

2017-09-01 50页 doc 241KB 82阅读




逍遥法外中英对白逍遥法外中英对白 逍遥法外 非常感谢Thank you very much 欢迎各位来到《真真假假》and welcome to To Tell the Truth. 我们的第一位客人 他让自己成为Our first guest, he's made a career 最无耻的以冒名顶替为生的骗子out of being the most outrageous impostor 是我们这个节目从未邀请过的that we've ever come across on this show 你很快就会明白我的意思的and ...
逍遥法外中英对白 逍遥法外 非常感谢Thank you very much 欢迎各位来到《真真假假》and welcome to To Tell the Truth. 我们的第一位客人 他让自己成为Our first guest, he's made a career 最无耻的以冒名顶替为生的骗子out of being the most outrageous impostor 是我们这个节目从未邀请过的that we've ever come across on this show 你很快就会明白我的意思的and you're going to see what I mean. 号选手 请问你叫什么名字?Number One what is your name, please? 我叫弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔My name is Frank William Abagnale. 号选手呢?Number Two? 我叫弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔My name is Frank William Abagnale. 号选手呢?Number Three? 我叫弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔My name is Frank William Abagnale. 从年到年..."From to 我成功地冒充了 泛美航空公司的 飞行员"I successfully impersonated "an airline pilot for Pan Am Airways 免费飞了百多万公里"and I flew over two million miles for free. 那段时间 我是乔治亚州一家医院的"During that time, I was also the chief resident pediatrician 儿科见习医生主管"at a Georgia hospital 还是路易斯安那州首席检察官的一名助理"and an assistant attorney general "for the state of Louisiana. 在我被逮捕时 我被认为是"By the time I was caught, I was considered 美国历史上 最年轻及最胆大的骗子"the youngest and most daring con man in U.s. history. 我在美国境外的个国家 和境内的个州里..."I had cashed almost $ million in fraudulent checks 用伪造的支票套取了约百万美元的现金"in foreign countries and all states. 而所有这些都是在我岁生日之前做的"And I did it all before my th birthday. 我叫弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔My name is Frank William Abagnale." 他要讲真话了So, for the first time he's gonna have to tell the truth 首先由基蒂发问and we're going to start our questioning with Kitty. 谢谢 号选手 凭你的聪明才智Thank you. Number One, why, with all your talent... 你肯定是个非常聪明的家伙and you're obviously a very bright fellow... 你为什么不找个合法的职业谋生?why didn't you go in for a legitimate profession? 这是个挣钱多少的问题It was really a question of dollars and cents. 年轻的时候的时候 我需要钱...When I was a young man, I needed the money 我想这个职业 是最简单的挣钱方法and I thought this list of careers was the easiest way to get it. 明白了I see. 号选手 我发现这真奇妙Number Two, I find this all very fascinating. 是谁最后抓住你的?Who was it that finally caught you? 他叫卡尔?汉莱提His name was Carl Handratty. 汉-莱-提Han-an-an-ratty. 莱提Ratty. 汉莱提Handratty. 汉莱提Han-ratty. 卡尔?汉莱提Carl Handratty. - 是的 - 我...-Yes. -I... 叫...卡尔?汉莱提am... Carl Handratty. 我代表美国的联邦调查局I represent the FBI from the United states of America. 我有官方许可Yeah. I have orders 来见那个美国囚犯 阿巴戈内尔to see the American prisoner, Abagnale. {\an}法国 马赛 年圣诞节前夕 你坐在这里You sit here. 不许开这扇门You do not open the door. 不许从这个小孔You do not pass him... 递给他任何东西 anything through the hole. 天啊Aw... Jesus. 你知道 我自己也有点感冒了You know, I've got a little bit of a cold myself. 弗兰克Frank... 按照欧洲人权法...I'm here to read the articles of extradition... 我来宣读引渡条例according to the European Court for Human Rights. 第款: 引渡将被批准...Article One: Extradition shall be granted 关于犯下按照法律应受惩罚罪行...in respect of offenses punishable under the laws..." - 救我 - 最长期限至少一年的- help me. - for the maximum period of at least one year 严厉刑法of a severe penalty. 救我Help me. 弗兰克... 住口Frank... stop it. 救我Help me. 你没想骗我 是吧?You don't think actually you can fool me, do you? 还有页没读完呢 注意听 pages to go. stay with me. 第款:Article Two: "如果引渡请求中 包含了几种不同的罪名..."If the request for extradition "includes several separate offenses 而其中的每一项都可以进行判罪..."each of which is punishable under the laws..." "根据 请求方的法律...""of the requesting party..." 弗兰克?Frank? 弗兰克?Frank? 他妈的!Goddamn it! 快找医生来!Get me a doctor in here! - 我需要名医生! - 是的- I need a doctor! -Yes. 医生! 现在就要!Doctor! Now! 别紧张 弗兰克 我们带你去医生那儿Don't sweat it, Frank. We're going to get you right to a doctor. 弗兰克 如果你能听见我 别担心Frank, if you can hear me, don't worry. 我明天早晨就带你回美国I'm going to take you home in the morning. 明天早晨 弗兰克Home in the morning, Frank. - 你在做什么? - 洗掉虱子- What are you doing? - Washing off the lice. 要尽快送这个人上飞机 他需要医生This man has to be on a plane for America. He has to see a doctor. 医生明天来The doctor comes in tomorrow. 我花那么大的功夫才抓住他I have worked too long, too hard 不是为了让你胡来for you to take this away from me. 如果他死了 你负责If he dies, I'm holding you responsible. 先生Monsieur! 弗兰克Ah, Frank. 好吧 卡尔...Okay, Carl... 我们回美国吧let's go home. 新罗谢尔?罗特瑞俱乐部...The New Rochelle Rotary Club 的历史可以追述到has a history that goes back to . 在这些年中...In all those years 只有少数几位先生we've only seen a handful of deserving gentlemen 被荣幸接纳为终身会员inducted as lifetime members. 那是一种荣誉It's an honor that, uh 现已有个名字铭记在这荣誉之墙上了that has seen names enshrined on the wall of honor 今晚 我们会产生第位and tonight, we make it : 请起立 让我来介绍我的好朋友so please stand as I present my very good friend 一个总是把我们的铅笔磨尖...a man who keeps our pencils sharp... 把我们的钢笔充满墨水的人and our pens in ink... 弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔Frank William Abagnale. 我很谦卑的站在I stand here humbled 罗伯特?瓦格纳市长...by the presence of Mayor Robert Wagner... 及我们的俱乐部主席杰克?巴恩斯的旁边and our club president, Jack Barnes. 最想说的就是 我荣幸地看见我的太太保拉...Most of all, I'm honored to see my loving wife Paula... 和我的儿子小弗兰克...and my son, Frank Jr... 弗兰克... 站起来 快点...Frank... Aw, stand up. Come on... 他坐在第一排sitting in the front row. 两只小老鼠掉进了一桶奶油中Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. 第一只很快就放弃了 然后被淹死了The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. 第二只... 没有放弃.The second mouse... wouldn't quit. 他努力的挣扎着...He struggled so hard 最终他竟把奶油搅混成了黄油that eventually he churned that cream into butter 然后爬了出来and crawled out. 先生们 此刻 我就是那第二只老鼠Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse. 你跳舞跳得比你爸还好 弗兰克You're a better dancer than your father, Frankie. - 你听到了吗 爸爸? - 开玩笑- You hear that, Daddy? - Like fun. 女孩们不知道她们这是为了什么The girls don't know what they're in for. 给他展示一下我们见面时你跳舞的样子show him the dance you were doing when we met. 谁能记得住?Ah, who can remember? 那个法国小村庄的人The people in that little French village 非常高兴见到美国人were so happy to see Americans 他们决定给我们表演一场they decided to put on a show for us. - 所以挤进来个士兵 - 我们知道那个故事- so they crammed soldiers... - Yeah, we know the story, Daddy. 挤到那个小活动厅里into that tiny social hall 而第一个上台的and the first person to walk onstage 就是你母亲 她开始跳舞is your mother, and she starts to dance. 你知道 我们当时有几个月没见过女人了You know, it had been months since we'd even seen a woman 而这有位金发天使and here's this blonde angel. 金发美人Blonde bombshell. 那些男人都摒住了呼吸And the men are literally holding their breath. 为你摒住了呼吸 你听见了吗?Holding their breath for you. You hear that? 我转过去对我的朋友们说...And I turned to my buddies and I said... "不得到她我决不离开法国""I will not leave France without her." 而我真没离开And I didn't. 你没离开You didn't. 我没离开I didn't. 该死的 地毯Oh, shit! Oh, shit, the rug! 妈...Aw, Mom... 我真不敢相信我做的I can't believe I did that. 没关系 没关系No, no, it's nothing. It's nothing. 弗兰基 快去找毛巾Oh, Frankie, Frankie, get a towel. - 保拉 没事的 - 好 好- Paula... Come on. - Yeah, yeah. 和我跳支舞 保拉Dance with me, Paula. 无论什么时候跟你跳舞 我都会惹麻烦Whenever I dance for you i get in trouble. 看这Watch this. 弗兰克! 醒醒 快点 要走了Frank! Wake up. Come on, let's go! 快点 快点起来Get up. Come on, come on. 弗兰克 醒醒Frank, wake up. 老爸Dad. 你今天不用去上学 没关系You don't have to go to school today. It's okay. 为什么? 下雪了吗?Why? Is it snowing? 你有没有黑色礼服?Do you have a black suit? 我又睡过头了I overslept again, huh? 我们要到城里去参加一个重要会议We have a very important meeting in the city. 吃了它 快点 快点Eat that. Come on, come on, eat. 夫人 开门Ma'am, open up. Just open up please. - 很重要 - 什么?- It's important. - What? 还有半个小时才开门We don't open for half an hour! 请把门打开 很重要的事Open the door, please. Just open the door. It's important. 对不起 我们还得过半小时开门I-I'm sorry, we don't open for half an hour. 你叫什么名字 夫人?What's your name, ma'am? 达茜Darcy. 达茜 是个好听的名字Darcy. That's a pretty name. 我有点困难 我需要给我的孩子租套衣服I'm in a bit of a fix. I need a suit for my kid. 这是我儿子弗兰克This is my son Frank. - 他需要一套黑礼服 - 黑礼服- He needs a black suit. - Black suit... 我家里有人死了There was a death in the family. 我的父亲 岁 战争英雄My father, years old, war hero. 是吗?Yeah? 下午要举行葬礼 军式葬礼...There's a funeral this afternoon, military funeral 飞机头上飞 响礼炮planes flying overhead, -gun salute. 弗兰克需要租套衣服用几个小时Frank needs to borrow a suit for a couple of hours. 对不起 我们不出租衣服 也还没开门I'm sorry, we don't loan suits, and we're not open. 达茜 求你 帮帮忙Darcy... Darcy, please. Come back. 达茜 这是你的吗?Darcy... is this yours? 我刚才在停车场发现的I just found it in the parking lot. 一定是从你的脖子上滑落的It must've slipped right off your neck. 别撞到路牙Don't hit the curb. 现在下车 从后边绕过来给我开门Now get out, walk around the back and hold the door open for me. 好的All right. - 然后呢? - 好 不要咧嘴笑- What's next? - Okay, stop grinning. 我进去后 你回到车前座等我When I get inside, you go back to the front seat and wait. 即使警察来开罚单Even if a cop comes and writes you a ticket 也不要挪动车 明白吗?you don't move the car, understood? 爸 这都是为什么?Dad, wha-what's all this for? 你知道为什么杨基队总是赢吗?You know why the Yankees always win, Frank? 因为他们有米基?曼托?'Cause they have Mickey Mantle? 不 是因为其它队总盯着他们的条纹衣服看No, it's 'cause the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes. 瞧好了Watch this. 美国大通银行的经理The manager of Chase Manhattan Bank 要给你父亲开门了is about to open the door for your father. 阿巴戈内尔先生...Mr. Abagnale, um 我们通常不会贷款给那些有税务问题的人we don't usually loan money to people who have unresolved business with the IRs. 那是个误会That's a misunderstanding. 我用错了记账的人I hired the wrong guy to do my books. 是个任何人都可能犯的错误A mistake, I... anybody could make it. 我只需要你们帮助我渡过难关I just need you guys to help me weather the storm. 先生 你正因骗税问题被政府调查sir, you're being investigated by the government for tax fraud. 我的商店在新罗谢尔很有名My store is a landmark in New Rochelle. 我的客户遍布纽约I have customers all over New York. 但你不是大通银行的客户Well, you're not a customer at Chase Manhattan. 我们不认识你We don't know you. 我确信新罗谢尔的银行认识你I'm sure your bank in New Rochelle, they know you, - 能帮你摆脱困境 - 我的银行倒闭了- they could help you out. - My bank went out of business. 像你们这样的银行使它们倒闭的Banks like this one put them out of business. 我知道我犯了个错误 我承认这点Now, I know I made a mistake, I admit that 但这些人想吸血but these people want blood. 他们想要我的商店They want my store. 甚至威胁过我说要把我投入监狱They've threatened to put me in jail. 这是美国 对吗? 我不是罪犯This is America, right? I'm not a criminal. 我是新罗谢尔旋转俱乐部终身会员 I'm a Medal of Honor winner a lifetime member 荣誉奖章获得者of the New Rochelle Rotary Club. 我想求你做的就是帮我打败这些家伙All I'm asking is for you to help me beat these guys. 这不是输赢问题 而是风险问题It's not a question of winning and losing. It's a question of risk. 你们是世界上最大的银行You're the largest bank in the world. 哪来...Where's the fu... 哪里... 哪里有风险?Whe... Where's the risk? 爸 你怎么能让他们像那样拿走我们的车?Dad, how could you just let him take our car like that? 他多付了美元 所以是我们拿了他的He didn't take anything. We took him. He overpaid by $. 得了 弗兰克Come on, Frank. 我们去还衣服吧Let's return the suit. 那地方不错This place is good. 是小了些 但不用操那么多心It's small but, you know it's going to be a lot less work. 家务活少多了A lot less work for you. 老爸Hey, Dad. 你母亲呢?Where's your mother? 我不知道I don't know. 她说什么要去找工作she said something about going to look for a job. 她能做什么What's she gonna be 在蜈蚣农场卖鞋?a shoe salesman at a centipede farm? 你在做什么?What are you doing? 你想要点薄饼吗?You want some pancakes? 在我儿子岁生日这天 晚餐吃博饼?For dinner? On my son's th birthday? 我们才不吃薄饼We're not gonna eat pancakes. 你为什么那样看着我? 你以为我忘了?Come on, why are you looking at me like that? You thought I forgot? - 我没以为你忘了 - 我以你的名义-I didn't think you forgot. -I opened a checking account 开了个支票账户in your name. 账户里存了美元 随便你买什么I put $ in the account so you can buy whatever you want. - 别告诉你母亲 - 我不会的- Don't tell your mother. - I won't. 多谢你 爸爸Thanks, Dad. 那家银行不是拒绝给你贷款了吗?Didn't that bank turn you down for a loan, though? 是的 他们都拒绝我了Yes, they all turned me down. 那怎么还在那儿开户?Then why you opening a banking account with them? 因为迟早你会用到银行Well, because one day, you'll want something from these people 贷款买房子 买车a house, a car. 他们控制这些钱They have all the money. 这有张支票 弗兰克...There's checks there, Frank 也就是说 从今天开始...which means, from this day on... 你就加入了他们的小俱乐部you're in their little club. 我加入了他们的小俱乐部I'm in their little club. 有了支票 就有了一切You got that, you got it all. 上边甚至有我的名字It's even got my name there, huh? 一步登天To the moon. - 一步登天 - 一步登天-To the moon! -To the moon. 看见了吗? 那只不过是所学校see that? It's just a school. 和西波恩中学没什么两样No different than Westbourne. 妈 你说过要戒烟的Ma... you said you were going to quit. 弗兰克 在这儿你不用穿校服Frankie, you don't have to wear the uniform here. 为什么不脱了你的上衣呢?Why don't you take off your jacket? 我习惯了I'm used to it. 对不起Excuse me. 什么事?Oh, yes? 你知道上法语课的号教室在哪?Do you know where room French is? 知道 在...Yeah, it's... 但是你竟杀了他But you frickin' killed him. 你在卖百科全书吗?You selling encyclopedias? 他看上去像位代课老师Yeah, he looks like a substitute teacher. 安静 各位!Quiet down, people! 我叫阿巴戈内尔先生!My name is Mr. Abagnale! 是阿巴戈内尔 不是阿巴戈诺勒...That's Abagnale, not Abagnahlee 也不是阿巴戈内勒 而是阿巴戈内尔not Abagnaylee, but Abagnale! 现在 请哪位来告诉我上次讲到哪里了Now, somebody please tell me where you left off in your textbooks. 对不起 如果我需要再说一遍的话Excuse me, people, if I need to ask again 我就要告你们全班的状I'm going to write up the entire class. 坐下!Take your seats! 第章Chapter seven. 请打开书到第章...Will you please open your textbooks to, uh, chapter eight 我们开始吧and we'll get started? 对不起 你叫什么?Excuse me, what's your name? 布拉德Brad. 布拉德 你为什么不站到教室前面Brad, why don't you get up here in front of the class here 朗读第段对话and read conversation number five? 法国"Les Francais sonts 呃 一般uh, generalement 在他们的国家dans leur pais que... 几乎每个人都有这样的感觉presque tout le monde a cette impression..." 他们派我来的They sent for me. 他们说他们需要给罗伯塔找个代课老师They said they needed a sub for Roberta. 我老远从狄克逊赶来I came all the way from-from Dixon. 我总是给罗伯塔代课Well, uh, I always sub for Roberta. 你为什么不读了?Excuse me, why aren't you reading? 我再也不来贝拉明杰斐逊中学代课了!I'll never come back to-to Bellarmine Jefferson again! 你告诉他们别给我打电话You tell them not to call me! 他们认为像我这样一把年纪的妇女...What do they think, it's easy for a woman my age 还花了我那么多路费容易吗?and all the money that it costs to travel? 他们不会给我报销的I tell you, they don't give a damn. 阿巴内尔先生和夫人Mr. And Mrs. Abagnale 这个问题不是关于你儿子出勤率的this is not a question of your son's attendance. 我很抱歉的告诉你们 在过去的一周中I regret to inform you that for the past week 弗兰克替格拉瑟夫人教授了法语课Frank has been teaching Mrs. Glasser's French class. 他干什么了?He what? 你们的儿子假装成代课老师Your son has been pretending to be a substitute teacher 给学生们讲课 布置作业...lecturing the students, uh, giving out homework. 格拉瑟太太病了 Mrs. Glasser has been ill... 而代课老师又无法上课and there was some confusion with the real sub. 昨天你们的儿子开了个家长会...Your son held a teacher-parent conference yesterday 准备安排到特伦顿的一家法国面包厂实习and was planning a class field trip to a French bread factory in Trenton. 你们明白了问题所在吗?Do you see the problem we have? - 达文波特小姐? - 是的- Mrs. Davenport? - Yeah. 我有个假条 不能上第-节课Uh, I have a note to miss fifth and sixth period today. - 跟医生有个约会 - 稍等一下- Doctor's appointment. - One moment. 我马上回来I'll be right with you. - 什么? - 你应该把它折起来- Yes? - You should fold it. 你说什么?What? 那个假条 是假的 对吗?That note. It's a fake, right? 你应该折起来You should fold it. 是我妈妈写的假条 我跟医生有预约It's... It's a note from my mom. I have a doctor's appointment. 对 但纸没有折痕Yeah, but there's no crease in the paper. 你妈妈递给你假条时...When your mom hands you a note to miss school 一般是先折起来 再放进口袋里the first thing you do is, you fold it and you put it in your pocket. 如果是真的 折痕在哪里?I mean, if it's real, where's the crease? 弗兰克Frankie. 妈 我回来了Ma, I'm home. 还记得我和你说过的?Oh, you remember that girl Joanna 那个女孩乔安娜吗?I was telling you about? 今天我跟她约会了I asked her out today. 我想我们要去参加年级舞会Think we're going to go to the Junior Prom. 妈 这是我的驾驶执照吗?Ma, is this my driver's license? 只有这些 间卧室That's all there is, two bedrooms. 弗兰克Oh, Frankie. 你还记得爸爸的朋友吗?You remember Dad's friend? 杰克?巴恩斯Jack Barnes? 俱乐部的From the club. - 你好 - 他路过这里来看看你父亲- Hello. - He came by looking for your father. 我带他看了房子I was giving him a tour of the apartment. 很宽敞 保拉It's very, uh, uh, spacious, Paula. 爸爸在商店Dad's at the store. 弗兰克 你长得越来越像你父亲了so, Frank... you're getting to look more like your old man every day. 谢谢你的三明治 保拉Thanks for the sandwich, Paula. - 再见 - 等一下- I'll see you later, eh? - Wait. 这是你的吗?Is this yours? 谢谢 弗兰克Well, thanks, Frank. 这是主席别针Uh, that's the President's pin. 我要是丢了它 麻烦可就大了I'd be in deep trouble if I lost that. 再见I'll see you all later, eh? 你饿吗 弗兰克?Are you hungry, Frankie? 我给你做三明治I'll make you a sandwich. 杰克想跟你父亲谈生意Jack wanted to talk business with your father. 他觉得我们应该找个律师控告政府He thinks we should get a lawyer and sue the government. 他们对我们做的不合法That is not legal what they're doing to us. 你怎么不说话?Why aren't you saying anything? 你不会告诉他的 是吗?You're not going to tell him... are you? 不会No. 那就对了That's right. 没有什么可说的There's nothing to tell. 我要出去几个小时I'm going out for a few hours 拜访一些网球俱乐部的朋友to visit some old friends from the tennis club and... 我回家后 我们一起吃晚饭when I get home, we'll all have dinner together. 好吗?Right? 你什么也不会说But you won't say anything 因为那样太傻... 对吗?because it's... it's just silly, isn't it? 我们怎么控告政府?How could we sue anybody? 你需要点钱吗 弗兰克?Oh... do you need some money, Frankie? 拿几美元去买些唱片?A few dollars to buy some record albums? 给你块钱Here, take five dollars. 或者块Or-Or ten. 你答应过要戒掉的You promised you were going to quit. 妈 我回来了Ma, I'm home! 你离我远点 听见了吗?You... You stay away from me, hear me? 你离我远点 我不知道你是谁You stay away from me... I don't know who you are 但如果你回来...but if you ever come back here again... 弗兰克 冷静点 好吗?Frankie! Frank, Frank, calm down, will you? 我叫迪克?科斯纳I'm Dick Kesner. 我想让你把东西放这Now, I want you to leave your things here 跟我进另一间屋and follow me into the next room, okay? 他们都在等你They're all waiting for you. 你不必害怕You don't have to be scared. 我就在这里 弗兰克 我一直在这里I'm right here, Frank. I'll always be here. 但是有法律But there are laws. 这个国家的每一件事 都要合法Everything in this country has to be legal. 所以我们要做些决定so what we need to do is make some decisions. 科斯纳先生就是为这个来的That's what Mr. Kesner is here for. 很多时候这些决定是由法庭来做的Many times these decisions are left up to the courts 但可能会很贵 弗兰克but that can be very expensive, Frank - 人们为了孩子而打架 - 没人在打架- people fighting over their children. - Nobody is fighting. 看着我 弗兰克 没人在打架Look at me, Frank. Nobody is fighting. 爸 到底怎么了?Dad, what's going on? 爸 到底怎么了?Dad, what's going on? 还记得你的祖母夏娃吗?Do you remember your grandma, Eve? 她今天早晨到的she arrived this morning. 你好Hello. 你明白我们在跟你讲什么吗 弗兰克?Do you understand what we're saying to you, Frank? 我和你父亲要离婚了Your father and I are getting a divorce. 什么都不会改变Nothing's gonna change. 我们还可以见面We're still gonna see each other. 别说了 求你 不要打断stop it, please, Frank. Don't interrupt. 你不必读完这些Frank, you don't have to read all of this. 多数都是关于你父母的 成年人间烦人的事情Most of it's for your parents... boring adult business... 但这段很重要...but this paragraph right here, this is important 因为它说的是离婚后你将跟谁在一起...because it states who you're gonna live with... 离婚后after the divorce... 你受谁的监护whose custody you will be in. 这里有个空白处And there's a blank space right here. 你到厨房去 坐在桌前...And I want you to go into the kitchen sit at the table 写上父亲或母亲的名字and put a name down. 不要着急You can take as long as you want 但是当你回到这个房间时...but when you come back into this room... 我想看见那条线上写好了名字I want to see a name on that line. 弗兰克 你只要写下个人名就行了Frank, just write down a name and this will all be over. 不会有事的It's gonna be okay. 爸 什么名字?Dad, what name? 你母亲或你父亲Your mother or your father. 把名字写在那里 就那么简单Just put the name there. It's as simple as that. 不要害怕And don't look so scared. 这不是考试It's not a test. 不回答错There's no wrong answer. 请给张到大中心的票One ticket to Grand Central, please. .美元 先生That'll be $., sir. 我付支票可以吗?Is it okay if I write you a check? 卡尔 我何时可以给父亲打电话?Carl, when do I get to call my father? 到纽约后你就可以打给他You can call him when we get to New York. {\an}年 法国 巴黎 我们个小时后到飞机场We leave for the airport in seven hours. 别动 一直坐在那里Until then, just sit there. 安静点Be quiet. 卡尔 旅馆的另外一侧有You know, Carl, on the other side of the hotel 面对公园的套房they got suites that face the park. 这是联邦调查局能担负的最好的房间了It's the best room the FBI can afford. 没关系 我原来呆的地方更差It's okay, I've stayed in worse. 马德里克先生...Mr. Mudrick... 马德里克先生 求你 你得听我说Mr. Mudrick, please. You have to listen. 我不想听你解释I don't want to hear your story. 张支票退回来了This is two checks that bounced. 你知道我有多大的麻烦吗?You know how much trouble I'm in? 不 听我说 我告诉你 是银行 银行犯了一个错误No, but listen, I'm telling you, the bank, they made the mistake. 我马上再给你写张支票!I'll write you another check right now! 我看上去像小孩子那么好骗吗?What, do I look like I was born yesterday? 你看 现在是半夜Look, it's midnight, Mr. Mudrick. - 我能去哪? - 你是个孩子 回家去- Where am I gonna go? - You're a goddamn kid. Go home. 我希望你明白I mean, I hope you understand. 我的老板派我到 布鲁克林区 然后到皇后区My boss sent me to Brooklyn, then Queens. 现在他想让我去长岛...Now he wants me in Long Island 带些顾客来城里玩一晚上to take a few clients out for a night on the town. 对不起 我不能兑现其它银行的支票I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to cash checks from other banks. 没法确认它们有效How would we know if they were any good? 你说你叫什么名字来着?What did you say your name was? - 阿什蕾 - 阿什蕾- Ashley. - Ashley. 你知道我在外边人行道上发现了什么you know what I found on the sidewalk out there? 一定是从你脖子上滑落的Must've slipped right off your neck. 有什么需要我帮助吗 年轻人?Is there something I can help you with, son? 下星期是我祖母的生日Well, you see, it's my grandmother's birthday next week 我想送给她件什么特别的东西and I want to get her something extra-special. 求你了 我下星期考试 而书却丢了Please, I mean it's my midterm next week and my books were stolen. 求你了 只是美元Please, it's just five dollars. 没人会知道的No one would have to know. 对不起 但我们不允许I'm sorry, but we are not allowed 收不认识的人的支票to take checks from people we don't know. 欢迎来到纽约 很高兴你回来了 机长Pleasure to have you back, Captain Carlson. 怎么样 安吉洛?What do you think, Angelo? 番茄今天下午熟了The tomatoes are ripe this afternoon. 这是什么?Well, what have we here? - 能签个名吗? -肯定行- Can I have your autograph? - ou betcha. - 也能给我签名吗? - 你将来当飞行员?- Can I have your autograph, too? - You gonna be a pilot? 好 签一个All right, then. 给你 在学校努力学啊.There you go. Work hard in school. 亲爱的爸爸Dear Dad: 我已经决定去当飞行员I have decided to become an airline pilot. 我已经申请了所有的大航空公司I have applied to all the big airlines 有希望的面试已经排满日程了and I have several promising interviews lined up. 妈妈怎样?How's Mom? 你最近给她打电话了吗?Have you called her lately? 爱你的 儿子 弗兰克Love, your son, Frank. 你好Hello. 我是穆偌中学的弗兰克?布莱克I'm Frank Black from Murrow High school 我跟摩根先生有个约会and I have an appointment with Mr. Morgan. 你就是给学校的报纸写文章的年轻人You're the young man who's writing the article for the school paper. 对 是我 我想知道Yes, ma'am, that's me. I want to know 关于成为飞行员的每一件事everything there is to know about being a pilot. 泛美公司都飞哪些飞机场?What airports does Pan Am fly to? 飞行员年收入多少?What does a pilot make in a year? 谁告诉他们往哪儿飞?And who tells them where they're gonna fly to? 慢点 一个一个来Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Just take 'em one at a time. 好的 这是什么意思...All right. What does it mean 当一个飞行员问另一个飞行员:when one pilot says to another pilot: "你装配了些什么?""What kind of equipment are you on?" 他们想知道你们使用什么样的飞机They just want to know what kind of aircraft you're flying: 是DC-还是 或者星座式Is it a DC- , Constellation? 还有那些我见过的飞行员戴的徽章是干什么的?And what about those I.D. badges that I've seen pilots wear? 每个飞行员有两样东西必须Well, every pilot has to have two things with him 随身携带 一个是航空公司的职员徽章at all times: One is his airline personnel badge... 就像泛美航空公司的这个Looks just like this one here, from Pan Am... 另一个就是联邦航空局的执照the other one is their FAA license... 就像这个一样and that looks just like this. 先生 我能复印份这Oh. Sir, do you think I can make a copy of this 贴在我的文章里吗?to put into my article? 弗兰克 你拿去吧 再有年过期了Oh, Frank, you can have that one. It's three years expired. 谢谢 还有你的身份徽章呢?Aw, thanks! And what about your I.D. badge? 你还有没有一个多余的借给我?You have an extra one I could borrow? 那个我帮不了你Oh, no, I can't help you there. 要从宝丽来公司定制Those are special-ordered from Polaroid. 唯一弄到它的办法The only way to get one of those 就是成为一名真的泛美公司的飞行员is to become a real live pilot for Pan American Airways. {\an}泛美航空 这是泛美公司 要我帮忙吗?Pan Am, may I help you? 是的 你好 我打电话是为了一套制服Yeah, hello. I'm calling about a uniform. - 等我转到采购部 - 谢谢- Hold for Purchasing. - Thank you. 采购部Purchasing. 我是一名来自旧金山基地的副驾驶员Hi. I'm a copilot based out of san Francisco. 我昨晚飞到纽约I flew a flight into New York last night 但问题是 我三小时后要去巴黎 马上要出发but the problem is... I'm headed out to, uh, Paris in three hours. 你需要什么帮忙?How can we help you? 我把我的制服送到酒店清洗I sent my uniform to be cleaned through the hotel 但我想他们给弄丢了and I... I guess they must have lost it. 他们丢了制服 这事经常发生They lost a uniform. Happens all the time. 去百老汇街号 好工制服公司Go down to the Well-Built Uniform Company at Ninth and Broadway. 他们是我们的制服提供商They're our uniform supplier. 我会告诉罗森先生你要去I'll tell Mr. Rosen you're coming. 你看上去当飞行员太年轻了You look too young to be a pilot. 我是副驾驶员I'm a copilot. 为什么这么紧张?Why so nervous? 你会有何感觉 如果你...How would you feel if you, uh 第一周刚上班就把制服丢了?Lost your uniform first week on the job? 放松点Relax. 泛美公司有的是制服Pan Am's got lots of uniforms. 一共是美元It's gonna be $. 很好 我给你写张支票Great. I'II, uh, I'll write you a check. 对不起 不收支票 不收现金sorry, no checks, no cash. 你得写下你的职员身份号码You'll have to fill in your employee I.D. number 我向泛美公司收帐and then I'll bill Pan Am. 然后他们再从你下次薪水中扣除They'll take it out of your next paycheck. 那更好Even better. 亲爱的爸爸...Dear Dad: 你总是告诉我一个诚实的人 没什么可怕的You always told me that an honest man has nothing to fear. 所以我尽量不去害怕So I'm trying my best not to be afraid. 对不起我离家出走了 但你不用担心I'm sorry I ran away, but you don't have to worry. 我现在要把那些都找回来 爸爸I'm gonna get it all back now, Daddy. 我保证 我要都找回来I promise. I'm going to get it all back. 你是真的飞行员吗?Are you a real live pilot? 我肯定是 小姐 你叫什么名字?I sure am, little lady. What's your name? - 席琳 - 席琳 很高兴见到你- Celine. - Celine, it's a pleasure to meet you. 我也很高兴见到你It's a pleasure to meet you, too. That's fifty, seventy 美元eighty, ninety, one hundred dollars. 祝你在巴黎过得愉快You have yourself a great time in Paris. 我总是过得愉快I always do. 打扰一下Excuse me. 我叫约翰.摩迪治 我管理这家分行I'm John Modiger. I manage this branch. 感谢你来到这里 使用我们的银行服务I want to thank you for coming in and using our institution. 幸会 约翰Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, John. - 我还会来的 - 好- I'll be back again. - Good. 你以前住过我们酒店吗?Have you stayed with us before? 不 我以前主要是在西海岸一带Uh, no, I've been primarily based on the West Coast. 我可以给你写张支票付房钱吗?Is it all right if I write you a check for the room? - 没问题 先生 - 很好- No problem, sir. - Great. 我想知道 能否使用个人支票?I was also wondering if I could write you a personal check? 对于航空公司的职员 我们最多兑现美元个人支票For airline personnel, we cash personal checks up to $. 薪水支票我们最多兑现美元现金Payroll checks we cash up to $. 你是说工资支票给兑现美元?Did you say $ for a payroll check? 亲爱的爸爸...Dear Dad: 我已经决定要成为泛美航空公司的飞行员了I've decided to become a pilot for Pan American Airways... 泛美是天空中最值得信任的名字the most trusted name in the skies. 他们已经接受我参加他们的They've accepted me into their training program 并说如果我努力工作and told me that if I work hard 不久我就真要插上翅膀了I should earn my wings real soon. 请跟年级的乔安娜?卡尔顿联系Please get in touch with Joanna Carlton from the tenth grade. 告诉他说我抱歉不能带她去年级舞会Tell her I'm sorry that I could not take her to the Junior Prom. 爱你的 儿子 弗兰克Love, your son, Frank. - 你好吗? - 很好 谢谢- Hello, how are you? - Fine, thank you. 我有张薪水支票想兑现金I have a payroll check here I'd like to cash. 没问题Certainly. 对不起Uh, excuse me. 我肯定你经常听人这么说I'm sure you hear this all the time but, 但你的眼睛是我见过的最美丽的一双you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. 是 我经常听人这么说Yeah, I do get that all the time. 你想兑现什么面额的钞票?How would you like it? 对不起 先生Oh, I'm sorry, sir. 我们要等银行一小时后开门才有现金We won't have any cash until the banks open in an hour 但我肯定but, uh, I'm sure 他们可以在飞机场给你兑现支票they can cash your check at the airport. 飞机场?The airport? 谁在飞机场兑现支票?Who cashes checks at the airport? 航空公司Well, the airlines, sir. 他们总是给自己兑现They've always taken care of their own. - 你好 - 请问是要搭机吗?- Hello. - Hi. Are you deadheading? 什么?What? 你要搭机去迈阿密吗?Are you my deadhead to Miami? 是的Yes, yes. 是 我要搭机 给你Yeah, I'm the deadhead. Here you go. 你有点晚了 但驾驶舱备用椅空着You're a little late, but the jump seat is open. 我干这一行已经有段时间了You know it's been awhile since I've done this. 但备用椅在哪?Which one's the jump seat again? 旅途愉快Have a nice flight. 你要搭我的飞机吗?Are you my deadhead? 弗兰克 奥利弗机长Frank, Captain Oliver. - 约翰?拉金 副驾驶 - 你好-John Larkin, the copilot. -Hello. 福瑞德?塔利 飞机工程师Fred Tulley, flight engineer. 弗兰克.泰勒 泛美公司Frank Taylor, Pan Am. 谢谢捎我一程 小伙子们Thanks for giving me a lift, boys. 坐下吧 弗兰克 我们要起飞了Go ahead and take a seat, Frank. We're about to push. 你开什么飞机 DC-?What kind of equipment you on, DC-? 是Uh, . 你刚到就返回去?You turning around on the redeye? 我下几个月要在洲际之间来回飞Uh, I'm jumping puddles for the next few months 通过给那些又病又累的人替班 来多挣点钱trying to earn my keep running leapfrogs for the weak and weary. 没什么不好意思 我们都是这么过来的No shame in that. We all did it. - 坐吧 - 谢谢- Have a seat. - Thank you. 起飞后你想喝点什么吗?Would you like a drink after takeoff? 牛奶?M-Milk? - 速度: 节 (时速公里) - 确认- knots. - Check. - 到达仰转速度 - 仰转- V-one. - Rotate. - 到达爬升速度 - 正仰角- V-two. - Positive rate. 收起落架Gear up. 亲爱的爸爸:Dear Dad: 今天我毕业Today was graduation. 我现在是副驾驶I am now a copilot 每月挣美元 外加福利earning $, a month plus benefits 而最好的一点是and the best part is 他们告诉我说我的家里人可以免费飞they tell me my family can fly for free. 所以告诉妈妈去准备行李 买套新的泳衣So tell Mom to pack her bags and buy a new swimsuit 因为我要带你们去夏威夷过圣诞节because I'm taking us all to Hawaii for Christmas. 我爱你 爸爸I love you, Dad. 再见 弗兰克Aloha, Frank. - 你好 免费乘客 - 你好- Hello, deadhead. - Hello. 旅途愉快吗?Enjoying your free ride? 玛茜...Marci... 这个是你掉的吗did you drop this? - 一定是从你脖子上滑落下来的 - 不是- Must've slipped right off your neck. - No... 不是我的!No! 不...No... 为什么停下来?Why are you stopping? 我想告诉你件事 玛茜I want to tell you something, Marci. 这是到目前...This is by far... 我曾经有过的最好的约会the best date I have ever been on. 请帮我开一个货币市场账户I'd like to open a Money Market, please. 好的Okay. 欢迎来迈阿密互助银行 能为您做点什么?Welcome to Miami Mutual Bank. How may I help you? 我叫弗兰克?泰勒 是泛美航空公司的副驾驶My name is Frank Taylor. I'm a copilot for Pan Am. 我想办理支票兑现I'd like to cash this check here, and then 然后带你去吃牛排晚餐I'd like to take you out for a steak dinner. 然后我们把支票放进磁性墨迹识别机里And then we feed the checks into the MICR machine 它用一种特殊的墨水which uses special ink 在支票的底部给支票加编码to encode the account numbers on the bottom of the checks. 那些编码在哪里?And where are these numbers? 就在这儿They're, um... right here. - 在这儿? - 看到了吗?- Right there? - see? 它们叫做路由编码They're called routing numbers. 那么这些支票要路由到哪里去呢?so where do the checks get routed to? 我不知道 从来没有人问过我You know, I don't exactly know. Nobody ever asked me that before. 我们下一个竞标的物品还是Our next item up for bid is also... 来自新泽西中心银行的抵押没收品from the Jersey Central Bank foreclosure. 这是台磁性墨迹识别机 用来给银行支票编码的This is a MICR encoder a machine used to encode bank checks. 有起标价吗?Do I have an opening bid? 我们的罪犯是个从东海岸开始的伪造支票者Our unknown subject is a paperhanger who started working on the East Coast. 在过去的几个星期里 他发明了一种In the last few weeks, this unsub has developed 新型的支票欺诈手法 我称它"飘"a new form of check fraud which I'm calling "the float." 他的做法就是What he's doing is 在不同的银行开支票帐户...he's opening checking accounts at various banks 然后涂改那些在支票then changing the MICR ink routing numbers 底部的编码at the bottom of those checks. 请播放下一张Next slide, please. 下一张Next slide, please. 遥控器坏了Uh, the remote thing is broken. {\an}华盛顿特区 FBI总部 你得手动You'll have to do it by hand. 你必须... 试...You've gotta... try the... 马伦探员 它因该...Agent Mullen, it should be... 应该是侧面的那个方按钮it should be the square button just there by the side. 转盘不好使This carousel doesn't work. 是个坏转盘It's a bad carousel you got there. - 谢谢 马伦探员 - 只能用手动- Thank you, Agent Mullen. - Got to move it manually. 这是美联储的个银行分布图This is a map of the banks of the U.s. Federal Reserve. 下一张slide. 每个银行的识别机的扫描仪MICR scanners at every bank 读取支票底部的这些数字 下一张read these numbers at the bottom of a check... slide... 然后把支票发送到相关的银行兑现and then, ship that check off to its corresponding branch. 卡尔 对我们这些不熟悉银行诈骗的Carl, for those of us who are unfamiliar with bank fraud 你能不能告诉我们 你在讲什么?you mind telling us what the hell you're talking about? 东海岸分行的编号是从到The East Coast branches are numbered zero-one to zero-six. 中部地区分行的编号是到The central branch is zero-seven, zero-eight 如此类推so on, so forth. 底部的那些号码You mean those numbers on the bottom of a check 有什么实际意思吗?actually mean something? 所有这些都是我两天前做的All of this was in the report I filed two days ago. 如果你把改成 这就意味着...If you change... a zero-two to a one-two 这就意味着在纽约提现金的支票that means that check, which was cashed in New York 不会再转到纽约联邦分行了is not go to the New York Federal Branch 而是会被转到... 都回到旧金山分行but it is rerouted all the way to the san Francisco Federal Branch. 银行在两个星期里 不会知道支票已被退回了The bank doesn't even know the check has bounced for two weeks 这就意味着我们的犯人会待在一个地方which means our unsub can stay in one place 在同一个城市不断重施故技paper the same city over and over again 直至支票送经全国while his checks circle the country. 你应该和我的太太谈谈You know, you want to talk to my wife. 我们家她管支票本she's the one balances the checkbook at our house. 下一张Next slide. 爸爸!Daddy! 我的孩子 飞行员My son, the birdman. 穿制服了some uniform, Frank. 你觉得怎么样?What do you think? 很好Nice. 坐吧sit down. 爸爸 你收到明信片了吗?so, Dad... Daddy, have you gotten the postcards? 当然Of course. 这叉子冰凉This fork is ice cold. 不 爸爸 那是冰镇的吃沙拉用的叉子No, no, Dad, th-that's a chilled salad fork. 这是个高档餐厅 你知道It's a fancy restaurant, you know. 这儿Well, here... - 我有东西送你 - 什么东西?- I-I got you something. - What's that? 打开看看Open it. 你知道那些是什么 对吧?You know what those are, right? 那是一辆年卡迪拉克敞篷车的钥匙Those are the keys to a Cadillac DeVille convertible. 全新的 爸爸Brand-new, Dad. 车身红色 车内白色...Red with white interior 分开的座位 空调 全套的配置split seats, air conditioning, the works. 你送给我一辆卡迪拉克?Are you giving me a Cadillac? 我送给你一辆卡迪拉克Yeah. I'm giving you a Cadillac. 爸爸 它就停在楼下Dad, sh-she's parked downstairs. 我们吃完午饭后When we're done eating lunch 就开到妈妈那里去...why don't you, you know, drive on over to Mom's house 带上她兜兜风pick her up, take a little joyride? 如果税务局发现我开辆新的双门轿车到处跑Do you know what would happen if the IRs found out 你知道会发生什么?I was driving around in a new coupe? 我坐火车来的 弗兰克I took the train here, Frank. 也要坐火车回去I'm taking the train home. 好吧All right. 我有很多钱I have plenty of money. 你知道 需要什么尽管讲You know, if you ever, ever need anything... 你担心我?You worried? 担心我?About me? 不 我不是担心No, I'm not... I'm not worried. 你觉得我自己买不起车?You think I can't buy my own car? 两只老鼠掉进奶油桶里 弗兰克Two mice fell in a bucket of cream, Frank. 我是哪只?Which one am I? 你是第二只老鼠You're that second mouse. 我今天路过商店I went by the store today. 我不得不把商店关几天I had to close the store for awhile. 只是个时间问题 弗兰克It's all about timing, Frank. 狗屁政府清楚这点The goddamn government knows that. 他们落井下石They hit you when you're down. 我不想让他们把商店夺走 所以我就...I wasn't going to let them take it from me, so I just... 干脆自己关了店门 看他们能把我怎样shut the doors myself, called their bluff. 早晚他们是要忘了我的sooner or later, they'll forget about me. 我明白I understand, I... 你告诉妈了吗?Have you told Ma? 你母亲 她很固执she's so stubborn, your mother. 不要担心 我不会不劝她就让她走的Don't worry. I'm not going to let her go without a fight. 我要劝她为我们留下...I been fighting for us... 老爸?Dad? 从我们相遇的那天起since the day we... we met. 爸爸 在那些人当中...Daddy, out of all those men 是你赢得了妈妈的心 记得吗?you were the one that took her home, remember that. 人坐在那个小厅里看她跳舞 men, sitting in that tiny social hall watching her dance. 那个小镇叫什么名字来着?What was the name of that town? - 曼沙 爸爸 - 是的- Montrichard, Dad. - Yeah. 我一句法语也不会说I didn't speak a word of French 而六个星期后 她成了我的妻子and six weeks later, she was my wi... 她还是你的妻子she's your wife. 我儿子今天给我买了辆卡迪拉克My son bought me a Cadillac today. 我想该为此干一杯I think that calls for a toast. 为了天空中最好的飞行员To the best damn pilot in the sky. 不像你想的那样It's not what you think. 我只是名副驾驶I'm just a copilot. 你看见这些人在注视你吗?You see these people staring at you? 这些是纽约市最有权势的人These are the most powerful people in New York City 他们总是越过肩膀偷看and they keep peeking over their shoulders 想知道今晚你去哪里wondering where you're going tonight. 你要去哪里 弗兰克?Where you going, Frank? 爸爸 没有人在盯着我Dad, nobody's staring at me. 什么奇异的地方吗?some place exotic? 告诉我你要去哪里Just tell me where you're going. 洛杉... 好莱坞Los An... Hollywood. 好莱坞?Hollywood. 我们其余的人...The rest of us... 真是笨蛋really are suckers. 所以我穿了这红衣服和高跟鞋 对吗?so, I got on this red dress and these high heels, right? 我外边这儿戴了胸罩And I got a bra, like, out here, okay? 我追两个波多黎各人And I'm chasing these two Puerto Rican guys {\an}加利福尼亚 好莱坞 在公园里through the park. 他们拎一个装满了从银行抢来的钱的箱子They got a suitcase filled with bank robbery loot. 我大喊: "联邦调查局 不许动! "Okay, I'm screaming out, "FBI, freeze!" 我去拿枪 却发现不在胸罩里And I'm reaching for my gun, but I can't find it in the bra. 它太他妈大了It's so damn big 我想我会不会把乳头射掉I thought I was going to shoot my tits off. 这是个有趣的故事You know, that's a funny story. 别人总是被逗笑People always laugh at that story. 让我问你一个问题 阿穆德斯基先生Let me ask you a question, Mr. Amdursky. 如果你觉得当便衣很有意思If you were having so much fun undercover 那你为什么转到银行诈骗科?why did you transfer to bank fraud? 不是我要求转的I didn't transfer. 我受责难被重分配的I was censured and reassigned. 就像是受罚了 我就受罚了It's like being punished. I was punished. 我出外勤时犯了个错误I screwed up in the field. 你呢? 福克斯先生What about you, Mr. Fox? 有没有在出外勤时 因为犯错而受罚过?Were you... punished for screwing up in the field? 没有 我以前从没穿便衣去调查过Oh, no, no, no, I've never worked in the field before. 我在司法部的文职申请部审计背景调查I audited background investigations of Department of Justice clerical applicants. 真是太好了 我要一队便衣Well, that's just great. I ask for a team 结果他们给我派了两个不称职的人and they drag the bottom of the Pacific. 我能问你个问题吗? 汉拉蒂探员You mind if I ask you a question, Agent Handratty? 你为什么总是那么严肃?How come you're so serious all the time? 这干扰你了吗 阿穆德斯基先生?Does it bother you, Mr. Amdursky? 对 是干扰我了Yeah. Yeah, it does bother me. 干扰你了吗 福克斯先生?Does it bother you, Mr. Fox? 我想有一点A little, I guess. 你们想听我讲个吗?Well, would you like to hear me tell a joke? 想 我们很想听你讲个笑话Yeah. Yeah, we'd love to hear a joke from you. 咚咚敲门Knock, knock. 是谁?Who's there? 去你妈的Go fuck yourselves. 年轻可爱 高挑棕肤Tall and tan and young and lovely 这来自Ipanema的女孩The girl from Ipanema... 他兑换了三张支票 都取到钱了He cashed three checks. They all cleared. 我今天打算存这张I was going to deposit this one today. 我不想有麻烦I don't want any trouble. 没有麻烦No trouble. 一点也没有No trouble at all. 我们就拿着这张支票上路了We'll just take this check and be on our way. - 谢谢 - 很好- Thank you. - Good. 因为我不想让我的顾客受到干扰Because I don't want my customers harassed. 你在说什么? 他仍然在这儿吗?What are you saying, he's still here? 房间. 谢谢Thank you. - 到转弯了 - 谢谢 儿子- Corner here. - Oh, thanks, son. - 有楼梯 - 楼梯- some steps. - steps. 墨菲先生 你好吗?Hey, Mr. Murphy, how are you? - 是弗兰克吗? - 是我- Is that Frank? - Yeah, it's Frank. - 弗兰克 你好吗? - 您膝盖怎么样了?- Hey, Frank, how are you? - How's the knee? 得了 我现在就跟你赛跑Come on, I'll race you right now. - 小心点 - 好的- Take care. - Okay, Frank. 得了 卡尔 这个家伙是个文人Come on, Carl, this guy's a pen and ink man. 这个该死的裱糊工 他连枪都没带A goddamn paperhanger. He doesn't even carry a gun. 我们为什么不和你一起走 卡尔? Why can't we go with you, Carl? 打起精神好好干 我会给你俩买冰激凌吃You just keep your eyes open, do your job and I'll buy you both a Good Humor bar. 没事 夫人 联邦调查局It's all right, ma'am. FBI. 室... , . 联邦调查局!FBI! 联邦调查局!FBI! 从卫生间出来!Come out of the bathroom! 从卫生间出来!step out of the bathroom! 手放在头上Hands on your head. 是新的IBM电动打字机Oh, that's the new IBM selectric. 把手放到头上Put your hands on your head. 五秒钟内就能改变打印格式You can change the print type in five seconds. - 闭嘴! - 只是突出了个球.-Shut up! -Just pop out the ball. 把手放到头上!Put your hands on your head! Put your hands...! 他有多张支票 加仑印度墨水You know, he's got over checks here, a gallon - 还有草图 - 举起手- of India ink, drafting. - Hands on your head! 甚至发自泛美的薪水信封都写着Even has little payroll envelopes addressed to himself - 他自己的地址 - 放下! 扔掉!- from Pan Am. - Put it down! Drop it! 放松点!Relax. 你来晚了 我是巴里?艾伦You're late, all right? My name's Allen, Barry Allen 美国特情局的United states secret service. 你的嫌疑犯刚才想从窗户跳出去Your boy just tried to jump out the window. 被我同伴拘捕了 My partner has him in custody downstairs. 你少鬼扯I don't know what you're talking about. 你以为只有联邦调查局在追捕他吗?You think the FBI are the only ones on this guy? 我的意思是说I mean, come on. 别争了 他在这里还在伪造政府支票Come on, he's dabbling in government checks here. 我们是根据这张才跟踪到他的We've been following a paper trail on this guy 已经有好几个月了for months now. 你介意把枪从我的脸上移开吗?Hey, you mind taking that gun out of my face? 拜托了 真的 这让我感觉紧张Please. Really. I mean, it makes me nervous. - 让我看看你的证件 - 当然- Let me see some credentials. - Yeah, sure. 把我的钱包都拿去吧Take my whole wallet. 你还想要我的枪? 你来拿好了You want my gun, too? Come over here. Take my gun. 帮个忙 看窗外 看Hey, hey, look, just do me a favor. Take a look outside. Look. 看看窗外Look out the window. 我的同伴正押着他走向那车 看My partner's walking him to the car as we speak... Look. 在我进来时 老家伙差点尿裤子Old guy almost pissed in his pants when I came through the door. 他直接从这窗户跳到我的车上He jumped right through the window onto the hood of my car. - 墨菲? - 嗯?- Hey, Murph? -Yeah? 给洛杉矶警察局打电话Call the LAPD again. 我不想让人走进我的犯罪现场I don't want people walking through my crime scene. 我没想到情报局卷了进来I didn't expect the secret service on this. 不用担心Don't worry about it. 你叫什么名字?Well, what's your name? 汉莱提 卡尔?汉莱提Handratty, Carl Handratty. 我能看一下你的证件吗?Mind if I see some identification? - 当然 - 小心驶得万年船- sure. - You never can be too careful these days. 运气不好 卡尔Well, tough luck, Carl. 早来分钟 你就能抓个正着Five minutes earlier you would've landed yourself a pretty good collar. 没关系It's all right. 要是晚来秒钟 就被打死了Ten seconds later, and you'd have been shot. 介意我跟你一起去吗?Mind if I come downstairs with you? - 我得看看这家伙 - 当然行- I got to take a look at this guy. - Sure thing. 帮个忙 在这等我下Just, uh, do me a favor and sit tight for a second 我下楼去取证据while I get this evidence downstairs. 我不想让服务员进来铺床You know, I don't want some maid walking through here and making the bed. - 洛杉矶警察局的人随时会到 - 等等- LAPD should be here any sec. - Wait. 你的钱包Your wallet. 替我保管一会儿 我相信你You hang onto it for a minute. I trust you. 情报局secret service. 见鬼!Oh, goddamn it! 真愚蠢It was stupid. 我犯了个愚蠢的错误I made a stupid mistake. 别想了Forget about it. 还有百多宗没破的案件There are hundreds of unknown subjects out there. 我能抓住这家伙I-I can get this guy, sean. 造假的人所做的最糟糕的事 就是被人看见脸The worst thing a paperhanger can do is show his face. 我看了报告I read the report. 米高 棕色头发 到岁之间six feet tall, brown hair, to years of age 公斤 pounds. 这样的人到处都是This could be almost anybody. 我听见了他的声音 看到了他的脸I heard his voice, Sean, I saw his face. 他没有什么可掩藏的了There's nothing for him to hide behind anymore. 小心些Just be careful. 你干了年了You got years in. 没有人干扰你的工作Nobody bothers you down on the first floor. 你写了那本银行诈骗案的书You practically wrote the book on bank fraud. 那会让你有一天成为部门主管的That's the kind of thing that can make you section chief someday. 不要把自己放到那种位置上Just don't put yourself in this type of position. 哪种位置?What type of position? 受辱的位置Position of being humiliated. 你想听我讲个笑话吗?sean, would you like to hear me tell a joke? 说吧Yeah, sure. 咚咚敲门Knock, knock! 我的下个问题是 飞行员退休后...so, my-my next question is, when a pilot retires 泛美每个月都给他们发张支票吗?uh, Pan Am sends them a check every single month? 对 按养老金计划给他们发支票和福利Uh, yeah, pension program sends a check and benefits. 支票上有多少钱?How much is that check for? 我现在没有心情谈这个Uh, kid, I'm really not in the mood for this right now. 那个空中强盗都快把我搞疯了This skywayman's driving me crazy. 哪个强盗?Who's the skywayman? 一个假扮成泛美飞行员 到处飞的疯子Ah, some nut that's flying around the country posing as a Pan Am pilot. 今天报纸有他的一个栏目There's a column about him in the paper today. 我不断告诉他们说这不是我的问题I keep telling them this is not my problem. 这家伙甚至不飞泛美This guy doesn't even fly Pan Am. 他飞别的公司Flies everybody else. 他飞联合 环球 大陆 东部...Flies United, TWA, Continental, Eastern... 空中强盗The skywayman. 报界喜欢这小丑Newspaper loves this clown. 他们称他为空中的詹姆斯?邦德They call him "the James Bond of the sky." - 你说...? - 邦德 詹姆斯.邦德- Did you say...? - Bond, James Bond. 告诉我 琼 他为什么那样做?Tell me, Joan, why does he do it? - 他喜欢赢 - 快点 快点- He likes to win. - Come on, come on. 我们分钟就会着陆.We'll be landing in minutes. 你想玩简单的还是玩难的?Do you want to play it easy or the hard way? 这不是镇静剂.And this isn't a tranquilizer. 好了 普茜 你对飞机的了解要比枪多得多Well, Pussy, you do know a lot more about planes than guns. 你好 普茜Hello, Pussy. - 你肯定是这种西装? - 肯定- Now, you're sure this is the suit, right? - Positive. 跟他在电影里穿的完全一样It's the exact suit he wore in the movie. 好 我买套Okay. I'll take three. 没问题 弗莱明先生Certainly, Mr. Fleming. 现在你缺的就是一辆Now what you need is one of those 他开的那种外国小跑车little foreign sports cars that he drives. 你好Hello. 我以前见过你吗?Haven't I seen you before? 也许Maybe. 几年以前我上过《岁》 的封面A couple years ago, I was on the cover of Seventeen. 你是那个模特 对吗? 谢丽尔You're that model, right? Cheryl. 是Yes. 我同学总喜欢把你的照片贴在存衣柜里The guys used to put your picture on their lockers. 我看见的停在外面的那辆银色轿车 是你的吗?Isn't that your silver car I saw parked out front? 对 其中一辆Yeah. One of them. 所以 能给我签个名吗?so, think I could get an autograph? 你房间里有笔吗?Do you have a pen in your room? 像你这样的人可以买任何想要的东西Man like you can buy anything he wants. 他在旅馆的礼品店里买了一副纸牌He buys a deck of cards at the hotel gift shop. 你想看我耍扑克把戏吗?Well, you want to see a card trick? 这扑克价值多少钱?How much did these cards cost? 我想分吧Oh, cents, I think. 如果楼下旅馆的礼品店里把我卖了And if they sold me downstairs at the hotel gift shop... 你会付多少钱?how much would you pay? 对...I'm sor... 对不起 我给什么付多少钱?I'm sorry, how mu... how much would I pay for what? 一整夜The entire night. 我陪你一整晚你付我多少钱?How much would you pay me for the entire night? 谢丽尔 我真不知道Cheryl, I... I really don't know. 不要害怕Don't be scared. 出个价Make me an offer. 美元?$? 抓牌Go fish. 美元?Uh, dollars? 抓牌Go fish. 美元?$. 抓牌!Go fish. 美元$,. 好Okay. 美元$,. 好Okay. 我马上就回来I'll be right back. 等等 你去哪儿?Wait a second. Where are you going? 我下楼去兑现支票I'm going downstairs to cash a check. 你想旅馆能给你兑现美元支票?You think this hotel is going to cash a $, check 凌晨点?at :am? 是张纽约储蓄和贷款支票It's a New York savings and Loan check. 像金子一样 他们会给兑现的It's like gold. They'll cash it. 你不觉得他们可能会产生点怀疑吗?Don't you think they might get a little suspicious? 让我看看Let me see that. 是银行开出的支票 背书给我It's a cashier's check. Endorse it over to me. 我不能那么做No. I couldn't do that. 这张支票是美元的see, this check is for $,. 我们谈好的价是美元We agreed upon $,. 为什么我不能给你美元 Why don't I give you back $ 然后你给我那支票呢?and you give me that check? 那更好Even better. 这是谁的吗?Does this belong to anybody? 我是汉莱提 圣诞快乐This is Handratty. Merry Christmas. 你好 卡尔Hello, Carl. 喂Hello. 巴里?艾伦 情报局的Barry Allen, secret service. 过去几个小时里 我一直在找你I've been trying to track you down now for the last couple of hours. 你想要怎样?What do you want? 我想为在洛杉矶发生的事向你道歉I wanted to apologize for what happened in Los Angeles. 不 不要向我道歉No, no, you don't apologize to me. 你平安夜也总是在工作吗?Do you always work on Christmas Eve, Carl? 我自愿...I volunteered 所以有家的人可以早点回家了so men with families could go home early. 好像你戴着个结婚戒指来的Looked like you were wearing a wedding ring 我以为你有家呢I thought maybe you had a family. 不 我没有家No. No family. 你想跟我谈谈吗?You want to talk to me... - 我们见面谈吧 - 行- let's talk face-to-face. - All right. 我在斯戴弗桑阿姆斯的办公室 房间I'm at my suite at the stuyvesant Arms, room . 早上我要出发 去拉斯维加斯度周末In the morning, I leave for Las Vegas for the weekend. 你想再耍我一次吗?You think you're going to get me again? 你去不了拉斯维加斯You're not going to Vegas. 你也不在斯戴弗桑阿姆斯You're not in the stuyvesant Arms. 你想让我在平安夜派名特工 You'd love for me to send out agents Christmas Eve 冲进你的旅馆 撞开你的门we barge into your hotel, knock down the door 所以你可以耍我们大家so you can make fools out of us all. 如果我耍弄了你我真的很抱歉I'm really sorry if I made a fool out of you. - 真的 - 不需要- I really am. - Uh-uh, no. 不用 听我说 我是真的No, listen, I really am. 不 你不要对我有歉意No, no, you-you do not feel sorry for me. 事实上 我知道是你The truth is, I knew it was you. 我没有给你戴上手铐 但我知道Now maybe I didn't get the cuffs on you, but I knew. 人们只知道你告诉他们的 卡尔Ah, people only know what you tell them, Carl. 那么你告诉我 情报局的巴里?艾伦Well, then tell me this, Barry Allen, secret service. 你怎么知道我不会看你的钱包?How did you know I wouldn't look in your wallet? 与杨基队为什么总赢一样的道理The same reason the Yankees always win. 没有人能把眼睛从条纹衣服上移开Nobody can keep their eyes off the pinstripes. 杨基对能赢是因为有了米基.曼托The Yankees win because they have Mickey Mantle. 从来没有人对他们的服装下赌注No one ever bets on the uniform. 你肯定这点吗 卡尔?You sure about that, Carl? 我告诉你我能肯定什么I'll tell you what I am sure of. 你肯定是要被抓住的You're going to get caught. 这样或是那样 只是个数学问题One way or another, it's a mathematical fact. 就像在赌城It's-It's like Vegas. 总是庄家赢The House always wins. 卡尔 对不起 我得结束谈话了Well, Carl, I'm sorry, but I have to go. 你打电话不只是为了道歉 对吗?Ah. You didn't call just to apologize, did you? 你什么意思?What do you mean? 你没别人可打电话You... you... you have no one else to call. - 把那个汉堡拿起来 - 好的- You got that burger up? - Yep. 你好吗?How are you? 再加点咖啡吗, 先生?More coffee, sir? 你是收藏家吗?Are you a collector? 哪方面的?Of what? 《宇宙之光的俘虏》 《大冻结》"Captives of the Cosmic Ray," "The Big Freeze" 《金色巨人之地》 我都收集全了"Land of the Golden Giants." I've got them all. 你在说什么?What are you talking about? 巴里?艾伦Barry Allen. "闪电"The Flash. 等等 孩子 过来Wait, kid, kid, kid. 你指 就像这本漫画书?You mean like the comic book? 对 就是这漫画书 当他不是"闪电"时Yeah, the comic book. When he's not The Flash. 巴里?艾伦就是他的名字That's his name, Barry Allen. 谢谢Thank you. 听清楚了 他读漫画书!Now get this: He reads comic books. 漫画书! 巴里?艾伦是"闪电" !Comic books! Barry Allen is The Flash! 卡尔 慢点儿 我不知道你在说什么Carl, slow down. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. 他是个孩子 我们的目标是个孩子He's a kid. Our unsub is a kid. 怪不得我们对不上他的指纹That's why we couldn't match his prints. 他没有犯罪记录That's why he doesn't have a record. 联系纽约警察局Now, I want you to contact NYPD 查一下所有离家出走的年轻人的情况for every all-points juvenile runaways in New York City. 别忘了飞机场And don't forget the airports. 他到处洒支票He's been kiting checks all over the country. - 为什么是纽约? - 因为杨基队!- But why New York? - The Yankees! 他说过杨基队的事情!He said something about the Yankees! 我们到名单哪儿了?so where are we on the list? 号 阿巴戈内尔Number , "Abagnahlee." 早晨好 女士Good morning, ma'am. 我们是打电话的联邦调查局特工We're the FBI agents who called. 对 我在等你们 我想你们都饿了Yes, I've been waiting. I hope you're all hungry. 我正在解冻沙拉丽蛋糕I put out the sara Lee. 我的丈夫杰克是名律师My husband Jack is a lawyer. 你的第一任丈夫怎样了 阿巴戈内里太太?What about your first husband, Mrs. "Abagnahlee"? 阿巴戈内尔 但我喜欢被称为巴恩斯Abagnale, but I prefer to be called Barnes. "弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔""Frank William Abagnale." 据说他服过役It says here he was in the service. 你们是在大战时认识的?Did... Did you two meet during the war? 对 我住的一个很小的村庄里Yeah, I lived in a very small village 在法国... 叫曼沙in France... Montrichard. 那种地方的人从来都没听说过沙拉丽the kind of place where they never heard of sara Lee. 请便Help yourselves. 没人不喜欢沙拉丽"Nobody doesn't like sara Lee." 你填写过一份离家出走少年的失踪报告You filled out a missing person's report for a runaway juvenile 名叫小弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔by the name of Frank Abagnale Jr. 弗兰克没事吧?Is Frankie okay? 你知道他在美国大通银行的...You're aware of the fact that he wrote some checks 死账户上开支票吗?on a closed account at Chase Manhattan Bank? 知道Oh, yes. 警察认为他犯了某种罪The police think he's some type of criminal. 他犯的是重罪 巴恩斯太太What he did was a felony, Mrs. Barnes. 一共才美元It was $,. 像他这么大的孩子有一半在吸毒Half the kids his age are on dope 向警察扔石子throwing rocks at police 他们都吓死我了and they scared me to death 就因为我的儿子犯了个小错误because my son made a little mistake. 一个岁的孩子需要吃饭...Huh. A -year-old... boy has to eat 需要有个地方睡觉has to have a place to sleep. 我们理解 夫人We understand, ma'am. 有你儿子的照片吗?Would you happen to have a picture of your son? 有 我有他的旧年册Oh, yes. I have his old yearbook. 好Okay. 好 好 我们...Okay, okay, we, uh... 我们要给所有部门发电传we need to send out an all-office teletype. 我们的嫌疑犯叫小弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔 岁!Our unsub's name is Frank Abagnale Jr., age . 弗兰基没事吧? 他有麻烦了吗?Is Frankie okay? Is he in trouble? 抱歉我得告诉你Ma'am, I'm sorry to have to tell you: 你儿子在伪造支票Your son is forging checks. 伪造支票? 等等!Forging checks? Wait! 我们肯定能赔偿I'm sure we can take care of that. 我在教堂做半日工I am working part-time at the church now. 告诉我他欠多少 我还给你们Just tell me how much he owes and I'll pay you back. 到目前为止 约万美元so far, it's about $. million. 梅勒妮 你还好吧?Hi, Melanie, how are you? 在室内时请用烟灰缸When you're in the house, please, just use an ashtray. 弗兰克 这奶油真好!Frank, this fondue is so good! 很好 拿着Great. Here, take this for me. 好 我喜欢摩埃特!Ooh, good! I love Moet! 你好吗?Hey. How are you? 詹姆斯 求你了!James, James, please! 离那音响远点 好吗?Just stay away from the hi-fi system, all right? 这是卷轴到卷轴的 你不能那样进带It's reel-to-reel. You can't wind it like that. 天哪 特里!Christ! Terry! 这可是意大利的编织! 走路看着点This is Italian knit! Watch where you're going! 只不过是件衬衫 伙计!It's just a shirt, man! 弗兰克! 快过来!Frank! Come quick! 郎斯掉到谈话间里了!Lance just fell into the conversation pit! 对不起 你知道兰斯?埃坡巴姆在哪儿吗?Excuse me, you know where Lance Applebaum is? 谢谢Thank you. 这些瓶子一定要贴上标签!These bottles need to be labeled when you pick them up. 你知道这有多危险吗?Do you understand how dangerous this is? 你知道吗?Do you? 不要只是哭 要点头Don't stand there crying, just nod your head 跟我说你不再这样了and tell me you won't do it again. 擦干眼泪 去工作吧Now dry up and get back to work. 布莱尔医生 布莱尔医生Dr. Blair, Dr. Blair 薛伍德?布莱尔医生Dr. Sherwood Blair. 没事吧?Hey, hey... you okay? 他叫我去采血...He told me to pick up the blood, 我就做了 但他从没告诉过我要贴标签so I did, but he never told me to label it. 没关系 别哭了Hey, it's okay. stop crying. 你叫什么名字?What's your name? - 布伦达 - 布伦达-Brenda. -Brenda. 布伦达 我不会介意它的Brenda, I wouldn't worry about it. 那些医生You know, these doctors 你也知道 他们并不是什么都懂you know, they don't know everything. 这是我第一周上班It's my first week 我想他们要解雇我了and I think they're going to fire me. 不会的 没有人会解雇你的No, no, nobody's going to fire you, Brenda. 我打赌你会干得很好I bet you're good at your job. 不 我不会No, I'm not. 我想如果我求你帮我查一下Yeah, I bet if I asked you to check on the status 朋友兰斯?埃坡巴姆的状况...of my friend Lance Applebaum 你会很快帮我做到的that you could do that for me in a second. 埃坡巴姆先生踝骨骨折Mr. Applebaum fractured his ankle. 阿什兰德医生在号检查室给他治疗Dr. Ashland is treating him in exam room seven. 你看? 没问题吧You see that? No problem. 这是急诊图表This is the emergency chart. 看见那个蓝色的星了吗?see that blue star there? 那表示病人已经被诊断That means that the patient has been diagnosed. 给他治疗后And then, after he's been treated 再在这里画个红圈 明白吗?we put a red circle here, see? 你觉得那些牙套怎么样?How do you like those braces? 我看它们挺好I guess they are all right. 我去年把我的摘下来了I got mine off last year. 天啊 我讨厌它们 只是里边的牙Boy, I hated them. They were bottoms. 我还得戴我的护牙You know, I still got to wear my mouth guard. 你的牙确实很好You have really nice teeth. 谢谢Well, thank you. 你笑得很美And you have a pretty smile. 不 我是认真的No, I mean it. 我真觉得你戴牙套看上去挺好I really think those braces look good on you. 谢谢Thank you. 不客气You're welcome. - 布伦达 - 什么?- Brenda. - Yeah. 这医院有没有在招人?Do you know if they're hiring here at the hospital? 我不确定I'm not sure. 你想干什么?What do you want to do? 我是名医生I'm a doctor. 亲爱的爸爸...Dear Dad: 我决定把原来的工作放下一段时间I've decided to get off the road for awhile. 我找了个医院的夜班工作 遇到了一些不错的人I've taken a night job at a hospital and met some really nice people. 感觉真好 每天晚上能Feels good to have my feet on the ground 踏踏实实地睡在同一张床上to wake up in the same bed every night. 天知道 可能我还要找个人结婚Who knows, maybe I'll even find someone to settle down with. "哈佛医学院"...Harvard Medical school... 全班成绩前茅top of your class. "南加州儿童医院"southern California Children's Hospital. 真是很吸引人的简历 考纳斯医生Well, that's a pretty impressive resume, Dr. Conners 不幸的是... 我需要的只是...but unfortunately, uh... the only thing I need 一位夜班急诊室主管is a... an emergency room supervisor 从半夜到早晨点的for my midnight to :am shift 一个照看名实习生和名护士的人someone to baby-sit six interns and nurses 但是...but, uh... 说到底 我想你会感兴趣的Hell, I doubt that, uh, you would be interested in that. 过去... 我总是挑选自己的护士Well, in the past they've always let me choose my own nurses. 考纳利医生Dr. Connelly? - 哈里斯医生? - 在- Dr. Harris? - Present. 阿什兰医生Dr. Ashland? 考纳斯医生...Dr. Conners... 你每天晚上都要检查出勤吗?You gonna take roll every night? 是的 我要 阿什兰医生Uh, yes, I will, Dr. Ashland, 如果你要迟到了 我建议你带假条来and if you're going to be late, I suggest you bring a note. 巴斯曼小姐Miss Basmann. 梅斯小姐Miss Mace. 斯特朗小姐Miss strong. 到Here. 布朗护士Nurse Brown. - 桑福德护士 - 到-Nurse sanford? - Here. 每小时毫克可待因 milligrams of codeine every four hours. 每分钟滴血浆 直到我们算出需要量Run the plasma at drops a minute until we calculate the fluid requirements. 你估计这烧伤的程度和面积有多少 基达尔?What do you estimate the degree and extent of the burns, Kildare? 度和度烧伤second and third-degree burns 面积超过皮肤总面积的%over about percent of the body surface. - 你同意吗? - 我同意- Do you concur? - I concur. 把他送到小儿科去吧Let's get him up to Pediatrics. - 你好 布伦达 - 你好 考纳斯医生- Hello, Brenda. - Hi, Dr. Conners. - 你需要在这里签字 - 谢谢- You need to sign these. - Thank you. 看我有什么变化吗?Do you notice anything different about me, Doctor? - 你摘掉牙套了! - 是的-You got your braces off! -Yeah! - 过来 让我看看 - 我整晚都想让你看到!- Come here. Let me see. - I've been trying to show you all night! - 真不错 - 是吗?- Wow. Good job. - Yeah? 摘牙套时痛吗? 我当时感觉很怪异so, did it hurt when they took them off? Mine felt so weird after. 我总是用舌头磨牙 控制不住!Mm, I keep rubbing my tongue over them. I can't stop. They're so slippery. - 感觉很好 是吗? - 是的 感觉好极了- It feels good, though, doesn't it? - Yeah, it feels incredible. 天...!Oh, my. 对不起I'm... I'm sorry. 考纳斯医生 请到急诊室Dr. Conners to the ER. 你不去吗?shouldn't you go? 不去No. No, no. 急诊病房有位医生 我们继续They have a staff doctor in the emergency ward. We'll be fine. 他要是正在手术怎么办?What... what if he's in surgery? 你真的认为我得去?Do you really think I have to go? 在这里边 考纳斯医生Oh. In here, Dr. Conners. 先生们 是什么问题?Gentlemen, what, uh... what seems to be the problem? 脚踏车意外Bicycle accident. 膝盖骨下大约厘米处胫骨骨折Fractured tibia about five inches below the patella. - 哈里斯医生 - 嗯?-Dr. Harris. - Yes? 你同意吗?Do you concur? 同意什么 先生?C... Concur with what, sir? 同意阿什兰医生刚才说的With what Dr. Ashland just said. 你同意吗?Do you... Do you concur? 是个脚踏车意外Uh... well, it was a bicycle accident. 这孩子说的Um, the boy told us. 所以你同意?so you concur? - 同意? - 我们应该给他照X光- Concur? Uh... - I think we should take an X ray, 缝合伤口 再给他打上石膏then stitch him up and put him in a walking cast. 很好 阿什兰医生 很好That's very good, Dr. Ashland. Very good. 我看 你们好像不太需要我Well, you don't seem to have much need for me. 继续Carry on. 我搞错了 是不是?I blew it, didn't I? 我为什么没说同意呢?Why didn't I concur? 请接分机Dr.Henning, call extension . 接分机Dr.Henning, extension . 请随便!Make yourself at home! 老弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔Frank Abagnale sr. 你不是警察You're not a cop. 联邦调查局 特工汉莱提special Agent Handratty, FBI. 你不是警察You're not a cop. 我的房东说你不是警察My landlord said you were not a cop. 如果你要拘捕我 我想换件衣服Well, if you're going to arrest me I'd like to put on a different suit - 如果可以的话 - 我不是来拘捕你的- if that's okay with you. - No, no, I'm not here to arrest you. 我是在抓你儿子 他有麻烦了I'm looking for your son. He's in trouble. 你知道他在哪里吗?Do you know where he is? 如果我告诉你他在哪里If I tell you where he is 你能保证不告诉她妈吗?will you promise not to tell his mother? 能sure. 弗兰克做了个假身份证Frank made up a fake I.D. 还参加海军了and enlisted in the Marine Corps. 他现在在越南He's over in Vietnam right now. 那孩子现在在地球那头...That kid is halfway around the world 在该死的丛林里爬行crawling through the damn jungle 跟共产党打仗 所以...fighting the Communists, so... 请你 不要到我家来 还说我儿子是罪犯please, don't come to my home and call my boy a criminal - 因为这孩子更有出息 - 我没说他是罪犯- because that kid has more guts... - I never said he was a criminal, Mr. Abagnale. 我说他有麻烦了I said he was in trouble. 如果你想给我打电话谈谈 这是我电话If you'd like to give me a call and talk, here's my number. 你一定没有孩子吧?You're not a father, are you? 你说什么Pardon me? 如果你也是名父亲的话 你就会明白If you were a father, you'd know. 我永远不会对我的儿子失望I would never give up my son. 也永远不会放弃我的儿子I would never give up my son. 是的 先生 我理解Yes, sir. I understand. 肖恩 记下这个...Sean, Sean, now get this: "河湾公寓"Riverbend Apartments 乔治亚州 亚特兰大市 兰德欧沃街号" Landover, Atlanta, Georgia." 乔治亚州 亚特兰大市Atlanta, Georgia. 我在去机场的路上Yeah, I'm on my way to the airport. 小时后和小组会合 再见I'll meet the team in, uh, in four hours. Bye-bye. 好了 没关系的Come on, it's okay. 不必哭You don't have to cry. 对不起!I'm sorry. 真对不起 弗兰克!I'm so sorry, Frank. 我不能这么做I can't do this. 布伦达 听我说Brenda, listen to me. 我不在乎你是处女I don't care if you're a virgin, all right? 我可以等Really, I can wait. 我不是处女I'm not a virgin. 我年前做了堕胎手术I had an abortion two years ago. 我父母找朋友做的My parents had a friend do it 一个和我父亲一起打高尔夫的人a man that my father plays golf with. 当我刚恢复好 他们就把我踢出了家门And then, when I got better, they kicked me out of the house. 我堕过胎 不再是他们的女儿了!I had an abortion and I wasn't their daughter anymore. 我很抱歉I'm so sorry. 请不要生我的气Please don't be mad at me. 求你了 请不要生我的气Please, please, don't be mad at me. 不 不生气No, no. 请不要生我的气Please don't be mad at me. 如果... 我同你父母谈谈怎样?shh. Now... what if... what if I spoke to your parents, right? 也许能理顺关系May-Maybe I can straighten things out, huh? 我一直在求他们 但他们还是不让我回家Well, I ask them all the time but they said I still can't come home. 我爸爸是律师And my daddy's... a lawyer. 布伦达?Brenda... 如果你跟一位医生订婚会怎样?what if you were engaged to a doctor? 那样会不会改变什么?Will that change anything? 什么?What? 我去你父母那里...What if I went to your parents... 同你父亲谈谈...and I spoke to your father... 求他同意把你嫁给我and I asked permission to marry you? 是空的It's empty. 没有人Nobody here. 考纳斯医生 你是路德教徒吗?Dr. Conners, are you Lutheran? 是 我是路德教徒 Yes, I-I am a Lutheran, 但是请叫我弗兰克but, please, call me Frank. 弗兰克 你来祈祷好吗?Frank, would you like to say grace? 除非你觉得不自在Unless you're not comfortable. 绝对可以Absolutely. 两只老鼠掉进奶油桶里Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. 第一只老鼠很快放弃 被淹死了...The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned 但是第二只老鼠拼命努力but the second mouse, he struggled so hard 把奶油搅拌成黄油that he eventually churned that cream into butter 它走了出来and he walked out. - 阿门 - 阿门-Amen. -Amen. 阿门 那很美...Amen. Oh, that was beautiful. 老鼠把奶油搅拌成了黄油The mouse, he churned that cream into butter. 对That's right. - 那很不错 - 谢谢- That's pretty good. - Thank you. 你有没有决定想在新奥尔良的...Frank, have you decided which hospital... 哪一家医院工作?you want to work at here in New Orleans? 说实在的Well, um, to be quite honest 我在考虑回到法律这行I'm thinking about getting back into law. 天啊!Oh, my! 你是医生还是律师?Are you a doctor or a lawyer? 我去医学院之前 在加州通过了律师考试Before I went to medical school, I passed the bar in California. 我实习了一年I practiced law for one year 后来我决定为什么不试试当个儿科医生呢?then I decided why not try my hand at pediatrics? 你真让人惊奇You're just full of surprises. 是啊Yeah. 天呐 医生和律师Oh, my. A doctor and a lawyer. 布伦达中大奖了Well, I'd say that Brenda hit the jackpot. 你在哪儿上的法律学校?Where did you go to law school? 伯克利Uh, Berkeley. 伯克利 伯克利 天啊!Berkley, Berkley. Oh, my gosh. 那不是你上学的地方吗 爸?Isn't that where you went, Daddy? 弗兰克可以帮你工作Maybe Frank could come work for you, Roger. 你总是说找助理起诉员有多难You're always saying how hard it is to find Assistant Prosecutors. 他行吗 爸爸? 他行吗 求你了?Could he, Daddy? Could he, please? 他能为你工作吗? 求你了?Could he come work with you, please? 你在伯克利念书时 Was that snake Hollingsworth still teaching there 那个狡猾的霍灵斯沃还在教学吗?when you went through Berkley? 霍灵斯沃Hollingsworth. 是的 坏脾气的老霍灵斯沃 对吗?Yes. Grumpy old Hollingsworth, right? 脾气更坏了I tell you. Meaner than ever. 还有他的狗呢?And that dog of his? 告诉我 弗兰克 他的狗叫什么名字?Tell me, Frank, what was the name of his little dog? 对不起I'm sorry. Uh... 狗死了The dog was dead. 真是不幸How unfortunate. 是啊Yeah. 一个医生 律师 路德教徒...A doctor, a lawyer, a Lutheran... 那么 你究竟是什么 弗兰克?so what are you, Frank? 因为你要跟我女儿结婚...'Cause I think you're about to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage 我有权利知道and I have a right to know. 知道什么 先生?Know what, sir? 事实The truth. 告诉我事实 弗兰克Tell me the truth, Frank. 你在这儿做什么?What are you doing here? 像你这样的人在和布伦达做什么?What is a man like you doing with Brenda? 如果你想要我的祝福If you want my blessing 如果你想要我的女儿...if you want my daughter 我想现在就听你说说I'd like to hear it from you now. 事实是 先生...The truth is, sir, that... 事实就是...The truth is that... 我不是医生 也不是律师I'm not a doctor, I'm not a lawyer... 我也不是飞行员I'm not an airline pilot. 我什么都不是I'm... I'm nothing, really. 我只是个爱你女儿的孩子I'm-I'm-I'm just a kid who's in love with your daughter. 不对No. 你知道你是什么吗?You know what you are? 你是个浪漫的人You're a romantic. 没有我们爱的女人 像我们这样的男人什么都不是Men like us are nothing without the women we love. 我必须承认 我也为有这样愚蠢的内疚怪念头I must confess, I'm guilty of the same foolish whimsy. 五次约会后我向卡罗尔求婚...I proposed to Carol after five dates 口袋空空 一文不名with two nickels in my pockets and holes in my shoes 因为我知道她就是那个我要找的because I knew she was the one. 继续向前 弗兰克so go ahead, Frank. 不要害怕Don't be afraid. 提出你想跟我提的吧Ask the question you came here to ask me. 先生...sir, uh, uh... 我得做什么?w-what would I have to do 如果要想在新奥尔良当律师?to take the bar here in New Orleans? 不 别的问题No, the... the other question. 穿过那门就是Right through that door. 祝你好运 考纳斯先生Good luck, Mr. Conners. 谢谢Thank you. {\an}年月日 弗兰克Hey, Frank... 你知道我一直没明白的是什么吗?you know what I could never figure out? 你是怎么骗过律师考试的?How did you cheat on the bar exam in Louisiana? 有什么区别?Why? What's the difference? 有人替你考试的 有吗?someone else took the test for you, didn't they? 卡尔 我要被长时间地关在监狱里Carl, I'm going to prison for a long time. 说真的 知不知道有什么区别?seriously, what's the difference? 就是个简单的问题It's a simple question. 你吃那小酶吗?Are you going to eat that eclair? 是啊 我留着等会儿吃Yeah. I'm saving it for later. 或者你想分点给我?Well, you want to split it with me? 不想No. 把小酶给我一半我就告诉你Give me half that eclair and I'll tell you. 我早晚会想出来的I'm going to figure it out sooner or later. 你在菲利浦?利戈比手下工作 负责企业法务You'll be working under Phillip Rigby in corporate law. 你为什么不搬进来 布置一下办公桌?Why don't you settle in, organize your desk? 谢谢Thank you. 我们点分与首席检察官和We're having lunch at : with the Attorney General 麦克森州长共进午餐and Governor McKeithen. - 他本人 - 州长!- Himself. - The Governor. 我们拼写得正确吗?Did we spell it right? 非常对You sure did. 恭喜你 Congratulations. - 谢谢 先生 - 欢迎你的加入- Thank you, sir. - Welcome aboard. 看这张照片 斯图尔特先生Look at this photograph, Mr. Stewart. 这是张普林提斯约克的照片It's a photograph of Prentice York 就是在那他们发现他死了where they found him, dead. 这是照片的局部放大Now, here is an enlargement of part of that photograph. 这是一张被告在作废支票上的签名照片This is a photograph of the defendant's signature on a canceled check. 这是同一个签名的局部放大Now, here is an enlargement of that same signature 与...which matches 他写给西蒙太太的信上的签名相吻合the signature on the letters that he wrote to Mrs. Simon 这就说明了某种可能性...which discuss the possibility 说明... 他在路易斯安娜州行骗of defrauding the great state of Louisiana. 法官大人 陪审团的女士们 先生们...Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury 这就是不可辩驳的证据this is irrefutable evidence 说明被告确实在说谎that the defendant is, in fact, lying. 考纳斯先生 这是预审Mr. Conners, this is a preliminary hearing. 没有被告There is no... defendant. 也没有陪审团There is no... jury. 只有我It's just me. 孩子...son... 你到底怎么了?what in the hell is wrong with you?! 是米驰吗?Is that Mitch? 罗杰! 是米驰!Roger! It's Mitch! 是米驰!Oh, my, I lost all track of time. 作为今晚"跟着唱"现场嘉宾...As studio guests for the sing-along tonight 我们邀请了圣莫尼卡教堂的 儿童合唱组we have the children's choir of st. Monica's Church 他们来自纽约城in New York City. 纽约城你能加入他们!Won't you join them and the gang 为爱尔兰唱几首歌吗? 大家一起in a few songs for the Irish? Everybody! 有人看见过凯莉吗?Has anybody here seen Kelly? 有人看见过凯莉吗?Has anybody here seen Kelly? 你来干什么?What are you doing here? 我来看你I... I-I came to see you. 你穿成这样干什么?What are you doing dressed like this? 我找了份政府工作I took a job. A government job. 你知道我在做什么吗?You see what I'm doing? 你有没有个好律师?Do you have a good lawyer? 我现在也算是个律师Well... I sort of am a lawyer now. 看这封信 税务局想要更多Look at this letter. The IRs wants more. 我跟他们达成个 我交项罚金I had a deal with them: two penalties. 他们吃了蛋糕 现在还想要掉下的渣子They ate the cake, now they want the crumbs. 我想起诉他们I want to sue them. 现在他们想要渣子Now they want the crumbs. 他们... 来 坐下They... Here, sit down. 他们试图吓唬我They're trying to scare me, intimidate me. 你知道吗?You know what? 知道什么? 我要让他们追逐我...You know what? I'll make them chase me... 用他们的余生!for the rest of their lives. 很高兴看见你 爸爸Hey, it's great to see you, Daddy. 坐下 我想给你看样东西Listen, sit down, I... I want to show you something. 我来是要给你这个I came here to give you this. 这是我的订婚舞会邀请函It's an invitation to an engagement party. 爸爸 我要结婚了Daddy, I'm getting married. 你能相信我要结婚了吗?Can you believe that? I'm getting married. 你现在什么都不用担心了You don't need to worry about anything now, Dad. 我要有辆崭新的卡迪拉克Listen, I'm getting a brand-new Cadillac. 我要有栋万美元的房子...I'm getting a $, house. 我全得回来了I'm-I'm getting it all back. 所有的珠宝 毛皮...All-All the jewelry, all the furs, everything, Dad. 他们拿走的每一样东西 我都要得回来Everything they took from us, I'm going to get it back. 妈看见你穿成这样了吗?Now...has Ma seen you dressed like this? 对 她回来取过几个箱子Yeah, she came to pick up some boxes. 那就好 你知道为什么?That's okay, that's okay, you know why? 因为她要跟我们一起去参加婚礼'Cause she... she's going to the wedding with us. 我要给你穿套全新的衣服I'm going to get you a brand-new suit, Dad. 我要给你穿套全新的衣服I'm getting you a brand-new suit. 一套曼哈顿之鹰 带颗黑色珍珠纽扣One of those Manhattan Eagle, three-button, black pearl suits. 你会帅极了You'll look great. 那些是不错 但她不会见我的Those are nice. Yeah. she won't see me. 你有没有试着给她打电话?Well, have you tried to call her? 为什么你现在不给她打电话呢?Why don't... why don't you call her right now? 爸爸 为什么你现在不给她打电话呢?Dad, why don't you call her right now? Here. 爸 给她打电话 为了我打Dad, just call her. Call her for me. 打给她 告诉她...You call her, and you tell her 我有张头等仓机票 去看她儿子的婚礼...I have two first-class tickets to go see her son's wedding... 你母亲现在和杰克?巴恩斯结婚了Your mother's married now, to my friend Jack Barnes. 他们在长岛有套房子They have a house in Long Island. 联邦调查局来找过我I had an FBI agent come see me. 你能躲着他们 儿子You got their number, son. 那家伙很凶The guy looked scared. 美国政府 亲爱的 吓得不敢照面The United states government, champ, running for the hills. 乒! 一步登天!Pow! To the moon! 都结束了Dad... it's over. 我要洗手不干了I'm going to stop now. 但是你已经...But y-you've... 他们永远也抓不住你They're never going to catch you, Frank. - 她不该那样做! - 坐下来好吗?- Dad, she wouldn't do that. - Why won't you sit down? 她为什么那样做Why would she do that to you? 过来坐下 喝一杯Come on, sit with me. Have a drink. 我是你父亲I'm your father. 那叫我住手吧Then ask me to stop. 那么叫我住手吧Then ask me to stop. 你不能停You can't stop. 你要去哪儿?Where are you going? 好了 你要去哪儿?Come on, Frank, where are you going? 你要去哪儿?Where are you going? 你今晚去哪儿?Where are you going tonight? 你今晚要去什么奇异的地方?someplace exotic? Where are you going tonight? 塔西提岛? 夏威夷?Tahiti, Hawaii? 这是汉莱提This is Handratty. 你好 卡尔Hello, Carl. 圣诞快乐Merry Christmas. 你好吗 考纳斯医生?How are you, Dr. Conners? 我已经有几个月不当考纳斯医生了Carl, I haven't been Dr. Conners for months now. 平安夜我坐在办公室Well... I'm sitting here in my office on Christmas Eve. 你想干什么?What do you want? 好吧Okay. 我想结束这一切I want it to be over. 我想结束这一切 因为我要结婚了Uh... I want it to be over. I'm getting married. 想安顿下来You know, I'm settling down. 你偷了差不多百万美元You've stolen almost $ million. 你想我们能把这作为结婚礼物给你?You think we can just call that a wedding present? 这不是件你能躲开的事Nah, this isn't something you get to walk away from, Frank. - 我想休战 - 没有休战- I want to call a truce. - No truce. 你会被抓住 投入监狱You will be caught, you will go to prison. 你以为后果会是怎样的?Where did you think this was going? 请放我一马 卡尔Please leave me alone, Carl. 求你了Please? 我就快抓住你了 不是吗?I'm getting close, aren't I? 我接近了所以你害怕了You're scared because I'm getting close. 我知道... 你在什里夫伯特租了辆车I know you... you rented that car in shreveport 住在查尔斯湖的一家旅馆and you stayed in that hotel on Lake Charles. 你想跑 尽管去吧You want to run, be my guest. 你的支票可不像你那么会说谎Your checks don't lie as well as you do. 不要追我了stop chasing me. 我不能停I can't stop. 这是我的工作It's my job. 没关系 卡尔It's okay, Carl. 我只是想我该问一下I just thought I'd ask, you know? 圣诞快乐Hey. Merry Christmas, huh? 我爱我的工作I love my job. 好吧All right... 我们找来所有的报纸...let's get every newspaper we can 最近两个月的路易斯安娜州的所有报纸every newspaper in Louisiana for the last two months. 我们要找什么?What are we looking for? 结婚声明 以考纳斯的名字Engagement announcements, name of Conners. 考纳斯? 得了 这孩子现在应该已经...Conners?! Come on, Carl, the kid would've 已经改名了changed his name by now. 他不能改Mm-mm. He can't change it. 她认为他是考纳斯she thinks he's Conners. 如果他丢了名字 就丢了她If he loses the name, he loses the girl. - 恭喜! - 玩得好吗?-Congratulations. - You having a good time? 继续跳舞Keep dancing, huh? 你也一样 谢谢Oh, me too. Thank you. 我去一下洗手间I'm going to, uh, the little boys' room. - 好的 - 好的-Okay. -Okay. 快点回来Hurry back. 晚上好Good evening. 我是联邦调查局的汉莱提特工I'm Agent Handratty with the FBI. 我们想和主人谈话We'd like to have a few quiet words - 如果方便的话 - 我去找他- with your host, if possible. - I'll get him. 就在那儿 先生Right over there, sir. - 你好 罗杰 - 你好-Hi, Roger. How are you? -Hi, Vin. 晚上好 我是罗杰?斯特朗Good evening, gentlemen. I'm Roger strong. 卡尔?汉莱提 联邦调查局的Carl Handratty, FBI. 这是阿姆德斯基和福克斯特工This is Agents Amdursky and Fox. 抱歉闯到你的舞会sorry to crash your party, sir. 没关系 我能为你做什么?Not at all. What can I do for you? 如果不太麻烦 我想见新郎If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to meet the groom. 有什么问题吗?Is there a problem? 弗兰克! 弗兰克!Frank! Frank! 你能拿一下这些支票吗?Can you hold all these? 好的 来这边Yeah. Come here. 这些支票是我父亲的朋友送的They're checks. They're from my dad's friends. 是送给我们用来开始新生活...They're for us, so we can start a new life... Hey! 你要干什么? 怎么了?What are you doing? What's wrong? - 我们得离开 - 什么?!- We have to leave. - What?! - 布伦达 你爱我 是吧? - 是的- Brenda, you love me, right? - Yes. - 我是说 无论怎样你都会爱我 - 是的- I mean, you'd love me no matter what. - Yes. 我是说 无论我生病I mean, you'd love me 还是贫穷 或者甚至...whether I was sick or whether I was poor 有另外一个名字 你都会爱我or even if I had a different name. 弗兰克 你从哪儿弄来的那些钱?Frank, where'd you get all that money? 布伦达 听我说 名字并不重要 对吗Brenda, listen. A name, right? A name, it doesn't matter. 我叫弗兰克?考纳斯 对吧?My name is Frank Conners, right? - 那是跟你一起时用的名字 - 对- That's who I am with you. - Yes. 但我们都有秘密 有时旅行时...But-but we all have secrets. You know, sometimes when I travel 我用弗兰克?泰勒这名字 这是我的秘密I use the name Frank Taylor. That-That's my secret. - 弗兰克?泰勒? - 是的 弗兰克?布莱克-Frank Taylor?! -Yeah, Frank Taylor, you know? - 弗兰克?布莱克 - 弗兰克?布莱克?!-Frank Black. -Frank Black?! - 是的 这没关系 - 你为什么说这些?- Yeah, it doesn't matter. - Why are you saying all this? 布伦达 我不想再跟你说谎Brenda... Brenda, I don't want to lie to you anymore. 好吗? 我不是医生All right? I'm not a doctor. 从来没上过医学院I never went to medical school. 我不是律师 不是哈佛毕业生 也不是路德教徒I'm not a lawyer or a Harvard graduate or a Lutheran. 布伦达 我年半前从家里跑出来Brenda, I ran away from home a year and a half ago 那时岁时when I was . 弗兰克...Frank... 弗兰克?Frank? 你不是路德教徒?You're not a Lutheran? 布伦达 看见这些钱了吗?Brenda... you see all this money? 看见这些钱了吗? 我还有You see all this money? I have more. 我还有更多I have plenty more. 我有的是钱I have enough money 足够我们两个下半辈子用了to last us for the rest of our lives 看Look. 别逗我了!Frank, stop teasing me. 你是弗兰克?考纳斯 岁You're Frank Conners. You're Frank Conners, and you're years old and... - 布伦达 - 你为什么对我说谎?- Brenda... - Why would you lie to me? - 布伦达 布伦达... - 我想知道你的名字-Brenda Brenda... - I want to know your name. - 听我说 布伦达 - 告诉我你的名字-Listen to me, Brenda. -Tell me your name. 我们可以住在任何想住的地方We can live anywhere we want 但是你得信任我 布伦达but you have to trust me, Brenda. - 你信任我吗? - 是的- Do you trust me? - Yes. - 你爱我吗 布伦达? - 我爱你- Do you love me, Brenda? - Yes. - 你爱我? - 我爱你- You love me? - I love you. 打断一下 孩她妈Excuse me, Mother. 这是汉莱提先生 我太太 卡罗尔Honey, this is Mr. Handratty. My wife Carol. - 汉... - 汉莱提 夫人-Oh, Mister...? -Handratty, ma'am. - 莱提 - 是的-Ratty. - Yes. 你看见弗兰克或布伦达了吗?Have you seen Frank or Brenda? 我想他们上楼了I-I think they went upstairs. 弗兰克...Frank... 布伦达 过来Brenda, come here. 天后 我们在...Okay, in two days, you're going to meet me 在迈阿密国际机场见面 好吗?at Miami International Airport, all right? 你父母睡觉后离开家You're going to leave the house after your parents go to sleep. 搭出租车You're going to take a taxicab. 把这钱给出租司机You give the taxi driver this money right here 告诉他整夜开and you tell him to drive all through the night. 布伦达 你将在上午点离开Brenda, you're going to leave at :am. - 上午点 好吗? - 但是...- :am, all right? - But... 那间屋子 先生?Which room, sir? 拐角那间In the corner. 听我说 好吗?You have to listen to me, all right? 迈阿密国际机场到站口The International Terminal in Miami, all right? - 重复一遍 - 迈阿密国际机场到站口- Say it. - Okay, the International Terminal in Miami. - 不管怎样 - 不管怎样-No matter what... - No matter what... - 搭出租车 - 我会的-You're going to take a taxicab. - I will take a taxi. 上午点到那儿You're going to be there at :am. 我会到那儿的 不管怎样I will be there at :am, no matter what. - 天后 - 天-In two days. -Two days. 天 布伦达 天Two days, Brenda. Two days. 不管怎样两天后上午点 我会到那儿In two days, I'll be there no matter what, at :am. 我们不会告诉任何人You're not going to tell anyone, Brenda. 答应我You have to promise me, now. 弗兰克 求你!Frank, please! 你走之前请告诉我你的名字Before you go, please tell me your name. 请告诉我Please, tell me. 小弗兰克?威廉?阿巴戈内尔Frank William Abagnale Jr. 国际航班National Airlines 号班机 途径萨拉索塔 坦帕flight number , serving Fort Myers, sarasota, Tampa 终点纽约肯尼迪机场 现在正在检票...and New York Kennedy, is now available at gate n... 号通道skycap, Gate . skycap, Gate . 出租车!Taxi! 请您注意...Your attention... 布伦达Brenda. 那家伙没有出现 肯定是在耍咱们This guy's a no-show. He must've got wise to us. 也许走漏了消息 今天不来明天也会来的Maybe he was tipped. If he's not here today, he'll be tomorrow. 出国之前我们一定会抓到他.We'll get him before he leaves the country. 他没有护照He doesn't have a passport. 过去的半年里他去过了哈佛和伯克利For the last six months, he's gone to Harvard and Berkeley. 我敢打赌他已经弄到了护照I'm betting he can get a passport. 所以我们必须在迈阿密机场全神戒备so we have all our men waiting for him here in Miami International. 这个机场他以前来过 了解这里的出口He's used it before. He knows the layout. 我已经和迈阿密警方联系过他们会协助我们I talked to Miami police; they've offered us 名便衣警察会轮班盯防 uniformed cops in two shifts of . 我们的人现在在机场的已经有多个了With our guys, that's almost men in one airport. 你觉得我们是不是应该其他地方?Don't you think we should spread it around? 不 这里是他的逃离点No, no, this is the exit point. 你怎么知道他不会租一辆汽车Well, how do you know he hasn't rented a car 然后跑到纽约或者亚特兰大的机场and driven to airports in New York, Atlanta? 因为我不在纽约 也不在亚特兰大Because I'm not in New York. I'm not in Atlanta. 我是弗兰克?罗伯茨Yes, this is, uh, Frank Roberts 我将在本地区的大学里巡回演讲and I'm letting all the universities 来让大家了解到泛美航空的...in the area know that Pan Am will be initiating 本年度最新的招聘计划a new recruiting program this year. 明早我将在贵校结束行程I'II, uh, be stopping by your campus tomorrow morning. 感谢你们的到来Thank you all very much for coming. 今天结束的时候At the end of the day 我将选择八名年轻女士...I'll be choosing eight young ladies to be a part of... 做为泛美未来的空中小姐Pan Am's future stewardess flight crew program. 同时这八位女士将陪同我Now, these eight young ladies will accompany me 去欧洲进行两个月的巡回演讲on a two-month public relations tour through Europe. 途中她们将学习到They will discover firsthand what it takes 如何成为泛美航空的一流空姐to be a Pan American stewardess. 给我最少两个兄弟...Give me at least two men... 两个通道最少要有一个人Nah, one man per every two counters. 可以吗All right? - 阿姆德斯基? - 嗯?- Amdursky? - Yeah? 保证你的人 守着人行道和出入口Make sure your uniforms are covering the sidewalk entrances and exits. 我们来经常巡查男洗手间Hey... let's have, uh, periodic sweeps of the men's lav. 你 负责这里You, here. 什么条件使我能成为未来的空中小姐?What qualifies me to be a future stewardess? 我认为我真的很友善Well, I think that I'm really friendly 真能帮助人...and I can really help out 使人感到在飞机上受到欢迎 并且...and, um, make people feel welcome on the plane and... 我们在米的高度上We'll be traveling at , miles per hour 以公里时速飞行at an altitude of feet. 我行装已打好 我准备好出发All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go... 依琳娜?安德森Ilene Anderson. 米姬?埃克Miggy Acker. 曼布拉?乔?麦克米伦Debra Jo McMillan. 坎迪?赫斯顿Candy Heston. 你看见走在最前面的金发妞了吗?You see that blonde out front? - 我本该成为一名飞行员的 - 很对- I should have been a pilot. - Exactly. 汉莱提先生Mr. Carl Handratty 请接听免费电话please pick up the courtesy telephone. 汉莱提Handratty. 卡尔 你的对讲机刚才不好使Carl, your walkie-talkie wasn't working. 有一个穿泛美制服的人There's a guy in a Pan Am uniform 坐在大都市单排座车到站口Jsitting in a white Coupe DeVille out in front of Terminal J. 那是包机口That's the charter terminal. 你看见他的脸了吗?Can you get a look at his face? 他带着飞行员的帽子He's got his pilot's cap on. 卡尔 我想是他Carl, I think it's him! 从车里出来 弗兰克Out of the car, Frank. 弗兰克?Frank?! 从车里出来step out of the car! 把手放在我能看见的地方别动Keep your hands where I can see 'em. 不要开枪 我只是个司机Don't shoot me! I'm just a driver. 一个人给我美元让我穿这制服...A man paid me $ to wear this uniform - 到飞机场接人 - 你接谁?- and pick someone up at the airport. - Who you picking up? {\an}接汉莱提 收队 我们走Pack up, let's fly away. {\an}七个月后 南美洲 澳大利亚South America, Australia 新加坡 埃及Singapore, Egypt. 这家伙完全失去疯了The kid's gone completely out of control. - 为什么没通知我? - 谁也没通知 长官- Why wasn't I called? - Nobody was called, sir. 银行直到上周才知道The banks didn't know what was happening till last week. 不可能That's impossible. 他们没通知是因为这不是伪造They didn't call 'cause it's not counterfeiting. - 反正是其他的事 - 到底是什么呢?- It's something else. - Well, what is he doing? 他做的是真支票He's making real checks, sir. 很完美... 航空公司辨别不出来These are so perfect the airline didn't know the difference. 上张支票是在一周前在马德里兑现的Last check was cashed in Madrid a week ago. 我猜他还在那儿 我们现在就得出发My guess is he's still there. We have to leave now, sir. Today. 去哪? 西班牙? 你想去西班牙?Go where? Spain? You want to go to spain? 最后他会回去的... 回到印支票的地方Well, eventually, he's got to go back to where the checks were printed. 这就是他为什么在欧洲活动I think that's why he's moving back through Europe. 看着这地图 先生 他在做一个圈子Look at the map, sir. He's making a circle. 他要用完支票了 我可能说得不准He's running out of checks. I know it's a... it's a long shot, sir 但如果我们从马德里开始追踪他 but if we track him from Madrid, - 还是能抓住他的 - 如果你在这儿抓不住他- sir, we could still catch him. - I'm sorry, Carl, if you couldn't catch him here 那在别的地方也抓不住you're not going to catch him there. 可是我们就让他跑掉吗But, sir, we're going to let him get away. 卡尔 是你让他跑掉的No, Carl, you let him get away. 完美的边界尺寸... 整个一圈A perfect one-th all the way around. 上色毫无瑕疵Color separation is flawless. 墨迹没有流淌There's no bleeding. Hmm. 在美国没有人能干得这么好Nobody does work like this in the states. 除了我们Nobody but us. 是在哪儿印制的?Where was it printed? - 是在一个老印刷机上 - 老印刷机- It was printed on a monster... - A monster. - 海德尔堡 伊斯的利亚半岛 - 海德尔堡- a Heidelberg, an Istra... - Heidelberg. 过时的 色的a dinosaur, four colors. 能感觉出印刷机的重量You can smell the weight. 吨 不算墨水Two tons, without the ink. 他们在哪儿做这样的印刷?Where do they do printing like this? 德国 英国...Germany, Great Britain... - 法国 - 法国!- France. - France! 弗兰克的母亲提过法国一个村子的名字France. Frank's mother said the name of a village in France 那儿没有沙拉利where they didn't have sara Lee. 她遇见弗兰克父亲的村子The village where she met Frank's father. 我记不得...Oh, yeah, I don't remember, uh... 以"M"开头 是"曼"什么的It started with an M. It was, uh, "Mont" something. - 福克斯先生? - 对 对- "Mont." Mr. Fox? - Uh, yes, yes. 提问: "你是在大战时遇见你丈夫的"Question: "You met your husband during the war?" - "我住在法国一个村庄 - 就是这么说的- "Yes, I lived in a small village in France. - Yeah, right. "在那儿人们从没听说过沙拉利""The kind of place where they never heard of sara Lee." 告诉我你记下了那个村子的名字Tell me you wrote down the name of the village, Mr. Fox. 曼沙Montrichard. 卡尔!Carl? Carl! 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas! 我们总是在圣诞节交谈感觉怎么样?How is it that we're always talking on Christmas, Carl? 每个圣诞节 我都跟你交谈!Every Christmas I'm talking to you! 穿上衣服 弗兰克 你被捕了Put your shirt on, Frank. You're under arrest. 你饿了吗? 想要些豆子吗?Hey, are you hungry? Do you want some beans, Carl? 他们这儿有法国最好的豆子They got the best French beans here. - 来尝尝 - 外面有多名法国警察- Here, give these a try. - There's two dozen French police officers outside. - 卡尔 真的很美味 - 他们想抓你- Carl, I gotta tell you, they're delicious. - They wanted to bring you in. - 想尝一口吗? - 但他们需要美国人的帮助- You want a bite? - But they needed the help of an American. 你饿了吗? 想尝一口吗?Are you hungry? You want a bite? 但我说了我不把他们带到你这里来But I told them I wouldn't bring them to you 除非我能亲自给你戴上手铐unless I could put the cuffs on you myself. 你有枪吗? 你有枪吗?Well, you have a gun? You have a gun? - 没有? - 没有-No gun? -No. 没枪No gun. 那你在跟我说什么?And-and you're... and you're telling me what? 在外面有多名法国警察?there's two dozen French police officers out there 就在平安夜? 你是那么说的吗?right now on Christmas Eve? That's what you're telling me? - 对 - 好吧 好吧- Yeah. - All right, all right. 这里没有窗户Well, there's no windows here. - 我到前门看看 - 不! 不!- I'm going to take a look out the front door. - No! No! 我告诉他们我先走出去给他们一个信号I told them I'd walk out first and give a signal. - 给 你自己戴上 - 不 我不戴- Here, you can put these on yourself. - No, I can't do that! I can't do that. 你知道为什么?You know why? 因为你总是很蠢'Cause I think you're full of shit. 我看外面一个人也没有I don't... I don't think there's anyone else out there. 我看只有你和我I think... I think it's just me and you. 对 只有你和我 你知道吗?That's right. I think it's just me and you, and you know what? 你得自己抓住我You're going to have to catch me yourself! 我们没时间争论了I wo... we don't have time for this. 很好 很好Ah, that's good. That's good. 告诉我你想让我看见什么Tell me what you want me to see, huh? 我不会对你撒谎的I wouldn't lie to you. 你戴着结婚戒指Look, you're wearing a wedding ring. 你戴着结婚戒指 卡尔! 这事你骗我了!You're wearing a wedding ring, Carl! You lied to me about that! 是不是撒谎了?Didn't you lie about that?! 你问我是不是有个家You asked me if I had a family. 过去有 但不再有了I did, but I don't anymore. 有问题吗? 不 没有问题Yes? No, no, no, there is no problem. 我们马上出来We're coming out right now. 干得不错 干得不错Whoa, that was good. That was good. 你是不是给旅馆前台服务员钱What, did you... you pay some hotel desk clerk 让他给你打那个电话? 是你干的吧?to make that call for you, is that what you did? 是卢克警官It was Captain Luc. 我还有分钟带你出去I've got one minute to bring you out. 卢克警官? 卢克警官!Captain Luc? Captain Luc! 卢克警官Ooh, Captain Luc. 卡尔 我得说 听起来很像那么回事Well, Carl, I gotta say that-that sounds pretty official to me 但是像我说的... 我看只有...but like I said, I... I think it's just 我和你在这 只有我们俩me and you here, it's me and you. 所以你得来抓我so you're going to have to catch me. 弗兰克 弗兰克 这件事你得相信我Frank. Frank! You have to trust me on this! 这些人感到难堪 他们很生气These people have been embarrassed, Frank. They're angry. 你抢了他们的银行 偷了他们的钱You rob their banks, you steal their money 生活在他们的国家you live in their country. 我告诉过你会这样的I told you this was what was going to happen 没有其它了结方式that there was no other way for it to end. 不要胡来Don't make a mistake! 很好That's good. 很好 卡尔 你知道吗?That's good, Carl, you know? 接着编Keep pushing that lie. 接着编直到编成真的Keep pushing till you make it true. 他们会杀了你They're going to kill you! 如果你走出那门 他们会杀了你You walk out that door, they're going to kill you. 是真的吗?Is that the truth? 真的Yeah. 你有孩子吗? 卡尔?You have any children, Carl? 有个岁的女儿I have a four-year-old daughter. 你以女儿发誓?You swear on your daughter? 你发誓?You swear? 你发誓?You swear? 好极了 卡尔That was really good, Carl. 他由我监护I have him in custody. 我控制住他了!I got him. 我控制住他了! 没关系!I got him! It's all right! 没关系! 我控制住他了!It's all right! I got him! 我想做官方纪录Hey, I want it... I want it on the record. 弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔自愿被捕Frank Abagnale surrendered of his own accord. 明白吗? 明白吗?Understood? Understood? 你们要把他带哪里去? 我应该跟着Where are you taking him? I'm... I'm supposed to go. 你们要把他带哪里去?Where are you taking him? 让我上...! 让我上车!Let me in the... Let me in the car! 让我上车!Hey! Let me in the car! 不要担心 弗兰克Don't worry, Frank! 我会把你引渡回美国的 别担心I'll have you extradited back to the United states. Don't worry. 卡尔Carl... 卡尔 你得记着Carl, you have to remember 我们一落地就让我给父亲打电话to let me call my father when we land. 我只是想在他从电视I just want to, I want to talk to him 或什么上看见我之前跟他谈谈before he sees me on television or something like that. 卡尔 看Carl, look. - 号跑道 - 弗兰克 你父亲死了- Runway -. - Frank, your father is dead. 很遗憾I'm sorry. 在快到家之前我什么都不想说I didn't want to say anything till we got closer to home. 他在赶火车时 从大中心车站掉下台阶 He-He... He fell down some steps at Grand Central station trying to catch a train. 我本不想亲自告诉你I didn't want to be the one to tell you. 你骗我的 是吗?You're lying, right? 你说过我可以跟他交谈You said I could talk to him. 卡尔 你怎么敢 你怎么敢说那样的话?Carl, who are you to... who are you to say something like that, huh? 你怎么敢说那样的话?Who are you to say something like that? - 你说过我可以跟他交谈 - 他掉下去 - You said I could talk to him. - He fell, and he... 摔断了脖子 我很难过and he broke his neck. I'm sorry. 我真的很难过I'm really sorry. 见鬼!Goddamn it! 卡尔 我要吐了!Carl, I'm going to be sick! - 没关系的 没事的 - 卡尔 我要去卫生间- It's all right. It's all right. It's okay. - Carl, I got to go to the bathroom. - 我要吐了 - 当然 去卫生间吧- I'm going to be sick. - Sure. Let's go in the bathroom. 见鬼!Goddamn it! 爸爸Oh, Daddy... 各位 请回到座位上You'll have take your seat, sir. 我告诉过你次了 要着陆了I've told you twice. We're landing. - 对不起 谢谢 - 你们全部- Sorry. Thank you... - All of you. 弗兰克! 出来了Frank! Come on now. - 弗兰克? - 我们分钟后着陆- Frank? - We're landing in six minutes. 你们得回到座位...All of you need to be in your seats - 系上安全带 - 弗兰克! 开门!- With your seat belts fastened. - Frank, open the door! 弗兰克!Frank! - 你来 - 好- You do it. - Yeah. 弗兰克! 弗兰克!Frank! Frank! 好 请大家坐着别动All right, remain seated, everyone, please. - FBI 坐着别动 - FBI 坐着别动- FBI. Stay seated. - FBI. Stay seated. - 请坐好 - 坐好-Please remain seated! -Stay seated. 你必须坐好 直到飞机停稳You must stay seated until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. 天啊God almighty. 你叫什么名字?What's your name? 把手放在脑后!Hands behind your head! 卡尔 请让我上车吧Carl, get me in the car, please. 让我上车吧Get me in the car. 让他上车Put him in. 鉴于罪行的严重性...Taking into account the gravity of these crimes 放肆和逃避的行为...your history of bold and elusive behavior 及对美国法律的蔑视and your complete lack of respect for the laws of the United States 我不得不驳回你 将你作为少年犯对待的请求I have no choice but to ignore your request to be treated as a minor 判你在亚特兰大监视最严密的监狱服刑年and sentence you to years in Atlanta's maximum security prison 并强烈建议对你在整个服刑期间and recommend strongly that you be kept in isolation 进行隔离关押for the entirety of that sentence. 走那边的门Use that door over there. 替我向大家问好and give everyone my love. 我一直都在想他们I think about them all the time. 圣诞快乐 弗兰克Merry Christmas, Frank. 我给你带来了几本漫画书Hey, I got you some comic books here. 你女儿怎样?How's your daughter? - 她叫什么名字? - 格雷斯- What was her name? - Grace. 我不知道Well... I don't know. 她跟母亲在芝加哥生活she lives with her mother in Chicago 我不常见她and I don't get to see her much. 箱子里是什么?What's in the briefcase? 我是在去机场的路上Oh. I'm on my way to the airport. 是个在明尼苏达州活动的伪造支票者It's a paperhanger who's working his way through Minnesota. 他 他搞得我们发疯Aw, geez, he's... he's driving us crazy. 你带支票来了吗?You got any of the checks? 对 我带了张他在...Yeah, yeah, I got a... a counterfeit that he drew 大湖储贷银行填写的假支票on the Great Lakes savings and Loan. 他使用一台模版机 和一台"木下"牌打字机see, he's just using a stencil machine and an Underwood. - 伪造者是名银行出纳 - 什么?- Yeah, it's a teller at the bank. - Say again? 肯定是出纳 卡尔I-It's definitely a teller, Carl. 银行从来都是用手工封盖日期I mean, banks, they always use hand-stamps for the dates, see. 一遍遍使用 所以总有磨损They get used over and over again so they always get worn out 数字总是有断点and the numbers are always cracking. 和 你看 它们先磨损The sixes and the nines... see, they go first. 谢谢Thanks. 我想让你帮我看样东西I'd like you to take a look at something for me. 告诉我你是怎么想的Tell me what you think. 这是假的That's a fake. 你还没看呢 怎么知道?How do you know? You haven't looked at it. 没有剪开的边Well, there's no perforated edge, right? 我是说 这张支票是手工裁的 不是从大张上剪下的I mean, this... this check was hand-cut, not fed. 没错Yeah... 纸是双层的Paper is double-bonded 作为银行支票太重了much too heavy to be a bank check. 这磁墨 我能用手感觉到它的凸起Magnetic ink, it's, uh, raised against my fingers 应该是平的instead of flat. 并且闻起来不像支票专用墨And this doesn't smell like MICR. 是一种... 一种画图用墨It's some kind of a... you know, some kind of a drafting ink. 在文具店能买到这种墨You know, the kind you get at a stationery store. 弗兰克Frank. 有没有兴趣在联邦调查局经济犯罪科工作?would you be interested in working with the FBI's Financial Crimes Unit? 我在这里已经有工作了 送信I already got a job here. You know, I, uh, deliver the mail. 弗兰克 我们能把你从监狱里放出来Frank, we have the power to take you out of prison. 你将在联邦调查局的监护下You'd be placed in the custody of the FBI 服完剩下的刑期where you'd serve out the remainder of your sentence 作为联邦政府的雇员as an employee of the federal government. 在谁的监护下?Under whose custody? 我叫弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔Hi. I-I'm Frank Abagnale. 我应该今天开始工作I'm supposed to start work here today. 是个安排英国处女岛度假的旅游公司It's a tour company operating out of the BVI. 先生 阿巴戈内尔来了sir, Mr. Abagnale is here. 我会再打给你I'm going to call you back. 你好 卡尔Hello, Carl. 欢迎来到联邦调查局Welcome to the FBI. 我带你看看工作的地方I'll show you where you're working. 卡尔 我要在这里工作多久?Carl... how long do I have to work here? 早上点分到晚上点钟It's : in the morning to : in the afternoon. 午休分钟 minutes for lunch. 不是问这个No, I... 我是说 多久?I mean, how long? 每天Every day. 每天 直到我们放你走Every day, Frank, till we let you go. - 什么事 - 卡尔- Yeah. - Hey, Carl. - 进展如何 - 现在聊天不合适 弗兰克- How you doing? - It's not a good time, Frank. 我在为周末赶工I'm clearing my desk for the weekend. 介意我明天来跟你一起工作吗?Carl, you mind if I come to work with you tomorrow? 明天是星期六Tomorrow is saturday. 我要飞到芝加哥看我女儿I'm flying to Chicago to see my daughter. 星期一回来I'll be back to work on Monday. 去见格雷斯?You're going to see Grace, huh? 对 是我的计划Well, that's the plan. 星期一前我该干什么?so what should I do till Monday? 对不起 这我帮不了你 让一让I'm sorry, kid, I can't help you there. Excuse me. 汉莱提This is Handratty. 好 接过来Oh, yeah, put him on. 斯耶先生Mr. Sawyer. 你怎么样How are you? 我还有张的支票I have a half a dozen more checks 关于那家英国处女岛旅游公司的on that tour operator at the BVI. 请乘坐美国航空 航班...American Airlines ... 飞往芝加哥和旧金山的...serving Chicago and san Francisco... 旅客准备登机is now open for passenger check-in. 你怎么办到的 弗兰克?How'd you do it, Frank? 你是怎么通过路易斯安娜州的律师考试的?How'd you pass the bar in Louisiana? 你来这干什么?What are you doing here? 听着Listen... 我很抱歉给你惹了这么多麻烦I'm sorry I put you through all this. 你要是回到欧洲 会死在坡皮监狱的You go back to Europe, you're gonna die in Perpignan Prison. 如果你想从美国逃跑You try to run here in the states 我们就会把你送回亚特兰大关年we'll send you back to Atlanta for years. 我知道I know that. 我花了年时间设法把你放出来I spent four years trying to arrange your release. 我得向我的老板Had to convince my bosses at the FBI 和首席检察官证明and the Attorney General of the United states 你不会逃跑you wouldn't run. 你为什么那样做呢?Why'd you do it? - 你是个孩子 - 我不是你的孩子- You're just a kid. - I'm not your kid. 你说你要去芝加哥You said you were going to Chicago. 我女儿这个周末不能见我了My daughter can't see me this weekend. 她要去滑雪she's going skiing. 你说她岁You said she was four years old. 你撒谎You're lying. 我离开时她岁she was four when I left. 现在岁了Now she's . 我太太再婚年了My wife's been remarried for years. 我有时见格雷斯I see Grace every now and again. - 我不明白 - 你当然明白- I don't understand. - Sure you do. 有时说谎更容易sometimes it's easier living the lie. 我今晚让你飞走 弗兰克I'm going to let you fly tonight, Frank. 我甚至不会拦你的I'm not even going to try to stop you. 因为我知道 你星期一会回来That's 'cause I know you'll be back on Monday. 是吗 你怎么知道我会回来?Yeah? How do you know I'll come back? 看Look. 弗兰克Frank. 没有人在追你nobody's chasing you. 前往匹兹堡的American Airlines flight 美航航班 已开始登机to Pittsburgh is now ready for boarding. 持登机牌的乘客 请到A门Passengers with boarding passes, please proceed to Gate A. 好的Okay. 爱丽丝 他还没来电吗?Alice, has he still not called? 是的 还没有No, he hasn't. 早上好Good morning. 我召开此次会议是为了讨论I've, uh, called this meeting to discuss 一种新型的支票欺诈和伪造手段a new type of check fraud and counterfeiting 嫌疑犯涂改支票which the unsub is washing and altering checks 然后发送到亚利桑那州then passing them throughout Arizona. 这个嫌疑犯是个大赌徒This unsub is a big dog 支票填位数passing checks as large as five figures. 对不起 我迟到了sorry I'm late. 抱歉sorry. 瑞特特工的桌子上有张伪造的支票We have a recovered check on Agent Reiter's desk. 我们出去看看吧Why don't we step out to the bullpen? 每一行都被加重There's impressions on every line. 好像原来数额是美元Looks like the original amount was for $. 我能看一下吗?Mind if I take a look? 一周前在福莱格斯达福兑现的Cashed in Flagstaff a week ago. 银行损失万千美元Cost the bank $,. - 是张真支票 - 对- It's a real check. - Yeah. 被洗过了Yeah. It's been washed. 原来的东西只剩下签名The only thing original is the signature. 但是很完美 卡尔 真的But it's perfect, Carl. I mean... 它不是用酸洗或漂白的I mean this isn't hydrochloride or bleach. 不是No. 是什么新东西something new. 也许是一种指甲膏清洗剂或者丙酮Maybe a nail polish remover where the acetone 之类的东西洗去手写墨水removes the ink that's not been printed? 你是怎么做的? 弗兰克?How did you do it, Frank? 你是怎么骗过路易斯安娜州的律师考试的?How did you cheat on the bar exam in Louisiana? 我没作弊I didn't cheat. 我学了两周就通过了I studied for two weeks and I passed. 是真的吗? 弗兰克?Is that the truth, Frank? 是真的吗?Is that the truth? 我肯定这家伙从邮箱里偷支票I'll bet this guy steals checks out of mailboxes. 他洗掉他们的名字 换成自己的He washes off their names and he puts on his own. 你说他是当地人?You're saying that he's a local? 如果是我的话Well, if it were me, you know 我会先给银行打电话 查一下余额...I'd call the bank first, I'd check out the balance... 弄清楚有足够的钱在里面Make sure there's enough money in there - 确定值得冒险 - 正是如此- to make it worth your while. - Exactly. 卡尔 我想这家伙非常狡猾You know, Carl, I think this guy's pretty smart. 我想现在我们要做的就是去抓住他I guess all we have to do now is catch him. 那就是今早的第一件事We'll start first thing in the morning. 我们开始追查这个名叫埃里克?安东尼家伙We'll run the name Eric Anthony Feeders. 在内华大 亚利桑那 加利福尼亚各州In Nevada, Arizona, California. 所有的名字 是吗? 克里斯?弗兰克也要注意?Both names, right? Chris Frank, too? 没错...Yeah... 小弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔已经结婚年 有三个儿子\N在中西部过着平静的生活\N自从年离开 监狱 弗兰克帮助FBI抓住了一些世界上隐藏最深的支票造假者 被认为是世界上最著名的反银行诈骗和欺诈专家 弗兰克还设计了银行和世界强公司每天使用的安全支票 这些公司每年向小弗兰克?阿巴戈内尔支付几百万美元的服务费用 弗兰克和卡尔至今仍然是好朋友
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