
新眼保健操 图解1

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新眼保健操 图解1新眼保健操 图解1 新眼保健操 图解: helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources...
新眼保健操 图解1
新眼保健操 图解1 新眼保健操 图解: helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 第一节:按揉攒竹穴 用双手大拇指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余手指自然放松,指尖抵在前额上。随音乐口 令有节奏地按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第二节:按压睛明穴 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 用双手食指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余手指自然放松、握起,呈空心拳状。随音乐口 令有节奏地上下按压穴位,每拍一次,做四个八拍。 第三节:按揉四白穴 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 用双手食指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,大拇指抵在下颌凹陷处,其余手指自然放松、握起, 呈空心拳状。随音乐口令有节奏地按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第四节:按揉太阳穴刮上眼眶 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 用双手大拇指的螺纹面分别按在两侧太阳穴上,其余手指自然放松,弯曲。伴随音乐口令, 先用大拇指按揉太阳穴,每拍一圈,揉四圈。然后,大拇指不动,用双手食指的第二个关节 内侧,稍加用力从眉头刮至眉梢,两个节拍刮一次,连刮两次。如此交替,做四个八拍。 第五节:按揉风池穴 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 用双手食指和中指的螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余三指自然放松。随音乐口令有节奏地 按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第六节:揉捏耳垂脚趾抓地 用双手大拇指和食指的螺纹面捏住耳垂正中的眼穴,其余三指自然并拢弯曲。伴随音乐口令, 用大拇指和食指有节奏地揉捏穴位,同时用双脚全部脚趾做抓地运动,每拍一次,做四个八 拍。 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 眼保健操百科名片 眼保健操眼保健操是一群众性的运动项目,它可以提高人们的眼保健意识,调整眼及头部的血液循环,调节肌肉,改善眼的疲劳。眼保健操是根据祖国医学推拿、经络理论,结合体育医疗综合而成的按摩法。它通过对眼部周围穴位的按摩,使眼内气血通畅,改善神经营养,以达到消除睫状肌紧张或痉挛的目的。 基本介绍 主要作用 新旧版对比 旧版眼保健操做法 2008新版眼保健操做法版本一 版本二 易筋经眼保健操 治疗近视的眼保健操基本介绍 主要作用 注意事项 新旧版对比 旧版眼保健操做法 2008新版眼保健操做法 版本一 版本二 易筋经眼保健操 治疗近视的眼保健操 展开 编辑本段基本介绍 “为革命保护视力,预防近视,眼保健操现在开始,闭眼„„” 这套伴随着舒缓音乐的眼保健操,连同喊节拍的清脆童音,对21世纪很多已逾中年的中国人来说依然亲切、熟悉。中国国家教育委员会早在1972年就规定:小学生每天2次课间眼保健操。多少年来,这已成为每所学校雷打不动的眼保健项目。每位中国少年儿童从踏进校门起就加入了做眼保健操的行列。眼保健操作为中国校园文化的传统,早已融入了几代人的生活,承载着几代人的回忆。 实践表明,眼保健操同用眼卫生相结合,可以控制近视眼的新发病例,起到保护视力、防治近视的作用。如果做眼保健操马马虎虎,无异于隔靴搔痒,起不到应有的作用。[1] 眼保健操总要领歌 指甲短,手洁净。遵要求,神入静。穴位准,手法正。力适度,酸胀疼。合拍节,不乱行。前四节,闭眼睛。后两节,双目睁。眼红肿,操暂停。脸生疖,禁忌症。做眼操,贵在恒。走形式,难见功。发展历程 一次调查暴露严峻形势 在中国,眼保健操最初是从20世纪60年代开始的,北京市是全国第一个推行眼保健操的城市,它的诞 眼保健操 生缘于一次健康普查。 1961年,北京市教育局在全市范围的中小学生中进行了一次视力普查,结果显示,中小学生的近视率随着年龄增长明显增高,小学生的近视率为10,,初中生为20,,高中生为30,。这一组调查数字,使当时的许多人意识到,保护中小学生视力已是当务之急,势在必行,于是便开始力求寻找一个能让学生保护视力的良策。 北京市教育局人手少,体卫处总共才3位老师,而分管学生健康工作的实际上只有严亦柔1helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 个人。当时负责全市学生健康教育工作的还有市防疫站(现北京市疾病预防控制中心)的于凤翥和陈永馥两位老师,3个人经过商量,决定自行组成一个“工农兵协作组”,并立即着手开始了在全市中小学范围内的预防近视工作。 严亦柔、于凤翥和陈永馥设想在中小学推广一种能使眼睛得到保健的按摩操。经过多方查询,她们打听到北京医学院(现名北京大学医学部)体育教研组刘世铭主任曾自创了一套眼保健操,于是便登门拜访,虚心求教。刘世铭对中医按摩有很深的造诣,他自身有眼疾,在平时的摸索中,创建了一套眼保健操治疗自己的眼疾,取得了一定的疗效。这套眼保健操共8节,不但有文字说明,还配有穴位图。在刘世铭的指导下,她们3人很快便熟练掌握了穴位和手法。为了验证其可行性,1963年,她们决定首先在北京第28中学进行试点。同年,北京市景山学校、北门仓小学等学校开始试做这套眼保健操。 从北京风靡到全国 从1963年开始,第一套8节的眼睛保健操在北京市部分中小学中逐渐扩大试点。北京市委宣传部部长章文松专门在《北京日报》头版头条发表了半版社论,题为《爱护眼睛》,市委书记邓拓还为此专门在市委召开了会议,并在会上下达了指示,要求做好中小学生的近视眼预防工作,同时会议还要求,在市、区教育局分别成立“保护视力办公室”。《北京日报》还专门组织各方面人士,针对眼保健操的普及推广工作召开座谈会,整个北京市便真正开始大张旗鼓地推广中小学生眼保健操了。 有了上级领导和社会各界的支持,于凤翥等人干劲更足了,她们先是对各区、县卫生防疫站的人员进行集中,然后再由这些人负责对各学校分管卫生工作的老师进行培训。同时,于凤翥等人还每天在北医三院对中小学的班级干部进行分批培训,再由这些班干部回去教给同学们。各区教育局还经常派专人到所属各学校,巡视做眼睛保健操和预防近视的具体情况,每天上晚自习的时候,教育局和防疫站都要派人到学校进行抽查,用照度计对教室的灯光进行测定,看亮度够不够,再用尺子量学生的眼睛与桌子的间距,看是否符合1市尺以上的标准距离。 在许多人的共同努力下,眼保健操在北京市各中小学里迅速得以普及和推广,从市到区、从学校到班级,这项工作层层得到了落实,那时在北京市,眼保健操可谓妇孺皆知。与此同时,在北京市的带动下,眼保健操很快被一些外地城市效仿,并在全中国的中小学里迅速推行起来。 文革后重新唱响校园的保护眼睛 随着1966年“文革”的来临,学校停课,老师回家,眼保健操也就半途“夭折”。于凤翥等3人小心翼翼地保存着手绘图解,静静地等待。直到1972年,当学校恢复正常上课了,于凤翥等人才将倾注了多年心血的眼保健操又搬了出来。 有了以前的基础,推广起来就容易多了。可此时,有一个问题被人提了出来:这套操是否可行,却还一直没有得到专家的论证。于是,陈永馥、于凤翥、严亦柔3人决定去寻找理论的支持。几经周折,她们用自己的一腔热情和真诚,请来了当时在京城最负盛名的两位中医按摩专家——北京中医医院骨按科的李玉田主任和中国中医研究院广安门医院按摩科的卢英华主任。两位专家基本上肯定了这套眼保健操的保健作用,并对按摩的手法进行了一些纠正和强调。为了更便于学习和推广,在两位专家的指点下,她们将原先的8节眼保健操简化为5节,并做了部分改动。 最初在试点学校推行眼保健操时,是由班里的卫生委员喊口令,为了更便于操作和推广,于凤翥等人又商量着把眼保健操制成唱片,同时打算再印一批眼保健操的标准穴位挂图。为了实现这一愿望,她们开始在全市范围内寻找模特,挑来选去,最后敲定了北京市光明小学五年级的一名姓刘的女生,她看上去乖巧伶俐,模样长得漂亮可爱,眼睛大而明亮,完全符合标准。挂图的模特定了,接下来,她们又从首都体育师范学院找了一位声音甜美的女生喊口令,又请中国唱片社给灌制了唱片,配乐用的是民乐。由于使用频繁,许多学校的眼保健操的唱片出现了磨损,而原先的制作单位又是一次性生产的,没有余存,于是,于凤翥等人又开始张罗再出一套新的,而且她们下决心,这次从质量上一定要超过上一次。主意一定,3人各显攻关才能,最终敲定了由解放军军乐团作曲,总政歌舞团伴奏,最后在农科院附近的一个录音棚里完成了制作。这次发行的是盒带,伴奏音乐没有用上次的民乐,而是使用了沙锤等打击乐器,这样helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 会更加突出节奏感,听起来比前一个版本要好听多了。于是,第二套眼保健操就这样诞生了,这5节操从1972年起推行,后又改为4节,延续至今。[2] 2008年新版眼保健操推出 眼保健操 2008年,新版眼保健操问世。2008年5月至7月,北京市疾控中心对300名中小学生进行了新版眼保健操的试用追踪和效果评估。通过新、老眼保健操操作前后,学生的视力、脑力工作能力指数、眼血流速度等指标变化的比较,评估认为:新版眼保健操对改善学生视力、缓解眼部疲劳效果明显,各项指标优于老版的眼保健操。 新版眼保健操是据中医经络理论,对原来的两个章节进行修改后,又对其中一个章节进行替换,总时长仍为5分钟。老版有一节为“干洗脸”,考虑学生手上的细菌有可能进入眼睛和嘴部,因此新版将其改为“按头部督脉穴”。督脉穴是从面部人中穴到脊椎,考虑操作方便,第五节只按揉从前额到脑后发髻处的一段。此外,新版眼保健操在保证效果的同时,也考虑到了学生的兴趣,如第一节中增加了“脚趾抓地”动作,不仅可以刺激足底反射区的“头部”和“眼部”,而且新颖的方式也使学生们感到“很有意思”。 编辑本段主要作用 眼保健操是根据祖国医学推拿、经络理论,结合体育医疗综合而成的按摩法。它通过对眼部周围穴位的按摩,使眼内气血通畅,改善神经营养,以达到消除睫状肌紧张或痉挛的目的。实践表明,眼保健操同用眼 眼保健操 卫生相结合,可以控制近视眼的新发病例, 起到保护视力、防治近视的作用。市疾控中心对300名中小学生进行了新版眼保健操的试用追踪和效果评估。通过新、老眼保健操操作前后,学生的视力、脑力工作能力指数、眼血流速度等指标变化的比较,评估认为,新版眼保健操对改善学生视力、缓解眼部疲劳效果明显,各项指标优于现行眼保健操。 另外,在网上流传着“眼保健操对眼睛有害”的说法。实际上,这种说法是错误的。据了解,目前世界上只有中国在推行眼保健操,而中国学生的近视率却排世界第二,小学生为28%,初中生为60%、高中生为85%。不做眼保健操的美国,近视率却只有25%。“但是,这并不能说明眼保健操对视力有害。”北京市疾病预防控制中心主任医师崔义祥说。据了解,北医三院李风呜教授为眼保健操挂图的题词是:眼保健操是根据祖国医学的推拿法、经络穴位,再结合医疗体育综合而成的一种按摩疗法,可以缓解眼睛疲劳,对近视眼的防治有益处。“从医学角度来说,做眼保健操是不能预防近视的。近视的原因有很多种,应该说眼保健操仅是防治近视的一个,”李莹说,“我觉得,无论人体哪个部位,适当的保健都是有好处的。同样,眼保健操可以缓解视疲劳、放松眼部肌肉、通经活络、改善眼部血液循环,所以它在防治近视方面还是有一定作用的。”北京大学第三医院眼科中心近视眼治疗专家陈跃国博士在接受媒体采访时说,从西医的角度,近视的发生原因是眼球轴长的变长,而做眼保健操并不能阻止眼球轴长的变化,因此它没有实质性的防治近视的作用。 编辑本段注意事项 眼保健操必须经常操练,做到动作准确, 并持之以恒。一般每天可做二次,上下午各一次。眼保健操经过简化有以下四节。(在中国中小学广泛推广的即是该套眼保健操) 2008年新版眼保健操穴位图解 第一节揉天应穴(攒竹下三分):以左右大拇指罗纹面接左右眉头下面的上眶角处。其他四指散开弯曲如弓状,支在前额上,按揉面不要大。 第二节挤按睛明穴:以左手或右手大拇指按鼻根部,先向下按、然后向上挤。 第三节按揉四白穴:先以左右食指与中指并拢,放在靠近鼻翼两侧,大拇指支撑在下腭骨凹陷处,然后放下中指,在面颊中央按揉。注意穴位不需移动,按揉面不要太大。 第四节按太阳穴、轮刮眼眶(太阳、攒竹、鱼腰、丝竹空、瞳子骱、承泣等):拳起四指,以左右大拇指罗纹面按住太阳穴,以左右食指第二节内侧面轮刮眼眶上下一圈,上侧从眉头开始,到眉梢为止,下面从内眼角起至外眼角helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 止,先上后下,轮刮上下一圈。 眼保健操总要领歌 指甲短,手洁净。遵要求,神入静。穴位准,手法正。力适度,酸胀疼。合拍节,不乱行。前四节,闭眼睛。后两节,双目睁。眼红肿,操暂停。脸生疖,禁忌症。做眼操,贵在恒。走形式,难见功。 编辑本段新旧版对比 新版眼保健操根据中医经络理论,对原来的两个章节进行修改后,又对其中一个章节进行替换,总时长仍为5分钟。市疾控中心学校卫生所所长段佳丽表 示,老版有一节为“干洗脸”,考虑学生手上的细菌有可 转眼珠就能矫正近视 试点新眼保健 能进入眼睛和嘴部,因此新版将其改为“按头部督脉穴”。同仁医院中医眼科主任邱礼新介绍,督脉穴是从面部人中穴到脊椎,考虑操作方便,第五节只按揉从前额到脑后发髻处的一段。此外,新版眼保健操在保证效果的同时,也考虑到了学生的兴趣,如第一节中增加了“脚趾抓地”动作,不仅使学生全身得到放松,而且新颖的方式也使学生们感到“很有意思”。 明显优于老版,2008年5月至7月,市疾控中心对300名中小学生进行了新版眼保健操的试用追踪和效果评估。通过新、老眼保健操操作前后,学生的视力、脑力工作能力指数、眼血流速度等指标变化的比较,评估认为,新版眼保健操对改善学生视力、缓解眼部疲劳效果明显,各项指标优于现行眼保健操。月内发放光盘,“营养不良或过盛都会间接造成儿童视力下降,此外像糖尿病等问题也会导致学生视力不良。我们正在和教委就改善学生视力情况进行沟通。”段佳丽称,眼保健操的主要作用是缓解疲劳和预防近视,若想改善视力情况,还需注意改善学习场所的照明环境,并适度调整课业负担。本月内,市疾控中心将向全市近2000所中小学校发放新版眼保健操的示范及音乐光盘。针对居高不下的青少年视力不良情况,教育部6日要求学校坚持每天上下午组织学生做眼保健操,每学期对学生视力进行两次监测。第十三个“全国爱眼日”到来之际,教育部、卫生部、中国残疾人联合会6日下午在北京实验二小联合主办“全国爱眼日”宣传活动。 编辑本段旧版眼保健操做法 眼保健操必须经常操练,做到动作准确,并持之以恒。 一般每天可做二次,上下午各一次。 旧版眼 眼保健操图解 保健操经过简化有以下四节。 第一节揉天应穴(攒竹下三分) 以左右大拇指罗纹面接左右眉头下面的上眶角处。其他四指散开弯曲如弓状,支在前额上,按揉面不要大。 第二节挤按睛明穴 以左手或右手大拇指按鼻根部,先向下按、然后向上挤。 第三节按揉四白穴 先以左右食指与中指并拢,放在靠近鼻翼两侧,大拇指支撑在下腭骨凹陷处,然后放下中指,在面颊中央按揉。注意穴位不需移动,按揉面不要太大。 第四节按太阳穴、轮刮眼眶(太阳、攒竹、鱼腰、丝竹空、瞳子髎、承泣等) 拳起四指,以左右大拇指罗纹面按住太阳 眼保健操图解2 穴,以左右食指第二节内侧面轮刮眼眶上下一圈,上侧从眉头开始,到眉梢为止,下面从内眼角起至外眼角止,先上后下,轮刮上下一圈。 编辑本段2008新版眼保健操做法 版本一 闭眼 第一节 按揉耳垂眼穴,脚趾抓地 用双手大拇指和食指的螺纹面捏住耳垂正中的眼穴,其余三指自然并拢弯曲。伴随音乐口令,用大拇 2008版眼保健操图解 指和食指有节奏地揉捏穴位,同时用双脚全部脚趾做抓地运动,每拍一次,做四个八拍。 第二节 按揉太阳穴,刮上眼眶 用双手大拇指的螺纹面分别按在两侧太阳穴上,其余手指自然放松、弯曲。伴随音乐口令以,先用大拇指按揉太阳穴,每拍圈,揉四圈。然后,大拇指不动,用双手食指的第二个关节内侧,稍加用力从眉刮至眉梢,两个节拍刮一次,连刮两次。如此交替,做四个八拍。 第三节 按揉四白穴 用双手食指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,大拇指抵在下颌凹陷处,其余手指自然放松、握起,呈空心拳状。随音乐口令helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 有节奏的按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第四节 按揉风池穴 用双手食指和中指的螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余三指自然放松。随音乐口令有节奏地按揉穴位。每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第五节 按头部督脉穴 双手曲状按压在头部动脉穴上四次,从前往后,手指放松。随音乐每拍按揉一次,做四个八拍。 版本二 新眼保健操 第一节:按揉攒竹穴 用双手大拇指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余手指自然放松,指尖抵在前额上。随音乐口令有节奏地按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第二节:按压睛明穴 用双手食指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余手指自然放松、握起,呈空心拳状。随音乐口令有节奏地上下按压穴位,每拍一次,做四个八拍。 第三节:按揉四白穴 用双手食指螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,大拇指抵在下颌凹陷处,其余手指自然放松、握起,呈空心拳状。随音乐口令有节奏地按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第四节:按揉太阳穴 刮上眼眶 用双手大拇指的螺纹面分别按在两侧太阳穴上,其余手指自然放松,弯曲。伴随音乐口令,先用大拇指按揉太阳穴,每拍一圈,揉四圈。然后,大拇指不动,用双手食指的第二个关节内侧,稍加用力从眉头刮至眉梢,两个节拍刮一次,连刮两次。如此交替,做四个八拍。 第五节:按揉风池穴 用双手食指和中指的螺纹面分别按在两侧穴位上,其余三指自然放松。随音乐口令有节奏地按揉穴位,每拍一圈,做四个八拍。 第六节:揉捏耳垂 脚趾抓地 用双手大拇指和食指的螺纹面捏住耳垂正中的眼穴,其余三指自然并拢弯曲。伴随音乐口令,用大拇指和食指有节奏地揉捏穴位,同时用双脚全部脚趾做抓地运动,每拍一次,做四个八拍。 编辑本段易筋经眼保健操 易筋经眼保健操和我们在学校里锻炼的眼保健操锻炼方法不一样,不需要用手按摩眼睛及其周边的穴位,只要闭着眼睛一紧一松的锻炼眼睛及其周边的组织就可以了。这样可以使眼睛及其周边组织的肌肉、血管、神经和经络及其他组织都得到一紧一松的牵拉,这对改善眼睛的血液循环、消除用眼疲劳、增进视力和预防近视很有帮助 第一节 闭目睁闭眼 两眼闭合,呼吸自然。然后在闭目的状态下尽力睁大眼眶?还原?尽力闭紧眼睛?还原。共做四个八拍(下同)。 第二节 闭目左右瞧 在闭目的状态下眼睛尽力向左后方瞧?还原?用力向右后方瞧?还原。 第三节 闭目上下瞧 在闭目的状态下眼睛尽 眼保键操 力向上方瞧?还原?尽力向下方瞧?还原。 第四节 闭目斜向瞧1 在闭目的状态下眼睛尽力向左上方瞧?还原?尽力向右下方瞧?还原。 第五节 闭目斜向瞧2 在闭目的状态下眼睛尽力向右上方瞧?还原?尽力向左下方瞧?还原。 第六节 闭目转眼睛1 在闭目状态下逆时针方向转动眼球,转动顺序为上?左?下?右。转动一圈为1个节拍。 第七节 闭目转眼睛2 在闭目状态下顺时针方向转动眼球,转动顺序为上?右?下?左。转动一圈为1个节拍。 第八节 闭目养神 双目闭合,呼吸自然,全身放松,双掌相叠捂着脐腹部,然后稍用意去体验轻轻呼吸的时候眼睛放松舒适的感觉,呼吸一次为2个节拍。 第九节 极目远眺 尽力睁大眼睛远眺景物,远眺时应背向阳光。 编辑本段治疗近视的眼保健操 (1)揉撮脸.眼至发热.然后双手撮热放双眼上(劳宫穴正对眼球正中)三次 (2)在眼的上.下.左.右.中.各顺时针揉转36次逆时针24次最后在眼正中顺时针90次逆时针60次(用拇指指腹要有渗透力.能忍受为度.记住顺序上.下.左.右各36.24正中是90.60) (3)点穴:先揉[3]眼眶四周.左右个36次.推印堂.开阴阳.点按.内.外睛明.鱼腰.赞竹.丝竹空.童子僚.(念liao我这没有这个字)承泣.四百.球后.球上.健明.睛中光明等穴每穴1-3分钟. helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to
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