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精神分裂症 Schizophrenia Fact Sheet 精神分裂症情况说明书 By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. Speak the word “schizophrenia” and you’ll likely receive reactions peppered with misunderstanding and fear. The disorder is largely shrouded in myths, stereotypes and stigma. For instance, many eq...
Schizophrenia Fact Sheet 精神分裂症情况说明书 By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. Speak the word “schizophrenia” and you’ll likely receive reactions peppered with misunderstanding and fear. The disorder is largely shrouded in myths, stereotypes and stigma. For instance, many equate schizophrenia with violence and criminals. But schizophrenia sufferers aren’t likelier to be violent than others, unless they have a criminal history before becoming sick or unless they abuse alcohol and drugs (see Schizophrenia and Violence). Also, despite its etymology and its portrayal in movies, schizophrenia isn’t a split personality: It literally means “split mind.” 一谈起精神分裂这个词,人们的普遍反应就是误解和恐惧。这种疾病被裹上了一层神秘的色彩,打上了陈腐和耻辱的烙印。例如,人们把精神分裂症和暴力和罪犯等同起来。但是实际上,精神分裂症患者并不比其他人更暴力,除非他们在犯病之前就已经有犯罪记录或者酗酒,吸毒。而且根据他字面上的意思以及它在很多电影里面塑造的形象,他不是“人格的分裂”,字面上的意思其实是“思维分裂” Schizophrenia is a chronic, debilitating disorder, characterized by an inability to distinguish between what is real and what isn’t. A person with schizophrenia experiences hallucinations and delusional thoughts and is unable to think rationally, communicate properly, make decisions or remember information. To the public, a sufferer’s behavior might seem odd or outrageous. Not surprisingly, the disorder can ruin relationships and negatively affect work, school and everyday activities. 精神分裂症是一种慢性的衰弱性的紊乱,患者的主要特征是不能区分现实和虚幻。患者往往充满幻想而且不能理智思考,正常的交流,做正确的决定,对信息的记忆能力也很差。对大家而言,患者的行为往往充满着古怪或者是难以容忍的。毫不奇怪,这种紊乱对患者的工作,学习,社会关系以及日常生活产生极大地影响。 About one-third of individuals with schizophrenia attempt suicide. Fortunately, however, schizophrenia is treatable with both medication and therapy, making it imperative to recognize the symptoms and receive the correct diagnosis. The earlier a person is accurately diagnosed, the sooner he or she can start an effective treatment plan. 大概有三分之一的精神分裂症患者曾尝试自杀。幸运的是,精神分裂症是可以通过药物和疗程来治愈的,但是要得到正确的诊断,清楚地认识到这些症状是很有必要的。越早能够得到精确地诊断,他就能越快的开始行之有效的治疗。 What Causes Schizophrenia? 精神分裂症成因 As with other psychological disorders, it’s believed that schizophrenia is a complex interplay of genetics, biology (brain chemistry and structure) and environment. 和其他的心理疾病一样,精神分裂症也是各种因素综合作用而成的,他们包括基因反面的,生物方面的(脑化学及结构)以及环境方面的. · Genetics: Schizophrenia typically runs in families, so it’s likely the disorder is inherited. If an identical twin has schizophrenia, the other twin is 50 percent more likely to have the disorder. That also points out the likelihood of other causes: If schizophrenia were purely genetic, both identical twins always would have the disorder. 基因: 精神分裂症多有家族史,很可能是遗传的.如果双胞胎中的一个患有精神分裂症,另一个就会有大于50%de 几率患此病。这也指出了其他一些成因的可能性,如果精神分裂症只和基因有关的话,双胞胎中的两个都会有问。 · Brain chemistry and structure: Neurotransmitters—chemicals in the brain, including dopamine and glutamate, that communicate between neurons—are believed to play a role. There also is evidence to suggest that the brains of individuals with schizophrenia are different from those of healthy individuals (for details, see Keshavan, Tandon, Boutros & Nasrallah, 2008). 脑化学及结构 :神经介质是起作用的成分——大脑中负责神经细胞交流的化学成分(包括多巴胺,谷氨酸盐). 也有证据显示,患精神分裂症的大脑与健康人的大脑是不一样的. · Environment: Some research points to child abuse, early traumatic events, severe stress, negative life events and living in an urban environment as contributing factors. Additional causes include physical and psychological complications during pregnancy, such as viral infection, malnutrition and the mother’s stress. 环境:有研究表明虐童,早期创伤性的事件,巨大的压力,生活中的一些不利的事情以及都市环境都有可能是促因,其他诸如孕期的一些生理上和心理上的一些并发症,比如病毒感染,营养不良以及母亲的压力等. What Are the Different Types of Schizophrenia? 精神分裂症的种类 · Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by auditory hallucinations and delusions about persecution or conspiracy. However, unlike those who have other subtypes of the disease, these individuals show relatively normal cognitive functioning. 偏执型精神分裂症: 主要症状是在听觉方面产生幻觉,总觉得有什么阴谋或者自己要被迫害,然而和其他类型不一样的是,这类患者通常在认知功能方面比较正常. · Disorganized schizophrenia is a disruption of thought processes, so much so that daily activities (e.g., showering, brushing teeth) are impaired. Sufferers frequently exhibit inappropriate or erratic emotions. For instance, they might laugh at a sad occasion. Also, their speech becomes disorganized and nonsensical. 错乱型精神分裂症: 主要是思维过程的混乱,一般的日常生活比如洗澡,刷牙等都不能自理。 · Catatonic schizophrenia involves a disturbance in movement. Some might stop moving (catatonic stupor) or experience radically increased movement (catatonic excitement). Also, these individuals might assume odd positions, continuously repeat what others are saying (echolalia) or imitate another person’s movement (echopraxia). 紧张型精神分裂症:主要是行动混乱。有的患者可能突然停止不动(紧张性僵呆)或者突然动作很迅猛(紧张性激动).而且这些患者可能会做一些奇怪的动作手势,不断的重复别人说的话(模仿言语)或者模仿别人的动作(模仿动作) · Undifferentiated schizophrenia includes several symptoms from the above types, but the symptoms don’t exactly fit the criteria for the other kinds of schizophrenia. 未分化型分裂症: 包含几种以上几种类型的症状,但是这些症状并不适用其他类型的精神分裂症的标准 · Residual schizophrenia is diagnosed when a person no longer exhibits symptoms or these symptoms aren’t as severe. 残余型精神分裂症: 当患者并不表现这些症状或者这些症状情况没有这么严重。 What Are the Risk Factors for Schizophrenia? 精神分裂症的风险因素 Recent research identified five risk factors for teens, which are similar in adults: 最近的研究列出了五种青少年精神分裂症的成因,成人的情况类似 1. Schizophrenia in the family 2. Unusual thoughts 3. Paranoia or suspicion 4. Social impairment 5. Substance abuse 1. 家族精神分裂症病史 2. 异常的思维方式 3. 偏执或者疑心 4. 社交障碍 5. 滥用药物 Symptoms of Schizophrenia 精神分裂症的症状 There are three types of symptoms in schizophrenia: positive, negative and cognitive. 主要有三种类型的症状:阳性的,阴性的以及认知的 1. Positive (symptoms that should not be present) · Hallucinations (something a person sees, smells, hears and feels that isn’t really there). The most common hallucination in schizophrenia is hearing voices. · Delusions (a false belief that isn’t true) 阳性的:(非表象的症状) 幻觉(有时候患者看到的,闻到的,听到的以及感受到的都是实际上并不存在的东西) 精神分裂症最常见的幻觉是听觉上的 错觉(错误的想法) 2. Negative (symptoms that should be present) · Flat (individuals show no emotion) or inappropriate affect (e.g., giggling at a funeral) · Avolition (little interest or drive). This can mean little interest in daily activities, such as personal hygiene. 阴性的:(表象的症状) 没有感情:患者没有情感或者有不当的情感(例如在葬礼上傻笑) 没有斗志:没有兴趣或者动力,这可以解释日常他们在日常活动中缺乏兴趣,例如个人卫生. These symptoms often are harder to recognize, because they’re so subtle. 以上症状比较微妙,相对来讲比较难以发觉. 3. Cognitive symptoms (associated with thinking) · Disorganized speech (the person isn’t making any sense) · Grossly disorganized or catatonic (unresponsive) behavior · Inability to remember things · Poor executive functioning (a person is unable to process information and make decisions) 认知型症状(与思维相关的) 语言混乱(说话没有任何意义) 行动迟缓僵硬 记不住事情 执行功能差(患者不能处理信息和做决定) How Is Schizophrenia Diagnosed? 精神分裂症病史如何诊断 To diagnose schizophrenia, a trained mental health professional conducts a face-to-face clinical interview, asking detailed questions about family health history and the individual’s symptoms. Though there isn’t a medical exam for schizophrenia, doctors typically order medical tests to rule out any health conditions or substance abuse that might mimic schizophrenia symptoms. 诊断精神分裂症病史,专业的精神健康专家会进行一个面对面的临床面谈,详细询问家庭健康史以及患者的症状。 尽管针对精神分裂症没有特别的医学考试,医生们都会安排一个医学测试来排除任何其他的类似精神分裂症症状的健康情况或者药物滥用情况 According to the DSM-IV-TR, the standard reference book mental health professionals use to help make diagnoses, medical conditions that can imitate symptoms of schizophrenia include: neurological conditions (e.g., Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, auditory nerve injury); endocrine内分泌的conditions (e.g., hyper- or hypothyroidism); metabolic conditions (e.g., hypoglycemia); and renal (kidney) diseases. 根据《诊断标准》-精神健康专家用来参考做出诊断的标准参考书,类似精神分裂症症状的医学状况包括:神经学方面的(例如亨廷顿氏病,癫痫,听觉神经受损);内分泌方面的(例如甲状腺功能减退);新陈代谢的方面的(例如低血糖症)以及肾病 What Treatments Exist for Schizophrenia? 精神分裂症的治疗方法 Schizophrenia can be successfully managed with medication and psychotherapy. For the majority of schizophrenia sufferers, medication is highly effective in controlling symptoms. However, finding the right medication can take time; each medication affects each person differently. Patients typically try several medications before finding the best one for them. 精神分裂症可以通过药物和心理治疗的方式来成功治愈。对大多数精神分裂症患者而言,在控制这些症状方面是很有效的。但是找到合适的药物需要时间,而且每一种药物的作用也因人而异。通常病人要试过几种不同的药物之后才能找到最合适的 It’s important to discuss the details of each medication’s risks and benefits with your doctor, take the medication as prescribed and never stop taking your medication without first talking to the doctor. 与你的医生仔细讨论每一种药物的的效果与风险是很重要的,遵医嘱服药,不要不经过和医生论过就擅自停药,这一点也很重要。 What Kinds of Medications Are Used for Schizophrenia? 治疗精神分裂症的药物种类 · Typical antipsychotics. Available since the mid-1950s, these older antipsychotics used to be the first line of treatment, because they successfully reduced hallucinations and delusions. These include: haloperidol (Haldol), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), perphenazine (Etrafon, Trilafon) and fluphenzine (Prolixin). · 典型性抗精神病药 上个世纪50年代中期,因为这些药物能够有效的减轻幻觉和错觉这些早期的抗精神病药一般用于治疗精神分裂症的先期治疗。这些药物包括:氟哌啶醇,氯丙嗪,奋乃静和氟奋乃静 Many patients stop taking their medication because of its extrapyramidal side effects. “Extrapyramidal” actions are those that affect movement, such as muscle spasms, , fidgeting and pacing. 很多病人因为锥体外系症状的副作用就停止服药,所谓锥体外系症状就是这些影响行动的症状,例如肌肉痉挛,抽筋,烦躁不安以及来回踱步 Taking typical antipsychotics long-term can cause tardive dyskinesia—involuntary, random movements of the body, such as facial grimacing and movements of the mouth, tongue and legs. Because of these side effects, atypical antipsychotics largely have replaced traditional antipsychotics. 长期服用典型性抗精神病类药可能导致迟发性运动障碍——身体不自觉地,随意的运动,比如面部怪相,口舌腿部位的乱动。因为这些副作用的原因,非典型性抗精神病类药已经很大程度上取代了典型性抗精神病类药 · Atypical antipsychotics. Developed in the 1990s, these medications have become the standard treatment for schizophrenia. That’s because they effectively control positive symptoms and help treat negative symptoms without the same side effects as traditional antipsychotics. They include: aripiprazole (Abilify), risperidone (Risperdal), olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel), clozapine (Clozaril), olanzapine/fluoxetine (Symbyax), and ziprasidone (Geodon). 非典型性抗精神病类药:发展于20世纪90年代,因为其能有效的控制精神分裂症的阳性症状,并帮助治疗精神分裂症的阴性症状却不会产生传统的抗精神病类药的副作用,非典型性抗精神病类药已经成为精神分裂症的标准治疗方法。非典型性抗精神病类药包括:阿立哌唑,利哌利酮,奥氮平,喹硫平,氯氮平,氟西汀,齐拉西酮 Though they rarely cause extrapyramidal complications, each atypical antipsychotic comes with its own side effects. For instance, though effective and much cheaper than other atypicals, clozapine can cause agranulocytosis — a condition that leaves the bone marrow unable to produce enough white blood cells to fight off infection. The newer antipsychotics don’t cause agranulocytosis, but they do cause significant weight gain and increase the risk for diabetes, which can have serious health complications. 尽管他们很少会有锥体束外的的并发症,但是每一种非典型性抗精神病类药均有其特有的副作用。比如说,尽管氯氮平很有效,也比其他的非典型类药更便宜,它却能导致粒细胞缺乏——骨髓不能产生足够多的白细胞来抵御感染。更新的抗精神病类药却不会导致粒细胞缺乏,但是它们确实会导致体重严重增加,也会增加患糖尿病的风险,引发各种并发症。 Psychotherapy 心理疗法 When combined with medication, psychotherapy can be a valuable tool in managing schizophrenia. Therapy facilitates medication adherence, social skills, goal setting, support and everyday functioning. Different types of psychotherapy benefit patients in different ways. 结合药物的治疗,心理疗法在治疗精神分裂症方面是很重要的方法,这些疗法可以减轻对药物的依赖性,提高社交技能,有助于病人目标设定以及日常工作的履行。不同类型的心理疗法以不同的方式对病人有所助益。 Illness management helps patients become an expert on their disorder, so they learn more about their symptoms, the warning signs of a potential relapse, various treatment options and coping strategies. The goal is for patients to be actively involved in their treatment. 疾病管理 可以有效的帮助病人称为这方面疾病的专家。他们可以学到更多,关于他们的症状,复发的征兆,各种治疗方案的选择以及相应的应对方式。设立目标有助于病人帮助病人在治疗过程中更加积极的配合。 Rehabilitation gives patients the tools to be independent and navigate everyday life by teaching them social, vocational and financial skills. Patients learn how to manage money, cook and communicate better. There are many different types of rehabilitation programs. 康复中心 通过精神分裂症患者的社交,职业以及财政方面的技能,康复中心可以帮助病人在其日常生活中更加的独立和明确。 Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients develop techniques to challenge their thoughts, ignore the voices in their heads and overcome apathy. 认知行为治疗 可以帮助病人提高挑战他们认知的能力,忽略他们脑海里的声音,克服恐惧。 Family education provides families with the tools to help and support their loved one. Families gain a deeper understanding of schizophrenia and learn coping strategies and other skills to prevent relapses and bolster treatment adherence. 家庭教育 家庭成员可以给患者更多的支持和帮助。家庭成员对精神分裂症有更深的了解,怎么应对精神分裂症,以及其他一些技能可以有效的帮助复发以及巩固治疗 Family therapy aims to reduce familial stress by teaching relatives how to discuss problems immediately, brainstorm solutions and pick the best one. Families who participate in therapy significantly decrease the chances of their loved one relapsing. 家庭疗法:主要目标是通过教亲戚朋友如何及时讨论问题,对所有的解决方案进行分析筛选并找到最好的方案来减轻家庭的压力。 Group therapy offers a supportive environment that fosters discussion of real-life problems and their solutions, encourages social interaction and minimizes isolation. 群体治疗 可以提供一个互相支持的环境,促进真实生活中问题以及解决方式的讨论,鼓励社交,使孤独感最小化。 Hospitalization 住院治疗 A person with schizophrenia might require hospitalization if he or she is experiencing severe delusions or hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, problems with substance abuse or any other potentially dangerous or self-harmful issues. 如果精神分裂症患者有严重的幻觉和错觉,厌世情绪,滥用药物或者任何有潜在危险或自我伤害的事情时,患者可以住院治疗。 What Do I Do Next? 我下一步该怎么做 Learning about schizophrenia is an important first step in finding help. If you would like to learn more about schizophrenia, check out Psych Central’s guide to the disorder. 寻求帮助的第一步是要了解精神分裂症,如果你要想要对精神分裂症有更多的了解,请参考精神中心的指导书 If you think you have schizophrenia (or your loved one might), the next step is to seek an evaluation by a trained mental health professional. To find a therapist near you, use Psych Central’s therapist locator, ask your physician or consult a community mental health clinic for a referral. 如果你有精神分裂症或者也许是你心爱的人,下一步要做的就是找一个专业的的精神健康专家,出具一份评估。用精神康复中心的治疗专家定位器,询问你的主治医生或者参考社区精神健康诊所,在附近找一个治疗专家。 PAGE 10
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