

2017-12-04 4页 doc 18KB 65阅读




用英语单词造句用英语单词造句 用英语单词造句 duall make sb. or sth. less strong or effetive 逐渐((( 削弱; 破坏 The killings had undermined hopes for a peaeful solution. 这些杀戮使和平解决的希望变得渺茫起来 Ever mistake that she makes further undermines her authorit. 她犯的每一个错误都进 一步降低了她的威望 30limited a. not ver great i...
用英语单词造句 用英语单词造句 duall make sb. or sth. less strong or effetive 逐渐((( 削弱; 破坏 The killings had undermined hopes for a peaeful solution. 这些杀戮使和平解决的希望变得渺茫起来 Ever mistake that she makes further undermines her authorit. 她犯的每一个错误都进 一步降低了她的威望 30limited a. not ver great in amount, number, abilit, et. 有限的 His ((( intelligene is rather limited. 他的智力相当低下 There as a ver limited hoie of sofas in the that e anted. 我们要的那种沙发样式可选择的范围非常有 限 31 unlimiteda. not limited 无限的 He's dreaming of an unlimited suppl of ((( mone all da long. 他成天梦想着拥有用 之不竭的钱财 Inter-Rail passes are available for one month's unlimited travel ithin Europe. 欧洲无限制旅行一 个月的列车通票有售 32ontradition n. a statement, ation, or fat that is opposite in ((( nature or in harater to another one 矛盾;不一致 You sa that ou're good friends and et ou don't trust him. Isn't that a bit of a ontradition? 你 说你们是好朋友,可你又不信任他,这不是有点矛盾吗, I found no ontradition beteen his publil expressed opinions and his private ations. 我看不出他公开发表的观点和他私下的行动之间 有什么不一致 33onversel ad. taking the opposite point of vie 相反(地) Running an (((strengthen our heart and musles, but onversel, it an also damage our knees and the bones in our feet. 跑步能增强你的心脏和肌肉功能,但反过来也可能损伤你的膝盖和脚 部骨骼 You an add the liquid to the poder or, onversel, the poder to the liquid.你可以将液体倒入粉末里,或者反过来,将粉 末倒入液体里 34limitation n. 1. a rule or situation that puts a limit on sth. 限制 set (((( limitations on reporting 对内容加以限制 Aren't there an limitations on his spending mone? 他花钱 有没有限制, qualities that make sb. or sth. ( less effetive 局限; 缺陷 She has her limitations as a singer. 作为歌手,她有自身 的局限 Despite the limitations of the surve, it did suggest some general trends. 尽管这一调查有缺陷,它还是指出了一些趋 势 35submit v. obe sb., esp. hen one has no hoie 屈从;服从 She ((( deided to submit to the ne rules. 她决定接受新的规 则 We protested about the hanges for a long time, but in the end e had to submit. 我们对这种改变抗议了很长一段时间,但最 终还是不得不屈服 vt. formall give sth. to sb. so that the an make a deision about it 提交;递交;呈送 You must submit our appliation before Januar 1. 你必须在1月1日之前提交申请书 I as required ((( to submit an essa to m teaher this Ma. 我需要在五月份交一篇文章 给老师 36unover vt. 1. find out about sth. that has been kept seret 揭露;揭 开 A (((( plot as unovered against the President. 谋害总统 的阴谋败露了 In her novel on Talor, she tries to unover the inner man. 在那本关于泰勒的小说中,她试图揭示出他的内心世界 remove the over from sth. 揭开...的盖子 He ( pulled bak the sheet, to unover a beautifulth entur armhair. 他揭(( 开 盖布,露出一把美丽的18((世纪的扶手椅 Removing the earth, she unovered gold in her garden. 挖开泥土后,她在花园里发现了金 子 37respond vi. reat to sth. 反应;回应 The aitress aited a moment and ((( then responded. 那个女服务员等了一会,然后才 有回应 The hildren responded ell to the da's ativities. 孩 子们对当天的活动反应不错 38prompt a. done or ating ithout dela 迅速的;即时的 Tr to be prompt ((( beause e'll be ver short of time. 尽量快点, 因为我们时间很紧 The've ritten bak alread. That as a ver prompt repl. 他们已经写了回信了;那可 是相当迅速的答复 vt. ause or enourage sb. to do sth. 促使; 推动 What prompted him to be so generous? 是什么使他变得这样 慷慨, Seeing the hildren in the park prompted thoughts of his on sons on the other side of the Atlanti. 公园里的孩子们激起 了他对远在大西洋彼岸的儿子的思念之情 39definite a. 1. lear 明确的;无疑的 I have no definite plans for tomorro. (((( 明天我没有确定的 I ant a definite anser, es or no. 我需要明确答复: “是”或“不是” sure; ertain 一定的;肯定的 He seemed definite about hat ( had happened. 他似乎对发生的情况了如指掌 There's a definite smell of gas. Did ou turn the oven off? 肯定有股煤 气的味道,你把炉子关上了吗, 40manner n. the a in hih sth. is done or happens 方式;方法 It (((
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