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求职、求学null第五讲 英文自传与简历 第六三 求职、应征、申请信函 第五讲 英文自传与简历 第六三 求职、应征、申请信函 General IntroductionGeneral Introduction A. Resume, Autobiography, CV (CV:record of education and Employment) B. Statement of Purpose C. 1. Application Letter for a job 2. Application Letter...
null第五讲 英文自传与简历 第六三 求职、应征、申请信函 第五讲 英文自传与简历 第六三 求职、应征、申请信函 General IntroductionGeneral Introduction A. Resume, Autobiography, CV (CV:record of education and Employment) B. Statement of Purpose C. 1. Application Letter for a job 2. Application Letter for further study D. Letter of Recommendation求职必备材料求职必备材料 Job Application A. Resume, Autobiography, CV 1. Personal data 2. Educational Background 3. Special Skills:(e.g. language skills) B. Application Letter C. Recommendation Letter D. Others(e.g. Certificates)求学必备材料求学必备材料Application for further study A. SP(Statement of Purpose) 1. Educational Background 2. Major and level 3. Study Plan(Academic Plan) B. Recommendation Letter C. Others(e.g. Grade Card, Certificates)1. Resume1. Resume 简历,个人履历的一种书面达形式,不同于自传。它简明扼要,事实求是,语言,格式特别,内容具体。它基本包括如下几个部分: 1. Name, Address, Tele 2. Experiences 3. Education 4. Personal Data简历的三种基本格式简历的三种基本格式格式一: Resume (Name)======================== (Address)====================== (Telephone Number)============== Education =================================== Experiences ===================================== Personal Data ======================================格式二:格式二:Resume (Name)______________________________________________ (Address)____________________________________________ (Telephone Number)___________________________________ Objective:____________________________________________ Experiences: __________________________________________ Education:_____________________________________________ Personal Data:__________________________________________ 格式三:格式三:Resume Of (Name) Present Address: Permanent Address : ________________ ________________ Personal Data: _______________________________________________________ Experiences: ________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________________________________ Foreign Languages: ________________________________________________________ References:nullTang Hui Yangtze University Jingzhou, Hubei Proince The People’s Republic of China Telephone:0716-8430464 Experiences 1986~Present English Teacher Yangtze University Teaching Reading, Writing, and ListeningnullEducation 1982~1986: B.A. English Language and Literature, Wuhan University 1980~1982: Xiongkou Middle School, Qianjiang, Hubei Personal Data Sex: Male Date of Birth: Aug. 9,1964 Place of Birth: Qianjiang, Hubei, PRC Weight: 60kg Height: 165cm Marital Status: Married with one child Health: ExcellentnullResume Personal Data: Name: Tang Hui Sex: Male Home Address: Foreign Languages Depart, Yangtze University (434023) Telephone: 0716-8430464 Date of Birth: Aug. 9, 1964 Height: 165cm. Weight: 60kg. Hobbies: Reading, Singing, Chess, Football Foreign Languages: Russia, English null Education: 1980~1982 Middle School Attached to Yangtze University 1982~1986 Foreign Languages Depart. Wuhan University 2000~2003 School of Languages and Literature, HuaZhong Normal University Working History: 1986~Present: Teaching English Reading, Listening and Writing in Yangtze University Special Skills and Technical Qualifications: 简历中描述外语技能常用语简历中描述外语技能常用语Foreign Language Skills: Can participate Effectively in formal and informal conversation on practical, social, and professional topics. Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements. Working knowledge of English. Limited use of Russian(Japanese…). Some familiarity with French and German. Proficient (Fluent) in English English: Good conversational ability, some reading and writing; French: Reading and basic writing ability. English language diploma from…nullNear-native fluency in English. Conversant in Japanese. Full knowledge of English, fluent in Portuguese and to a lesser extent in Spanish. My 2000 TOEFL Score: I can read, speak, and write English very well. Able to write letters and reports in English for overseas correspondence and briefing purpose. I have a good command of English. Good in Spoken(oral, writing) English. I have a fair mastery of English(three computer languages) I have rich experience in wordprocessing of both Chinese and English 2. Autobiography2. AutobiographyGeneral Introduction 自传是对自己的生活和工作进行概括的另一种文体,就是以叙述形式出现的。自传无论文体还是措辞都较为自由,它可以写得很长,而成一本书,也可写得很短,相当于一封书信的长度。但它应包含以下几个方面的内容: 1)出生情况(时间、地点、性别); 2)受教育情况; 3)工作经历; 4)个人成就(或特长); 5)将来追求(或求职目标)。 求职时过去一般不做要求,只需递交简历或者自传,二者其一(或具体要求),现在则二者必备。Autobiography by Li MingAutobiography by Li Ming My name is Li Ming. I was born in Jingzhou in 1964. I’m the only son(or girl) and only child in my family.. During my school days, I used to represent my class to participate in English contests. I won several awards from our school for social activities. Although I was not the oldest in my class, I was elected class monitor for five years.When I entered the university, I worked as a part-time tutor in a primary school. My job was to teach pupils English. Sometimes, I had to work late till midnight . However, I enjoyed my work because it enabled me to practice my English. Some of the pupils still send cards to me every year. nullI learned from my parents that one should treat others like brothers and that honesty is the most important thing. It has become my motto for life. My first job was as a teacher of English in a middle school where I worked for four years and then decided to go and teach English in a college. After an oral examination, I was employed and I have worked till now. I assist my family in running a small restaurant which provides students with snacks. My ambition is to write a few books to sum up my teaching experience.Autobiography by Liu BaoAutobiography by Liu Bao My name is Liu Bao. I was born in Honghu on Feb. 14, 1965. My father is a worker in a factory producing clothes and shoes. My mother is a middle school teacher. My brother owns a small bookshop near a college. Most of my family members help him run the bookshop when we have time! At the age of 13, I came to Wuhan to attend a secondary school. I stayed with my grandmother. For the first time I realized that nowhere is better than home. My grandmother’s house is much larger than that of ours and furnished with modern furniture. However, I still miss my parents, brothers and sisters. One thing I learned in those days(of leaving away from home alone) is that all parents love their children so much that they even sacrifice their own time to take care of their dear children. I hope I will be able to treat my parents well when they grow old. null I owe my knowledge to my teacher Miss Lin who made me study hard, especially in English. During the summer vacation, she gave me free tutoring in her house. I learned to read English newspapers and magazines, and this opened my eyes to a lot of interesting things. I remember my teacher once said that“there is no shortcut learning anything.” I also learn to write simple letters and exchange correspondence with pen pals in foreign countries. Some of them even came to Wuhan to see me. We read those letters together and had much fun talking to each other. I showed them our happy life and was told about their homelands. I believe that this is a good way to promote friendship on a people-to-people basis. I began to teach in an institute two years ago, but I soon found that it would not do me much good to continue teaching, because I had little chance to learn more about the wider world. I don’t mind working hard every day but I want to learn more and meet more people.Autobiography by Shi LeiAutobiography by Shi Lei My name is Shi Lei, Alias “Little Stone”. I was born in 1970, and had lived with my family in Tianjin for 12 years before we moved to Wuhan some ten years ago. My family has three boys and two girls. I am the second son. In my childhood I played with girls and boys of my age in the neighborhood. Sometimes I was made the leader in the group. Mother always says to me that I did not like to be commanded to do whatever I did not like unless the boy was stronger than I was. At the age of six I attended Shuiguohu Primary School where I learned the fundamentals of knowledge. I also learned some outside the textbook. Sometimes when the teacher was busy, I would be appointed to lead the class to do exercises, standing on the platform and reading the text the way a teacher would do. In the secondary school, I was deeply influenced by an English teacher. She treated me like her son. Her word such as“Where there’s will, there’s a way” have become my words to live by in my life.null Upon graduation from the secondary school, I was admitted, after a keen competition, into the department of Mechanic Engineering, Yangtze University, where I got A’s in all my majors and two B’s in the minors. During four years of college, I was very active in some of the social activities. For instance, I was the Chairperson of Student Union of our department and the President of English Association and Chief Editor of Green Apple Literature Association, and won the first prize in an English Speech Contest in 1991. It is my belief that one can learn more from college life than from books. After getting my Bachelor degree of science in mechanic engineering, I had a job as an assistant engineer in the Kingdream Co.Ltd, for three years, which producing all kinds of drills. I had a happy life there and I am glad I have learned something more . After that I entered my father’s trading corporation as an assistant manager dealing in machinery import and export. I hope to work for a foreign firm so that I can be independent. Autobiography by Li MeiAutobiography by Li Mei I was born on May 10, 1980, in Changde, Huan. My parents were both born in Chengdu of undistinguished families. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was from a family named Zhu. My grandfather emigrated, about 1954, from Northern to the Province of Sichuan. Because my parents grew up without much education, working laboriously for a living, they wanted their only girl to receive the best education available in China. I was accordingly sent to school when I was six years of age. I had lived up to my parents’ expectation, for my records always showed a distinguished achievement at school, beginning from the primary school to the university. After six years of secondary education, I was successfully admitted to the Chemistry Department, Yangtze University. I have always had a burning desire for Chemistry, and I hope to be an expert in applied Chemistry. Therefore, I took more than the normal amount of credits in the optional subjects and did a lot of outside reading and laboratory work. In summer, I worked at the laboratory of Tianfa Oil Co.Ltd, to earn tuition fees for the next semester and most important of all, to obtain experience and knowledge in field work. Now I will graduate from the university in 8 months, it is time that I find a suitable job to support my family and to make my father live a happy life.3. 求职、应征信3. 求职、应征信 A. General Introduction 求职、应征信是用来直接向某一单位(公司)求取一份工作的申请信。它没有统一的格式,但语言较规范,且有许多常用的套语。写求职、应征信时应注意几点: 1)同所有书信一样,应写得认真、礼貌,对所求职单位加一褒赞,并表示对该单位的向往之情,希望能到该单位工作; 2)应详细介绍自己的情况,包括所受教育、专业、工作履历、婚姻等个方面的情况; 3)应写清楚求取工作种类、工资级别、特殊要求等,给别人一个考虑选择的机会; 4)应写明自己的联系地址、电话、E-mail等,最好附上一个写明邮政编码、地址、并贴足邮资的信封,以便对方同你取得联系,并能及时给你回信; 5)如有必要,应随信附上有关求职、应征材料(如求职推荐信、个人简历、学习成绩单、毕业证书复印件及其他材料),并在信后说明。 ****求职信和应征信是有区别的,但基本格式是一样的:Personal Manager Tianfa Oil Co.Ltd., Shashi Economic and Technological Development Zone 10# Beijing Road, Shashi, Jingzhou Hubei, Peoples Republic of China Post Code: 434000 Phone: (0716)8111000 Fax:(0716)8111222Personal Manager Tianfa Oil Co.Ltd., Shashi Economic and Technological Development Zone 10# Beijing Road, Shashi, Jingzhou Hubei, Peoples Republic of China Post Code: 434000 Phone: (0716)8111000 Fax:(0716)8111222 Zhang Ming Chemistry Department, Yangtze Univ. Jingzhou, Hubei, People’s Republic of China Post Code:434023 Phone:(0716)8430464) Email: Tommy@mail.jhpu.net March 3, 2004 Dear Sir, I am looking for a position as a full-time sectary in your company.null B. 求职、应征信起首常用语句 ◆自荐信起首语句 ●Would you let me know if your hotel needs an experienced public relations girl? ●I am looking for a position as a computer operator at your company. ●Perhaps there is a vacancy in your office for an attractive, experienced, and conscientious secretary. ●As a university graduate, I am seeking a job as a tourist guide. ●Like many other young men graduating from schools, I am keen on getting a suitable job. ●Because I am very desirous of receiving practical experience in sales promotion during July and August, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young men with with three years of educational training and some part-time experience. Maybe I could fill in for one of your staff during the vacation period.null ●I am writing to you to explore the possibility of working in your factory. ●I am looking for employment for the summer of 2004. ●I am writing in the hopes that you will be able to offer me a summer job. ●I am writing to request your assistance in finding a job as a market researcher. ●Could you employ a dependable secretary or an assistant.? ●Knowing how rapidly your insurance business is growing, I beg to ask if you are wanting an accountant. ●In July of this year I shall receive my bachelor’s degree from Yangtze Univ. and I am naturally very much interested in seeking a job. I believe I can qualify as a statistician.null ◆应征信起首语句 ●I wish to apply for the job you are offering in today’s Guangzhou Daily. ●I am very excited and delighted over the good news that you are recruiting a secretary. ●Please consider me an applicant for the position which you advertised in People’s Daily of May 10. ●With reference to your advertisement in China Daily of March 16 for an accountant, I offer myself for the post. ●In reply to your ad. in yesterday’s Shenzhen Daily, I respectfully offer my services for the position. ●I should like to apply for the job advertised in the enclosed clipping from China Daily of October 10. ●I am glad to hear that you are seeking a tutor; I hope to offer my services. ●Learning from Miss Mei that you are looking for an English translator, I should like to apply for the post.null ●Your ad. for a sales manager in Hubei Daily of August 10 has interested me very much. I feel I can fill that vacancy. ●On looking over today’s China Daily my attention was attracted by your ad. for an assistant to the general manager. Now as I am desirous of obtaining such a position, I should like to apply for the same. ●In answer to your ad. in today’s Beijing Daily for an office clerk, I wish to tender my services. ●Referring to your ad. in yesterday’s South Daily for a few programmers, I hope to offer myself for the position. ●In response to your ad. in today’s South Daily for a professor of English, I tender my services for the situation. ●I would like to apply for the post mentioned in your ad. in Beijing Daily of April 15. ●I wish to apply for the position of editorial assistant advertised in yesterday’s China Daily.null C. 说明个人情况常用语句 ◆说明个人年龄与经历 ●I am just leaving university, and am 23 years old. ●I am twenty-two years of age, and have been employed for the last five years by Guangzhou Renmin Printing House in the general clerical work of the office. ●For three years after my graduation in 1991, I have been working as a research worker in a designing institute in Shanghai. ●I have been for over six years in the employ of a foreign trade company. ●I am twenty-nine years old, and have been serving as an electrical engineer at Guangzhou Globe Electric Appliance Factory for four years. ●I have been in the business for the last eight years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.null ●I am twenty years old, female and have had three years’ experience in reception at Beijing Hotel. ●For the past four years, I have been and still am an assistant to the general manager at Zhuhai Dongda Enterprises(Holdings) Company. ●Since my graduation from Yangtze University five years ago, I have been employed as an export sales staff member at Cunlei Garment Factory. ●I am twenty-one years of age, and have had three years’ experience in my present post as a typist, which I am leaving to better myself. ●I have had four years’ experience with a city company as a market analyst. ●I am twenty-two years old, and am anxious to settle down to office work.null ◆说明教育程度 ●In 2003, I graduated from the department of Electronic Information Engineering at Yangtze University. ●I am an undergraduate student in the Geo-science Department of Yangtze University, majoring in Geophysics. ●I specialized in Prospecting Technology and Engineering at Yangtze University, from which I graduated in July, 2002 with highest honors. ●I am enrolled in the graduate school of Yangtze Univ. ●My major in college was Human Resources Administration. ●As an undergraduate, I had a double major of Marketing and Accounting. ● I am presently a student at college. I have half a year to complete before I graduate. ● In 2003 I received my B. S. in Water Supply & Drainage Engineering from Yangtze University.null ●I hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from Yangtze University. Along with my computer science courses, I also selected some courses in Industrial & Commercial Administration. ●I am twenty-three years of age, currently in the second year of graduate study in Department of Oil Engineering at Yangtze University. ● I shall obtain my B. S. in High Polymer Materials & Engineering from Yangtze University next month. ◆说明个人能力 ●I am able to take dictation in English and transcribe them rapidly into Chinese. ●I am a good computer programmer and have a thorough knowledge of the English language. ●I have a good knowledge of bookkeeping.null ●For all the time I was in the employ of China National Silk Corporation, I had the sole charge of their correspondence. ●Being well acquainted with office work, I could make myself generally useful, should there be any opportunity of your requiring my services. ●I have rich experience in wordprocessing of both Chinese and English. ●At college, I passed College English Test Band 4(6). ●I can read, speak, and wr
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