

2011-06-13 5页 doc 32KB 72阅读




西南财大《综合英语》期末考试-题型2010级《综合英语2》期末考试题型 2010级《综合英语II》期末考试 平时成绩与期末考试成绩的比例是40%:60% 平时成绩的计算方法: 满分100分= 口试(30分)+出勤(20分)+平时课堂表现和作业完成情况等(50分) 期末笔试题型 Part I 听力:30分 长对话2个,10小题,10分 段落3个,10小题,10分 复合式听写, 10分 Part II阅读:31分 选词填空10分 单项选择21分(每题1.5分):其中一篇阅读文章来自教材 Part III词汇:9分。 (以课文中出现的词汇为主) Part IV翻译:...
2010级《综合英语2》期末考试题型 2010级《综合英语II》期末考试 平时成绩与期末考试成绩的比例是40%:60% 平时成绩的计算方法: 满分100分= 口试(30分)+出勤(20分)+平时课堂表现和作业完成情况等(50分) 期末笔试题型 Part I 听力:30分 长对话2个,10小题,10分 段落3个,10小题,10分 复合式听写, 10分 Part II阅读:31分 选词填空10分 单项选择21分(每题1.5分):其中一篇阅读文章来自教材 Part III词汇:9分。 (以课文中出现的词汇为主) Part IV:15分 英译汉:与教材相关(5分) 汉译英:段落翻译,提供关键词(10分) Part V写作:15分 口试安排 期末口试时间:15周的星期四(6月2日)和16周的星期四(6月9日)两次课堂教学时间。 口试范围:《视听说教程》和《综合教程》所涉及的话题,以及部分课外的话题,一共30个话题。话题及评分由系上事先统一以邮件的形式发放给教师,纸质文件随后发给老师。(建议教师可以提前两周告知学生口试试题,请学生们准备,不过必须口试当场通过抽题的形式来确定讨论的题目。) 考试方式:3-4个同学一小组,从老师那里抽取一个话题进行15分钟的小组讨论,首先每个同学发表自己的观点(每人1-2分钟),然后进行讨论。 评分标准:满分为30分,教师根据学生的表现评分,占学生期末平时成绩100分中的30分。 2010级《综合英语II》口试评分标准 分值 语言准确性和范围 话语的长短和连贯性 语言灵活性和适切性 24-30分 1.语法和词汇有一些错误,但未严重影响交际; 2.表达过程中词汇较丰富; 3.发音较好 1.虽然发言较简短,但能进行较连贯的发言或讨论; 2.组织思想和搜寻词语时出现停顿,但不会严重影响交际 1.能够较积极地参与讨论,多数切题或能与小组成员直接交流; 2.语言的使用基本上能与语境,功能和目的相适应 15-21分 1.词汇语法有错误,且有时会影响交际; 2.表达过程中词汇不丰富,语法结构较简单; 3.发音有缺陷,有时会影响交际 1.发言简短; 2. 组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现较长的时间的停顿,影响交际,但能够基本完成交际任务 不能积极参与讨论,有时无法适应新话题或讨论内容的改变 15分以下 1.语法和词汇有较多错误,以致妨碍理解; 2. 表达过程中因缺乏词汇和语法结构而影响交际; 3. 发音较差,以致交际时常中断 发言简短且毫无连贯性,几乎无法进行交际 不能参与小组讨论 等级描述: 24-30分:能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难或虽有些困难,但不影响交际。 15-24分:能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际。 15分以下:尚不具有英语口头交际能力。 口试试题: Oral Test Questions 1.​ In your opinion, which is better, living in the country or living in the city? Give reasons. 2.​ What do you think are possible ways to improve the quality of our lives? 3.​ Black Americans have made great progress in getting full equality. Do you think there is still much left to be done? Give examples to support your point of view. 4.​ What difficulties did the slaves have in travelling the Underground Railroad to freedom? 5.​ What do you think has led to deterioration in security in the US? 6.​ What do you understand by the author’s remark “We have become so smart about self-protection that, in the end, we have all outsmarted ourselves”? 7.​  Do you think there exist extraterrestrials? Give reasons. 8.​  How is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States? Do you think the way the writer celebrated the holiday makes sense? Give reasons. 9.​  Do you praise others more often than criticize them or the other way round? Why? 10.​  What do you think can support you in your moments of depression, despair or a setback? 11.​  What do you think of the prospects of human cloning? Give reasons. 12.​  What kind of role do you think famous people play in modern society? 13.​  What is the importance of cultural awareness in international marketing? 14.​  Why do many students have part-time jobs? What are the problems caused by a part-time job to them? 15.​  How do you understand the proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”? 16. Are there security problems in other parts of the world today? If so, what can be done to better the situation? 17. Both Josiah Henson and Uncle Tom are slaves. But in the eyes of Barbara Carter, they are different. In what way is Josiah Henson different from Uncle Tom? 18. What is good and what is evil? How much potential for evil can we tolerate to obtain something that might be good? 19. Is science pure? Can it be divorce from its consequences? Why or why not? 20. Do you think interstellar travel will ever be possible? Why? Back-up Questions 1.​ More than 700,000 volunteers have made great contributions to the success of Beijing Olympics and Expo 2010 Shanghai. Volunteerism seems to have become an increasingly "popular" concept in China. What’s your opinion about volunteerism? 2.​ Those generations born in the 80s and 90s, are labeled as spoiled. They are criticized for a lack of care for others and for being too focused on themselves. Do you agree? Why or why not? 3.​ Which do you think is more important, environmental protection or economic development? Please explain. 4.​ What can people do to relieve the pressure of modern life? 5.​ Do you think good interpersonal relationships are important to one's health? Why or why not? 6.​ Do you think the celebration of Western festivals should be encouraged in China? Why or why not? 7.​ Do you believe good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil? Why or why not? 8.​ What causes stress to people? What should we do to deal with stress? What are the positive sides of stress? 9.​ In pursuing a dream, how can one keep a balance between his strong wish to realize the dream and the limitations of his abilities and circumstances? 10.​ Some people say that pollution is caused by industrialization, what’s your opinion?
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