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室内空气质量标准室内空气质量标准 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Do...
室内空气质量 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 《室内空气质量标准》编制说明 一、制定标准的目的和意义 室内空气污染不仅破坏人们的工作和生活环境,而且直接威胁着人们的身体健康。这主要是因为:(1)人们每天大约有80%以上的时间是在室内度过的,所呼吸的空气主要来自于室内,与室内污染物接触的机会和时间均多于室外。(2)室内污染物的来源和种类日趋增多,造成室内空气污染程度在室外空气污染的基础上更加重了一层。(3)为了节约能源,现代建筑物密闭化程度增加,由于其中央空调换气设施不完善,致使室内污染物不能及时排出室外,造成室内空气质量的恶化。 室内空气污染包括物理、化学、生物和放射性污染,来源于室内和室外两部分。室内来源主要有消费品和化学品的使用、建筑和装饰材料以及个人活动。如(1)各种燃料燃烧、烹调油烟及吸烟产生的CO、NO、SO、可吸入颗粒物、甲醛、多环芳烃(苯并[a]芘)等。(2)建筑、装饰材料、22 家具和家用化学品释放的甲醛和挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)、氡及其子体等。(3)家用电器和某些办公用具导致的电磁辐射等物理污染和臭氧等化学污染。(4)通过人体呼出气、汗液、大小便等排出的CO、氨类化合物、硫化氢等内源性化学污染物,呼出气中排出的苯、甲苯、苯乙烯、氯仿等2 外源性污染物;通过咳嗽、打喷嚏等喷出的流感病毒、结核杆菌、链球菌等生物污染物。(5)室内用具产生的生物性污染,如在床褥、地毯中孳生的尘螨等。 )室外空气中的各种污染物包括工业废气和汽车尾气通过门窗、孔隙等进入室外来源主要有(1 室内。(2)人为带入室内的污染物,如干洗后带回家的衣服,可释放出残留的干洗剂四氯乙烯和三氯乙烯;将工作服带回家中,可使工作环境中的苯进入室内等。 目前我国对于住宅和办公建筑物室内空气质量缺乏系统的标准,为了控制室内空气污染,切实提高我国的室内空气质量,在借鉴国外相关指标、标准的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,参考国内现有的标准,特制定《室内空气质量标准》。 二、本标准中条文的依据 (一) 室内空气质量标准依据 1 室内空气质量标准依据 污染物名称 标准值 依 据 3二氧化硫SO GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》 0.50 mg/m 1h 2 3二氧化氮NO GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》 20.24 mg/m 1 h 3一氧化碳CO GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》 10 mg/m 1 h 室外浓度以上二氧化碳CO 28 h ASHREA 62-1999 31260 mg/m 3氨NH 前苏联工业企业设计卫生标准(CH245-71) 0.20 mg/m 1 h 3 3臭氧O GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》 30.1 6mg/m 1 h guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 表1 室内空气质量标准依据(续) 香港地区办公室及公共场所室内空气质量管理指南3甲醛HCHO 0.10mg/m 1h -2000 苯 香港地区办公室及公共场所室内空气质量管理指南3 1 h 0.11mg /mCH -2000 66 结合我国具体情况,等效采用前苏联工业企业设计卫3 甲苯 0.20mg/m1h 生标准(CH245-71)中二甲苯的标准 3 二甲苯 前苏联工业企业设计卫生标准(CH245-71) 0.20mg/m1h 苯并(a)芘 3 WS/T182-1999《室内空气中苯并(a)芘卫生标准》 1ng/m24 h B(a)P 可吸入颗粒物 GB/T17095-1997《室内空气中可吸入颗粒物卫生标30.15 mg/m 24 h PM10 准》;GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》 总挥发性有机物 香港地区办公室及公共场所室内空气质量管理指南30.60 mg/m 8 h TVOC -2000 依据 参照前苏联、我国公共场所卫生标准、我国人防工事3细菌 2500 cfu/m 仪器定 空气中细菌卫生标准制定。 1、关于SO的说明 2 SO对室内的污染与家庭炊事模式、通风换气情况、污染源强度、燃料种类、室内结构以及室2 外SO浓度等因素有关。 2 SO易溶于水,它与水结合形成亚硫酸,并可氧化生成硫酸,刺激眼和鼻粘膜,并具有腐蚀性。2 SO在组织液中的溶解度高,所以吸入空气中的SO很快会在上呼吸道溶解,很少进入深部气道。 22 3 世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐保护公众健康的指导限值(24h平均值)为0.125 mg/m。 3 我国GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》二级标准规定二氧化硫小时平均浓度为0.50 mg/m。本标准等效采用了这一限值。 2、关于NO的说明 2 3 WHO认为NO对实验动物产生危害的作用浓度大约在0.94 mg/m,并将此值作为制定NO卫22生标准的参考基准值。大量动物实验结果表明,NO对实验物产生危害作用的最低浓度大约在0.80,2 331.00 mg/m左右。资料表明,NO 对人体产生危害作用的阈浓度约为0.31,0.62 mg/m。 2 对哈尔滨、沈阳室内空气检测结果表明,冬季使用原煤的住宅室内NO日平均浓度为0.03,0.15 2 33mg/m,使用煤气和液化气的日平均浓度为0.06,0.20 mg/m,夏季,使用三种类型燃料的室内NO2 3日平均浓度为0.01,0.08 mg/m。 3 GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》二级标准规定二氧化氮小时平均浓度为0.24mg/m,本标准等效采用了这一限值。 3、关于CO的说明 一氧化碳主要是通过与血液中的血红蛋白(Hb)结合形成碳氧血红蛋白(COHb),阻止氧与Hb的结合,从而降低了血液输送氧的能力,引起组织缺氧使机体各项代谢发生紊乱。 General meeting of government offices under the new situation-image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary , goodd a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedicationge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtureusiness training, knowledFocus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various bsupport capability further strengthened. according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. ple, of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing peo d improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvementconstruction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen an Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office ence service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logisticsguide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, confer 17 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation WHO推荐,空气中CO浓度应为人群血液中COHb%不超过2.5%为主要限制指标。 3 河北省卫生防疫站调查指出,室内CO浓度<5mg/m时,不吸烟人群中COHb%在2%以下。本 3标准采用GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》二级标准限值—10mg/m(小时均值)。 4、关于CO 的说明 2 正常情况下,室内CO浓度很低(<0.07%)。由于人群聚居、燃料燃烧等因素,可使室内CO22水平升高。在我国北方,冬天燃煤烹饪及分散式取暖,加上通风不良,室内CO浓度可达2.0%2 3(40000mg/m)以上。 CO浓度在<0.07%时,人体感觉良好; 0.1%时个别敏感者有不舒适感; 0.15%时不舒适感明2 显。 室内CO的含量明显受到人群聚集时间、容积、通风状况和物质燃烧等的影响。2 31800mg/m(1000ppm)原被WHO、ASHREA(1989)等国际权威机构推荐作为室内人体长期接触的理想浓度或可接受浓度,并被世界多个国家(包括中国卫生标准)采纳为室内空气质量标准浓度限 3值。但着重考虑标准的科学性,本标准赞同ASHREA1999年做出的修订,即将1800mg/m的绝对限 3值改为“室外浓度以上1260mg/m”的相对限值。 5、关于氨的说明 调查发现,室内氨污染主要来自于结构中用到含氨的防冻剂的建筑物中。氨的溶解度较大,易溶于上呼吸道的水分中,因而吸入后仅很小的一部分能够到达肺组织。可造成眼睛、呼吸道和皮 3肤的刺激。 Saifutdinov(1966)测定22位最敏感者嗅阈为0.5 ,0.55mg/m。 3 前苏联工业企业设计卫生标准(CH245-71)中规定居民住区大气中氨的浓度限值为0.20mg/m。本标准等效采用了此值。 6、关于O的说明 3 室内O的主要来源是室外光化学污染产物,室内O浓度与本地区室外O的浓度密切相关。室333内臭氧消毒器、紫外灯和某些办公用具(如复印机)也可导致臭氧的污染。 O的毒性主要表现对呼吸系统的强烈刺激和损伤,能引起上呼吸道炎症。长期接触一定浓度的3 O易于引发上呼吸道感染。 3 3表2 现有其他国家或地区室内空气质量推荐O标准(mg/m) 3 澳大利亚 英国 日本 新加坡 香港 0.12/1h 0.20/1h 0.12/1h 0.10/1h 0.12/1h 3我国GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》二级标准规定O的小时平均浓度为0.16 mg/m,本标准3 等效采用了这一限值。 、关于甲醛的说明 7 甲醛对人体健康的影响主要表现在嗅觉异常、刺激、过敏、肺功能异常、肝功能异常、免疫功能异常等方面,而个体差异很大。 effectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, anommunications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementationiring government departments at all levels cannot be "Gramophone", "mail room" and "the Messenger" is not confined to paper crequ s. And explicitly put forward the "surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation" is the core of government offices,the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiative and steadfastnes grasp on to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmlychallenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situatinew lly analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices bring new situations and new problems andthe State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifica General of-d strive to create a new situation of system of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the SecretaryThese problems, we must guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. unning not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office work ofents rck situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector documvation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decision implementation of contact enough close, feedbainno ot in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and servicegap is still very big. Main is daily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and n the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our 18 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 表3 短时间甲醛暴露的人体急性刺激反应 3空气甲醛浓度水平(mg/m) 人体健康效应 报道范围 中位数 嗅阈 0.06~1.2 0.1 眼刺激阈 0.01~1.9 0.5 咽刺激阈 0.1~3.1 0.6 眼刺激感 2.5~3.7 3.1 流泪(30分钟暴露) 5.0~6.2 5.6 强烈流泪(1小时暴露) 12~25 17.8 危及生命:水肿、炎症、肺炎 37~60 37.5 死亡 60~125 125 3WHO以嗅阈值的中位数作为健康终点效应值,提出甲醛的空气质量浓度为0.10mg/m,《香港 3地区办公室及公共场所室内空气质量管理指南-2000》规定甲醛的标准为0.10mg/m,本标准等效采用了该值作为室内空气中甲醛的浓度限值。 8、关于苯的说明 美国对苯的接触量研究较多,1980-1987年间应用的总接触量评价学(TEAM)方法在美国的八个地区直接测定了大约800人的个体接触量。结果表明:99%以上的苯个体暴露来自于空气。苯个体接触量的平均值大于室内空气浓度,也大于室外空气浓度。美国及欧洲苯个体接触量的平均值 33为15,g/m (7,29,g/m)。 对加利弗尼亚、马里兰及新泽西州的三个城市的监测表明:苯的室内空气浓度平均值为 33310,g/m,室外空气中苯的平均值为6,g/m(2,19,g/m)。来自于德克萨斯州、新泽西州和加利弗尼亚州不同城市的研究结果表明:外环境中苯的主要点源(如:炼油厂、储油罐、化工厂等)对苯的个体接触量影响较小,身边的局部污染源(如使用除臭剂、穿干洗的衣服等)则占有重要比重。 吸烟者苯接触量主要来源于(90%)香烟主流烟雾,其身体负荷苯的平均值为不吸烟者的6,10倍,在美国苯的总接触量的一半是由吸烟者造成的。对于不吸烟者苯的接触量主要来自于汽车废气或汽油的蒸发,包括室外空气和家用停车场中汽油蒸发造成的室内空气污染,以及个体活动(如驾车)中接触的苯。而环境烟草烟雾和苯的主要点源(石油化工厂或精炼厂)对苯的接触只占很小的一部分,分别为10%和6%。 在我国由于各种含苯溶剂的大量应用,除造成职业接触苯与含苯溶剂的人数达50万外,也导致室内外环境空气中苯的普遍存在。 特别是改革开放以来,我国汽车工业飞速发展,平均年增长速度大于10%,到1996年全国年产汽车总数已达147.52万辆。据报道,大气中80%的苯来源于汽车尾气,在自然通风的条件下,室内大约有70%的苯来源于室外的汽车尾气。室内装饰材料的使用,人类日常活动如吸烟、家用化学品的使用等均可导致室内空气中苯系物的种类和数量的增加。 according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. General meeting of government offices under the new situationple, -image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary , goodd a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedicationge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtureusiness training, knowledFocus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various bof operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing peo d improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvementconstruction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen an Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office support capability further strengthened. ence service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logisticsguide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, confer 19 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 3我国对部分城市居室和办公室的测定结果表明苯的室内空气浓度为11,560,g/m,室外空气中 333苯的浓度为10,134,g/m。苯的个体接触量为19,102,g/m,呼出气中苯的浓度为9,60,g/m。 表4 苯的个体接触水平测定数据的比较 室外 室内 个体 呼出气 血液 3333µg/m µg/m µg/m µg/m ng/ml 14—21(吸烟) 美国 6(2—19) 10(2.4—25) 15(7—29) 0.1—1 TEAM 2—4 (非吸烟) 2.0 ?1.0(学校) 我国实 50.6?34.6 62.2?36.4 64.5?36.2 29.3?15.6 3.6?1.2(研究所) 验结果 11.9?3.5(工厂) 苯能引起麻醉和刺激呼吸道,并在体内神经组织及骨髓中蓄积,破坏造血功能(红、白血球的破坏使血小板减少)长期接触会造成严重后果。 本标准考虑到我国的实际情况,参考《香港地区办公室及公共场所室内空气质量管理指南-2000》 33规定苯的标准为0.11mg/m,,提出室内空气中苯的浓度限值为0.11mg/m。 9、关于甲苯、二甲苯的说明: 甲苯和二甲苯的主要作用是对中枢神经系统的损伤及引起粘膜刺激。由前苏联部长会议国家建筑事业委员会1971年11月5日所批准的工业企业设计卫生标准(CH245-71)规定二甲苯的浓度限 3值为0.20mg/m,本标准等效采用了这一限值;对于甲苯,结合我国具体情况,本标准亦等效采用了这一限值。 10、关于苯并(a)芘的说明: 剂量—反应关系研究结果表明,室内空气中苯并(a)芘浓度与肺癌死亡率之间呈明显剂量—反应关系。 对照研究资料,应用健康危 根据室内空气中苯并(a)芘浓度监测结果,结合肺癌危险因素病例— 害度评价的方法,建立室内空气中B(a)P浓度的回归模型,求出B(a)P 暴露于肺癌相对危险度(RR)和B(a)P暴露于肺癌超额危险度(ER)。 室内空气中B(a)P的最高容许浓度的计算见下式: Ca=ER/UR a 3 式中:Ca——最高容许浓度(,g/m); ER——公众对某种危害(如肺癌)的可接受危险水平; a 3 UR——有害物质单位危险度,指某个体连续暴露于1,g/m致癌物所导致的发生肿瘤超额概率。 在制定《室内空气中苯并(a)芘卫生标准》时,得到的研究结果为:UR=0.083,我国人群肺癌最低死亡率=0.0001,以此作为个体终生肺癌超额死亡概率(危险度)代入上式,可计算出室内空气中B(a)P的最高容许浓度值。 3 Ca(,g/m)=ER(0.0001)/UR(0.083) a 33 =0.001,g/m=0.1,g/100m ommunications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementationiring government departments at all levels cannot be "Gramophone", "mail room" and "the Messenger" is not confined to paper crequ s. And explicitly put forward the "surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation" is the core of government offices,the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiative and steadfastnes grasp ot in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and serviceon to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmlychallenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situatinew lly analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices bring new situations and new problems andthe State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifica General of-gap is still very big. Main is daily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and nd strive to create a new situation of system of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the Secretaryeffectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, an These problems, we must guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. unning not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office work ofents rck situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector docum vation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decision implementation of contact enough close, feedbainno the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our 20 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 11、关于可吸入颗粒物(PM10)的说明: 室内空气中可吸入颗粒物主要来源于生活燃料、吸烟、使用驱蚊剂以及由室外进入到室内的颗粒物。 33 日本、美国规定室内日平均标准为0.15mg/m欧洲为0.09mg/m。 我国在GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准》二级标准中规定可吸入颗粒物的日平均浓度为 30.15mg/m。 我国在制定《室内空气中可吸入颗粒物的卫生标准》时,对全国大中城市空气中颗粒物浓度与 3健康的关系进行了调查,结果显示长期暴露大气PM10浓度为0.11mg/m以下的大气环境,对人群呼吸道患病率和人体免疫功能的损伤不明显。 3 长期暴露在PM10浓度为0.20mg/m的环境下,可引起人群呼吸道患病率、人群就诊率、小学生呼吸和免疫功能、小学生鼻咽喉炎患病率增加,并能诱导孕妇胎盘AHH酶活性增加。 从毒理学、流行病学及我国各种燃料燃烧室内空气中PM10的浓度看,长期暴露在0.10~0.15 33mg/m范围内对健康无显著危害,因此提出室内颗粒物的浓度为0.15mg/m, 本标准等效采用了这一限值。 12、关于总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)的说明: 过去,当人类的生物排出物被认为是非工业建筑物室内空气的主要污染物时,用CO作为室内2空气质量(IAQ)的指示剂。随着化学品和各种装饰材料的广泛使用,室内其它污染物尤其是挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的种类不断增加。因此提出用总挥发性有机物(TVOC)作为室内空气质量S (IAQ)的指示剂,来评价暴露VOC产生的健康和不舒适效应。 VOC确定的和怀疑的危害主要包括五个方面:嗅味不舒适(确定);感觉性刺激(确定);局部组织炎症反应(怀疑);过敏反应(怀疑);神经毒性作用(怀疑)。 表5 TVOC暴露与健康效应的剂量反应关系 3浓度范围(mg/m) 健康效应 <0.2 无刺激、无不适 0.2~3 与其他因素联合作用时可能出现刺激和不适 3~25 刺激和不适;与其他因素联合作用时可能有头痛 >25 除头痛外,可能出现其他的神经毒性作用 在文献报道中,不同的作者采用不同的采样(包括采样的吸附剂、采样速率和体积)、分离和检测方法,以及用不同的方法计算TVOC的值,从计算得到的TVOC暴露水平解释可能产生的健康及舒适度方面的影响,使得结果缺乏可比性。产生这种现象的主要原因是:TVOC的值包括不同范围的化合物,化合物的范围没有确切的定义;在TVOC值中特殊化合物没有指明;TVOC的值并不能代表空气采样中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的总浓度。因此有必要给出TVOC的标准定义。 S 按照WHO(1989)的定义,挥发性有机化合物(VOC)是指沸点范围在50~100?到240~260?之间的化合物。欧盟室内空气质量联合行动委员会的定义中以“分析窗”取代了沸点范围,从仪器设备、分析窗、定量和计算四个方面对TVOC进行定义(详见TVOC 测定方法)。本标准等效采用了上述定义。 General meeting of government offices under the new situation-image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary , goodd a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedicationge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtureusiness training, knowledFocus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various bd improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. ple, of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing peoconstruction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen an Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office support capability further strengthened. ence service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logisticsguide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, confer 21 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 表6 国外或国际组织相关法规标准 国家 美国 芬兰 德国 新加坡 香港 TVOC: 0.6 0.3 3ppm S: 0.6 0.2 S332(mg/m) EHS US—EPA FIsIAQ Seifert ENV 来源 Consultants (1996) (1995) (1990) (1996) Limited 本标准等效采用了香港地区办公室及公共场所室内空气质量管理指南-2000中TVOC 的限值。 13、细菌总数指标说明 微生物指标是评价室内空气质量的重要标准。空气中微生物质量的好坏往往以细菌总数指标来衡量。一般情况下空气中的细菌总数越高,存在致病性微生物(细菌、真菌、病毒)的可能性越高,可使人感染而致病。 很多因素影响室内空气中细菌数量,如房间大小、室内人员多少、通风换气情况、采光、室内温度、湿度、灰尘含量、周围环境等。因此,室内细菌总数值变化较大。 苏联学者提出夏季室内空气中细菌总数?2500 CFU/ m3为污染空气。 香港室内空气质量标准规定,空气质量十分良好时空气中细菌总数应小于500 CFU/ m3,室内空气质量能保证大众健康时,空气中细菌总数应小于1000 CFU/ m3 。办公楼实地采样20%的样品超过1000 CFU/ m3。 我国公共场所卫生标准中对旅店业室内空气中细菌总数作出规定,采用撞击法采样时,普通旅店、招待所应小于2500 CFU/ m3。 第二军医大学等单位对我国人防工事空气中微生物进行了深入研究并提出了细菌卫生标准。采用撞击法采样时,作为医院的人防工事空气中细菌总数应小于1500 CFU/ m3 ,作为招待所、商场、俱乐部、影剧院、游乐场、地铁车站等应小于4000 CFU/ m3。 本标准等效采用苏联及我国公共场所中普通旅店、招待所空气细菌总数卫生标准。 (二)室内空气中氡浓度的行动水平的依据 -3表7 各国规定的室内氡浓度的行动水平(Bqm) 国家和组织 制定年代 原有建筑物 新建筑物 备注 1995 200 澳大利亚 未设 1989 800 加拿大 未设 长期客观 1986 150 美国EPA 未设 正常居住情况下测量12个月的结果 1990 200 英国NRPB 未设 附加6个建议 1994 1000 400 瑞士 高于1000要求房主3年内采取补救措施 1990 200 70 瑞典 1992 400 200 奥地利 1995 400 比利时 未设 1994 200-1000 250 德国SSK >1000应限时采取有效的补救措施 1995 200 100 中国 年均平衡当量氡浓度 1990 400 200 欧共体CEC ICRP 1993 200-600 未设 年均浓度 IAEA 1994 200-600 未设 年均浓度 WHO 1985 100 未设 ommunications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementationiring government departments at all levels cannot be "Gramophone", "mail room" and "the Messenger" is not confined to paper crequ s. And explicitly put forward the "surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation" is the core of government offices,the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiative and steadfastnes grasp innoon to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmlychallenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situatinew lly analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices bring new situations and new problems andthe State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifica General of- d strive to create a new situation of system of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the Secretaryeffectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, an These problems, we must guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. unning not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office work ofents rck situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector documot in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and servicevation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decision implementation of contact enough close, feedbagap is still very big. Main is daily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and n the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our 22 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation 3表中多数国家室内空气中氡浓度行动水平在200-600 Bq/m范围内,有关国际标准(ICRP第65号出版物“住宅和工作场所氡-222的防护”和IAEA等六个国际组织的115号安全丛“国际电离 3辐射与辐射源安全基本标准”)中给出的氡浓度行动水平为200~600Bq/m。 表8 我国部分城市室内氡浓度水平 >100 >200 地点 样品数 均值 最大值 样品数 % 样品数 % 北京 229 44.1 249 17 7.8 1 0.5 青岛 98 44.8 205 5 5.1 2 2.0 太原 119 28.3 87.4 0 0 0 0 蚌埠 320 21.3 122 1 0.3 0 0 拉萨 44 44.6 125 1 2.3 0 0 武汉 56 25.7 170 1 1.8 0 0 上饶 150 82.1 596 38 25.3 6 4.0 黄山 12 49.5 96.6 0 0 0 0 海口 65 15.9 47.2 0 0 0 0 广州 250 73.6 248 40 16.0 6 2.4 深圳 189 35.3 332 2 1.1 1 0.5 珠海 221 63.4 771 27 12.2 3 1.3 郑州 25 33.5 133 1 4.0 0 0 平凉 31 61.5 149 2 6.5 0 0 总计 1809 135 7.5 19 1.1 表9 我国部分地区煤渣砖建筑物中空气氡浓度 >100 >200 地点 样品数 均值 最大值 样品数 % 样品数 % 江西上饶地区 350 123 1075 46 13.1 8 2.3 安徽黄山市 41 154 498 10 24.4 1 2.4 四川成都市 11 101 315 1 9.1 0 0 湖北崇阳县 7 80 150 0 0 0 0 广州市 11 123 238 1 9.0 贵州贵阳市 22 72 150 0 0 3表10 部分窑洞中氡浓度(Bq/m) >200 >400 样品数 均值 最大值 样品数 % 样品数 % 61 131 575 46 13.1 8 2.3 3根据表8-10的调查结果,已调查地区各种类型住房中绝大多数室内氡浓度小于400 Bq/m。本 3标准规定室内空气中氡浓度的行动水平为400 Bq/m(年平均),与世界多数国家一致,又适应我国情况。 鉴于新建和已建、地面和地下建筑都是人居住,从对人体健康影响出发,本标准给出统一的室内空气氡浓度行动水平。 General meeting of government offices under the new situation-image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary , goodd a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedicationge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtureusiness training, knowledFocus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various bguide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, confer according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. ple, of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing peo d improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvementconstruction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen an Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office support capability further strengthened. ence service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics 23 guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentiality, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operational mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the contingent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the province's Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation (三)室内热环境参数的依据 本标准规定的热环境参数基本上与《公共场所卫生标准》的要求相一致。既保证了一定的热舒适性,又考虑到节约能源。 目前室内新风量不足,换气次数不够是普遍现象。室内新风量根据CO的浓度来确定是大多数2 国家使用的基本方法。CO虽然无色无味,但是与人的新陈代谢有关,因此可以作为室内空气新鲜2 3程度的一个指标。计算新风量的基础是质量平衡。人每天呼吸的空气量约为10m,其中21%是氧气,0.032%是二氧化碳。在人的呼出气中,二氧化碳占4%~5%,氧气占15%~16%。一间房子中,要使 3二氧化碳的浓度限制在0.1%,必须保证每人每小时有30 m的新鲜空气。 空调系统对于室内空气质量一方面具有积极意义,可以排除或稀释各种空气污染物,另一方面其消极作用在于它可以产生、诱导和加重空气污染物的形成和发展,造成不良的室内空气质量。清除空调通风系统内积存的污垢、灰尘、细菌和其他污染物,是改善室内空气质量的一项重要措施。 (四)附录A中室内空气中各种化学污染物采样方法,参照GB3095-1996《环境空气质量标准》和GB/T17220-1998《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》;附录B室内空气中各种化学污染物检验方法等效采用了已经颁布的国家标准和国外标准。 室内空气氡及其子体采样和检验方法等效采用了GB/T14582-1993《环境空气中氡的标准测量方法》和GB/T16147-1995《空气中氡浓度的闪烁瓶测量方法》。目前测氡方法较多,这些方法各有优缺点,即使是国标的‘闪烁瓶法’,在仪器供应和代表性方面也有不足之处。选择何种方法,本规范建议应由专业人员根据具体情况和要求确定。 附录D室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)的检验方法参照国际标准ISO/DIS 16017-1 “Indoor,ambient and workplace air—Sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds by sorbent pumped sampling”。 tube/thermal desorption/capillary gas chromatography—part 1: 附录E室内空气中细菌总数检验方法是在GB/T18204.1-2000 《公共场所空气微生物检验方法 细菌总数测定》的基础上进行修改提出的。 新风量的检验方法等效采用了GB/T18204.18-2000《室内新风量测定方法 示踪气体法》。 附录F热环境参数的计算和测试方法是目前常用的比较成熟的方法。 ommunications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementationiring government departments at all levels cannot be "Gramophone", "mail room" and "the Messenger" is not confined to paper crequ s. And explicitly put forward the "surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation" is the core of government offices,the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiative and steadfastnes grasp ot in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and serviceon to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmlychallenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situatinew lly analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices bring new situations and new problems andthe State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifica General of-gap is still very big. Main is daily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and nd strive to create a new situation of system of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the Secretaryeffectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, an These problems, we must guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. unning not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office work ofents rck situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector docum vation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decision implementation of contact enough close, feedbainno the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our 24
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