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乡音有你,所以美丽乡音有你,所以美丽 “乡音有你,所以美丽” ———主题活动 机械工程学院学生会 女 生 部 2014年11月18日 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at ...
乡音有你,所以美丽 “乡音有你,所以美丽” ———主活动 机械工程学院学生会 女 生 部 2014年11月18日 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more “乡音有你,所以美丽” ——主题活动策划 一(活动背景 大学的我们来自天南海北、五湖四海,地域不同,文化不同,语言也就不同。当我们在校园里听到一句家乡话,我们内心会十分的激动。地方方言发音独特,词汇丰富,表现力强,地域特色也比较鲜明。通过方言我们可以很好的了解一个地域的文化特色。对于我们而言,大学生活不但是愉快的、自由的,而且也是紧张的、有压力的,为了缓解学习压力,在紧张的学习之余,有必要给自己一点时间,而且这些时间是属于你的,完完全全的属于你自己,做一些喜欢的事情,这是非常重要的。因此课外娱乐活动,在大学生活中也逐渐表现得越来越重要,方言是语言的变体。每一个地方都有自己特有的方言。在大学,我们交流都是讲的普通话,为了让大家找到家乡的感觉,同时为了给我们美好的大学时光留下值得回忆的一些光景,特为此举办一次方言比赛,来个方言大杂烩,给大家一个平台,秀出自己的方言,用乡音秀出自己对家乡的情感。 二(活动目的 展现家乡文化特色,促进同学们接触不同的地域文化,丰富大学生活,展现当代大学生风采,提高同学们语言表达能力,锻炼同学们的表演技巧,促进广大同学的相互沟通与合作,创造富有活力的真、善、美的校园文化氛围。在休闲娱乐之际,增强男女生之间的交流,加强班级凝聚力,促进更为和谐和多彩的校园氛围的形成,丰富同学们的课余生活,为他们的大学生活留下美好的记忆。同时,关心女生成长,关注男生的身心健康,提倡乡音生活新概念,创造良好的校园风气。激发同学们对故乡的思念,丰富校园生活,拉近同学关系,展现优质大学、优秀班级的风貌,紧跟时代步伐,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,引领男女同学对家乡文化的推崇,为工科学校添上一笔靓丽的风景线。 当代大学生是一个活泼的群体,是一个正在成长并且发展的群体,肩负着民族的希望和未来,承担着祖国和历史的重大。因而,大学时期在人生阶段中就显得尤为重要,我们应当在大学时期树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,践transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 行社会主义核心价值观,使自己成长为德智体美全面发展的高素质型人才。 三(活动主题 乡音有你,所以美丽 四(活动时间 预赛:2014年11月30日晚七点到十点(星期日) 决赛:2014年12月7日下午两点到五点(星期日) 五( 活动地点 十六楼或者十八楼的阶梯教室(视审批教室的情况而定) 六(主办单位 太原科技大学机械工程学院团委 七(承办单位 太原科技大学机械工程学院学生会 八(活动对象 太原科技大学机械工程学院全体学生(主要大一、大二学生为主) 九(活动形式 本次活动主张形式多样、节目创新,秀出自己的方言特色,参与方式如方言演讲、方言朗诵、方言小品、方言相声、方言歌曲、方言快板、方言戏剧、方言话剧、方言情景剧等。内容健康,积极向上,幽默诙谐并附有文化知识。 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 十( 活动流程 1.准备阶段 (1)与团委老师和院学生会主席团商定此次活动的内容、形式和一些活动细节 问题。 (2) 通过宣传部画出海报、展板、网络、广播、进班级宣传等宣传方式调动我校男女同学的积极性,鼓励广大男女同学报名参加; (3)选择主持人:由文艺部提供主持人2个(男女主持各一个),包括比赛解说、歌曲和游戏主持人。由同学或老师推荐和选节目时候的观察,择优选拔现象气质佳,表达能力、组织能力、应变能力和责任心都强的学生。组成风格和组成方式不限。主持人主持稿必须经过审查。主持稿应提前两天写完; (4)活动节目:准备游戏环节的游戏。 (5)活动当天场地负责:包括节目负责人,场地布置负责人,活动幻灯 片负责人,活动结束后清理场地负责人等;(详见具体安排) (6)同院学生会外联部紧密合作,争取商家的赞助,借此增加此次活动的吸引度,增加此次活动的后备资源; (7)准备好宣传文件,发放到各班以及各院; (8)通知除嘉宾外的相关人员提前到场,参赛选手抽签决定出场顺序; (9)前期宣传:由学生会宣传部做出海报在宣传栏张贴以及在适宜的地方拉横幅,做展板宣传活动; (10).后期:对本次活动进行总结,找到不足之处。整理拍摄的照片以及视频上传至院学生会微信平台。 2.报名阶段 (1)报名将于十一月二十二日正式开始,十一月二十七日截至,为期三天的报名时间; (2)报名方式:以个人或团体形式报名,团体每组最多三人,报告给相应团队负责人所在班级的班长,由班长统一整理上报给女生部成员,(报名填写包括:所在班级、姓名、联系电话、寝室号。) transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 3.比赛流程 (1)节目组织方将在比赛前一天以发短信的方式通知节目负责人统一抽签决定 出场顺序。 (2)节目参与者在活动开始前一个小时到达表演现场进行相关准备。节目负责 人负责联系节目其他成员,以防迟到和缺场。如果在比赛开始前十五分钟还未到 场的,节目一律视为弃权。对节目道具和其他事项有疑问的请于后场小组负责人 联系,后场人员维持好后场秩序,认真及时地解决参与者提出的疑问。 (3)主持人在赛前要了解各个节目的特色,找好节目之间的串词,做好应对突 发情况的准备。 (4)分配人员负责发放投票贴条。 (5)主持人上台作开场白,介绍嘉宾,嘉宾代表发言。 (6)播放事先做好的开场视频,例如各地风景名胜,美食等。 (7)主持人上台宣布比赛开始。具体环节为: ? 第一环节-闪亮登场:限时五分钟的自我介绍以及家乡介绍,可播放ppt, 选手要在规定时间内用方言将自己准备的内容展现在观众面前,要求大胆不拘泥 于形式,突出自己的特色即可。 ? 游戏环节:踩气球。步骤为当场选出六人,每两人分成一组,左右脚绑三 至四个气球,在主持人喊开始后,互相踩对方的气球,并保持自己的气球不破, 限时半分钟,一共三轮,在每轮中所剩气球最多的组胜出。 ? 第二环节-才艺大比拼:选手准备各自才艺,本环节也是各位选手为自己 拉票的环节,选手通过在才艺展示中与观众的互动来拉近与观众的距离为自己拉 票。此环节时间不定,最多五分钟,可由参赛者自由决定。 (8)嘉宾评委开始评分。 (注:评分细则为嘉宾评委评分,事先会下发评分细则或者安排对嘉宾评委 如何让评比的一次介绍会,以此来保证此次比赛的公平、公正、公开。) (9)现场统计分数及票数,公布结果,颁发证书。 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more (注:为避免现场气氛尴尬,在工作人员统计结果时,主持人进行互动环节,由参赛人员提出有关方言知识及文化的问题,或者由参赛人员说几句方言,由观众抢答,将其翻译成普通话,并且说出方言所在的地方,主持人指定回答人员,回答正确后将获得精美小礼品。) (10)活动接近尾声时,全体主持人上台,致闭幕词,宣布活动结束,并对获奖同学表示恭贺,以及对所有参赛人员的鼓励和对嘉宾的到来表示感谢。 (11)学生会全体成员留下核对物资,清理现场。 4评分细则及奖项设置 (1) 嘉宾评委评分:总分100分,形象30分,方言水平30分,才艺展示40分。 (2)最终得分为嘉宾评委评分。 (3)本次比赛设一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名。 (注:获奖选手除获得实物奖品外,均有荣誉证书) (注:若参赛人员超过十四组,则进行初赛,上述比赛为决赛。) 手可根据自身综合素质准备自己偏好或熟悉的一段 初赛流程:模拟演唱-选 歌曲,进行现场演唱要求该段话是用方言演唱的,在比赛时通过视频放映,以此作为对照,时间为每组五分钟,由嘉宾进行评选,评选结果将在初赛结束后通知该组负责人。则初赛时间初步定在十一月三十日。 十二(具体组织策划安排 1. 学生会各部门配合 外联部:拉赞助费供比赛设备道具费用。 宣传部:负责海报宣传,或以板报或者以网络平台的形式,以及比赛当天黑板 报的设计,并负责对晚会节目拍摄,录制及特色节目的VCR的拍摄及 PPT的制作。在晚会后期由专人负责向校园网、院报平 台投放稿件, 多媒体宣传,扩大影响力; 文艺部:负责节目彩排,保证节目质量,并且帮助提供主持人筛选; transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 自管部:负责维持比赛现场秩序,以及座位安排,并与秘书处一起负责物资的 借入返还清点; 女生部:1.负责本次活动的主干任务,主要保证比赛的质量以及统筹整个活动 所有流程。 2.主要负责安排比赛过程中节目上下场及排练节目。 3.负责比赛结果的统计的统计并作出调整。 4.在文艺部节目上报审核之后,安排节目单。 5.确定比赛人员名单名单,计算比赛的总时间,记录负责人的 联系方 式以及需要道具。 6.如果在时间允许的条件下(比赛开始前两个小时)组织彩排一次, 彩排后开会总结,并对比赛过程中出现的问题指出改正。彩排需要的 道具和音乐都要向节目的负责人问清楚,然后列成名单。 7.通知文艺部筛选主持人。人数两个人,一男一女。并让主持人写好 台词和节目串词,交至学生会指导审批。 8.邀请嘉宾。 9.分配工作,主要有催场,前场秩序,后台秩序,总督台,协调前期 安排和比赛时现场安排。 10.召集比赛负责人开会,下发比赛评比单,说明比赛流程。 2.晚会前具体安排及布置事项 (1)女生部布置舞台:关于气球,彩带等装饰会场的道具应由女生部有关人员购买,购买时注意开发票以及活动结束后报销的事项。 (2)当天请教师管理员调多媒体,以确保活动的顺利展开,应在活动开始前两个小时要完成。 (3)要调动其他部门人员提前进行会场所需要的一系列工作。由主席团 和女生部进行分配。 (4)女生部分配好晚会进行时需要的工作人员的职责,例如道具搬运或 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 者维持秩序的工作人员。 (5)自管部要在现场点清工作,比赛人员,嘉宾,评委,观众和主持人人数,进行座位调配。 (6)邀请老师以及各院学生会学生代表以及学生学生会主席团入座,摆 放饮用水。 (7) 比赛开始前一个小时,所有工作人员以及比赛人员各就各位,准备就绪。 (8)活动中所有人员随时待命,应对所有突发情况。 (9)活动结束后向老师主席团及各个部门进行活动总结,鼓励参赛人员,再接再厉、团结协作、不骄不躁、展示自我。活动结束后将对此次比赛的各项工作进行全面细致的总结。 十三 应急预案 详见应急预案细则 十四 后期宣传 在东服干道和西食堂,中快餐饮前等主要位置摆放宣传板,宣传此次活动的独一无二以及史无前例,届时将贴上精心挑选的比赛图片,扩大后期宣传效果。我们还由专人负责向校园网、院报平台,以及百度贴吧,人人网上投放稿件,多媒体宣传。挑选高质量的比赛成果进行剪辑上传到网上及院学生会微信平台。 十五 活动预算 1.奖状六个,共计6元; 2.观众小礼品五个小本,每个6元,共计30元; 3.评委评分所用纸两本5元,笔二十五根25元,共计30元; 4.布置场地所需物品费用,拉花15元、气球25元、胶带5元、彩带15元,共 计60元; 5.游戏互动环节奖品,小挂件十个30元,钥匙链10个30元,共计60元; transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 6.获奖同学奖品:一等奖共一名,奖品为价值80元左右的充电宝一个,若以小组形式参赛,则一等奖所用金额为最高150元;二等奖共两名,奖品为价值45元左右的水杯一个,共90元,若以小组形式参赛,则二等奖所用金额最为135元;三等奖共三名,奖品为价值25元左右的耳机一个,共75元,若以小组形式参赛,则三等奖最高所用金额为150元,共计区间为245元至435元。 所用预算在431元至621元。 机械工程学院学生会 女生部 2014年11月18日 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 弘扬社会主义核心价值观 “乡音有你,所以美丽” ———主题活动 机械工程学院学生会 女 生 部 2014年11月25日 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 应急预案 一 总则 为全面确保本次活动安全防范活动安全事故发生,保障本次活动中的人身、财物安全,保证本次活动圆满成功,积极应对可能发生的安全事故,及时、高效、有序地组织事故应急救援工作,最大限度减少保障人身安全和财产损失。根据有关活动安全管理的法律、法规,结合我校本次活动的具体状况,制定本预案。 二 指导思想 贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,坚持“以人为本,统一领导,分级管理,谁主管谁负责”的原则,认真落实安全岗位责任制。要把防火、预防交通事故、预防公共突发事件为主要内容的安全防范作为重点,堵塞漏洞,消除隐患,杜绝安全事故发生。 三 应急组织机构 1.机械工程学院学生会女生部全体成员 2.救援工作组及其职责 (1)现场指挥组:现场指挥组应在事故发生后的第一时间赶赴现场,全面掌握事故动态,制定具体救援,启动应急预案,协调指挥救援。 (2)医疗救护组:由学生会成员组成,在事故发生后,以最快速度将受伤人员转移到安全地点并以最快速度联系到医护人员。 四 活动中突发事件主要表现形式及处置 1.交通事故 (1)立即组织抢救。发生交通事故出现伤亡时,立即通知校医,拨打120急救电话,同时上报校安全领导小组。组织现场人员迅速抢救受伤的成员,特别是抢救重伤员。如不能就地抢救,应立即将伤员送往离出事地点最近的医院救治。 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more (2)保护现场,立即报案。事故发生后,应尽一切努力保护现场,并尽快报案。报公安110或交通事故122报警台,请求派员赶赴现场调查处理。 2.治安事故 (1)保护成员人身及财产安全。上报领导小组并拨打110报警。 (2)稳定相关人员情绪。 (3)协助领导做好善后工作。准备好必要的证明、资料,处理好善后事宜。 3.现场事故 (1)停电:若大会开始前停电,大会最多推迟半个小时举行,此间观众自由处理时间,半小时后还未正常供电,比赛改天举办;若在比赛举行过程中停电,最多等待二十分钟,在此期间,工作人员尽力解决,二十分钟后还未正常供电,则比赛改日举行,再次举行时间通过宣传海报或者通知各班负责人等方式另行通知。 )拥挤事件:收到消息后,派一人去指挥协调,避免踩踏事件发生。 (2 (3)如遇多媒体损坏等突发事件:组织人员安静淡定,请文艺部帮忙安排人表演节目,若时间太长,通知比赛取消,再举办时间待定,另行通知。 五 注意事项 1.事件第一发现人应及时向活动负责人汇报,并随时与上级保持密切联系。 2.对于各类突发事件,应迅速判断事件性质,根据事件性质,及时向部长汇报。 3.活动负责人要及时做好整个活动的调度和控制,稳定好现场的秩序。维护秩序人员不得擅自脱离岗位。发生事故,及时各就各位, 负责安全出口的疏散工作,避免发生拥挤踩踏事故。 机械工程学院学生会 女 生 部 2014年11月25日 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more
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