

2017-09-01 11页 doc 35KB 109阅读




80后小时候玩的游戏80后小时候玩的游戏 80后小时候玩的游戏,大家都来看看。还有其它没写上的都在后面,大家也可以继续补上 , 跳皮筋 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:那时候翻看女孩子的书包,总能从里面拎出由无数根橡皮筋结成的一根长长的皮筋来,而跳皮筋的花样也是一套套的,一般还都配着童谣,比如“小皮球,小小来,马莲开花二十一,二五、六,二五、七,二八二九三十一...”“马兰花,马兰花,风吹雨打都不怕,勤劳的人儿在说话,请你马上就开花。”女孩们三五成群地蹦着跳着,在一根充满韧性和弹性的绳子上变换着无...
80后小时候玩的游戏 80后小时候玩的游戏,大家都来看看。还有其它没写上的都在后面,大家也可以继续补上 , 跳皮筋 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:那时候翻看女孩子的书包,总能从里面拎出由无数根橡皮筋结成的一根长长的皮筋来,而跳皮筋的花样也是一套套的,一般还都配着童谣,比如“小皮球,小小来,马莲开花二十一,二五、六,二五、七,二八二九三十一...”“马兰花,马兰花,风吹雨打都不怕,勤劳的人儿在说话,请你马上就开花。”女孩们三五成群地蹦着跳着,在一根充满韧性和弹性的绳子上变换着无穷的花样。这种游戏的运动量较大,跳、蹦的动作很多,双臂也要顺势摆动,还要保持身体平衡。 , 跳房子 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:?? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:地上画着很多方格,有12格、6格等,然后用算盘珠儿串成一圈,算是跳房子的用具。将算盘珠儿扔在“房子”里,单脚站立,站进房子,单脚将算盘珠按顺序踢进指定格子。 , 丢沙包 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:找几块小碎布,缝成小口袋,中间装上细沙再封口,就是沙包了。玩的时候人越多越好,分成两组,一组站中间,一组分成两队分别站两边,朝中间这组人身上扔沙包。中间的人若被沙包打中算“死”,直到同伴能用手抓住“打手”扔过来的沙包,一个沙包换一条“人命”,下场者才能够“起死回生”。有点像棒球中“投手”和“捕手”之间的耍心眼,斗智斗勇。 , 挑棍 怀旧指数:???? 生命力:??? 运动指数:? 怀旧玩法:收集一大把冰棒棍,洗干净。玩的时候要席地而坐,把手中的冰棒棍在一定高度上撒下,然后一根一根取出,抽取的时候只能拿一根,碰到别的棍儿算输,轮到对方抽。抽出的归自己,最后看谁的棍多谁就赢。 , 老鹰捉小鸡 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 怀旧指数:???? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:一个游离的人当“老鹰”,其他人排成一列,队首当“母鸡”,后面的人抓住前人的衣角,就是“小鸡”了。“老鹰”的目标是抓“小鸡”,“母鸡”要展开与“老鹰”斗智斗勇的搏斗,以保护身后的“小鸡”。捉住的“小鸡”就“死”了,要等下次游戏开始,才能再上场。这是一项奔跑强度较大的游戏,各种角色都要拼命跑,特别是“小鸡”要保持不“掉链子”,否则就处于完全无保护状态。一场游戏下来,尖叫不断,笑得脸上肌肉疼,跑得筋疲力尽,摔倒爬起来喘口气还接着玩。 , 打弹珠 怀旧指数:???? 生命力:??? 运动指数:??? 怀旧玩法:玩者多为男孩。在地上摁1—5个小洞,然后从起点将玻璃球滚向指定洞内,以最先完成规定洞数者赢。弹球有不同材质,最高档的是玻璃的,中间有彩色图案,低档的是铁的,最低档的是泥巴搓的,玩法基本雷同。高手玩家的准头很好,能手拿玻璃球几米之外击中地下的另一只玻璃球,甚至可以十米外一球进洞。 , 抓石子儿 怀旧指数:???? 生命力:????? 运动指数:? 怀旧玩法:到河边挑选指头大小的石子儿(白色晶莹剔透的那种最好),一共5粒(也可做成小的沙包)大小相当,谁有这么一副石子儿,够叫小伙伴们羡慕的。如果没有的话,就用瓦片蘸水来磨。那时候真有闲功夫啊,居然能把大大小小形状不一的碎瓦片儿磨成齐齐整整的圆形。两人席地而坐,玩时抛起一个石子,按规定抓取地上剩下的,先一次一个,再一次两个..... , 拍画 怀旧指数:???? 生命力:???? 运动指数:? 怀旧玩法:有些地方称“拍纸包”、“拍元宝”、“拍三角”等等,但玩法是一样的,就是用纸折成厚薄不同的正方形或三角形纸包,扔一个在地上,另一个人也拿出自己的一个用力拍下去,靠产生的风或适当的角度把地上的铲翻个面,对方的这张就归你了,否则你的就归对方了。这个游戏当年时常会在课间休息和中午的课桌上、地上演绎得人仰马翻,狼烟四起。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order , 攻城 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:?? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:需要一块较大的场地,一种玩伴需6人以上,另一种仅限8人玩。把人分成数量相等的两组,在地上划好“城”,一方攻,一方守。守城方只能在划好的通道里行动,进攻方必须一层层通过这些“要塞”,防守方可以用手、身体去接触进攻方,只要摸到身体,对方就“死”了出局,防守方踩线也要出局。最终只要有人胜利到达终点,游戏就结束。 ,, 摸瞎子 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:?? 怀旧玩法:在一个限定的空间,如教室、家里或地上画个圈,用红领巾把一个人双眼蒙上,去捉其他人,被捉住的人就要当“瞎子”。当“瞎子”的人,还要充分用耳朵来判断,听力以及在黑暗中的行动能力。 ,, 跳山羊 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:在奥运会体操项目里那叫“跳马”,孩子们叫“跳山羊”,当年普及率极高,几乎全中国的孩子都是高手。一个人当“山羊”,其他人助跑一段后,撑住“山羊”的背或双肩,双腿分开从“山羊”头上越过。“山羊”会越长越高,先是手撑脚背或小腿,然后手撑膝盖,再站直。 ,, 木头人 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? 怀旧玩法:限制在一个空间内,比画个大圆圈,或在教室里,一个人追,其他人跑,就在快被追到的紧急关头,马上喊出“木头”,然后就变成了“木头人”静止不动,必须有其他被追者摸一下,“木头人”才被解救恢复自由。如果被人追到,来不及喊“木头”,那就换你追其他人了。 ,, 斗鸡 怀旧指数:??? 生命力:????? 运动指数:????? from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 怀旧玩法:不需要任何运动器具,把一条腿抬起来,放到另一条大腿上,用手抱着抬起的脚,单腿在地上蹦。玩的时候大家都用抬起的那条腿膝盖来攻击别人,可以进行单挑独斗,也可以进行集体项目,以脚落地为输。 ,, 吹泡泡 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:? 怀旧玩法:把妈妈洗衣用的肥皂头用水化开,浓浓的,用小瓶装着,用细铁丝做个小圈,或用细竹杆或芦苇杆蘸着肥皂水吹泡泡,最喜欢站在楼上或高高的地方吹,比着看谁吹得大,肥皂泡在太阳下反射出童年的颜色,五光十色。 ,, 滚铁环 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:???? 怀旧玩法:用铁丝做一个圈,然后再做一个长柄的铁钩子,推着这个铁丝圈滚着走。铁钩子也可以换成一根竹棍或别的,只要能推着铁圈滚就行。大家排在操场上,看谁滚得快滚得远。 ,, 抽陀螺 怀旧指数:????? 生命力:????? 运动指数:?? 怀旧玩法:选一根粗细适中的木棍,把木棍截成8,10厘米长,用刀把木棍一段削成锥形,整个锥体要对称、光滑,陀螺就做成了。再用布绳做一条鞭子,用布绳缠绕陀螺,突然拉动,陀螺就在地上飞速转动,为了保持陀螺继续转动,要不断用鞭子抽打。大伙一起玩时,各自把自己的陀螺拿出来,两人一组用自己的陀螺碰撞对方的陀螺,撞倒为失败。 ,, 弹弓 怀旧指数:???? 生命力:? 运动指数:???? 怀旧玩法:对男孩子来说,弹弓的魅力是无与伦比的,就好比布娃娃属于女孩子一样。无论农村还是城里,只要是男孩子,大概没有没玩过弹弓的。弹弓这种东西应该算耐用消费品,更新换代并非因为玩坏了,而是因为被没收了。家长没收过、教师没收过、街道大妈组成的侦缉队也没收过,还被比自己更大的孩子抢走过。可以说,每把弹弓都有挨批、挨揍的血泪from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 史,也有打碎过人家玻璃、打死人家鸽子、老母鸡等“犯罪史”。每次疼痛好了后,总能迅速自制一把新的,继续玩。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 以上的画面,对于我来说点点滴滴都历历在目,让人怀念。其实,还有很多很多属于我们那个年代的故事也都留于心中,不曾忘记。我想,这也应该是属于我们那个年代的所有同龄人共同珍藏的美好回忆吧~ 补: 1)捏黄泥巴 2)折纸飞机 3)捉虫 4)放风筝 5)打群仗 6)画丁老头 7)吃野果 8)手指头游戏 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order
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