

2017-09-25 15页 doc 42KB 13阅读




大连北大青鸟软件工程师课程大连北大青鸟软件工程师课程 第一部分:预备课程 序号 课程名称 课程代号 学时数 计算机基础 1 Prev 16 预备课程是免费的课程,主要是为哪些对计算机了解不多的学员准备的,计算机常见的操作、办公软件的使用、基本的计算机词汇在这门课程中讲解。 第二部分:第一学期课程 第一学期按先后次序将学习以下的课程: 序号 课程名称 课程代号 学时数 进入软件编程世界 1 STB 12 使用Java语言理解程序逻辑 2 Logic Java 54 使用HTML语言开发商业站点 3 HTML 40 使用SQL Ser...
大连北大青鸟软件师课程 第一部分:预备课程 序号 课程名称 课程代号 学时数 计算机基础 1 Prev 16 预备课程是免费的课程,主要是为哪些对计算机了解不多的学员准备的,计算机常见的操作、办公软件的使用、基本的计算机词汇在这门课程中讲解。 第二部分:第一学期课程 第一学期按先后次序将学习以下的课程: 序号 课程名称 课程代号 学时数 进入软件编程世界 1 STB 12 使用Java语言理解程序逻辑 2 Logic Java 54 使用HTML语言开发商业站点 3 HTML 40 使用SQL Server管理和查询数据 4 SQL Base 24 使用C#开发数据库应用程序 5 C#/WinForms 48 职业导向训练 6 COT 12 项目实战 7 Project 24 合计 214 第一学期课程除了包含前面讲解过的数据库、客户端页面、Java和.NET四门基础课程之外,还包括了: A、《进入软件编程世界》:这是一门基础课程,讲解软件程序所必须知道的基础知识如网络配置和指令、Windows 2003操作技巧、常用工作软件的使用等; B、《职业导向训练》:这门课程是用来培养职业素养的,通过学术活动、班级活动、职业素养课程,让我们具备职业人所必须具备的时间观念、表达能力、规范意识等; C、《项目实战》:这门课程包括两部分,第一部分内容是针对每门课程设计的“项目案例”,用来组合训练,增加熟练程度、提高项目经验和开发能力,第二部分内容是第一学期结束时要求完成的阶段项目。 第一学期课程体系说明: 1、 先学习进入软件编程世界,才能够具备计算机Java语言学习的基础; 2、 第一学期Java课程结束后,.NET课程的基本语言语法都与Java课程类似,将对比 进行学习; 3、 HTML语言是独立的课程,不牵涉到程序编写,学习Java课程之后,为了缓解学6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit 习压力,调整学习节奏,先学习这门课程; 4、 SQL Server课程和.NET课程共同结合起来完成第一学期的阶段项目; 第一学期的项目实战安排如下图所示: 项目类型 主要课程 学时 项目和项目案例名称 项目案例 使用Java语言理解程序逻辑 骑士飞行棋 6 使用HTML语言开发商业站点 网上书店网站设计 6 使用SQL Server管理和查询数据 高校信息管理系统数据库设计 4 使用C#开发数据库应用程序 MySchool 在线答题模块 8 阶段项目 C#/WinForms/SQL Server:MyQQ 第一学期学习完成后,要求: 在开发技能上: , 熟悉计算机软件技术的基本知识 , 理解程序逻辑、基本的算法 , 使用HTML、表格框架或者DIV布局模式、DreamWeaver工具开发静态站点 , 用T-SQL语言设计和维护SQL Server数据库 , 核心技能:用C#+WinForms+SQL Server+ADO.NET开发C/S结构的管理信息系统 在职业素质上: , 树立正确的学习心态、明确职业目标 , 具备时间观念和规则意识 , 基本的语言沟通和表达 , 具备基本的行为礼貌和日常礼仪 第三部分:第二学期课程 第二学期按先后次序将学习以下的课程: 序号 课程名称 课程代号 学时数 SQL Server数据库设计和高级查询 1 SQL Advance 34 深入.NET平台和C#编程 2 .NET/OOP 54 在.NET框架下开发三层结构数据库应用系统 3 ADO.NET/Three Tier 34 JavaScript客户端验证和页面特效制作 4 JavaScript 44 使用Java实现面向对象编程 5 Java OOP 26 使用JSP开发Web应用系统 6 JSP 44 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit 职业导向训练 7 COT 8 项目实战 8 Project 24 合计 268 第二学期课程除了包含前面讲解过的数据库、客户端页面、Java和.NET六门提高课程之外,还包括了: A、《职业导向训练》:这门课程也是用来培养职业素养的,通过学术活动、班级活动、职业素养课程,让我们具备职业人所必须具备的团队合作能力、抗压力能力和语言沟通表达能力等; B、《项目实战》:这门课程与第一学期的项目实战课程一样,包含了项目案例和阶段项目。 第二学期课程体系说明: 1、 第二学期刚开始就学习SQL Server课程,是在第一学期学会SQL基本操作、基本 查询的基础上学习高级知识; 2、 第二学期两门.NET课程有严格的先后次序关系,并且是在第一学期的基础上进行 拔高; 3、 JavaScript课程是在学习完成.NET课程之后进行,同时要求首先学会第一学期的 HTML课程,否则无法建立页面,更谈不上动态效果; 4、 Java的两门课程也存在严格的先后次序关系,只有熟练理解、掌握了面向对象的思 想,才能够进入到MVC开发模式的学习,否则将会存在很大的理解上的困难; 5、 .NET课程中的三层结构模式,与Java的MVC模式,存在诸多相似之处; 6、 学习完Java课程,将结合数据库课程、HTML、JavaScript课程,综合来完成第二 学期的阶段项目; 第二学期的项目实战安排如下图所示: 项目类型 主要课程 学时 项目和项目案例名称 项目案例 SQL Server数据库设计和高级查询 银行ATM取款机系统 6 深入.NET平台和C#编程 影院售票系统 6 在.NET框架下开发三层结构数据库应用酒店管理系统(1) 6 系统 酒店管理系统(2) 6 JavaScript客户端验证和页面特效制作 招聘网站页面特效制作 4 使用Java实现面向对象编程 门禁系统的面向对象设计 6 使用JSP开发Web应用系统 论坛短消息 6 阶段项目 JSP+JDBC+SQL Server:企业宣传网站 第二学期学习完成后,要求: 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit 在开发技能上: , .NET三层结构应用系统开发 , JavaScript客户端验证和页面特效制作 , SQL Server高级管理和查询 , 核心技能:用JSP+JDBC+SQL Server开发简单B/S结构的应用系统 在职业素质上: , 明确准职业人的职业素养要求、行业状况和需求 , 能够在压力下学习和工作 , 具备学习和工作方面的主动意识 , 具备团队合作意识 第四部分:第二学年课程 第二学年按先后次序将学习以下的课程: 序号 课程名称 课程代号 学时数 开发基于JSP/Servlet/JavaBean的网上交1 JSP/Servlet/JavaBean/Web Service 62 易系统 开发基于Struts/Spring/Hibernate/Ajax的2 Struts/Hibernate/Spring/Ajax 66 网上信息发布平台 使用ASP.NET技术开发网上书店 3 ASP.NET 66 使用Ajax和Web Service重构网上书店 4 Ajax/Web Service 32 前沿技术课 5 NTC 36 HR/CRM/OA/B2C毕业设计项目开发 6 HR/CRM/OA/B2C Project 36 职业导向训练 7 COT 20 项目实战 8 Project - 合计 318 第二学年课程除了包含前面讲解过的Java和.NET四门高端课程之外,还包括了: A、《前沿技术课》:这门课程中包含了目前最为流行的新技术内容,并且会根据新技术的发展情况进行更新,以保证绝对与企业的应用状况同步; B、《HR/CRM/OA/B2C毕业设计项目开发》:这是专门准备的大型毕业设计项目,包含了人力资源管理、企业客户关系管理、办公系统、游戏点卡销售系统四个大型的毕业设计项目,要求我们分别使用Java和.NET技术、以团队合作的方式、按真实的软件项目开发流程来完成设计、编码、测试等全过程;每一个项目完成都需要一个半月的时间,从而积累项目经验、真正达到企业所需要的开发能力; C、《职业导向训练》:这门职业素养课程的内容包含了求职面试、简历编写、企业规章讲解、企业礼仪和沟通等多全面的入职前的培训内容,从学校进入到社会的必修内容在本课程中将详细讲解; D、《项目实战》:这门课程只包含项目案例,用来组合运用Java和.NET开发技术,为6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit 毕业设计项目做准备。 第二学年课程体系: 1、 第一门Java课程,核心技术JSP/Servlet/JavaBean,就是MVC模式的经典实现,需 要第二学期JSP课程作为基础; 2、 只有在掌握了JSP/Servlet/JavaBean的应用以后,才能够体会到框架的必要性,第二 门Java课程中的Struts/Hibernate/Spring中,JSP/Servlet/JavaBean是最基本的应用, 并在此基础上做框架的集成,因此这两门课程也存在严格的先后关系; 3、 Ajax技术在Java课程中先讲解基础、原理,并要求手写Ajax代码,继而在.NET 课程中使用方便的控件来实现,因此Java和.NET课程安排的次序不能变更; 4、 .NET第一门课程是基于三层结构的企业级B/S系统开发,因此三层结构是这门课 程的基础; 5、 只有掌握了ASP.NET中的B/S开发技术,并且实现了网上书店的应用系统开发, 才能够在该系统上进行优化和提高、扩展更方便的功能,因此,第二门.NET课程 也必须在第一门.NET课程之后进行; 6、 毕业设计项目分别在Java课程结束、.NET课程结束后都会执行,整个第二学年的 学习过程,将有三个月时间的实战训练(其中集中编码的课时为免费学时)。 最后我们免费提供一本阅读手册给学员,这本阅读手册包含了典型的行业知识、行业开 发经验,为学员就业送上最后一程。 第二学年的项目实战安排如下图所示: 项目类型 主要课程 学时 项目和项目案例名称 项目案例 开发基于JSP/Servlet/JavaBean的网上交易系统 在线通讯录 6 E-家园个人网站 6 开发基于Struts/Spring/Hibernate/Ajax的网上信息E拍在线拍卖系统(1) 4 发布平台 E拍在线拍卖系统(2) 4 E拍在线拍卖系统(3) 6 E拍在线拍卖系统(4) 2 使用ASP.NET技术开发网上书店 酒店管理系统—ASP.NET6 版(一) 酒店管理系统—ASP.NET6 版(二) 使用Ajax和Web Service重构网上书店 新语聊天系统 8 整个ACCP课程学习完成后,要求: 在开发技能上: , 核心技能:能够参与到企业软件开发项目的全部过程 , 核心技能:运用HTML/JavaScript/CSS技术实现标准、规范的客户端静态和动态效 果 , 核心技能:用JavaEE JSP/Servlet/JavaBean的结构来实现MVC模式,把客户的业务 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit 需求转化为计算机中的Web应用系统 , 核心技能:基于Struts/Spring/Hibernate(SSH)集成框架技术开发多层企业级应用 , 核心技能:使用ASP.NET和组件技术开发和部署三层结构的企业级应用系统 , 核心技能:在Java或者.NET环境中,能够运用Ajax提升客户端效果、运用 WebService技术实现系统级调用 在职业素质上: , 树立正确的就业态度和良好的职业心态 , 通过简历和面试推销自己 , 职业人必备素养:职场礼仪、职场沟通和执行力 能够胜任的工作岗位包括: , Java(JavaEE)工程师 , .NET软件工程师 , 外包开发工程师 , 网站设计和开发工程师 , 数据库工程师 , ERP/CRM/OA/B2C开发应用工程师 , 系统设计工程师 , 文档工程师 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit
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