首页 > 工程质量检查制度


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工程质量检查制度工程质量检查制度 质量检查通报制度 河南广宏建筑有限公司 工程质量检查制度 一、 质量检查内容 1、工长与施工员要对每天工作进行检查,做到全面检查: (1)、钢筋工程,对其钢筋的规格、数量、搭接长度、焊接质量、钢筋间距等进行检查; (2)、模板工程:对模板尺寸、标高、轴线、平整度、垂直度、加固情况进行检查; (3)、脚手架工程:对满堂架的立杆及水平杆间距、扫地杆、U托、自由端尺寸、扣件紧固程度等进行检查;外架检查立杆、水平杆、扫地杆、拉结点、扣件以及防护情况; (4)、砼工程:对柱、梁、板几何尺寸、轴线位移、标...
工程质量检查 质量检查通报制度 河南广宏建筑有限公司 工程质量检查制度 一、 质量检查内容 1、工长与员要对每天工作进行检查,做到全面检查: (1)、钢筋工程,对其钢筋的规格、数量、搭接长度、焊接质量、钢筋间距等进行检查; (2)、工程:对模板尺寸、标高、轴线、平整度、垂直度、加固情况进行检查; (3)、脚手架工程:对满堂架的立杆及水平杆间距、扫地杆、U托、自由端尺寸、扣件紧固程度等进行检查;外架检查立杆、水平杆、扫地杆、拉结点、扣件以及防护情况; (4)、砼工程:对柱、梁、板几何尺寸、轴线位移、标高(层高)、砼振捣及胀模情况进行检查; (5)、砌筑工程:砂浆配比、拉结筋标识、灰缝、平整度、垂直度、排砖、梁底预留空隙、洞口过梁、窗台压顶、门窗洞口预制砼砖等进行检查; (6)抹灰工程:砂浆配比、外墙脚手眼等洞口封堵与墙顶(梁底)塞缝情况、钢丝网挂设、灰饼施工、平整度、垂直度、阴阳角、接茬、收口、开间与进深尺寸、门窗洞口收口情况等进行检查; (7)涂料工程:基层处理、腻子找平、乳胶漆面层质量、观感情况; (8)地面工程:基层处理、地面标高、砼浇筑与成型质量; marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving. Blinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to effect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this software is to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required material fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company after-sales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at any time troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to ensure that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way, by has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General design, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of technology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation making, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensional animation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debugging and function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering construction organization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction programme in determine (9)屋面工程:屋面做法、女儿墙对拉螺栓眼、 女儿墙内侧 面留槽、找坡、排汽冒位置、雨水口位置进行检查; (10)防水工程:防水搭接尺寸、粘结是否牢靠、收头质量,以及蓄水试验情况。 2、质检员每周一、三、五对各分项工程进行检查,并当天将检查记录整理上报总工室,平时要跟踪检查控制。 3、项目部每周六下午对施工现场所有工程质量进行质量检查,实测实量,各单元负责人相互检查,检查结果整理成面形式留底存档。 4、放线员放线完成后,工长与施工员必须验线,禁止不验线就施工。 5、以上工作将做为月度工资考核依据,决定个人的高中低档。 二、 质量管理(技术要点) ?主体结构施工 (一) 钢筋工程 1、 墙、柱、梁、板钢筋规格、数量、搭接长度、锚固长度、 错层位置施工质量,柱筋焊接及套筒连接质量; 2、 钢筋下料:钢筋丝头加工时,将钢筋端头磨平,马蹄型钢 筋切除,之后进行螺纹加工,不得有少丝和断丝现象; 3、 钢筋绑扎:控制钢筋位置、间距;不得出现少筋、漏筋情 况,特别注意箍筋与拉钩质量; 4、 钢筋验收:做好钢筋隐蔽资料,班组自检、工长自检、质 检员检查合格后上报监理验收。 (二) 模板工程 1、 模板支撑体系:满堂架按要求搭设,纵横间距1.2米,两 道水平杆与扫地杆不得缺失;U托禁止用于钢管下方,且 上方控制在200以内;扣件不得松动; 2、 模板安装:模板尺寸、梁与板底标高,梁邦加固;柱子加 固(包柱间距600),检查两面垂直度; 3、 模板拆除:柱子拆除,待砼强度上来成型后再拆除,不得 过早拆除,冬季施工至少四天以上方可拆除,禁止用撬棍 别模板,边角容易被破坏影响质量。 (三) 砼工程 1、 浇筑砼前做好准备工作,模板验收合格,支撑体系符合要 求,柱下口封堵完成情况; 2、 浇筑砼过程中检查砼振捣、楼板砼标高; 3、 柱模拆除后,用塑料薄膜养护,柱角做木护角保护; 4、 胀模处理:先弹线,将胀模部位用墨线标出成方,然后进 行剔凿; 5、 楼梯踏步加固到位,砼振捣密实,加强砼成型质量,禁止 出现板底露筋情况; 6、 顶板浇筑砼时,边抹平边进行塑料薄膜覆盖,不得留下脚 印,保证砼质量; 7、 每次浇筑砼之前必须通知试验口(洪岩、岳大海)做试验, marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving. Blinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to effect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this software is to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required material fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company after-sales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at any time troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to ensure that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way, by has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General design, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of technology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation making, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensional animation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debugging and function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering construction organization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction programme in determine 具体栋号、部位与砼标号及方量要告知。 ?二次结构施工 (一)砌筑施工 ,、 放线员放线完成后,工长与施工员进行验线,发现问题及 时修整,避免造成损失; ,、 砌筑灰缝、排砖要达到观感与要求,大小均匀、灰缝 饱满; ,、 预制砼砖留置,上下各300留一块(超过2米的洞口中间 再留一块); ,、 过梁,大于600 ,、 洞口必须设置过梁,且每边搭接不小于250mm; ,、 压顶,窗洞口压顶厚度不小100mm,且要按图配筋,每边 伸入墙内大于250 mm(必须先打压顶,再进行砌筑); 6、 压顶砼施工时,由外向内起坡(内高外低),以中线为准, 外侧低于内侧不小于20mm; 7、 砖墙上口(或梁底部)留置为150,200 mm空缝,且在具 备塞缝要求后(按要求为7天),用C20膨胀细石砼塞严 捣实(并且两侧用防腐木楔挤实,间距600),外墙做为重 点,全数检查质量; 8、 有地下室的洋房,室外砌筑时在墙面底标高350位置留置 50*50凹槽,以便进行地下室防水施工; 9、 楼梯间砌筑,两侧均为正手墙,且达到美观要求,禁止出 现反手墙; 10、 门窗洞口留置不得小于10mm,如800的洞口,留置810 以上; 11、 禁止出现混砌,即加砼气块中夹杂小灰砖,与砼接触部位 除外; 12、 每栋楼砌筑时间及门窗洞口过梁、压顶与构造柱的砼浇筑 时间及时通知试验人员,进行试验(拉结筋、砌块、砖、 砂浆、砼均做试验)。 (二)抹灰施工 ,、 检查砌筑墙体洞口是封堵(外墙做为重点,用C20膨胀细 石砼塞实); ,、 砌筑墙面进行灰饼、冲筋、挂线后方能施工,完成后进行 平整度、垂直度、阴阳角方正的检查达到规范与观感要求; ,、 在抹灰时要严格控制房间尺寸,要时刻与图纸对照,必须 达到图纸尺寸要求; ,、 外墙窗洞口抹灰,检查挂线情况是否形成一条直线,上下 窗口对应; ,、 门窗洞口尺寸,门洞口上方与左右均抹20mm,窗洞口上 方抹15mm、下方为25mm、左右抹20mm; ,、 施工完成后再次进行“房间规方”尺寸检查,分户单独验 收,并做好检查记录存档; 。,、 大气温度低于5 C禁止抹灰施工; marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving. Blinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to effect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this software is to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required material fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company after-sales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at any time troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to ensure that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way, by has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General design, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of technology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation making, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensional animation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debugging and function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering construction organization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction programme in determine ,、 墙体与梁底塞缝必须用C20膨胀细石砼塞实(且两侧用防 腐木楔挤实),禁止使用砂浆塞实。 (四) 地面施工 ,、 楼层地面: (1) 弹出建筑50控制线,控制地面标高,以免影响楼层 层高; (2) 施工地暖上层砼时一次压光成活。 ,、 防水地面 蓄水试验完成,并且满足要求后方能进行垫层砼施工。 (五) 屋面施工 ,、 施工做法,按要求进行施工; ,、 屋面找坡要按图纸要求施工,用肉眼能看出,否则 会影响使用功能; ,、 屋面排汽帽不能忘记留置,6*6m设置一个,且要 设置在不影响使用的角落。 (六) 防水施工 ,、 卷材左右搭接不小于100mm,上下搭接不小于 150mm,收口要牢靠; ,、 按要求施工完成后,进行蓄水试验。 (七) 涂料 ,、 基层处理完成,顶板与墙面砼表面铁钉拔掉,否则 腻子施工后导致腐蚀变黄,不易处理; ,、 腻子施工,阴阳角方正,重点控制。 三、 样板工程 每道工序先做样板,样板验收合格后以样板为准进行大 面积施工(砌筑、抹灰、地面、屋面、涂料等),按照做法 进行施工,完成后将做法上墙。 四、 参加检查人员及检查结果 ,、 检查人员为技术负责人、项目经理、施工员及各班组长; ,、 检查结果由质检员负责整理,并上报总工室,每周六检查 完成后评出结果; ,、 所有检查结果后必须附带问题照片,并且要发到班组负责 人手中 ,、 质检人员每天的巡检要形成书面整改通知下发各班组工 长手中,监督整改存档,整改通知单中要附照片及详细部 位,次日落实整改情况; ,、 装修阶段的细部节点做法,由总工书面下发各区域工长及 施工员实施。 五、 资料 ,、 施工员负责施工过程中技术资料,报验要及时不能影响验 收; ,、 资料员负责资料整理、土建资料汇总、试验汇总、验收大 表填制、管理与控制资料填制,以及质监站验收备案。 marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving. Blinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to effect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this software is to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required material fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company after-sales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at any time troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to ensure that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way, by has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General design, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of technology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation making, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensional animation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debugging and function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering construction organization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction programme in determine
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