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英美澳成语Variety Idioms 英美澳成语 英语成语有变体,但都是约定俗成的,不能随意更改。变体主要有三种:第一种是动词的变化,如:have和get的互换等;第二种是名词和介词的变化;第三种是英国、美国和澳大利亚不同国家的变体。本单元所列出的是第三种"变体成语"。相同的意思在不同的国家会有不同的说法,如:英国人和澳大利亚人常说的A storm in a teacup到了美国可能就会变成A tempest in a teapot(因小事而引起的波折)。还有些是英语国家的特色成语,比如澳大利亚英语成语:Have a kangaro...
Variety Idioms 英美澳成语 英语成语有变体,但都是约定俗成的,不能随意更改。变体主要有三种:第一种是动词的变化,如:have和get的互换等;第二种是名词和介词的变化;第三种是英国、美国和澳大利亚不同国家的变体。本单元所列出的是第三种"变体成语"。相同的意思在不同的国家会有不同的说法,如:英国人和澳大利亚人常说的A storm in a teacup到了美国可能就会变成A tempest in a teapot(因小事而引起的波折)。还有些是英语国家的特色成语,比如澳大利亚英语成语:Have a kangaroo in one's top paddock(在最好的草场养袋鼠),其它国家的人很难理解。在全球化的今天,学英语应该有"变体意识",此处的"变体意识"主要是指词汇的变体,如:"高速公路"在美国是freeway,在英国是motorway,"汽油"在英国是petrol,到了美国就成了gas. 而澳大利亚汽车跑的是"美国的高速公路",加的是"英国汽油"。 本单元是变体英语成语。第一至第八条是英、美、澳的变体;第九至第十五条是英国英语成语;第十六至第二十三条是美国英语成语;第二十四至第三十条是澳大利亚英语成语。关键词包括: storm ― tempest ― tether ― rope ― flog ― beat ― edgeways ― edgewise ―bag ― baby ― brick ― roof ― woods ― forest ― spanner ― wrench ― chalk ― courses ― wicket ― bat ― pigeons ― swing ― wedge ― stick ― hole ― base ― draw ― curve ― breeze ― fair ― fix ― go ― kangaroo ― hose― bone 1. A storm in a teacup字面意思:茶杯里的风暴。 [解释] An argument, quarrel or disturbance about something not important. 小事而引起的争论或风波。变体:美国人常用A tempest in a teapot(茶壶里的暴风雨)。 [例句] They will become friends again soon. I think the argument they had is only a storm in a teacup. 2. At the end of one's tether字面意思:到了缰绳的尽头。 [解释] Very worried or troubled, and not knowing what to do. 很着急、很担心,不知道该怎么办;无能为力;手足无措。变体:美国人多用At the end of one's rope(到了绳子的尽头)。说明:为不让马乱跑,又要让它在草场吃草,把缰绳的另一头用长铁钉固定地里,马只能在一定的半径内活动。 [例句] The son refused to go to school and stayed up late at night watching TV. The mother was at the end of her tether and did not how to discipline her son. 3. Flog a dead horse字面意思:鞭笞死马。 [解释] Try to continue discussing or arousing interest in something that that has already been fully discussed or that is no longer of interest. 对反复讨论过的事情继续讨论;或再度提起大家已失去兴趣的事情,试图重新引起大家的兴趣。变体:美国人多用Beat a dead horse(鞭打死马)。 [例句] Stop arguing! You have won your point. Now you are just flogging a dead horse. 4. Get a word in edgeways字面意思:从旁边插一句话。 [解释] Succeed in saying something when other people are talking and ignoring you. 能插上嘴(说话)。变体:美国人多用Get a word in edgewise(在侧面说一句话)。说明:这条成语常用于否定句。 [例句] It was such an exciting conversation that my daughter could hardly get a word in edgeways. 5. Leave someone holding the baby字面意思:让某人抱小孩。 [解释] Leave someone with the responsibility for something, especially something difficult or unpleasant, often when it was originally someone else's responsibility. 使某人对难题或不好的事情承担责任,而这个责任原本应该由其他的人承担。变体:美国人常用Leave someone holding the bag(让某人拿着袋子)。说明:这条成语常用于被动语态。 [例句] We all promised to look after the garden when the owner was away, but I was left holding the baby on my own. 6. Like a cat on hot bricks字面意思:像热砖头上的猫。 [解释] Nervous and unable to keep still. 精神紧张,不能保持平静;烦躁不安、乱动;像热锅上的蚂蚁。变体:美国人多用Like a cat on a hot tin roof(像滚烫的铁皮屋顶上的猫)。. [例句] What's wrong with him? He is like a cat on hot bricks now. 7. Not see the wood for the trees字面意思:只见树木,不见森林。 [解释] Not be able to see a general problem because one is looking at the details. 只顾细节、看不到整体。变体:美国人常用Not see the forest for the trees. 说明:Wood用单数,跟forest同义。成语常跟情态动词can或unable连用。 [例句] The economist thought that all financial problems are due to lack of consumer demand. He could not see the wood for the trees. 8. Throw a spanner in the works字面意思:在工作现场扔扳手。 [解释] Sabotage a plan or enterprise; spoil a scheme by creating difficulties or obstructions. 搞破坏;制造麻烦或障碍;出难题以阻止某事的进行。变体:美国人常用Throw a wrench in the works(英国的spanner等于美国的wrench, 指的是叉型扳手)。美国人还说Throw a monkey wrench into the works(往工作现场扔活动扳手)。 [例句] The chief engineer was discontented and he left the company taking with him the plans of the current project. He threw a spanner in the works. 9. Blind someone with science字面意思:拿学问蒙哄别人。 [解释] Confuse someone by using technical language so that they are not likely to understand. 在讲话中用尽可能多的术语,目的是让人听不懂。说明:在英国和澳大利亚用得较多。 [例句] The speaker tried to blind the students with science because he did not want the students asking any difficult questions. 10. Different as chalk and cheese字面意思:粉笔和奶酪的区别。 [解释] Completely different. 完全不同。变体:As different as day and night(白天和夜晚的区别)。说明:这条成语英国人用的多。比喻外貌相似而实质不同。 [例句] Although Michael and Andrew are twins, they are as different as chalk and cheese. 11. Horses for courses字面意思:不同的马喜欢不同的跑道。 [解释] Choose suitable people for different activities because different everyone has different skills. 根据需要,做不同的工作要选不同的人。说明:Course指的是赛马场的"跑道"。有的马在硬地上跑得快,有的在雨天跑得快。当我们要表达"人选很重要"、"适合某项工作"的时候,常用这条成语。这条成语多用于英国和澳大利亚。 [例句] Oh well, horses for courses. Just because a tailor can make nice clothes for you, it doesn't follow that he can fix your washing machine as well. 12. Off one's own bat字面意思:脱离自己的球板。 [解释] Choose to do something or decide to do something rather than being told to do it. 主动选择某事物;自己决定要做某事,而不是别人要求你做。说明:Bat指的是球板(板球)、球棒(棒球和垒球)或球拍(乒乓球);此处不是"蝙蝠"的意思。这条成语英国人和澳大利亚人用的多。 [例句] "Did your teacher ask you to write this paper?" "No, I am doing it off my own bat." 13. On a sticky wicket字面意思:在粘滑的场地上。 [解释] In a difficult situation and find it hard to deal with the problems. 处于困难的境地;感觉处理某事很难。说明:Wicket在此处指的是板球场的两座三柱门之间的场地。下雨地滑,击球手(batsman)很难判断球的路线。A sticky wicket也是成语,用来指"难题"或"困境"。板球是英联邦国家在夏天的最流行的体育运动。英国、澳大利亚、印度、巴基斯坦等国是板球大国。 [例句] We all know that he is on a sticky wicket again, and that he does not know how to deal with the situation himself. 14. Swings and roundabouts字面意思:摇摆和迂回。 [解释] A situation in which there are as many advantages as there are problems. 利和弊同样多的局面;有得有失的事情。说明:常用于It's swings and roundabouts这样的句式。这条成语来源于谚语What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts(有所失就有所得)。这条成语在英联邦国家用的多。 [例句] If you save money by buying a nice big house 20 km out of town, you pay more money to travel to work in the city. 15. The thin end of the wedge字面意思:楔子尖儿。 [解释] A minor or unimportant event or act that is the first stage in something more serious or unfortunate. 更严重的不幸事件发生之前的一个无足轻重的事件。说明:这是一条英国英语中的成语。 [例句] The manager thinks that if she gives her secretary a payrise, it will be the thin end of the wedge and all the staff will demand one. 16. Get a line on someone or something字面意思:得到连接某人的一条线。 [解释] Get special information that will help one find someone or do something. 得到寻找某人或某物的特殊信息。说明:多用于美国。 [例句] FBI agents hope to get a line on the so-called terrorist from the fingerprints she left. 17. Get on the stick字面意思:拿起球棍。 [解释] Force oneself to hurry or to start working. 迫使自己迅速行动或开始工作。说明:可指曲棍球或马球的"球棍"。多用于美国。 [例句] If I get on the stick, I will finish the book by the end of the year. 18. Get the short end of the stick字面意思:拿到棍棒短的那一头。 [解释] End up with less than someone else; end up cheated or deceived. 比别人得到的少;被人蒙蔽、欺骗;受害。变体:Have the short end of the stick或End up with the short end of the stick. 多用于美国和澳大利亚。 说明:Stick在过去指拔河比赛(tug-of-war)用的荆条或粗绳子。 [例句] Why do girls always get the short end of the stick? They should have a fair share. 19. Go to bat for someone字面意思:代替某人出场击球。 [解释] Give help and support to someone who is in trouble, especially by talking to someone else for them. 帮助有困难的人(多指出面替有困难的人说话)。说明:成语出自板球(澳大利亚)和棒球(美国)运动。 [例句] If you tell me the whole story, I will go to bat for you. 20. In the hole字面意思:在洞里。 [解释] Owe money to someone else. 欠别人钱。说明:指的是"赌桌上的洞"。进入赌场的赌徒给赌场付钱要扔在洞里面。这条成语美国人用得多。 [例句] I gave him two hundred yuan last week, but now he is three hundred yuan in the hole. 21. Off base字面意思:离垒。 [解释] Mistaken or wrong. 错误的;不正确的。有时也指毫无准备的。说明:Base指的是棒球比赛中的"垒"。在比赛中,不按规定离垒要被判犯规。美语成语。Base还有"基地"的意思。 [例句] We don't think the company is off base in cutting more staff members. 22. Quick on the draw字面意思:拔得快。 [解释] Quick to act; quick to respond to anything. 动作迅速;反应快。说明:Draw指的是"拔出"(手枪),常见于好莱坞电影的决斗场面。相反的成语是:Slow on the draw(拔的慢)。美语成语。 [例句] Tom got the right answer again. He is really quick on the draw. 23. Throw a curve字面意思:给某人扔一颗拐弯的球。 [解释] Surprise someone in an unpleasant way; deceive or confuse; mislead or lie. 吓人一跳;使人大吃一惊;欺骗、误导;说谎话骗人。变体:Throw someone a curve ball. 说明:成语出自棒球运动。美国人用得多。 [例句] My boss threw me a curve ball when he said I would have to work late the night of the final football match between China and Korea. 24. Bat the breeze字面意思:用球板击打微风。 [解释] Engage in idle talk. 毫无目的的谈话;闲聊。说明:Bat本义是"球板",在此作动词,意思是"击打"。这条成语多用于澳大利亚。 [例句] I was angry when I saw two men standing in the middle of the road batting the breeze. 25. Fair dinkum字面意思:的确真实。 [解释] True; real. 真实;真正。说明:据说dinkum是19世纪60年代在澳大利亚"新金山"淘金的广东人所说的一句话,意思是"顶好的"。短语Fair dinkum加问号变成问句时,意思是:Really? Is it true? How come? [例句] If you are planning for a holiday, you should think about having a fair dinkum holiday in Australia. 26. Fix someone up字面意思:安顿某人。 [解释] Attend to someone's wants; pay someone what is due. (餐馆饭店服务员)为顾客点菜等;还所欠的钱。说明:澳大利亚英语成语。 [例句] Please take a seat and our waitress will come and fix you up in a minute. 27. Give someone a go字面意思:让他来试一次。 [解释] Give someone a chance; let someone have a try. 给某人机会;给某人尝试的机会。说明:多用在澳大利亚。 [例句] I know he is young, but I still think we should give him a go and let him try and fix the computer. 28. Have kangaroos in one's top paddock字面意思:在最好的草场养袋鼠。 [解释] Silly or crazy. 傻;思维不正常。说明:在澳大利亚,草场是养牛羊的,不是用来养袋鼠的。Paddock的意思是"牧场"或"草场"。 [例句] What? You want to adopt another baby? You must have kangaroos in your top paddock. 29. Home and hosed字面意思:到家了,冲洗了。 [解释] Finished completely and successfully. 胜利结束;彻底完成;活儿干完了。说明:Hose指的是"胶皮水管",此处当动词用。澳大利亚英语。就像是穿胶皮靴在地里干活,完工回家,进家门之前把靴子冲洗干净后的一句话。 [例句] You can sit back and relax now, for the project is home and hosed. 30. Point the bone at someone字面意思:用骨头指向某人。 [解释] Wish someone bad luck; bring death to an enemy. 诅咒某人;让敌人去死。说明:澳大利亚土著人的迷信,如果用一块骨头指向一个人,那个人就会走厄运,或死亡。 [例句] The leader of the opposition Party pointed the bone at the Prime Minister this morning in Canberra, hoping everything will go wrong with the Labor Party. 操练成语 I. 多项选择练习。 1. □She can't see the forest for the trees. A. She can't see the general situation. B. She can't see the details. C. She is as blind as a bat. 2. □We should give him a go. A. We should learn from him. B. We should sack him. C. We should let him have a try. 3. □The teacher is at the end of his rope. A. The teacher has lost hope. B. The teacher has finished his work. C. The teacher is very angry. 4. □The artist threw a spanner in the works. A. The artist caused a sensation. B. The artist caused a problem. C. The artist put forward a good suggestion. 5. □They are on a sticky wicket. A. They are having a good time. B. They are in trouble. C. They are fully satisfied. 6. □They are as different as chalk and cheese. A. They are the same. B. They are very different. C. They are relatives. 7. □She got the short end of the stick. A. She suffered. B. She benefited. C. She got angry. 8. □We are home and hosed. A. We have finished our work. B. We are safe and sound. C. We are all invited. 9. □She pointed the bone at the bus driver. A. She wished the driver good luck. B. She wished the driver bad luck. C. She gave directions to the driver. 10. □She was left holding the baby. A. She had to be responsible for what was left. B. She had to work as a baby-sitter. C. Unexpectedly she became pregnant. II. 填单词完成下列成语。 1. point the ________________ at someone. 2. ________________ a dead horse. 3. throw a _________________ in the works. 4. leave someone holding the ________________. 5. blind someone with ________________ . 6. ________________ for courses. 7. get the short ________________ of the stick. 8. a storm in a ________________. 9. ________________ the breeze. 10. like a cat on hot ________________. 11. ________________ someone a curve ball. 12. off one's own ________________. 13. as different as ________________ and cheese. 14. ________________ on the draw. 15. get a word in ________________. III. 找出下列成语的大概意思。 [1] in the hole. [ ] chat idly. [2] bat the breeze. [ ] in difficult situation. [3] home and hosed. [ ] let someone try. [4] on a sticky wicket. [ ] in debt. [5] off base. [ ] deceive someone. [6] give someone a go. [ ] do sth. voluntarily. [7] off one's own bat. [ ] completed. [8] throw someone a curve. [ ] true. [9] fix someone up. [ ] serve someone. [10] fair dinkum. [ ] wrong. IV. 根据汉英提示写出英语成语。 1. 闲聊 → bat ___ ________ 2. 诅咒某人 → point ___ ______ __ ________ 3. 动作迅速 → quick __ ____ _______ 4. 给某人一次机会 → give ___________ ___ ____ 5. 替别人求情 → go __ ____ ___ ____________ 6. 比别人得到的少 → get ___ ______ ____ __ ___ _____ 7. 完全不同 → as different __ _______ ___ _______ 8. 只见树木,不见森林 → not see ___ _______ ___ ___ _______ 9. 要别人承担责任 → leave ___________ ________ ___ _____ 10. 手足无措 → at the ____ __ _____ ________ V. 填单词完成下列句子。 1. The teacher tried to ________________ us with science. 2. The family is on a ________________ wicket. 3. The two students are as different as chalk and ________________. 4. I will ________________ you up in a minute. 5. Give them a ________________. 6. He suddenly found himself to be ________________ the hole. 7. This is only a ________________ in teapot. 8. Tom, you are flogging a ________________ horse! 9. She looks like a cat on a hot tin ________________. 10. ________________ for courses. I think she is the suitable person for the job. VI. 用英语或汉语解释下列句子的意思。 1. She can't see the wood for the trees. 2. My teacher threw me a curve. 3. She is having a kangaroo in her top paddock. 4. Fair dinkum? 5. It's swings and roundabouts. 6. Give her a go. 7. I did it off my own bat. 8. This might be the thin end of the wedge. 9. She is not willing to go bat for me. 10. The policeman was quick on the draw. VII. 用成语完成下列句子。 1. Nobody told him to do it. She made the suggestions … 2. He used many technical term in his lecture. He … 3. I do not have anything in common with my sister, we are … 4. I think Tom will win the quiz show, because he … 5. Their income is too high to qualify for help from the government. They … 6. Higher earnings mean more tax, so it's all … 7. "I think we have finished everything." "Yes, I agree. We … 8. I think they are in a difficult situation. They are … 9. She can't think of anything she could do to deal with the situation. She … 10. The poor boy said he was in love with the famous pop star. But I think …
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