

2017-11-26 2页 doc 13KB 278阅读




Google手机拍照搜索新增翻译功能Google手机拍照搜索新增翻译功能 Google has released a new version of Google Goggles with an exciting new feature: translation.Google的手机拍照图片搜索服务Google Goggles最近新增了翻译功能。 According to the company's blog, the new feature will be able to read five different, Latin-based languages a...
Google手机拍照搜索新增翻译功能 Google has released a new version of Google Goggles with an exciting new feature: translation.Google的手机拍照图片搜索服务Google Goggles最近新增了翻译功能。 According to the company's blog, the new feature will be able to read five different, Latin-based languages and translate to many more, all using a smartphone's camera.新版Google Goggles现在可以识别5种不同的拉丁语言,并能翻译成更多语言,一切都通过 智能手机的摄像头完成。 The new version of Google Goggles will help translate text from English, French, Italian, German and Spanish into many more languages, and will be able to read many more, including non-Latin-based langauges such as Chinese, Hindi and Arabic, in the future.你可以通过它把、法语、意大利语、德语和西班牙语翻译成更多语言,并且未来 还将可以翻译成中文、印地语和阿拉伯语等非拉丁语系语言。 Using Google Goggles for this feature is a simple process, as described on Google's blog:* Point your phone at a word or phrase. Use the region of interest button to draw a box around specific words* Press the shutter button* If Goggles recognizes the text, it will give you the option to www.670098666.com translate* Press the translate button to select the source and destination languages.Google Goggles的 使用过程非常简单:把手机对准一个单词或短语。用所在区域按钮画出一个方框圈住所查内 容。按快门键。如果Goggles能够识别文本的话,它就会提供翻译选项。点击翻译按钮选择 源语言和目标语言。 Google has announced several advancements involving translation over recent months, including automated captioning for YouTube videos, auto-translation for websites in Chrome and even software it is developing to provide real-time voice translation over mobile phones. Google最近几个月在翻译方面动作频频,其中包括自动翻译Youtube标,Chrome网站自动 翻译,以及手机语音翻译搜索。 Google Goggles version 1.1 is currently only available for devices running Android 1.6 and higher and is available from the Android Marketplace.Google Goggles 1.1目前仅支持Android 1.6及更高版本手机,可以在Android应用商店下载。
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