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请每天记十个单词六级词汇请每天记十个单词六级词汇 六级词汇 A abnormal a.正常的;变态的;不规则的 例如 We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。 normal a.正常的 abolish vt.彻底废除;废止(旧习俗,不合理制度等) 例句 “Not until science became prominent did slavery come to be abolished,”some people arg...
请每天记十个单词六级词汇 六级词汇 A abnormal a.正常的;变态的;不规则的 例如 We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。 normal a.正常的 abolish vt.彻底废除;废止(旧习俗,不合理等) 例句 “Not until science became prominent did slavery come to be abolished,”some people argue. 一些人争辩道:“只有重视科学了才能逐渐废除奴隶制度。” abortion n.流产;堕胎;(计划等)失败 例句 The plan to build a highway proved an abortion. 修高速公路的计划失败了。 abrupt a. 1.突然的;意外的 2.(举止、言谈等)唐突的;鲁莽的 例句 The bus came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. 汽车猛然停下,使好些乘客从座位上跌下来。 absurd a.荒谬的;荒唐的 例句 It seemed absurd to carry such a heavy camera about. 带着这么重的相机到处走,真是荒唐。 abundance n.大量;丰富;充足 例句 There is an abundance of rain in this area this year. 今年该地区雨水充足。 abundant a.丰富的 accessory n.1.同谋;从犯 2.附件;附属品 a.附属的;同谋的 例句 The accessory for a bike includes a bell. 自行车的附件包括一个车铃。 accommodate vt.1.留宿;收容 2.(to)提供 3.(to)使适应 例句 The kind lady accommodated us with a lodging. 好心的夫人为我们提供了住宿。 accommodation n.膳食住宿 acquaint vt. 1. (~oneself with/be~ed with)使了解 2.(with)使认识;介绍 例句 They are well acquainted with each other since they once studied in the same university. 他们曾在同一所大学念书,因此彼此很熟。 acquaintance n. 熟人 activate vt.使活动起来;使开始起作用 例句 An experienced teacher knows how to activate the class. 一位经验丰富的老师知道如何活跃课堂。 active a.积极的 addict vt(be~ed to)使沉溺;嗜好 n.吸毒者 例句 He is addicted to smoking. 1 1 他嗜好抽烟。 adhere vi. 1.(to)粘附;附着 2.(to)遵守;坚持 3.(to)忠于;支持 例句 Both parties promised to adhere to the contract to be signed the following day. 双方都承诺将遵守次日签订的。 adjacent a.(to)邻近的;毗邻的 例句 There is a parking lot adjacent to the supermarket. 超市旁有一个停车场。 Adjoin vi.vt.(to)邻近;毗连 例句 Ask the hotel for an adjoining room with a door between them. 向旅馆要个中间有门隔开的套间。 Join V. 参加 administer vt.1.掌管;料理事务;支配 2.实施;执行 3.给(病人)配药;让(病人)服药 例句 Rules should be laid down for administering entrance examinations. 我们应该制定组织管理入学考试的法规。 administration n.经营;管理;行政机构 adolescent n.(尤指十六岁以下的)少年;青少年 a.1.青春期的 2.青少年的 例句 The fault may be as much with our society as with these adolescents. 问题既出在这些青少年身上,也出在我们的社会上。 adore vt.1.崇拜(上帝);敬慕 2.(俗,不用于进行时)极为喜欢 例句 He is quite a family man; he adores his wife and children. 他相当顾家,非常热爱他的妻儿子女。 adverse a.不利的;有害的 例句 Falling prices have an adverse effect on business 价格下降会对商业造成不良影响。 aerial a.空中的;航空的 n.[英]天线 例句 An aerial railway was erected. 一条空中缆车线架立起来了。 air n.空气 aesthetic a.1.美学的 2.美的;艺术的 3. 审美的 例句 Aesthetic responses are described in the book. 书中描写了各种审美反映。 affiliate vt.使隶属于(或附属于)n. 附属机构;分公司 例句 The experimental group affiliated with a company. 这个实验小组附属于一家公司。 affirm vt.1.断言;声明;坚持声称 2.证实;确认 例句 I confidently affirm that he is honest. 我敢肯定他是诚实的。 firm a. 坚固的,坚硬的 afflict vt.使痛苦;折磨 例句 He was afflicted by tensions that drove him mad. 他倍受精神压力的折磨,最后发了疯。 aggravate vt.1.加重;使恶化 2.激怒;使恼火 例句 Smoking aggravates a cold. 抽烟使感冒加重 2 2 aggregate a.n.vt.vi. 聚集;共计 例句 He spent an aggregate of fifteen years in various jails. 他在各种监狱累计呆过十五年。 agony n.(极度的)痛苦;创痛 例句 She was in an agony of indecision. 她因犹豫不决而痛苦不堪。 agreeable a.1.令人愉快的;惬意的;讨人喜欢 2.(欣然)同意的;愿意的 例句 If the weather is agreeable, the shuttle will take off sometime around eight. 天气好的话,飞机将在八点左右起飞。 agree v.同意 air-conditioning n.空调 例句 Conditions on the plane would be horrible if the air-conditioning was not working. 如果空调出了故障,飞机上的情形将不堪设想。 aisle n.走廊;过道;林荫路 例句 The shop was divided by three long aisles. 商店由三条长长的走廊分隔。 album n.照片薄;集邮册 例句 He was looking through the family photograph album. 他翻看着家庭影集。 alien a.1.外国的 2.陌生的 3.性质 不同的;不相容的 n.1.外国人 2.外星人 例句 I found myself in a totally alien and threatening environment. 我发现自己身处一个完全陌生、充满威胁的环境里。 alienate vt. 1.(from)疏远 2.挑拨;离间 例句 An elderly middle-class man or woman may be alienated by a young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner. 衣着前卫的年轻人也许会跟中产阶层的老年人保持较远的关系。 allege vt. 断言;声称;宣称 例句 The reports alleged that he had been tortured by police. 报道声称他曾遭受过警察的严刑拷打。 alleviate vt. 减轻(痛苦等);缓解;缓和 例句 The pain was alleviated when the pill began to work. 药物起作用时疼痛得以减轻。 allocate vt.分配;分派 例句 Half the money in the fund has been allocated to help the poor children. 一半的基金用在帮助穷人的孩子身上。 locate v.位于 alloy n.合金 alternate vi.交替;更迭 a. 1.交替的;轮流的 2.间隔的 例句 The third world suffers from an annual cycle of drought alternating with flood. 第三世界国家每年都遭受着旱灾水灾,天灾人祸轮流不断。 alter v.改变,更改 alternative a./n.二者任择其一(的) ambiguous a.1.含糊不清的;不明确的 2.引起歧义的;模棱两可的 3 3 例句 The directions were so ambiguous that it was impossible to complete the assignment. ambitious a. 1.有野心的;有抱负的 2.野心勃勃的;心怀奢望的 例句 The ambitious secretary hopes her work would lead her eventually into management. 雄心壮志的秘书希望她的工作能最终使她进入管理阶层。 ambition n.雄心、野心、志气 amend vt.修改;修订 例句 The members of the parliament voted to amend the constitution. 议会会员投票决定是否修改宪法。 mend v.修补 ammunition n.弹药 ample a. 1.大量的;充裕的;充足的 2.宽敞的 例句 He lived on a very ample allowance. 他告充裕的津贴生活。 amplify vt.放大(声音等);增强 例句 A microphone is needed to amplify his voice because the classroom is too large. 教室太大,得有个麦克风给他扩音。 analogy n. 1.比拟 2.类似 例句 Heart is usually made an analogy with pump. 我们通常把心脏比作泵。 analytical a. 分析的;分解的;分析法的 例句 The analytical techniques used in the survey should be indicated. 应该明确指出考察中所用的分析方法。 analysis n. 分析;分解 analyse v. 分析;分解 angel n.1.天使;神的使者 2.安琪儿(音译);可爱的人 例句 The thoughtful nurse is really an angel. 那个护士体贴周到,像天使一般。 anonymous a. 1.匿名的;无名的 2.来源不明的 3.无特色的;无个性特征的 例句 I received an anonymous letter the other day. 前两天我收到一封匿名信。 apparatus n.器;装置 例句 There is sport apparatus in the gym. 体育馆里有体育器材。 appease vt. 平息;满足;安抚 例句 They accused the central government of appeasing militants. 他们指责中央政府对武装分子采取绥靖政策。 appendix n.1.附录;附件 2.阑尾 例句 The appendix was hastily written. 附录是匆匆忙忙写下来的。 applaud vt. 1.向„„鼓掌;向„„喝彩 2.称赞;赞许 vi.鼓掌;喝彩 例句 The schoolmaster applauded the girl’s bravery in his opening speech. 校长在开场白里称赞小女孩的勇敢行为。 applause n.喝彩,鼓掌 appraisal n.1.评价 2.估计:估量 4 4 例句 Ten thousand pounds would be a fair appraisal of the painting. 十万英镑是对这幅油画的合理估价。 apt a. 1.恰当的;适宜的 2.(习性)易于„„的;有„„倾向的 例句 The naughty child is apt to get into trouble. 这个调皮的小孩可能会闯祸。 arc n. 1.弧形(物) 2.()弧 arch n.拱;拱门;拱形 vt.vi.(使)成拱形 a.(尤指女性或儿童)调皮的;淘气的 例句 The cat arched its back when it saw me. 猫看到我时,把背拱了起来。 arena n.1.斗技场 2.(喻,任何竞争或角逐的)舞台 例句 A new sports arena has just been built. 一个新体育场刚刚建立起来。 armor n.1.盔甲 2.装甲部队 array n. 1.显眼的一系列;大量 2.排列 3.阵列 vt.布置(军队等);列阵 例句 In the fair the array of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world. 交易会上,一系列精美的瓷器吸引了世界各地顾客的注意。 arrogant n. 自大的;傲慢的 例句 The arrogant company president dismissed their demands. 那个傲慢的公司董事长拒绝了他们的要求。 artery a. 1.动脉 2.主要道路或河流;干线 例句 The Yangtze River is one of the arteries of traffic in our country. 长江是我国的交通动脉之一。 artillery n. 1.大炮 2.炮兵 ascend vt.攀登;登上 vi.渐渐上升;升高 例句 The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of balloons ascending slowly into the sky. 当孩子们看到成千上万的气球慢慢飞上天空时,他们欢呼起来。 descend v. 下降 ascertain vt.查明;弄清楚;确定 例句 The truth of the reports is still to be ascertained. 报道的真实性仍有待于证实。 certain a.肯定的 ascribe vt.1. (to)把„„归因于 2.(to)把„„归属于 例句 We ascribe victory and glory to the leader. 我们把胜利和光荣归功于领袖。 ashore ad.向陆地;上岸 例句 He swam ashore and was saved by a fisherman. 他游上岸,被一个渔民救了。 shore n. 岸 aspiration n. 1.志气;抱负 2.渴望 例句 The agreement was a reflection of popular aspiration. 这个反映了民众的愿望。 assassination n.暗杀;剌杀 5 5 例句 The motive of the assassination was political. 这次暗杀的动机是政治性的。 assault vt. n.(武力或口头上的)攻击;袭击 例句 The Battle of Britain was an air assault that lasted many months. 不列颠之战是一场持续了好几个月的空战。 assert vt.1.肯定地说出;坚定地断言 2.主张;维护;坚持 例句 The eyewitness asserted that the salesman was the robber. 目周者坚持认为那个推销员就是抢动者。 assimilate vt./vi. 1.消失;吸收 2.同化 例句 You have only remembered the facts well, not assimilated them. 你只是把内容背熟了,却没有消化吸收它们。 assurance n. 1.保证;示保证(或鼓励,安慰)的话 2.把握;信心 3.(人寿)保险 例句 I was most favorably struck by the assurance with which the boy answered all my questions. 男孩很有把握地回答了我所有的问题,我对此印象很好。 assure v.保证;担保 astronomy n.天文学 asylum n.1.收容所 2.政治避难权 例句 A spokesman said the asylum seekers had visas valid for six months. 一位发言人说政治避难者可以拥有为期六个月的签证。 atlas n. 地图集 attendance n.1.出席人数;出席者 2.出席;参加 例句 The poor attendance reflected a loss of confidence in him as a teacher. 出勤率很低,说明学生不再信任他这个老师。 attend v.参加;照顾 attendant n.服务员;侍者 a. 伴随的;随之产生的 例句 Famine and its attendant disease left the country in ruins. 饥荒以及随之而来的疾病使这个国家变成一片废墟。 auction n./vt.拍卖 例句 They are going to auction the antique. 他们将拍卖这个古董。 authentic a. 1.真的;真正的 2.可靠的;可信的 例句 How to explain that the document bears an authentic signature? 公文上有真实签名,这又如何解释, authoritative a. 1.权威性的;可信的 2.专断的;命令式的 例句 It is an authoritative order from the general? 这是将军下达的官方命令吗, authorize vt.授权;批准 例句 A membership card authorizes the holders to use the club’s facilities for a period to twelve months. 会员卡使持卡者拥有使用俱乐部设备的权利,为期十二个月。 automation n.1.自动化(技术) 2.自动操作 例句 We are live in an age of automation. 我们生活在一个自动化的时代里。 automatic a. 自动的;无意识的 6 6 autonomous a.自治的 例句 The South declared itself to the an autonomous nation just before the outbreak of the Civil .War. 就在美国南北战争爆发之前,南部宣布成为独立国家。 autonomy n.自治;自治权 例句 The states enjoy cultural and political autonomy to a high degree. 这些州享有较大程度的文化和政治自主权。 100(avail n.[一般用于否定句或疑问句中]效用:利益;帮助 vt.有用于;有 且国助于 例句 Attempts to persuade her to stay were of no avail. 想劝她留下来是在白费功夫。 available a. 有效的,可用的 avert vt.1.防止;避免 2.(from)转移(目光,注意力等) 例句 We worked hard to avert failure. 我们努力工作以避免失败。 aviation n. 航空;航空学 例句 This was the worst aviation disaster in Britain. 这是英国最严重的空难。 axis n. 1.轴线,轴 2.中心线,中枢 B bachelor n. 1.单身男子;单身汉 2.[亦作 B-]学士;学士学位 例句 He was still a bachelor at the age of sixty. 他六十岁的时候还是个单身汉。 badge n.1.微章;证章;标志 2.象征 例句 All students are required to wear the school badge on the coats. 每个学生都必须把校徽别在外套上。 baffle vt. 使困惑;难住 例句 Mary was baffled by the confusing road signs. 玛丽被那些混乱的路标给搞糊涂了。 bald a. 1.秃头的;秃的 2.(织物、轮胎)磨光的 3.明显的;不加掩饰的 例句 He has a large bald patch. 他头上秃了一大块。 ballet n. 1.芭蕾舞(音译)2.芭蕾舞剧 ballot vt.n.选举票;投票;抽签 例句 The club members balloted to choose the chair person. 俱乐部成员投票选举负责人。 7 bamboo n. 竹 bandage n.(用以包扎伤口等的)绷带 vt.用绷带缚扎 例句 The nurse bandaged me up. 护士替我包扎好了。 band v. 捆绑 banquet n.宴会 vt.宴请 barren a.1.(土地等)贫瘠的;荒芜的 2.不生育的;不结果实的 8
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