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管理学读书报告(4500字)管理学读书报告(4500字) 管理学读书报告(4500字) 读书报告 近期,我阅读了陈春花所著的《中国管理10大解析》,通过对这本书的仔细研读,我学到了许多更有实践性的管理知识以及这些知识如何在中国企业中加以利用。该书分10个章节,每个章节阐述一个问题。下面就是对这本书的一个内容概括: 第一章:管理的解析 在这一章开始作者就提出如何正确理解管理,主要从5个方面理解:管理是决策制定者;管理是一门学问;管理是一个过程;衡量管理水平的唯一标准是能否让个人目标与组织目标合而为一;管理就是让一线的员工得到资源并可运用资源。对于...
管理学读书报告(4500字) 管理学读书报告(4500字) 读书报告 近期,我阅读了陈春花所著的《中国管理10大解析》,通过对这本书的仔细研读,我学到了许多更有实践性的管理知识以及这些知识如何在中国企业中加以利用。该书分10个章节,每个章节阐述一个问题。下面就是对这本书的一个概括: 第一章:管理的解析 在这一章开始作者就提出如何正确理解管理,主要从5个方面理解:管理是决策制定者;管理是一门学问;管理是一个过程;衡量管理水平的唯一标准是能否让个人目标与组织目标合而为一;管理就是让一线的员工得到资源并可运用资源。对于企业管理中比较重要的组织管理,作者说,组织要是一个实体,在组织中需要用目标、、权力来连接;组织里的人是公平而不是平等,这一点是与人在社会结构中的地位所不一样的;分工是组织管理的根本方法,分工主要是分配责任和权力。本章中作者还提出了她自己所提倡的管理观:(1)管理只对绩效负责,就是要功劳不要苦劳,要关注能力不要关注态度,要关注才干,把品德作为基本条件;(2)管理是一种分配,分配权力、责任和利益,而且必 须是等分,成为一个平衡的等边三角形;(3)管理始终为经营服务,经营定位决定管理定位,要确保管理水平匹配经营水平,不能让管理水平超过经营水平。作者觉得正确的管理思维定式应该是;向上管理,向下负责。即要对老板进行管理获得资源,对员工要负责任,提供成长的平台和机会。本章最后,作者对企业的5项管理内容进行了罗列和说明:管理、流程管理、组织管理、战略管理和文化管理。 第二章:组织的解析 在这章中作者始终围绕的是组织关系的问题:组织内的关系是奉献关系。要实现这一的关系必须做到:第一,工作评价来源于工作的相关者;第二,“绝不让雷锋吃亏”;第三,激励和宣扬组织的成功而不是个人的成功。在此,作者引出了“组织生态环境”这一概念,主张个人与组织共建生态系统,个体要与组织环境有良好的关系并要产生持续且稳定的价值。在对组织外部环境加以分析的基础上,作者总结出如今的企业组织面临的全新事实:(1)组织不再是一个封闭的系统;(2)组织的经营环境已不再是稳定的状态;(3)组织中不再存在明确地杠杆。所以,作者给企业提出以下几点建议:(1)管理者要学会混沌的思维方式;(2)组织需要构建自己的弹性能力;(3)在组织内部要打破均衡的状态;(4)实现组织学习。 第三章:组织结构的解析 首先,作者分析了组织结构的重要性和局限性。组织结构决定了企业是否能够长寿,但现在的企业或其他组织都面临着“追求效率和追求长期适应能力”这两者间的深刻矛盾。作者提出,组织结构需要做全新的调整,企业才会具备面向市场的能力稳定的组织结构可以带来高效率,但是我们除了要关心效率之外还要关注企业的长期适应能力,稳定的组织结构反而会削弱企业面向市场环境的长期适应能力。其次,组织结构也发挥一定的管理作用,它所要解决的是权力与责任关系是否匹配的问题,组织结构要依据责任而不是权力来设定(中国的很多企业都会在这里犯错误),组织结构可以重新建立组织和个人之间的心理契约。再者,作者对现如今比较流行的两种组织结构进行了详细的分析探讨:总部与分部组织结构和存在海外分支机构的组织结构。对这两种组织结构的设计分别提出了建议。 第四章:企业文化的解析 本章开篇就提出了优秀中国本土企业一贯体现的企业文化:中国理念,西方标准。理念是建立在文化背景基础之上的,在我国特有的背景之下,我们只能选择中国理念,至于标准,我们应该向 西方学习,学习西方人做事的一丝不苟、遵照流程、不讲人情、完全符合标准。因此作者认为要实现这样的文化关键是要进行3个转变:从“以人为本”向“以执行为本”转变;“以岗位为本”向“以目标为本”转变;“以职能导向”向“以流程导向”转变,两者 兼容。在本章的第二部分作者以图表的形式归纳出企业文化之旅:企业家文化?团队文化?企业文化?竞争性文化,企业也经历从生存导向到规则导向、绩效导向、创新导向、再到愿景导向这5个阶段。中国的企业文化大体上是企业家文化,是一种伪文化。在企业管理之中文化管理处于最高层次,只有做好基础工作才能涉及文化建设,所以,作者指出中国企业应该把“企业文化热”先放一放,回到企业管理的基本问题上来努力。第四部分作者罗列了她在教学过程中人们经常提出关于企业文化的九个问题。最后,作者阐述了对文化的认识与理解:文化可由载体看出;生活的状态是文化的标志;文化就是思维方式;文化就是达成共识;企业文化最终是企业员工的行为习惯;企业责任也是其文化的一部分。 第五章:企业转型的解析 市场一直处于不断的变化和转型中,为此企业也必须不断地转变 和改革,要生存,就要为变革做好准备,作者探析我国的一些变革效果不是很好的企业得出原因:变革没有放在市场上,没有了解市场需求和顾客的变革要求。因此,作者提出转型需要重新定义企业的管理方式,相对于中国企业而言要从以下的四个方面来考虑企业转型:战略要素、文化要素、产品要素、组织及要素。企业要学会放弃自己的习惯,否则市场会放弃你。在“中国的‘大象’能够跳舞”这一标题之下作者列举了联想和TCL转型的成功案例。企业转型中最重要的一部分就是企业文化转型,在本章中,作者花了较多笔墨阐述了企业文化如何产生企业核心竞争力,企业家如何领导出企业的文化以及利用企业文化转型来创建竞争优势的方法。 第六章:企业领袖的解析 作者给中国的企业家精神定义为:“从无到有,从小到大”,在本章中她认为最为一个企业的领袖必须要具备以下10个方面的优良素养:脚踏实地;承担,承担,再承担;做能做之事;充满激情;执着而不固执;从小做起;执着于质量;自省、自励、自学、自律;要有政治素养;永远保持一个积极地心态。总结1984-20xx年得英雄领袖时代,作者还总结出中国优秀企业家群体的特征:在外部,他们始终走在行业的前端,主动引领行业的各项战略;不断创造新市场,把握新动机;同时,他们尊重每一个决策,不 以个人意愿为导向;在内部,他们表现出“发展自己,发展他人”和“企业长期发展的使命感”的根本特质。最后,作者提出,作为企业家,创新能力,领导能力,各种能力都需要具备,但是企业家有一个最根本的东西就是实干性,要引领“务实管理”。 第七章:经理人的解析 本章,作者以营销经理人为例,对经理人的角色加以定位:经理人不是思想者而是实践者。这里的核心内容就是经理人要从管理者的角色转变到行动者。围绕这一点,作者提出了职业经理人所需的“七项修炼”:管理道德修炼;管理职能修炼;核心能力修炼;实干家修炼;角色转换修炼;管理老板修炼;培育人才的修炼。 第八章:企业特性的解析 任何管理都需要符合企业的特性,根据企业发展阶段的不同,企业的组织结构应该出现不同的特点:创业阶段(直线型组织架构的特点)、成长阶段(职能型的特点)、发展阶段(事业部制的特点)、持续发展阶段(董事会制的特点)。本章中,作者还重点探讨了韩国的三星集团,从中总结出我们可以向三星学习的东西:以品质取胜;产品设计以人为本;用人之道;取他人之长;危机意识;重视对社会的回报。 第九章:战略的解析 战略不能解决所有问题,企业的竞争力来源于战略变为行动的能力,所以,战略要回归到经营的基本元素上,回归到战略的思维上,回归到最基本的层面上。作者界定的经营本质的基本元素包括:顾客价值、有竞争力的合理成本、有效的规模、具有深度人性关怀的盈利。至于战略的思维就是要回答自己要做什么并选择不做什么。最终战略要务本,以归零的思想思考基本面,做最基本的项目,让基本面成为企业团体的力量。 第十章:中国企业未来的解析 本章中作者分析了中国企业的持续竞争力问题和中国企业的成长方向。对于企业我们只需要一个指标:持续的获利能力;在专业化的基础上做到多元化;企业文化建设要实现业绩导向、创新导向和愿景导向的逐步提升;在企业内部要保证价值分享成为可能;中国的企业不要一味追求做大,在空间坐标中做正确的事情,成长就是自然而然的事了。最后,作者提出中国企业要建立在8项商业本质之上:行事基于战略、谦卑的英雄领袖;适应变革和基于知识的管理;基于价值链的营销方式;强调一致性的利益共同体;造就基于创新的企业文化;基于创造顾客价值的核心竞争 力;善于体认趋势的快速反应机制;开放而敏感的辨认航向。 我的感受与体会: 此前,我读过的很多管理类的书籍都是偏向于理论性的,难免会觉得有点枯燥乏味,但是《中国管理10大解析》这本书给了我不一样的感受,它虽然也是建立在理论基础之上,但是作者精辟的分析和她独到的观点深深地吸引我,使我一气呵成地将其读完仍意犹未尽。 首先,我觉得作者之前从事的企业管理工作对这本书的写作有很大的帮助,这样的经历渗透在书本中给读者一种很真实的感觉,里面的许多观点以及案例分析都很有实践性。比如,作者在提到企业情感问题时将中国的企业和美国企业进行了对比,中国的企业往往会以情感为导向,而美国企业则以绩效为依据,以情感为导向会造成组织机构的不严谨以及执行力度的不到位,最终造成企业的涣散。可见这些都是作者在她的企业管理工作中不断观察、总结和归纳出来的。 通过这本书的阅读,我还对一些不曾熟悉的管理名词有所掌握,让我印象最深刻的就是“心理契约”这一概念,它是指个人根据员工与组织之间的关系而形成的关于双方责任的各种信念。结合中国的实际情况我们会发现,在不断寻求新竞争优势的过程中, 很多时候,组织无法履行或者不能很好的履行所有它们承诺给员工的责任,从而导致心理契约违背现象的产生,这不仅会对员工造成情感上的伤害,对企业来说也非常有害。员工是企业的根本,所以企业要想方设法提高双方的良性互动,如可以建立开诚布公的沟通体系、确定公平的结构准则等。我觉得上面这一点是十分重要的,也是我国的很多企业尤其是民营企业及小企业等普遍忽视的问题,很多情况下,它们利润的攫取是建立在压榨员工的基础上的,员工的利益得不到很好的保障,在企业中不能以主人公的身份存在,这加大了管理难度也有碍于企业创新,对企业发展产生了很大的阻力。 本书作者的观点对我的思想也产生了较大的影响。此前,我一直都比较认同我国很多优秀企业提出的做大做强的口号,可是经过作者的分析,我也觉得那样的思维不是很科学。企业的成长其实是自然而然的事情,不用去可以追求每年的利润率提高多少,也不用咬着牙说一定要在几年之内挤进世界500强,企业所遵循的规律其实应该是相信宿命论,真正需要做的事情不是做大做强,而是应该了解市场规律,懂得价值规律;在时间和空间的坐标中都做好正确的事情就足够了,成长是必然也是顺其自然地进行着的。读这本书以前,我一直都将企业战略理解为一种很深奥的高层的构想,其实,战略就是要搞清楚企业要做什么和什么不能做,明确了“做什么”这个问题,才不会在企业发展中掉入陷阱,引 发失误;而对企业来说,实际不能做的事情远远多于能做的事,所谓“有所不为才能有所为”,就是不做别人手里的事情,有些事一定要砍掉,保证一两件事能够做成功,即做到专而精。 《中国管理10大解析》 陈春花著 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006 学生姓名:仇慧 学号:20114210045 1 2 3 4 5 第二篇:管理学原著阅读报告第三章 8000字 The reading report of unit three 12会计(4)班 2011330300403 王婷慧 1(The principles of scientific management(Introduction and Chapter 1) This paper has been written from problems to methods. Firstly, to point out, through a series of simple illustrations, the great loss which the whole country is suffering though inefficiency in almost all of our daily acts. Secondly, to try to convince the reader that the remedy for this inefficiency lies in systematic management, rather than in searching for some unusual or extraordinary. Thirdly, to prove that the best management is a true science, resting upon clearly defined laws, rules, and principles, as a foundation. And further to show that the fundamental principles of scientific management are applicable to all kinds of human activities, from our simplest individual acts to the work of our great corporations, which call for the most elaborate cooperation. And, briefly, through a series of illustrations, to convince the reader that whenever these principles are correctly applied, results must follow which are truly astounding. Lastly, Taylor noted that while the examples were chosen to appeal to engineers and managers, his principles could be applied to the management of any social enterprise, such as homes, farms, small businesses, churches, philanthropic institutions, universities, and government. Taylor argued that the principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee. He argued that the most important object of both the employee and the management should be the training and development of each individual in the establishment, so that he can do the highest class of work for which his natural abilities fit him. Taylor demonstrated that maximum prosperity can exist only as the result of maximum productivity, both for the shop and individual, and rebuked the idea that the fundamental interests of employees and employers are necessarily antagonistic. Taylor described how most all workers deliberately work slowly, or “soldier,” to protect their interests. According to Taylor, there were three reasons for the inefficiency: First. The fallacy, which has from time immemorial been almost universal among workmen, that a material increase in the output of each man or each machine in the trade would result in the end in throwing a large number of men out of work. Second. The defective systems of management which are in common use, and which make it necessary for each workman to soldier, or work slowly, in order that he may protect his own best interests. Third. The inefficient rule-of-thumb methods, which are still almost universal in all trades, and in practicing which our workmen waste a large part of their effort. Prosperity depends on so many factors entirely beyond the control of any one set of men, any state, or even any one country, that certain periods will inevitably come when both sides must suffer, more or less. It is claimed, however, that under scientific management the intermediate periods will be far more prosperous, far happier, and more free from discord and dissension. These are all benefits of scientific management. 2.Transfer of Taylorist Ideas to China, 1910-1930 This paper is a modest contribution to exploring the transfer of management know-how – what we might call soft technologies – to China in the early twentieth century, focused on scientific management. Taylorism had a wider currency in China before 1949 than is recognized. One of the very few mentions of Taylorism in China is a recent study of the origin of the Chinese post-1950 danwei institution of labor management. This paper is focused primarily on the translation and transfer of Taylorist ideas to China, the interpretation of several proponents of Taylorism, and includes brief sketches of the introduction of Taylorism by some prominent business men. The paper is an initial exploration of China?s encounter with western management thought and practice. The remainder of the paper discusses the introduction of scientific management to China, focused on key promoters, organizations and publications, and largely deals with the “rhetoric” or ideology of interwar business leaders? encounter with Taylorism as an ideas system (Sturdy, 2004). The paper concludes with consideration of the theoretical issues of the transfer of management ideas to China for future research into the practice of adaptation, the interaction of“nativist” Chinese practices and foreign managerial ideologies. 3.Alfred Marshall's critical analysis of scientific management In 1911, in America, F.W. Taylor published his famous book, Principles of Scientific Management, in which new principles of industrial organization are suggested and the advantages of an extreme division of labour and mechanization are stressed. Taylor?s theory of scientific management played a very important role in shaping the early twentieth century factory system, both in America and in Europe. It produced an efficiency ?mode?, which spread throughout Europe before the First World War. However, in 1919, Alfred Marshall published “Industry and Trade”. In Industry and Trade, ?A study of industrial technique and business organization; and of their influences on the conditions of various classes and nations? (1919), Alfred Marshall develops a detailed analysis of scientific management, emphasizing not only its unquestionable advantages but also its dangerous limits. Although in the literature Marshall's evaluation of scientific management has been considered rather positive, the author has found it sceptical and definitively critical in many passages of his book. This paper deals with Marshall's analysis in order to underline the reasons why he criticizes Taylor's system, which, at that time, sounded like the greatest expression of modernity. Section 2 gives a sketch of the atmosphere in which scientific management was born and of how it was received at the time in the USA and Great Britain; section 3 provides an outline of Marshall?s handling of scientific management and underlines the aspects that are the subject of his main criticism; section 4 highlights the grounds of his criticism; finally, section 5 draws some conclusive remarks. My point view of Marshall?s analysis of scientific management In Marshall?s analysis of scientific management, section 3.3.from personal to card relationship attracts my attention. Why is it called card relationship? Because orders are written in cards and the written orders take the place of personal relationship. As Marshall said, “the relations of an employer to his employees generally contain some elements which have little connection with business: and even from a merely business point of view, account is to be taken of the fact that the trust, esteem and affection of his staff are a valuable business asset, of a kind which his machinery cannot supply.” In such a system, scientific management makes the workers become the boss? machinery. The employers only care about the workers? efficiency but ignore their spiritual needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs introduce five elements of persons? needs. There are Safety needs, Physiological needs, Love and belonging needs, and Esteem needs Self-actualization. Obviously, each person is an organized individual, and all these needs are natural. The employers cannot ignore their workers? needs. Workers should be respected and not considered as a efficient machinery. Scientific management actually proves to have a great capacity: it increases workers? efficiency and has the potential to become the source of economic success. From the human point of view, over skilled handicraft: it increases man?s power over matter; but it may diminish his power over himself. In other words, progress relates to man?s qualities and scientific management could not be considered as a means for human betterment, in the long run.
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