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手动挡汽车与自动挡汽车区别手动挡汽车与自动挡汽车区别 ,div class=“fs_14 ask_more_left”>很多人都认为自动挡的汽车 驾驶起来很方便,没有手动挡汽车开起来的繁琐 操作,大部分工作都是由机械装置来负担的。甚至不少人把开自动挡的汽车看成 是”低智慧、低智能”的活动,放松了应有的戒备,使自动挡车本该有的安全又 都丧失了。随着科技的进步,汽车马力越来越大,车速越来越快,要求车主的驾 驶技术也越来越高,特别是反应能力要更强如果是手动挡的汽车,换挡时机、。 油离配合、空挡滑行等等驾驭之道很多人都不陌生,或许还是实践的高手。但...
手动挡汽车与自动挡汽车区别 ,div class=“fs_14 ask_more_left”>很多人都认为自动挡的汽车 驾驶起来很方便,没有手动挡汽车开起来的繁琐 操作,大部分工作都是由机械装置来负担的。甚至不少人把开自动挡的汽车看成 是”低智慧、低智能”的活动,放松了应有的戒备,使自动挡车本该有的安全又 都丧失了。随着科技的进步,汽车马力越来越大,车速越来越快,要求车主的驾 驶技术也越来越高,特别是反应能力要更强如果是手动挡的汽车,换挡时机、。 油离配合、空挡滑行等等驾驭之道很多人都不陌生,或许还是实践的高手。但是 要说到自动挡汽车的驾驶技巧,恐怕就会感到无话可说,不就是放到D挡踩油门 吗。那么,自动挡汽车的驾驶到底和手动挡的汽车有什么区别呢, 以一部汽油发动机的汽车而言,其发动机的大致转速在怠速700rpm到 最高转速7000rpm之间,是正常的使用范围。但在从静止、起步到最高车 速之间,车辆必须应付多种不同的行驶条件。有驾驶手动挡汽车经验 的人都知道 ,起步松离合、低速、中速、高速不断换挡,都要拿捏好油门和离合器的分寸, 适度收放,才能达到有效且舒适的加速过程。因司机驾驶熟练程度、路况判断准 确性、遇事反应的灵敏度等差异会造成截然不同的效果。手动挡汽车的性能若要 发挥出来,完全依赖驾驶技巧,如果遇上特殊路况,如陡坡上起步或是塞车,生 手常常会手忙脚乱,频频熄火即便是老手,也会被塞车等频繁的换挡、踩踏操。 作搞得身心疲惫。 自动挡的汽车就是在此背景下蓬勃发展的,它的诞生使驾驶者可处在更轻松 、舒适、安全的操控环境在超车、变换车道、转弯的同时,能够不必理会什么。 离合器、挡把,集中精力应付复杂的路况即可。但是,有时往往事与愿违,近年 来自动挡汽车的事故率并不比手动挡车低,推究其原因,人为疏忽占了绝大部分 ,步入了”方便导致随便”的恶圈这里有必要提醒自排挡车主,自动 挡的车更。 需要有安全驾驶观念。 ?自动挡汽车的优点 自动挡汽车有很诱人的优点,首先是不用操作离合器。手动挡汽车要 想开好 ,最重要的技巧在于油离配合,弄不好抖动、熄火是小,造成机械损 耗,缩短车 子寿命,使车子很难驾驭是大。而自动挡的车,只要把排挡杆拨入D 挡,从起步 到极速,统统交给变速箱来操控,驾驶者只要细心操作油门和刹车即 可。无论是 The big angle sharp turn, the overtaking, the urgent acceleration and so on movements may rest assured, lets the automatic transmission box be responsible for. Of course, if With enough knowledge and skills, you can also use manual shift to achieve faster speed. Especially when traffic jam occurs Just the right foot to operate the brakes and the throttle, greatly simplifying the operation strength. Another advantage is uphill start without fault. The slope has always been the novice's difficulties, throttle, clutch, brake The car three pedal while taking into account, or hand brake, clutch and throttle with each other, often make people confused. as Fruit learned half feet clutch, will be quite a lot. But novices rarely use it, especially when there is a car in the back Psychological burden, will be more flustered. The automatic car is very convenient, the brakes for release No oil, the car will move forward, do not have to worry about the car will slip. A particularly steep slope loosens the brake horse There is no danger of oil on it either. The disadvantages of automatic car The automatic car also has its shortcomings that cannot be overcome, the most obvious is the poor efficiency of power transmission. Because automatic Transmission is the use of torque converter to transfer kinetic energy, the power conversion medium is automatic transmission oil, because it is liquid Body, and the engine starts to stop flowing, of course, to cause power losses, usually around 10%. move The force is transmitted to the tire, and the kinetic energy has been reduced by 10%. Plus the automatic transmission itself is heavier, unwittingly driving It is easy to increase the throttle, indirectly resulting in increased fuel consumption. Another drawback is the failure to produce engine brakes. In addition to accelerating performance, the vehicle has attracted much attention Parking performance is also good and bad, and it is more important to drive than to drive faster. Apart from stepping on the brakes, The engine itself has a brake effect. For manual cars, once the driver leaves his right foot off the accelerator pedal The engine brake can be generated immediately when the engine is opened, and the speed is automatically slowed down. If the gear change into low gear, brake Car effect is more obvious. But an automatic car, even when the engine is braked, works well Very limited. Automatic car also is not good, can not start the cart. The car is good never throw accident, Anchor is unavoidable. Man-made fuel exhaustion and battery shortage are common causes of some anchoring. If the battery is dead and the car is manually blocked, the engine can be started by using a cart, and the car is automatically blocked, I can hardly think of anything but to push the car to the side of the road to wait for rescue. The automatic car like manual The kinetic energy of the wheels of the car can be transmitted directly to the transmission gear, so no matter how much you push the cart, move It can only be absorbed by the power converter. Automatic car is easy to operate, but also prone to misoperation, confuse the accelerator and brake, troubleshooting Gear, etc., is also very dangerous. Even more frightening is that simple operation is relaxing and driving should be a safe one All in the road, the myriads of changes but increased the risk of error. Manual driving, driving pleasure, automatic enjoyment, but it is not perfect, only To make the most of the car owners of their own hands, to play a good performance, and quick and safe. On the choice of manual or automatic car, many of his friends have doubts. For the first time to buy a car and drive a lady friend, experts recommend automatic choice. The reason is simple, buy a car map is convenient, comfortable, worry, in the crowded city road frequently shift, often from slope up, and for most people, it is not an easy thing. Over time, the neck of the left foot will strain. Of course, if you naturally like the feeling of driving, or hand gear more enjoyable. Vehicle transmission in general terms, there are two manual and automatic, but specifically divided into manual transmission (MT), automatic transmission (AT), hand automatic transmission (AMT), manual / automatic integrated transmission, CVT five categories. One hand, automatic transmission (AMT) is between manual and automatic a new type of transmission gear set with manual as it is different, through the electronic machinery special, automatically saves the oil from the well, step on the clutch trouble, and can realize manual gear shifting the fun. Manual / automatic integrated transmission gearbox is widely used in high-grade car, gear design and automatic similar to it, but the traveling block D block to the next wave, can push pull, realize the gear switch automatically, the driver can enjoy grasp when shifting machine control. In addition, the new Audi A6L, Audi A4, Mondeo models also reference design F1 racing, the subtraction block set on the steering wheel, more convenient driver operation. CVT automatic transmission is different from the traditional gear transmission automatic transmission, it through the pulley two variable diameter to change gear ratio in a certain range, the transmission ratio changed gradually, to avoid the shift of different gear ratio gear connected when feeling frustrated, feel more smooth driving. Such as Audi's Multitronic, Honda's CVT, Fiat's Speedgear, and so on. The selection of manual transmissions mainly depends on their precision, and there are two steps that can be easily tested. The first step, sitting in the car, clutch, gear shifting handle, experience is clear, the gear stroke is short and precise simply; the second step, start the car, feeling in the process of moving the clutch stroke severity, duration and oil from the combination of high and low, is consistent with their at the same time habits, to see if the vehicle in the shifting process is stable. However, in the specific selection and use of automatic gear, there is a lot of knowledge. The most intuitive criterion of automatic transmission is that the power transmission is effective, the impact is small, and the operation is stable. It is better to feel the dynamic changes of the gear. In the actual choice, first of all to see is a few automatic transmission, in general, the four gear is the general design, the six block is more advanced. Because the more gear, the difference between the teeth ratio is smaller, the connection is more closely, and the tight gear ratio directly brings power, smooth connection, speed up and shift faster. Such as display during the Shanghai auto show POLO1.6, Touran is used in the high technology content six speed manual / automatic integrated transmission, the new Audi A6L even with a seven speed automatic transmission. Secondly, to see whether there is movement patterns and snow mode, which can delay the movement pattern shift, so that each shift speed is higher, to obtain better speedup performance; the snow model directly from the two block start to reduce starting torque, reduce slippage may. The power output of ordinary automatic models depends mainly on the throttle to adjust, if can fuel, light throttle, brakes less; if the pursuit of power, it is not possible, through deep throttle, let the shifting time maintained at optimum engine speed, still can obtain better acceleration effect. Expand other similar answers (2) hide other similar answers (2) 66564 2009-2-16 21:44:21 122.77.36.* report on the choice of manual or automatic car, many of his friends have doubts. For the first time to buy a car and drive a lady friend, experts recommend automatic choice. The reason is simple, buy a car map is convenient, comfortable, worry, in the crowded city road frequently shift, often from slope up, and for most people, it is not an easy thing. Over time, the neck of the left foot will strain. Of course, if you naturally like the feeling of driving, or hand gear more enjoyable. Vehicle transmission in general terms, there are two manual and automatic, but specifically divided into manual transmission (MT), automatic transmission (AT), hand automatic transmission (AMT), manual / automatic integrated transmission, CVT five categories. One hand, automatic transmission (AMT) is between manual and automatic a new type of transmission gear set with manual as it is different, through the electronic machinery special, automatically saves the oil from the well, step on the clutch trouble, and can realize manual gear shifting the fun. Manual / automatic integrated transmission gearbox is widely used in high-grade car, gear design and automatic similar to it, but the traveling block D block to the next wave, can push pull, realize the gear switch automatically, the driver can enjoy grasp when shifting machine control. In addition, the new Audi A6L, Audi A4, Mondeo models also reference design F1 racing, the subtraction block set on the steering wheel, more convenient driver operation. CVT automatic transmission is different from the traditional gear transmission automatic transmission, it through the pulley two variable diameter to change gear ratio in a certain range, the transmission ratio changed gradually, to avoid the shift of different gear ratio gear connected when feeling frustrated, feel more smooth driving. Such as Audi's Multitronic, Honda's CVT, Fiat's Speedgear, and so on. The selection of manual transmissions mainly depends on their precision, and there are two steps that can be easily tested. The first step, sitting in the car, clutch, gear shifting handle, experience is clear, the gear stroke is short and precise simply; the second step, start the car, feeling in the process of moving the clutch stroke severity, duration and oil from the combination of high and low, Are they in line with their habits and see if the vehicle is stationary during the shift?. However, in the specific selection and use of automatic gear, there is a lot of knowledge. The most intuitive criterion of automatic transmission is that the power transmission is effective, the impact is small, and the operation is stable. It is better to feel the dynamic changes of the gear. In the actual choice, first of all to see is a few automatic transmission, in general, the four gear is the general design, the six block is more advanced. Because the more gear, the difference between the teeth ratio is smaller, the connection is more closely, and the tight gear ratio directly brings power, smooth connection, speed up and shift faster. Such as display during the Shanghai auto show POLO1.6, Touran is used in the high technology content six speed manual / automatic integrated transmission, the new Audi A6L even with a seven speed automatic transmission. Secondly, to see whether there is movement patterns and snow mode, which can delay the movement pattern shift, so that each shift speed is higher, to obtain better speedup performance; the snow model directly from the two block start to reduce starting torque, reduce slippage may. The power output of ordinary automatic models depends mainly on the throttle to adjust, if can fuel, light throttle, brakes less; if the pursuit of power, it is not possible, through deep throttle, let the shifting time maintained at optimum engine speed, still can obtain better acceleration effect. 2009-2-16 21:47:36 122.7.11.* report on the frozen promise choose manual or automatic car, many of his friends have doubts. For the first time to buy a car and drive a lady friend, experts recommend automatic choice. The reason is simple, buy a car map is convenient, comfortable, worry, in the crowded city road frequently shift, often from slope up, and for most people, it is not an easy thing. Over time, the neck of the left foot will strain. Of course, if you naturally like the feeling of driving, or hand gear more enjoyable. Vehicle transmission in general terms, there are two manual and automatic, but specifically divided into manual transmission (MT), automatic transmission (AT), hand automatic transmission (AMT), manual / automatic integrated transmission, CVT five categories Other answers are sorted by time and sorted by vote One Scorching 1981 2009-7-1 12:52:36 122.193.142.* reported mainly the difference between clutches Zero Grin_bk 2009-2-16 21:45:05 119.117.3.* has reported increasing numbers of automatic cars in recent years. Many people choose automatic cars, and the map is a convenient one. But after feeling comfortable driving, I felt that it wasn't good enough. It seemed that the overall performance was a bit worse than the manual. This is not the case. There are many uses. If you use the correct control method, the automatic car will also be superior to the manual performance. The automatic transmission system and the manual transmission system are two completely different designs, both in addition to the final purpose of the same work, the principle of movement and performance are different. But whether it's manual transmission or automatic transmission, If we operate in the correct way, we should have similar performance in theory. Cars that feel automatic are less powerful than manual ones, mainly because they don't operate properly. People are already familiar with the use of manual gear, and it is also clear that the best time to change gears is easier to use. Can automatic car, people often do not use, often simply use the D file, all the way to the end which is considered to be the driving method of automatic car to the right, though not wrong, but important cause of its performance can not go up. The automatic transmission system is designed to allow the D gear to automatically change between 3-2 (4 speed or 3 speed automatic transmission) or 4-3-2 (5 speed automatic transmission) cars depending on the vehicle speed. In this case, the automatic transmission will change constantly between 3-2, 2-3 or stalls when the stop and stop in the downtown area. The torque performance of the vehicle acceleration depends on the engine, control by the owner in the maximum torque output can shift manual transmission car, automatic transmission car under the action of frequent shift will make the driver feel weak and feeble "car performance". This situation is more evident in the continuing downhill sections. The solution is very easy, and the correct use of automatic gear stalls can completely overcome the trouble of operation. The primary idea of automatic automobile driving operation is to get rid of the habit of charging D file exactly. Urban speed is not fast, you can put stalls in 2 (3 speed automatic car) or 3 (4 speed automatic car) stalls, mountain road is placed in the 2 or 1 stalls, you will find that the car seems to be reborn, not only powerful, but also more brisk running. Some may wonder whether such an operation would have a bad effect on the transmission system Will it compare with gas consumption? The answer is not only not, but even more. Because, since the transmission system is designed with these stalls, it means they all have our damage, correct operation, not at the same time, can avoid driving at a high drag vehicle, fuel consumption will lower, but also reduce the engine produces carbon. This does not stall the concept of manual gear owners are very strong. Automatic car driving in urban areas, if the speed is not more than 60km/h, will use less than a file K file, so that the acceleration of closed sharp, and avoid the carbon production; after the speed of more than 60hm/h, use the D file running, not only fuel, will not damage acceleration. When driving on the mountain road, the 2 or 1 gears should be used according to the situation. Besides the strong torque output, the brake effect of the engine can be avoided, and the foot brake can be avoided, and the driving safety can be ensured. Automatic car D file does not have the engine brake function, and will increase with the downhill speed continues to shift to the high speed, the speed more and more quickly, must not stop using the foot brake to control the speed, it is easy to use and excessive heat generated due to brake failure, which is very dangerous. Therefore, the automatic driving car go a long downhill, D driving must not, in case of emergency. Even if you buy a car with automatic transmission is to dispense with the shifting of the trouble, but also a little diligent a bit. At low speed, change into the gear below D. At high speed, rest assured and easy to use the D file. This will result in a half effect Zero Noneyour 2009-2-16 21:45:11 71.198.219.* report automatic gearbox three types are common, namely hydraulic automatic transmission (AT), mechanical stepless automatic transmission (CVT), automated mechanical transmission (AMT). Compared with the manual transmission, the hydraulic automatic transmission (AT) is very different in structure and use. The manual transmission is mainly composed of gear and shaft speed and torque generated by different gear combinations, AT is composed of hydraulic torque converter, gear and hydraulic control system components, through the hydraulic transmission and gear combination to achieve variable speed torque. But because of various auxiliary automatic shift mechanism can meet the needs of a variety of driving, such as parking, back, so in the automatic intervention device is also arranged on the manual lever, mark P (parking) and R (file), N (neutral), D (forward), the other is in forward also with the "2" and "1" additional file, to start or on slopes with. Since the speed change zone is divided into a number of variable speed sections, and is only stepless within the specified speed change section, the AT is actually an automatic transmission between the stage and the stepless. Design difference: take the Jetta and Fukang, Jetta "Urban Pioneer" uses straight baffle, shift down straight push rod can be manipulated, and Beverly 988 "leader" is used to shift the distribution of ladder shaped track, P, R, N, D, 3, 2 a total of 6 stalls. The utility model has the advantages of clear feeling, but because the lateral motion of this design than straight through increased lever, happen to death in the actual operation, many automobile manufacturing enterprises and give up the design, now foreign latest with automatic transmission cars, such as BMW, S320, Volvo S80, Mercedes Benz S600 Audi, A6, B5, the new TOYOTA Camry Passat is used through type design. We will see in the understanding of the working principle of the automatic gear design, automatic transmission will make D gear according to the automatic speed in 3-2 (4 or 3 speed automatic gear car) or 4-3-2 (5 speed automatic gear automatic transform). If it is in the city slowly under the condition of automatic transmission will change continuously in 3-2, 2-3 file, manual car is can be controlled by a driver in the maximum torque output gear, automatic transmission car frequently on under shifting action would make people feel weak and feeble driving car. Because of the historical status of the manual transmission car in the course of development of the automobile, the manual transmission car driving is also logical to become synonymous with "driving" (the world only Japan as some few countries with automatic car special driving course, and can receive a special license to automatic car after graduation). In our country, all driving schools teach driving skills without exception, so manual transmission is also the most familiar. The shift of the manual transmission is fully compliant with the driver's will. Fuel efficient drivers can be replaced with higher blocks without saving the fuel due to lack of power and the minimum speed and the most economical engine speed. On the other hand, I prefer the "sports car" feeling", Young people who like to squeeze a vehicle can continue to increase engine speed in a lower gear to achieve a strong acceleration. Especially because the manual transmission vehicle has the characteristics of high power transmission efficiency, clear gear position and arbitrary handling. As a result, it seems like the only choice for racing cars that have to keep moving during the race to keep the best drive at any time. I have been in the Zhuhai international circuit to test the WRC competition specifications of MITSUBISHI racing, manual transmission with 280 horsepower turbocharged engine created by the acceleration of a long aftertaste, it is wonderful. Apart from the above features, the manual transmission structure is simple and intuitive. The failure rate is relatively low, cheap to drive timely to with "I drive a series of advantages of" feeling, it is able to change the "old faces" dominated the car for decades one of the reasons. The pursuit of comfort is certainly the original power automatic car was born, with the concept of "car" evolution, manual transmission based on. A variety of more advanced "semi automatic transmission" and "automatic transmission" constantly emerge as the times require. As a new thing, they have developed rapidly because of their outstanding advantages such as convenience, comfort and safety. Among them, especially the emergence of full automatic transmission. Not only has it changed the traditional way of driving. It even changed the traditional structure of the "three wheel" steering wheel, which had a far greater influence on the development of the automobile than its own use value. When a traffic jam occurs, the garage goes through complicated and difficult road sections. Automatic car can make every driver well - which itself has great charm. Simultaneous. The automatic car always save the driver's attention dispersion shift operation. It also helps drivers focus their attention on the road ahead and the surrounding environment. That makes drivers less skilled also more confident. It is said that the whole automatic car accident rate is low. It has higher indirect safety than manual transmission. Automatic block not only greatly overcome the shortcomings of the past, it has made great progress in fuel consumption, power transmission performance, reliability, cost and so on, to achieve the same level as the manual transmission. At the same time, it has the advantage of a manual transmission that can never be replaced. Zero Have been waiting for the small 8 2009-11-6 17:16:22 221.6.123.* to report manual fuel saving; automatic driving is convenient; stepless speed change is stable. At present, all kinds of cars and car gearbox emerge in an endless stream, the equipment also has a certain degree of different, such as Audi multitronic, CVT speedgear, Fiat's fit for the manual transmission, and most common, dazzling. Manual transmission (MT) Manual transmission, also known as manual transmission, that is, manually shift the lever to change the gear in the gear meshing position, change the transmission ratio, so as to achieve the purpose of speed change. When you clutch the clutch, you can pull the lever. If a driver has good skills, a car with a manual transmission will speed up and overtake as fast as an automatic transmission, and it will also save fuel. Automatic transmission (AT) The automatic transmission uses planetary gears for speed change, which automatically varies according to the degree of the accelerator pedal and the speed of the car. The driver simply controls the speed of the pedal to control the speed. Generally speaking, there are several types of vehicles used in automatic transmission hydraulic transmission: automatic transmission, automatic transmission, power transmission automatic transmission, automatic transmission and stepless level type mechanical automatic mechanical transmission etc.. Among them, the most common is the hydraulic automatic transmission. Hydraulic automatic transmission is mainly composed of hydraulic control gear transmission system, mainly including automatic clutch and automatic transmission of two parts. It can shift automatically according to the opening of the throttle and the speed of the car. Continuously variable transmission (CVT) A continuously variable transmission is composed of two sets of speed change wheels and a drive belt. Therefore, compared with the traditional automatic transmission, the utility model has the advantages of simple structure and smaller size. In addition, the utility model can change the transmission ratio freely, thereby realizing the stepless speed change of the whole course, and making the speed change of the automobile stably. Continuously variable transmission is one of the automatic transmission, but it can overcome the shortcomings of the ordinary automatic transmission "sudden shift", slow reaction of the throttle and high fuel consumption. Manual / automatic transmission Manual / automatic transmission by the German Porsche car factory in the 911 models were first introduced, called the Tiptronic, it can make the high performance cars are not restricted by the shackles of the traditional automatic transmission, so that drivers can also enjoy the fun of the manual shift. This type of car has a "+", "-" option in its gear position. In the D block, you can freely change the block (or), or block (+), as manual transmission. The driver can force the gear to slow down like a manual gear before entering the bend. When bending out, the driver can make a low and middle gear to fill out the bend. Now the automatic car steering wheel is added to the "+" and "-" the shift button, the driver can not hand off the steering wheel and gear
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