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蓝牙耳机对人体的影响蓝牙耳机对人体的影响 手机已经成为当今社会人们必备的通讯工具,从青少年到老年,使用手机的人数越来越多。然而,解放军总医院第一附属医院神经外科主任李安民指出,手机在通话过程中发出的高频电磁辐射,长期或过度使用对人体会造成不同程度的伤害。目前,国外由手机辐射引起的重症病例很多,国内目前发现的较少,主要是因为没有意识到这个问题,就算有类似患者,大部分医院也不会想到是手机辐射的问题。 随着手机的普及,一个有关“手机辐射”的问题就列入了通信专家和健康专家的研究课题。从1999年始,一些科学家有关“手机辐射”的报道开始见诸报端,引起了...
蓝牙耳机对人体的影响 手机已经成为当今社会人们必备的通讯工具,从青少年到老年,使用手机的人数越来越多。然而,解放军总医院第一附属医院神经外科主任李安民指出,手机在通话过程中发出的高频电磁辐射,长期或过度使用对人体会造成不同程度的伤害。目前,国外由手机辐射引起的重症病例很多,国内目前发现的较少,主要是因为没有意识到这个问题,就算有类似患者,大部分医院也不会想到是手机辐射的问题。 随着手机的普及,一个有关“手机辐射”的问题就列入了通信专家和健康专家的研究课题。从1999年始,一些科学家有关“手机辐射”的报道开始见诸报端,引起了广泛的争议,手机是有辐射的,在飞机上、在加油站、在手术室禁止使用手机,就表明了手机辐射危害的客观存在,能够干扰机器,就不会干扰人体吗,难道肉体还比钢铁坚强~在手机的每次来电时,使电视机的画面抖动,使有线电话产生刺耳的杂音,就没有影响人体吗,事实上,一些敏感的手机使用者在每次较长的通话后都会出现“耳鸣”、“耳朵发热”、“偏头痛”、“听力衰退”等现象,一些老人、孕妇都在尽量避免使用手机。中国国家委员会早在2001年就把“电磁辐射污染”列为继水质污染、空气污染、噪音污染之后的第四大污染,可见国家一刻都没有停止过对手机“辐射污染”的关注。手机辐射的定义和防止,要从手机和网络两个系统来解决,都还存在很多技术和经济的双重难题。 “手机辐射对人体有没有害,曾经引起过很多人的争论,但作为科学工作者,我可以肯定地说是有害的。”李安民主任表示,现在世the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 界各国的科学家通过各项实验证明,手机辐射对人体是有害的。英国科学家用手机频率的电磁场,对线虫辐射后发现,线虫体蛋白质产生了类似热震荡的影响,就像被轻微煮过。如果此时停止辐射,线虫蛋白质仍可恢复正常,如继续辐射,蛋白质就会发生不可逆性的变性。德国埃森大学对,,,位眼视网膜黑色素瘤患者比较发现,经常使用手机患病率是较少使用手机的,倍。因为头部是手机辐射的主要区域,眼视网膜属于脆弱的神经组织。英国教育部还禁止,,岁以下的学生使用手机,理由是,青少年神经系统还未发育完全,头颅小、颅骨薄,接受电离辐射强度高,更容易受到伤害。 李安民主任说,手机的广泛使用,使我们被罩在“电子雾”中,无处躲避,而且这种电磁辐射无时无刻不在影响着我们的身体。当我们用手机打电话时,手机将音频信号通过转换器形成高频震荡的微波,然后通过天线以电磁波的形式发射出去,这时在手机附近就会产生较为强烈的电磁辐射。即使我们本人没有打电话,也难以避免不受辐射影响。一部手机就相当于一个小的微波发射器,微波对人体的损害是热损害。很多人都会有这种体会,打手机超过几分钟后,耳朵和脸部都会有发热的感觉。手机辐射尤其对人体含水多的组织大脑和眼睛损害的程度严重,全身组织大脑和眼睛的含水量最高的达到了,,,。另外,手机辐射频率在,,,——,,,,,,,辐射能比较大。会对脑细胞产生高频震荡,轻则影响细胞的正常工作,重则造成脑细胞的变性坏死,确切地讲就是有个别的脑细胞就像被“烫熟了”。长时间使用手机肯定会影响大脑的功能,造成记忆力减退、失眠,甚the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 至会发生情绪的改变。个别人也可能因为神经细胞和神经胶质细胞的畸变形成恶性脑肿瘤。另外,眼球则更容易吸收电磁波,并且其散热功能差,很容易引起白内障等疾病。 蓝牙技术的出现,为“手机辐射”的彻底解决划上了句号。Bluetooth是中世纪丹麦一位国王的名字,这位国王以喜欢新奇而闻名,恰恰与蓝牙产品的全新面貌相吻合。蓝牙技术起源于1994年,是由爱立信、IBM、Intel、诺基亚和东芝等公司联合主推的一项最新的无线技术。作为一种短程低功耗无线数据传输标准,蓝牙技术运行在2.4GHz频段上,其跳频带宽79MHz,最高数据传输速度1Mbps,最大传输距离为10米,可以同时实现多台设备的互连通信。由世界卫生组织、IEEE等专家组成的小组表示,检测中并未发现蓝牙产品的辐射对人体有影响。蓝牙产品的输出功率仅为1毫瓦,是微波炉使用功率的百万分之一,是移动电话功率的千分之一。 用于移动电话的蓝牙耳机不是直接“消灭”“手机辐射”,而是用隔离的,通过蓝牙耳机把对人体可能有“辐射污染”的手机与人体分开,让手机在手提包或办公桌上远离人体,从而避免手机对人体可能构成的种种危害。使用蓝牙耳机,不仅斩断了可能污染人体的黑手,更由于其无线特性和更佳的音质,解放了双手,使得无线通信更增加了无穷乐趣,手机可以不需要手来打。司机、手术大夫、演员、指挥家,甚至交通警察都可以不在烦恼于手机对手的桎梏了。移动新时代即将由于蓝牙耳机的出现而再次到来,成为一种健康的通信生活方式。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 使用蓝牙耳机并不能消除手机辐射,但它就像是一件防弹衣,使用蓝牙耳机,就好比给自己穿上一件防弹衣,有了它的防护,在使用手机时,就可以把辐射的子弹挡在人体之外,从而避免手机对人体可能构成的种种伤害。 “史上最严交规”出台后,使用蓝牙耳机的人多了起来,其中不少长时间持续使用蓝牙耳机的市民表示,最近耳朵时常嗡嗡作响,甚至有些时候还会出现短暂性的失聪。对此,市人民医院耳鼻喉科主任胡旭武表示,长期使用蓝牙耳机,会造成神经性耳鸣,严重时甚至会导致耳聋。 县人民医院耳鼻喉科主任胡旭武表示,长时间使用蓝牙耳机,对听力的损害是无法避免的。“会造成神经性耳鸣、耳聋,但这种损害是一种慢性的变化,一开始可能察觉不出来,可长此以往,对耳朵的损害是无法估量的。”因此,胡旭武建议大家不要使用蓝牙耳机煲“电话粥”,控制使用耳机的时间;除此之外,耳机的音量也不宜过响,以旁人听不到为宜。 2013年,交通新规才颁布实施就意外带动了蓝牙耳机的热卖。虽说购买蓝牙耳机可以摆脱“新交规”的一项处罚,但也有不少市民开始担心,耳机会不会对健康造成不利影响。记者在长沙市中心医院耳鼻喉科采访时了解到,长时间使用耳机,会损害耳朵功能,蓝牙耳机虽轻巧方便,但也会给健康“埋雷”,千万别长时间佩戴。 新交通法规才颁布实施,由于其中对开车用无线设备打电话不作the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 处罚,于是大量车主开始疯购蓝牙耳机,最近蓝牙耳机的销量确实很客观,比过去增加了3到4成。记者登录淘宝网首页搜索“蓝牙耳机”发现,相关商品就高达8万多件,价格从几十元到几百元不等,产品销量从12月中下旬开始明显飙升,且不少商家都是以“蓝牙耳机——避免新交规罚分的宝贝”为噱头进行宣传。 “开车时戴蓝牙耳机打电话,比直接拿着手机打要安全了很多,但从健康角度来分析,长时间戴着蓝牙耳机,对听力还是有伤害的。”长沙市中心医院耳鼻喉科主治医师周定刚告诉记者。“不管多轻便的耳机,如果长期挂在耳廓上,都可能会对耳廓有压迫的作用,容易引发耳廓的局部压伤。如果再外出受到严寒的刺激,就特别容易诱发耳朵炎症。” “一般人的正常听阈范围是20-20000赫兹,而人说话大概是3000-4000赫兹,如果高于或低于这个听阈太多,都会对耳朵产生一定的不良影响。”周定刚表示,平时在门诊他也曾接诊过不少“耳机病”患者,他们很多都因长期戴耳机听随身听、MP3等,耳蜗毛细胞受到损害,听力适应能力减弱而来医院看病。如果市民买到的是劣质耳机,有时在对接不成功的过程中,耳机有可能突然发生刺耳、尖锐的声音,这样容易损害耳蜗的感应神经,严重时可能会出现耳鸣等症状,处理不当的话,可能诱发外耳道炎、耳蜗囊肿,甚至是感应神经性耳聋等情况。 “耳朵和眼睛是人体感知外界的„窗户?,在开车时戴蓝牙耳机,一the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 只耳朵被耳机塞住,另一个耳朵的听力功能也势必会受到影响。”周定刚表示,司机由于一边开车一边打电话,可能会因为和他人交谈而致注意力下降,存在严重的隐患,从安全角度分析,我们建议市民开车时最好不要打电话。但如果因为某种原因,一定要接打电话,蓝牙耳机也确实是比较方便、安全的工具。 “短时间的使用耳机接打电话没有问题,但如果煲„电话粥?,持续使用耳机接打电话达到1小时以上,那么多少还是会对听力有损害的。”周定刚建议市民,在戴蓝牙耳机接打电话时,音量最好控制在听到别人说话为宜,戴耳机时间不宜过长,市民可上车戴耳机,下车后就取下耳机,让其休息一下。由于青少年的听觉器官还未发育成熟,建议他们最好不用耳机,若一定要用,最好选用正规厂家生产的外罩式耳机,这样的耳机音质相对较好。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom
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