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陈爱星-温州联通基站蓄电池维护论文陈爱星-温州联通基站蓄电池维护论文 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific resear...
陈爱星-温州联通基站蓄电池维护 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 温州联通基站电池使用情况及整改措施 陈爱星 (中国联通温州分公司运行维护部 325011) [摘要] 本文对温州联通基站阀控电池使用过程中容量下降、寿命缩短的各种原因进析和探讨,并提出相关改进措施。 [关键词] 蓄电池 容量下降 单体更换 改进措施 1前言 从温州基站蓄电池目前使用情况来看,普遍存在蓄电池容量下降过快,使用寿命短,甚至短短1,2年时间蓄电池的容量只有标称容量的30%,40%,有的只有10%,20%,而大部分基站蓄电池经过1,4年运行,其容量低于其标称容量的50%左右,远远达不到其使用寿命(10-15年),与交换局站同类蓄电池相比,其使用寿命也大大降低,按蓄电池使用维护要求,蓄电池容量只要下降到其标称容量的80,,其使用寿命就终止,应对其进行更换,本文针对温州联通基站电池的使用状况及造成基站蓄电池容量下降过快,使用寿命缩短的原因进行分析和探讨,并在此提出相关的改进建议,希望对今后电池维护工作有所帮助。本文蓄电池特指基站用阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池。 2影响基站蓄电池使用寿命的原因 从目前在温州使用的几家阀控式密封电池厂家生产电池的质量来讲,各厂家生产蓄电池质量、性能上有所差别,从使用情况来看,本人认为厂家生产蓄电池的质量因素应不是影响目前基站蓄电池容量下降过快、使用寿命缩短的主要原因。因为从阀控式密封电池产品结构、产品性能、基站蓄电池使用过程现场勘察情况等综合因素来看,结合交换局站使用情况,阀控式密封电池在正常情况下使用1,4年后,其容量下降应不会这么快,因此本人认为造成基站蓄电池容量下降过快、使用寿命缩短的主要原因应在于基站本身蓄电池使用特点及其基站使用环境有关。从温州联通使用调查情况来看,认为影响基站蓄电池容量下降过快、使用寿命缩短的原因主要有以下几个方面: 第一,在温州联通成立之初由于维护力量的不足对基站电池的维护力度的缺乏,是导致早先电池容量损失的一个重要原因。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 在2002年前,当时温州联通还没有代维,也没有动力环境监控,日常的维护工作开展艰难。所以先期的基站电池维护中存在一系列的问题:如电池连接条未紧固,开关电源电压无效准,温度补偿未启用等等。所以2002前的电池均存在不同程度的容量损失。 第二,基站频繁停电、停电时间长、停电时间无规律,使蓄电池频繁充放电,是造成蓄电池容量下降过快和使用寿命缩短的一个最主要原因。 (1)从2003年下半年至今,温州受到电荒的影响,基站停电频次过高,如温州的天河镇,瑞安、苍南的部分地区一天内停电数次,甚至连续停电数天,使基站蓄电池在放电后尚未充足电的情况下又放电,蓄电池出现欠充。如连续多次发生欠充,将造成蓄电池容量累积性亏损,则该基站的蓄电池容量将在较短时间内下降,其使用寿命将较快终止。 (图1:苍南某基站的停电频繁情况) 蓄电池容量下降的速度与该基站蓄电池连续欠充的次数成一定的正比关系。造成蓄电池容量下降的内在原因在于,电池放电后在未充足电的情况下又放电,正、负极在放电后生成的硫酸铅未能分别完全恢复成二氧化铅和金属铅的情况下,正、负极板又放电,使蓄电池产生欠充,连续多次欠充,使负极板逐步硫酸化,产生不可逆转的结晶硫酸铅,特别是在蓄电池处于深度过放电的情况下,蓄电池负极板的硫酸化将更严重,硫酸化的速度将更快,造成负极板表面被屏蔽,其功能逐步下降直至失效,导致蓄电池使用寿命下降直至终止。从现有基站蓄电池实际使用情况分析,蓄电池发生累计欠充可能性是存在的。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets (2)造成基站蓄电池容量下降、使用寿命缩短的最主要原因是由蓄电池负极板硫酸化引起的,蓄电池累计欠充将导致负极板硫酸化外,蓄电池充放电循环次数增加或一定时间内充放电循环过度频繁也将导致负极板硫酸化,或者是导致负极板硫酸化的一个重要因素,根据基站设备配置和开关电源设置参数和蓄电池充电特性,电池完全充足电需要的时间大约在24小时左右(根据电池的性能不同有所区别),而温州目前在电荒高峰期有相当一部分基站每天停电时间都在10个小时以上。从这部分基站电池的容量损失来看也证明了这一点。 第三,开关电源设置参数不合理,基站蓄电池欠压保护设置电压过低,使蓄电池出现过放电甚至深度过放电现象,从另一方面加剧蓄电池负极板硫酸化,是使蓄电池容量下降,使用寿命缩短的另一个主要原因。 目前基站组合开关电源均设置低电压隔离保护功能或二次下电功能。当蓄电池放电至某一设定电压值时,开关电源系统将自动切断对部分重负载供电或全部负载的供电,以保护蓄电池不过放电,确保蓄电池使用寿命。如电池最低欠压保护值设置过低,蓄电池将出现过放电,多次的过放电和过放电后未能及时补充电或充电不足都将严重影响电池使用寿命; (图2:台风期间电池故障无法下电) 另外如开关电源复位电压设置过低,将使电池在放电过程中出现重复多次放电;具体电池最低欠压保护值设置应根据负载电流大小而设置,从日常的维护中发现如果基站500AH两组extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets的配置,负载小于30A,在二次下次电压46V(单体电池电压每只1.91V左右)的时候已 经放出100%或以上容量, (图3:设置电压过低造成过放电) 而目前基站蓄电池最低欠压保护值一般设置在43.2V(单体电池电压每只1.8V左右)且传 输节点站不设保护电压。根据阀控式密封电池的放电性能结合基站实际负载电流,应有针对 性的设置基站电池最低保护电压。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets (图4:二次下电电压设置44V造成过放电) 第四,基站使用环境较恶劣。基站停电后,由于无空调,使基站环境温度逐步上升。或者由于空调故障,使基站室内温度偏高,从而降低了蓄电池使用寿命。 室内基站均配置空调,配置的空调为一般柜机或分体式空调,长时间不间断使用使部分基站空调出现故障而停机,空调损坏后有时得不到及时维修,而室内基站为封闭机房,空调停机后使基站室内温度大幅上升,彩钢板机房其室内温度甚至可达到60?以上。另一方面,即使空调正常,而基站由于停电后,无电源,空调也无法制冷,特别在夏天,将使基站室内温度大幅上升,从而影响蓄电池正常工作。室内温度过高一方面使阀控式密封电池内部失水量加剧,使电池容量降低和电池使用寿命缩短。另一方面由于室内温度过高,将使蓄电池热失控效应加剧,从而造成蓄电池正极板腐蚀速率加剧、极板变形膨胀、电池外壳鼓胀甚至开裂等,最后导致电池容量快速下降,电池寿命缩短。如果再无温度补偿功能,市电来电后均充电压过高,导致过充电,更加速了电池内部的反应,根据相关资料表明,当环境温度超过25?时,每升高10?,电池使用寿命将缩短1/2。 第五,基站停电后,蓄电池放电至终止电压,未及时进行补充电,也将导致电池容量下降和使用寿命缩短。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 每年遇台风天气在二次下电后电池仍以小电池放电,直至43.2V,甚至到光端机最低工作电压(39V)以下,在深度放电以后不能及时的充电,导致负极板严重硫酸化,活性物质变为不可逆的硫酸铅。将使蓄电池容量逐步下降,经过几次循环后,蓄电池使用寿命将明显缩短。且目前在温州联通的油机使用情况来看,小功率油机只有保障基站的设备负载,无法对电池进行过行充电,甚至有时小功率油机在发电时电池仍然在放电。 (图5:小油机发电无充电电流小) 上述5点大致是造成目前温州基站电池容量失效、使用寿命缩短的主要原因。当然影响蓄电池容量及使用寿命因素还有很多。但基站由于自身所处环境(市电供应、环境温度等)较特殊,真正影响蓄电池使用寿命主要原因在于基站频繁停电,造成蓄电池累计欠充及使蓄电池循环次数增加;另外蓄电池欠压保护值的设置不当,基站室内温度过高,小电流放电至终止电压后导致过放电,蓄电池放电后未及时补充电等 3如何延长基站蓄电池使用寿命 我们知道影响基站电池使用寿命的原因后,在目前市电供应不能改善的前提下,仍可采取相关措施来弥补或改善,从而延长蓄电池使用寿命。具体措施及建议如下。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 第一,调整开关电源参数设置,加强对电池的有效管理,增加蓄电池充入的电量。 对目前基站组合开关电源中对蓄电池充电限流值参数进行调整,在原来开关电源中对蓄电池充电限流值一般设定为0.1C10A的基站上,调整为0.15C10A,以缩短蓄电池充电时间,增加蓄电池充电前期充入的电量。但是不足的地方就是没有根据季节与停电情况来区别设置。均衡充电时间周期把原设置3个月时间调整为1个月。 第二,对基站组合开关电源内电池欠压保护设置电压值进行重新设定,提高蓄电池欠压保护的设置电压,尽量避免蓄电池出现过放电和深度过放电(小电流过放电),具体设置要求如下,开关电源一次下电设置电压要求不低于46V,二次下电设置电压必须要求大于43.2V(建议设置在44.4V但出于保护重要的考虑目前设置为43.2V)。对负载电流小于1/3C10A的基站,其放电时间尽可能不大于24h,即使电压还未达到下电压的情况下也应要前往发电。 第三,改善基站机房室内环境,故障空调、通风系统的及时修复,保持正常的电池工作环境温度,减少蓄电池热失控发生概率和降低电池失水速率,从而延长蓄电池使用寿命。 第四,更换基站故障单体电池,这一点也是最为重要的一点,在实际的效果来看如果不是因整组容量下降造成的单体落后,更换单体电池后整组容量恢复明显,支撑时间大大增加。经下例举二个单体更换后的实际效果: extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets (1)、瑞安桐浦基站,2006-6-14发现故障单体二节,第一组8-0.11,第二组,4-1.208, 基站负载32A,原支撑时间7小时断站(如图6),于2006-6-21更换单体。 (图6:桐浦基站单体故障) 后该站在台风期间,支撑16小时电压还有47.9V. (图7:更换单体后支撑时间增加) (2)、罗凤二基站,基站配置为一组电池, 2006-6-14支撑2小时后第二组4出现故 障,于2006-6-22单体更换。2006-10-12放电5.2小时,单体均匀性能情况良好。(如 图) special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets (图8:罗凤二基站更换单体后电池性能良好) 单体电池更换在电池更换中具体重要意义,更换正确一只或几只单体电池就可能恢复整组电池的容量,只并非所有的单体更换工作都是有作用的,在实际的单体电池更换过程中,也发现一些基站因整组性能下性的原因,在放电深度不深的情况下出现单体故障在更换了该故障单体后,其余的单体又将出现故障情况,所以原则上更换单体因至少在电池放电深度达到30%的情况做单体更换。 第五,在工程前期站址勘察、设计阶段,一方面应选择供电质量好的供电线路,有条件的应采用独立的专变引入;另一方面应了解该基站和设备的负载情况,有重点的合理配置基站蓄电池容量,而不应采取一刀切方式配置蓄电池组容量。 第六,结合动力环境监控系统加强对电池的维护力度,对出现的问题应早发现早处理,故障单体及时更换,以免造成对整组电池容量的影响。 第七、对于停电频繁,停电时间较长,可考虑配置固定自动化柴油发电机组,解决基站供电问题。如果无法配置固定油机的,应停电后应及时发电,而不能每次都在电压到达临近保护电压时才发电。 4结束语 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 目前温州供电形式依然严峻,预计到2008年,全市电供电状况才能得到逐步改善,因 此,今后几年内基站的供电保障状况仍令人担忧,蓄电池使用环境将更恶劣,如何确保基站 通信畅通,提高通信可靠性,提升服务质量,同时又经济合理配置通信设备是我们面临的一 个课题,而如何延长蓄电池供电时间和使用寿命是该课题的一个最主要内容。当然影响基站 蓄电池寿命的因素很多,在实际应用中,针对本文所论述影响蓄电池使用寿命的因素,应同 时采用多种相关措施加以改善,从而延长蓄电池使用寿命,提高通信可靠性。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people
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