
爱屋吉屋:前有模式先进 后有资本跟进

2017-11-09 17页 doc 60KB 19阅读




爱屋吉屋:前有模式先进 后有资本跟进爱屋吉屋:前有模式先进 后有资本跟进 中新网5月8日电 5月6日,移动互联网房产中介爱屋吉屋首次对外宣布,该公司已完成D轮融资,本轮融资额1.2亿美元,融资后公司估值超过10亿美元。 爱屋吉屋表示,公司D轮融资由GGV、晨兴、高瓴领投,顺为、高榕等跟投。到D轮为止,爱屋吉屋累计融资超过2亿美元。而从三位创始人联合创立公司,到估值逾10亿美元,爱屋吉屋只用了273天。 据悉,2014年3月,爱屋吉屋创立于上海,截至4月底,爱屋吉屋员工人数已逾6000,公司租房、二手房买卖业务在北上广深全面铺开。 “这个估值没什么可吃惊的...
爱屋吉屋:前有模式先进 后有资本跟进
爱屋吉屋:前有模式先进 后有资本跟进 中新网5月8日电 5月6日,移动互联网房产中介爱屋吉屋首次对外宣布,该公司已完成D轮融资,本轮融资额1.2亿美元,融资后公司估值超过10亿美元。 爱屋吉屋表示,公司D轮融资由GGV、晨兴、高瓴领投,顺为、高榕等跟投。到D轮为止,爱屋吉屋累计融资超过2亿美元。而从三位创始人联合创立公司,到估值逾10亿美元,爱屋吉屋只用了273天。 据悉,2014年3月,爱屋吉屋创立于上海,截至4月底,爱屋吉屋员工人数已逾6000,公司租房、二手房买卖业务在北上广深全面铺开。 “这个估值没什么可吃惊的,投资人先看模式,再看速度;爱屋吉屋的模式是最先进的,发展速度连我们自己都有些始料未及,然后就像大家看到的这样,投资人用资本做出了肯定。”爱屋吉屋最初三位联合创始人之一邓薇如是说。 什么样的商业模式才是广为资本青睐的先进模式,高榕资本合伙人高翔给出的是:“互联网从根本上颠覆了信息的传递方式,一家创新公司能在多大程度上撕开传统行业信息不透明、不公开的‘铁幕’,多大程度上通过信息变革将资源通过价高者得、先到先得的方式进行再分配,它的商业价值就有多大。” 高翔进一步做了一个形象的说明:“这种颠覆性创新,一方面,从表现形式上说,全新的商业模型会有较大的破坏性,改变了很多行业的既有规则,甚至会表现得很激烈;另一方面,新模型会呈现爆发式增长,传统秩序就像雪崩很难逆转。” 邓薇表示,爱屋吉屋之所以能在短短9个月内估值逾10亿美元,正是因为公司将互联网信息技术全面引入到中介公司管理流程,信息透明、公开,自然就会促进市场交易公平、有序,并进而带来高效。“我们重新定义了中介公司的生产要素,重组生产要素配对流程,改变了生产关系,彻底提高了这个行业的生产效率。” 那么,爱屋吉屋到底怎样重组了生产要素、重构了中介行业的先进生产关系, 比如门店,以前在传统中介公司扮演了非常重要的角色,既是办公场地,也是常年户外广告、谈判、签约场所。作为办公、谈判、签约场所,传统中介的门店都是商铺,价格太贵了。而作为常年广告,每个小门脸的广告效果又极差,效率极低,尤其对通过互联网平台买房、租房的年轻用户,基本失效。因此,爱屋吉屋果断砍掉门店,将办公场所放到了写字楼里面,很高档的写字楼租金也比小门脸底商的价格要便宜许多,用户的信赖感反倒有所增强,经纪人的自豪感也得到极大提升。 再比如经纪人,在传统中介公司,分工不清,什么都要做,从开发新房源到接待客户,样样都要精通的结果就是样样稀松。而在爱屋吉屋,专门服务于租房或买房客户的经纪人完全分开,经纪人不必站在街头或店门口四处张望找客户,从手机上就会接到业务指令,还不用担心客户被其他业务员撬走;也不用四处哀求寻找合适的房源,打开爱屋吉屋的数据库一览无余。只要全程服务好客户,成交快,客户评分高,经纪人就能够拿到很不错的服务奖金。而爱屋吉屋不仅为经纪人提供先进的工作后台支撑,更是打碎传统中介分工,进行服务能力和效率的全面升级。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 据介绍,在爱屋吉屋,一名经纪人专职做租房业务月均能做到8单,专职做二手房业务 月均2单,远远高于传统的房屋中介。邓薇郑重表示,“爱屋吉屋独创高效模式下,经纪人 收入至少翻倍,租客或买房人佣金减半乃至全免,房东尽快达成出租或卖房意愿、少受骚扰, 产业链各环节都受益。”(中新网房产频道) (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 刷票 网络刷票 编辑:djnfjc (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area,
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