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网络游戏收费模式变革网络游戏收费模式变革 网络游戏收费模式变革:金钱or时间, 2009-05-06 16:37:55 来源: 文睿研究中心 作者: 收藏该篇文章 网络游戏收费模式变革 引子: 2005年下半年以来,中国网络游戏行业掀起了收费模式转型的热潮——由按时长收费转向按道具收费(即俗称的“免费”游戏)。这场收费模式的转型对行业产生了重大的影响,它在驱动产业规模保持高速增长的同时也改变了产业的竞争格局,部分网游厂商抓住了收费模式转型的机遇,迅速崛起,这其中的佼佼者巨人网络、完美时空和搜狐三家企业在2005年总的市场份额只有1%,而...
网络游戏收费模式变革 网络游戏收费模式变革:金钱or时间, 2009-05-06 16:37:55 来源: 文睿研究中心 作者: 收藏该篇文章 网络游戏收费模式变革 引子: 2005年下半年以来,中国网络游戏行业掀起了收费模式转型的热潮——由按时长收费转向按道具收费(即俗称的“免费”游戏)。这场收费模式的转型对行业产生了重大的影响,它在驱动产业规模保持高速增长的同时也改变了产业的竞争格局,部分网游厂商抓住了收费模式转型的机遇,迅速崛起,这其中的佼佼者巨人网络、完美时空和搜狐三家企业在2005年总的市场份额只有1%,而2008年三家总的市场份额已经上升到了23.3%,“免费”迅速成为了行业的主旋律。然而免费游戏的弊端却也逐渐显现,部分免费游戏平衡性缺失受到大量玩家的诟病,而《征途》这款2006-2007年最成功的免费游戏进入到2008年后收入增长放缓甚至在3季度出现了收入大幅下降的情况,这促使产业界不得不关注并思考收费模式的未来走势。 那么,按道具收费究竟是作为网络游戏发展特殊阶段的产物短期存在还是会成为长期的主流,未来收费模式将会出现什么新的动向,这又将对行业产生什么样的影响, 1. 中国网络游戏行业收费模式现状。 按时长付费和按道具付费是中国MMOG最基本也是最重要的两种付费模式。当扩展到棋牌网络游戏平台和网页游戏时,会员付费也是一种重要的付费模式,这种模式下,会员往往能享受到一些增值服务,例如优先进入房间、享受到更多的游戏内容、游戏中角色能力更强等。考虑到MMOG占据中国网络游戏市场规模的95%以上,本文主要对按时长付费和按道具付费以及两种付费模式的延伸进行讨论。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 资料来源:文睿研究 当从游戏数量来看网络游戏的收费模式时,按道具收费已经成为绝对的主流。截止到2008年12 月月底:中国大陆MMOG营收Top15的运营商总共运营122款MMOG,其中82%为按道具收费,另外 有7%的游戏采用混合制收费;Top15的运营商总共运营87款MMORPG,其中75%为按道具收费,另 外有9%的游戏采用混合制收费模式;而Top15运营商运营的所有中大型休闲网络游戏均为按道具 收费。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 从创造的营收来看时,按时长收费的游戏占据的份额则相对其数量要高一些:Top15运营商运营的87款MMORPG中,按时长收费游戏创造的营收占总营收的比例约为29%,而其数量比例则只有16%。这主要得益于《魔兽世界》、《梦幻西游》和《大话西游二》几款按时长收费游戏贡献的营收。 2. 网络游戏收费模式变革的驱动因素。 中国网络游戏行业收费模式经历的最大一次变革即为2006年以来按时长收费到按道具收费的转变。2005年下半年《热血江湖》率先“免费”,采用了按道具收费的模式,随后业界的领导者盛大宣布其主力游戏《传奇》及其他几款游戏也开始“免费”,随即掀起了按道具收费游戏的热潮。行业的后起之秀巨人网络、完美时空等均抓住了收费模式变革的机遇,即时推出了品质优秀的按道具收费游戏,迅速崛起,并占据了较高的市场份额。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 从面上来看,业内厂商推出按道具收费游戏是为了降低网络游戏的进入门槛,进而延长自身的生命周期。其实不仅如此,原有收费模式存在的不足和产业的发展使得按道具收费模式必然会出现。游戏运营商希望利益的最大化,而玩家总是希望以较少的花费享受到较好的游戏内容,但是由于消费水平的不同:付费意愿较低的玩家能接受基本的游戏内容,而消费能力高的玩家关注是否能通过合理的支出获得在游戏中的乐趣。 1) 玩家具有在游戏中买卖虚拟物品的需求,产品的发展也使得厂商必须要为玩家提供收费或者免费的游戏中增值服务(虚拟物品)。 一方面,玩家对游戏中虚拟财产现实价值的认可是按道具收费的基础,他们有通过现实生活中的货币购买游戏中虚拟财产的需求。随着玩家在游戏中投入的时间的增多,他们对于游戏中的虚拟道具、虚拟账号等虚拟财产的价值逐渐认可,并希望积累虚拟财产。当他们结合自身在现实世界中的消费能力时,部分玩家就希望能够用现实生活中的金钱换取游戏中的虚拟财富,而另外一部分玩家则希望通过在游戏中的劳动获取虚拟财富并兑换为现实生活中的金钱——这是按道具收费模式的基础。而按时长收费模式下,游戏运营商只把游戏中的角色视为虚拟世界中孤立的角色,无法满足他们通过现实货币交换虚拟财产的需求。这也是按道具收费模式出现之前,私服运营业主率先出售道具而获得玩家欢迎的原因。 另外一方面,网络游戏从单纯的“产品”演变为一种“持续发展的虚拟世界服务”,作为虚拟世界的运营者,游戏运营商应该向玩家提供收费或免费的增值服务。网络游戏和单机游戏最大的不同在于:单机游戏卖出后,游戏厂商即停止了和玩家的交互。而网络游戏在发行后,游戏运营商还需要对游戏进行运营,期间涉及到和玩家多层次全方位的交互。这就是为什么单机游戏只能一次性付费,而网络游戏可以采用按道具收费模式,持续的从玩家处收费。在网络游戏运营过程中:游戏运营商不单要维持服务器的稳定,还要持续的更新游戏内容、组织线上线下活动,不断为玩家提供新的增值服务,以维持服务器的人气;而玩家则在网络游戏中体验游戏内容,发展社交关系。网络游戏运营商提供的已经不是一个单纯的消费品,而是一种“持续发展的虚拟世界服务”,运营商是虚拟世界的缔造者,他们有权利且有能力为玩家提供持续的收费服务。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 2) 按时长收费模式存在不足无法满足玩家的需求,也不符合运营商的利益诉求。 无论是包时计费还是按时长付费,都存在着一些问题。包时计费由于必须考虑到成本问题,所以定价往往较高而使得其无法满足大量低在线时长玩家的需求,从而只能作为按时长收费的一种补充。而按时长收费也存在一些问题: 首先,按时长收费忽视了玩家通过现实世界中的金钱兑换虚拟财富的需求。按时长收费模式的游戏试图建立一个公平的竞争环境,让游戏中的角色发展完全依靠时间和游戏技巧,但是却忽略了游戏角色背后的玩家在现实生活中收入水平和为运营商贡献营收的能力存在差异的现实; 其次,玩家在按时长收费游戏中,每时每刻都在消耗金钱,容易变得很紧张,聊天、发展社会关系等成为了奢侈玩法,为了省钱他们只能集中精力在练级等常规游戏内容上。这一方面可能使得玩家快速的体验完游戏内容从而缩短了游戏的生命周期。另外一方面,对于很多玩家而言,游戏已经是他们的一种生活状态,他们希望将大量的时间投入到游戏中,这样的收费模式无疑会降低他们的游戏乐趣; 再次,按时长收费模式下,游戏收入的增长主要来源于游戏用户数的增长和在线时长的增加。运营商掌握大量玩家的游戏行为和消费数据,却难以进行数据挖掘从而带来利润的增长,这种模式的游戏运营发挥的空间较小,不符合运营商的利益诉求。 3. 按道具收费模式的优势和带来的一些挑战。 2006年以来,按道具收费模式的崛起对行业产生了深远的影响,它一方面驱动了行业规模的进一步快速增长,另外一方面也改变了产业的市场格局。 首先,降低了网络游戏的进入门槛,增大了网络游戏用户基数。文睿研究的数据显示:2005年中国网络游戏用户规模只有2500万,而2008年用户规模则达到5000万以上。2005年到2008年,网络游戏用户规模的复合增长率为26.0%,在用户基数已经较大的情况下,游戏用户规模仍然保持如此快速的增长,这和网络游戏收费模式的变革密切相关:因为很多用户对互联网收费服务存在天然的抵触,以往按时长付费的游戏进入游戏就要付费,这使得他们甚至不愿意尝试网络游戏,而按道具付费模式下玩家是“先体验后付费”,这符合玩家的消费习惯和使用需求; 其次,在按道具收费模式下,游戏运营商通过不断开发新的虚拟道具和精妙的游戏内营销,提高了用户ARPU值,进而推动了产业规模的增长。文睿研究的数据表明:2005年中国网络游戏市场规模大约36.5亿元,而2008年则增长至180.2亿元,2005年到2008年,网络游戏市场规模复合增长率为70.3%,这远远超出用户规模的增速,显示了用户的ARPU在不断提高; 最后,收费模式的变革改变了市场格局。2006年以来,一些行业的新进入者或者原来就在行业中但表现不佳的厂商抓住了收费模式转型的机遇,并迅速崛起。这些公司中的佼佼者是巨人网络、完美时空和搜狐,这三款公司的主力游戏,《征途》、《诛仙》和《天龙八部》都是在2006-2007年间推出,凭借其相对优秀的游戏品质和正确的收费模式迅速抓住了大批新增用户的需求,在线人数迅速增长。2005年三家总体的市场份额仅为1%,而2008年这三家公司总体的市场份额上升到23.3%。 无可否认,按道具收费模式在过去几年对行业产生了许多积极正面的影响,但是这种模式带来的挑战也不小,并开始显示出一些弊端: 首先,如何兼顾游戏中免费玩家和付费玩家的游戏乐趣成为设计难点。时间和金钱是按道具收费游戏中相互对立又相辅相成的两点:没钱有时间的玩家愿意在游戏中花更多的时间以获取虚拟财产,而有钱没时间的玩家则愿意一掷千金换取游戏乐趣。然而这就涉及到这两类玩家在游戏中的体验问题,如果游戏设计太注重金钱,那么免费玩家在游戏中的生存状态就太糟糕,而如果游戏过于重视时间,那么人民币玩家的乐趣则难以得到满足; thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 其次,游戏的经济系统和职业技能系统设计遇到挑战。在按时长收费模式下,游戏的经济系统和职业技能系统的设计要相对简单。而在按道具付费模式下,由于游戏采用了游戏币和现实生活中的货币(人民币)的双货币经济系统,而且由于人民币能够买到影响到角色能力的道具,这样游戏的经济系统和职业技能的平衡就比以前要复杂很多。从目前的情况来看,众多按道具收费游戏在服务器开放不太长的时间内就出现了严重的通货膨胀,显示了游戏经济系统遇到的挑战。而部分游戏的技能平衡更是受到了玩家的诟病。 再次,按道具收费模式下,网络游戏已经越来越类似一个虚拟世界,这对虚拟世界管理者——运营商的能力提出了更高的要求。运营商不单单需要保持对服务器进行维护,还要不断开发新的游戏内容、组织线上线下活动以维持其发展势头,运营商需要通过更加高明的道具设计、定价策略和游戏内营销使得玩家付费。 最后,按道具收费模式下,很多玩家变得比较浮躁,这给游戏运营带来了新的挑战。按道具收费模式下,对于可上网的PC的玩家,进入游戏门槛已经基本将为0,这使得不少的玩家成为了“蝗虫玩家”,他们不断的尝试新游戏,却不付费。这使得一些游戏在测试阶段在线人数暴涨,运营商大量购进服务器和带宽,而等到商业化时,这些用户却快速的流失,导致了运营商的投资变为沉默成本。 4. 网络游戏收费模式未来的走势。 除了上述讨论的针对个人用户游戏内收费外,近年来,网络游戏还扩展了一些收费模式,包括针对个人用户的游戏周边、针对广告主的IGA等,文睿研究认为未来网络游戏收费模式将会呈现以下几个重要的趋势: 1) IGA和游戏周边会逐渐发展,但只会是传统收费模式的补充。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 尽管最近几年IGA和游戏周边得到了产业内外的大量关注,但是文睿研究认为未来三年这两种盈利模式只会是传统收费模式的补充。一方面,游戏周边商业模式不合理、盗版盛行以及周边产品和目标用户群的需求并不完全匹配,这导致游戏周边市场未来几年难以取得较大发展;另外一方面,IGA市场也面临价值链太长以至于难以整合、游戏运营商参与IGA热情不高、广告主对IGA认知不够、游戏用户分裂在多款游戏中以至单款游戏难以产生较大的媒体价值等问题。所以难以出现完全依靠游戏周边和IGA支撑的游戏产品; 2) 按道具付费模式将是未来3年的主流,但按时长付费和按道具付费将长期共存; 如前所述,按道具付费模式具备的优势以及用户养成的免费进入游戏的习惯使得这种模式必将是未来很长一段时间主流的收费模式。然而按道具收费游戏在平衡性方面的过度缺失使得不少玩家还是愿意选择按时长付费模式的游戏,目前总体的情况是游戏新玩家更偏好于按道具收费,而随着游戏年龄的增长,偏好按时长收费玩家的比例不断升高。市场研究机构易观国际的数据显示:不同网游年龄段玩家偏好按道具收费模式的比例分别为:网游年龄1年以下为81.1%,网游年龄在1-3年之间的为71.6%,网游年龄在3-5年之间的为48.3%,而网游年龄在7年及以上的已经下降到了40.7%。这显示随着网络游戏用户规模增长率的降低,偏好按时长付费的玩家比例将升高; 3) 按道具付费游戏更加注重游戏平衡性,出现微利性的按道具收费游戏; 由于玩家消费习惯难以改变,按时长收费模式的游戏相对按道具收费模式的游戏在吸引新玩家上成本要高很多。这使得非常注重游戏平衡性的游戏开发商也不得不妥协,一个折中的办法是在按道具收费模式下,以功能装饰和炫酷型的道具销售为主,并配以部分低功能的影响角色能力的道具。这样尽管不利于游戏运营商创收,但是却能有效的提升游戏平衡性从而提升玩家体验,并有助于延长游戏生命周期; 4) 按道具付费模式下,游戏厂商会更加注意付费用户比例和ARPU的平衡; 过去的一年,部分网络游戏运营商为了漂亮的,通过深挖用户数据和需求,不断的提升用户ARPU,其实已经提前透支了用户的收入。有市场调研机构的数据显示月消费在500元以上的玩家比例已经达到了4%,这部分玩家的消费额占据了总体消费额过高的比例,使得游戏已经不是一个低消费的娱乐品,这不利于产业的健康发展。 5) 针对高消费玩家的付费方式:后付费模式。 针对高消费玩家的VIP运营会是未来游戏运营商非常关注的部分,游戏运营商会针对高消费玩家提供更多的增值服务。在付费方式上面,文睿研究认为游戏运营商会借鉴手机充值和信用卡的经验,针对某一消费级别以上的玩家,设置不同的信用额度,可以先消费后买单。从玩家心理出发,这能够让玩家觉得被尊重,增强玩家的荣耀感和对游戏的信任度。从玩家的消费行为出发,在玩家产生消费冲动的时候省略掉购卡充值等中间环节,也可以创造更多的冲动型消费,增加运营商的营收。 附录:相关定义 MMORPG:支持多人同时在线的大型游戏,该类游戏一般具备故事背景,且可持续发展。玩家在游戏中扮演一个特征鲜明的角色,在一个模拟现实的虚拟世界游戏背景中与其他虚拟角色进行互动。例如《梦幻西游》、《魔兽世界》等。 中大型休闲游戏(ACG):Advance casual game,支持多人同时在线的休闲网络游戏,画面一般thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 为卡通风格,内容较为轻松,游戏的持续性不强,且每局持续的时间较短,游戏玩法注重玩家之间的竞技。例如:《跑跑卡丁车》、《劲舞团》等; MMOG:大型多人在线游戏,包括MMORPG和ACG。 网页游戏:Web game,又称无端网游,是基于网络浏览器的多人在线互动游戏,用户无需下载客户端,只要打开网页就可以玩网页游戏。目前国内的网页游戏以战争策略类的为主,例如《纵横天下》、《部落战争》等。 IGA:In Game Advertising,游戏内置广告,是一种全新的广告类型,广告可以以道具、场景、NPC等形式植入到游戏中。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are
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