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浅析银行存款日记账的登帐及结账浅析银行存款日记账的登帐及结账 课程设计任务书 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师: 工作单位: 管理学院会计系 题 目: 初始条件: 1. 财会实训教学软件系列:基础会计V6.0 厦门网中网软件有限公司; 2.某企业单位一个月发生的经济业务有关的原始资料、会计核算制度; 3.其他材料。 要求完成的主要任务: 完成该企业当年12月份各项经济业务的全套账务处理,包括填制凭证,登 记账簿,计算利润,进行年终利润结算,编制主要会计报表,上述全套账务处理 保存资料刻制光盘随附课程设计说明书。撰写有关会计核算方法问题的小论文。...
浅析银行存款日记账的登帐及结账 课程设计任务书 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师: 工作单位: 管理学院会计系 题 目: 初始条件: 1. 财会实训教学软件系列:基础会计V6.0 厦门网中网软件有限公司; 2.某企业单位一个月发生的经济业务有关的原始资料、会计核算制度; 3.其他材料。 要求完成的主要任务: 完成该企业当年12月份各项经济业务的全套账务处理,包括填制凭证,登 记账簿,计算利润,进行年终利润结算,编制主要会计报表,上述全套账务处理 保存资料刻制光盘随附课程设计书。撰写有关会计核算方法问题的小论文。 时间安排:6月11日——6月22日 6月11日 仔细阅读和分析设计资料;复习巩固会计核算流程; 6月12日 原始凭证的填制与审核 6月13-15日 各种记账凭证编制与审核 6月18-19日 账簿的设置与登记、对账和结账 6月20日 资产负债表、利润表的编制 6月21日 书写课程设计说明书(有关会计核算方法问题的小论文) 6月22日 课程设计答辩。 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 系主任(或责任教师)签名: 年 月 日 physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease 1times (?) intervention treatmentdisease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases heathspecies and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp s learn pilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neurale 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 eyndromse species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure snt of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: diseareatmeor Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional tbnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial colerve ar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nnd treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbainflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis a 浅析银行存款日记账的登帐及结账 1银行存款日记账的格式及登记方法 1.1银行存款日记账的格式(三栏式) 银行存款日记账是由出纳员根据银行存款收、付款凭证和现金付款凭证或通用记账凭证逐笔作序登记的。账簿一般采用三栏式,也可以是多栏式,但此处主要介绍三栏式,三栏式银行存款日记账是将借贷双方放在同一张帐页上,解决了分工记账的问题,而且把大量重复发生的同类经济业务(如现金收、付业务)都集中在一本账中予以序时地反映。式样见图一。 图一 1.2银行存款日记账的登记方法 所谓登记,用通俗的话讲就是将账簿的空白处进行填充。而我们从以上的格式可以得知,银行存款日记账的填制主要包括以下几方面的内容:账簿页数、开户行及账号、业务发生日期、凭证编号、内容摘要、借贷双方金额的登记、每日余额的清算及登记、及月末时借贷双方金额的合计及结出余额。综上所述,我们通过记账凭证上的相关信息逐日逐笔的登记银行存款日记账上的各项具体内容。 2银行存款日记账的登帐过程 2.1提取与银行存款相关的记账凭证 根据银行存款日记账的填制是由出纳员根据银行存款收、付款凭证和现金付款凭证或通用记账凭证逐笔作序登记的,我们可知,在银行存款日记账登帐之前,inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment 我们必须调出相关的记账凭证,而利用电算化加速了我们工作效率,在“凭证查询”的窗口进行筛选,很快就能找到我们所需要的记账凭证,上面的数据也可以经过复制粘贴,很快就能完成操作,但是前提是保证记账凭证的无误。记账凭证和银行存款日记账的简易联系图——见图二 图二 2.2银行存款日记账的填制 2.2.1日期栏 日期栏指的是记账凭证的日期,应当与银行存款实际收付日期一致,记账凭证的填写日期可分三种情况: ? 库存现金或银行存款付款业务的记账凭证,一般以财会部门付出库存现金或开出银行付款结算凭证的日期填写; ?库存现金收款业务的记账凭证,应当填写收款当日的日期;银行存款收款业务的记账凭证,实际收款日期可能和收到该凭证的日期不一致,则应按填制收款凭证的日期填写; ?月末计提、分配费用、成本计算、转账等业务,大多是在下月初进行,但所填日期应当填写当月最后一日的日期。填写时,应用阿拉伯数字,而不能用大写汉字。实际工作中,个别会计人员把记账凭证日期的填制混同于支票日期的填制是不妥当的,因为记账凭证附件中已经了经济业务或事项的发生日期。同 时,记账凭证日期的提前或拖后也不是相关人员作弊的重点,不会影响会计信息的加工。 图三 根据图三,我们可以清晰的看到,银行存款日记账的日期栏及凭证栏是和记账凭证上的相关信息有对应关系的,那么日期栏和凭证栏上的对应关系清楚了,填制银行存款日记账的日期栏和凭证栏的思路就清晰明朗了。 2.2.2凭证栏 凭证栏只登记的记账凭证的种类和编号,种类如:“现金收款凭证”,简写为“现收”,同理如是“通用记账凭证”,就简写为“记”,账目。为了根据记账凭证顺序登记账簿和日后核对账簿、凭证以及保证会计凭证的安全和完整,要对记账凭证进行编号。记账凭证的编号按月编写,编写方法有三种: 将一个月的全部经济业务,按经济顺序号统一编号。其编号方法简便,适用于采用通用记账凭证的单位使用; 将一个月的全部经济业务,分收款业务、付款业务、转账业务三类按顺序编号; 将一个月的全部经济业务,分现金收款、银行存款收款、现金付款、银行存款付款、转账业务五类按顺序编号。 无论采用上述哪一种方法编号,都应按自然顺序连续编号,不得跳号、重号。 2.2.3摘要栏 摘要主要就是说明登记入账的经济业务的内容。但文字要简练,且要能说明inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment 问题。另外,摘要栏也是从记账凭证上摘抄过来,那么我们银行存款日记账的摘要栏的填写要求及注意就是记账凭证需要注意的地方。普通经济业务摘要的书写 一般经济业务摘要是会计人员对所记经济业务或事项的高度概括。记账凭证的摘要尽量短小精悍,把经济业务事项说清楚即可。一般情况下,最好使用动宾词组作为记账凭证的摘要。如,“购买原材料”、“提现”、“分配动力费用”、“收到前欠货款”等等。具体的填制见——图四 图四有特殊附件的摘要的书写 当一张或几张原始凭证涉及几张记账凭证时,可将原始凭证附在一张主要的记账凭证后面,并在摘要栏内注明“本凭证附件包括×× 号记账凭证业务”字样,在其他记账凭证上注明“原始凭证附在×× 号记账凭证后面”字样。没有原始凭证,而只有复印件的,不能作为填制记账凭证的依据。其次,红字更正法更正错账时,不论会计分录的一方还是双方填写错误,都应先用红字金额填制一 张内容与错误的记账凭证完全相同的记账凭证,在“摘要”栏内注明“冲销某月某日第某号记账凭证错误”;然后,用蓝字填制一张正确的记账凭证,在“摘要”栏内注明“补记某月某日第某号记账凭证业务”;最后,根据记账凭证分别用红字和蓝字登记账簿。 2.2.4借贷双方金额的书写 金额可以说是会计资料中比较核心的一部分内容,因此,对于借贷双方金额的书写要尤为注意,尤为小心。必须保证字迹必须清晰、工整,因为金额也是从记账凭证上得来的,因此,在对记账凭证进行登记和审核时关注,避免出现差错,一步步影响后面数据,账簿,报表的准确性。有关金额书写的 由于涉及到记账凭证,在此就将金额书写的相关内容全部进行介绍。 阿拉伯数字应该一个一个写,金额数字前应该不留空白,在其前加上货币币种符号(如人民币符号为“,”) 所有以元为单位(其他货币种类为货币基本单位,下同)的阿拉伯数字,除表示单价等情况外,•一律在元位小数点后填写到角分,无角分的,角、分位可写 “00”或符号“,,”,有角无分的,分位应写“0”,不得用符号“,,”代替。 汉字大写金额数字,一律用正楷或行书书写,如零、壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰、仟、万、亿、等易于辩认、不易涂改的字样,不得• 用0、一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、或另、毛等简化字代替,不得任意自造简化字。 大写金额数字到元或角为止的,在“元”或“角”之后应写“整”或“正”字;大写金额数字有分的,分字后面不写“整”字。 大写金额数字前未印有货币名称的,应当加填货币名称(如“人民币”三字),货币名称与金额数字之间不得留有空白。 阿拉伯金额数字中间有“0”时,大写金额要写“零”字,如人民币101.50元,•汉字大写金额应写成壹佰零壹元伍角整。阿拉伯金额数字中间连续有几个“0”时,汉字大写金额中可以只写一个“零”字,如,1004.56,•汉字大写金额应写成壹仟零肆元伍角陆分。阿拉伯金额数字元位为“0”,或数字中间连续有几个“0”,元位也是“0”,但角位不是“0”时,汉字大写金额可只写一个“零”inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment 字,也可不写“零”字。如,1680.32,汉字大写应写成人民币壹仟陆佰捌拾元叁角贰分。又如,1600.32,汉字大写应写成人民币壹仟陆佰元叁角贰分,或人民币壹仟陆佰元零叁角贰分。金额正确的登记在正确的栏目 在图一中,我们可以看到,银行存款日记账是分借贷两栏的,一点可以清楚,一个经济业务只会在一个方向进行反应,因此,在金额正确的前提下,借贷方的正确也是相当的重要了,我们必须根据经济业务发生的具体内容,确定其借还是贷,关键也还是在于记账凭证的填制,我们要保证记账凭证借贷双方记录的准确性。 图五 由上图的箭头我们可以看出,银行存款日记账和记账凭证有着很强的对应关系,而这种对应关系表明了,记账凭证上的银行存款是借方金额,那么就把这对应的金额填写在借方对应的栏目里,如果银行存款是贷方金额,就将这对应的金额填写在贷方对应的栏目里。 3银行存款日记账的结账处理 3.1日结(日清) 日结其实也可称为日清,就是将每日应记入账簿的经济业务全部登记入账后,计算记录本期发生额及期末余额,并将余额结转下期或新的账簿。 做到每天登帐完毕,及时结出当天的余额。 图六 上图中的几个箭头分别代表了12月01日、12月02日、12月04日、12月07日每日的余额数,那就是意味着,银行存款日记账需要每天都将当日发生的同上天余额数进行汇总,结出当天的余额数,同时将出纳员的库存与账簿余额核对相符,若账款不符,应记录备案,并查明原因,做到账实相符, 3.2月结 月结是指在该月最后一笔经济业务下面划一条通栏单红线,在红线下“摘要”栏内注明“本日合计”或“本月合计”、“本月发生额及余额”字样,在“借方”栏、“贷方”栏或“余额”栏分别填入本月合计数和月末余额,同时在“借或贷”栏内注明借贷方向。然后,在这一行下面再划一条通栏红线,以便与下月发生额划清。 本月发生额借方贷方的合计,比如就十二月而言,就是将12月01日至12月31日这一个月期间内发生的所有经济业务,按借贷方,分别进行合计,将合计的金额填写在本月合计所对应的那一行中,计入相应的借方和贷方科目。 inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment 本月余额栏的填写,也就是12月31日的余额,那么直接将他的余额重复的摘抄一遍就行了。 最后就是划线以示同非本期的经济业务加以区分,在本月合计的下一行,画一条红线加以区别即可。具体见图七 图七 单红线 3.3年结 在第四季度季结的下一行,在“摘要”栏注明“本年合计”或“本年发生额及余额”,同时结出借、贷方发生额及期末余额。然后,在这一行下面划上通栏双红线,以示封账。年度终了结账时,结出全年发生额和年末余额。年度终了,要把余额结转到下一个会计年度,并在摘要栏注明“结转下年”字样;在下一个会计年度新建有关会计账簿的第一行余额栏内填写上年结转的余额,并在摘要栏注明“上年结转”字样。 总账和日记账应当更换新账,明细账一般也应更换。但有些明细账,如固定资产明细账等可以连续使用,不必每年更换。年终时,要把各账户的余额结转到下一会计年度,只在摘要栏注明“结转下年”字样,结转金额不再抄写。如果账页的“结转下年”行以下还有空行,应当自余额栏的右上角至日期栏的左下角用红笔划对角斜线注销。在下一会计年度新建有关会计账簿的第一行余额栏内填写上年结转的余额,并在摘要栏注明“上年结转”字样。 图八 4银行存款日记账的注意事项及心得 4.1登帐方面 4.1.1年度的填写 从图一可知,在银行存款日记账账簿的左上角有一个小空格是用来写哪一年度的,这个特别容易忘记,在我操作的过程中,第一页没写,自己心想一定要记住,可到了过到次页时,输出结果,仔细一看,这一处空白又没有写。具体见图九及注释 图十 代表所属的年度,一定要记住填制~ 4.1.2内容摘要的填写 内容摘要就是简易的表达所发生的经济业务,但是简易却不能表现出歧义来,要能准确无误地反映经济业务。比如,上次我在做一个记账凭证时其实是收到利息,而我笼而统之的写发生了财务费用,结果恰好写反了。具体见图十一 inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment 图十一 当时我写的是发生财务费用,自己理解的时候是冲减,可是后来做账时忘记了,就写成恰好相反的会计分录了,“借:财务费用 贷:银行存款”导致了整个凭证都出错了. 4.1.3账簿换页的处理 接转下页时,应当结出本页合计数及余额写在本页最后一行和下页第一行有关栏内,并在摘要栏注明“过次页”和“承前页”字样,也可以将本页合计数及金额只写在下一页第一行有关栏内,并在摘要栏注明“承前页”字样。要记住过次页,承前页术语的记忆以及正确运用。 4.1.3金额的填写 填写金额的时候,每次碰到有小数点的时候,我老是出错,总会习惯性的把小数点加进去,没有清楚账簿上面已经设置好了每个数字所代表的大小,数位了。联系实际看看。见图十二 每个空格都表示了具体数值的大小. 4.2结账方面 主要在于线条的划制,在银行存款日记账日结中不需要划线;月结中是在其本月合计下面通栏中画一条红线以示同其他月份相区分;年结是在结转下年这一行的下行划两条红线。我当时出错在于,月结且画完一条红线后还在后面的空白栏内划线注销,其实是没有必要的,因为下个月可以接着做。具体见图十三 图十三 4.3心得 首先一点我们需要一份激情和热情来从事这份工作,可以说这是我第一次将自己学的一些理论应用,因此,对此充满了好奇和期待,经过差不多两个星期的实验,我收获了不少,实践有时比课本来的更实在些,帮助了我们更好地理解教材。 通过这次,我切身的认识了各种凭证的填制,票据的填制以及账簿的填制和报表的编制,对于整个核算流程有了一个更加清晰的概念,也不是自己当初的看法,会计就是天天算,它也有其一套运行模式。 其实让我印象最深的还是我自己所犯的错误,那是因为没有接触过真实的东西,对于很多只是一个自己的印象,等真正拿到手时,却无从下手。就从银行存款日记账说吧,刚刚看到的时候,确实很熟悉,但之前没有填制,只是理论学习,小小的高兴一瞬间后,一想,我该怎么填,于是自己又拿着会计学原理的书进行翻阅,来慢慢摸索,同时也发现了自己学习过程中的很多漏洞这也需要坚持,其实也是一个很繁琐的工作,有些确实就是重复性动作。也有很多主观原因造成的错误,比如:不仔细看题,把数据抄错;不仔细看栏目内容,把相关内容填错地方了;丢三落四,有些空忘记填了等等。 最后,在今后的学习过程中以及实践过程中,心细认真都是相当重要的,以及对于理论上面有疑惑的可以通过去商店相关的进行补充理解,把知识点弄懂。一下:认真,仔细,坚持,解疑,理论与实际相结合。 inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment 本科生课程设计成绩评定表 姓 名 性 别 专业、班级 课程设计题目: 课程设计答辩或质疑记录: 成绩评定依据: 最终评定成绩(以优、良、中、及格、不及格评定) 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 inflammation, myasthenia gravis, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment neurological physical examination of the system, cerebral spinal fluid, and neuroimaging (CT) diagnosis of lumbar puncture. Be familiar with: the differential diagnosis of headache; central nervous system demyelinating disease, cranial nerve abnormalities, infections and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment; MRI and the TCD (Transcranial color Doppler) clinical application and analysis of results. About: diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and Interventional treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) brain infarction 5 brain bleeding 5 Web film Xia cavity bleeding 2 cranial within high pressure syndrome 4 central nervous system infection more than 2 more sent sex neural root inflammatory 1 heavy syndrome muscle unable to 1 epilepsy 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) system of neural learn physical check (neuropathy variable of positioning) 10 lumbar puncture operation 2 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Headache 5 cranial neural exception 1 off pulp sheath disease 1 brain Department tumor 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) intervention treatment
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