
第三单元 红红的中国结

2017-10-07 12页 doc 34KB 6阅读




第三单元 红红的中国结第三单元 红红的中国结 7、中国古代科技之光 教学目标 1、感受古代先民的聪明智慧,初步了解我国古代主要的科技成就。 2、知道中国是有着几千年历史的文明古国,为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲。 3、热爱祖国,树立为中华之崛起而努力的信心。 教学过程 一、参观中国古代科技博物馆或举办中国古代科技成就展 组织学生参观有关体现古代科技成就的博物馆,感受中国科技的辉煌成就。也可组织学生自己搜集有关中国古代科技成就的图片和资料,自己制作一个展览。每位同学都可以就自己感兴趣的问题做一疹解说员,向同学们介绍你最感兴趣的古代科技成就。...
第三单元  红红的中国结
第三单元 红红的中国结 7、中国古代科技之光 教学目标 1、感受古代先民的聪明智慧,初步了解我国古代主要的科技成就。 2、知道中国是有着几千年历史的文明古国,为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲。 3、热爱祖国,树立为中华之崛起而努力的信心。 教学过程 一、参观中国古代科技博物馆或举办中国古代科技成就展 组织学生参观有关体现古代科技成就的博物馆,感受中国科技的辉煌成就。也可组织学生自己搜集有关中国古代科技成就的图片和资料,自己制作一个展览。每位同学都可以就自己感兴趣的问题做一疹解说员,向同学们介绍你最感兴趣的古代科技成就。 二、自制指南针 根据教材P41的小活动提示,组织同学们在制作的过程中观察指南针的变化, 说说它的基本原理。 三、探究活动:如果没有指南针,我们可以通过什么方式辨别方向 1、观察和采访身边的人,了解他们通常是怎样辨别方向的。 2、将自己了解的情况在班上作一次交流。 3、教师设置相关的情境,让同学们学会选择在不同的情况下我们可以根据什么 来辨别方向,提高学生的生存技能。(指南针可以让我们指示方向,在学习上 老师也帮你指明方向。) 四、寻访生活中的中医与中药 1、请同学们回家问问自己的父母或朋友,他们在什么情况下会选择中医和中药, 了解他们选择的理由。 2、结合自己的生活经历,说说自己对中医与中药的认识。 3、感受中医在我们的生活中无处不在。 五、中华名医故事会 请同学们课前搜集有关中华古代名医的故事,说说他们都有哪些突出的贡献。从这些名医身上我们应该学习些什么, 六、我的生活小发明或小创意 1、请同学们寻找生活中需要解决的问题,开动脑筋,自己或与同学合作寻找解 决办法。 2、将自己的小发明或小创意带来班上进行交流,说说自己在解决问题的过程中 都遇到了哪些困难,自己又是怎样克服的。 3、评选出最佳创意奖。 教学后记 1、能够简单说出我国古代四在发明的主要贡献和其他领域的科技成就,为自己 是一个中国人而感到自豪。 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of 2、热爱科学,具有初步的乐于探索求知的能力。 8、方块字里探春秋 教学目标 1、知道汉字的基本演变过程。 2、简单了解我国古代重要的文化先贤和他们的代著作和思想。 3、感受中华文化的博大精深,初步培养对中华文化的浓厚兴趣。 教学过程 一、猜字游戏 1、请同学们根据汉字象形的特点,通过不同的体态来表现不同的汉字,让同学 们猜猜看,你表现的是什么字, 2、猜对的同学可以接着出谜,让其他同学猜。复杂的字可以几个同学一起来表 现。 二、探究活动:为什么全国各地甚至在国外的一些地方都建有孔庙呢, 三、“三十六计”讲故事说成语 1、请同学们课前阅读《孙子兵法》,了解其中的三十六计有哪些, 2、将同学们分成四组。由教师首先讲一个三十六计中的故事,让四组同学用成 语来抢答出老师所说的故事。答对的小组得10分,并可以派一名同学继续讲 另一个故事,其他小组回答,以此类推。 3、得分最高者取胜。 四、自制书签 根据教材第48页上的要求,选择自己喜爱的古典名著阅读,并把自己喜欢的名言摘抄下来,制成精美的书签送给同学,互相鼓励。 五、了解名著背后的故事 1、请同学们根据自己的兴趣选择一本古典名著阅读,并探究它背后的故事。比 如作者写这本书花费了多长的时间,其中有哪些经历,从这些经历中我们可 以得到怎样的体会。 2、课上同学们交流读书体会,教师相机引导。 六、学打中国结 1、请同学们搜集各种中国结,并了解其制作方法,课外实践。 2、课上将自己搜集和制作的中国结展示给同学们看,并互相学习打不同的中国 结的方法。 教学后记 1、能够简单说出汉字在演变过程中的几种主要字体。 2、知道孔子是我国古代著名的文化先贤,对他的著作和思想有简单的了解。 3、对中国传统文化保持浓厚的兴趣,喜爱中华传统文化,能够举例说出中华文 化的主要表现形式。 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of 4、初步养成喜爱阅读名著的习惯。 9、吹向世界的中国风 教学目标 1、简单了解将我国古代文明向外传播的重要人物和事件。 2、初步感受中华文化在推动世界文明进程中的贡献,激发学生强烈的民族自豪 感。 3、感受外国人对中华文化的浓厚兴趣,乐于参与宣传和推广中华民族文化的交 流活动。 教学过程 一、重走丝绸之路 1、请同学们找一张中国地图和亚洲地图,查找相关资料,看看丝绸之路都经过 了哪些地方。 2、假想自己就是出使西域的使者,准备带哪些东西出去呢,沿途会经过叫做国 家和地区,看到怎样的自然景观,感受怎样的风土人情,还会遇到哪些意想 不到的情形呢, 3、请同学们自由组合成小组,可以以小品的形式,也可以通过故事的形式,来 表达自己的看法。 二、外国人眼中的中国 1、请同学们阅读一下《马可•波罗游记》,看看在他的眼中古老的中国是怎样的, 、再请你寻访或街头采访周围的外国人,听他们说说对中国的印象,问问他们2 为什么来到中国。 3、课上交流大家的看法。 三、探究活动:为什么日本的文字和传统服饰都与我国有很大的相似, 四、中国文化推介会 1、请同学们选取自己感兴趣的中国传统文化,查找相关的资料,写好自己的推 介书。包括自己的推介形式和推介理由。在形式上可以多样,可以是作品展 示,讲故事,表演等。 2、全班同学中进行展示,比比看,谁的推介做得最好,谁的推介形式最棒。 3、将同学们的推介书制作展板,在班上展出。 五、中国戏曲欣赏会 1、课前请同学们分组搜集不同类别的戏曲资料,如京剧、越剧、黄梅戏、粤剧、 豫剧等及其派别和名角。有兴趣的同学还可以学唱一段。 2、课上以小组为单位,大家分别展示自己搜集到的资料,介绍这一剧种的有关 内容和名角名派、经典曲目等。还可以将自己的唱腔在同学们面前表演一下。 3、欣赏会后请同学们谈谈自己通过这一活动有什么感受,面对强大的流行音乐, 我们怎样继承好自己的民族戏曲, 教学后记 1、能够简单说出张骞出使西域、郑和下西洋、鉴真东渡的故事,知道他们对传 播中国传统文化作出了巨大的贡献。 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of 2、乐于向外国朋友推介中国传统文化,为自己是一个中国人感到自豪。 10、海外华人的中国结 教学目标 1、感受全球华人是一家的血脉之情,尊重和关心华人华侨。 2、简单了解我国著名的侨乡和杰出的华人华侨代表。 3、初步了解海外华人保持和传播中国传统文化的不懈努力。 教学过程 一、探究活动:开平雕楼有哪些特点, 请同学们搜集相关资料,结合当时的社会状况,探究一下开平雕楼都有哪些特点, 二、找找我国都有哪些著名的侨乡,它们的形成与它们的地理位置有着怎 样的关系, 三、我最崇拜的杰出海外华人 1、请同学们根据教材第64页的要求,寻找海外杰出华人的故事,并重点了解他 们是通过怎样的奋斗和努力获得成功的,从中我们可以得到怎样的启示。同 学们可以在寻找资料的过程中就某一个特别崇拜的人物进行重点的资料搜 集。 、在课堂上互相交流,向全班同学介绍自己最崇拜的杰出海外华人,说说在他2 们身上有什么精神值得自己学习的地方, 四、“我的中国心”主题班会 1、请同学们通过当地侨办了解一下自己所在的地方有没有海外华人华侨创办的 工厂、医院、学校,他们对家乡作出了哪些贡献。(海外华人也很关心我们国 内的发展及人民的健康。) 2、将自己的调查情况在班会上进行介绍。 3、从华人华侨投身当地建设的故事中,我们应该受到什么启发,怎样努力学习, 立志报国。 4、齐唱:《我的中国心》。 五、新闻发布会:祖国关心我们 根据教材第66页的活动要求,组织一次新闻发布会。 教学后记 1、能够说出我国有哪些著名的侨乡和杰出的华人代表。 2、能简单说出海外华人华侨在保护和传播中国传统文化上作出了哪些贡献。 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of 3、尊重和关心海外华人华侨。 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of
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