

2017-09-02 38页 doc 128KB 13阅读




骑士的荣耀_蒙古_资料2骑士的荣耀_蒙古_资料2 骑士的荣耀_蒙古 武将流程----传统型(建议推荐玩法,也可创新) *新人随意选择(选个头像好看点的,头像为竞技场头像,不好更改了) *做完新手任务,开个训练位置,增加建筑位置(新手送的金币) 招收武将随意,保持队伍两人,升级武器至9级,防具9级,直接过图,搬家到雅典.领取铁剑.升级至9级.去商店买件衣服,升9级,给第二个英雄穿上. *温泉关之战.招收阿尔塔谢,继续推图,领取十字架,有钱升级十字架,至1000攻击以上.给战法将装备. *推完亚历山大远征,以及希腊诸神邦后,招收萨福(防具)和亚力...
骑士的荣耀_蒙古_资料2 骑士的荣耀_蒙古 武将流程----传统型(建议推荐玩法,也可创新) *新人随意选择(选个头像好看点的,头像为竞技场头像,不好更改了) *做完新手任务,开个训练位置,增加建筑位置(新手送的金币) 招收武将随意,保持队伍两人,升级武器至9级,防具9级,直接过图,搬家到雅典.领取铁剑.升级至9级.去商店买件衣服,升9级,给第二个英雄穿上. *温泉关之战.招收阿尔塔谢,继续推图,领取十字架,有钱升级十字架,至1000攻击以上.给战法将装备. *推完亚历山大远征,以及希腊诸神邦后,招收萨福(防具)和亚力山大(戒指,防具) *推完高卢之战,招收布雷努斯(只需要防具). 此时如果可以招募4人.队形为(阿尔塔谢,萨福,亚历山大,布雷努斯).打完斯巴达克斯起义后,领取阿伽门农的面具,这时升级面具,有钱就砸吧,十字架可以在替换后降级卖掉了,亚历山大装备) *推图埃及艳后,中途招收海伦以及克里奥佩特拉(2个棋手只需要防具).现在可用度高的5人备选,因为威望关系,阵型按4人推荐(萨福必备,亚历山大必备, 克里奥佩特拉必备,海伦和布雷努斯任选).在埃及艳后图中可以刷3件美杜莎之盾(5件更好).有钱可以多升,建议,1件先升500,其它300够用. *迦太基之战,无好用英雄,如果前面美杜莎盾没刷够,这里可以补. provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, *推图至不列颠之战,威望如果够15000,招收5将,建议队形(萨福,亚历山大, 克里奥佩特拉,海伦,布雷努斯),有条件,可以刷一把杜朗达尔备用. *查理曼帝国,没啥什么,戒指攻击达到2000左右的亚力山大,差不多可以过图,看阵型,附属装备,因人而异. *勇敢的心,刷5件太阳神甲,留着以后用 *十字军东征,此处三英雄必招,(腓特烈一世换布雷努斯,装备红武)(鲍德温四世换萨福)(狮心查理换亚历山大).雷神之锤就不用多说了,看自己队形,需要几把刷几把吧. *之后就是威望将,自行查阅威望将,个人觉得几个好用的--忽兰 --木华黎--忽必烈.(也速该没有想象的那么好,群攻是不错,但是攻击力太低,攻击系数为1.除非戒指攻击够用,建议不招) 战法攻击系数表: 黑死病 0.8、全体,有几率眩晕,几率低 铁骑冲锋(武器和马全)2.2、看起来高,要减掉对方铠甲和 披风防御,鸡肋 英勇打击 2.0、单体伤害高 诸神的黄昏 1.2(单次)、2次发挥为2.4 骑士精神 1.4、持续保持振奋状态 殖民主义 1.6、打多少血吸多少血 勇敢的心 1.2、攻击别人有战法的部队,减少士气 大旋风斩 1.6、竖排攻击 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 远征 1.6 横排攻击 无差别射击 1.5、攻击周围的人 游击战术 1.8、有几率2次攻击 木马计 1.4、让对手士气为0 竞技精神 1.6。偷取对方士气 血之狂热 系数不明 血越少,攻击越高 海啸打击 1. 全体攻击 间谍渗透 系数不明 使对方混乱 列阵 系数不明 物理防御和战法防御,魔法攻击无效 暗杀 不明 焦土政策 不明 天神下凡 队伍所有战法将士气提升120(累计) 后期上阵人员备选(狮心查理, 忽必烈,鲍德温四世,木华黎,忽兰,腓特烈一世,孛儿帖等,按个人喜欢.自行配备) provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 阵型介绍: 1.十字阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队格挡能力,对抗强力机械单位拼人品的 2.箭头阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队战法伤害力,适用于战法武将 3.新月阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队暴击能力,远程弓弩手暴击在此将得到加强 4.梯形阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队普通伤害力,适用于普通攻击为主的机械系;。 5.锥形阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队闪避能力,克制暴力战法流的经典 6.车轮阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队策略伤害,适用于策略攻击的法师系; 7.星辰阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队反击能力,适用于反击能力强的机械系; 8.钳形阵,该阵形随着等级提升增加部队防御能力,对于攻击NPC不可或缺 对于新手而言,建议升级三大阵法。1、是箭头阵。2、是梯形阵。3、是锥形阵。其中前两个阵型主要是过图用的,但只是用得较多,有些provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 地图这些阵型反而吃亏,要自己掂量。PK用的比较多的应该是锥形阵。那么接下来,我就阐述下这几个阵型的特点吧。 箭头阵,箭头阵是一个增加战法伤害的阵型,随着等级的提升,战法的输出也就越高。两军对阵时,战法的输出很是关键。比如一些全打的战法,即便势均力敌的情况下,万一人品爆发连续来上三回合,再猛的阵容也要被打散。所以这个阵型强烈建议多升级。 梯形阵,除了战法组合的武将之外,也不排除有那种喜欢依靠纯武力闯天下的玩家。毕竟纯武力的部队就可以省去RP这一问题。不过这种纯武力的阵容也有危险性,如果遇上十字阵那可是很郁闷的,三下五下的来给你反弹一下,你也郁闷。所以主武力配合医疗等战法是不错的选择。这种阵型的最大好处就是,军队主要以武力输出,不依赖战法,配合医生有奇效。 锥形阵, 其实上面的两种战法也是PK时常用的阵型。不过,锥形阵的用途似乎在PK上更广泛些。锥形阵最大的特色是阵型等级越高,闪避的几率也就越大,这闪避一旦触发任何攻击都是无效的。这种阵型无论配合战法流还是机械流等任何流派都是实力强劲的。试想下,对方打你十次七空,你打对方十打九中,这种对阵真是恐怖。不过锥形阵对锥形阵时,也很难说,看阵等级,还看RP。 当然这只是几种新手所用的阵法,在骑士的荣耀中,总共有8种阵法可供选择。所以在游戏的时候就要运用起你的聪明才智,为自己选择最合适的阵法。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 游戏小知识 *每天竞技场,军令等待,建筑等待,科技等待按照使用的次数CD时间增加,竞技场等待时间最久为18分钟一次,军令最久等待时间为8分钟一次,建筑等待无限制提升,科技等待无限制提升. 每天游戏更新时间为北京时间凌晨5点,所有数据初始化.竞技场等待时间清零.每日任务更新,军令等待时间,建筑等待时间以及科技等待时间全部初始化 *游戏分为4个季,每个季度为1天(24小时) 春季在8点30,12点30,19点三个时段军令加一; 夏季征收上限加3; 秋季粮食产量增加20%; 冬季玩家不能进行PK。每个季节的游戏时间为1天。 *主城的等级,关系所有建筑的等级上限,威望获得,竞技场银币获得,迁移,攻击野将获得的军工获得(攻击比主城高于15级的野将,可以 获得全部军工,主城等级越高,获得的军工将越少) *队形配备 舞娘 给战法英雄加振奋状态是100,舞女的技能给战法武将 加的状态封顶也是100,比方说狮子本身士气有60,舞 娘给加一次,狮子就100(攻击力为100%).不可叠加 棋手 给战法英雄加士气,在原有的基础上加34,比方说狮子 原有士气100,一个棋手加完后为134,三个棋手加完后 为202(攻击力为原有战法的2倍),可以叠加 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 天神下凡 和棋手原理一样,但是必须自身战法满了,才可以给队 伍里战法部队加,每人加120点士气. 可以叠加 所以,队形配备应该为,舞女放在前面,棋手放在中间,战法将放最后,否则不发挥功效.看红方的布阵,原1号位是舞女,6号位为棋手,他的9号位的棋手就完全没有意义了.虽有2个棋手,但是狮子的战法攻击,最多也就134%. 以下图为例,我方的攻击顺序为, 腓 木 忽 鲍 狮 敌方的攻击顺序为, 腓 克 狮 忽 *竞技场获得的银币数量和主城等级有关,提升主城提等级,可以提升部分银币获得数量,与连胜次数无关 *投资获得的威望与主城等级有关,主城提升一级,威望一次获得加20 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, *港口.每升一级,可以再次通商,不用等待5点更新.拖动买卖粮食的横条,按住买或者卖,将数量拖回零,丢掉买或卖,这样就可以不交易粮食实现一次买卖交易(每日任务用) *市场.每升一级,可以再次买卖交易.市场每天买卖刷新时间买凌晨12点 *武将的攻击防御血量,取决于自身星级和属性点以及装备.关于转生,洗点,下面会进一步说明 *升级主城时,军械所,角斗场的等级也是要跟进的,民房磨坊其次跟上 *主城85级出双角斗场,不惜一切代价,跟进 *每天8点30,12点30,19点三个时段.赠送5个免费军令,这个就不用多说了,在赠送期半小时内,军令等待时间,是按次计算的,不是累计为半小时 *主城35级以后打NPC,打不过也要扣军令,35级前输了不扣军令,建议过完埃及艳后再升主城35级 *主城41级,每天赠送免费探索一次. *武将星级: 新兵2星,老兵3星,百夫5星,千夫10星, 精锐,骑士,爵士,勋爵,男爵,子爵,伯爵………根据转生提高星级,提高武将自身强度,详见”转生和压级” *伤害结果=[(攻科技+攻武装+攻兵种攻击能力基值*兵阶将星%)-(守科技+守武装+守兵种防御能力基值*兵阶将星%)]*[(100+攻武将属性-守武将属性)+暴击伤害加成+攻防士气差伤害加成(攻士气provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, -100-守士气)+(攻兵种或战法特色属性-守兵种防御特色属性)?皇帝以上官职伤害加成?阵法攻防加成?兵力加成比例]%*攻击系数 *前中期,部队里只要一个有战法的英雄,戒指只升级一个.才能发挥更大功效,到了后期,根据队伍的需求,自身的喜好,随意配置. *商城里的号角每天10点更新一次.可以通过金币购买,卖商店获得银币,蓝色的等级越低,比率越低,大约1:240,高级点的80级的蓝色号角大约1:320.绿色的,黄色的,红色的,就不要买来卖银币了,除非特别有钱不在乎… *非人民币玩家,或者投资游戏100块左右的,建议前期就不要探索了(每天免费的除外).试想一下,一个红色的装备,成本大约在150万银币左右,弄出来也是1级的,再升等级需要很漫长的时间,不如有钱直接砸黄面具,建议升到2500攻击左右后,再抽出银币探索获得更高级的装备. *征服别人可以获得额外的银币,别人不减少银币. *通商时,发商和接商获得的银币是根据港口和灯塔的等级.有些人说要互通可以拿更多银币.其实是发完商以后,银币没有及时到账,到再次收到别人商的时候,银币系统一起发放,出现的假象. provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 洗点 武将的洗点属性:武将的洗点的最高限度是英雄等级+20 (比如:50级英雄可以洗出来+70的最高属性、100级英雄可以洗出来+120的最高属性)。洗属性是一个慢慢累加的过程,是不可能一次就洗到+70或者+120,他是慢慢的+上去的,第一次+5……第20次加到30……第100次加到65,这样的。一般来说要花比较多的金子或者军功。 例如:也 速 该:统65,勇73,智力48 你要把他的属性洗高来,你点洗属性就会随机出现数字,比如你也速该主要是勇属性加战法攻击,你看只要第二次洗的属性比第一次高就替换就好。这样勇的属性就会不断上升。一般要洗一个好的属性出来要花费300J左右的金子(拿2金洗一次属性来说)(如果用军功来洗估计在50万军功左右)。 以上说的只是单洗,如果双洗或者3洗的话要花更多的代金子或军功。(所谓双洗或者3洗就是指你要加成的属性项目的多少如:单洗50级的也速该:统65+13,勇73+67,智力48+16;双洗50级的也速该:统65+69,勇73+67,智力48+14;三洗50级的也速该:统65+66,勇73+69,智力48+65)。 前期的武将基本不需要洗属性,亚历山大或(也速该)可以洗洗更健康。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 转生和压级 *武将转生: 这个是个重点,很多人不知道转生的意义和重要性,在这里我要说转生是很重要的,可以提高武将各方面的能力,(其主要体现在武将的星级上)。武将的转生最好要在城堡等级大于等于武将等级9级的情况下转生。因为武将转生一次转生等级会有所提高,比如:城堡60级武将51级转生。这时你转生武将下次转生的等级可能是57级左右(不是一个定值),如果你城堡只有55级的话他下次的转生等级必定小于55级,有可能在53级左右,这样别人60级转生可以到57级一次完成,你55级的时候转一次到53级,在到60级的时候转一次估计才到57级,你中间花的时间和金币是别人的几倍,~有些人说那我城堡100级的时候武将51级转生武将下次转生就可以到80多级左右,我可以再这里告诉你是不可能的。 所以大家如果看不懂以上解释没关系,只要记住武将的转生最好要在城堡等级大于等于武将等级9级的情况下转生,这样可以节省你很多很多钱和时间。如果没有大于等于9级宁愿不转生。 PS:武将提升星级,攻击,防御,血量都有所提升.比方说,亚 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 历山大,初始等级为1级,血量,攻击防御,都为1.练到51级时, 血量攻击防御为51,这时转生,等级降成1级,亚历山大转生后1 级的初始值就变成10,当压力山大再次练到51级的时候,其攻 击防御血量为系数61.继续练到需要转生的等级58级(根据自 身实际等级)亚历山大的自身系数就为68.再次转生,2转的亚 历山大初始系数成为22.以此类推,提升武将能力.切记,每次转 生,主城都要超过转生等级9级,否则没有意义.浪费的是金钱 和时间. *压级 压级一般情况有2种目的,其一是为了留军功,顺便刷装备.其二就是刷威望.威望的获得途径有3种,攻击别国玩家;投资;区战 压级时,刷军功,要攻击比自身等级高15的野怪,获得最大军功值,科技里的动员令也要跟上,才可获得最大效益. 压级时,刷威望,要攻击威胁值高的别国玩家,才可发挥最大效应.名字就不说了,还是按照颜色区分,白,蓝,绿,黄,红,紫,紫色最高,白色最低. provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 探索 探索因人而异,主要还是看运气.上面一排探索的是戒指,下面一排探索的是披风,是游戏中高级戒指,披风唯一的获得途径. 第一格直接可以打开,可以获得蓝色和绿色的成品 第二格有几率打开,可以获得蓝色,绿色的成品,和黄色的碎片 第三格在第二格打开后,有几率打开,可以获得绿色,黄色的成品,以及红色的碎片.有几率出红色的成品(几率非常低,听说有人的到过) 第四格在第三个打开后,有几率打开,可以获得绿色,黄色成品,红色,紫色碎片.(建议第四个就不要尝试了,原因不解释) 红色戒指在第三格,一个红戒指就可以了,除非想要双战法,可以继续探索.紫色的建议不追求,除非你有钱,或者你有病. 红色披风也在第三格,有钱就弄吧.探索出来的戒指就不用说了,除了红色,紫色都卖钱…披风自己看吧,黄色的还是很好弄的,建议,没有大量金钱的前提下,绿色以下都丢掉,弄几件黄色披风就足够了. provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 骑士获得银币方法浅析 一、稳定来源: 1.征收:最稳定的来源,有时间要征收完。夏季15次,其他时间12次。征收的时候注意民忠。 2.通商:40级出现船坞,收入的第二稳定来源。注意船坞不要一次升太多,发商完毕后如果时间允许,就升一次驿站,这时就可以刷满发商的数量。 3.俸禄:威望越多,俸禄越多,每天天大约1万多,威望超高的可以达到2万多。每天必有,千万不要忘了领取。 4.活动奖励:每天都有活动,只要达标就可以领取奖励,如果100名以后,奖励为等级*10,如果有排名的话,排名越靠前奖励越多,最多可以达到每天2万多。 5.卖粮食:如果粮食充足,每天可以通过卖粮为自己增收银币,每天只要1万。一般在1.9以上出售。 6.银矿:每天打约占矿三次,级别高了,占首矿,则收入会相当可观了。 7.征服同国家的玩家,可以得到其征收收人里的部分银币。 8.竞技场:通过竞技场与玩家决斗的方法获得银币。 二、不稳定来源: provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 1.刷任务卖书:4星以上的任务完成时,会给书的,如果说是刻意刷的话,一般都是白书,得了直接卖掉就行,价格从600到1500不等,星数高了,每天得书卖钱也是客观的收入。 2.刷装备:这个跟个人的运气有关,如果运气好的话,每天可以增收1到2万,如果运气不要的话,则是0,这个不用刻意的刷,除非你想的军工去刷小精英。 银币的消费方式有种:1.强化装备 2.探索 3.升级建筑 强化装备是重要的,探索是次要的,升级建筑是必要的。 对于探索要适可而止,切忌不要把大量的钱用在探索上,没有那个运气就不要探索,还不如强化几次装备呢,升级建筑的钱是必须要花的,也是有限的这个大家不要吝惜。 强化装备切忌心急,最好99以上大件装备,90强化小装备。这是保险的做法,或许,其他较低的也能成功,但是一旦失败,就等于你落后别人一步。可以加金币强化的在高的强化率时,也最好加上几个金币。要做到不浪费一点银币。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 兵种介绍表 名称 兵种描述 步兵 普通的步兵单位 重步兵 伤害高 刀兵 伤害高 枪兵 对骑兵造成更高的伤害 轻步兵 机动性高 盾兵 擅长防御弓兵的攻击 荆棘重步 擅长抵挡 铁甲重步 防御高 炎魔轻步 伤害和机动性并重 闪电轻步 机动性高 流星重步 伤害高 长枪方阵 对骑兵造成更高的伤害 圣堂武士 综合能力强 黑暗重步 擅长暴击 游侠重步 擅长反击 步行骑士 擅长防御弓兵的攻击 骑兵 普通的骑兵单位 重骑兵 擅长闪避 圣堂骑士 综合能力强 风剑骑兵 机动性高 游侠骑兵 伤害和机动性并重 长枪骑兵 擅长暴击 长斧骑兵 伤害高 炎魔骑兵 伤害和机动性并重 闪电骑兵 机动性强 黑暗骑兵 擅长暴击 铁甲骑兵 防御高 虎豹骑兵 伤害高 狂风骑兵 擅长闪躲 装甲战象 擅长抵挡 弓兵 普通的弓兵单位 长弓兵 擅长暴击 重弓兵 擅长暴击 投矛兵 伤害高 投石兵 擅长闪避 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 精锐长弓 擅长暴击 劲弩兵 擅长暴击 荆棘弓 擅长反击 剧毒投石兵 擅长暴击 连弩兵 擅长抵挡 炎魔投矛兵 伤害高,擅长暴击 流星掷矛兵 伤害高,擅长暴击 黑暗弩手 擅长暴击 圣堂弩手 综合能力强 黑暗骑射手 擅长爆击 狂风投石兵 机动性高 投石车 对敌军造成横向伤害 连弩车 对单体造成伤害,擅长暴击 冲车 对单体造成伤害,伤害高 铁甲战车 防御型机械,伤害低 弩炮 对敌军造成纵向伤害 重型抛石机 箭楼车增强单位 巨型投石车 投石车增强单位 希腊火 弩炮车增强单位 木马 群体攻击,伤害低 火之侍女 计策成功率高,威力相对较低 水之侍女 成功率适中,威力适中 雷之侍女 成功率低,但威力大,命中时使敌军混乱 火神祭司 水神祭司 雷神祭司 大地祭司 黑暗巫师 幻术师 舞娘 医疗队 运输队 军乐队 旗手 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 威望攻防加成表 威望的功效是非常大的,威望可以获得官职,可以每天收取俸禄,官职越高每次获得的银币越多,而进入前100还能在国家频道说话,这个可是身份的象征哦,威望也可以购买威望将领,要知道《骑士的荣耀》强力将领都是需要威望购买的。 其实威望到后期的作用是非常大的,威望将领就不必说了,但是到达50W威望之后,官职就发生变化,成为皇帝,皇帝分为10个星级,每个级别可以提高攻击力,最高可提高25%的攻击力,与25%的防御力,这么一来彪悍的账号就出现了。 下面我们来分析一下,威望的主要内容。 当然,威望有那么大好处,那么也会付出代价的哦,在《骑士的荣耀》就是威望到50W之后,每天威望都会有一些下跌,具体数据如下: 1,50W威望后,每天掉的威望值。 51-52W 每日-2000威望 52-53W 每日-3000威望 53-54W 每日-4000威望 54-55W 每日-5000威望 55-56W 每日-6000威望 56-57W 每日-8000威望 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 57-58W 每日-10000威望 58-59W 每日-12000威望 59-60W 每日-15000威望 60W以上 每日-20000威望 2(重点来了,《骑士的荣耀》的官职可以给你的人物攻击,防御加成的哦,最高可达25%。如下: 官职攻击、防御加成: 皇帝1星,增加我军伤害5%,减少敌军伤害0% 51W威望 皇帝2星,增加我军伤害5%,减少敌军伤害5% 52W威望 皇帝3星,增加我军伤害10%,减少敌军伤害5% 53W威望 皇帝4星,增加我军伤害10%,减少敌军伤害10% 54W威望 皇帝5星,增加我军伤害15%,减少敌军伤害10% 55W威望 皇帝6星,增加我军伤害15%,减少敌军伤害15% 56W威望 皇帝7星,增加我军伤害20%,减少敌军伤害15% 57W威望 皇帝8星,增加我军伤害20%,减少敌军伤害20% 58W威望 皇帝9星,增加我军伤害25%,减少敌军伤害20% 59W威望 皇帝10星,增加我军伤害25%,减少敌军伤害25% 60W威望 3.十级皇帝领取俸禄:每日可领取的银子: 皇帝1星 510000 31000 皇帝2星 520000 32000 皇帝3星 530000 33000 皇帝4星 540000 34000 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 皇帝5星 550000 35000 皇帝6星 560000 36000 皇帝7星 570000 37000 皇帝8星 580000 38000 皇帝9星 590000 39000 皇帝10星 600000 40000 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 蒙古威望将一览表 所需威俸禄 望 蒙古 统 勇 智 兵种 战法 兵种特性 技能描述 入选主力阵容理由 招募第4个武100 2000 将 500 4000 者勒蔑 43 87 59 虎豹骑兵 英勇打击 伤害高 单体伤害高 1000 5000 无 2000 7000 无 征服第2个属4000 7500 臣 法术成功率低,威力大, 6000 8000 博尔忽 54 55 80 雷神祭司 命中时混乱敌军 9000 8500 无 12000 9000 无 招募第5个武15000 9500 将 20000 10000 孛儿帖 77 58 78 希腊火 对敌军造成纵向伤害 25000 10500 忽必来 52 53 51 炎魔轻步 间谍渗透 伤害和机动性并重 使对方混乱 30000 11000 察合台 65 66 26 圣堂弩手 大旋风斩 综合能力强 攻击横向一排敌人 炎魔投矛38000 11500 别儿哥 62 49 63 木马计 伤害高,擅长暴击 兵 攻击后对方士气变为0 43000 12000 赤老温 39 72 37 黑暗重步 黑死病 擅长暴击 全体攻击并有概率混乱 出台早,兵种属于弓兵系,带有很高的暴击率,配合1mm+3棋50000 12500 也速该 65 73 48 连弩兵 海啸打击 擅长抵抗 全体攻击 手的辅助,接近神的力量,可以用一辈子 60000 13000 怯的不花 61 80 30 闪电骑兵 竞技精神 机动性高 偷取敌人士气 招募第6个武70000 13500 将 80000 14000 王罕 59 47 79 火神祭司 法术成功率高,威力低 90000 14500 阿八哈 77 59 52 铁甲战车 防御型机械,伤害低 巨型投石100000 15000 郭侃 80 72 78 对敌军造成横向伤害 车 占领第2个农120000 15500 田 增加自己部队34士气 蒙古唯一的一个威望棋手,成长比野将棋手高,可以用一辈子,130000 16000 忽兰 64 31 89 旗手 ,减少敌人5点士气 除非出新图 150000 16500 柯额伦 67 31 95 水神祭司 法术成功率中,威力中 170000 17000 蒙哥 75 94 37 圣堂骑士 铁骑冲锋 综合能力强 战法攻击附加普通伤害 哲别,招募第7190000 17500 68 97 35 荆棘重步 远征 擅长抵抗 个武将 攻击纵向一列敌人 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 打多少吸多少,在辅助的配合下可谓一夫当关万夫莫开,除非210000 18000 札木合 75 89 73 炎魔骑兵 殖民主义 伤害和机动性并重 攻击造成敌军叛变 被秒,还有就是他是骑兵会闪避~号称打不死的小强~ 240000 18500 王保保 77 87 55 闪电轻步 暗杀 机动性高 偷袭后方的部队,并使其混乱 狂风投石260000 19000 旭烈兀 83 68 53 游击战术 机动性高 兵 有概率多攻击一次 占领第2个银280000 19500 矿 群体幻术攻击,使敌军 310000 20000 木华黎 79 69 88 幻术师 混乱,命中率低 连续战法,附带普通伤害,发动后自己进入守护状340000 21000 窝阔台 70 88 68 铁甲重步 铜墙铁壁 防御高 态 370000 22000 博尔术 82 91 49 长枪方阵 远征 对骑兵造成更高的伤害 攻击纵向一列敌人 伯颜,招募第8420000 23000 79 45 107 大地祭司 群体法术,伤害低 个武将 440000 24000 拖雷 89 95 78 狂风骑兵 骑士精神 擅长躲避 可以连续发动该战法 推图利器,占据有利位置控制对方战法将士气,让对方战法将450000 25000 拔都 91 101 61 铁甲骑兵 勇敢的心 防御高 攻击有士气的部队,对方士气变少 成为废人,前提条件是勇要洗得高 460000 26000 速不台 66 108 33 流星重步 焦土政策 伤害高 发挥巨大的战法威力和敌人同归于尽 耶律楚材,征群体巫术攻击,使敌军 470000 27000 80 39 118 黑暗巫师 服第4个属臣 叛逃,命中率低 480000 28000 忽必烈 104 59 98 木马 群体攻击,伤害低 骑兵闪避+战法暴击+越战越勇,毫无疑问成为本游戏最强单秒490000 29000 术赤 103 98 43 黑暗骑兵 血之狂热 擅长暴击 兵力越少威力越大 将 过图pk都厉害 超强的综合能力(闪避+格挡+暴击),再加上超强的辅助能力,成吉思汗,征500000 30000 80 110 75 圣堂武士 天神下凡 综合能力强 使之成为蒙古的神,外号战法放大器,但是他战法不需要戒指,服第5个属臣 群体鼓舞 只要给他带上武器就可以了 皇帝1星,增加我军伤害5%,减510000 31000 少敌军伤害0% 皇帝2星,增加我军伤害5%,减520000 32000 少敌军伤害5% 皇帝3星,增加我军伤害10%,530000 33000 减少敌军伤害5% 皇帝4星,增加我军伤害10%,减少敌军伤害540000 34000 10% 皇帝5星,增加我军伤害15%,减少敌军伤害550000 35000 10% 皇帝6星,增加我军伤害15%,减少敌军伤害560000 36000 15% 皇帝7星,增加我军伤害20%,减少敌军伤害570000 37000 15% 皇帝8星,增加我军伤害20%,减少敌军伤害580000 38000 20% 皇帝9星,增加我军伤害25%,减少敌军伤害590000 39000 20% provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 皇帝10星,增加我军伤害25%,减少敌军伤600000 40000 害25% 花了不少时间的研究,借鉴了很多老玩家的资料的经验,有些的 抄袭的,有些是整理的,请见谅.有错误的地方,或有不到之处,请海 涵. 本人4区的nanaumino.在线时间也不是太长,打发打发时间.无 聊的可以来玩.谢谢大家 2012-1-29 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology,
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