

2017-09-21 18页 doc 50KB 30阅读




产品质量的重要性产品质量的重要性 质量问题关系到广大消费者的权益,关系到企业的生存与发展。质量管理直接影响企业产品和服务的竞争优势及市场占有率。大多数企业都将质量列入战略计划之中。随着我国市场经济体制的不断发展,“质量就是生命”的理念逐渐成为企业界的共识。质量竞争日趋激烈,质量管理在企业管理中的地位日渐重要。 品质量的重要性 在质量管理的发展过程中,企业的质量管理思路已发生了质的转变,从产品质量有“检验”到“预防”,由“堵”到“疏”,再到生产的“全面质量管理”,我们不难看出在生产过程中的精细化要求与质量水平要求越来越高。 为保障产品质...
产品质量的重要性 质量问题关系到广大消费者的权益,关系到企业的生存与发展。质量管理直接影响企业产品和服务的竞争优势及市场占有率。大多数企业都将质量列入战略之中。随着我国市场经济体制的不断发展,“质量就是生命”的理念逐渐成为企业界的共识。质量竞争日趋激烈,质量管理在企业管理中的地位日渐重要。 品质量的重要性 在质量管理的发展过程中,企业的质量管理思路已发生了质的转变,从产品质量有“检验”到“预防”,由“堵”到“疏”,再到生产的“全面质量管理”,我们不难看出在生产过程中的精细化要求与质量水平要求越来越高。 为保障产品质量安全,现在很多企业在质量管理方面已以更高的起点,与国际质量管理模式接轨,全面导入产品生产的质量管理理念,建立独立于生产管理的质量保证体系,加强产品实现过程的质量检查和质量监督,在解决产量、成本、质量发生冲突时,从根本上杜绝牺牲质量的思想痼疾,实现了质量管理理念的转变。 质量管理应由事后质量检验把关控制转变为“预防式”的事前控制和事中控制;质量管理如同医生看病,治标不能忘治本,许多企业虽然高悬着“质量是企业的生命”的标语,而现实中存在“头疼医头、脚疼医脚”的“重结果轻过程”质量管理误区。为了彻底走出“事后控制”的误区,提高事前控制和事中控制的执行力,企业必须在质量管理中推行了全面质量管理模式,层层把关,人人负责,才能使质量控制在每一个产生的源头。 质量问题的处理“由堵向疏”的转变。由质量问题责任追究和结果考核,向原因分析、持续推行质量改进的转变。质量问题的发生必然有其产生的原因,如果一味追究责任和进行经济处罚,会导致隐瞒小问题,最终集结成大质量事故,为此倡导提出问题,商讨改进和预防措施,避免同样的问题重复发生。采用定期召开质量分析会的方式,通过“头脑风暴法”,对产生的或可能产生的质量问题进行原因剖析,找出问题产生的根源,成立QC专题攻关小组,研究制定质量问题的解决方法和预防措施。 由于现实竞争中对于价格的竞争尤为激烈,在制造过程中必须严格控制成本,且需要每一个人都要有主人翁意识,对于自己所用的辅助材料价格怎么样,成本怎样算都应该去了解,这样,才知道应该怎样去控制,从那个方面去控制,environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 鼓励持续改进,不断对所有细节问题进行改进,降低所有能够降低的生产成本。 在生产过程中减少质量问题,也能相对的降低生产成本。 质量管理没有永恒的答案,只有永远的问题,质量管理与成本控制就是在持续不断地解决问题的过程中逐步规范起来的。没有最好,只有更好,是企业力求卓越的质量意识;打造著名品牌,奉献精品产品,是企业生产永恒的追求。 企业质量管理的意义 产品质 >品质量是一个日益受到普遍重视的问题,因为它不仅关系到企业的经济效益,也关系到广大人民的切身利益。现在,各个国家都把提高产品质量作为工业发展的重要方针。显然,各企业必须以质量求生存,质量管理的重要意义显而易见。让我们举几个案例来谈谈质量管理的重要意义吧。 (案例一)海尔为了抓好产品质量管理,制订了一套易操作的以“价值券”为中心的量化质量考核体系,行使“质量否决权”。简单他说,如果干一件得一分钱的活,干坏了一件则罚一元钱,即干坏一件等于白干了100件,并即时兑现。“质量否决权”的管理方式在每一位员工心里深植了“质量第一”的观念。生产中,职工把每一道工序都想象成用户,产品依次流转,质量层层把关,环环扣紧,保证了出厂的都是全优的产品。 从1990年开始,海尔先后通过1SO 9001国际质量保证体系认证和美国UL、德国GS等一系列产品安全认证,在102个国家、地区注册商标406本。 分析(一):海尔的成功是质量管理的成功,优良的质量管理是提高产品竞争能力的支柱,质量对提高企业的经济利益有巨大的作用。以质量开拓市场,以质量占稳市场,这是许多器乐提高产品在市场中竞争能力的行动准则。无论是国内还是国外市场,产品质量不好,就没有竞争力,就无法取得很好的经济利益。 案例(二)1940年日本松下创业之初提出:第一、制作满足一切消费者需求的产品;第二、不生产和销售一台不合格的产品;第三、注意产品的购买趋势,科学预见消费者的需求,以便提供优良服务。1942年后又提出:第一、要生产非常有人情味的、人性化的、有情趣的、高尚的并能够使消费者拿到商品以后非常高兴的商品;第二、不能为了追求利润>利润而偷工减料,使产品质量下降;第environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 三、与其它公司相比较,连产品的细微部分都不能逊色;第四、在任何情况下,也不能为了节约材料而降低产品的质量;第五、生产与松下品牌名副其实的产品。 松下公司已发展为一个跨国性公司,在全世界设有230多家公司,为世界、制造业500强 >500强的第26位。 分析(二):松下之所以能取得今天的辉煌与它当初的品质思想是离不开的,在松下品质思想之中多次提到质量问题。正是由于它非同一般的质量的质量管理,大大提高了它的企业和社会利益。从单纯追求产值、产量到以提高经济上来的关键之一就是重视提高产品质量。 案例(三)福特汽车公司世创始人老亨利Ÿ福特1903年创业,请来汽车工业专家库兹恩斯担任总经理,运用科学的质量管理手段,建成了世界上第一条汽车装配流水线,使生产率提高了十几倍,成本和售价大幅降低,一跃成为世界上最大的汽车制造企业,福特也由此获得了汽车大王的称号。但是后来老亨利Ÿ福特被一时的成功冲昏了头脑,1915年辞退了为公司发展立下汗马功劳的库兹恩斯。福特公司的经营状况很快陷入困境,濒临破产。 小亨利Ÿ福特接管公司后,聘用布里奇全面主持公司的业务,破格聘用后来的美国国防部长麦克马拉在内的年轻人,终于坐上了美国汽车制造业的第二把交椅。 分析(三):福特汽车公司的兴盛,衰败又兴盛的曲折历史,在很大程度上是由于对质量管理人员的调用引起的,间接证明了质量管理对企业的作用。 总结:质量管理对企业的作用是很明显的,质量管理水平不仅影响到企业的经济利益与竞争能力,还能反映一个企业的综合管理和技术水平,也能反映企业的精神文明建设状况。 海尔集团原本是一个生产电动葫芦的集体小企业,通过争取才获得我国最后一个生产冰箱的定点资格。经过12年的裂变,到1996年底,生产电冰箱168万台,洗衣机104万台,空调器48万台,冰柜34万台,产品均名列前茅,形成了七大门类3000多个规格的产品系列,并已把发展范围伸向金融和生物工程。 1984年,海尔亏损147万元,到1996年,企业销售收入达61(2亿元,税利4?7亿元,成为拥有职工21(2万人,101个下属企业的大型集团,品牌价值77( 36亿元,仅次于红塔山和长虹。那么,海尔集团成功崛起的主要原因是什么,回答是肯定的,那就是完善的质量管理。 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 1(高科技开发是产品质量的基础 每一家企业部盼着兴旺,靠什么兴旺,各有各的高招,各有各的利剑。但千招万剑不能离开一条,就是质量。海尔集团清楚地意识到质量对于企业发展的意义,从创业开始,就紧紧地抓住质量这个纲,以质量立厂,以质量兴厂。 但是,质量从何而来,海尔人懂得:科学技术是第一生产力。一流的产品需要一流的先进科技作为基础,否则质量就会成为无源之水、无本之木。海尔人创业10多年来,紧紧盯住世界高科技领域的最新目标,把握世界家电高科技发展的趋势,始终把重视科技发展作为企业的重大经营方针之一,在一切企业行为中,把科技当作头等大事来抓。 1984年12月,海尔抓住改革开放的有利时机,拜德国利勃海尔公司为师,引进了利勃海尔家电生产的先进技术与经验,高起点地开始了创业历程。以后,他们又引进了先进的生产线,集中了强大的科研攻关队伍,边引进,边消化,边开发,边创新,走出了一条高科技、高创汇、高附加值的名牌道路,不断地以众多高科技、高质量的产品给予消费者一个广阔的选择空间。一台台填补国内空白并具国际尖端技术的新产品相继在海尔问世。例如洗衣机系列,中国第一台集洗衣、脱水、烘于于一身的三合一“玛格丽特”滚简系列洗衣机,第一台极限设计、全塑外壳的“小神童”波轮全自动洗衣机,普及型滚筒式洗衣机“丽达十八姐妹”等,都是家电高科技的结晶。海尔已拥有8大系列50多个规格的洗衣机产品,成为中国第一家也是世界唯一一家可同时规模生产欧、亚、美三种风格洗衣机的企业。又如空调器系列,1993年他们研制的第一台智能变频空调器,就是高科技的产物。他们仅用3年时间,走完了发达国家20年走过的路。他们研制开发出的单冷型一拖二,冷暖型一拖二,以及超远距离送风家用2P柜式机,中国第一台“小超人,,智能变频一拖二空调器等新式产品,使海尔空调的高科技产品保持世界先进水平,其中一拖二空调还获得了青岛市科技进步一等奖。海尔以比国内同行业快2(5倍的科研开发速度,开发、生产出窗式、分体式、柜式、吊顶式、落地式等共10大系列空调器。 海尔正是依靠高科技作基础和后盾,使得层出不穷的新产品、新技术推动了市场。一个个具有世界水平填补国内空白的高科技产品不断在海尔问世,来源于科技人员的无穷的智慧和辛勤的付出。一批批高技术人才纷纷涌向海尔,在海尔这块天地里实现着自己的人生价值。 2?严格的经营管理是产品质量的保证 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 海尔之所以能创出中国的名牌,除了得益于雄厚的高新技术实力和以高科技新产品创造市场的经营理念作为坚实的基础外,还得益于海尔严格的质量管理。 海尔在生产经营中始终向职工反复强调二个基本观点:用户是企业的衣食父母。在生产制造过程中,他们始终坚持“精细化,零缺陷”,让每个员工都明白“下道工序就是用户”。这些思想被职工自觉落实到行动上,每个员工将质量隐患消除在本岗位上,从而创造出了海尔产品的“零缺陷”。海尔空调从未发生过一起质量事故,产品开箱合格率始终保持在100,,社会总返修率不超过于分之四,大大低于国家的规定。许多久居海外的华人使用海尔空调后激动万分:中国人制造的家电产品是一流的。再拿海尔洗衣机来说:1996年第四季度国家技术监督局全国质量抽查,海尔洗衣机质量荣登榜首,全自动洗衣机无故障运行达到7000余次,一举改写了中国洗衣机无故障运行5000次的历史。 而这种成绩的取得,正是海尔严格管理的结晶。海尔洗衣机生产车间里曾经发生过这样一件事情:一天,一名员工在下班前的每日清扫时,发现多了一枚螺丝钉。他惊呆了,因为他知道,多了一枚螺丝钉就意味着是哪一台洗衣机少了一枚螺丝钉。这关系到产品的质量,维系着企业的信誉。因此,分厂厂长当即下令:当天生产的1000余台洗衣机全部复检。而复检的结果:成品机没有什么问题。可原因出在哪里呢,已经很晚了,员工们谁也没走,又用了两个多小时,才查出原来是发货时多放了一枚。 产品质量是创造名牌的基石。海尔为了抓好产品质量管理,制订了一套易操作的以“价值券”为中心的量化质量考核体系,行使“质量否决权”。简单他说,如果干一件得一分钱的活,干坏了一件则罚一元钱,即干坏一件等于白干了100件,并即时兑现。“质量否决权”的管理方式在每一位员工心里深植了“质量第一”的观念。生产中,职工把每一道工序都想象成用户,产品依次流转,质量层层把关,环环扣紧,保证了出厂的都是全优的产品。即使是在电视机、电冰箱、洗衣机等极为抢手的第一次家电消费浪潮中,不少企业日夜加班向市场倾销产品,“萝卜快了不洗泥”。而海尔集团总裁张瑞、敏却领着工人砸了76台质量有问题的冰箱。 博锐25 正是这种“零缺陷”的质量管理,使得海尔产品的消费“投诉率为零”。海尔人虽然不在产量争第一,但却人人在质量上争第一。海尔空调在5年间,几乎囊括了国家在空调器上所设立的全部奖项。 3(完善的垦级服务是产品质量的根本 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 高质量的产品,还必须有完善的服务,才能使企业立于不败之地,永存活力,才能创立出真正的世界名牌。尤其是现代管理中,完善的服务更是成为产品质量的重要组成部分。可以说,没有好的服务,就谈不上有好的产品质量。海尔人正是基于这种认识,在同行业中首家推出海尔国际星级一条龙服务,为消费者提供与其质量与信誉相符的服务。如果想购买一台海尔冰箱,或者老冰箱更新,只需打一个电话,从型号选择、现场功能演示,直到送货上门、跟踪服务,海尔实行一条龙全过程星级服务。如果购买一台海尔空调,压缩机包修五年,比国家规定高出两年,终身保证服务;即买即安,24小时服务到位;定期回访用户,实行全国质量跟踪;提供热情详尽的技术咨询服务,保证一试就会;免费送货,免费安装,免收材料费。购买海尔洗衣机,能享受到真诚的售前、售中、售后服务。 名牌产品实行名牌服务,海尔首推的“星级服务”,在社会和广大用户中引起了强烈反响。 1995年6月,西安太白商厦超市经理登门求援,说已经试机完好的展示柜“出了毛病”。展示柜厂迅速派出两名技术人员直奔西安。原来是商场的电压不稳所造成的故障。 当两名技术人员发现商场的电气线路安装不对时,又主动帮助把线路重新调整,并向营业员当场讲授了展示柜的正确使用方法。北京市朝阳区甘露寺十里铺有一对老夫妇无儿无女,靠一台海尔sn302电冰柜卖冰棍。 1996年7月22日晚,北京市下了一场罕蹿的暴风雨,老人的冰柜停了,电也没了。情急之中他托邻居打电k向海尔北京售后服务中心求援。北京售后服务中心即刻派出两名技术人员,冒着倾盆大雨,扛着修理工具直奔用户家中。他们不但给用户修好了电源,而且免费修好了因雷电导致电容器烧坏的电冰柜。看着浑身湿透的海尔售后人员,两位老人感动得热泪盈眶。 诸如上述感人的事,在海尔集团人人都能说上几件。海尔人把情感融入销售活动之中,使得原本单纯的买卖交易行为,变得富有人情味,让消费者感受到一丝丝温馨。1997年春节,仅海尔空调服务中心就在全国16个大城市动用服务人员600多人,走访了21600个用户,开通了66部24小时热线电话。1997年7月,8月,北京天气奇热,空调器销售火爆,安装队伍告急。海尔集团从全国各地抽调了300多名安装人员,乘飞机到北京,保障了消费者及时安装空调器的需要。服务被看作是海尔产品链条上最重要的环节。海尔的爱心、真心、诚心就是这样一次次地送给消费者,给消费者“意外”的惊喜。海尔“真诚到永远”,就是在给用户一次次的服务中得到体现;海尔的企业形象,也就是在这种一件件的星级服务中树立起来的。 海尔用圆满的服务,带走用户的烦恼,留下海尔的真诚。不久前,当美国优质服务科学协会在全球范围内搜集用户对海尔产品的不满意见时,最终结果竟然是零。美国人不禁惊呼:海尔人的服务意识将为全球服务行业树立起典范。海尔集团成为亚洲第一家也是目前唯一一家荣获国际星级服务顶级荣誉——五星钻石奖的家电企业,张瑞敏总裁也因此成为美国优质服务科学协会有史以来第一个被授予“五星钻石个人终身荣誉奖”的中国人。 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 4(开拓国际市场是对产品质量的检验 海尔产品以“零缺陷”的质量,圆满的服务,最大地占领了国内市场。根据1997年3月几次全国35个大中城市109家有代表性大商场的销售统计,海尔空调和电冰箱的市场占有率遥遥领先,洗衣机和冷柜也名列前茅。但是,一种优秀的产品,仅仅占领国内市场还不够,还要走向世界市场,到世界市场上去检验产品的质量。 博锐25 基于上述认识,海尔把企业现代化、经营规模化、市场全球化作为向国际化迈进的目标。国际化是企业发展的必由之路。海尔人以昂扬的精神,提出了“创海尔最佳信誉,挑战国际名牌”的口号,并提出了市场国际化的“三个1,3”战略,即国内生产国内销售1,3,国内生产国外销售1,3,国外生产国外销售1,3。这种战略的提出,体现了海尔以世界市场为出发点的远见卓识。在JL京国际家电博览会,在上海国际制冷设备展览会,在第80届广州交易会上,海尔家电响彻九州,名扬海外。1997年2月18日,在德国科隆举办的家电博览会上,中国展台的1,2是海尔产品,许多欧洲经销商纷纷要求经销海尔产品,莱茵河畔涌起了一股海尔潮。 到1996年底,海尔在世界30多个国家和地区建立了5769个代理销售点,1996年出口冰箱22(6万台,洗衣机11万台,空调4. 1万台,创汇5442万美元。在印尼投资的年产10万台冰箱的合资企业已经投产,在中东、南美、波兰、南非等地合作建厂正在紧锣密鼓地进行。西方不亮东方亮,黑了南方有北方。海尔的市场回旋空间是国内任何一家家电企业都无法比拟的。 振兴民族工业,挺进国际市场,海尔产品依靠卓越的质量,大:创国际名牌打下了基础。从1990年开始,海尔先后通过1SO 9001国际质量保证体系认证和美国UL、德国GS等一系列产品安全认证,在102个国家、地区注册商标406本。海尔冷柜在1996年10月同行业率先通过了由世界著名认证机构DNV组织的1SO 9001国际认证,取得了通向国际市场的通行证,成为世界的合格供应商。海尔产品信誉已蜚声海内外,号称“家电王国”的日本市场也已经注意到了海尔产品,海尔将在近期内实现系列家电产品出口1,3的目标。海尔产品的“零缺陷”质量已经得到并将继续得到国际市场的验证。海尔将在未来的国际化进程中,给中国民族企业交出一份满意的答卷,给世界家电工业开辟出更为广阔的前景。 企业质量管理是组织为了使企业产品质量能够满足不断提高的质量要求,达到顾客满意而开展的计划、组织、实施、检查和改进等所有相关的全部管理活动。概括起来,企业质量管理主要包括下面五个方面的工作:质量方针和质量目标的制定、质量策划、质量控制、质量保证和质量改进。 一、质量房展和质量目标的制定 质量方针是组织最高管理者正式发布的该组 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 织总的质量宗旨和质量方向。质量方针是质量管理的核心和出发点,是组织 全体成员开展质量行动的准则,为质量目标的制定提供了框架和方向。它反映了 最高领导的质量意识和决心。 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire
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