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地板十大品牌:地板十大品牌实木地板地板十大品牌:地板十大品牌实木地板 地板十大品牌:地板十大品牌实木地板 世界地板大会作为全球各地区相关国家、工商界和学术界领袖就世界地板行业重要事务进行对话、磋商的高层次平台,致力于通过区域经济的进一步整合,推进全球地板行业的发展。在国际森林年的特定背景下,2011年3月21日第二届世界地板大会拟与第十三届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会同期举办。 在新的全球经济格局下,地板行业面临着技术创新、低碳环保、可持续发展等多方面的机遇和挑战。加强国际间的沟通与交流,共享发展中的经验与成果,探讨未来市场的挑战与机遇,无疑是国内外...
地板十大品牌:地板十大品牌实木地板 地板十大品牌:地板十大品牌实木地板 世界地板大会作为全球各地区相关国家、工商界和学术界领袖就世界地板行业重要事务进行对话、磋商的高层次平台,致力于通过区域经济的进一步整合,推进全球地板行业的发展。在国际森林年的特定背景下,2011年3月21日第二届世界地板大会拟与第十三届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会同期举办。 在新的全球经济格局下,地板行业面临着技术创新、低碳环保、可持续发展等多方面的机遇和挑战。加强国际间的沟通与交流,共享发展中的经验与成果,探讨未来市场的挑战与机遇,无疑是国内外地板行业组织和企业的共同愿望。 接下来,且让我们来关注一下在第二届世界地板大会召开之前我们的地板品牌关注榜是如何变化的。 强化类:欧龙地板“一步之遥” 强化类地板品牌关注榜变化不大,吸引笔者眼球的,除了莱茵[简介 最新动态]阳光[最新消息 价格 户型 点评]的下榜,就是欧龙地板从排名第八的位置升至第七位。 欧龙地板,前身是全球最大的IP纸业的中国区唯一合作伙伴和股东,地处强化木地板之都常州,荣获国家康居示范工程选用部品与产品和中国品牌500强、中国质量500强,中国十佳品牌等荣誉,行业内的超大规模企业之一,常州地板协会的常务副会长单位。现有12个系列共一百多个花色,包括实木复合拼花系列,强化拼花系列,产品线丰富,质量稳定,库存充足。 2011年3月22日至24日,欧龙地板将赴上海浦东新国际博览中心,参加“第十三届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会”,这是一个办在国内经济桥头堡上海、在全球极具影响力的地板类专业展会,迄今为止,已成功举办了十二届。欧龙地板将一如既往的参加并借助这一平台,结交朋友,展示产品。 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 2011年3月18日强化类品牌关注榜截图 实木类:联丰上榜 日前,从江苏省名牌战略推进委员会获悉,联丰地板被评为“江苏名牌产品”,这是2011年以来,联丰在荣获苏州消保委“0投诉企业”以来所获得的第二项殊荣,这不仅预示这新的一年里企业发展的良好开局,也是对27年来联丰人辛勤努力所交上的完美答卷,它增强了员工的信心和动力,引导着联丰向更快、更高、更强的战略目标而迈进。 被认证的江苏名牌产品有着严格的申请条件和苛刻的评价指标,此次评审是权威部门对联丰产品的质量认可,也是对联丰企业的一次综合实力的测评。事实证明,一个享有盛誉的品牌,将是企业一笔巨大的财富。已经拥有亚洲品牌500强、中国驰名商标、江苏名牌产品、中国地板十大品牌、中国环境标志认证等顶级荣誉于一身的联丰将在激烈的市场竞争中,永远把品质作为企业的生命线,再接再厉,向更高的战略目标而努力! 2011年3月18日实木类品牌关注榜截图 实木复合类:扬子入榜 在三大行业出台不久,扬子以远高于行业标准的企业内控标准,成功入选中国保护消费者基金会“中国消费者首选地板品牌联盟”。2011年1月,扬子地板以服务“0”投诉position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 为目标,率先在全国推行名为 “第一时间 ”的服务品牌。“第一时间 ”服务品牌是一个为消费者提供完美体验的系统,从顾客进店的导购服务,产品配送服务、安装服务、售后服务都做出了的标准和流程。 在“第一时间 ”服务品牌正式上路2个多月之后,扬子地板以3?15消费者权益日为契机,开展了声势浩大的“百万用户寻亲大回访”活动。凡自2003年至今的所有扬子地板用户,凭借购买凭证到经销门店均可获得精美礼品一份。同时扬子地板用户可以申请“扬子品牌大使”,持“VIP”金卡,成功推荐客户后还有机会获得意外惊喜。另外针对2010年持续到现在的通货膨胀,消费者“谈价色变”的现象,最近刚刚上线营运的扬子地板网络旗舰店,为了减轻现在购房装修者的一些经济压力,准备了多项特价大餐。让消费者花最少的钱,购买到最超值的产品,并且可以和参加扬子地板3?15百万用户寻亲之旅的客户一道,比更多人早一步体验到“第一时间 ” 全面优化的服务品牌。 “服务快人一步,23小时快速响应,第一时间,我在现场”是“第一时间 ”服务品牌口号。此次扬子地板服务的创新和升级,在消费者中有口皆碑,而且成为消费者竞相标榜的地板服务标准。扬子正以独特的影响力给整个地板服务行业带来巨大冲击,也凭借良好的服务优势当之无愧地抢占了竞争制高点,相信随着市场的愈加明朗,扬子地板将在服务领域有力地发挥地先行和示范作用。 2011年3月18日实木复合类品牌关注榜截图 竹木类:高牌荣登“榜眼” 高牌地板与国内知名营销策划机构合作,对高牌地板品牌营销进行把脉,新的VI标志全新出炉,以更加高端,更具时尚气息崭新在大家面前。 十年的发展历程,形成了高牌地板独特的品牌文化。与旧VI相比,本次新VI的设计更显时尚与国际化。新的VI标志以大写G为创作灵感,双G紧紧相扣,不仅达着高牌公司与高牌消费者通过高牌的产品和服务紧密联系在一起,而且象征着高牌公司与经销商一起斩position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 荆披棘,手拉着手一起开创高牌美好未来,简约而不简单的LOGO设计很快在高牌新开门店中运用,极大的提升了品牌形象。 对于此次VI的升级,高牌经销商表示十分满意。高牌地板苏州经销商表示,高牌地板十年的品牌积累在顾客中形成了良好的品质口碑。这与高牌多年以来坚持的“品质为本”的经营理念密不可分。高牌厂商一致认为,品质是检验地板好坏的核心标准。从产品生产到终端服务,高牌木业对每一个细节都严格把控,将“双G”文化深深的融入了我们的品牌内涵。此次新VI的强势启动正与消费者的这种共识不谋而合,充分展示出高牌地板对消费者品质、使用及需求的关注。 高牌新标语“高品位,新时尚” CLASSIC TASTE, NEW FASION, 更加明确了高牌的产品 定位,形成了极具特色的品牌文化。此次新VI的强势启动,对高牌品牌国际化产生了深远影响,打响了争创行业第一品质的前哨战。 2011年3月18日竹木类品牌关注榜截图 地板品牌关注榜:在世界地板大会之前 相关文章 查看更多评论"地板品牌关注榜:在世界地板大会之前"相关评论 康辉地板 浙江康辉木业有限公司-- .. 圣达地板 苏州怡辉圣达木业有限公司 欧圣地板 江苏欧圣木业有限公司 罗兰?欧罗巴 上海创高木业(沈阳)有限.. 安信地板 上海安信地板有限公司 圣象地板 圣象集团 宝丰丰旺地板 浙江湖州宝丰木业有限公司 扬子地板 安徽扬子地板股份有限公司 比嘉地板 广州力恒集团-比嘉地板 欧龙地板 江苏欧龙地板有限公司 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and [本周策划] 营销策划是不是越专业越好 好的策划方案,是专业的产物,但它不仅仅是专业的产物。不建立在企业实施能力之上, 再优秀的策划方案,.. position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and
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