

2017-12-03 50页 doc 155KB 22阅读




上街区峡窝镇西林子村规划设计报告上街区峡窝镇西林子村规划设计报告 郑州市上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄 整理项目初步设计报告 项目承担单位:郑州市上街区国土资源局 初步设计单位:郑州市上街区土地整理中心 编制日期:2007年10月 Wang Guozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, i...
上街区峡窝镇西林子村规划设计报告 郑州市上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄 整理项目初步设计报告 项目承担单位:郑州市上街区国土资源局 初步设计单位:郑州市上街区土地整理中心 编制日期:2007年10月 Wang Guozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a let party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the recent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and earnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for production safety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsibility. Not 郑州市上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目 规划设计报告 郑州市上街区土地整理中心 2007年10月 Wang Guozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a let party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the recent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and earnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for production safety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsibility. Not 目 录 第一部分 项目规划 1.前 言 ................................................................................................... 1 1.1项目建设背景 ................................................... 1 1.2项目建设目的 ................................................... 2 1.3项目规划任务 ................................................... 3 1.4项目规划依据 ................................................... 3 1.5项目建设期限 ................................................... 5 2.项目区概况............................................................................................ 5 2.1上街区简况 ..................................................... 5 2.2项目区概况 ..................................................... 6 2.3项目区基础设施状况 ............................................ 13 2.4土地利用结构 .................................................. 13 3.项目分析 ............................................................................................. 14 3.1项目区土地利用存在的问题 ...................................... 14 3.2土地适宜性评价 ................................................ 15 3.3新增耕地潜力分析 .............................................. 17 3.4水资源平衡分析 ................................................ 17 4.规划 ............................................................................................. 20 4.1规划目标 ...................................................... 20 4.2规划原则 ...................................................... 21 4.3规划 ...................................................... 22 4.4土地整理工程布局 .............................................. 23 4.5土地利用结构调整结果 .......................................... 24 4.6土地权属调整方案 .............................................. 25 4.7投资规模估算 .................................................. 27 5.规划方案评价 ...................................................................................... 29 5.1社会效益评价 .................................................. 29 5.2生态效益评价 .................................................. 30 5.3经济效益评价 .................................................. 30 6.项目实施措施 ...................................................................................... 32 6.1 组建管理机构 .................................................. 32 6.2 进行宣传发动 .................................................. 32 6.3 项目实施管理 .................................................. 32 6.4 调整土地权属 .................................................. 33 第二部分 工程规划 , and strive to do a let party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.shine osition, always adhere to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced,e we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest pWang Guozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Sinc ety inl levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safcipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at ald munibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial annly is informed of the recent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsility collective interviews, maiIn accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibiiiction of duty responsibility. Notderelty system for production safety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, the first place, and earnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibili 1.项目工程建设概况 .............................................................................. 35 1.1项目建设任务 .................................................. 35 1.2项目区水文地质 ................................................ 35 1.3工程类型与数量 ................................................ 35 2.工程设计 ............................................................................................. 36 2.1工程设计依据 .................................................. 36 2.2土地平整工程设计 .............................................. 36 2.3道路工程设计 .................................................. 37 2.4农田灌排工程设计 .............................................. 38 2.5典型田块设计 .................................................. 38 3.施工组织设计 ...................................................................................... 38 3.1施工条件分析 .................................................. 38 3.2施工程序 ...................................................... 39 3.3施工组织与管理 ................................................ 39 3.4进度管理 ...................................................... 40 3.5质量管理 ...................................................... 40 第三部分 规划设计说明 1.项目规划说明 .................................................... 42 2.项目工程设计说明 ................................................ 44 附件......................................................................................................... 45 附图......................................................................................................... 45 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G iibility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 第 一 部 分 项 目 规 划 1.前 言 土地开发整理是人类在土地利用中不断开发土地和重新配臵土地的过程~是一项经济、社会基础性工程。通过实施占补平衡进行土地开发整理工程规划~尤其是旧村庄治理~可以增加有效耕地面积~实现耕地总量动态平衡~是提高土地质量~促进土地集约化利用的重要手段。国土资源部相继下发了国土资发[1998]166号文件《关于进一步加强土地开发整理管理工作的通知》、国土资发[1999]39号文件《关于切实做好耕地占补平衡工作的通知》、国土资发[1999]50号文件《关于设立土地开发整理项目区的通知》~要求各地积极推进土地开发整理~搞好土地建设~按照土地利用总体规划~通过对田、水、路、土、林的综合治理~提高耕地质量~增加耕地面积~改善农业生产条件~优化生态环境~实现耕地总量动态平衡~并对全国的土地开发整理工作提出了具体要求。 为具体落实“十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地”的基本国策~以上街区土地利用总体规划和土地开发整理复垦专项规划为指导~以改善农业生产条件、提高土地生产力、增加耕地有效面积为目标~结合本区域的实际情况~特编制峡窝镇旧村庄治理项目规划。该项目的实施从土地资源可持续利用和管理的角度~以保持耕地总量动态平衡、缓解人地矛盾、优化土地资源配臵、改善生态环境、改善农业生产条件和生态环境为目标~促进农村现代化建设和经济发展~促进社会主义新农村建设~为国民经济和社会全面可持续发展提供土地保障。 1.1项目建设背景 项目区位于河南省上街区峡窝镇~涉及西林子村1个行政村。为确保在新的法制环境条件下更好地发展经济~在落实耕地占补平衡的基础上~为“十一五”期间经济再上一个新台阶创造出宽松的用地环境~必 1 须整理出新耕地~从而缓解土地供需矛盾~改善生产生活环境~确保农业乃至社会经济可持续发展。 项目区地势为平原~中间地势较低~排灌系统不完善~水利条件较差~农业生态环境较为脆弱~土地利用率和产出率较低,但项目区土地整理潜力较高~通过项目区土地整理~同时进行平整土地、土壤改良、农田道路、农田水利等改善生态环境工程~可有效地增加耕地~促进全区耕地总量动态平衡~促进土地集约利用。这对于保持社会稳定~实现社会、经济、生态环境可持续发展都有重要意义。 项目区面积为39.79公顷。项目区增加耕地的主要来源是农村居民点整理为耕地以改善现有耕地的利用状况~增加耕地面积。本项目类型确定为土地整理,经整理净增耕地达39.79公顷~确定申报类型为市级土地整理项目。 设立该项目主要目的和意义是:保护耕地~并围绕农业丰产、增收两大目标~充分发挥土地资源优势~以经济效益为中心~集中连片~大规模进行土地整理~增加新的耕地面积~优化土地资源配臵~改善生态环境~提高劳动生产率和单位产出效益~最大限度地减轻当前面临的资源、环境和人口等多重压力。通过对项目区进行平整土地、改良土壤、规范交通、完善水利、改善生态环境等工程~从土地资源可持续利用和管理的角度~有效增加耕地~促进实现全市耕地总量动态平衡~而且可使社会稳定~搞活地方经济~实现社会、经济、生态环境可持续发展。 1.2项目建设目的 本项目建设的目的主要是: 1. 贯彻“十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地”的基本国策~具体落实《峡窝镇土地利用总体规划》~增加耕地面积~提高耕地质量~ t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 2bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 实现耕地总量动态平衡, 2. 实施田、水、路、林综合治理~配套、完善农业基础设施~改善农业生产条件~保证土地可持续利用和农业可持续发展, 3. 合理配臵土地资源~促进农业结构调整~增加农民收入~确保项目区农民的经济利益, 4. 调整土地权属关系~保护产权主体的合法权益~维护项目区的社会稳定。 1.3项目规划任务 1.分析项目区的基本情况~主要包括土地适宜性分析、新增耕地潜力分析、水资源平衡分析、环境影响分析, 2.确定项目区土地利用方向、各类用地的数量及布局, 3.制定旧村庄整理项目的目标、任务和方针~落实2007年占补平衡项目指标, 4.确定灌排方式和主要工程的布局, 5.通过技术、经济论证~确定规划方案, 6.拟定规划实施和管理的相关政策和措施。 1.4项目规划依据 1.4.1相关规划和 ,1,《上街区土地利用总体规划,1997-2010,》 ,2,《上街区峡窝镇土地利用总体规划》,1997-2010, ,3,《上街区峡窝镇土地开发整理规划》,2001-2010, ,4,《上街区统计年鉴》,2006年, ,5,《上街区土地变更调查资料,2006,》 3 ,6,《上街区二00六年农业综合开发项目计划材料》 1.4.2有关资料 ,1,郑州市上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目可行性研究报告, ,2,《上街区节水灌溉规划》, 1.4.3行业技术标准 1.《土地开发整理规划编制规程》,TD/T1011-2000,, 2.《土地开发整理项目规划设计规范》,TD/T1012-2000,, 3.《土地开发整理项目验收规程》,TD/T1014-2000,, 4.《农田排水工程技术规范》,SL/T4-1999,, 5.《灌溉与排水工程设计规范》,GB/50288-99,, 6.《水土保持综合治理技术规范》,GB/T16453.1-16453.6-1996,, 7.《节水灌溉技术规范》、《农用机井技术规范》,SD188-86,, 8、《道路工程制图标准》(GB50162-92); 9、《水利建设项目经济评价规范》,SL72-94,等。 1.4.4有关法律法规政策 1.《中华人民共和国土地管理法》, 2.《中华人民共和国土地管理法实施条例》, 3.《基本农田保护条例》, 4.《中华人民共和国水土保持法》, 5.《中华人民共和国环境保护法》, 6.《关于进一步加强土地开发整理管理工作的通知》(国土资发 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 4bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P [1998]166号), 7.《关于切实做好耕地占补平衡工作的通知》,国土资发[1999]39号,, 8.《国家投资土地开发整理项目管理暂行办法》,国土资发[2000]316号,, 9、《国土资源部关于印发,土地开发整理若干意见,的通知》, 10、《中华人民共和国水法》, 11、《中华人民共和国农业法》, 12、《河南省实施,中华人民共和国土地管理法,办法》。 1.5项目建设期限 项目建设期限为6个月。 2.项目区概况 2.1上街区简况 上街区地处河南省北部、华北平原、黄河冲积平原扇轴部~为豫东平原和豫西丘陵的相交地带。东经113?14'45″至113?19'05″~北纬34?35'至34?40'之间。上街区位于郑州市辖区西部38公里处~周围与荥阳市接壤:东邻荥阳市城关乡~西、南分别与高阳镇、刘河镇毗邻~北部与王村镇相连。 上街区地处中纬度暖温带地区~各类野生植物和栽培植物种类繁多。绝大多数具有耐旱、耐瘠、适应性强等特点。 全区种子植物可分为两门~一是裸子植物门~内有苏铁纲的苏铁目~松柏纲含有银杏目和松柏目-松科和柏科。二是被子植物门~可分为单子叶植物纲和双子叶植物纲~共有30科~约有935个品种。 5 上街区矿产资源丰富~主要以铝土矿为主。铝土矿是生产氧化铝的主要原料。区内中铝河南分公司管辖小关铝矿、洛阳铝矿、渑池铝矿等5座矿山。铝土矿保有储量1.9亿吨~石灰石12.1亿吨。目前已形成开采铝土矿110万吨、石灰石85万吨的生产能力。据统计~河南省已探明铝土矿产地40处~累计探明储量4.7亿吨~其中地质保存储量4.39亿吨储量~A/S,7的铝土矿仅占17,左右。因近十多年来乱采滥挖~大部分矿区被破坏~可开采储量远小于储量~铝土矿矿床保存比较完整的储量仅有1.7至1.9亿吨。 2.2项目区概况 2.2.1项目区位臵与范围 项目区位于郑州市上街区峡窝镇。地理位臵为地理位臵为E113?15′32″--113?16′37″; N34?43′09″--34?44′11″~土地面积共39.79公顷。 2.2.2地形、地貌、地质 按大地构造划分~上街区位于豫西褶皱带荥巩复背斜的北翼~温县坳陷的南缘~华北地震区的中南部。对上街有影响的构造带有:?太行山前断裂带~?新乡,商丘断裂带~?聊城,兰考断裂带~?封门口,五指岭断裂带~?汾渭断陷盆地构造带等。构造表现形式以断裂为主~褶皱次之~断裂发育有上街断层、郭小寨断层、汜水断层和广武断层等隐伏断层。 上街区及附近地区全被第四纪松散沉积物所覆盖~沉积厚度由南部岗地的120米向北增至250米以上~成因类型为风积、冲积、冲洪积、 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 6bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 冲湖积、人工填土等。 上街区地质为第四纪冲积堆积次生黄土层~厚度最深可达200米左右。全区大多为?,?级下沉性大孔土,仅北部靠近陇海铁路线为非下沉性土,~浸水后具有沉陷性。地基允许耐压力1.5,2.5千克,平方厘米~地下水的稳定水位深度在13.9,29.5米处~地下水大致向北或西北流动。 辖区小关铝矿区的地层由老到新依次为:奥陶纪马家沟灰岩,石炭纪铝土矿、煤层,石炭纪太原统石灰岩,砂页岩,二迭纪及三迭纪砂岩、页岩,最上面为第四纪黄土层。整个地质构造简单~为单一斜构造~一般岩层走向为N70?W~倾向N20?E~倾角15?左右。铝土矿层与岩层产状基本一致~具有工业价值的铝土矿层厚度平均2米左右。铝土矿层上部有一层结构致密的,石炭纪,石灰岩矿层~厚度约5,6米~CaO含量54,~为良好的氧化铝熔剂原料。 小关铝土矿区地质储量约1亿吨~40,可供露天开采~矿石平均含氧化铝64.75,、二氧化硅14.41,~平均铝硅比值4.7。页炭纪的石灰石储量约0.3亿吨~其它个别地段奥陶纪的页岩页也可作熔剂用。 上街区辖区属黄土丘陵地~处于华北平原、黄河冲积平原扇轴部~为豫东平原和豫西丘陵的交接地带。西、南部承接丘陵山地~地势起伏不平~大部分位于古黄河一、二、三级阶地上~按地貌形态及成因类型~自南而北可划分为风成黄土岗地~冲洪积倾斜平原和冲积平原三种地貌类型。区内所覆盖的第四系松散堆积物~其浅层黄土岗地区为上更新世风积物,倾斜平原区为上更新世冲洪积物,冲积平原区为全新世冲积物及上更新世冲洪积物。区内发育有较多的冲沟。地面被冲沟割裂成块~冲沟多为近南北向和东西向~冲沟宽深均在30,70米局部有70,80米深~100,150米宽~长度一般为500,2000米~个别冲沟长达5000米以 7 上。东、北部地势开阔~较为平坦。全区整体呈西南高、东北低的自然倾斜之势~坡度平均0?48′8″~海拔高度在110,160米之间。地面最高点189米~最低点130米以下~高差大于50米~平均纵坡降8,15‰。区域内由于长期的山洪及雨水冲刷~致使冲沟纵横~地面大部分被切割成条块段。 区辖的小关矿~位于区西南22公里处的巩义市境内~主要有茶店段的红土坡矿区和竹林沟段的南岭矿区~均位于嵩山北麓~地势由东向西~由北向南逐渐增高~比高200,300米~最高处海拔在550米以上。地面90,以上被黄土覆盖~地形切割剧烈~沟谷发育为复杂的黄土台阶地形。 2.2.3气候 上街辖区处于中纬度暖温带~属季风型大陆性气候。由于受南热北冷高压气团进退更迭的控制~具有典型的暖温带季风气候特征~冬冷夏热~四季分明。 四季特征:春季冷暖无常~多风少雨~气温14.8?,夏季炎热多雨~水热同期~气温26.7?,秋季凉爽,日照充足~气温14.5?,冬季风多雪少~寒冷干燥~气温1.2?。 温度:上街区年平均日照时数2337.9小时。年平均气温13.5?,15.3?之间~年际最大变幅为2?。历年极端最高气温42.9?,极端最低气温为,16.5?,一年中月均温度以七月份为最高27.5?,以一月份为最低,0.2?~气温年较差为27.7?。初霜与终霜期间平均日数为52天~全年无霜期平均是225天。 降水:上街区属大陆性气候~由于受季风的影响~年降水量一般在500—800毫米~多集中在7、8、9月份~占全年降水量的55.8,。历年平均降水量为622.2毫米。1958年降水量最大~达1048.5毫米~1981 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G ish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P8bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for producti 年降水量最小~只有318.4毫米。降水量年际变化大~分布不均匀~四季降水量相差很大。冬季,12,2月,降水28.09毫米~占年降水量的4.5,,春季,3,5月,降水116.4毫米~占年降水量的18.7,,夏季,6—8月,降水333.45毫米~占年降水量的53.6%,秋季,9—11月,降水144(52毫米~占年降水量的29(2%。 2.2.4水文 上街区多年平均降水653.8毫米~最高达1048(5毫米~最低为400(6 毫米~降水年内分布不均匀~降雨集中在夏季7、8两个月。历年平均日照时数2337.9小时~平均无霜期为225天。辖区没有长年地表河流湖泊~地下水是唯一的水资源。 由于上街区分布有较厚的第四系松散层~故蕴藏有较丰富的地下水~富水性自南而北增强。 地下水分布以陇海铁路为界。铁路以北为浅层水~静水位5,10米~井深40,65米~单井出水量10,30 m3/h~是目前农业灌溉的主要水资源,铁路以南为深层水~静水位35,55米~井深100,160米~主要含水段在60米以内~单井出水量除黄土岗地区小于30 m3/h~其它地区多在30,70 m3/h之间~富水程度为每小时20,50吨。 本区浅层水主要受降水补给~其次为北部地表水补给~中深层水则为南部侧向迳流补给和浅层越流补给。地下水自西南、南向东北、北迳流。 上街区地下水总储量为2564(97万方~补给量中深层为617.26万方,年~浅层为66.67万方,年。允许开采量中深层为617.26万方,年~浅层为102(67万方,年。统计实际开采量中深层为800(4万方,年~浅层为216(99万方,年。每年动用储存量中深层为183.4万方~浅层 9 为114.32万方。 地面河流情况~上街区西部有汜水河~常年流量1.0,1.5m3/s~洪水期可达1557m3/s~枯水期仅有0.2,0.3m3/s,东部荥阳市附近有索河,淮河水系,~北部还有枯河上游支流~本区降水大都经地面冲沟汇入这三条河流。 2.2.5土壤与主要农作物 上街区土壤为一个土类即褐土类~包括三个亚类——褐土、潮褐土和褐土性土,三个土属是立黄土、潮黄土和白土~共有5个土种~分别为立黄土、白立土、潮白土、砂姜底潮白土、白土~面积分别为4930亩、10148亩、4559亩、2129亩、2308亩~分别占辖区土壤总面积的20.5,、42.2,、18.9,、8.8,和9.6,。 其中:立黄土分布在左照村西南和上街园艺场,白立土分布在聂寨、左照村周围、郎中沟西、任庄村北,潮白土分布在夏侯、廿里铺北部和东部,砂姜底潮白土分布在肖洼、柏社、朱寨村北,白土分布在郎中沟、任庄村南到聂寨村西南。 辖区土壤以轻壤土,白立土、潮白土,为主~占总面积70,~土质不松不粘~保水保肥中等~易于耕作,偏沙壤土,立黄土,占10,~土质疏松~保水保肥力差,轻中壤土占20,~土质稍粘~保水保肥力强。总之~辖区土壤均适于种植粮、棉、油、菜等作物。 植物:辖区地处中纬度暖温带地区~各种野生植物和栽培植物种类繁多。绝大多数具有耐旱、耐瘠、适应性强等特点。 全区种子植物可分为两门~一是裸子植物门~内有苏铁纲的苏铁目~松柏纲含有银杏目和松柏目——松科和柏科。二是被子植物门~可分为单子叶植物纲和双子叶植物纲~共有30科~约有935个品种。如下述: t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 10bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 粮食作物:有小麦、大麦、豌豆、玉米、谷子、大豆、绿豆、高粱、薯类等29种~290个品种。 果品类:苹果、桃、杏、梨、李、核桃、柿、枣、梅、樱桃、草莓、石榴、葡萄等65个品种。 蔬菜类:白菜、萝卜、黄瓜、南瓜、丝瓜、苦瓜、冬瓜、西葫芦、芹菜、西红柿、茄子、芫荽、小茴香、辣椒、土豆、菠菜、苋菜、甘蓝、洋葱、大蒜、韭菜、豆角等130个品种。 花木类:马尾松、油松、雪松、侧柏、桧柏、龙柏、牡丹、芍药、月季、蔷薇、玫瑰、绣球、菊花、一串红、百日红、千日红、合欢、紫葛藤、枫杨、泡桐、法国梧桐、箭杆杨、毛白杨、垂柳、龙爪柳、女贞、黄杨、中国槐等约有450多个品种。 动物:全区已知的动物有爬行纲、两栖纲、鱼纲、鸟纲、哺乳纲和昆虫纲等六个纲70多个科、376种之多。其种类名称如下: 草鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、青蛙、蟾蜍、蛇、蜥蜴、麻蜥、壁虎、龟、鳖、喜鹊、麻雀、乌鸦、啄木鸟、翠鸟、鸽、野兔、松鼠、地鼠、黄鼬、獾、狗、猫、牛、马、骡、驴、羊、猪、鸡、鸭、瓢虫、螳螂、青蛉、赤眼蜂、蜜蜂、家蚕、棉蚜、红铃虫、蚱蜢、蟋蟀、蝼蛄、地老虎、棉夜蛾、造桥虫、金龟子、天牛、避债蛾、椿象、叶蝉、叩头虫、灰蝶、粉蝶、菜青虫、粘虫、玉米螟、麦蛾、玉米象、红蜘蛛、果类食心虫、枯叶蛾、黄刺蛾、苍蝇、家蝇、牛牤、虱子、臭虫、蟑螂等。 区内主要农作物及产品有:小麦、玉米、大豆、棉花~油菜、谷子、芝麻、果类等经济作物~峡窝镇以农作物为主~主要有粮食作物、经济作物和瓜果蔬菜类。 上街区农林牧渔业总产值按现行价格计算为8154万元~其中农业总产值3100万元~林业总产值197万元~畜牧业总产值4699万元。以畜 11 牧业为主。 近年来~上街区加快农业产业化调整步伐~已逐步形成独具特色的万亩花椒基地、优质林果基地、食用菌生产基地和日光蔬菜大棚基地等“四大农业产业基地”~所出产的“五云山大红袍花椒”和“柏庙皇梨”~已成为区域现代化农业的知名品牌。 2.2.6自然灾害 除正常的气候因子外~上街区灾害性天气发生频繁~严重的影响了土地利用和生产潜力的发挥。这些灾害性天气概括为旱灾、暴雨、冰雹、干热风等。上街区一年四季都有旱情~只是轻重程度各不相同。全区春旱与初夏旱出现频率均在33,以上~伏旱与秋旱出现频率均在25,以下~有“十年九旱”之称。全区暴雨一般出现于8,9月~其主要特点是强度大~降雨历时短~雨量集中。冰雹在辖区历史上曾多次发生~造成危害较大的是1979年4月12日~时值果树开花授粉期~致使部分果树绝收。据1957—1996年40年资料统计~发生干热风多达30次。发生在5月下旬或6月初~对小麦生产造成严重危害~2,3年一遇。干热风连续发生时间达6,7~最多的年份是1971年长达14天。 2.2.7社会经济条件 峡窝镇位于郑州市西部~全镇共有23个行政村~1个居委会~68个自然村~151个村民组~总人口3.4万人~人均耕地面积1.1亩~镇域面积46.85平方公里。境内地势山区、平原、丘陵状态~新老310国道交汇。我镇境内陇海铁路横穿东西~地下区位优势明显。 西林子村位于峡窝镇南部~东接东林子村~西临巩义市~南至荥阳刘河镇~全村土地面积219.3公顷~其中耕地129.8公顷 ~基本农田 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G estableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P12bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and e 129.8 公顷~保护率 100% 。全村有六个村民组~2006年有120户~总人口400余人。人均耕地约 0.3 公顷。 2.3项目区基础设施状况 2.3.1交通设施状况 项目区附近有公路~对外交通较为便利,项目区内没有农村道路广泛分布~不利于项目区内田间生产和运输。 2.3.2灌排设施状况 村四周的河流可作为项目区的承泄区~但灌排体系不完善~排水不畅~在雨季易遭受洪涝灾害。因此~项目区排灌系统的整体水平不能满足现代农业的需求。 2.3.3电力设施状况 项目区内电源充足~电压稳定~这为项目施工和项目建设后区内水泵、电动机等设备的运行提供了便利的电力条件。 2.4土地利用结构 项目区土地总面积39.79公顷~全部为农村居民点。项目区土地利用现状详见下表。 13 表2 项目区土地利用现状统计表,2006年, 单位:公顷 村名 合计 建设用地 小计 农村居民点 西林子村 39.79 39.79 39.79 合计 39.79 39.79 39.79 所占比例 100 100 100 3.项目分析 3.1项目区土地利用存在的问题 3.1.1自然因素 影响项目区土地有效利用的自然因素主要有水分条件、排涝条件、生态保护条件等~具体分析如下: 1.项目区年降雨量为712.3mm~且季节分布不均~多集中在6,9月份~易形成涝灾。 2.项目区自然灾害以旱、涝、干热风为主~旱涝灾害较为频繁。 3.项目区内农田林网不完善~缺乏统一规划~抵御自然灾害的能力很差~必须进行林网建设和长期的土壤培肥改良措施方能进行持续、高效的农业生产。 3.1.2社会经济因素 (1)土地农业利用率低 项目区大多为农村空闲宅基地~土地利用率低~造成土地资源的严重浪费。 (2)基础设施落后 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 14bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 项目区农业、水利、能源、交通、通讯等基础设施不配套~灌溉保证率低~排水不利~田、林、路、渠没有形成综合能力。整体水平远远不能满足现代农业的需求。 (3)科技落后~投入不足 由于土地开发整理投资大~效益慢~从主观上看影响着人们的积极性,客观上分析主要是难以拿出足量的资金投入整理。加上科技推广体系不健全~科技水平比较低~直接影响着土地后备资源的开发利用。目前~项目区内有局部的土地开发整理~多是农民自发零星活动~缺乏系统的规划和整体的规模经营。 3.1.3资金筹措困难 项目区内农民生活水平一般~综合经济实力较弱~进行大规模的土地整理~单靠地方政府和群众~资金筹措存在很大的困难。 目前~项目区的各村均有不同程度的零星垦殖和小范围治理~但由于缺乏整体、系统的规划~加上投资量小~缺乏必要的生态防护措施~效益很低。如果启动规模化的项目后~根据各行政村的地貌特性~因地制宜~区别整治~达到路通渠连~水电配套~可使已投入和再投入的资金~产生较大的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益。 3.2土地适宜性评价 3.2.1项目区土地资源条件清查 通过前边项目区的资源状况分析情况可知~项目区内光热资源充足~土壤受河流淤积的影响~较为肥沃~地下水资源充足~适宜多种农、林作物生长。 15 3.2.2项目区土地利用方式 项目区的土地利用方式主要是农用地~耕作制度为小麦—玉米一年两熟。 ,1,小麦的生长需求分析 小麦属于长日照作物~在生育期内要求日照连续超过12小时。小麦属于喜凉作物~一般整个生育期需要?10?的积温2200个。每形成1克干物质需要400-500克的水分。小麦的根系强大、吸肥多~要求土层深厚、土壤供肥能力强~土壤质地最好为壤土~土壤pH值适宜为6.2—6.9之间。对地貌的适宜性是最适宜在平原和坡地的下部种植。 ,2,玉米的生长需求分析 玉米属于短日照作物~在生育期内要求日照在12小时以下。玉米属于喜凉作物~一般整个生育期需要?10?的积温2500个。每形成1克干物质需要300-400克的水分。玉米生长也要求土层深厚、土壤供肥能力强~土壤质地最好为壤土~土壤pH值适宜为6.2—6.9之间。对地貌的适宜性是最适宜在平原和坡地的下部种植。 3.2.3土地资源条件与用途要求比配 从前面的分析可知~项目区的光、热、水、土四个方面是适宜目前“小麦--玉米一年两熟”这种主耕作制度的要求。所以整个项目区的土地全部都属于适宜类。 由于就项目区这一范围大小无法从光、热两方面区分土地的质量等~故以1:1万土地利用现状图上的图斑的单元~从地形坡度、灌溉条件、灌溉水源、土壤质地、自然灾害五个方面分析土地的质量等和限制型。由于以上选择的评价因素属于小范围内就有明显变化的因素~所以无法 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 16bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 利用已有的资料进行分析得到~所以我们通过实地调查的方法边调查~边评价~确定评价单元综合质量等和限制型时采用最强限制因子法~也即各评价单元的质量等和限制型由最强的限制因子决定。 3.2.4土地适宜性评价分类结果 经评价~项目区所有的农村居民点地经整理为耕地均是适宜的~故都属于适宜类。 在适宜类内根据适宜性程度的高低不同划分三个适宜等~一等适宜地质量最好~利用中没有任何限制~据调查该项目区没有一等适宜地。二等适宜地质量一般~土地利用中有一定的限制~利用时需要采取一定的工程和管理措施~项目区内二等适宜地,共39.79公顷。在二等适宜地内~根据各评价单元的最强限制因素来划分限制型。该项目区主要有土壤质地限制型。 3.3新增耕地潜力分析 新增耕地潜力是在综合分析各方面影响因素的基础上~预测性的确定项目区土地整理后的土地利用结构与各类用地的面积~从而得出项目区新增耕地的面积规模~即土地整理潜力。 项目区具有良好的气候条件~十分适宜农作物的生产。项目区土地总面积39.79公顷~整理对象主要是针对项目区农村居民点~整理后扣除原有耕地和新增道路、沟渠外~可新增耕地39.79公顷~净增耕地达39.79公顷。 3.4水资源平衡分析 水量平衡是一个相对的概念~是指在一定的保证率下的水量供需平衡。因此~在进行水资源平衡分析之前~首先确定灌溉设计保证率。依 17 据《土地开发整理标准》~确定灌溉设计保证率为75%。 3.4.1可供水量分析 项目区可供水量来源于为地表水有效利用量、降水有效利用量、可开采地下水供给量~计算关系为: W=W+W+W 供123 式中:W为地表水有效利用量, 1 W为降水有效利用量, 2 W为可开采地下水供给量 3 ,1,径流量W 1 项目区内有可利用的一大型提灌站蓄水池~因此可以利用蓄水池引水进行灌溉~所以项目区的年径流总量W=25.60。 1 ,2, 降水可利用量W 2 项目区年均降水量为653.8毫米~其中被作物所利用的部分和水库坑塘拦蓄下来使用的部分~可以作为有效降雨量。本项目区水库坑塘数量较少~拦蓄水量极为有限~可以忽略不计。另外~在进行需水量分析时~要拟定作物的灌溉制度~被作物所利用这部分有效降水量要进行计算~它减少了等量作物灌溉需水量~水量约为设计典型年总降水量的30%。所以在进行水资源平衡分析时~不再进行重复的有效降水量计算~W,0。 2 ,3,可利用的地下水量W 3 根据上街区区域水文地质资料~项目区浅层地下水丰富~地下水埋 3深40-65米~单井出水量10,30 m/h~符合农用灌溉用水质的标准~适宜于农田灌溉和人畜饮用。针对本项目区农田灌溉特点,本规划不考虑利用地下水~因此W,0。 3 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 18bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 3.4.2需水量分析 ,1,作物灌溉定额的确定 参照项目涉及村镇目前的种植制度和今后种植业结构调整的要求~以冬小麦和夏玉米两种典型作物来确定灌溉定额。本项目的灌溉设计保证率采用75%~作物的灌溉制度包括播前灌水定额和生育期内灌溉定额~可利用水量平衡原理进行作物灌溉制度的计算。 在计算各代表作物灌水定额的基础上~参考当地农民丰产灌水经验~制定各代表作物的灌溉制度如下表所示。 表3 灌溉制度设计表 3作物 生育期 灌水定额,m/公顷, 灌水时间 播前 675 9.26 越冬 600 1.2 拔节 600 3.2 小麦 抽穗 600 4.19 灌浆 600 5.1 全生育期 3075 播前 675 7.2 抽穗 525 8.1 玉米 灌浆 525 8.21 全生育期 1725 ,2,农作物灌溉需水量计算 项目区内农业灌溉需水量用下列公式计算: W,M,A 需综毛 3W需式中:—农业生产总需水量~m, A—灌溉面积~公顷, 19 3—综合毛灌溉定额~m/公顷, M综毛 确定综合毛灌溉定额 M综净M,,M,,MM,1122综毛综净, 3式中:M—综合净灌溉定额~m/公顷, 综合 —小麦、玉米的种植比例, ,、,12 3M、M—小麦、玉米的灌溉定额~m/公顷。 12 η—灌溉水利用系数。项目区采用渠道输水~根据井灌区规划 要求~确定灌溉水利用系数0.85。 计算得: 3M=3075+1725=4800m/公顷 综净 3M=4800/0.85=5647.06m/公顷 综毛 ?确定项目区灌溉面积 经在项目区规划布臵图上计算~项目区灌溉面积为39.79公顷。 ?设计年内项目区农业总需水量计算 W,M,A毛需=5647.06×39.79=22.47万立方米。 3.4.3水资源平衡分析 W由以上计算可知~设计年项目区可供水量=25.60万立方米~需水供 W量=22.47万立方米。可见~项目区年度水资源供给量大于年度需水量。 需 4.规划方案 4.1规划目标 根据《上街区土地利用总体规划》提出的要加快土地整理复垦开发 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G arnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P20bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion saf 和确保耕地总量动态平衡的精神~结合上街区社会经济条件~确定本项目整理目标为: 项目区总面积为39.79公顷~经过整理增加耕地39.79公顷~净增耕地达39.79公顷~占项目区土地总面积的100%~增加项目区土地利用率。通过土地整理~把项目区建设成为基础设施完备、生态环境优越、生产效率较高、生产条件良好、田间景观美好、整体功能较强的现代化高效农业生态景区。为维护和改善生态环境~推广农业生产机械化耕作~实现集约化经营~发展地方经济~提高农民生活水平创造良好条件~为坚持土地基本国策、实现耕地总量动态平衡~增加农业生产科技含量、推进农业现代化和社会经济发展提供保障。 通过项目区土地整理~全面配套农田水利、交通、电力、和防护林网建设~把项目区建设成为“田成方、林成网、渠相通、路相连、旱能浇、涝能排”~基础设施完备~生态环境优越~产出率高~生产条件好~具有一定田间景观~整体功能较强的现代化生态农业示范区。建立一个农业科研和技术推广应用的平台~实现耕作机械化、生产规模化和经营集约化~为加快当地农民致富步伐和提高农民的生活质量创造良好条件~成为峡窝镇新的经济增长点。 4.2规划原则 1.坚持与土地利用总体规划、水土保持规划、农业规划、农业区划和新农村建设规划相衔接的原则~重点实施田、水、路、林、沟综合治理。 2.坚持土地整理与农业综合开发相结合~做到统一领导~统一规划~统一标准~统一验收~统一管理~分期分批实施。 3.坚持以农村土地承包责任制政策不变并在尊重广大农民群众意愿 21 的前提下~建立土地使用权流转机制~促进土地适度规模经营。 4.坚持与生态农业科技推广应用和社会服务体系建设相结合的原则~加快农业产业化建设~促进农业综合效益的提高。做到高标准~高质量~高效益~上规模~上档次~整理一片~见效一片的原则。 4.3规划标准 4.3.1依据 1.《土地开发整理规划编制规程》,TD/T1011-2000,, 2.《土地开发整理项目规划设计规范》,TD/T1012-2000,, 3.《土地开发整理项目验收规程》,TD/T1014-2000,, 4.《农田排水工程技术规范》,SL/T4-1999,, 5.《灌溉与排水工程设计规范》,GB/50288-99,, 6.《水土保持综合治理技术规范》,GB/T16453.1-16453.6-1996,, 7.《节水灌溉技术规范》、《农用机井技术规范》,SD188-86,, 8、《道路工程制图标准》(GB50162-92); 9、《水利建设项目经济评价规范》,SL72-94,等 4.3.2标准 1.土地平整工程:在土地平整的方案选择中~主要考虑了项目区的地形地貌以及作物种植要求~尽量使平整工程的土方量最小,根据地形、面积、空间结构特点将项目区划分成若干土地平整单元区~在规划平整单元区内~以项目区内平均高程作为平整后的高程~按照高程近似的原则~将坡面统一推平、覆土、填平~填挖方尽可能限制在本单元区内部~向田块大小一致、基本统一的标准田块方向进行。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 22bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 2. 道路工程:为了方便农业生产与管理~有利于机械化耕作~项目区内应有完善的道路系统。本规划的道路工程分田间路一级。 3. 灌排水工程:本项目采用抽水灌溉方式。项目区被周围的河流环绕~而且面积较小~田面有一定的坡降~汇集的水量直接排入项目区外的河流中。 4.其他工程: ,1,耕作田块整理工程:进行耕作田块内部整理的目的~是使耕作田块的形状、长度、宽度、面积利于作物的生长发育~方便田间管理~利于机械作业和保持水土~方便运输条件。 4.4土地整理工程布局 4.4.1土地平整工程 项目区土地平整采用使用机械局部平整方案~原有的居民点经搬迁之后~有石渣外运~剩下的土质达不到耕作厚度~需从项目区外运客土50公分~以达到良好的耕作条件。根据地形、面积、空间结构特点将项目区划分成若干土地平整单元区~在规划平整单元区内~以项目区内平均高程作为平整后的高程~按照高程近似的原则~将坡面统一推平、覆土、填平~填挖方尽可能限制在本单元区内部~朝向田块大小一致、基本统一的标准田块方向进行。紧密结合田间沟、路、林的全面规划~避免造成返工和浪费~尽量不打乱熟土层结构~不影响农业生产。 4.4.2道路工程 本项目区内的农村道路~是田间生产和运输的动脉~它联系着区与乡、乡与村、村与村、村与田之间,农村道路沿田块边界布设~与渠道、 23 护田林带相协调~并与干路取得衔接~以便形成统一的农村道路网,尽量减少占地面积~道路宽度和密度按实际需要而定,尽量减少跨越沟渠~以节省桥涵工程的投资。项目区内规划道路为田间路一级布设。项目区规划整修田间路4m宽~共3条~2086.7m~泥结碎石路面。其具体布臵详见附图。 4.4.3灌排水工程灌溉工程布局 本项目采用抽水灌溉方式。拟在项目区修农渠6035.1米~水池22个~阀门26个~输水钢管3944.2米~引水进入田间灌溉。排涝工程布局 项目区四周均被河流环绕~而且面积较小~田面有一定的坡降~在田边修矩形排水沟~汇集的水量再排入项目区外的河流中。 4.4.4其他工程 耕作田块整理工程:进行耕作田块内部整理的目的~是使耕作田块的形状、长度、宽度、面积利于作物的生长发育~利于水土保持~方便田间管理~利于机械作业和保持水土~方便运输条件,本项目区田块依据地形特点~规划为70×150米。 4.5土地利用结构调整结果 本项目整理实施后~可整理出耕地39.79公顷~其他为道路沟渠用地。如表4。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G ety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P24bility. Not 表4 土地利用结构调整表 单位:公顷 建设用地 农用地 行政村 项目 总计 水浇地 其他农用地 居民点 规划前 39.79 0 0 39.79 西林子村 规划后 39.79 39.79 0.00 0 增减值 0.00 39.79 0.00 -39.79 规划前 100 0 0 100 所占比例,%, 规划后 100 100 0 0 增减值 0.00 100 0 -100 4.6土地权属调整方案 项目区土地整理后~耕地基本达到基础设施配套~耕作条件得到极大改善~土地经营管理单元都以方形田块为基本单位~但由于原有承包权界线常常从不同田块中穿过~因此~只有经过对土地承包权的权属界线调整以后~才能保证典型地块经营管理的完整性~防止人为割裂~违背土地整理初衷。同时整理后的土地质量有了较大提高~生产条件也有了明显改善~农村空闲宅基地土地得到了整理利用~这些都吸引了人们的高度关注~如果权属调整不当~往往造成新的土地纠纷~产生社会不稳定因素。为促进土地经营管理的规模化~保护国家、集体和个人的根本利益~维护社会安定团结~对项目区完成整理的土地必须进行权属调整。 4.6.1权属调整的原则 (1)依法、公开、公正、公平和自愿~充分保障广大农民的利益。 (2)坚持集体土地总面积不变,权属单位土地面积有限变化。 25 (3)有利于稳定农村家庭联产承包责任制。 (4)保障整理后土地的设计质量。 (5)有利生产~方便生活。 (6)沿袭传统~集中连片 (7)耕作机械化、生产规模化、经营集约化。 4.6.2权属调整的依据和程序 根据国土资源部国土资发[1999]358号文件精神~土地开发整理工作中~一定要注意保护土地产权人的合法权益。在土地开发整理之前~首先做好现有土地资源的产权登记~核实集体所有土地及土地使用者使用的土地的数量、质量、用途、位臵~查清土地使用者的权属状况及证件~对土地整理区的土地登记作到必要的限制~非特殊情况不允许进行变更登记。土地整理后要确保原土地承包人的合法权益~以土地整理前后土地评估结果为依据进行再分配~保证数量有增加、质量有提高。 4.6.3 权属调整实施措施及方法 项目区土地权属调整~根据有关土地管理的政策~将采取如下措施: ,1,成立由国土资源局局长为组长、镇主要领导任副组长、项目涉及村主要领导为成员的旧村庄整理项目权属调整领导小组。 ,2,土地整理前进行统一的确权登记。包括项目区域的确切边界,项目区域内宗地的数量、类型、质量,项目区域内的土地权利人类型、数量,原有土地的确权登记发证情况。土地权属现状调查完成后~区国土资源局应就现有土地状况进行综合评价。 ,3,本项目工程完成后~区国土资源局应对整理后的土地进行综合评价~作为实施整理后土地分配方案的参考或修正依据。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G arnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P26bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion saf ,4,土地整理后的农用地分配~坚持参与土地整理各方土地总面积不变和集中连片、便于利用的原则~参照土地综合评价结果~按项目区内各组织的原有土地比例~以标准田块为基本单元~根据路、渠等线状地物重新调整权属界线~确认边界四至~埋设界桩。 ,5,区国土资源局应根据土地分配结果进行权属调整~权属调整工作完成后~依据[1995]国土[法]字第184号通知进行权属变更登记与核发土地证书。 ,6,涉及农民承包地调整的~由乡村集体经济组织依据整理前与承包人签订的协议重新调整并登记造册。 4.7投资规模估算 4.7.1投资规模估算投资规模估算依据 1.《土地开发整理项目资金管理暂行办法》 2.《新增建设用地土地有偿使用费收缴使用管理办法》 3.《新增建设用地土地有偿使用费收缴使用财务管理暂行办法》 4.《土地开发整理项目规划设计规范》(TD/T1012-2000) 5.《土地开发整理项目预算编制办法,试行,》 6.《土地开发整理项目预算定额》(试行稿) 7.《土地开发整理项目施工机械台班费定额》(试行稿) 8.《土地开发整理项目预算编制暂行规定》 9.《郑州市标准造价信息》,2007.7,2007.10, 10.国土资源部财(2005)169号文件 27投资内容 本规划投资内容主要包括:,1,项目区内的土地平整工程,,2,项目区内的道路工程~仅包括田间路,,3,项目区内的农田水利工程。本规划投资预算不包括区外配套工程。投资结构 上街区峡窝镇西林子村“空新村”整理项目包括土地平整工程、田间道路工程和其他工程。预算总投资358.11万元~其中工程施工费312.92万元~占总投资的87.38%~其中土地平整工程153.85万元,农田水利工程87.34万元~田间道路工程69.10万元,其它费用共计37.60万元~占总投资的10.50%~,其中前期工作费17.15万元~占总投资的4.79%,工程监理费4.19~占总投资的1.17%,竣工验收费9.39万元~占总投资的2.62%,业主管理费6.87万元~占总投资的1.92%,,不可预见费7.02万元~占总投资的1.96%。项目分年度投资计划 本项目分6个月实施~总投资358.11万元。 4.7.2资金筹集 本项目属于郑州市投资项目~纳入本次投资预算范围的工程建设资金,358.11万元,全部由郑州市承担~未纳入本次投资预算范围的工程建设资金由地方承担。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 28bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 5.规划方案评价 5.1社会效益评价 5.1.1增加耕地面积~提高土地利用率 通过土地整理~耕地面积增加39.79公顷~占项目区面积的100%。整理后将提高项目区耕地质量~缓解当地人多地少的紧张关系~扩大农村剩余劳动力就业面~从而提高农民收入~改善农民生活条件~促进地方经济的持续发展。 5.1.2改善耕地质量~提高耕地产出率 本项目实施以后~土地得到平整~田块规整~水利设施配套完善~田间道路和农田防护林成网~区内所有的耕地将成为“旱能灌、涝能排、田规整”的标准田块,再加上大力推广和使用有机肥料和生物肥料~耕地质量将得到全面提高~从而增加耕地产出率。 5.1.3促进农业结构调整~增加农民收入 项目实施后~将形成完善的田间道路系统和灌排系统~有利于推进规模化和专业化经营~促进农业结构调整。另一方面~项目实施后~农民可充分利用完善的农业生产设施~发展多种经营~降低生产成本和风险~从而增加收入。 5.1.4 增强合理利用土地~切实保护耕地的意识 经过田、水、路、林的综合整治~使项目区建设成为农村居民点土地整理即旧村庄治理示范项目区~将增强项目涉及村镇广大人民群众、 29 各级政府和国土管理部门合理利用土地、切实保护耕地的意识。 5.1.5增加就业机会~促进社会稳定 项目实施后~耕地面积的增加、农业产业结构的调整可为项目区内农村剩余劳动力提供就业机会,通过合理、合法的土地权属调整~避免“插花地”的出现~可以减少今后土地利用过程中可能引发的各种纠纷~有利于保持项目区的社会稳定。 5.2生态效益评价 项目生态环境的保护与发展主要是依靠有效的工程措施、生物措施和科学合理的管理措施来实现。 郑州市上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目采取平整土地~改善水利设施和交通条件~建设农田防护林和水土保持林等措施~进行统一规划~统一实施~形成稳定性强、生产能力高的复合农业生态系统。原有的疏林地将重新规划整治~林地覆盖率增加~绿化率和人均绿地面积增加~利于减小风速~控制地表径流~有效地起到保持水土~涵养水源~减少土壤冲刷~防风固沙、调节气温、增加湿度的作用~构成经济合理的物质能量流~增强对自然灾害具的抵抗性~减少水土流失~改善区内生态环境~土地利用趋向良性循环~增强农业生产的后劲。 5.3经济效益评价 项目区整理后的经济效益主要来自于新增耕地的作物产量。耕地区种植冬小麦、夏玉米等传统作物~经土壤改良和熟化后各种作物产量和产值可达到冬小麦、夏玉米轮种~一年两熟~平均亩产量可达800-1000Kg。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 30bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 5.3.1项目区新增耕地种植小麦、玉米可创造的收益 项目实施后净增增耕地39.79公顷~每年每公顷产小麦6750公斤~玉米6000公斤~项目区新增耕地每年可产生的经济效益为66.25万元。 表5 预计新增耕地的经济效益 作物名称 种植面积,公顷, 产量,公斤, 单价,元,公斤, 产值,万元, 小 麦 39.79 6750 1.4 37.60 玉 米 39.79 6000 1.2 28.65 合 计 79.58 12750 / 66.25 每公顷年成本约3000元~新增耕地年成本共11.94万元,则项目区新增耕地每年净增产值总量达到54.31万元。 5.3.2投入产出分析 峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目预算总投资358.11万元~整理项目区总面积为39.79公顷~每公顷投入量约为17.56 元。根据以上计算~达到足产年~项目区每年可净增收益总计54.31万元。 5.3.3项目投资回收期 该项目规划投资建设期限为半年~总投资额358.11万元。经计算~静态回收期为6.59年。由于项目区土壤贫瘠~项目投产后~生产力水平有一个逐步提高的过程。因此~实际投资回收期比计算值略长~约为7-8年。 综上所述~本项目实施所产生的社会效益是巨大的~生态效益是明显的~经济效益是可行的~达到了社会效益、经济效益与生态效益的统一~符合土地整理的目标。 31 6.项目实施措施 6.1 组建管理机构 建立由分管副区长为组长~区政府办公室主任和区国土资源局局长任副组长~农业、水利、林业、环保、电力、交通等部门领导以及峡窝镇乡长为成员的旧村庄整理项目领导小组~负责项目实施的领导和协调工作~办公室设在区国土资源局。另外~应组建旧村庄整理项目技术小组~人员从区国土局、水利局、农业局、环保局、交通局、电力局各抽调1名技术人员组成~为该项目的实施提供强有力的技术保障。 6.2 进行宣传发动 旧村庄整理项目是兼顾经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的一项工程~应作好项目公告工作~将整个项目区的范围、面积、工程数量以及项目实施的各项进行公告~接受社会对项目实施的监督。 6.3 项目实施管理 ,1,实行项目法人负责制 应借鉴外地土地开发整理产业化的运作模式~成立一个具有独立法人资格的企业——上街区土地整理中心~负责从工程施工的招标、监理到竣工验收的全过程。其本身的运作又受到由各部门成员组成的董事会、监事会的有效监督~从而保证旧村庄整理项目资金的专款专用和工程质量。 ,2,实行项目工程招标制 为防止暗箱操作~保证工程质量~由区土地整理中心对工程内容逐一分解~向社会公开招标。竞标方按照工程质量和施工要求~拟定工期、报价和质量标准等~最终由区占补平衡工作领导小组择优选定中标单位。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G estableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P32bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and e ,3,实行项目工程监理制 为了保证工程实施的质量~控制工期和投资~区土地整理中心应及时公开竞聘专业技术人员对工程进行全程监理。 ,4,项目资金管理 根据《土地开发整理项目资金管理暂行办法》的要求~结合项目区的实际情况~研究落实具体的实施办法。总的要求是做到四个坚持:坚持实行项目资金专款专用~不截留~不挤占挪用,坚持按照规定的开支范围支出~力争不突破投资总额,坚持严把资金流转渠道~层层设立专账~实行一支笔审批,坚持项目资金决算制度~严格资金审计~确保项目资金落到实处。项目资金拨付由施工单位根据工程进度提出申请~经工程监理单位审查后~报区土地整理中心审批~中心在拨付资金之前~必须对上期资金使用情况进行检查验收。 ,5,实行项目竣工验收制 工程完成后~在监理人员认可的基础上~由市国土资源局土地整理中心按有关规范和标准~对项目进行验收。竣工验收合格后~办理工程移交手续~交上街区土地整理中心管理。 6.4 调整土地权属 项目区土地权属关系清晰~无权属纠纷问题。 土地整理后~要确保原土地承包人的使用权~以土地整理前后土地评估结果为依据进行土地再分配~保证土地质量得到提高~数量应有所增加。涉及土地所有权、使用权调整的~负责整理的单位应当组织协调各方签订所有权和使用权调整协议~调整协议报区人民政府批准后作为土地所有权、使用权调整的依据。 33 第 二 部 分 工 程 设 计 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P34 1.项目工程建设概况 1.1项目建设任务 项目区位于郑州市上街区峡窝镇~土地面积共39.79公顷。地理位臵为地理位臵为E113?15′32″--113?16′37″; N34?43′09″--34?44′11″。项目区投资总额为358.11万元~其中工程施工费312.92万元~设备费0.57万元~其它费用37.60万元~不可预见费7.02万元。 1.根据地形地势及地面高程~确定土地平整方案及平整工程量, 2.合理布臵田间道路~确定其级别、标准和工程量, 1.2项目区水文地质 项目区内有清流河通过~地下水资源较为丰富~地下水埋深为20-40米~水质较好~pH值在7.5左右~适宜于农田灌溉和人畜饮用。项目区井深一般为35米~出水量50吨/小时。 1.3工程类型与数量 项目区主要工程类型包括四种:一是土地平整工程,二是农田水利工程~,三是道路工程,主要包括田间路;四是其它工程,主要包括林网工程。 项目区田块经土地平整后设计成标准田块~长度设计为70m~宽度为150 m。土地平整工程土方量共计10.17万立方米。 项目区采用抽水灌溉方式。 田间路宽4m~总长2086.7m。 35 2.工程设计 2.1工程设计依据 1.《土地开发整理项目规划设计规范》,TD/T1012-2000,, 2.《水土保持综合治理技术规范》,GB/T16453.1-16453.6-1996,, 3.《灌溉与排水工程设计规范》,GB/50288-99,, 4.《节水灌溉技术规范》,SL207-98,, 5.《农田排水工程技术规范》,SL/T4-1999,, 6.《道路工程制图标准》,GB50162-92,, 7.《水利水电工程制图标准》,SL73—1995,, 8.《公路桥涵设计通用规范》,JT/J021—1989,, 9.《农田灌溉水质标准》,GB5084—1992,。 2.2土地平整工程设计 土地平整的原则是在确定土地利用的前提下~根据相应的要求来确定不同的平整方案。土地平整施工要保证土壤肥力不减小~土层比较薄的地方在平整时要先剥离表土~待平整达到要求后回填表土~可以保持土壤肥力。 本项目采取以单个田块为平整单元的局部平整方案进行土地平整~即将田块统一平整到一个相对的高程点。根据地形、面积、空间结构特点将项目区划分成若干土地平整单元区~在规划平整单元区内~以项目区内平均高程作为平整后的高程~按照高程近似的原则,将田面统一推平、填平~填挖方尽可能限制在本单元区内部~经土地平整后保证田块内水分接受相对均匀。由于原有的居民点经搬迁之后~有石渣外运~剩下的土质达不到耕作厚度~需从项目区外运客土50公分~以达到良好的 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 36bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 耕作条件。 土方量计算采用国产软件MAPGIS进行~即在计算机中生成数字高程模型DTM~然后利用MAPGIS空间分析功能~计算挖填方量。具体步骤如下: ,1,将地形图和一些高程点进行扫描、矢量化及输入高程属性等处理, ,2,打开MAPGIS中的DTM分析模块~装入高程线和特征点,高程点,文件, ,3,分别选择“点数据高程点提取”和“线数据高程点提取”分别提取高程线和特征点的高程点数据, ,4,选择“快速生成三角剖分”功能~形成*.tin文件, ,5,装入需要计算的项目区文件, ,6,选择“蓄积量/表面积计算”功能~用鼠标选取各标准田块~输入“计算用高程”即规划高程~选择“计算”后~计算机自动计算指定区域的水平面积、地表面积、搬去方量、添入方量及外运方量, ,7,将各计算结果导入EXCEL表~计算整个项目区的挖填方量的平均数~得到本项目区土地平整土方量。,具体计算过程见土方量计算相关图表附件, 经计算~本项目土地平整工程总土方量约为10.17万方。 2.3道路工程设计 道路布臵原则是尽量和项目区内田块配套~构成互通网络~便于农业生产。具体布局中~生产路主要沿田块长边呈网状或环状布臵。 根据有关标准~田间路素土路基~4.8米~泥结碎石路面4米。 项目区内道路建设总长2086.7m。 37 2.4农田灌排工程设计 2.4.1灌溉工程设计 项目区地下水资源极为丰富~足可满足项目区灌溉需水量~且水质较好~适宜农业灌溉。因此项目区全部采用抽水灌溉。 2.4.2排涝工程设计 项目区四周均被河流环绕~而且面积较小~田面有一定的坡降~在田边修矩形排水沟~汇集的水量再排入项目区外的河流中。 2.5典型田块设计 田块布设根据蓄水池、单眼井的控制面积及排水沟位臵来布设~田块形状尽量设计成长方形~其长边沿垂直于风向的方向布设~一般为东西向布臵。田块的长度根据当地农田建设经验~考虑农业机械化要求~确定为70m左右~田块宽度确定为150m。田块的高程结合地形~依据一定坡降确定。 3.施工组织设计 3.1施工条件分析 3.1.1自然条件 项目区自然条件优越~属暖温带季风性大陆气候~光热条件好~雨热同期~适宜多种作物生长。项目区水资源较为丰富~补给充分~便于开发利用~水资源补给保障度较高。地下水埋深20-40米~水层厚20-30米~机井出水量50立方米/小时~经土地整理后~项目区地下水资源可满足农业生产用水需求。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G arnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P38bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion saf 3.1.2社会经济条件 项目区内便利的交通条件能够满足施工的需要~方便各类工程建设所需的材料和燃料的购买,附近有电力线经过~为工程实施提供了较好的电力基础,此外~广大人民群众对此项目的实施抱有强烈的期盼~希望项目能尽快地实施~这为该项目的实施奠定了深厚的群众基础。 3.2施工程序 本项目主要工程包括:土地平整工程、灌溉工程、排水工程、道路工程、防护林工程。整个施工过程应大致按下列程序进行:土地平整工程?道路工程?灌溉工程?排水工程。 3.3施工组织与管理 3.3.1组织机构设臵 项目法人为上街区土地整理中心~建设单位为峡窝镇人民政府。法人单位成立专门的管理机构管理此项工程~负责工程招标~委托监理公司进行监理~以保证工程建设质量。 3.3.2工程施工管理 除土方开挖等技术要求不高的工作由建设单位组织群众进行施工外~技术性工程实行招标制。首先由项目法人将工程分解~并拟定相应招标文件、确定中标条件~经土地开发整理项目领导小组审核批准后~向社会公开招标~并按法定程序组织竞标。通过公平竞争~选出中标单位~经领导小组审核后最终确定。 工程施工实行监理制~以保证项目的建设质量、建设工期~控制投资资金的数量和使用方向。项目法人应聘请相关部门专家组成项目工程 39 质量监督小组~一是负责协调各项工程之间的进度安排,二是对施工过程、材料用量、建筑标准等进行监督。 工程施工除了实行项目法人责任制、招标投标制、工程监理制以外~还应积极引导公众参与~为工程施工奠定群众基础。 法人单位和建设单位按有关规定进行资金管理~确保工程资金落实到位~使工程建设顺利进行。 本项目按《土地开发整理标准》进行分项验收~法人单位在监理人员认可的基础上~按验收规范对各项工程进行验收。验收合格后~报市国土资源局进行最终验收~验收通过后办理工程的移交手续。 3.4进度管理 本项目建设期为6个月~工程进度安排见表6所示。 表6 工程进度计划表 第二季度 第一季度 项目名称 项目地点 施工项目 4月 5月 6月 1月 2月 3月 土地平整 郑州市上街 道路工程 区峡窝镇西西林子村 林子村旧村 农田水利 庄整理项目 其他工程 3.5质量管理 项目工程管理实行业主负责制与政府督查相结合~以保证整个工程的质量。由区国土局在项目实施过程中~邀请相关部门专家组成项目工程质量监督小组~一是负责协调各项工程之间的进度安排,二是对施工过程、材料用量、建筑标准等根据规划设计标准进行监督。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G estableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P40bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and e 第 三 部 分 规 划 设 计 说 明 41 1.项目规划说明 1.1项目批复与调整 项目区位于郑州市上街区峡窝镇~土地面积共39.79公顷。地理位臵为地理位臵为E113?15′32″--113?16′37″; N34?43′09″--34?44′11″。经过现场勘测项目区总面积保持不变。 1.2项目规划过程 1.2.1成立规划领导小组与技术小组 峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目为市投资重点项目。为了使项目规划能顺利进行~上街区成立了由分管副区长为组长~区政府办公室主任和区国土资源局局长任副组长~土地、农业、水利、林业、环保、电力、交通等部门领导以及峡窝镇分管副乡长为成员的规划设计领导小组~负责项目规划设计的组织与协调工作,同时~成立了由区国土资源局局长任组长~土地、农业、水利、林业、环保、交通、电力等部门专家为成员的技术小组~协助解决规划设计中的有关技术问题。本项目的规划设计和预算编制工作由郑州市上街区土地整理中心承担。 1.2.2资料收集与实地踏勘 根据《土地开发整理标准》及土地开发整理规划编制要求~规划设计组将规划设计中所需要的各种文字资料和图件列成清单~由规划设计领导小组指派专人到相关单位收集。 规划设计组在当地有关领导和技术人员的陪同下~先后2次到项目区进行实地踏勘~主要了解项目区的地形、地貌、种植制度、水源、基础设施等情况~并就规划设计中可能涉及的具体问题向当地基层领导、农民征求意见。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P42 1.2.3规划设计阶段 在熟悉资料、了解情况的基础上~与技术小组的专家协商~初步确定了项目区主要工程的规划布臵方案。在内业处理过程中~规划设计组根据土地整理规划设计有关规范~对土地平整工程、田间道路工程、农田防护林工程及其单项工程进行具体的规划设计。规划设计完成后~进行工程投资预算~撰写规划设计报告。 1.2.4检查校核阶段 工程规划设计、投资预算编制完成后~规划设计组对各项工作进行全面检查与校核~并在征求有关专家的意见后~进行修改完善。 1.2.5成果提交阶段 规划设计完成后~规划设计组将成果提交市国土资源局审核。本次规划设计的成果主要包括:,1,图件~包括项目区土地利用现状图、项目区规划图及其它图件,,2,规划文本~包括项目规划设计总报告、项目规划说明、项目工程设计说明,,3,项目投资预算书~包括预算说明、预算总表。 1.3基础数据来源 ,1,《上街区土地利用总体规划,1997—2010年,》 ,2,《峡窝镇土地利用总体规划,1997—2010年,》 ,3,《上街区土地开发整理专项规划,2001—2010年, ,4,《上街区二00六年农业综合开发项目计划材料》 ,5,《上街区统计年鉴》,2006年, ,6,《上街区土地变更调查资料,2006,》 ,7,上街区地方志编纂委员会编~上街区区志 ,8,河南省《土地管理法》实施办法 ,9,上街区农业区划办公室、上街区农业局~《上街区土壤》~1983年 43 10月, ,10,上街区水利志编纂领导小组主编~《上街区水利志》~ 1994年10月, ,11,上街区统计局~《上街区国民经济统计资料》,2006年,, ,12,上街区国土资源局~《上街区峡窝镇旧村庄整理项目可行性研究报告》~2007年。 以上图件,含电子版,部分均由上街区国土资源局编制和提供。 2.项目工程设计说明 2.1项目设计标准 2.1.1标准田块大小 标准田块的大小直接影响到田间道路和农田水利工程的布局。田块的长度直接关系到农业机械田间作业效率~宽度则直接决定于最末级固定水渠的间距~从而影响到排水沟能否及时有效地降低地下水水位。当地田块的建设标准为:田宽70米~长度150米。 2.1.2灌溉方式 项目区地下水资源极为丰富~足可满足项目区灌溉需水量~可利用地下水作为灌溉水源。 拟设计项目区灌溉面积为39.79公顷。综合考虑水资源状况、自然条件、当地农业生产水平及农作物种植情况~最后确定项目区采用供水方便、占地少、投资省~便于管理~符合当前农业生产发展水平的引水灌溉方式。 2.1.3排涝方式 按照《土地开发整理标准》规定~结合当地情况~除涝设计标准采用十年一遇~一日暴雨~3日排除至作物耐淹水深的标准。项目区四周有河流环绕汇集的水可以直接排入项目区外的河流中。 t party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people.ere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a leto adhthe party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere uozhen once said: "since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships ". Since we have chosen to do Wang G 44bility. Notety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsion safarnestly safeguard the people's life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for productiish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and eestableat importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly tification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 "accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach grem recrecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problarty committee, today we called the city's production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the In accordance with the requirements of the municipal P 2.2关于项目区内规划道路的说明 按照土地开发整理的标准~区内道路的设计要能满足农用机械运输的需要~但受投资限制~建设标准不可过高。因此~本项目区田间路设计为宽4m~泥结碎石路面。如果地方政府有提高道路标准、将道路硬质化的需要~则该部分投资由地方政府承担。 附件 1.项目可行性研究摘要书 2.项目面积量算报告 附图 1.上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目现状图 2.上街区峡窝镇西林子村旧村庄整理项目规划图 3.单体工程图 45
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