

2017-09-02 50页 doc 98KB 107阅读




邪恶力量第五季双语剧本19邪恶力量第五季双语剧本19 Sam饰演Lucifer Sam, starring as Lucifer Dean饰演Michael Dean, starring as Michael. 你们会老实认命 接受责任 You're gonna suck it up, accept your responsibilities 好好担任起命运安排给你们的角色 and play the roles that destiny has chosen for you. 木桩为什么没杀死你 Why didn't the sta...
邪恶力量第五季双语剧本19 Sam饰演Lucifer Sam, starring as Lucifer Dean饰演Michael Dean, starring as Michael. 你们会老实认命 接受责任 You're gonna suck it up, accept your responsibilities 好好担任起命运安排给你们的角色 and play the roles that destiny has chosen for you. 木桩为什么没杀死你 Why didn't the stake kill you? 我可是半仙啊 Well I am the Trickster. 也许你不是 Well maybe you're not. 你好Gabriel Hello Gabriel. 是大天使 The Archangel. 这不是什么你与你兄弟之间的廉价斗争 This isn't about some prize fight between your brothers 这只是关于你如何的不敢面对你的家族 this is about you being too afraid to stand up to your family! 你不会做什么傻事吧 Are you going to do something stupid 比如 Like what? 笨蛋 比如Michael的事啊 Michael! Stupid. 得了吧 Sam Come on, Sam. 事情将会变得很糟 Things are going to get really bad. 接下来我要见的那些人 The people that I'm going to see next 在答应我的条件之前 they're not going to get anything from me 是不会从我这里得到任何东西的 without agreeing to a few conditions. 不管你打算去做些什么 别去 Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it. 我没有选择 I have to. 你终于准备好了吧? You're finally ready, right? 你知道你没有别的选择 You know there's no other choice. 你从来都没有过别的选择 There's never been a choice. 是 我同意 The answer is yes. Dean Dean. [咒语] [Spell] 当然 我有一些条件 Of course, i have a few conditions. 你为什么改变主意 What changed your mind? 是个怪事 The damndest thing 我是说 这是世界末日 I mean, the world's ending. 我们周围的一切都在坍塌 The walls are coming down on us. 我只是不想让你失望 I just didn't wanna let you down. 什么命运都滚一边去 So screw destiny... 我们应该直接挑战它 按我们的规矩来 I say we take the fight to them and do it our way 有人吗? Hello? 有人吗? Hello? 您好 Hiya. 伙计 这里你是不能来的 Buddy you can't be here. 我当然可以 'Course I can. 总得有人把一切准备好啊 Someone's got to get everything ready. 他们快来了 所有人 They're coming, all of them. 而我们每人都有自己要扮演角色 And we've each got our part to play. 你也是 Even you. 什么? What? 你是晚餐 You're dinner. 不! Nooooo...! Aah! 啊啊 Aah! aah! 这地方破天荒的很不错啊 Nice digs for once. 今晚很忙 Busy night. 暴风雨中的港湾 大家都饥不择食 Any port in a storm, i guess. 请您先填好这张个表格 If you could just fill this out please. 好 Yeah. 先生 你那边好像有个.... Sir, i think you got a little... 小伤口 Shaving nick there. 您的钥匙 Your key 哦 谢啦 Oh. thanks. 你这里有没有 咖啡馆什么的? Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop, would you? 自助餐厅 让你吃到饱 Buffet. all you can eat. 有方圆百里最好吃的派 Best pie in the tri-state area. 是吗? You don't say? 像天堂一样 对吧 Heaven, right? 伙计 信我一句 比那更好 Trust me, pal.. better. 你好啊 How you doing? 不 No. 可是 But 不 No. 小姐 我只是 Well lady, i'm just, you know 我理解 I understand... 可还是不 And no. 好啊 回见 Never mind. Ta. Sam 放松一点行不 吃点东西 Sam, unpucker, man. eat something. 我们该走了 Dean We should hit the road, Dean. 在这种暴风雨里? 它可是跟... In this storm? But it's... 跟世界末日一样 我知道 It's biblical, exactly. 可外面都快能用上诺亚方舟了 而我们却坐在这里吃派 I-it's friggin' noah's ark out there, and we're eating pie. 你这周睡了几个小时? How many hours of sleep did you get this week? 三个? 四个? What, three? Four? Bobby正在想办法 Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? 而我们已经跟周围十二个州内的 And we've talked to every single hoodoo man 所有咒师巫女都聊过了 and root woman in twelve states. 可我是不会放弃的 Yeah? Well I'm not giving up. 没有人打算放弃 Nobody's giving up. 尤其是我 Especially me. 我们会找到打败魔鬼的方法 好吗? Now we're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? 很快就会 我有预感 Soon. I can feel it. 然后我们会去找Cas 去找Adam And we will find Cas, we'll find Adam. 但是你如果累垮自己就什么忙也帮不上了 But you are no good to me burnt out. 嗯 Yeah... 嗯 好 Yeah, okay. 我们今晚好不容易可以放松一次 Come on, we have actually got the night off for once. 你就专心享受吧 Just try to enjoy it. 噢 你到底多大啊? Oh, what are you, ? 心里还是年轻的 I'm young at heart. 哇 看看 Wow. look at this. 我们简直跟明星一样 We're like rockefellers. 巧克力! Chocolates! 你要吗 You want yours? 你吃吧 Knock yourself out. 哇噢 Whoa. 哇 激情旅馆 (.里面Sam看的付费A片) Wow. Casa Erotica on demand! 怎么? What? 这里可不是一般的... Isn't this place kind of... 偏僻 In the middle of nowhere? 那又怎样? So? 这么破烂的高速路上为什么会有一间四星宾馆? So what's a four-star hotel doing on a no-star highway? 有人吗? Hello? 有人吗? Hello? 那个 我们房间旁边的 The, uh, the room next to ours 那对像接吻鱼一样的情侣 Tthe couple that are, uh, joined at the lips 你看到他们了吗? Have you seen them? 来度蜜月的Logan先生和夫人? Mr. and mrs. logan the honeymooners? 他们退房了 They checked out. 有什么要紧的事Is there something the matter? 他们退房了? Ihey checked out? 恩 就在刚才 Mm hm, mm, just now. 真的? Really? 他们当时看起来 It sort of seemed like they were, um... 可不是一般的忙啊 in the middle of something. 蜜月的人 不带上这个就走了 It's kind of weird for honeymooners to, uh, 未免有点诡异吧? check out without this. 天啊 oh dear 我会把它放在失物招领处的 I'll just put that right in the lost-and-found. 你们不用担心 Don't you worry. 我还有什么可以为你们效劳的吗? Is there anything else I can help you with? 没有了 我们很好 No, no. We're good. 那真是太棒太好了 Super-fantastic. 真诡异. creepy. 岂止是诡异 Broke the needle. 那好吧 我先去踩点 All right, well, I'll scope out the joint 那个"Norman Bates"就由你来监视了 (详见电影《触目惊心》) and you keep an eye on the Norman Bates over here. 连休息一晚 I mean, one night off. 也是奢侈? Is that too much to ask? 这可不是一个脱衣舞会啊 老兄 This ain't no peep show man. 你真美 You're beautiful. 说得真好听 That's sweet. 我不喜欢听好听的 I hate sweet. 抱歉打扰了 Sorry to interrupt. 最后一位客人到了 The last guest just arrived. 一切都准备好了吗? So everything's ready? 保证绝对完美 As it will ever be. 食品储藏室已经满了 Pantry's full. 温家兄弟呢? And the Winchesters? 他们有所怀疑 不过我敷衍过去了 Suspicious, but under control. 你拿到他们的血了吗? you have their blood? 那是当然 of course I do 我动作很快 I'm quick. 他们根本毫无觉察 Boys never even knew what hit him. 谢谢你 Mercury thank you Mercury. 那就让好戏开场吧 ok, let's get the show on the road. 大象? An elephant? 你确定是大象? Like an elephant? 跟大象巴巴一样 Like full-on Barbar? 这到底是... so what the hell is... 人呢? Where is everybody? 上了锁吧 Let me guess, it's locked. 他们只许入住不让退房的啊? So what they all just check in, they don't check out? 仔细想想我们是怎么到这里来的? Think about how we got here? I公路临时改道 That detour on I? 莫名其妙的的飓风 A freaking hurricane? 你是说我们是被领进来的? You saying we were led here? 像是迷宫里的老鼠一样 Like rats in a maze. 请一定要是番茄汤. Please be tomato soup. 一定要是番茄汤. Please be tomato soup. 地狱旅馆 Motel hell. 帮我们 放我们出来... Help us! Get us out... 动作快点 Hurry up. 我已经快不了多少... 多少了... I' going as fast as I... as I can 我身后有人 是吧 There's somebody behind me isn't there? Ganesh 印度象头神 Odin 北欧神话 众神之父 Kali 印度破坏女神 Baron Samedi 巫毒教死神 Mercury 罗马众神信使 Baldur 北欧神话 光明之神 Zao Sheng 中国灶神 = = 我觉得他们好像不打算拜我们为神... Something tells me this isn't a shrining convention. 晚餐... 到了 Dinner.... is served. 女士们 先生们 Ladies and gentlemen... 我们的贵宾到了 Our guests of honor have arrived. 先生们女士们 感谢你们的到来 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming 这些世纪中 我从未想过有朝一日我会目睹到这样的场面. in all my centuries, I never thought I'd see this. 众多神明齐聚一堂 This many Gods under one roof. 神明? Gods? 不过 在我们讨论主题之前 有一些规定 Before we get down brass-tacts, some ground rules. 不许互相残杀 No slaughtering each other. 控制好自己的脾气 Curb your wrath. 哦 还有 不要对当地的处女动手动脚 Oh, and uh, keep your hands off the local virgins 我们可得保持低调 we're trying to keep a low-profile here. 我们绝对 彻底完蛋了 Oh we are so... so screwed. 我们都知道我们聚会的原因 Now we all know why we're here. 犹太与基督教中预言的天启正在威胁着我们 the Judeo-Christian of apocalypse looms over us. 虽然我们之前有分歧 I know we've all had our little disagreements in the past 但是时候我们把分歧放下 But the time has come to put those aside 一起放眼未来了 and look toward the future. 因为如果不这样 我们就没有未来了 'Cause if we don't, we won't have one. 现在我们手上有这两个价值不菲的筹码 Now we do have two very valuable bargaining chips Michael与Lucifer的容器 Michael and Lucifer's vessels. 我的问题是 Now the question is. 我们现在怎么办? What do we do now? 有什么好的建议吗? 大声讲出来 Anybody have any bright ideas, speak up. 这个房间很安全 This is a safe room. (粤语)有冇搞错?! 这两个杀猪仔(老外是想说"杀了这两个猪仔") 我不喜欢这家伙的语气... I don't like this tone. 杀了他们? 为什么? Kill them? why? 好让天使们又再次救活他们? So the angels here can bring them back again? 我真不知道为什么大家都这么忧心忡忡. I don't know what everybody got so worked up about. 不过是几个天使的小打小闹而已 It's just couple of angels have a slap fight. 根本不是什么世界末日 There's no armageddon. 人人都知道当世界末日到来之时 Everybody knows when the world comes to an end 巨蟒耶夢加得会崛起 the great serpan Jormungandr rises up. 而我则会被一只巨狼给吃掉(北欧神话中的末日) And I myself will be eaten by a big wolf. (粤语)又来了.. 哦 真的? 怎么? Oh yeah? Well why is that? 你觉得你自己的信仰就有多实际吗? Because your beliefs are so much m 整个世界都在 Whole world's getting carried around 一只巨龟的龟壳上? on the back of a giant turtle? 你省省吧! Ha! Give me a break. 冇有人惹到我之后还冇事! 你又能把我怎么着? What you going to do about me? 我可以把你送到瓦尔哈拉殿! (北欧神话中Odin的家) I'm gonna send you packing to Valhalla! 讲话注意一点,小子! Watch your mouth when you talk to me, boy! 小子? 我可比你大! 没人证明过这是真的 No one's ever proved that. 站住 Stay. 我们必须战斗 We have to fight. 这些大天使们只懂得用暴力 The archangels the only thing they understand is violence 这次必须见血 没有其他的办法 This ends in blood, there's no other way. 不是他们死就是我们亡 It's them, or us. 没有冒犯的意思 夫人 With all due respect, m'am, 但是我们甚连与他们沟通都还没试过 we haven't even try talking to them. Kali Kali 谁问你了? Who asks you? 大家就不能和气点吗? Can't we all just get along? Gab.. Gab... Sam, Dean. Sam, Dean. 你们俩总是在最糟的时间 It's always wrong place worst time 到达错误的地点 不是吗? with you muttonheads, Huh? Loki Loki Baldur Baldur 再见到你我也很高兴呢 Good seeing you, too 我猜我的邀请函一定是中途丢了 I guess my invitation got lost in the mail 你来这干什么? Why are you here? 来谈谈这里谁都清楚的那件事 (大象) To talk to the elephant in the room 不是你 Not you 天启 The apocalypse. 我们根本不可能阻止天启 We can't stop it gang. 不过首先... But first thing's first 大人们要说点正事 the adults have a little conversation 我们回见 Check you later 好吧 Okay. 刚刚 Did that... 我的天哪 Holy crap. 对啊 还用说 Yeah! Tell me about it 话说回来 下次我要咱们要把车一直开下去的时候 By the way, next time I say let's keep driving 你就一直开下去行不 Let's keep driving. 当然 下次一定 Okay, yeah, next time. 好吧 那我们接下来怎么做? Alright, so what's our next move? 我 我不知道 I, I...I don't know 我想我们可以先把那些可怜的傻蛋弄出冰柜 We grab those poor saps out of out of the freezer, I guess 救救他们 Bust them out. 如果幸运的话我们路上还能顺便杀几只小怪 Gank a few freaks along the way if we're lucky 可你们什么时候幸运过? And when are you ever lucky? Gabriel 我说 你咬死我算了 You know what, bite me, Gabriel. 待会再说吧 年轻人 Maybe later, big boy. 我早就该猜到 I should have known. 这一切从一开始就完全符合你的恶趣味 I mean this had your stink all over it from the jump. 你以为我是这一切的幕后指使? You think I'm behind this? 拜托! Please! I'm the Costner to your Houston, I'm here to save your ass. 你说你想把我们拉出这趟浑水? You want pull us out of fire? 正确! Bingo! 这些邪神们不是干掉你们 就是把你们当诱饵 These gods either gonna dust you or use you as bait 无论哪一样你们都会死的很惨 Either way you're uberboned 哇 几个月前你似乎还在告诉我们 Wow, 'cause a couple of months ago 我们该‘扮演好自己的角色’ you were telling us that we need to play our roles 当时想整死我们的人是你! You were uberboning us! 可世界依然会被毁灭 The end is still nigh 最终Michael和Lucifer还是得跳伦巴舞 Michael and Lucifer are gonna dance the lambada 但是不是今夜 也不在这里 But not tonight, not here 你怎么这么在意? Why do you care? 我不在意 I don't care 但是 But... 我和Kali 我们... me and Kali, we 有过一段感情 had a thing 她只会对我上下其手 Chick was all hands 你要我怎么说? 我就是个性情中人 What can I say? I'm sentimental 他们如果对抗撒旦 Do they have a chance? 有赢的机会吗? Against Satan? Sam 你真的假的啊 Really, Sam? 难道你有更好的点子吗 Dean? You got a better idea, Dean? 当然是馊主意 It's a bad idea Lucifer会把他们变成染料的 Lucifer's gonna turn them into finger paint 所以我们还是在形势变坏之前走掉吧 So let's get going while going's good 嗯 很好 那你为什么不直接把我们送走? Okay, great, why don't you just zap us out of here then? 可以的话我早就这样了 What if I could 但你们却在Kali的手掌心里 but Kali got you by the short and curlies 这是一个血咒 It's a blood spell. 小子 你们俩已经被套上了 You boys are on a leash 你什么意思? What does that mean? 我的意思是 现在该上点古老黑魔法了 It means it's time for a little of the old black magic 好吧 随便 Okay, yeah, well whatever 我们要把冰箱里的那些‘点心’带走 we're gonna take the hors d'oeuvres in the freezer with us 算了吧 Forget it 光把你们两个送走就已经不容易了 It's gonna be hard enough sneaking you mooks out of here 他们叫你Loki 对吧? They called you Loki, right? 也就是说他们并不知道你的真实身份 Which means they don't really know who you are 我告诉过你 我享受证人保护 I told you, I'm in witness protection 好 要不这样吧 你按我们说的做 Okay, How about you do what we say 否则我们就告诉那些末日军团你的秘密身份 Or we tell the legion of doom about your secret identity? 他们看起来可不像什么天使粉丝团 They don't seem like a real pro angel kind of crowd 那我就把你们声音夺走 I'll take your voices away 我们可以写下来 We'll write it down 那我I'll cut off your hands 那你的这帮哥们儿会问 Then your people are gonna be asking 晃来晃去的这俩人怎么没手了呀? why're you guys running around with no hands? 好吧 Fine 你好啊 我的爱 Bonjour, mon amour 滚 Leave 你总是爱玩欲擒故纵 You always did play hard to get 我已经向前看了 I've moved on 注意到了 I noticed Baldur? Baldur? 真的? Really? Baldur他人很简单 Baldur is uncomplicated 不 No! 不 不 No, no! 不 不 别 No! No! Stop! 不 No! 太晚了 It's too late 我还不知道你是这种型的 I never took you for the type 浪漫型? Romantic? 悲情型 Pathetic 是你叫我来的 You're the one who called me here 因为我以为你或许会认真的对待这件事 Because I thought you might take this seriously 我是在认真的对待 I'm taking this seriously 船要沉了 大家该逃生了 Ship's sinking, time to get off! 我是说 去他的这些 I mean, screw this marble 我们去逛逛潘多拉吧! Let's go check out Pandora 我们不是非得这样不可 It doesn't have to be like that 恐怕非得这样了 I'm afraid it does 如果我们战斗 If we fight 你会死 You die 你什么时候成这方面的专家了 And what make you such an expert 我和那些带翅膀的猴子们交过一两次手 I've tussled with those winged ass-monkeys once or twice Kali 不开玩笑了 Kali... No more tricks 我求你 别这么做 I'm begging you, don't do this 我必须这样 I have to 试一下总没错 Can't blame me for trying 还爱我吗? Still love me? 不爱 No Gabriel到底跑哪去了? Where the hell is Gabriel? 你一定是把我当成傻瓜 You must take me for a fool Gabriel Gabriel 我们绑在一起了 You are bound to me 现在直到永远 Now and forever Ghostfacers! Ghostfacers! 实习生职位还开放么? The intern position,open? -你被录取了 -真的? -You are hired! -Really? -能在那个小框里看到我的脸么? -可以 -You see my face in the little box? -Yeah 好的 我的脸一定要完整的在那个小框框里 Ok, my face is gonna be right in your box 如果你死了 你最好安息吧 If you're dead you'd better stay dead 对 没错 Yeah 如果你不老实安息 我们会杀了你! 'Cause if not,we're gonna kill you! 你知道多久了? How long have you known? 够久了 Long enough 你的"救援任务"进行的怎样啊? How's the rescue going? 好了 真令人惊讶啊 Well, surprise, surprise 整人怪把我们都给整了 The trickster has tricked us Kali 别这样 Kali. Don't 你现在是我的人了 You're mine now 而你身上有我想要的东西 And you have something I want 大天使的刀 An Archangel's blade 来自大天使 Gabriel! From the Archangel--Gabriel! 好吧 Okay! 好吧 Okay! 我是有翅膀 So I got wings 跟卫生棉一样 Like kotex 可是这不代表我对Lucifer的观点是错的 But that doesn't make me any less right about Lucifer 他在撒谎 He's lying 他是个间谍 He's a spy 我不是间谍 我只是逃跑了而已 I'm not a spy. I'm a runaway. 我可是想救你们 I'm trying to save you 我了解我的兄弟 Kali I know my brother,Kali 他应该把你吓的魂不附体才对 He should scare the living crap out of you 你打不败他的 You can't beat him! 我提前看了剧透 我知道一切的结局 I skipped head-- Seen how the story ends 那也只是你的故事 不是我们的 Your story. Not ours 西方人 我发誓 你们的傲慢... Westerners-I swear-the sheer arrogance 你们以为这个星球上只有你们吗? You think you're the only ones on earth? 你们以你们上帝的名义烧杀抢掠 You pillage and you butcher in your God's name 但你不是唯一的宗教 But you're not the only religion 而他也不是唯一的神 And he's not the only god 你们以为你就能随便把这个星球给毁了? Now you think you can just rip the planet apart? 你错了 You're wrong 我们可是有上亿个人 There are billions of us 而且是我们先到的 And we were here first. 若要论谁有资格毁灭世界 If anyone gets to end this world 那也只是老娘我 It's me 对不起 I'm sorry 这也太疯狂了 This is crazy 他们是会死的 They can die 我们可以杀了Lucifer We can kill Lucifer 好吧 你们这些不开窍的傻帽们 All right.You primitive screw heads 给我听好了 Listen up 你疯了吗? Are you out of your mind? 我没得选了 I'm out of options 如果今天是别的日子 Now on any other given day 那我一定只会想方设法的... 杀了你们 I'll be doing my damnest to kill you 你们这群杀人恶魔 You filthy murdering chumps 可是 But 此一时彼一时 Desperate times 所以虽说我最想做的事 So even though I'd love nothing better 就是把你们的喉咙撕破 than to slit your throat, you dicks 可我却打算帮助你们 I'm gonna help you 帮你们结果了魔鬼 I'm gonna help you to ice the devil 然后我们都可以回到过去 And then we can all get back 那些相互杀戮的正常岁月 to ganking each other like normal 你想抓住Lucifer You want Lucifer 黄页上可没有那家伙的地址 Well, dude's not in the yellow pages 但是我和Sam 有能力让他过来 But me and Sam, we can get him here 怎样? How? 首先 你先把这些主菜撤掉 First, you let those main courses go 然后我们再谈 Then we talk 要不一起对抗这只魔鬼 We can either take on the devil together 要不你们这些废物婊子就吃了我 Or you lame-ass bitches can eat me 真的吃了 Literally 来吧大家 快走! Come on 走吧 走吧 快走! Let's go. Let's go.Let's go. Let's go. 好的 好的 All right. All right. 走 快离开这里 Go! Go! Go! Get out of here! 喂 Dean Psst! Dean! 别..别看我! D..don't look at me! 自然点 Act natural 进来 Get in 老兄 这样一点也不自然好不 Man, there is nothing natural about this at all 我以为你已经死了 I thought you were dead 你觉得我会把真的剑给Kali吗 You think I'd give Kali my real sword 那东西可真能杀死我 That thing can kill me 那他们用的是什么 Then what do they have in there 假的 A fake 用一罐减肥橘味饮料做的 Made it out of a can of diet orange slice 那 呃... So, uh... 你还是快去把我们的血偷出来吧 Go snag our blood, would ya? 啥? What? 我听到你说的那些了 I heard you in there Kali喜欢你 你可以更接近一些 Kali likes you. You can get close. 偷走血样 然后我们就走 Lift the plasma then we vamoose 不行 No 交出真正的刀 Hand over the real blade 我有个更好的主意 你为什么不准备好 Better yet, why don't you sack up 然后帮我们杀了Lucifer And help us take down Lucifer 你开玩笑的吧 You can't be serious 我像吗 Deadly 你是从什么时候开始跟一群怪物成为死党了 Since when are you butt-buddies with a bunch of monsters 他对你来说只是这些 不是吗 That's all they are to you, aren't they 好 你知道么 Sam是对的 这很疯狂 All right, you know what? Sam was right. It's nuts. 但这是我听过的最好的主意了 But it's the best idea I've heard 所以除非你有一个更好的 So unless you have a better one 那祝你们好运咯 Good luck with that 我 我要直接走人了 Me, I'm blowing jonestown 那帮人想搞自杀式行动 Those lemmings want to run off a cliff 那是他们自己的事 That's their business 我看得透你 知道吗 I see right through you. you know that 伪装而成的叛逆 ‘我才不在乎’的那一套 The smart-ass shell, the whole "I could give a crap" thing 相信我 我其实也是这样 Believe me, it takes one to know one -是这样的吗? -没错 -That so? -Yes 也许里面的那帮怪物们并不是你的血亲 And maybe those freaks in there aren't your blood 可他们还是你的家人 But they are your family 他们刚刚还捅了我一刀啊 They just stabbed me in the friggin' heart 也许吧 但你还是很关心他们 不是吗? Maybe, but you still give a crap about them, don't you? Dean Dean 我觉得他们没有你都会死在那的 I think they're gonna die there without you 我没有杀死我兄弟的能力 I can't kill my brother 是杀不了还是不想杀 can't or won't 我就知道 That's what I thought 所以你打算召唤Lucifer So you're going to summon Lucifer 可以这么说 S 我只需要你们把我肋骨上的一些东西去掉 I just need you to screegee some stuff from my ribs 他就会马上跑过来 and he'll come running 砸断了它们会更容易 Breaking them could be easier 演出结束了 Show's over 那把刀是假的 Sword's a fake Gabriel还活着 And Gabriel, he's still kicking. 很遗憾的告诉你 你被耍了 I hate to break to you sister, but you've been tricked 我要住宿 Checking in Lucifer Lucifer 感谢您的光临 Thanks for coming 噢 你通知我是对的 Oh, you did right calling me 只是 It's just 他们在里面谈论的那些 The way the talk is heading in there 简直是疯了 It's insane 你知道的 我从来都不怎么懂你们这些异教者 You know I never understood you pagans 你们是这么的小气 You're such petty little things 总是在战斗 Always fighting... 高高兴兴的出卖自己人 Always happy to sell out your own kind 难怪你们把这星球输给了我们 No wonder if you forfeited this planet to us 你们比人类更不堪 You are worse than humans 连恶魔都不如 You're worse than demons 可你们却自称是神 And yet you claim to be gods 他们竟然还觉得我很高傲 And they call me prideful 怎么回事 What's happening 是他 It's him 怎么会 How 那有什么关系 Does it matter 掩护我们离开这里 怎么样 Shazam us out of here, would you? 我们做不到 We can't 你们当然不行 Of course you can't 你没有获得我的允许 You didn't say "Mother, may I" Sam Dean 很高兴又见面了 Sam, Dean, Good to see you again Baldur 别 Baldur, don't 你以为这个星球是属于你的吗 You think you own the planet 你们凭什么拥有这种权力 What gives you the right 没人给我们这些权利 No one gives us the right 我们自己抓住的 We take it 你还好吧 Are you okay 不见得 Not really 迟到总比不到好 是吧 Better late than never, huh? 你们舍了命也要护住这个 Guard this with your life Lucy Lucy 我回来了 I'm home 这次可不行 Not this time 伙计们 Guys! 带她离开这里 Get her out of here 就为了一个女孩 Over a girl 至于吗 Gabriel Gabriel really 我的意思是 我知道你的日子过的不怎么样 可是... I mean, I knew you were slumming, but... 我真希望你没被什么东西‘感染’ I hope you didn't catch anything Lucifer Lucifer 你是我弟弟 我很爱你 You're my brother and I love you 但你也是个挨千刀的混蛋 But you are a great big bag of dicks 你刚说什么 What did you just say to me 看看你自己 Look at yourself 老爹对我不好 所以我要搞坏他所有的玩具 Daddy was mean to me so I'm gonna smash up all his toys 注意你的态度 Watch your tone 你可以随便假装你的受害者 Play the v 但你和我--我们都知道事实的真相 But you and me -- we know the truth 老爹最爱你 Dad loved you best 胜过Michael More than Michael 胜过我 More than me 而他带回来了一个新宝贝 Then he brought the new baby home 你就接受不了了 And you couldn't handle it 这所有的一切 其实都只是你在耍小孩脾气 So all this is just a great big temper tantrum. 是时候长大了 Time to grow up. 我可不愿坐到那破东西里面去 I'm not getting in that thing. 你快上车吧 公主大人 Just get in the car, princess. Gabriel 如果你是为了Michael这样... Gabriel, if you're doing this for Michael... 去他的 Screw him. 如果他在这的话我连他也削 If we were standing here. I'd shiv his ass, too. 你这个不忠诚的... You disloyal... 噢 我很忠诚 Oh, I'm loyal. 很忠于他们 To them. 谁们? Who? 这些... 所谓的‘神明’? These...so-called gods? 人类 Lucifer To people, Lucifer. 人类 People. 你是说你愿意为了一群蟑螂而死? So you're willing to die for a pile of cockroaches? 为什么? Why? 因为老爸他是对的 Because Dad was right. 它们是比我们更优秀 They are better than us. 他们是次品 有瑕疵的残缺弃儿而已 They are broken. Flawed abortions. 你说的很对 他们确实是有瑕疵 Damn right. They're flawed. 但是至少他们大多数人正在尝试改变 But a lot of them try to do better. 学会宽恕 To forgive. 还有 哥们你真该去Spearmint Rhino(著名全球连锁夜店)看看 And you should see the Spearmint Rhino. 我已经做了很久的冷板凳了 I've been riding the pine a long time. 可是现在我回来了 But I'm in the game now. 而且我既不是你那边的 也不是Michael那边的 And I'm not on your side or Michael's. 我选择帮助人类 I'm on theirs. 兄弟 不要逼我这么做 Brother, don't make me do this. 没有人可以逼我们做任何事情 No one makes us do anything. 我知道你觉得你做的事情是正确的 Gabriel I know you think you're doing the right thing, Gabriel. 但是我更清楚你的真心在哪里 But I know where your heart truly lies. 就在这里 Here. 业余把戏 Amateur hocus-pocus. 别忘了... Don't forget-- 你的所有花招都是我教给你的 我的好弟弟 You learned all your tricks from me, little brother. 亲爱的日记 Dear diary. 当一个高级商务总裁真的是太好玩了 Being a high-power business president is super fun. 可是也好累人啊 But, so exhausting. 有的时候我就是要好好放松一下 Sometimes I just need to relax. 我需要 一次激情旅馆之旅 I need, Casa erotica. 客房服务 Room service. 请进 Come in. Gabriel想让你豁出命来保护的东西就是它? Gabriel wanted you to guard this with your life? 说Maybe he's a fan. 这片的确很不错. It is a good one 这里有你点的波兰熏肉肠. I've got the kielbasa you ordered. 唔... 是波兰产的吗? Mmm. Polish? 匈牙利的 Hungarian. 这到底是怎么一回事? What the hell's going on? Sam Dean? Sam. Dean? 你们哥俩八成正在纳闷这到底是怎么一回事? You're probably wondering that the hell's going on. 呃 Well. 如果你们在看这个录像... If you're watching this... 那说明我已经死了 I'm dead. 拜托 Oh please. 别哭了 Stop sobbing. 挺丢人的 It's embarrassing for all of us. 我死了的话 你们杀掉Lucifer的几率是零 Without me, you've got zero shot at killing Lucifer. 抱歉 Sorry. 但是... But... 你们可以重新封印他 You can trap him. 你们之前放Lucifer出来的那个笼子还在呢 The cage you sprung Lucifer from is still down there. 或许 我只是说或许 你们可以重新把他给扔进去. And maybe-- Just maybe-- you can shove his ass back in. 我并不是说这是个多容易的事 Not that it'll be easy. 你们得去把笼子打开 然后把我那兄弟给骗进去 You got to get the cage open, trick my bro back into it. 还有 噢 对了 And, um-- oh, yeah-- 你们还得避免被Michael和上帝小分队给抓到. Avoid Michael and the god squad. 但是 这只是细节 对吧? But hey, details, right? 现在就告诉你们这个大秘密. And here's the big secret. Lucifer本人都不知道的 Lucifer himself doesen't even know. 那个笼子的那把钥匙 是的确存在的 But the key to the cage-- it's out there. 实际上 多个钥匙 不止一把 Actually, it's keys-- plural. 一共四把钥匙 Four keys. 或是说 四枚戒指 Well, four rings. 天启四骑士的四枚戒指 From the horsemen. 你们只要拿到了那四枚戒指 就能完成封印了 You get them all. You got the cage. 倒不是说我真的指望着你们俩愣头青能成事 Can't say I'm betting on you boys. 但是吧 呃 我也不是没错过 But, um, hey, I've been wrong before. 还有 Dean... And, Dean... 你是对的 You were right. 我是不敢站起来对抗我的兄弟 I was afraid to stand up to my brother. 不再是了 Not anymore. 所以这就是我 我起来了... So this is me, standing up... 然后这还是我... And this is me... 我又躺下了 Lying down. 噢! 天啊 别这样 哥们! Oh! oh, man. 天启四骑士 是吗? Horsemen, huh? 我们已经有了战争的戒指 Well, we got war's. 也砍下了饥荒的那个 We nicked famine's. 现在手头已经有两个戒指了 That's two rings down. 要拿到全部的四个 Collect all four. 只差瘟疫和死亡的了 Just need Pestilence and Death. 哦 只是这样吗? Oh. Is that all? 就这样计划吧 It's a plan. 搞什么鬼? What the hell? Does this stuff make you drowsy? 我还得开很久的车 I got a lot of driving to do. 蓝色的那个会让你犯困. Blue ones make you sleepy. 红色的和橙色的是可以白天吃的. Red and orange ones are okay for daytime. 这个...这个太恶心了 This is...this is awful. 【此录像内人员皆满十八岁】 激情旅馆 (.里面Sam看的付费A片) Casa Erotica 【邪恶力量第五季集 - 众神之锤】 ====== E U 字幕组====== 【邪恶力量?百度贴吧】首发 本字幕仅供学习 请勿商业使用 感谢所有吧友的热心支持 EU字幕组 翻译: 影舞儿 怪人 出云 波西西 口水君 elves roro 校对:素灵兰 影舞儿 怪人 后期:queen_cassie 冷月
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