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宝宝吃什么奶粉好呢宝宝吃什么奶粉好呢 悬赏分:50 - 解决时间:2006-12-18 21:18 宝宝七个月了,吃施恩的奶粉过敏,吃金摇篮的奶粉也过敏,营养不够啊,吃什么好呢,才有营养,请妈妈们发言,谢谢 问题补充:我老婆喂奶喂了7个月了,想断奶了,都说后期的人奶没什么营养了,想喂奶粉,不知好不好,喂了奶粉又过敏,人奶又不够吃, 提问者: jobstj88 - 二级最佳答案消费者要识别奶粉优劣有四种办法: 第一是听声:用手捏住奶粉包装袋摩擦,好奶粉细腻,因而发出“吱吱” 声,劣质奶粉因为拌有糖,颗粒粗,所以发出“沙沙”声。 第二是...
宝宝吃什么奶粉好呢 悬赏分:50 - 解决时间:2006-12-18 21:18 宝宝七个月了,吃施恩的奶粉过敏,吃金摇篮的奶粉也过敏,营养不够啊,吃什么好呢,才有营养,请妈妈们发言,谢谢 问题补充:我老婆喂奶喂了7个月了,想断奶了,都说后期的人奶没什么营养了,想喂奶粉,不知好不好,喂了奶粉又过敏,人奶又不够吃, 提问者: jobstj88 - 二级最佳消费者要识别奶粉优劣有四种办法: 第一是听声:用手捏住奶粉包装袋摩擦,好奶粉细腻,因而发出“吱吱” 声,劣质奶粉因为拌有糖,颗粒粗,所以发出“沙沙”声。 第二是观色:好奶粉呈天然乳白色,而劣质奶粉颜色较白,细看呈结晶状, 或呈漂白色。 第三是闻味:打开包装袋,好奶粉有牛奶特有的奶香味,差奶粉香味微弱甚 至没有香味。 第四是品尝:把少许奶粉放入口中,好奶粉细腻发粘,溶解慢,没有糖的香 味,劣质奶粉入口溶解快,不粘,有香味。 要准确地判断出优劣奶粉还需要专业机构的技术鉴定,消费者光靠这些办法进行判断还有一定的难度。要想保证消费安全,还有两种更为简单 易于操作的办法: 一是到信誉较好的大商场里购买奶粉。 二是注意奶粉标签标示是否,因为一个能保证质量的正规企业在标签标示上同样是严谨的。如在奶粉产品标签中应标示营养素(蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物等)、产品号、净含量等。另外,根据国家有关标准,奶粉标签中被明确要求标明“婴儿最理想的食品是母乳”这样的说明语。 妈妈最满意婴儿奶粉排行榜 1、多美滋 由英特儿营养乳品有限公司生产。其主要成分与进口奶粉相当,但其口感、溶解度、消化吸收、包装、价格等方面因素都较为出色,使它在市场上深获消费都的喜爱。 多美滋成为第一名,多少出乎我们的意料,但细究起来,还是有一定道理。该品牌在定位上比较清晰,几乎照顾到了各类体质的宝宝,而它营养成分的比例、含量都较为科学,与其他进口奶粉不相上下;同时,它的价位中等,在一般顾客的购买能力范围内;另外,它的品牌宣传力与广告投放量也有一定比例,因此原先在顾客心目中已有一定印象。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 2、雀巢 由中瑞合资双城雀巢有限公司出口制造,其主要产品有“能恩系列”。能恩1号为低磷酸盐的婴儿配方奶粉,可以帮助钙质吸收,促进骨质钙化;能恩2号含有强化铁、活性BL双歧杆菌、嗜热链球菌,有助于维持肠胃道健康。 3、贝因美 由中国贝因美工贸股份有限公司出品制造。贝因美奶粉的成分大都与同类进口奶粉相当,同时又针对中国人的体质加以修正,显得更为妥贴。 4、美赞臣 由美国美赞臣公司出品制造。其产品主要添加了DHA和ARA(花生四烯酸)两种不饱和脂肪酸,促进脑部与视网膜发育。此外,美赞臣(广州)有限公司还推出了“美赞臣A+智力升级计划”,与家长一起培育中国未来的下一代。 5、雅培 由美国雅培制药有限公司出品制造。目前其主打产品为“培乐1*2*3系列”,特别适用于0-1岁、1-3岁、3岁以上宝宝。其产品根据TPM理论,适量添加了核柑酸,并且精选纯植物油,使其奶粉配方显得较为科学。 6、惠氏 由美国惠氏药厂出品制造。其主要产品添加了纯净植物来源的DHA(二十二碳六烯酸,又名脑黄金)、AA(氨基酸)、足量的锌、亚油酸和亚麻酸,为宝宝的大脑发育和免疫发展提供了很好的保障。 7、明冶 由日本明冶乳业株式会社出品制造。它是国内众多进口奶粉品牌中最著名的亚洲品牌奶粉,该产品味道清淡,不易上火,特别适合亚洲人的体质。 8、完达山 由完达山乳业股份有限公司出品制造。主要产品是“1*2*3阶段配方奶粉”,其营养成分较为全面,受到中国儿童食品专业学会的推荐。不过其产品主要销售市场在中国北部。 9、培芝 由新西兰健康食品有限公司出品制造。其主打产品是初乳奶粉,这种奶粉不同于一般婴儿奶粉,它是由免疫因子、生长因子、其他营养成分按照一定比例搭配而成,接近人体的初乳,因此其功能与效果更为明显,非常适用于一些体质不佳或发育缓慢的宝宝。 10、味全 由北京味全食品有限公司出品制造。其主要产品有“S系列”婴儿奶粉。该产品的最大卖点是其营养成分比例与中国人母乳成分比例十分相似,因此不会产生不良反应。 11、燕牌 由杭州燕牌乳业有限公司出品制造。其产品也是根据宝宝成长阶梯进行分类生产,营养成分也都符合了宝宝0-3岁时期的体质需要,但其包装、售后服务方面显得有些单薄。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 12、优幼 由上海光明乳业出品制造。除了含有DHA、AA、胡萝卜素、核柑酸等老牌营养素之外,还率先添加了活性免疫球蛋白,使得宝宝在智力与体质发育上得到了双重呵护。值得一提的是,该品牌奶粉为低纳配方,不会影响到宝宝优嫩的肾脏。 13、圣元 由青岛圣元乳业有限公司出品制造,其“圣元益智系列”与“圣元营养强化系列”都适用于0-3岁婴儿宝宝。其中“益智系列”根据宝宝不同成长阶段强化了不同的营养素,对宝宝的生长发育提供了必要的营养需求。 不过吃你的奶最好 一位行业人士写的一篇关于“奶粉”的文章。选奶粉真是个头疼的问题,看了后请姐妹妹发自己的看法~让大家多一些参考~~ 多美滋:是在上海分装的,不含转基因,多美滋的产品消费者反映的最大缺点就是BB容易上火,这个和它的配方有关,比较欧化,中国BB的体质和欧美差别大,人家刚挤出来的牛奶直接喝,中国人这样就不行。如果BB属于不容易上火的体质,可以喝多美滋, 美赞臣:在广州分装的,不含转基因。爱力大很多MM反映上火厉害,今年一直都有赠送的活动,我觉得味全、圣元应该比他要好些,因为爱力大不是美赞臣的主打品牌,是为了中国的低端市场推出的。美赞臣的奶粉有袋装的,也有罐装的,差别不是很大。安婴宝,价格便宜点,品质也不错 雀巢:完全国产化,雀巢的管理已经被黑龙江同化,质量不怎么样了。雀巢中国化是一种落后,比如说生产质量监控,国内很多品牌是一批人辛辛苦苦做出来的,当然不会去砸自己的牌子,对质量会抓得严,但是在一些进入中国比较早的外资企业,员工对企业的忠诚度没有那么高,在原料采购、监督生产等等方面会出现腐败,影响产品质量,现在摩托罗拉也存在这一问题,这与咱们的民族劣根性是相关的。 澳优:进口澳大利亚的原料,在湖南长沙分装的,澳洲的原料粉很便宜,关税也没有成品高,质量不会很差,但是和惠氏美赞臣比较,当然不行,也没有国产高档粉好,它卖那么贵根本就是欺骗一些喜欢洋品牌喜欢贵东西的消费者,花那个钱吃美赞臣很好。 澳优的利润太离谱了,我手里有它的价格表,加价率在30%以上,奶粉正常的应该是10%,南山在20-30%,而且澳优就是南山出来的人做的,我信不过。 这个牌子是严重的价格与实际品质不成正比,国外的原料粉很便宜,弄到中国来卖大价钱 伊利:我推荐的是伊利最贵的鲜奶粉,包装有很大的差别,零售应该在28元400G,目前没有罐的。和进口品牌相比毫不逊色。以前伊利有个产品叫托菲尔,很不错,是农业部乳品检测中心的人说的,可惜现在停产了,她现在出的鲜奶粉也不错,可以使用。 建议去批发伊利的精确粉,或者有活动的时候多卖一点,合计在14.5/400G,质量不错,很便宜啦!这个价位厂家利润很低了。 圣元优聪:奶粉都很不错的,和进口品牌相比毫不逊色。建议使用优聪,优博是美国进口分装的,税太高,不合算,质量并不比优聪好,就是为了迎合一些消费者喜欢贵东西而出的。of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 优博的原料全部是新西兰进口的。 南山:不怎么样,有喝南山的快换掉,它的婴幼儿奶粉都含有蔗糖,BB喜欢吃甜的东西,但是吃了会虚胖,里面还有麦芽糊精,就是玉米淀粉,根本没有营养。 完达山:不怎么样 三鹿:不怎么样 金奥聪:有激素 惠氏:不含转基因。如果是属于容易上火的体质,建议喝惠氏。今天我在另一超市看到惠氏(普通桶装)3段奶粉的原产国是爱尔兰。可我一直以来只吃过原产国是新加坡的,这两种包装完全一样,价格也是差不多。不知道这会有区别吗,哪种更好些,爱尔兰的好些,新鲜些。 非金装的惠氏,价格便宜点,品质也不错 美素力金装还不是最贵的,我儿子现在喝的是香港装的金装惠氏,185一罐.和大陆装的惠氏配方一样,但我还是觉得香港的检测是最严格的,面向香港销售的奶粉质量也应该是最好的.就是太贵了,最多的时候一个月要喝5罐. 广州很多婴儿店都有香港装的惠氏,一段 二段都是185元.不知道是奶粉的功效还是巧合,我的确是发现很多喝惠氏的宝宝,都很聪明漂亮的,我是因为听到同事这样说,才决定买惠氏的 真是比同龄的孩子聪明很多). (我同事的儿子6岁了一直喝惠氏很靓仔, 我儿子也吃“金装惠氏”,大便干,我同事给她儿子吃金装惠氏也干,尤其是健儿乐 袋和罐的区别就是保鲜不一样,配方什么完全相同,价格差异大就是包装成本的原因,袋子几毛一个,罐子5块多一个,差不多10倍。 国外基本没有袋装奶粉买,惠氏为了中国市场才推出的袋粉。 亨氏:不含转基因 雅培:不含转基因,雅培是原装进口的,雅培的产地有好几个,我感觉新西兰的好些,因为我们采购的原料新西兰最贵,雅培的质量应该不会有严重的安全隐患,核苷酸超标可能指末一个批次的,不是所有的产品超标,欧洲的标准比中国的严格,在那超标,到了中国也许达标,没有办法啊,咱们国家的标准可以认为操纵的。 我对雅培的产品了解没有特别细致,主要是它在大陆的销量还不高,其实它的品质和多美滋、美赞臣、惠氏差不多,只是销量不太大,还不能到大陆设厂,所以都是进口成品,税率高,价格也水涨船高了。 雅培的医疗器械做得很不错,奶粉基本都赚不了钱,做医生的客情。 雅培喜康宝的配方多少年了一直都没变 美素产品:不含转基因。美素力的确不错,喂养出来的宝宝是不胖,但很结实那种 ‖ 我们这里最便宜的也要卖150/900g,不过没有买几送一的,基本上是最贵的了。我家宝宝吃美素力,每天一次,早起准时拉粑粑,便便也很好。买美素力金装158是最贵的,比惠氏,美赞臣,多美滋都贵 ‖ ‖ ‖ 美素奶粉有两个进口港口,一个是上海——大昌洋行(上海),去年进的奶粉基本上是从上海进来的,德国产的。另一个是天津——大昌洋行(天津),今年基本上就是从天津进来的,荷兰产的。我两种都买过,两个奶粉有区别,德国产的没有什么泡沫,荷兰产的泡沫很多。他们也说只有在广东那边有水货,从香港进来的,而且水货的外of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 包装大部分都是繁体字。 蒙牛:不含转基因。 ‖ ‖ 味全:也可以,买得到的机会多,我们的产品和味全差不多,是一家机构做的配方,味全S系列质量都可以。 ‖ 恩贝儿:纽迪希亚的进口品牌是恩贝儿,成人奶粉叫荷兰乳牛,都很好的 ‖ 原装进口的,你可以试试恩贝儿,我宝宝从雅培换过来后,便便就比较正常. 今天我去比较了恩贝儿和宝贝的配方表,发现在亚油酸,亚麻酸,叶酸,DHA&AA几个方面恩贝儿内添加的 含量要比宝贝高出三倍多, ‖ 恩贝儿在我们这(天津) 135 一桶. ‖ 我在广州这里金装的也是135元一罐,普通装的只要130,不过市面上很少了已经不出了,都换成金装的了,其实我对比过配方是一模一样的,打电话问说是工艺改进了,天知道怎么个改进法,反正换了包装砍你5块没商量 ‖ 上海前段时间在搞促销,普装买2送1,金装买3送1,可惜我们这里没搞 ‖ 整箱购买现在有活动,特价1640一箱还包运费(非偏远省份城市),单罐145,邮费自理。 宝贝:在黑龙江生产的, 亲亲宝贝是荷兰纽迪希亚和黑龙江合资的产品,挺不错的,值得信赖 ‖ ‖ 外资品牌中的惠氏、美赞臣、多美滋处于同一水平,雅培是原装进口的,雀巢的管理已经被黑龙江同化,质量不怎么样了,如果选择雀巢高档粉,建议换雅培,中档的建议换圣元。 奶粉细腻不证明奶粉好,颗粒大小有标准的,和工艺有关。 三岁以下建议不要喝水奶,现在市场上的鲜奶基本是奶粉勾兑的,大品牌也不例外。 优质奶粉当然要冲调性好,倒入40--60度的水,再慢慢添加奶粉,奶粉下沉溶解没有沉淀物,如果底下有砂糖颗粒或透明的液体就是蔗糖添加过多,BB的免疫能力会受到影响,容易虚胖。如果奶粉有疙瘩,估计是受潮,新打开的也这样,国产奶粉应该是工艺的问题,进口的一般没有这样的情况,高档粉都是速溶的。 有些品牌为了速溶蔗糖添加很厉害,蔗糖和糊精是冷水就能够溶解的,奶粉因为含有奶油等,要温水才溶解。 进口高档品牌:美素力 ‖ 中国分装品牌:惠氏、多美滋、美赞臣 ‖ 合资品牌:亲亲宝贝、味全、圣元、可淇 ‖ 国产品牌:伊利、完达山、三鹿、光明 ‖ 选择国产品牌价位要在18元以上的品质才算过得去,一般25元以上的,营养就很全面了,原料的质量也有保障。 ‖ 有个别品牌区域价格相差很大,属于性价比极其不合算的,不要考虑,比如那个经常攻击我的,在湖南卖15-16一袋,到别的地方就23.8,你说它是高档奶粉吗,其实就是中档国产奶粉,你为什么要多掏这个钱,何况品质还保证不了。 牛初乳蛋白质含量高,而且里面的免疫球蛋白对人有好处还是害处很难说,我看到的专业资料上面都说不能给7岁以下的孩子食用,更何况婴儿,影响内脏发育,6个月以内的婴儿蛋白质摄入一定不能高! 从怀孕前我就对雅培情有独钟,因为有几个朋友的宝宝是喝雅培长大的,长得壮实还比同龄人高,而且雅培是原装进口的,喜康宝还是唯一一个健字号的婴儿奶粉,可以提高免疫力,所以我们也认定就喝雅培吧,一共喝了3罐(900g),可喝到第3罐的时候宝宝有点便秘,2、3天才一次大便,而且喜康宝的条形码也变成了69字头的了,怀疑是国内分装的吧,于是决定换奶粉,开始觉得惠氏不错,新配方,添加了许多的东西,但是开婴儿店的朋友说美国品牌的雅培,惠氏和美赞臣都是矿物质比较多容易上火的,如果喝雅培便秘的话转惠氏有可能更甚呢,建议我转欧洲品牌荷兰的美素或恩贝儿,因为美素力有点贵(150/900g),所以我就选了恩贝儿(135),他说恩贝儿其实很不错的,只是刚进入中国不久知道的人还不多,在香港叫牛栏牌,销量一直很好的,回来在网上查了一下,确实如此。还有竟然搜索不到美素的中文网站,也不知是美素如此不重视中国市场还是我没找对方法, 我宝宝现在喝了好几罐恩贝儿了,挺不错的,大便也正常,一天一次,我打算就一直喝下去了。 我个人觉得美国的雅of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 培,惠氏,美赞臣和荷兰的美素,恩贝儿都是很不错的品牌,起码够专业和时间长经得起考验。 敬辞太子乐奶粉金100到尽头怎么样啊?我才给孩子买了两桶吃。请知情者给我说哈~谢谢~ 还买成188元一桶哦~就是奶粉底部只有出产日子、有效期,为啥没有合格标记呢?让人感觉有点不放心。你们那里怎么那末自制安?金100买成188?我这里才卖168,还买一送一。说真话,太子乐的粉质不好,不懂患上你家小孩拉肚吗,换下吧,对下一代负责~很好,请放心给孩子吃,由于每批奶粉上市,都颠末做生意部门的检查。熬头块"忽悠牌"--"无"三聚氰胺 三鹿引爆"三聚氰胺"事件后,质检总局熬头次抽查,未检出三聚氰胺的87家企业中有太子乐。于是太子乐有了一块新的"忽悠"牌。 2008年9月"三聚氰胺"事件曝光后、三聚氰胺限量值标准出台以前,太子乐就悄悄召回了三个未被抽查的单品,有可能它的"鼻子"比较灵。它们是:防腹泻奶粉、2008年3月8日出产的康健锁2段袋装奶粉和孕妇袋装奶粉。11月,国家的"三聚氰胺限量值标准"出台之后,其超市下架的就不知有多少了。 不要被蒙蔽,太子乐总共只有3个批次被抽查,只3个批次合格就100%合格?它的单品可是有100多个~伊利有1个被抽出含有,那可是被抽查了3二个批次啊~ 第二块"忽悠牌"--"奶源好,绿色" "我们的是绿色产品"其导购就是如许拿这忽悠消费者的,看看其高档乳清卵白、看看其FOS,看看其低档的皇冠、看看彩听„,"绿色"吗?只是两个中档产品有"绿色",就全数绿色了。? 忽悠牌"--赠品力度大 第三块" 它价高,自以为在有的地方卖患上还可以,为什么价高?还能卖出些?送赠品,当然别的奶粉也送,不知有恁地大的力度否?40%的市场费用啊,100块钱的奶粉在经销商手里就值60元,出厂价就更低了。 第四块"忽悠牌"--大夫都说太子乐好 它另有一条做医院的线:就是到医院,让医院的妇产科大夫向到医院检查的孕妇、生小孩的年青怙恃推。给大夫的回扣是多少呢?上年超市198元的乳清卵白,给大夫70元/听,金100/听,大夫怎么不说太子乐好。 第五块"忽悠牌" 号称"中美合作",出于发卖宣传的需要,朋友曾打手机到总公司问:"哪方面的合作?技术照旧资金?",接手机的支支吾吾根本说不清。网上曾有披露:施恩奶粉奶源100%入口,根本是假的~目前世界上最强大的国家一家公司接受权力,更是忽悠草民的,太子乐的"中美合作"是不是子虚乌有,从它们的所作所为来看,很有嫌疑~奶粉罐专业出产厂家台州亿隆塑业[推广链接] 中国最具实力的奶粉罐出产企业,工艺技术精湛,质量过硬,规格齐备,www.eyilong.com 来自荷兰乳牛喷鼻蕉牛奶的冰饮季[推广链接] 盛暑夏季体验喷鼻蕉牛奶冰醇甜喷鼻带来的冰爽营养夏日www.helanruniu.com2010Baidu众里寻他千百度公司懂患上开放平台 文章来源:奶粉 链接地址:, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled
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