
Dissertation Proposal Sample - MA in Human Resource Management,人力资源管理论文-_45【论文大全】

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Dissertation Proposal Sample - MA in Human Resource Management,人力资源管理论文-_45【论文大全】Dissertation Proposal Sample - MA in Human Resource Management,人力资源管理论文-_45【论文大全】 Dissertation Proposal Sample : MA in Human Resource Management,ÈËÁ?×ÊÔ??ÜÀíÂÛÎÄ| The York Management SchoolMASTERS PROGRAMMESDISSERTATION PROPOSAL FORMPLEASE ATTACH FULL PROPOSAL ...
Dissertation Proposal Sample - MA in Human Resource Management,人力资源管理论文-_45【论文大全】
Dissertation Proposal Sample - MA in Human Resource Management,人力资源管理论文-_45【论文大全】 Dissertation Proposal Sample : MA in Human Resource Management,ÈËÁ?×ÊÔ??ÜÀíÂÛÎÄ| The York Management SchoolMASTERS PROGRAMMESDISSERTATION PROPOSAL FORMPLEASE ATTACH FULL PROPOSAL TO THIS COVER PAGENameStudent Number: 105029044Dissertation Supervisor : Dr Simon de TurbervilleProposed title?ºHow to motivate employees with different cultural background: A research of the impact of culture diversity on HRM practice in a transnational corporation.I confirm that I have read the relevant section of the student handbook (section 8) which describes academic misconduct and that this proposal does not infringe these rules.I also confirm that I have attached a completed Student Ethics Form (Appendix 7) if my dissertation will involve human subjects.Student signaturePlease submit to the Postgraduate Office by 22 May 2010????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Section 2To be completed by the York Management School and returned to the studentStudent Name Student NumberTitle of DissertationDate of SubmissionTime of SubmissionSigned????????????????????.on behalf of the The York Management SchoolDissertation Proposal MA in Human Resource ManagementWord Count: 1452IntroductionThe aim of this proposal is to explain why I choose this topic listed below as my dissertation research area and to develop a writing plan for processing the whole dissertation, including the main theoretical basis and research methodology I intend to make use of.1. TitleThe area of interest of my dissertation is: Cultural impact on HRM practice, especially the different HRM strategies for employees with different cultural background in transnational enterprises.The proposed title of my dissertation is: How to motivate employees with different cultural background: A research of the impact of culture diversity on HRM practice in a transnational corporation.2. Aims and Key QuestionsThe aim of this dissertation is to investigate how we could find a best way to motivate employees with different cultural backgrounds in a nation-cross corporation. By doing this, we can improve our HRM practice and eventually to ensure excellent employee satisfaction so that they can make maximum effort for the corporation. And this dissertation is focus on the culture diversity between Asian cultures and western cultures, like how we could use the impact of Chinese culture and British culture on HRM decision-making to motivate employees from China and UK in a same transnational corporation.I chose this topic as my research area in the first place is because I am always interested in the impact of Asian cultures on a business operation. Then Ifound this kind of impact even more obvious in a sharp contrast between Asian cultures and western cultures. I have a friend working in a transnational corporation as HR manager in China. There is an interesting phenomenon in his company, which is, with the increase in the number of British employees, they have different HR strategies for Chinese and British employees in spite of basically they have the same work. I want to know why they doing this? Is it necessary to do this? And what benefit for the corporation they can make by doing this?The proposed key questions of this dissertation are: What motivate people? In employee motivation, culture plays an important role in nation-cross venture, so what is the culture gap between Asian and western cultures? Take a Chinese-British joint venture as an example, to prove this cultural gap may affect HRM decision-making then to address the following question: What are the differential effects of work motivation across cultures? Then, as this dissertation aims, how can we use culture diversity to find out the best strategies on work motivation in multinational corporations.3. Theoretical BasisWork motivation is a process to energize employee to the work goal through a specific path, which is shaped by the interplay between employee and employer. From individual employee??s perspective, employees are hired under the expectation that they will work to the full extent of their abilities, and exert all their effort, potential physical and mental resources in their job. While from employee??s perspective, they engage in work activities because work is a source of satisfying their basic needs for existence, security and growth etc.In the past, people use evaluation of personal standard to determine whether or not self-motives have been satisfied. Personal standard is guided by internal criteria but differs from one individual to another. For example, Abraham Maslow??s Hierarchy of Needs theory, which suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other needs.However, while most theories of work motivation in the past focus on mainly the individual employee, generally the need of individual employee, to a certain degree, new phenomenon or condition arise but have been overlooked with social development on the motivation potential of various managerial and motivational approaches, one of which is the cultural differences.In these years, with the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, a growing number of corporations are going out to optimize the allocation of resources, which aim at obtaining competitive edge and having the initiative. Thus, there exist plenty of new organizational forms, especially multinational corporations where employees with different culture backgrounds work together under the same organization, in the same team and toward the same goals. Unlike local corporations, these new organizational forms, on one hand, face the challenge of implementing company-wide reward systems, on the other hand, recognizing the unique values and preferences of their culturally diverse workforce. It is the cultural difference that cast new problems in Human Resource Management, as to how to motivate people to work who are with different cultural backgrounds.Culture is the new element needed to be taken into consideration when targeting work motivation in modern society. As the definition we know, the culture is ??the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another?? (Hofstede, 1991); Culture includes some patterned ways of thinking (Kluckhohn, 1954); It is, on one hand, considered as a series of shared meaning and information acknowledges; and on the other hand it is view as a shared knowledge which makes decreased variability in individuals. Generally speaking, culture shapes the core values and norms of its group members. It is of not doubt that these values and norms are shared and transmitted from one generation to another through social teaching and learning processes. And the core values and norms are defined as ??enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct, or end-state of existence?? (Rokeach, 1973). Members of the group form the culture, and at the same time, they have been influenced by it on almost every aspect where work life is not an exception. For example, working in teams may be most desirable in collectivistic cultures, especially in countries such as Japan, Korea, Mexico, but not in individualistic cultures such as the U.S., Australia, and Great Britain. Lack of discrimination of roles between men and women may be highly upheld in societies with highly feminine values such as Sweden and Norway, but not in masculine societies like Singapore and Venezuela. And in cultures such as the Philippines, Brazil, France, it is highly viewed of group hierarchy because there having high power distance cultures, but not in egalitarian cultures like Israel and Denmark. A high degree of formality is appreciated in societies of high uncertainty avoidance like Greece, but rejected in societies of low uncertainty avoidance like Sweden and Jamaica .Therefore, motivational practices that have positive meaning in one culture may not have the same positive effect on work motivation in another one. Cultural values determine what it means to be a person in the society, forming a kind of evaluation different from personal standard, which can be called cultural standard. These standards are shared by all members having the same culture, but they change from one culture to another.4. Research Methodologya) Collect DataIn this dissertation, I will analysis data collected from both primary and secondary sources to support my main argument: Different HRstrategies are essential for motivating employees with different cultural backgrounds in a transnational corporation. The primary data collection is on the base of questionnaires, which aim at employees from both China and Britain in a Chinese-British joint venture. The questionnaire aims to find out whether these foreign employees really need different treatment from local employees, whether there is any conflict raised by the cultural gap, whether there is any difference before and after the company makes different HR strategies, if there is, is that good or not, etc.Through analysing and typing these answers from questionnaires to prove there is a need for HR managers to pay attention to the impact of culture diversity and which aspects should be more valued than others.b) Comparison and ContrastEmphasis the impact of culture diversity on HR practice by comparing different HR strategies the managers use to motivate employees in British company, Chinese company and Chinese-British joint venture. And through the comparison, find out which is the best way to motivate employees with different cultural backgrounds in a nation-cross corporation.5. Research PlanAfter the dissertation proposal is assessed, the dissertation plan will be modified on the basis of advice. And I will begin to proceed to write the full dissertation if the proposal is satisfactory.The theoretical analysis and primary data collect will be done by the end of June. Data analysis and the main body of dissertation will be written during July. Then the first draft of this dissertation can be handed in by early August. In the meanwhile, I will communicate with my supervisor for several times and modify my work according to his advice. And the completed dissertation can be submitted by mid September.References(including those I intend to read during the full dissertation writing):(1)C.P. and Erez, M. (Eds.) (1997). ??A Culture Based Approach to Work Motivation??, New Perspectives on International Industrial/Organizational Psychology.(2)Fisher, C.D. and Xue Ya, Y. (1998). ??What motivates employees? A comparison of US and Chinese responses??, International Journal of Human Resource Management.(3)Ruth, K., Gilad, Chen, Robert, D. & Pritchard (2008). Work Motivation: Past, Present, and Future??CRC Press.(4)Miriam, Erez, Uwe, Kleinbeck & Henk, Thierry (2001). ??Work motivation in the context of a globalizing economy??, Routledge Press.(5)Gina, M. & Brian, H. K. (2007). Global Trends in Managing Cultural Diversity.(6)Richard M. Steers, Richard T. Mowday & Debra L. Shapiro (2004). The Future of Work Motivation Theory.(7)Cynthia D. Fisher & Anne Xue Ya Yuan (1998). What motivates employees? A comparison of US and Chinese responses.(8)Latham, G.P., & Ernst, C.T. (2006). Keys to motivating tomorrow??s workforce. (9)Benson, J. & Brown, M. (2007). Knowledge workers: what keeps then committed; what turns them away. Work, Employment and Society.(10)Erickson, T.J. & Gratton, L. (2007). What it means to work here. Harvard Business Review.(11)Paul G. Wilhelm & Ang Xia (1993). A Comparison of the United States and Chinese Managerial Cultures in a Transitional Period: Implications for Labour Relations and Joint Ventures.Student Ethics Forms:1 Please provide the following details about the principal investigator.NameHuang ChaoStudent number105029044CourseMA in Human Resource ManagementEmailch694@york.ac.ukSupervisor for research (if known)Dr Simon de Turberville2 Project detailsTitle ofproject/ResearchHow to motivate employees with different cultural background: A research of the impact of culture diversity on HRM practice in a transnational corporation.Project start date4th,JuneHand in date24th,September3. Summary of research proposalAims and objectives of the researchPlease outline the questions or hypotheses that will be examined in the research.The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how we could find a best way to motivate employees with different cultural backgrounds in a nation-cross corporation.4 Methods of data collectionOutline how the data will be collected from or about human subjects. In this dissertation, I will analysis data collected from both primary and secondary sources to support my main argument: Different HR strategies are essential for motivating employees with different cultural backgrounds in a transnational corporation. The primary data collection is on the base of questionnaires, which aim at employees from both China and Britain in a Chinese-British joint venture.5.TYMS Interview Consent form(This form will be completed and attached to the dissertation and I plan to hand out questionnaires to 50 participants who work in a nation-cross corporation)This form is for you to state whether or not you agree to take part in the interview. Please read and answer every question. If there is anything you do not understand, or if you want more information, please ask me.YESNOHave explained why I want you to complete this questionnaire?Have you had an opportunity to ask questions about this questionnare?Do you understand that the information you provide will be held in confidence by the interviewer?Do you understand that you may withdraw from the research at any time and for any reason? Do you agree to take part in the research?If yes, do you agree to your questionnaire being recorded?(You may take part in the study without agreeing to this)._____________________________________________________________________Your name (in BLOCK letters): _________________________________________Your signature: ______________________________________________________Interviewer??s name: _________________________________________________ _Date: ________________________________________________________________Should there be any cause for concern you can contact your dissertation supervisor or the Chair of the Humanities & Social Sciences Ethics Committee, Dr Robert McMurray (rm517@york.ac.uk). Address: Sally Baldwin Block D, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, EnglandONE COPY FOR INTERVIEWEE AND ONE COPY TO BE RETAINED BY THE STUDENT4 Perceived risks or ethical problemsPlease outline any anticipated risks or ethical problems that may adversely affect either the participants, researchers or university, and the steps that will be taken to address them. 1.Risks to participants (e.g. damage to reputation): None2. Risks to researchers (e.g. personal safety): None3.University / institutional risks (e.g. adverse publicity) None4.Financial conflicts of interest (e.g. inappropriate use of commercial information for personal benefit): None5 Data confidentialityPlease outline the arrangements that will be made to ensure (1) the confidentiality of the data, both during and after the study and (2) that the identity of the respondents will not be revealed.Data confidentiality can be ÁôÑ?Éú?ÏÒµÂÛÎÄensured. And identity of the respondents will not be revealed.6 Ethics checklistPlease confirm that all of the steps indicated below have been taken, or will be taken, with regards to the above named project submitted for ethical approval. If there are any items that you cannot confirm, or are not relevant to your project, please use the space provided to explain. Please also use the space indicated to draw the committee??s attention to any specific ethical issues this study raises. Finally, please sign the form and ensure that all of the indicated documents are attached before submitting your application. Please tick if true:Informed consent will be sought from all research participants where appropriateAll data will be treated confidentially and stored in a secure placeAll quotes and other material obtained from participants will be anonymised in all reports/publications arising from the study where appropriateAll reasonable steps have been taken to minimise risk of physical/ psychological harm to study participantsAll reasonable steps have been taken to minimise risk of physical/mental harm to researchersParticipants have been made aware of and consent to all potential futures uses of the research and data There are no known conflicts of interest with respect to finance / fundingExplanation for any checklist items not confirmed.7 Other comments Are there any issues that you wish to draw attention to?8 Signed undertakingI hereby undertake to ensure that the above named research project will meet the ticked commitments in the checklist above. In conducting the project, the research team will be guided by the Social Research Association??s ethical guidelines for research.??????????????????????????????.. (Signed Student)??????????????????????????????.. (Signed Supervisor)??????????????????????????????.. (Signed Dissertation module tutor)??????????????????????????????.. (Date)
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