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2010年青海人事考试2010年青海人事考试 青海省省直事业单位2010年面向社会公开招聘 工作人员公告 根据《青海省事业单位公开招聘工作人员暂行办法》规定~我省省直部分事业单位将面向社会公开招聘455名工作人员~现将有关事项公告如下: 一、招聘范围、程序。此次公开招聘除注明面向全国招聘的岗位外~其它岗位均面向全省,包括本省生源、本省院校毕业生或在本省服务期满且考核合格的志愿服务者,招聘。公开招聘工作按照发布招聘信息、报名和资格审查、笔试、面试、体检、考核、公示、办理聘用手续等程序进行。 二、报名方式和时间、地点。此次公开招聘报名采取网上...
2010年青海人事考试 青海省省直事业单位2010年面向社会公开招聘 工作人员公告 根据《青海省事业单位公开招聘工作人员暂行办法》规定~我省省直部分事业单位将面向社会公开招聘455名工作人员~现将有关事项公告如下: 一、招聘范围、程序。此次公开招聘除注明面向全国招聘的岗位外~其它岗位均面向全省,包括本省生源、本省院校毕业生或在本省服务期满且考核合格的志愿服务者,招聘。公开招聘工作按照发布招聘信息、报名和资格审查、笔试、面试、体检、考核、公示、办理聘用手续等程序进行。 二、报名方式和时间、地点。此次公开招聘报名采取网上报名与现场报名结合的方式。1、网上报名:时间2010年5月31—6月4日~报考人员请登录青海省人事考试信息网,www.qhpta.com,~详细阅读网上报名操作步骤~按照操作步骤完成报名~报名和考试时使用的身份证必须一致~要仔细阅读诚信承诺~如实提交有关信息和材料~符合加分条件的考生必须到现场报名。2、现场报名:未能在网上报名的考生可在现场报名~报名地点在青海省人事考试中心,西山一巷5号,~报名时间2010年6月5日—6日。报名时须 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 携带本人身份证、学历证明,应届毕业生可持学校出具的证明,及相关证书原件及复印件~本人近期1寸免冠照片4张。 资格审查将贯穿招聘工作全过程~在任何一个环节发现不符合资格条件者~随时取消其招聘资格。 三、笔试时间及内容。1、笔试时间2010年7月3日-4日~具体考试时间和地点以准考证为准,2、笔试内容包括公共基础知识,占笔试成绩的20%,、职业能力倾向测验,占笔试成绩的20%,和专业科目,占笔试成绩的60%,。笔试和面试成绩各占总成绩的50%。3、面试入闱人员根据笔试成绩高低~按招聘岗位1:5的比例确定,报考人员达不到比例要求的岗位~可视笔试、面试情况择优聘用。 四、其它。1、招聘资格条件限定硕士研究生及以上学历的岗位,注明需参加统一笔试的岗位除外,和特殊岗位免予笔试~经用人单位资格审查登记后~可直接进入面试。2、根据有关政策~参加在青“特岗教师”、“三支一扶”计划、大学生志愿服务西部计划,包括地方项目,、到农村任职服务计划的高校毕业生服务期满并且考核合格者~以及报考从事少数民族事务工作岗位的少数民族考生~经验证后~在笔试总成绩中加5分。加分分值累计不超过5分。 具体招聘单位、招聘岗位及报名条件见下表,也可通过以下网 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 址查询:,1,青海省人力资源和社会保障厅:www.qhrs.gov.cn ,2,青海省人事考试中心:www.qhpta.com ,3,青海省人才交流中心:www.qhrcsc.com。咨询电话:青海省人事考试中心0971—6139342、6157217 青海省人力资源和社会保障厅 二0一0年五月二十四日 [ 关闭 ] 青海省省直事业单位2010年面向社会公开 招聘工作人员有关问解答 1、什么是报名序号, 凡是通过网上报名的考生报名序号是报考人员更改报考信息~查询资格审查、照片上传、网上缴费的关键信息~请务必牢记。 2、报考人员可否更改个人信息, 网上报名资格审查通过后~有二类报名信息经考试机构同意后可以修改:姓名中的错别字、身份证号中不涉及出生年月的个别错误数字。其他报名信息~未经招录机关同意~不得更改。 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 报考人员要修改姓名中明显的错别字时~须出示身份证~只有身份证号与报名信息库中身份证号一致时才可以更改。同样~在姓名一致的情况下~当发现信息库中的身份证号与报考人员出示身份证中的身份证号有个别数字出入时~若该数字不涉及出生年月~才可以更改。 3、笔试时要注意哪些事项, ,1,必须带齐准考证、身份证~方可进入考场。进入考场时要服从工作人员的安排。 ,2,《专业》科目一律用黑色字迹的钢笔、签字笔作答,配有机读答题卡的专业除外,。《职业能力倾向测验》、《公共基础知识》一律用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂作答。报考人员自备橡皮、2B铅笔、黑色字迹的钢笔、签字笔。 ,3,具体考试时间、地点及科目见准考证。 ,4,不能将任何无线通讯设备、电子记事本、计算器等电子设备带进考场。 ,5,考试开始30分钟后~不得入场。 ,6,不能将答题卡、题本、、草稿纸等带出考场。 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept ,7,必须遵守考场~若有违纪违规行为的~将按有关规定进行处理。 4、准考证如何获取, 报考人员于2010年6月25日至6月27日到省人事考试中心,西山一巷5号,领取准考证。 5、考试前遗失了身份证、准考证怎么办, 遗失身份证的报考者~需及时到公安部门补办临时身份证或由公安部门出具身份证明材料,带照片,。遗失准考证的报考人员~要及时与省人事考试中心联系~并补办准考证。 6、现场能报名吗, 未能在网上报名的考生可在现场报名~报名地点在青海省人事考试中心,西山一巷5号,~报名时间为2010年6月5日—6日。报名时须携带本人身份证、学历证明,应届毕业生可持学校出具的证明,及相关证书原件及复印件~本人近期1寸免冠照片4张。 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept 7、符合什么条件可以加分, 按照《青海省省直事业单位2010年面向社会公开招聘工作人员公告》的要求~此次报考的考生符合下面条件可以在笔试总成绩中加5分: 参加在青“特岗教师”计划、“三支一扶”计划、大学生志愿服务西部计划,包括地方项目,、到农村任职服务计划的高校毕业生服务期满并且考核合格者~以及报考从事少数民族事务工作岗位的少数民族考生。 符合加分条件的考生除携带现场报名所要求的证件外~请另携带以下证件到现场报名: ,1,参加在青“特岗教师”计划的考生必须出具省教育厅的证明以及相关证件, ,2,参加在青大学生志愿服务西部计划,包括地方项目,的考生必须出具共青团青海省委的证明以及相关证件, ,3,参加在青“三支一扶”计划、到农村任职服务计划的高校毕业生的考生必须出具青海省人力资源和社会保障厅人力资源市场处的证明以及相关证件, enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept ,4,报考从事少数民族事务工作岗位的少数民族考生必须出具户口本、身份证原件及复印件。 8、如何计算年龄, 以2010年5月24日减去公告中所需条件中的年龄得出一个时间~在此时间出生之后的考生为符合报考条件。如:某一报考职位需要年龄是30周岁以下~2010-30=1980那么在1980年5月25日及以后出生的报考人员为符合条件。 9、网上报名的报考人员基本信息填报完成后~什么时候上 传照片, 报考人员基本信息填报完成之后~必须立即上传照片~一起提供给审核人员审核。 10、什么时间可以网上缴费, 报考人员在审核通过后~可以立即在网上缴费。 enforcement field outgoing audit mechanism of restricted factors 2.1 audit mechanism framework not perfect currently, involved fire law enforcement field outgoing audit of work, domestic is no more forming of system provides, also no objective perfect of system framework can for reference, some first first try carried out law enforcement outgoing audit of Corps, and detachment Zhijian and no widely Exchange and normal contact, system of developed lack guide sex, system of implementation lack unified sex, easy led to law enforcement outgoing audit results applicability not strong, to for promotion. 2.2 professional quality fire does not fit on all levels of auditing in the field of law enforcement personnel, most coming from the financial post the staff transferred, brigade-level units and can be equipped with only a limited number of part-time auditors, other personnel drawn mostly from law enforcement jobs on a temporary, lack of experience, method, do not have a strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to carry out fire ... Comments on the law enforcement auditing findings. In the case of shorter audit time, audit assignments, the quality of audit work should be fully ensured, particularly coordination and political departments to position adjustment time and try to audit through to the departure, the assumption of the work of the entire process. 4.4 enforcement of auditing results 4.4.1 internal public audit reports and audit issues, where appropriate, within the limits of public law enforcement agencies, take the initiative to accept
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