首页 > 国有土地使用权和房产转让协议


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国有土地使用权和房产转让协议国有土地使用权和房产转让协议 甲方,转让方,:陈某某 乙方,受让方,:某县林业局 法定代表人:贺某某~县林业局局长 委托代理人:刘某某~县林业局工会主席 委托代理人:龙某某~县林业局办公室主任 丙方,合同第三人,:某县国有林场 法定代表人:欧某某~国有林场场长 为了支持某县岐山国有林场棚户区改造~保证林场职工住房建设工作顺利进行~确保为民办实事工程通过省、市检查验收。甲方愿意将岐山宾馆和及所属国有土地使用权转让给乙方和丙方。根据《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》、《中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行...
国有土地使用权和房产转让 甲方,转让方,:陈某某 乙方,受让方,:某县林业局 法定代表人:贺某某~县林业局局长 委托代理人:刘某某~县林业局工会主席 委托代理人:龙某某~县林业局办公室主任 丙方,第三人,:某县国有林场 法定代表人:欧某某~国有林场场长 为了支持某县岐山国有林场棚户区改造~保证林场职工住房建设工作顺利进行~确保为民办实事通过省、市检查验收。甲方愿意将岐山宾馆和及所属国有土地使用权转让给乙方和丙方。根据《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》、《中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》和其他有关法律法规~合同当事人本着平等、自愿原则~经友好协商~达成如下协议: 第一条:转让的土地和房屋基本情况 1、土地座落位置:某县岐山办事处芳冲村李家岭小组 2 2、土地使用面积:2826m 3、土地使用用途:商业用地 4、国有地使用证号:南国用2008第05019号~南国用2008第05020号 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 25、土地现状:已批准建设岐山宾馆~建筑面积2015 m~共六层~南房权证字第18026409号 第二条:转让情况 1、甲方把南国用2008第05019号土地使用权及南房权证字第18026409号房屋所有权转让给乙方。 2、甲方把南国用2008第05020号土地使用权转让给丙方~由丙方负责用于岐山国有林场棚户区改造。 第三条:土地项目开发权状况 甲方已按土地规划用途领取了各类证~完成项目开发~并已投入使用。 第四条:其他权利状况 1、甲方确认本协议转让的土地使用权为其合法拥有~不存在抵押、查封、第三人主张权利等产权瑕疵。甲方确认本协议转让项目已支付一切应付款项、费用~不存在债权、债务争议。 2、甲方确认本协议转让前一切房产纠纷和经济纠纷由甲方负责处理~所产生的费用由甲方负责。 第五条:转让价格 1、甲乙丙三方确认本协议土地使用权和房产的转让价格净价为壹佰肆拾贰万捌仟元,,142.8万元,。其中由乙方向甲方支付转让款项壹佰叁拾贰万捌仟元~丙方向甲方支付转让款项壹拾万元。 2、本协议土地使用权和房产转让~涉及到政府部门机构收取的各种税费~均由乙方和丙方对应承担。 第六条:支付方式 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 1、在本协议签订3个工作日内~乙方负责把付给甲方人民币壹佰贰拾万元到丙方,合同第三人,帐户~由丙方在3个工作日内把壹佰贰拾万元款项付给甲方。 2、丙方,合同第三人,在本协议签订3个工作日内付给甲方壹拾万元。 3、剩余壹拾贰万捌仟元尾款在甲乙双方办理好过户手续3个工作日按第五条第1款同样由丙方,合同第三人,付给甲方。 4、甲方收取款项~应按规定开具发票,或其他收据,予丙方。 第七条:矛盾纠纷的处理 本协议确认的土地和房产转让过程中的一切纠纷矛盾~以及棚户区改造过程中的一切矛盾纠纷及其各项工作均由丙方负责处理。 第八条:资料的交付及手续的办理 1、本协议生效1个工作日内~甲方应将涉及转让土地和房产的有关资料~包括但不限于土地出让合同书、红线图、建设用地批准书、建设用地规划许可证、建筑工程规划许可证、设计图纸、土地使用权证书、房产权属证书等原件资料交给乙方和丙方。 2、本协议生效3天内~甲乙丙三方备齐有关资料共同向县国土资源部门和房产部门办理更名过户手续。 第九条:转让的法律状况 1、甲方转让本协议所涉及土地使用权和房产所有权后~该土地的使用权出让合同、登记文件和房屋权属证书所载明的权利和义务随之转给乙方和丙方。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 2、本协议转让前~有关该地块和房屋产权瑕疵所引起风险、责任仍由甲方承担,转让登记以后~由乙方和丙方承担。 第十条:甲方的违约责任 1、本协议生效后~甲方单方面解除本协议~或拖延履行本协议应尽义务超过30日~视甲方构成根本性违约。甲方应退还收取乙方和丙方支付的款项~并按同期贷款利息的3倍支付利息给乙方和丙方。 2、因甲方隐瞒事实真相~出现合同之外第三人对本协议所持土地和房产主张权利或甲方其他原因~致使本协议不能履行~视为甲方单方违约~甲方应按本条第1款向乙方和丙方承担责任。 第十一条:乙方的违约责任 本协议签订后~乙方和丙方单方面解除协议~或者延迟30日未支付款项的~应按本协议第九条第1款产生利息支付甲方损失。 第十二条:争议的处理 本协议在履行过程中发生的争议~由当事人协商解决~协商不成的提交衡阳仲裁委员会仲裁。 第十三条:不可抗力 本协议在履行前和履行过程中因不可抗力事件影响而未能履行本合同全部或部分义务~合同终止或由当事人协商解决。 第十四条:合同解释 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 本合同未尽事宜或条款内容不明确~合同当事人可以根据本合同的原则、目的及关联条款进行解释~该解释具有约束力。 第十五条:补充与附件 本合同未尽事宜~依照法律、法规不能明确的可以签订补充协议。本协议的补充协议具有同等效力。 第十六条:合同生效 本协议共陆份~甲、乙、丙各执两份~自签字盖章之日起生效。 甲方,盖章, 乙方,盖章, 丙方,盖章, 法定代表人签字: 法定代表人签字: 法定代表人签字: 委托代理人签字: 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.
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