
详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC board, four kinds of kitchen top material)

2017-10-06 8页 doc 31KB 39阅读




详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC board, four kinds of kitchen top material)详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC board, four kinds of kitchen top material) 详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC...
详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC board, four kinds of kitchen top material)
详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC board, four kinds of kitchen top material) 详解集成吊顶、塑钢板、铝扣板、PVC板四类厨卫吊顶材料(Details of the integrated ceiling, plastic steel plate, aluminum gusset plate, PVC board, four kinds of kitchen top material) In decorating process, condole top is an indispensable link, especially in hutch wei space, condole top construction is very important part. Because of the kitchen smoke and the humidity of the toilet and the influence of the smell, this has been the difficulty and the key point of home installation construction. Mainly with the sitting room, bedroom adornment effect of the ceiling is different, the condole top of hutch defends a space is quite commonly functionality, and when the ceiling is completed, all problems will be "hidden" rise, therefore, if in decorating a process to choose the appropriate materials, construction technology, right at the time of acceptance of attention to detail, to reduce a lot of trouble for the future life. classification The top of the kitchen guard should not only cover the ugly but also be practical In the 1980 s, hutch defends the role of condole top is modesty, it can wrap sewer pipe, etc, and then the condole top material is mainly of plywood and wooden keel, although now feel very naive, but after all, replaced the method of brush, paint with white on the roof. Hanging plywood, gypsum board at that time temporarily become fashionable essential in people in decorating a process, but this kind of material can not stand the scrutiny of time, the gears, the condole top of many families began to appear crack, so the condole top of that era only beautiful stage, is not practical. In today's domestic outfit in the actual construction, condole top material is also emerge in endlessly, from the rise of PVC board to occupy most of aluminous gusset plate of the market, and now the rise of plastic plate, integration ceiling, people in choosing a hutch defends a space ceiling have more choice. Aluminum-gusset plate is suitable for toilet use According to carving cheng decoration engineering manager, the most common and cheap PVC board, decorating the kitchen and economical use of condole top material, PVC as raw material, can waterproof, moistureproof, moth-proofing, due to joined the flame retardant material in the production process, so the use is safe. However, the disadvantage of PVC sheet is that the high temperature resistance is not good, and in the long time it is easy to deform in a hot environment. And aluminium gusset plate not only can fireproof moistureproof, still can anticorrosive anti-static, absorbing sound insulation, should be a relatively common condole top material. Aluminous gusset plate has punching and plane two kinds, surface punching role is one of the biggest ventilation and sound-absorbing, intraplate soft mat, covered by a layer of film moisture absorbed by film through punching, fit in with the toilet so damp places. The integrated ceiling is the latest suspension technology Zhuo the decoration engineering manager to pay the workers, plastic steel is modified by the second generation of PVC condole top material, also calls the UPVC, it has the advantage of cost performance good, small deformation and good scrub when using, good gloss on the surface of the pattern of design and color change is also very much, and resistant to pollution, has the good performance of sound insulation, heat insulation, especially adding flame retardant materials, new technology of using safer heat preservation sound insulation performance is good, making it is easy install. But the strength of the plastic steel plate is low, easy to twist, cannot be recycled and reused, and it will release poisonous gas when burning. Should be the most fashionable most high-end integrated ceiling, overall this is the whole kitchen and bathroom, hutch defends the upper space is decorated in the latest product, it is representing the hutch defends is decorated the most advanced technology today. Integration ceiling has broken the original traditional condole top fixed, did the original product modular, modular, are free to choose condole top material, ventilation, lighting and heating module, effect is obvious, can be a one-time solve the problems of the ceiling. decorate Correct installation sequence can reduce vibration The correct installation sequence can reduce unnecessary vibration. The correct installation sequence in the bathroom should be installed as a bath bully, a fan, and then a ceiling. Do not use the fan or bath bar directly to install on the aluminum gusset plate, the expansion bolts are directly suspended on the top of the concrete; If the fan vent hose longer (more than 1 meter) it is better to let the workers should be fixed to the top, otherwise, opened the fan exhaust pipe it will vibrate, fixed method is very simple, only need to use transparent insulated fixed can. And the correct order of the kitchen ceiling installation should be, fix the lampblack machine hose and flue first, on the other side to choose good smoke lampblack machine installation location, and bought the lamp in the kitchen used, but do not need to install the first, and then install condole top, then install the lamp, it is best not to the large lamps and lanterns is directly installed on the ceiling. According to the construction drawing, arrange the plate color according to sequence Keel when measured according to the condole top construction drawing design trend to determine the keel, sure, on the roof separation line indicate the keel and punch points, electric hammer drilling, drilling depth should not be more than 4 cm, in case of broken wall embedded in the wire and tube and so on. After the punch is in place, the supporting inner bilge is expanded into the hole. According to the height of the corner, the galvanized copper wire saw good, in the inner bulge, according to the length of the room to cut the keel, use the nut to hold the keel to the copper wire. When laying condole top should also according to measure construction drawing, the plate shape, color according to the order to prepare platoon, platoon, the gusset plate should be in line with the Angle between the corners is solid and seamless, and should mark the control line hole and so on. When transportation is piled, the plank should be set aside The aluminum gusset plate, plastic steel plate or integrated ceiling and the supporting keel and accessories are required to meet the requirements of product quality, and must check for bending deformation. In the process of transportation and piling, the plates should be laid flat, not pressed, and avoid the erosion of high temperature and harmful substances. When the keel is installed, it should be smooth and the spacing deviation should be controlled within the allowable range. When installed, the deviation should be adjusted first and then inserted in sequence, not hard to insert, in case of deformation. The ceiling of the laying pipe shall be serviced Dark frame ceiling must set a manhole, many people in the family decoration hutch defends condole top is generally not set the manhole, affect beautiful, little imagine, once the ceiling there is something wrong with the line equipment will not be able to check to make sure what part, what the reason, more can't repair, so for the condole top of laying pipelines or set the manhole to good, can choose the more hidden easy to check parts, and the manhole art processing, such as combined with lamps and lanterns ornaments or Settings. The choose and buy PVC board PVC board has a large variety of colors and patterns, but mostly plain and plain, with a pattern of imitation and marble, and its cross-section is honeycomb mesh. Both sides have grooving and grooving. Should pay attention to the surface should be free of cracks and scratches when choosing, the enterprise mouth and the concave mortise are completely straight, each other bite smooth, the local undulating phenomenon. Aluminous gusset plate When inspecting the quality of the aluminum plate, it is important to see whether the initial size of the surface mesh is uniform, whether the arrangement is neat, whether the gloss of the surface is good, whether the thickness is uniform and so on. Plastic steel plate When choosing plastic plate should observe whether board face level off is smooth, flawless, without knock against, can tear open outfit freely, reoccupy hand knock whether board face sound is ringing, also be sure to ask for qualitative check report and product to detect to agency certificate. Integrated ceiling The selection of the integrated ceiling is relatively simple. Firstly, it is important to look at the appearance, see if the product module is flat and the surface treatment is clean and smooth. The second is to look inside the craft, especially the function module inside the electrical connection whether the connection is neat, the workmanship is excellent, the various parts whether the brand offers etc. remind It is not good for moistureproof by using a wood board Li lingling, an independent designer Generally speaking, hutch wei condole should pay attention to "three defense" above all, namely waterproof, moistureproof and fire prevention, so in the choice of material, do not advocate adopting wooden keel. Now on the market there are some aluminum-plastic plate, although this is only one letter short of materials and aluminous gusset plate, but on the practical effect is very different, because in the process of installation of aluminum-plastic plate, generally to use carpentry board hold bottom, it is very unwise, if on the moistureproof processing is not good, the consequences will be unimaginable, so I personally don't recommend to use. The drill is ideal for 3-4 cm Li lingling, an independent designer Additionally, it is worth remembering that the key to the top of the kitchen guard is to hold the measure in the construction process, that is, when the fixed piece is drilled, do not drill too deep. In previous construction, such case, because the drill is too deep, may have destroyed the original waterproof ability, the hind suffer infinite, so, the suggestion drilling is 3 to 4 centimeters is the most ideal. At present, the aluminum gusset plates on the market are very different depending on the thickness of the plate, and it is suggested that consumers choose the formal decoration company and brand products
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