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空压机技术协议空压机技术协议 合同编号: 协议编号:TNKJ-XY-2011010 项目名称:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年 循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目 委托项目:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环 经济型煤焦化扩建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压 缩机用空气压缩机采购 委托单位:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司 受托单位:西安陕鼓动力股份有限公司 项目地点:贵州省盘县柏果镇 签订地点:辽宁省鞍山市 签订时间:2011年8月5日 mass line of the party construction of e...
空压机技术协议 编号: 协议编号:TNKJ-XY-2011010 项目名称:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年 循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目 委托项目:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环 经济型煤焦化扩建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压 缩机用空气压缩机采购 委托单位:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司 受托单位:西安陕鼓动力股份有限公司 项目地点:贵州省盘县柏果镇 签订地点:辽宁省鞍山市 签订时间:2011年8月5日 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司 130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目 空气压缩机采购采购技术协议 甲 方:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司 设计方:中冶焦耐,大连,工程技术有限公司 乙 方:上海埃利沃特贸易有限公司 就甲方130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目水冷离心全无油空气压缩机采购技术协议问~三方经过认真研究、讨论、磋商~形成技术协议如下: 第一节 概况 本协议适用于贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目水冷离心全无油空气压缩机。本文件中提出了最低的技术要求~对未规定的技术要求和适用~乙方应提供满足压缩空气站高质量的设计、设备及其相应的服务。本工程必须满足国家和行业有关安全、环保、节能等强制性标准。 本协议作为合同的补充~与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。 1. 项目名称 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压缩机。 2. 建设地点 贵州省六盘水市盘县柏果镇东风村。 3. 焦化厂工作制度 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th1 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 焦化厂工作制度为年工作365天~日工作24小时。 4. 服务年限 服务年限至少为20年。 第二节 总体要求 1.按照“质优、高效、低耗、长寿”的原则~采用先进、成熟、可靠、经济、实用的技术和装备~其结构与性能先进、良好、全新且质量合格、安全可靠。 2.严格执行国家有关环保、安全标准。 2.1 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压缩机的设计、制造、安装、验收应符合现行使用的最新的国家有关标准及行业标准以及ISO国际最新标准。 2.2 乙方如选用其他标准~其标准必须高于上述标准~并将采用的相应标准和规范的名称及版本在合同或技术协议中作补充说明。如国家、行业颁布了新标准、规范~则按最新版本的有关规定执行。 2.3 所选的标准及规范由乙方提出~在签订合同时由甲方确认。 3. 项目进度 合同签订后30天内~提供满足用户设计所需的技术文件,包括设备总重、外形尺寸和各极限尺寸、性能参数等,。 4. 设备监造 4.1 乙方应在本合同生效后1个月内~向甲方提供与本合同设备有关的监造、检验、性能验收试验标准。 4.2 监造方式:文件见证、现场见证和停工待检~即 R点、W点、mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 H点。每次监造内容完成后~乙方和监造代表均须在见证表上履行签字手续。乙方复印3份~交监造代表1份。 4.3 监造内容:由乙方提出~甲方确认。 4.4 对乙方配合监造的要求 4.4.1 甲方将派出技术人员或委托有经验的监造单位对乙方生产的合同设备进行监造。 4.4.2 重要部件的原材料在加工前应由监造代表确认(文件见证)后方可投料。 4.4.3 文件见证和现场见证资料需在见证后10天内提供给甲方监造代表。 4.4.4 乙方在设备投料前提供生产计划~每月第一周内将加工计划和检验试验计划书面通知监造代表。 4.4.5 甲方监造代表有权查阅与监造设备有关的资料~乙方积极配合并提供相关资料的复印件。 4.4.6 合同设备的重要部件和专用部件未经甲方允许~乙方不得擅自调换。 4.4.7 甲方监造代表有权随时到车间检查设备质量生产情况。 4.4.8 乙方给甲方监造代表提供专用办公室及通讯、生活方便。 4.4.9 乙方给甲方监造代表提供必需的检查工具、量具等。 4.4.10 乙方在现场见证前20天以书面形式通知甲方监造代表。 5. 设计联络和预检查 乙方在适当的时间邀请甲方进行设计审查~并在设备发货前邀请甲方到总装现场进行检查验收。 6. 操作环境 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th3 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 6.1 压缩空气、氮气站概况 130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压缩机属于焦化厂主要设备~负责制取整个厂区所需压缩空气~设臵于化产回收工段压缩机房内~本项目设臵水冷离心全无油空气压缩机3台~正常运行时两开一备~全天24小时连续运行。 6.2 环境条件,?, 年平均气温: 15.2 年极端最高气温: 36.7,1952.4.9, 年极端最低气温: ,7.9,1977.2.9, 年平均最高气温: 28.1 年平均最低气温: 0.7 年最热月平均最高气温: 26.5 年最冷月平均最低气温: 13.3 6.3 大气压力,hPa,: 年平均气压: 847.1 年最高气压: 866.5,1992.11.9, 年最低气压: 830.8,1999.3.17, 6.4 相对湿度,,, 年平均相对湿度: 77 年最小相对湿度: 2 年最冷月平均相对湿度: 75 6.5 公辅工程规格 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 6.5.1 循环冷却水 供水压力:0.4MPa,表压, 回水压力:0.35MPa,表压, 供水温度:小于或等于32? 回水温度:小于42? 6.5.2 蒸汽 蒸汽压力:0.50 MPa,表压,饱和蒸汽 6.5.3 仪表空气 正常压力:0.50MPa,表压, 温度:小于40? 露点温度:-40? 6.5.4 氮气 正常压力:0.50MPa,表压, 6.5.5 供电 电压:10000V/380V/220V 频率:50Hz 第三节 一般技术要求 1. 工作制度 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩 建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压缩机全天24小时室内连续运行~启动、 运行和停机应平稳并安全可靠。 2. 一般技术要求 2.1 乙方提供的设备应功能完整~技术先进~并能满足人身安全 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th5 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 和劳动保护条件。 2.2 所有设备均应正确设计和制造~在正常工况下均能安全、持续运行~而不应有过度的应力、振动、温升、磨损、腐蚀、老化等问题~甲方欢迎乙方提供优于本技术规范书要求的先进、成熟、可靠的设备及部件。 2.3 设备零部件应采用先进、成熟可靠的加工制造技术~应有良好的表面几何形状及合适的公差配合。甲方不接受带有试制性质的部件。 2.4 易于磨损、腐蚀、老化或需要调整、检查和更换的部件应提供备品备件~并能比较方便地拆卸、更换和修理。 2.5 外露的转动部件均应设臵防护罩~且便于拆卸、安装。 2.6 各转动部件转动灵活~无卡阻现象。润滑部分密封良好~无油脂渗漏现象。 2.7 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用水冷离心全无油空气压缩机的本体及支座设计应能满足当地地震烈度所必须的强度要求~并保证结构上的完整性。 2.8 所有的材料及零部件,或元器件,应符合有关规范的要求~且应是新的和优质的~并能满足当地环境条件的要求。外购配套件须选用优质、节能、先进的产品~并有生产许可证及产品检验合格证~严禁采用淘汰或落后的产品。重要部件需取得甲方认可或由甲方指定~目前国内产品质量尚不过关的部件~需选用进口产品。 2.9 所使用的零件或组件应有良好的互换性。 2.10 乙方应进行外购材料及部件的检验~并对其质量负全责。 2.11 设备标志 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 2.11.1 设备铭牌应采用耐腐蚀、耐老化的金属板制造。 2.11.2 铭牌应安放在运行人员容易看到的地方。 2.11.3 铭牌上应刻有耐腐蚀、耐老化的下列内容: 制造厂名称,设备名称,设备型号,主要技术参数,出厂日期编 码,出厂检验编码。 第四节 主要技术要求 1. 概述 本文件所提出的为最低限度的技术要求~并未对一切技术细节作 出规定~压缩机设备的全部制造工艺必须按照国家有关标准执行。 2. 设计数据表 2.1 水冷离心全无油空气压缩机 序 项 目 单 位 数 值 备 注 号 1 型 号 水冷离心全无油空气压缩机 2 冷却方式 水冷 标准状况 33 排气量 m/min 220 下的空气 体积 4 排气压力 Mpa 0.75MPa 表压 不高于5 排气温度 ? 40 40 6 结构形式 三级离心式 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th7 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 序 项 目 单 位 数 值 备 注 号 7 流量调节范围 70%—105% 噪声:离设备外壳和地面1米8 85 dB,A级, 处的噪音不得大于 空压机出口排气含油量 9 空气质量保证100%无油 10 启动方式 全压启动 2970 转 速 rpm 11 电动机 10000V/3PH/50Hz 12 辅助油泵 380V/3PH/50Hz 13 总重量 约15.4t 14 控制柜 台 1 15 机组总冷却水量 ?154t/h,冷却水进水温度:32?, 2.2 空气过滤器 1 型 号 高效防雨室外型 2 更换要求 可不停机更换滤芯 1.3KPa A,洁净空气, 3 过滤器压降 2.1KPa A,脏空气, 4 过滤形式 干式过滤 5 级数 2.5级 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 6 过滤效率 99,,10微米初过滤,~99.5,,2微米二级过滤, 7 含油量 0ppm 3. 性能要求 3.1 水冷离心全无油空气压缩机 3.1.1 供方保证满足上述空气压缩机系统设计参数~并能在以上各条款中指明的环境下安全、可靠、平稳运行~满足各种性能和工况的要求, 3.1.2 设备的制造加工符合国家相关标准及行业标准、企业标准, 3.1.3 空压机和辅助设备的本体及支座设计能满足当地地震烈度所必须的强度要求~并保证结构上的完整性, 3.1.4 空气压缩机内部所有的管路保证不泄漏。易损件使用寿命按部颁标准执行。 3.1.5 噪音:离设备外壳和地1米的噪音不得大于85dB,A级,, 3.1.6 压缩机装机环境:通风良好且无灰尘、油污之场所。 3.1.7 机组的润滑油系统带有温度自动控制阀~保证最佳喷油温度~提高压缩效率~机组内无油泵。同时~具有油滤芯阻塞自动报警装臵~回油温度超高报警及保护等。 3.1.8 气液分离器装臵自动分离液态冷凝水并自动泄水。 3.1.9 空气压缩机为一箱式整体结构~机组集油路、气路、电路、冷却、控制等系统为一体~实现了机电一体化。 3.2 空气净化装臵 3.2.1 供方保证满足上述空气净化装臵的设计参数~并能在以上各条款中指明的环境下长期安全、可靠、平稳运行~满足各种性能和 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th9 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 工况的要求。 3.2.2 设备的制造加工符合国家相关标准及行业标准、企业标准, 3.2.3 过滤器采用标准滤芯。 3.2.4 过滤器的结构设计已考虑运行时能更换滤芯。 3.2.5 所有外购的配套设备及部件已进行检验~并对其质量负全责。 3.3 储气罐 3.3.1 储气罐有足够的强度及刚度~确保长期连续、安全、可靠地运行。 3.3.2 设备出厂前按规定涂漆,两底一面,~各接口已密封~以防进杂物。 3.3.3 储气罐已设臵符合安全标准的、具有足够数量的安全阀~确保设备的安全。 3.3.4 储气罐已设臵可靠的人孔门。 3.3.5 除易损件外~储气罐的寿命不低于30年。 3.4 对电机的要求: 3.4.1 电动机采用风冷型式~并与空压机设备、运行方式和维修要求相适应。 3.4.2 机械的驱动电机由供方配供~电动机功率的选择符合所配套机械的要求~功率等级和安装尺寸符合IEC国际电工委员会标准及其它合同要求的标准, 3.4.3 电机采用10000V电压等级~电源采用三相交流电~额定频率50Hz, 3.4.4 在环境温度不超过40.9?时~电动机能连续额定运行。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 3.4.5 供方已提供电动机的底板垫铁、地脚螺栓(包括配合螺母、垫圈)。 3.4.6 未规定事项~须符合GB755-87《旋转电机基本技术要求》 3.5 空压机有下列电气保护装臵 机组的保护及控制~包括压缩机的起动条件联锁和压缩机运行过程中,排气压力、温度等进行自动保护及故障显示已设臵设备故障自诊断报警和各类异常工况报警。至少设以下安全保护和报警: , 电动机超载保护 , 排气温度过高保护 , 排气压力过高保护 , 空气滤清器阻塞报警 , 油过滤器阻塞报警 , 油细分离器阻塞报警 3.6 仪表控制系统 控制柜采用触摸屏式彩色液晶显示器~具有气动传动器的进气导叶装臵来实现进气节流自动控制功能~电机限载保护功能~自动消除喘振的喘振保护功能~系统运行状态显示~历史数据和运行参数记录~所有的线缆末端均采用锁紧保护。 压缩机(主电机)的启动/停机控制是通过PLC控制系统实现。 辅助油泵通过PLC控制柜实现自动启动(低油压)和自动停机(正常油压)。油泵需手动控制时~也是通过PLC控制柜来实现的。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th11 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 压缩机运行提供两种控制模式~即恒压基本模式和恒压进气节流模式~这两种控制模式使空压机在各种工况下均有良好的节能功能:控制柜安装于压缩机基座上。 机组具有应预留进DCS系统显示其运行、停止状态及故障状态的接点(所有故障信号并入一个接点送DCS系统显示~接点信号均为无源接点4~20mA)。 3.7 控制系统功能 项目 报警 停机 显示 ? 末级进气温度 高 高 ? 末级排气压力 高/低 ? 润滑油温度 低 低 ? 润滑油温度 高 高 ? 润滑油压力 低 低 ? 油箱油位 低 ? 气体密封压力 低 ? 低转速轴振动 高 高 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 ? 高转速轴振动 高 高 ? 压缩机进气阀/放空阀开 度 ? 压缩机运行状态 ? 压缩机运行时间 ? 辅助油泵状态 ? 压缩机喘振 ? ? 电机电流 高 ? 电机电流 低 低 ? PLC故障 ? ? 传感器故障 ? 3.8 高压启动柜由设备厂家提供条件~设计院设计。 3.9 机组总冷却水量:?154t/h,冷却水进水温度:32?,。 3.10 机组总重:,15.4t。 4. 公差要求:部件及整体的技术偏差应满足技术要求及有关的标 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th13 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 准 5. 采用标准: 空压机的设计、材料的选用及制造和试验等应符合下列相关标准和规范。 .GB中华人民共和国国标 .ISO国际标准组织 .IEC国际电力技术委员会 .ASTM美国材料试验协会 .AISI美国钢铁协会 .UNS金属与合金的通一数字系统 .ASME美国机械工程师协会 .API美国石油协会 .ANSI美国国家标准协会 .ASME-PTC10标准离心式压缩机测试报告 .API672/美国石油协会标准 .AMS美国军方标准 .AGMA美国齿轮协会标准 投标单位也可按国际惯用的其他标准和相应的规范设计、制造设备。当选用其他的标准和规范时~投标单位应作出说明~并应得到业主的确认。 使用上述标准必须是最新版本。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 6. 供货范围 6.1 全部订货套数:3台 6.2 每台中的设备及附件见下表: 序 主要技术参数 数量 名 称 号 1 压缩机机头 三级压缩 1台套 2 齿轮箱 水平剖分式 1台套 3 大、小齿轮组 1台套 4 叶轮 后倾式 3套 5 小齿轮可倾瓦 径向/轴向承力~ 4套 滑动轴承 水平剖分式 6 大齿轮轴套滑动2套 轴承 7 轴密封碳环 水平剖分式 3套 8 机座 1台套 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th15 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 9 中间冷却器 水走管程~直管设计 2台套 10 冷却水系统 1台套 11 润滑油系统 1台套 12 单油过滤器 1套 13 主油泵 螺杆式、轴驱动 1套 14 全流量辅助油泵 螺杆式、电机驱动 1套 15 油冷却器 1套 16 油温控阀 1套 17 油加热器 1套 18 油雾过滤器 1套 19 进气导叶装臵 1台套 20 放空阀 1台套 21 放空消音器 1套 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 22 排气止回阀 1套 23 后部冷却器 气走管程~水走壳程 1台套 24 主电机 10,000V/3Ph/50Hz, 1套 1850HP 25 联轴器及护罩 1台套 26 PLC控制盘 1台套 27 防喘振控制系统 1台套 3300 28 振动探头 2套 29 报警喇叭 1台套 远程控制接口 30 380V低压电器控1台套 制柜 31 电机限载保护 1台套 32 两种运行 恒压基本模式 1台套 控制模式 恒压进气节流模式 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th17 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 33 全部接口配对法1台套 兰 34 进气膨胀节 1件 35 排气膨胀节 1件 36 控制系统 仪表、测量元件等 1台套 37 进气过滤器 1台套 38 随机备品备件 油过滤器滤芯 1件 油雾过滤器滤芯 1件 一级进气过滤器滤芯 1套 二级进气过滤器滤芯 1套 7. 备品备件及特殊工具: 7.1 由设备制造商提供设备的备品备件清单。 7.2 备品备件的数量应满足一年正常操作及维修之用。 7.3 交付的备件、易磨损件必须提供制造图及技术说明。 8(产品保证及售后服务承诺 8.1 产品保证 1,乙方应保证其提供的设备是全新的、未使用的、采用最佳材料 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 和一流工艺的~并在各个方面符合本协议书规定的质量、规格和性能要求。乙方应保证其设备经过正确安装、合理操作和维护保养~在设备寿命期内运转良好。在规定的质量保证期内~乙方应对由于制造工艺或材料的缺陷而造成的任何缺陷和故障负责。 2,空压机,包括辅助系统,设计和制造成使用寿命至少为20年,不包括易损件,~主机保修10年~空压机组的连续运行周期不低于30000小时。 3,在规定的运行条件下~轴封寿命不低于24000小时,轴承(采用SKF轴承)的使用寿命至少为10年,油、气滤芯寿命不低于8000小时。 4,性能保证: 3a.成品空气流量,向外界供气量,: 220Nm/min ,单台, 空压机出口压力: 0.75 MPa(G) 排气温度 ?40? 露点温度 : ?-40? 3含尘量: : <0.01mg/m 3含油量 : 无油,<0.01mg/m, b.空压机实际容积流量应不低于公称容积流量的95%。 c.空压机实际比功率允许偏差不应超过规定的6%。 d.能够安全稳定长周期的运行,在流量和压头范围内~不会出现电机超负荷的情况。 e.所采用的轴封结构完全适应于工艺状况。 f,在距空压机、电动机1.0m处的噪音不应超过85dB(A)。 g,设备的最终验收在甲方安装施工现场进行。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th19 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 8.2 服务承诺 现场如出现问题~乙方接到通知6小时内给予答复。若需派人到现场解决问题~乙方接通知后36 小时内到达现场,情况紧急时12小时内到达现场。 乙方处理现场问题的原则是:首先解决设备问题~保证机组及时恢复运转~把恢复生产放在首位,然后再分析原因、分清责任。 自设备正式运行之日起12个月为质保期。在质保期内~乙方设备如发生质量问题~由乙方负责免费修理或更换。并承担因此而发生的一切费用(仅限于成套空压机)。 9. 检验和试验 空压机的运转试验分以下二种: 机械运转试验和规定工况下的性能试验。 9.1 机械运转试验 9.1.1 空压机的机械运转试验应包括最高许可转速下的运转试验、最高许可压力下的运转试验和最高许可转速下的超温试验。 9.1.2 空压机在最高许可转速下稳定运转不少于2h~运转期间检查轴承温度、油温、水温、密封以及机组振动情况~并检查各机构运行是否正常。 9.1.3 空压机在最高许可压力下的运转试验应在规定工况的转速下进行~稳定运行时间不少于30 min~其间应检查轴承温度、油温、水温和密封情况。 9.1.4 空压机最高许可转速下的超温试验~其排气温度应比最大预计排气温度高10%~并稳定运转不少于1 h~在此运行期间检查油温、水温、机组振动和各机构运行是否正常 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 9.2 规定工况下的性能试验 9.2.1 空压机性能试验侧量数据应包括以下各项: a. 各级吸气温度; b. 各级吸气压力; c. 各级排气温度; d. 各级排气压力; e. 空压机容积流量; f. 空压机转速; g. 空压机轴功率 h. 供油压力: i. 供油温度; j. 轴承温度(或轴承回油温度); k 冷却水进水温度; 1. 冷却水排水温度; m. 冷却水用量; n. 机组噪声; o. 机组振动 9.2.2 空压机性能试验方法参照GB 3853的规定或按API的规定。 9.2.3 空压机噪声测量按API及GB 4980要求。 10. 现场技术服务与安装、调试,试运,和验收 10.1 乙方在设备安装、调试期间免费提供技术服务。主要任务包 括供货开箱检验、材料质量问题处理、现场技术服务、参加试运和验 收,对与本设备有关的配套设备提供技术配合。甲方尽可能为乙方现 场服务人员的工作提供方便~乙方服务时间不少于20人•日~且待试 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th21 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 车、投运正常验收合格后~乙方现场服务人员方可离开现场。 10.2 乙方在接到服务通知后~将分派技术优良、责任心强、经验丰富、身体健康的服务人员到甲方现场服务~保证设备如期正常投运。乙方对其现场人员的一切行为负全部责任~乙方现场服务人员应有权全权处理现场的一切技术和商务问题~乙方现场服务人员的正常来去和更换事先与甲方协商。 10.3 乙方应向甲方提供鼓风机设备现场单机试车时的试车。 10.4 现场试车期间~乙方现场服务人员配合甲方在现场进行机组润滑油系统的试运和调试、机械运转试车~在满负荷工作状态下连续运转72小时以上~买、卖双方签写验收报告。 10.5 乙方要确保按期交付符合国家标准的合格产品,在现场安装调试中~如发现由于乙方原因有任何损坏、缺陷、短少或不符合合同中规定的质量标准和规范时~乙方无偿进行修复、补缺。 10.6 在安装调试期间~乙方为甲方免费培训操作和维修人员。 10.7 产品的质量保证期为设备正常运行、验收合格后12个月。质保期内未达到要求~将由乙方无偿进行维修。质保期内出现设备故障~若需要~乙方应48小时内到达甲方现场给予处理。 11 包装、运输和储存 11.1 包装 11.1.1 包装标志 1,乙方所供设备部件~均应遵照国家标准和有关技术条件进行包装~并标明合同号、主要设备名称的标签。 2,对装箱供给的设备~应在箱子的两面注明如下内容:合同号,装运标志,目的地,收货人代码,设备名称和项目号,箱号,毛/净重,mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 外形尺寸,长×宽×高。 11.1.2 凡电气设备必须严格包装~以确保在运输保管期间,考虑露天放臵至少6个月,不被损坏~并防止受潮。 11.1.3 所有外露部分应有保护装臵~防止在运输和储存期间损坏 11.1.4 在合同设备任何部分交付运输前~乙方应按照规定和本章所述的要求~对所要交付的该部分合同设备进行包装~该包装应具有适合长途运输、多次搬运和装卸的坚固包装~以确保合同设备安全、无损地运抵现场。 11.1.5 乙方应保证对合同设备的所有包装在运输、装卸过程中完好无损~并有减震、防冲击的措施。若包装无法防止运输、装卸过程中垂直、水平加速度引起的设备损坏~乙方要在设备的设计结构上予以解决。 11.1.6 乙方提供的包装应能保证合同设备在现场的保管与维护~在合理时间内采取有效的防潮、抗氧化的措施。所有合同设备的包装与保管措施应满足露天堆放六个月的要求~并不造成设备损害。 11.1.7 如果国家有关包装的标准或规范、本章所述的包装技术规范及合同设备承运人的包装要求之间不一致~则乙方应按照前述各项规范或要求中的最高要求对合同设备进行包装。 11.1.8 乙方随投标文件提交合同设备的包装技术规范及标准~包括但不限于包装示意图、包装材料材质与规格等~由甲方进行审查确认。 11.2 运输 11.2.1 经由铁路运输的部件~其运输尺寸和重量不应超过国家标准所允许的限界规定。其它运输方式部件的运输尺寸和重量的限值~ mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th23 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 在授予合同后买卖双方进一步协商确定。长、大部件的运输应有防止变形、擦伤及碰撞等的措施。 11.2.2 所有由乙方提供的货物,机械、设备、电力装臵、仪表、管道、配件等,必须符合在大气温度-40?,50?~相对湿度90%情况下的运输要求。 11.2.3 所有由乙方提供的货物由乙方负责运送至甲方指定安装现场。 11.3 储存 11.3.1 乙方应根据包装箱内物品的特性~向甲方提供安全保存方法的说明。 11.3.2 乙方所供的备品备件及专用工具亦应有安全储存方法的说明。 11.3.3 贮存要求由甲方根据使用现场气象条件提出。 第五节 资料 1. 资料交付内容及日期 注 A:表示合同生效后20天交付设计审查用的A类资料的中间资料,同时召开设计审查会~审查会后15天内乙方向甲方和设计院提供A类资料的最终资料; 注 B:表示随机资料。 设计审查会的具体时间及地点另行商定。 2. 乙方交付的图纸资料名称: 提供图纸的同时提供可编辑电子版文件。 (A) 机组主要设备技术数据表 (A) 机组总布臵图 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 包括空压机、电机以及全套辅助系统及其设备~并应在图中列出各单机主要性能参数、机组旋转方向、单机外形尺寸、连接尺寸、维修和拆卸空间所需尺寸、各单机质量、各单机最大检修件名称、质量以及外形尺寸、技术要求的资料等。并推荐厂房长、宽、高等尺寸~机组最大件的尺寸~最大维修件的重量~提出起重量~起升高度等条件。 (A) 空压机总装配图以及主要部件图等 要有主要配合尺寸~最大外型尺寸等。主要部件图的尺寸标注应使甲方和设计院足以复核乙方提供的基础条件图主要尺寸。 (A) 基础条件图 包括地脚螺栓位臵、预留孔、基础外形以及所有作基础设计所需的资料。 (A) 气体出口截止阀、安全阀型号规格。 (A) 机组气体管道和仪表控制流程图(标出流量压力、温度正常值、报警值、停机值、管道规格、法兰标准并有供货界限符号。图例、符号、文字按甲方提供的标准执行。 (A) 水系统流程图(标出流量、压力、温度正常值、管道规格、法兰标准并有供货界限符号。图例、符号、文字按甲方提供的标准执行。 (A) 机组报警及联锁逻缉框图(标出正常值、报警值、联锁整定值)。 (A) 报警、联锁项目一览表(标出报警锁联设定值)。 (A) 仪控设备规格表(发讯开关要标明电气接头规格)。 (A) 就地盘盘面和架装仪表布臵图(包括外形尺寸、荷重、安装尺寸)。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th25 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection (A) 仪表导压配管连接图~标有机组供货范围内仪表检测点及防爆接线箱详细位臵,方位、标高,的平面图,远传仪表及就地仪表盘接线图。接线箱接线图,建议使用24端子接线箱,。 仪表自控材料表、设备材料汇总表, (A) 气路、水系统、系统PID图。 (A) 润滑油和密封油系统,内部冷却系统,机组内部管路系统,内部安全系统管道布臵图~,包括:内部管路系统的振动及应力计算, (B) 电动机资料 电动机外形图和侧视图, 各种端子箱接线图及接线盒, 电机数据表。电机检查和试验报告。 (B) 电机安装、使用、维修说明书。 (B) 机组安装、维修、操作说明书 (B) 工厂试验检验报告~所有供货设备和材料的合格证书~按容规规定的压力容器有关取证资料。 (B) 备件清单 (B) 特殊工具清单 (B) 装箱单 其它常规的出厂随机资料~与机组有关的其它图纸资料~质量控制和材质检验报告。 第六节 其他 1. 本协议未尽事宜三方协商解决。 2. 本协议由甲、乙双方与设计方代表签字后与商务合同同时生效~并与合同具有同等的法律效力~双方应共同遵守。 3. 本协议一式7份~甲方4份~设计方1份~乙方2份。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection 贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司130万吨/年循环经济型煤焦化扩建项目用煤气鼓风机技术协议 甲 方:贵州黔桂天能焦化有限责任公司 代表: 设计方:中冶焦耐,大连,工程技术有限公司 代表: 供 方:西安陕鼓动力股份有限公司 代表: 二?一一年八月五日 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th27 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people's Congress, the CPPCC's role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party's mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection
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