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空乘英语300句正常程序Regular Process 1. 登机 Boarding 1.1欢迎Greetings 1. 您好,欢迎您乘坐国航航班! Good morning (afternoon, evening).Welcome aboard Air China. 2. 您好,欢迎您乘坐星空联盟成员国航航班! Welcome aboard Air China, a member of star alliance. 3. 晚上好!请您出示登机牌。 Good morning (afternoon, evening). May ...
正常程序Regular Process 1. 登机 Boarding 1.1欢迎Greetings 1. 您好,欢迎您乘坐国航航班! Good morning (afternoon, evening).Welcome aboard Air China. 2. 您好,欢迎您乘坐星空联盟成员国航航班! Welcome aboard Air China, a member of star alliance. 3. 晚上好!请您出示登机牌。 Good morning (afternoon, evening). May I have a look at your boarding pass? 4. __先生/女士,请用毛巾。 Mr. / Ms. ___, here’s the towel for you, please. 5. __先生/女士,我们为您准备了橙汁、矿泉水和香槟酒,请问您喜欢哪一种? Mr. / Ms. ___, we have prepared orange juice, mineral water and champagne for you. Which would you prefer? 6. __先生/女士,您需要换一下拖鞋吗,这样会舒服些。 Mr. / Ms. ___, would you like to put on your slippers? You will be more comfortable with them. 7. __先生/女士,需要品尝一下香槟吗?我们配备的是卡迪亚香槟。 Mr./Ms._, would you like to try the champagne? We’ve got Cartier. 8. 天气比较冷,您需要一杯热茶吗? It’s quite cold .Would you like a cup of hot tea? 1.2座位Seating 1.您好,请从这边通道往前走。 Good morning (afternoon, evening). This aisle (way), please. 2. __先生/女士,请从这边上楼梯,楼上是公务舱。 Good morning (afternoon, evening), Mr. / Ms. ___. Please go this way to the upstairs. Business class is in upstairs. 3. 座椅排号在行李架上方。 Seat numbers are indicated on the overhead compartments. 4. 您的座位是20排D座,请跟我来。 Your seat number is 20 D. Please follow me. 5. 麻烦您侧身让后面的旅客过一下。 Excuse me. Please give way to the passengers behind. 6. 好的,旅客登机完毕后,我帮您看看第一排有没有空座位。 Sure, after the boarding finishes, I’ll see if there is any vacant seat for you in the first row. 7. 25E座位没有旅客,起飞后您可以去坐。 The seat 25 E is vacant, and you can change your seat after take-off. 8. 对不起,您旁边的旅客想和她的孩子坐在一起,您方便跟她换座位吗? Excuse me. The lady next to you wants to sit with her kid. Would you mind changing seats with her? 9. 对不起,我已沟通过了,但那位旅客还是想坐靠窗的座位。 I have talked with that passenger, but he would more like the window seat. 10. 对不起,机上无法办理升舱手续。建议您下次在地面提前办理。 I am afraid we can not upgrade you on board. May I suggest you arrange that procedure in advance at check-in counter next time? 11. 先生,这里是机组座位,请您回原位。谢谢您的合作! Excuse me, sir, this is the crew seat. May I ask you kindly to return to your original seat? Thank you for your cooperation. 12. 为了使飞机保持配载平衡,请您回到指定的位子上坐好,谢谢您的合作。 In order to keep the aircraft in balance, please return to your original seats. Thank you. 13. 对不起,您先在座位休息,我去问一下(我请地服人员查询一下),马上就回来。 I am sorry. Please sit in here for the time being. I will check it with the ground staff and be back soon. 14. 让您久等了,是我们工作的失误。您现在可以坐在XX排X座,我带您过去。 Thank you for waiting. It is our fault. Please sit in X. I’ll show you the way. 15. 您好,您坐的是应急出口的位置,这是说明书,请您看一下,红色手柄不能触碰,在紧急情况下,请您协助我们的工作。 Sir/ Madam, the seat you are taking is in emergency exit area. Please don’t touch the red handle. Please read this instruction, for we might need your help in case of emergency. 1.3随身物品 Belongings 1. 您的行李太大,行李架里放不下,一会儿帮您托运吧。 I am afraid your baggage is too big to go into the overhead compartment. May I help you check it up? 2. 请取出您行李中的护照、贵重及易碎物品。 May I suggest you to take your passport, the valuables, or the fragile out of your luggage? 3. 您好,这是您的行李吗?请放在您前方座椅下,或放在行李架上。 Sir/ Madam, is this your luggage? May I suggest you to put it under the seat or into the overhead compartment? 4. 对不起,先生,您座椅上方的行李架没地方了。我明白您想把包放在身边,我建议您放在前面座椅的下面好吗? I apologize sir that there is no space in the overhead locker above your seat. I understand you would like to keep your bag close to you. May I suggest you stow it under the seat in front of you? 5. 您好,请问这是您的行李吗?这是应急出口,为了安全,请将您的包放在行李架上。 Sir/ Madam, is this your baggage? It’s emergency exit. For your safety, would you mind putting it into the overhead compartment? 6. __先生/女士,我帮您把衣服挂在衣帽间,好吗? Mr. / Ms. ___, May I help you to hang up your coat in the closet? 7. 请您把贵重物品和重要证件从口袋里取出好吗?先生,请给我您的登机牌,这样落地前我们就可以找到您还衣服了。谢谢。 Please could you remove all valuable items and important documents from your pockets? May I also have your boarding pass, sir, so that we can identify and return your jacket to you just before we land? Thank you. 2. 起飞前 Before Take Off 2.1安全检查Safety Check 1. 请系好安全带,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。 Please fasten your seatbelt and adjust your seatback to the upright position. 2. 您好,我们的飞机已经开始滑行,请关闭您的手机电源。 Sir/ Madam, our plane is taxiing. Please switch off your mobile phone. 3. 先生/女士,我们飞机马上就要起飞了,为了您的安全,请您马上回到座位上坐好并系好安全。 The plane is taking off. For your safety, please return to your seat and fasten seat belt. 4. 飞机马上要起飞了,这时候使用卫生间是非常危险的!请在飞机平飞之后再使用,好吗? The plane is taking off. It’s dangerous to leave your seat. Could you please remain in your seat until we get to cruising level? 5. 您好!根据中国民航的规定飞机上不能使用带有飞行模式的手机。也请您要全程关闭手机,谢谢! Excuse me, I know your mobile phone has flight mode, but it is also prohibited by CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China). May I ask you to switch it off now. Thank you for your cooperation. 6. 先生,我知道这个电话对您非常重要。但是,为了保证飞行安全,我必须请您关闭手机电源。 Sir, I appreciate this phone call is very important for you. However, to ensure the safety of this flight I must ask you to switch your mobile off. 7. 请您把脚踏板收起;调直座椅靠背;收起小桌板,我们的飞机马上就要起飞了。 We are taking off soon, please return your seat back to the upright position, and secure your table and footrest. 8. 飞机马上要起飞了,为了您的安全(我们随时可以看到外面发生的情况)请把遮光板打开。 We’re taking off soon. For your safety, please open the sun-shade board. (so that we can see what is happening in case of emergency) 2.2客舱准备 Cabin Ready 1. 飞机马上要起飞了,起飞后我再给您送一杯。 The aircraft is taking off immediately. So could you please wait for a moment? I’ll serve you right after take-off. 2. __先生/女士,飞机马上要起飞了,我帮您把小屏幕收起来,好吗。 Mr./Ms._, the aircraft is taking off immediately, may I help you to store your personal video. 3. 飞机马上就要起飞/落地,请乘务员回座位坐好。 Cabin attendants, please return to your seats for takeoff/landing. 3. 空中服务In-flight Service 3.1综合General 1. 您好!我能为您做些什么吗? What can I do for you? 2. __先生/女士,您今天乘坐的是国航豪华两舱的紫金头等舱/紫宸公务舱。我是___,今天很高兴能为您服务,如果有什么需要,请随时找我。 Mr. / Ms. ___, today you are taking our luxurious First Class named Forbidden Pavilion (/ Business Class named Capital Pavilion), I’m ____. I’m glad to be at your service. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to call me. 3. 我们今天整个航程大约飞行10小时25分。 The flight time today is ten hours and twenty-five minutes. 4. 国航将从6月1日起全部使用电子客票,您可以从网上直接购票和办理登机牌。 E-ticket will be put into use from June 1st in Air China. You can easily book tickets and print boarding pass on line. 5. 为您服务是我的荣幸。 It is my pleasure/great honor to be at your service. 6. 如果您有任何疑问我们会随时为您解答。 We are pleased to help you if you have any question. 7. 不同的制服颜色代表乘务员的不同级别。 The different color uniforms represent different ranks of flight attendants. 8. 对不起,我不是很清楚,我问下我的同事。 I am sorry, I am not sure. Let me check with my colleagues. 9. 对不起,我不太清楚我们的确切位置。请您查看个人电视上的航路信息好吗? I am sorry, I am not sure of our exact location. May I refer you to the air show on the PTV? 10. 我谨代表全体机组成员祝您生日快乐。 On behalf of the entire crew, I’d like to say happy birthday to you. 11. 您好,这是呼叫铃,有事儿需要帮助时您可以按压这个按钮? This is the call button, and we will come here if you press it. 12. 您今天乘坐的是波音747/空客340飞机。 The aircraft you are taking is a Boeing 747/ Airbus 340. 13. 卫生间在飞机的前部/中部/后部,请您跟我来。 The lavatory is in the front/ center/rear of the aircraft. Please follow me. 14. 希望您在北京过得愉快。 Hope you will have a nice stay in Beijing. 15. 希望这次北京之行给您留下美好的回忆。 I hope this trip to Beijing will leave you happy memories. 16. 下一届奥运会将在伦敦举行。 The next Olympic Games will be held in London. 17. 无论输赢,运动员们都尽了最大努力。 Whether win or not, the athletes have done their utmost. 18. 羽毛球比赛是一项很吸引人的运动项目。 Badminton is a fascinating sport. 19. 北京现在的气候非常适合旅游。 With this climate of the season, it’s very suitable to tour around Beijing. 20. 您打算在北京停留多久呢? How long are you going to stay in Beijing? 21. 您来中国多久了? How long have you been in China? 3.2安全Safety 1. 航线很长,如果您感到疲倦可以在客舱里稍微活动一下,但这里是紧急出口,为了安全请您不要长时间在此停留。 I understand it’s tiring for such a long flight. You can move about in the cabin if you like. But for your safety, may I suggest you not to stay long at the emergency exit? 2.先生,在地板上休息很危险,遇到颠簸会伤到您,对其他旅客也不安全。请回到座位上系好安全带。 Excuse me, Sir. It is not safe lying on the floor. It might bruise you in case of turbulence and threaten others. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts. 3. 飞机现在遇有不稳定气流,请您回原位坐好系好安全带,暂时不要使用卫生间。 The aircraft has met with turbulence. Please return to your seat and fasten the seat belts. Refrain from using the lavatory for this moment. 4. 安全带信号已经解除,您可使用客舱中部或后部的洗手间。 The fasten seatbelt sign is off now. You may use the lavatories at the center or rear of the cabin. 5.请您填好表格后把小桌板收好。 Please close your table as soon as you finish filling in the form. 6.为了安全,我们在着陆前关闭了卫生间。请等到飞机完全停稳后再使用。 For the safety, the lavatories have to be closed prior to landing. Please refrain from using it until the plane lands and comes to a complete stop. 3.3饮料Beverages 1. __先生,现在是下午茶时间,我们准备了各种茶点,希望您在机上能够享受一份悠闲。 Mr._, it is time for afternoon tea. We have prepared various tea and refreshments for you to enjoy the leisure onboard. 2. ___先生/女士,我们有乌龙茶、龙井茶、红茶、菊花茶、煎茶、花茶、绿茶,您喜欢哪一种? Mr./Ms_____, we have Wulong Tea, Longjing Tea, Black Tea, Chrysanthemum Tea, Steamed Tea, Jasmine Tea and Green Tea. Which would you like? 3. ___先生/女士,您喜欢淡茶还是浓茶? Mr./Ms_____, how would you like your tea, weak or strong? 4. ___先生/女士,建议您春天里喝一些花茶,它有“理气开郁,辟秽和中”的功效。 Mr./Ms_____, it is spring, we suggest you to drink Jasmine tea which is rich in various vitamins and (hence) proved to be a sobering pick-me-up. 5. __先生/女士,菊花茶里需要加冰糖吗? Mr./Ms_____, do you need any rock candy in Chrysanthemum tea? 6. 茶水好像凉了,让我为您换一杯新沏的吧。 It seems the tea is getting cold. Let me make a new one for you. 7. 乌龙茶适宜沥干后饮用,最好不长时间在水里浸泡。 It’s good to separate the tea-leaf from water when drinking oolong tea. Soaking in the water for a long time will destroy its taste. 8. 这是您的咖啡/茶、热水,小心烫,请拿好。 Here is your coffee/hot tea/hot water. Please be cautious when holding it. It is quite hot. 9. XX先生,我们为你准备了各种茶、咖啡、果汁、碳酸饮料、矿泉水以及红酒、白酒、白兰地、威士忌、金酒、伏特加酒。请问您喜欢哪一种? We have prepared all sorts of tea, coffee, juice, carbonated drinks, mineral water, and alcoholic drinks like wine, brandy, whisky, gin and vodka, which would you like? 10. __先生,我们为您准备了红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、白兰地、威士忌、金酒、伏特加酒。请问您喜欢哪一种? Mr./Ms.___, we have red wine, white wine, Cognac, Whisky, Gin, Vodka, which would you like? 11. 先生,请问如何调制您的鸡尾酒? How should I prepare your cocktail, sir? 12. XX先生请问您需要喝点红酒吗?再给您倒一杯矿泉水吧。 Would you like some wine? And how about a glass of water as well? 13. 请问您要不要喝一点咖啡?我们有雀巢金牌咖啡和卡布奇诺咖啡。 Would you like some coffee? We have Nestle golden coffee and cappuccino. 14. ____先生!红葡萄酒有法国拉菲传奇波尔多、埃斯杜那儿波尔多、美国银矿干红、中国长城赤霞珠红酒,请问您喜欢哪一种? Mr./Ms.___, we have lots of choices for red wine such as French Legende Bordeaux, Bordeaux d’Estournel, American Silver Stone and Chinese Great Wall Cabernet Sauvignon, which would you like? 15. 我帮您把饮料放在小桌板上吧,以免洒在电脑上。 May I put your drink on the table, so as not to spill it on your computer? 16. 刚才您在休息,我没有打扰您,请问您要喝点饮料么?我们有各种果汁、碳酸饮料、矿泉水、还有热茶和咖啡,您喜欢哪种? We didn’t disturb you when you were having a rest. Would you like something to drink now? We have juice, carbonated drinks, mineral water, hot tea and coffee, which would you like? 17. 我再给您添些矿泉水么?还是喝点儿其它饮料? Would you like some more mineral water or anything else? 18. 对不起,女士,我们的飞机上没有菠萝汁,我向您推荐橙汁或苹果汁好吗? I do apologize, madam, as pineapple juice is not available on this flight, may I suggest another juice such as orange or apple? 19. 对不起,没有葡萄酒。给您啤酒好吗? I am afraid wine is not available. May I offer you beer instead? 20. 可以帮您把不用的杯子收走吗? May I take the glass away? 3.4供餐Meal 1.__先生/女士,这是今天的餐谱和酒单,稍候我们将为您订餐。 Mr. / Ms. ___, Here’s the menu and wine list. We’ll take your order soon. 2.__先生/女士,今天为您准备了两顿正餐,您看什么时候用餐?午餐的提供时间在12点左右,可以吗? Mr./Ms._, today we have two meals for you. When would you like to take them? How about 12 o’clock for lunch service? 3.__先生!现在是6点钟,现在为您开餐可以么? Mr./Ms.___, it’s 6 o’clock now, shall we serve dinner for you? 4. __先生,我帮您铺一下餐巾吧! Mr./Ms.___, may I set the table for you? 5. __先生,紫金头等舱新餐具的设计引入了“紫禁城”门的要素。 Mr._, the elements of the doors at “the Forbidden City” have been introduced into the design of the new tableware for Forbidden Pavilion first class. 6. 这是您预订的全聚德烤鸭,饼、酱、黄瓜可以和烤鸭一起配着吃。 Here is the Quan Ju De Roast Duck. You can have it with the slice pancake, soy sauce and cucumber. 7. __先生,这是蔬菜沙拉,,我们配有千岛汁(味道微甜)和意大利香醋汁(味道偏酸),请问您喜欢哪种口味?要不要再加一些? Mr./Ms.___, here is the vegetable salad, and we have Thousand Island dressing ( which is a little bit sweet) and Italian Balsamic dressing ( which is a little sour), which one would you prefer? Would you like some more? 8. __先生!这是我们为您准备的榨菜和辣酱,要不要尝试一下? Mr./Ms.___, we’ve also prepared pickled vegetables and chili sauce, would you like some of them? 9. __先生,这是国航紫金头等舱推出的新款餐具,这款餐具的主要概念来源于北京的“紫禁城”。 Mr._, this is the new fashioned tableware for Air China’s Forbidden Pavilion first class. The idea is mainly from “the Forbidden City”in Beijing. 10. 午餐的主菜有全聚德烤鸭、软煎鱼和八旗羊肉、煎牛扒,您喜欢用哪一种? For the main course of lunch, we have Peking roast duck, fried fish, Manchurian lamb and beefsteak. Which would you like? 11. 我来帮您把座位整理一下,马上为您提供晚餐。 Let me make up your seat while you’re away. When you come back, we’ll be ready to serve dinner. 12. 我帮您打开小桌板吧!(第一排旅客) Let me help you prepare the table. 13. XX先生这是今天航班的餐谱,在今天的航班中我们为您准备了一顿丰盛的晚餐和一顿营养充足的早餐。 Here is the menu. On today’s flight, we have prepared a dinner and a breakfast rich in variety and nutrition. 14. 这是今天的餐谱,今天的航班大约飞行2个小时,起飞后我们为您提供午餐。主菜的选择有三种,在这一页,您可以先看一下,稍后我帮您订餐。 Here is the menu. The flight takes about 2 hours, and we will be serving lunch after takeoff. There are three options for the main course on this page. You can have a look at the menu first, and I will take your order soon. 15. XX先生为了给您创造良好的休息环境,你可以选择在起飞后20分钟或下降前一个半小时用餐。我们今天为您精心准备了香煎鳕鱼、无锡排骨、北京烤鸭。 In order to make you feel more at ease, you may have flexible dinner time either at 20 minutes after takeoff or one and a half hours before landing. We’ve prepared pan-fried cod fish, Wuxi pork spare ribs and Peking roast duck. 16.您别担心,我们会尽力满足您的要求。但请您在下次订票时预定,并于乘机前24小时再次确认您的餐食。 Please don’t worry, we will try to meet your need. However, please reserve the special meal next time you book a ticket and confirm it 24 hours before flight. 17.您好!这是您预订的餐食(儿童餐、糖尿病餐、穆斯林餐、犹太餐)。 Here is the meal you ordered. ( CHML-Children meal, DBML -Diabetic meal, MOML- Moslem meal, KSML-Kosher meal) 18.今天我们为您准备了鱼丸米饭和牛肉米饭,请问您喜欢用哪一种? We have prepared fish ball with rice and beef with rice, which one would you prefer? 19.这是您的餐食/热饮,请小心烫手! Here is the meal/ hot drink. Be careful. 20.实在抱歉,×××(餐食名称)没有了,不过,今天的×××和×××(餐食名称)的味道也不错,您愿意试试吗? I am very sorry. Roast Duck is not available. However, may I suggest today’s Fried Fish and Beef Steak which also taste delicious? Would you like a try? 21. 很抱歉,今天的餐食没有多余的了,我帮您找一些面包或花生好么? I am sorry but there is no extra meal today. Is it alright that I bring you some bread or peanuts? 22.您不需要主菜了么?那么请用点水果吧!(客人不用主菜时) If you don’t need the main course, how about some fruit? 23.感谢您的理解,下一餐我们一定请您优先选择。 Thank you for your understanding. You will have priority to make a choice for the next meal. 24.您可以看一下第二顿餐食喜欢用哪种,我先给您保留下来。 For the second meal, which choice would you like to take? I’ll reserve it for you. 25.两餐之间,我们还会提供小吃(饼干或三明治)。 We also offer snacks( biscuits/ sandwich) between meals. 26.稍后我们将播放健身操。健身操后,我们将为您提供晚餐。 We will be showing an exercise video; dinner will be served right after that. 27. 这是您选的意大利香醋汁,(加了一勺后)需要再加点吗? Here is the Italian Balsamic dressing. Would you like some more? 28.祝您用餐愉快。 Bon/Good appetite. 29.让我为您更换一副干净的刀叉吧。 May I get you a new set of cutlery? 30.让您久等了,这是您订的全聚德烤鸭,希望您能喜欢。 Thank you for waiting. Here is the Beijing Quan Ju De roast duck. Hope you like it. 31.我们为您准备了海鲜炒饭和鸡肉炒面,今天的炒面做得不错,您是否试一试? We have seafood with fried rice and chicken with fried noodles. The fried noodles are really delicious, would you like a try? 32.好的,我去帮您看一下,如果有马上帮您拿过来。(旅客想再要一份餐食的时候) Well, let me check. I will bring it over if there is an extra. 33.很抱歉,女士,您对您的餐食不满意。我们还有咕咾鸡肉盖饭,您想尝试一下吗? I apologize madam that you are not happy with your meal. We are also serving sweet and sour chicken on steamed rice, would you care to try this? 34.先生,我理解您很不满飞机上没有您预订的素食,我完全懂得这个特殊餐食对您有多么重要。我会尽我所能给您准备一份素食替代。 Sir, I understand you are feeling frustrated because your vegetarian meal is not available on the flight. I fully appreciate how important the special meal is for you. I will do my best to arrange an alternative vegetarian meal for you. 35.没问题,我马上为您收走空餐盘。 No problem. I will take away your tray set in a minute. 36. 我们今天为您准备的餐食还可口吗? Does the meal taste good? 37.很抱歉,我们的餐具不是一次性用品,还需要回收,清洁消毒后再利用。 The dishware is not disposable. It can be cleaned, sterilized and reused. 38.您还需要再加一些面包么? Would you like some more bread? 39. __先生,我们今天为您提供的餐食还满意吗? Mr._, how do you like the meal? 40.很高兴您喜欢中国美食。 I am glad that you love Chinese cuisine. 3.5免税品销售Duty Free Sales 1. __先生/女士,这是国航的免税商品介绍单,如果您需要什么商品可以随时告诉乘务员。 Mr./Ms.___, here is the shopping guide. Please tell the flight attendant if you need any help. 2. 如果您需要购买免税品,可以填写在免税物品订购单上,然后交给乘务员。 You can order the duty-free items on the shopping list, and then give it to the flight attendant. 3. 请您在购买免税商品之前,一定要仔细阅读商品介绍单。如果您需要我们的帮助,我可以先向您推荐几款适合您的商品。 You’d better read the shopping guide carefully before making the purchase. If you like, we can recommend some items suitable for you. 4. 请问您是用现金还是用信用卡支付? In which way you’d like to pay? 5. 我们可以收取现金(人民币、美元、欧元、英镑等)和信用卡(大莱、万事达、维萨、美国运通卡等)。 We accept cash (RMB, US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling) and Credit Card (Diner’s Club, Master, Visa and American Express). 6. 如果您使用信用卡付款,我们还需要您的护照。 If you pay by the credit card, we may need your passport as well. 7. 请问您有零钱吗? Have you got any small change? 8. 这是找给您的钱,请点清、拿好! Here is your change, please check it up. 9. 这张信用卡已经过期了,请您选择其他的付款方式或者换另外一张信用卡。 This credit card has expired. Would you please pay in other ways or by another card? 10. 真不好意思,我们只有在促销活动期间部分免税商品可以打折。 I am afraid only some of the Duty-free items are at a discount during sales promotion. 11. 如果您需要,我可以向您推荐几款适合您的免税商品。 If you like, I may recommend some Duty-free items for you. 12. 这款口红的颜色/香水味道/手镯非常适合年轻女性。 The color of this lipstick/ the fragrance of the perfume/the bracelet is quite fit for a young lady like you. 13. 您需要的香水已售出,您再看看其它品牌的香水,品质也很好。 The perfume you want is sold out. How about other brands? They are also of good quality. 14. 您可以从国航官方网站上预定您喜欢的免税商品。 (www.airchina.com.cn) You can reserve Duty-free items on our official website www.airchina.com.cn. 15. 这是您购买的免税商品,请您核对一下。 Here are the Duty-free items you have bought. Please check it up. 16. 如果您需要转机,在飞机上购买的液体免税品请放在这个透明的塑料袋内,保持封口。同时通过安检时,需要出示这段航程的登机牌,以被查验。 If you need a transfer, please put the liquid items you have bought onboard into this transparent plastic bag, keep it sealed and have the boarding pass ready when going through the security check. 17. 这是我们飞机上出售的国航奥运徽章,很有纪念价值。 Here is the Olympic badge on sale. It’s a nice souvenir. 3.6 知音卡和零钱捐赠Phoenix Miles And Change for Hope 1. __先生,请问您需要国航知音入会申请表吗?填写完表格后和登机牌一起交给乘务员就可以办理申请了。 Mr._, would you like an application form for Phoenix Miles membership? To apply, please fill in the form and give it together with your boarding pass to a cabin attendant. 2.请确认您的地址和电话号码准确无误。 Please make sure your address and telephone number is accurate. 3.请您在办理登机牌的柜台登记积累您的里程。 Please collect your miles at the checkin couner. 4. 零钱捐赠活动的善款将用于援建“希望工程快乐体育园地”,为需要帮助的孩子们配置体育设施。 The money raised in the donation activity will be spent on building the “Project Hope Physical Training Playground” to outfit athletic facilities for needy children. 5. 您可以把零钱放在这个信封里,封口后交给乘务员。 You can put some change into this envelope, seal and give it to the cabin attendants. 3.7 空中酒廊Air Bar 1. 空中酒廊的饮品都是由乘务员自行调制的。请问您要试一试么? The cocktails and mixed drinks served in Air Bar are all invented by the flight attendants. Would you like a try? 2. __先生,请问您需要喝一杯鸡尾酒吗?这杯酒调出来的颜色非常漂亮,口感也特别好! Mr./Ms.___, would you like a glass of cocktail?It has pretty color and rich taste. 3. 这款梦幻江南色泽诱人,口感也很好,非常适合夏季饮用。希望您能
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