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大家论坛对外基础英语2006年真题 大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] 对外经济贸易大学 2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:基础英语 I. Choose from A, B, C, or D the one that is the closest in meaning to the part underlined in the sentence. (20 points) 1. The Pentagon cannot po...
大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] 对外经济贸易大学 2006年硕士研究生入学考试试 考试科目:基础英语 I. Choose from A, B, C, or D the one that is the closest in meaning to the part underlined in the sentence. (20 points) 1. The Pentagon cannot point to any intelligence gains resulting from the interrogation techniques used at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib that have so tarnished America‟s image. A. depreciated B. endorsed C. engendered D. spoiled 2. By this time some women on the Eastern seaboard had indentured servants or slaves to help them, but the pioneer woman undertook all her homemaking tasks by herself with the skill and dedication of her colonial forebears. A. contracted B. commanded C. commissioned D. conditioned 3. Just as work and educational opportunities for women were limited in the 1800‟s, their legal rights were also circumscribed. A. reserved B. preserved C. perverted D. restricted 4. What this angry young man needs is a strategy to reconcile his ideal with reality. A. match B. interface C. harmonise D. pair 5. In 1964 the chairman of the House Rules Committee, Howard W. Smith, who opposed the civil rights bill then being debated in the House of Representatives, inadvertently helped the cause of women‟s rights. A. reluctantly B. unintentionally C. wittingly D. consequently 6. As the ensuing business contraction worsened in 1930, Congress voted a steep increase in tariffs on foreign imports. Almost immediately America‟s European trading partners retaliated with higher tariffs of their own, accelerating what had already been a sharp decline in world trade. A. reacted in reprisal B. settled up C. vindicated D. requited 7. When immigrants arrived looking forward to the new opportunities and new freedom, they found danger and more hardship in a land devoid of any but the most elementary means of communication. A. deprived of B. deluged with C. diffused by D. destitute of 8. Profits have burgeoned too: the firm is expected to make $2.3 billion in 2004 on sales of $10.3 billion, almost double what it made in the year before Mr. Kilts took over. A. risen rapidly B. dwindled C. leveled off D. peaked 9. This fairy tale presents the metamorphosis of a handsome young man to a spellbound beast. A. transposition B. transcendence C. transformation D. transference 10. For most of this year, Americans have spent prodigiously on homes, cars, refrigerators, and 大家论坛-英语专业考研版-真题+资料汇总 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html 大家论坛-英语专业考研版-真题+资料汇总 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html 基础英语真题: (北外)00-09年基础英语试题及答案详解 (华东师大)06年华东师大基础英语 (华东师大)基础英语 08-09年真题 (华东师大)2007年 “基础英语” 和 “翻译” (华东师大)2008年“基础英语”和“翻译” (华东师大)03年基础英语 (四川外语学院)09年基础英语真题 (考研真题) 04年 西外 基础英语 真题 (考研真题) 05年 川外 基础英语 真题 (广外)历年基础英语考试真题 (考研真题)天外 07年基础英语节选 (对外经贸大学)基础英语 02-07年真题 (对外经贸大学)09、10年基础英语考研真题 (对外经贸大学)2001基础英语考研试题.pdf (南京师大)基础英语 2004 (南京师大)基础英语 2003 (南京师大) 基础英语 2001 (大连海事大学)基础英语 08-09年真题 (山东师范大学)基础英语 06-09年真题 (外交学院)02-04年基础英语真题 (华中师大) 07年基础英语真题 (考研真题) 08 年中大 基础英语 (考研真题)09年 中大 基础英语 (武大)2007 基础英语 (武大)2006 基础英语 法语真题: (北外)1998-2009年法语二外真题 (北外)2002~2009 北外法语二外真题答案) (北外)08 年二外法语 (北师)04 年法语二外考研真题 (上外)07年二外法语试题 (上外)二外法语 05-07年真题及答案 (上外) 09 二外 法语 考研真题 (对外经贸)09年二外法语试题 (华东师大)08-09年法语二外真题 (华东师大)2007年 二外法语 (华东师大)03-04年二外法语 (人民大学)02-07年法语二外真题 (武汉大学)02-04年二外法语真题 (大连外国语学院)2003年二外 法语试题 日语真题: (上海外国语大学)二外日语历年真题 (北外) 二外日语 真题及丰富的资料! (中南大学)2006-2007年日语二外真题 (南京师大) 日语 二外 2004 (南京师大) 日语 二外 2001 德语真题: (广外)二外德语真题 (厦大)英专考研德语(二外)真题参考答案 (厦大)英语专业考研德语(二外)真题 北外西班牙真题: (北外)2001 到 2007 年西班牙语考试真题 (山东师范大学)06-09年二外法语+二外日语 (武汉大学)08年二外日语+法语真题 (对外经贸)商英+笔译+口译+二外俄语 翻译真题: (广外)英语专业历年初试真题 水平+翻译与写作 (武汉大学)2009综合英语汉译英真题及参考答案 (南京大学)2007基础英语汉译英及参考答案文本及 pdf (广外)10 年写作与翻译真题 (上外)01-08年英汉互译真题 (外交学院)翻译真题及答案 语言学方面真题: (中南大学)2006年英语语言文学与文化综合知识真题 (四川外语学院)01-06年英语语言文学真题 (长安大学)2007年英语语言学真题 (四川外国语大学)英语专业 2006年考研真题 英美文学真题: (上海交通大学)07年英美文学考研真题 (深圳大学)05年英美文学真题 ================================================= 语言学资料: 英语修辞手法 经济学人文本 英语语言学资料 《英语语言学基础》学习指南-南温洪瑞主编 1999 年 08 月版 pdf (华中师范大学)语言学课本教程 2010版 戴伟栋语言学笔记 liguistics--胡壮麟超赞的笔记 英美文学资料: 高教版《英美文学选读》课文译文 《英国文学简史》中文版 英国文学主要作家作品汇总 《英美文学史》之英国文学作家作品大全 《美国文学简史》(上)中文版 英国文学史考试要点 英美文学部分作家的介绍和评论 外国文学史图表版笔记整理 英国文学部分作品分析 英美文学超全题库 十套考研英美概况练习题(含答案) 翻译资料: 汉语成语典故谚语与歇后语英语翻译 全国 68所院校英汉互译试题分析 英语专业考研翻译超全面的笔记~ 英语专业考研各大院校题型对比分析 pdf 法语真题回忆版: (北师)2010年二外法语真题回忆版 (广外)10年二外法语试题回忆 (北京师范大学)2010年二外法语真题回忆版 (南京师大) 09外院二外法语回忆 大学法语简明教程笔记汇总 记忆法语名词阴阳性的方法 法语重要句型汇总 实用法语语法 - 精讲与练习(中国宇航出版社) 日语学习资料: 日本语表现文型辞典(最全最实用的句型大全) 日语语法及词汇练习题 1500题 日本语法 笔记资料 考研日语(非日语专业)资料 日语二外考研作文 18篇 93 年到 07年的全国日语考试 日语二外需掌握的最基本词汇 大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] dinners out, carrying forward an aging economic expansion that as recently as January seemed in danger of expiring. A. sensibly B. considerably C. audaciously D. lavishly II. Complete the passage by choosing the best word for each gap from the box. Change the word form when you think it is necessary to do so. (30 points) since rather select lazy lose natural always diversity whereas specialize ever afford complex curious contact matter where keep promote accentuate English as a killer language Throughout the world, people regard English as a language of economic opportunity, though this is not a universal feeling, since some consider English a tool for the destruction of linguistic and cultural 1 . A number of commentators have seen the spread of English not as an unqualified benefit, but rather as an opportunity reserved only for the 2 few and a means to construct patterns of inequality both within countries and between the “west” and the “rest”. The global spread of English is 3 : on the one hand it appears as an unstoppable process that homogenizes culture wherever it goes: Crystal (1997a) cites the Italian word cocacolonizzare (to coca-colonize), while the poet Derrick Desmond 4 crudely laments the „Californucation‟ (sic) of world culture. On the other hand, however, the spread of English creates divisions in society, and 5 with other languages causes the creation of new language varieties. Pattayanyak (1996) has suggested that in India the use of English 6 improved educational opportunities for only a very small minority. On the whole it 7 the rift between the urban and rural, the developed and developing and the masses and the elite. He argues that 8 English is the almost exclusive language of science and technology, this actually prevents ordinary people from having access to and interacting with it. Because it prevents many languages sharing communication, it 9 „alienation, anomie, and blind spots in cultural perception‟. Ultimately, Pattayanyak argues, English causes other cultures to wither and die, and its use by the elite to secure their position of privilege is just as much of an imposition on the people as colonialism 10 was. It has also been suggested (and it does seem to be true certainly of most Britons and Americans) that the spread of global English has led to complacency about the use of English, and has encouraged people to be 11 about learning languages. Certainly in my recent experience teaching at university in Great Britain, many of the foreign-language programmes are struggling to recruit students who wish to 12 in a foreign language, and traditional literature-based German and French programmes in particular seem to be struggling to retain student numbers. On the other hand, as we mentioned in the section on the boom in English teaching, courses that combine European languages with, for example, business studies, marketing or IT training, 13 the instrumental function of learning the language is transparent, are indeed attracting students. Thus, this complacency or lack of interest might not be a simple 14 of students losing interest in learning languages, but rather of academics 15 touch with how and why we teach them. 大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] III. Complete the passage by choosing the best sentence for each gap. There are more sentences given than necessary. (32 points) A. Almost every appeal imaginable has been used in advertising. B. Theoretically, both direct and indirect appeals can be effective. C. Instead it attempts to manipulate the consumer by indirect appeals. D. The visual and verbal content of advertising has changed considerably over time. E. Advertisers are innovative because they have always kept in mind the needs of the public. F. In order to be effective, an advertisement must appeal to its audience and reflect shared values. G. The goal is, of course, to get the public to associate the corporation with the “selfless” ad and lovely images. H. Various specialists in an agency work as a team to develop the advertisement tailored to the needs of the particular client. I. The advertising industry places a high premium on creativity in finding new images that will appeal to the public. J. For the campaigns the advertising agency‟s creative department holds a series of brainstorming sessions discussing ideas. K. Indeed, some advertising content is direct and makes rational appeals, mentioning characteristics of the product, its relative advantages, and price. L. Coca-Cola‟s successful “It‟s the Real Thing” advertisements show happy, fun-loving, youthful people drinking Coke with upbeat music playing in the background—without saying anything about taste, nutritional value, or price. The content of advertising To accomplish their ends, advertisers must make a persuasive appeal. Sometimes that appeal is simple and descriptive; sometimes it is subtle and sophisticated. Communication scholars James W. Carey says that advertising is persuasive—and thus acts as a form of social control—mainly by providing information. 1 A General Tire commercial that features babies, for example, talks about the durability of the tire and its role in keeping the family safe. Much advertising, however, has little to do with direct information or rational appeals. 2 Research in 1992 on Americans‟ favorite commercials indicated that those with fantasy scenes, such as the ads for the California Raisins or Kibbles‟ n Bits dog food, are more popular than those featuring celebrities. Economic historian David Potter maintains, “Advertising appeals primarily to the desires, the wants—cultivated or natural—of the individual, and it sometimes offers as its goal a power to command the envy of others by outstripping them in the consumption of goods and services.” If this is true, advertising may try to get you to buy a product not because of its advantages or because of your existing needs, but because of a need or desire that the advertisement itself tries to create. Potter‟s analysis has much merit. 3 Some ads have traded on prestige; others have used fear. Some have promised glamour and the good life. Some have embraced fantasy, and others have been firmly fixed in reality. To make these appeals, advertisers associate products, verbally or visually, with other images, symbols, and values that are likely to attract consumers. For example, advertising for the auto rental firm Avis appealed to the love for the underdog when it promised, “We try harder.” Historically, another kind of dog—the trustworthy family dog—was used by RCA Victor, an early manufacturer of the record player that advertised its Victrola with the slogan “His Master‟s Voice” and a picture of a dog listening to recorded music. The starched 大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] but debonair look of “the man in the Arrow Shirt” provides a model for the well-dressed man. Elegant, tastefully designed advertisements for Cadillacs convey an image of quality and excellence. 4 5 Even the sometimes prosaic area of outdoor or billboard advertising has been on the lookout for striking, appealing ads. In 1992, for example, that industry‟s Creative Challenge contest, sponsored by the Gannett Outdoor Group honored an ad showing a mighty dam holding back a waterfall. Above the dam appeared a single word: “Huggies.” Said the New York Times, “This unexpectedly imaginative way of advertising one of the most mundane products [disposable diapers] has won a hefty prize in a contest intended to persuade agencies that creativity in outdoor ads is no oxymoronic concept.” The winners of the $10,000 prize were three employees of the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather; the big winner, naturally, was the advertiser itself-Kimberly-Clark, producer of Huggies. Not all advertising focuses on a specific product, such as diapers. A form called institutional advertising is much less direct. For example, a firm that makes paper and other forest products presents a television ad or a colorful full-page magazine ad describing the virtues of a beautiful, well-managed forest. The advertisement shows cute animals but says nothing about its specific product, providing only the firm‟s name. 6 7 In the last hundred years, styles have included the ornate and highly decorative soap and cosmetic ads of the 1890s, the clean lines of the art deco designs of the 1920s and 1930s, and the psychedelic poster like ads of the 1960s and early 1970s. More recently, the dean, orderly, Swiss Gothic look of the 1980s yielded in the 1990s to more traditional and formal design, possibly in response to an economic recession and a serious public mood. It is, says design expert Roy Paul Nelson, all a matter of coordinating art and typography with content. These changes reflect the efforts of creative professionals and entrepreneurs to fashion effective messages. 8 Advertising that works is therefore an index of popular culture. That was recognized as far back as 1917, when writer Norman Douglas claimed, “You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.” Thus, changes in advertising over the years have been closely tied to changes in American society as a whole. IV. Paraphrase the following sentences in English. (20 points) 1. It‟s about as likely that an ape will prove to have a language ability as that there is an island somewhere with a species of flightless birds waiting for human beings to teach them to fly. 2. The accession of English to its global position was anything but a planned development, although proponents of theories of cultural imperialism might not entirely agree with such a statement. 3. To a degree impossible to exaggerate, the cause of American independence was aided by the clumsiness of Britain‟s wartime leadership, both civilian and military. 4. Small wonder that when the First Continental Congress convened in 1774 the delegates were for the most part acquainted with their colleagues and their problems and grievances only through correspondence. 5. On March 1, 1917, with the opposition to U.S. involvement in World War I still showing considerable strength, a sensational story incriminating German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann in a fantastic scheme to enlist Mexico and perhaps Japan into hostilities against America was headlined in the newspapers. 大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] Ⅴ. Turn the following into English. (20 points) 1.圣诞夜,城里到处张灯结彩,呈现出一派节日气氛。 2.子曰:“古之学者为己,今之学者为人。” 3.在交叉路口转弯的时候,我的自行车把一位陌生先生的右脚踝压伤了。 4.天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,以其无以易之。 5.中国的统一和富强,不仅是祖国大陆各族人民的根本利益所在,同样是台湾各族同 胞的根本利益所在,而且有利于远东和世界和平。 Ⅵ. Write a summary of the following passage in Chinese. Write in no more than 300 Chinese characters. (28 points) Whodunit? The big, bad wolf? Old Man Winter? A scientific mystery starring wolves, adversarial weather and a declining elk (驼鹿) herd is playing out at Yellowstone National Park. Oh, and people—hunters—are possible suspects, too. The elk population in North Yellowstone has dropped to about 8,000 from almost 17,000 in 1995. That was the year wolves were reintroduced into the 2.5-million-acre federal park in Wyoming, which overlaps the border of Montana and Idaho. The northern herd contains just a fraction of the 120,000 elk believed to dwell in the park region, and Yellowstone‟s Northern Range is just 204,000 acres. But this region is of particular interest to scientists because it has the largest wolf population, about 106 of the park‟s 171 wolves in 2004, making the elk there the most vulnerable herd. The wolves‟ return, which is seen by the National Park Service as a success in restoring natural balance, has drawn fire from ranchers and residents. A plan by Wyoming officials to allow unregulated hunting of wolves in some areas outside of the park—hunting is not allowed on Yellowstone lands—has been rejected by the US. Fish & Wildlife Service. The wolves were expected to take a bite out of the northern herd, but the decline is greater than expected, says biologist John Vucetich of the Michigan Technical University in Houghton. Hunters, who target elk that leave the park, have blamed the wolves. But researchers, including Vucetich, say the problem isn‟t that simple. In an analysis in the current edition of the ecology journal Oikos, for example, Vucetich and park service colleagues examined weather, hunting and wolves as factors in the elk decline. Yellowstone has had seven years of drought and a severe winter in 1997 that killed many elk. They found that weather and hunting are mostly to blame. Biologist Mark Boyce of Canada‟s University of Alberta and colleagues reach similar conclusions in an upcoming paper in the journal EcologicalModeling. Montana increased the “hunter harvest” quota on elk that leave Yellowstone grounds, issuing a higher-than-ever 2,882 hunting permits in 2000. A decline in the elk herd was thus guaranteed, Boyce says, even if wolves were not present. A review in the September Biological Conservation journal comes to a somewhat different conclusion. Authors P.J. White of the park service and Robert Garrott of Montana State University in Bozeman say wolves and hunters share the blame. And the wolves influenced the behavior of Yellowstone‟s northern elk, Boyce says. For example, they have adopted protective strategies, such as moving more often and in larger groups. In the park, some biologists have suggested that increases in aspen, willows and cottonwoods 大家论坛 英语专业考研 http://club.topsage.com/thread-2407892-1-1.html [键入文字] may be the result of fewer elk foraging less often in areas where wolves lurk, White says. Like every good mystery, a little-suspected culprit may be hiding in plain sight: bears. In the Yellowstone Science journal, U.S. Geological Survey ecologist Dave Mech and his colleagues concluded this summer that “grizzly and black bears, rather than wolves, are having a greater impact on neonatal elk calf mortality than any other predator.” Zigzagging through fields where young elk lie, bears kill roughly six times more calves than wolves do, the ecologists found. Elk calves are uniquely vulnerable: They tend t
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