提交一式一份原件外,其他资料均须提交一式两份。 4.4 . 结算款 工程竣工验收合格后,结算完成并确认造价后,承包商报送结算款申请资料予项目部经办工程师审核,结算款申请资料包括: a. 工程(材料)进度完成情况确认表; b. 竣工结算协议清单复印件; c. 结算对帐单; d. 帐号资料证明; e. 其他款项往来证明 f. 其他需要提交的证明资料; 所有结算款申请资料除发票外必须提交一式两份,并且两份资料须完全一致。 备注:竣工结算协议清单原件在领取质保金时使用。 5. 工程付款审核流程: 5.1 项目经理部审核: 5.1.1 对承包商提交的付款资料要求如下: 严格按照本指引最后附上的支持文件及表格来填写申请; 必须清楚打印,并按顺序装订好; 工程量清单中的单价必须是合同单价,或已经审核通过的合同外单价; 工程量清单中的计算必须保证正确; 付款申请资料中的内容或数据必须保证在各份文件表格中皆保持一致; 5.1.2 对项目工程师及监理审核付款资料要求如下: sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 万科,重庆,房地产有限公司 编号 VK-CQ-CB-02 密级 秘密 名称 重庆万科工程付款管理作业指引 版本 A/1 第5页 共6页 编制 刘丛胜 修订 审核 批准 邢鹏 生效期 2008年10 月31日 合同编号、名称及承包商名称正确性,如果遇到公司更名,收款单位和合同约 定单位不一致时,需要注意一定要求对方提供委托书,工商局的证明资料等查 对核实后方可办理支付。 若承包商无法满足合同约定的相应质量、安全及技术等要求,项目工程师视具 体情况给予适当扣减进度款甚至停付进度款等处罚措施; 核实申请当月完成的工程量是否与现场当月24日截止的形象进度一致(超出合 同承包内容或施工范围部分是否在付款申请资料中提交补充预算、指令单、变更单或签证 结算书),并在付款申请资料的汇总表及工程量清单中签名确认并逐项注明,不 许签署如“同意按照合同付款”等模糊性的审批意见。工程进度可以用形象进 度完成百分比来表示,但必须有详细的进度描述,如模板完成至第几层,是柱 模板还是梁模板,混凝土浇灌完成几层,钢筋绑扎完成形象进度,砌砖,抹灰 完成形象进度等。 根据项目成本人员审核确认的付款金额,知会承包商付款情况,打印正确的纳 税证明,交由项目部秘书,并由项目部秘书通知承包商前来领取。 核对本月的奖励单、罚款单、分摊水电费用、劳保费用、宿舍管理费用、及其 他所有代垫代支等费用,并将当期发生的上述所有费用计算到付款申请单中。 在内网上填报付款申请单,打印出来并逐项核查付款申请单上所有资料的正确 性,签名确认后将其与付款申请资料一并交与项目部秘书。 填写《项目付款审批表》; 在PDC平台完成供应商评估表,此表作为付款的必要前提。 特别提示:工程结算款不需要通过监理审批,直接提交项目工程师。 5.2 成本管理部审核: 5.2.1 审核基本内容: .2.1.1. 依据项目工程师的审核意见、现场实际形象进度、合同相应条款及相应单价计 算出付款金额。 .2.1.2. 审核项目管理部发出的项目付款审批表及工程付款申请单相关内容,并在内网 上进行签收。 .2.1.3. 将审核通过的项目付款审批表及工程付款申请单导入成本管理软件EAS(无法 自动导入的需要在成本管理软件中手工录入付款计划)。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 5.2.2 付款审批权限: 审批权限按公司要求。 6. 相关表格: 6.1 帐号资料证明 6.2 工程(材料)进度完成情况确认表; 6.3 完工工程量清单 6.4 结算对帐单 6.5 结算协议清单 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden
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