

2017-09-29 38页 doc 102KB 28阅读




幼儿园的办园理念幼儿园的办园理念 幼儿园的办园理念: “让儿童自己寻找生命的支点” 我们对“生命的支点”的理解为:幼儿期发展有三大关键支点“自信、自主、自创”。 身心健康、好奇探索、习惯良好自信是一种积极的人生态度~自信的幼儿有很强的自我意识~善于自我肯定、接受挑战。自主是独立的人格基础~具有自主意识的幼儿~就会更积极地去学习~具有很强的责任意识。自创重在培养科学的思维方式和实践(动手)能力~它是创新与发明的源泉。 园幼儿的发展目标是: 具有良好的习惯、探索的兴趣、快乐的情绪和独立的人格。即以宽广的胸怀热爱生活~以敏捷的思维创造生活~...
幼儿园的办园理念 幼儿园的办园理念: “让儿童自己寻找生命的支点” 我们对“生命的支点”的理解为:幼儿期发展有三大关键支点“自信、自主、自创”。 身心健康、好奇探索、习惯良好自信是一种积极的人生态度~自信的幼儿有很强的自我意识~善于自我肯定、接受挑战。自主是独立的人格基础~具有自主意识的幼儿~就会更积极地去学习~具有很强的责任意识。自创重在培养科学的思维方式和实践(动手)能力~它是创新与发明的源泉。 园幼儿的发展目标是: 具有良好的习惯、探索的兴趣、快乐的情绪和独立的人格。即以宽广的胸怀热爱生活~以敏捷的思维创造生活~以积极的心态面对生活。教师的发展目标是:具有独立的见解、丰富的想象、创新的愿望、鲜明的风格和不可取代的专业特质。 办园目标: 以“联系”为纽带~加强人与人的联系、课程与课程的联系、教学与游戏的联系、学习与生活的联系~形成教育服务多元化、幼儿快乐、家长放心、社会满意的示范性幼儿园。 ?幼儿园应该成为社区大家庭~家长是合作伙伴、为家长提供多样的教育服务形式与多年龄段的服务项目~在拓展幼儿园教育资源的同时~充分利用家长与社区教育资源。 ?课程建设从幼儿的需要出发~以幼儿、教师、家长、环境、材料五互动为核心~通过教学整合~让幼儿获得全部有意义的经验。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs ?发挥环境的教育功能~创设促进儿童身体、社会、情感以及认知发展与安全的保教环境。力求环境功能的合理性、综合性、开发性和利用性~以有限的教育投入~争取最大的教育效益。 ?幼儿园的生活环境、课程、学习氛围以及所提供的各种服务的目的都是鼓励幼儿把课堂上学习的知识运用到实际生活当中去。 管理目标: 倡导和养育相互尊重合作共进的团队精神~交涉包容、创意的幼儿园文化~树尊重、合作的团队精神,努力使一切资源得到最佳配备和最优组合,让每一个孩子快乐成长~使每一位教师获得成功。 教师发展目标: 建立对孩子的依恋之感~建构多方面的教育情景~建设自我培养的发展目标~让每个教师都有敌意的机会。 幼儿发展目标: 身心健康、好奇探究、习惯良好。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 培育组织智慧 促进师生发展 幼儿园四年发展规划 一、情况分析 东方幼儿园2005年接受了市专家的督导~2006年通过了示范园的复验~2007年成功申报了上海市教师专业发展学校~近年来在优质化教育以及师资培养方面都得到了稳步的发展。06年和07年分别在曹路镇托管了“好时光幼儿园”和“好日子幼儿园”~在探索城乡教育均衡化迈出了新的一步。 幼儿园现有42个班级~除沈家弄部外其余各部均有较大的运动场地以及各类活动室如:室内溜冰场、温水游泳池、翻斗乐、科技室等设施~是浦东新区教育设施设备与办学规模的典范。 幼儿园地处花木、梅园、洋泾三个社区。其中70,的幼儿在花木社区~该社区占地2平方公里~由于地理优势和建筑优势定位为国际化社区。目前居民将近5万人口~外来人口约占80,左右。园所周围2平方公里内成为海归以及优秀人才的聚集地~工作性质以高级白领为主~学历层次大学以上占98,。由于来自各个文化层面~他们具有很强的法律意识~家长之间信息互通灵敏、联系密切。对教育的期望值明显高于普通的家长~部分家长以俯视的眼光看待幼儿园与教师。如:追求教育国际化~希望聘请外教~招生工作中由于不能满足进东方幼儿园的愿望~出现集会、游行等现象。梅园部、沈家弄部由于寄7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 宿等特殊性面对全市招生~家长以机关干部和事业单位为主~有较好的经济条件和文化程度~出于寻求优质教育的共同目标慕名选择东方幼儿园~对幼儿园的信任度极高~构成了东方独特的优秀家长群体。 幼儿园教师队伍现状:从年龄、学历层次来看~96名行政与教师平均年龄28岁,30岁以下71%~五年教龄以下42%,~硕士与硕士在读5人,5%,~大学本科68人,69%,~大本在读29人,31%,。从专业技术层次上看~中学高级教师,2名~约占2%,~幼儿园高级教师,24名~约占25%,~幼儿园初级教师,34名~约占35%,。从骨干教师层次上看基本形成三个层次:市级骨干教师,3名~约占3%,~区级骨干教师,13名~约占13%,~署级和园级骨干教师,17名~约占16%,。 优势: 1. “自律、包容、创意”的校园文化逐步积淀形成。十多年磨合而成的文化共性形成一个东方大熔炉~使每位加入东方的教师都能感受到东方的文化并逐步融入东方的文化。 2. 幼儿园在人才引进中严格把握“学历、能力与素质”~一线教师基本来源华东师范大学学前教育专业~教师的专业起点较高。区级以上骨干教师所占比例在全区领先~已能承担市、区级课题~撰写论文、活动设计、青年教师带教等方面较为出色。重视后勤人员培训与指导~工资与福利待遇等~已形成了一支既稳定又踏实的保育工作队伍~教职工素养在全区领先地位。 3. 幼儿园在教育管理发展中倡导“培育组织智慧”“人人都有第一的机会”~注重上下同心、发扬长处、立足日常~共同发展、同时在教师专业发展方面目标明确~措施全面~因而全体教师的专业素养与专业能力相对整齐~今年被评为浦东新区教师专业发展学校。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 4. 幼儿园教师招聘与培养以青年教师为主~积极向区内输送优秀行政与骨干教师~带教和指导园长与乡镇二级幼儿园“面广效实”~在教育界口碑较好。在浦东城乡均衡化教育进程中~已托管的两所幼儿园得到社会一致好评。 存在问题: 1. 由于社区公建配套中教育资源不足~加上社区内公办与民办管理体制、收费标准、教育质量等种种原因~导致更多家长倾向选择我园~已为社区和谐发展带来一定的隐患。未来三年社区入住人口将近六万左右~可能会使入园矛盾转化为社会矛盾。 2. 五年以下教龄青年教师在教师群体中占有一半比例。部分教师日趋成熟~具备可持续发展潜力~有望在未来的发展中取得显著的进步。但青年教师教学经验不够丰富~其创新容易成为没有实践积淀的无根之木~无水之鱼~这种客观现状决定了我校在促进教师专业化发展方面~更要为青年教师提供良好的学习环境、条件与发展目标等。 3. 学校扩校的可能性很大~骨干教师需加速培养~班子成员培养与衔接迫在眉睫。“园长为亮点”的局面需打破~要使“教师群体成为亮点”~教师队伍有待高水平培养~应根据教学实际和教师专业特点确定重点培养对象~引进中年优秀教师~进一步为教师提供与专家、名师互动的机会~建设教育资源信息共享库等。 4. 幼儿园园本课程方案教学、科技教育、溜冰、游泳等在幼教界虽已有一定的知名度~但是特色还不够鲜明~处于瓶颈状态。园特色课程体系需进一步的梳理和完善~尤其要与上海二期课改精神相吻合~形成一个更能体现我园特色的课程理论与实践体系。 二、办园指导思想 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 根据先进国家的经验~结合我园的实际~我们对优质教育的理解:要创设、改善和充分利用各种教育资源~以高标准、高质量、高效益的管理~促进校园环境、师资队伍、课程建设及家园、社区教育的最优化~使幼儿的身心得到自主、和谐的发展。同时我们认为~优质教育是不断发展的、相对目前幼儿教育状况而言的~它是保证幼儿园面向儿童、面向未来的可持续发展的动态概念。 具体来说:学前阶段教育的本质应该是一种无功利性的人格教育~其过程应是潜移默化的~是文化熏陶的结果。优质的教育应看到每一个幼儿都蕴涵着发展的潜能和存在着个性差异。因此~要以尊重每个幼儿为前提~进行适切性教育和有差别的学习。其次~优质教育要以幼儿自主发展为本~用发展的眼光、态度来看待儿童的各种能力。让幼儿从小孕育“发现自己、自尊自信、自主发展的创造精神”。 办园目标: 以“联系”为纽带~加强人与人的联系、课程与课程的联系、教学与游戏的联系、学习与生活的联系~形成教育服务多元化、幼儿快乐、家长放心、社会满意的示范性幼儿园。 l 幼儿园应该成为社区大家庭~家长是合作伙伴、为家长提供多样的教育服务形式与多年龄段的服务项目~在拓展幼儿园教育资源的同时~充分利用家长与社区教育资源。 l 课程建设从幼儿的需要出发~以幼儿、教师、家长、环境、材料五互动为核心~通过教学整合~让幼儿获得全部有意义的经验。 l 发挥环境的教育功能~创设促进儿童身体、社会、情感以及认知发展与安全的保教环境。力求环境功能的合理性、综合性、开发性和利用性~以有限的教育投入~争取最大的教育效益。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs l 幼儿园的生活环境、课程、学习氛围以及所提供的各种服务的目的都是鼓励幼儿把课堂上学习的知识运用到实际生活当中去。 教师发展目标:自尊自信~拥有自由的精神~具有不断自我学习和课程开发能力。 幼儿发展目标:身心健康、好奇探究、习惯良好。 管理目标:创自律、包容、创意的园所文化~树尊重、合作与富有激情的团队精神~最大限度地挖掘可能的教育资源~让每一个孩子快乐成长~使每一位教师获得专业成长。 三、实施方案 ,一,、教育管理 目标:带领教工不断完善学校的~内化本园优良的文化传统~创设积极向上、健康和谐、富有活力与创新意识的校园文化~使教工自我价值的实现与学校的发展保持高度一致。 措施 1(通过总结提炼、教育倡导~形成全体教职工共识的办园理念和宗旨~使之成为全体教职工的内在精神动力~并积极的向社会和家长宣传~使幼儿园的内、外在形象更加鲜明。 2、重视班子成员的自身建设~为班子成员创造一个团结、合作、支持、共同发展的成长环境。 3、通过实施“幼儿园综合信息管理系统”的建设~对幼儿园的管理、教育教学、家园互动等进行梳理~在实现我园“一园多址”管理系统化、标准化和现代化的同时~使教育教学实践和研究更加方便、有效和现代化。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 4、修订和完善“教工”~使各项、岗位职责、家长工作及人事工作条例文本化、规范化~使教工有明确的行为指南~使管理工作更高效有序。 5、 将在城乡结合部争取每年托管一所新园~每年与两所二级幼儿园结对~从管理、教学理念、教学实践、教研活动开展等多方面进行带教~将东方的优质管理资源向新区辐射~带动更多的幼儿园提升管理水平。 6、加强后备干部梯队的建设~选拔和培养优秀的管理人才~并在教研、科研和工会等各条线岗位上进行考察和锻炼~形成有思想、有活力的后备干部群体。 7、树立“依法办学”意识~完善评聘分离的细则~建立教师岗位职级制~形成终身学习、积极向上的良好氛围。 8、建立和完善教师专业发展的激励机制和发展性评估指标~并落实到幼儿园日常管理工作中~使教师队伍的素质、能力、观念、思维与生活方式等均得到提升。 ,二,保教工作 目标: 以“二期课改”的精神为指南~进一步梳理园本课程体系~逐渐形成园本课程管理方案~重视课程在实践中的运用和研究~使幼儿能健康、快乐、和谐地发展。 措施 1、梳理和完善园本课程体系~在多个园本课程中寻找一根主线~并建立各课程之间的联系。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 2、以市、区级重点课题为抓手~运用“一课多研”和“案例反思”的方法~发挥教研组、学科组教育教学研究的主导作用~扎实开展教学实践研究。把教育教学中有关难题形成专题或项目~组成专题组或项目组开展研究。 3、高效运用《幼儿园综合信息管理系统》进行教育教学实践经验的积累、开展网上教研活动、实现及时的家园互动等。 4、在了解幼儿年龄特征的基础上关注每一幼儿成长的个性化及差异性~给与充分的时间、空间及提供多样化的课程表现各自的优势潜能。 5、充分利用示范园的人力、物力、信息等资源~通过学习互助、教研互动、教学互访、结对带教等形式~发挥我园在教育教学实践研究方面的示范和辐射作用。 6、继续开展0-3岁亲子学苑~力求每一次活动“精益求精”~在把优质的教育资源向社区辐射的同时~做好经验的积累和反思。 ,三,、队伍建设 目标: 以实现教师的专业化发展为目标~努力为教工创设学习、发展及展现自己的舞台~打造一支师德高尚、善于学习、自主发展、充满活力的教师队伍。 措施: 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 1、 组建由园长、人事干部、优秀教师组成的教师招聘委员会~制订招聘细则和招聘程序~重点把好“三个关”——品行关、能力关、专业学历关。扩大招聘渠道~与师范院校建立“教师实习基地”项目~采用网络等信息手段广纳贤才~使教师团队永远具有活力与生命力。 2、 重视教师师德修养~形成积极向上的文化氛围 1) 开展文明礼仪专项培训~一年两次组织教师观摩音乐剧、音乐会、话剧、舞剧等高雅艺术~不断强化教师高雅的审美情趣与言行举止得体大方。 2) 每年开展教师艺术节活动~给予教师舞蹈队、合唱队一定的活动经费~全力支持团队参与各类公益性演出。 3) 围绕“爱是教育永恒的主题”~每个教研组制定文明公约、教师格言~全园教师共同参与制订“东方好教师”标准~修订《东方教师手册》。 3、完善多元的教师专业发展培训制度~达到长效化、常态化、适宜化水准~为不同层次、不同需求的教师专业发展提供“有效性选择”的外力。 1, 完善三年以下青年教师的培养制度~实行定目标、定时间、定方向、定导师、定任务的办法~在班主任工作、课堂教学、课题研究、论文撰写等方面给予青年教师更多的指导与帮助。同时~发挥教研组集体智慧~在集体备课、教学观摩、小组交流中相互启发~取长补短~共同提高。每年提供青年教师参加各级各类教学学习机会不少于 10次~教育展示机会不少于2——5次。 2, 发挥各级骨干教师的作用。为骨干教师搭台子~压担子~充分发挥她们的教学特长及作用~要求她们结合教学的热点问题及学科前沿知识、教育教学理论、教学方法等举办讲座、教学、带教、经验与教育论文。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 3, 每学期进行信息技术与教学创新资料等展示评比~激励教师充分运用信息技术~整合各类教育资源~服务于教育教学。 4, 提供外出培训机会。主要的渠道有:?按上级要求~将教师送往国外、市区进修培训,?根据学校教育教学需要~主动与上海特级、特色教师联系~上门培训,?与姐妹园加强联系~互通信息~互派教师学习、交流。 5,聘请专家、教授定期来园开展讲座与教科研指导~每月一次请区教研员、特级教师指导实践活动。 4、建立教师专业发展的激励机制 1) 与每个教师商讨职业生涯发展目标~为每一位教师建立专业发展记录袋~科学记录教师专业成长过程~增强教师自我反思、主动发展的意识和能力。 2) 组织评选师德表率~学术标兵等~引导教师赏识他人~激励自我。幼儿园结构工资、奖金发放向优秀教师倾斜~每年选送优秀教师去国内外考察与学习。 3) 鼓励每个教师在教学实践中“爬滚”的基础上及时反思与提炼经验~参与幼儿园信息资料库建设。 4) 在各项工作中留给教师一定的自由度~营造自由发挥~自我完善自我管理的空间。 5、建立教师专业发展的发展性评估指标~以教师发展为本~以幼儿园规划为目标~以个人的定位为基点~以教育质量的绩效为依据~用发展性、过程性的评价激励教师自主发展。 ,四,家长与社区 目标: 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 建立“大教育观”~通过多种形式的家庭教育指导活动~将学前优质教育理念和方法深入到社区、家庭~形成家庭、幼儿园、社区一体化的优质教育体系,同时充分挖掘和利用社区、家庭的教育资源~使幼儿园的各项课程不断扩大和延伸。 措施: 1、通过建设《幼儿园综合信息管理系统》中“家园互动”子系统~及时、直观地与家长沟通幼儿在园各方面的情况~使家长在了解多方面幼儿教育信息的基础上建立科学的育儿观。 2、研究在新时期下我园在家长工作方面出现的新问题和解决方法~制定更加完备的“家长手册”、开展“家长工作”培训~力求家长工作制度化、规范化、细致化和人性化。 3、总结“父母老师”活动的经验~形成“父母老师活动指南”~筛选出经典活动进行宣传和推广~争取更广泛和长效的教育资源。 4、积极参与社区的志愿者活动、公益的文艺演出等~在奉献爱心、发挥特长的同时~塑造东方教师的群体形象。 5、每年与社区1~2名贫困家庭优秀学生结对帮困~每学期两次邀请他们参加教师的活动。 6、 成立家长学校~举办“0~3岁乳婴儿亲子活动”、“3~6岁幼儿亲子活动”~开设系列专题讲座~将优质教育资源向社区开放。 六、评价与监控 1、在重视总结性评价的同时~更重视对日常教育教学工作的形成性评价。不断修订和完善幼儿园各类制度~如建立“教工手册”、“家长工作手册”、“岗位职责”等各类制度及考评细则等。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 2、通过视导、督导、示范园复验、幼儿园综合信息管理系统、家长开放日、家委会、社区开放活动、教代会、社区教育委员会等~直接接受来自社会各界和本园教工的评价与反馈~及时调整工作目标与。 七、保障体制 1、建设好“教师专业发展学校”~在教师专业发展方面确保经费~成立教师专业发展领导小组~提供切实的组织保障~通过各种激励机制和规章制度~促进教师的专业化成长。 2、建立高效、廉洁的领导集体。班子成员要加强自身建设~注重师德~不断学习~提高自身素质。实行依法治校~民主办学的方针。做到为公、高效、廉洁、公正。党组织在各项工作中~要起监督保证作用~充分发挥党组织的先锋模范作用。 3、关注入党积极分子~吸收先进教工入党~同时加强与民主党派教工的联系~并充分发挥教代会作用。 4、建立和健全各项规章制度~保证机制的正常运行。大力弘扬先进文化~逐步形成“东方幼儿园”主体文化与精神。 东方幼儿园四年发展计划——阶段主要措施,2007年9月—2011年8月,附后 儿园四年发展计划——阶段主要措施,2007、9--2011、8, 管理工作 第一年措施 第二年措施 第三年措施 第四年措施 ,2007、9-2008、8, ,2008、9—2009、8, ,2009、9--2010、8, ,2010、9--2011、8, 1、规划 “幼儿园综合信息管理系统”~ 通过专家论证1、运用“幼儿园综合信息管1、邀请专家对我园的办学理1、总结托管园成功经验~在城乡结合部争取每年托管一与招标。 理系统”对管理、教育教学、家园念再次进行论证、总结提炼使之成所新园~ 将东方的优质管理资源向新区辐射~带动更多的幼 2、组织中层干部认真学习《新劳动法》~ 新制定单位劳互动等进行梳理~更好地服务于教为全体教职工的内在精神动力~并儿园提升管理水平。 务派遣~严格依法执行聘用合同制~保障各方合法权益。 育教学实践和研究~为教师专业化积极向社会和家长宣传~树立园内 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 3、选拔和培养优秀青年管理人才4——5名在教研、科研发展搭建新的平台。 外形象。 和工会等各岗位上实施带教。 2、建立教师专业发展的激励2、做好城乡结对带教工作~ 4、加强后备干部人才建设~选拔2名优秀教师参加新区机制~特别设立男教师工作奖励,两所二级幼儿园结对,扩大优质管后备干部培训并担任分园园长工作。 完善发展性评估指标~全面提升教理模式的辐射力度。 5、探索托管园管理与教学带教模式~选派园内优秀骨干师的综合素质。 3、完成《幼儿园管理智慧》教师到托管园支教。 3、完善评聘分离的细则~建一书。 6、修订和完善“教工手册”~使各项规章制度、岗位职立教师岗位职级制~形成终身学习、 责、家长工作及人事工作条例文本化、规范化。 积极向上的良好氛围。 7、改善校园环境~完成联洋部园舍整修以及大堂改建工4、选派优秀的后备干部向区 作~加强幼儿园的安全工作。 内其他园所输送~充分发挥示范园 的辐射作用。 5、邀请部分家长担任学校法 律咨询顾问。 6、继续改善校园环境~做好 沈家弄部园舍整修工作。 7、构思与创作《幼儿园管理 智慧》一书。 调整措施: 保教工作 第一年措施 第二年措施 第三年措施 第四年措施 ,2007、9--2008、8, ,2008、9—2009、8, ,2009、9--2010、8, ,2010、9--2011、8, 1、梳理东方幼儿园园本课程体系~重点关注”做中学”、”1、把教育教学实践中有关1、每位教师在每学期完成一篇1、总结幼儿园男老师教学与工作经验~完成《幼儿园男科技教育”课程之间的联系。 难题形成专题或项目~组成专题专题的基础上~50%教师争取发表一老师日记》,暂定名,一书 2、以市、区级重点课题为抓手~运用“一课多研”和“案组或项目组开展研究。 篇学术论文。 2、区级、市级课题在区级以上层面的公开展示活动~为例反思”的方法~开展教学实践研究。 2、完善“课程管理方案”~2、进一步梳理园本化课程~使教师创设更多地展示舞台。 3、对“科技教育”、“做中学”开展中的新成果进行总重点对二期课改与园本课程进之形成一个较有东方特色园本化课 结。 行整合与开发。 程。 4、开展0-3岁免费的“家庭教育指导与培训”~把优质3、在区级层面上推广“方3、在网络系统中建设“家庭教的教育资源向社区辐射~并提高教师家庭教育指导的能力。 案教学”、“做中学”的成果。 育指导中心”~通过及时的沟通~提 5、 5、通过“幼儿园综合信息管理系统”~用现代4、与教发院联手举办“幼升家长科学育儿的观念及方法。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 化的信息手段建立本园的“资源库”~提高教师设计活动和教儿教育论坛”。 4、 4、与教发院联手举 学实践的能力。 5、编写《做中学》与《科办“江、浙、沪幼儿教改展示周”活 6、与教发园联手举办浦东新区学前教育教学展示周活动。 技教育》课程案例集。 动。 5完成《做中学》与《科技教育》 课程案例集。 调整措施: 队伍建设 第一年措施 第二年措施 第三年措施 第四年措施 ,2007、9--2008、8, ,2008、9—2009、8, ,2009、9--2010、8, ,2010、9--2011、8, 1、制定“东方幼儿园教师工作手册”~设置明确的岗位1、实行评聘分离~按工作1、完善教师岗位职级制~按不1、开展教师艺术节活动~给予教师舞蹈队、合唱队一定与考核要求等。完善评聘分离的细则。 业绩聘任教师~鼓励每位教师积同的职级与工作绩效给予对应的结的活动经费~全力支持团队参与各类公益性演出。 2、组织2007学年园级骨干教师评选活动。 极参与岗位竞争。 构工资。根据考核、评估情况~调整2、丰富教师专业发展记录袋的内容~帮助每一位教师总 3、完善三年以下青年教师培养制度。每年提供青年教师2、鼓励优秀教师参加署级、教师的职级。 结自己专业发展的规律。 参加各级各类教学学习机会不少于10次~教育展示机会不少区级骨干教师的评选活动~推选2、指导新教师通过教研培一体3、整合各类教育资源~完善资料库~更好地服务于教育于2~5次。 署级、区级骨干教师后备人选。 化尽快进入角色~成为一名合格教教学。 4、发挥各级骨干教师的作用。区级骨干5年一次去乡镇3、修订教师专业发展的发师~开展三年以下教师教学大擂台活4、鼓励教师及时总结教育教学经验~汇总、出版《教育幼儿园支教。 展性评估指标。 动。 论文集》。 5、设立专业书籍专项奖励制度~鼓励教工自行购买专业4、围绕“爱是教育永恒的3、鼓励教师申报高一级的专业5、在原来的基础上增加4—5名教师达到中学高级教师书籍。 主题”~每个教研组制定文明公职称、获得高一级的学历~并在结构职称。 6、建立读书沙龙~倡导教师每月读一本好书、每个教师约、教师格言~全园教师共同参工资、奖金中有相应的激励措施。 家庭拥有200本以上藏书。 与制订“东方好教师”标准~修4、完善教师专业发展的发展性 7、组建由园长、人事干部、优秀教师组成的教师招聘委订《东方教师手册》。 评估指标~并向其它幼儿园推广。 员会~制订东方幼儿园招聘细则及招聘程序。并与师范院校建5、组织园级骨干教师公开5、组织“幼高级教师教学评优” 立“教师实习基地”项目~采用网络等信息手段广纳贤才。 教学活动展示。 活动~在提升高级教师教育教学智慧 8、建立新教师进园前两周幼儿园文化与园本课程培训制6、邀请华师大教授朱家雄的同时~为青年教师起到示范和带教 度。 等专家来园做专题讲座。 的作用。 9、暑期开展全园教师综合素质培训及园本课程培训、新7、每位教师提交一份有质6、开展与其他上海市示范性幼 教师和新调入教师专项培训。 量的读后感~并在读书沙龙中进儿园关于教师专业化发展的校际联 10、每学期开展两次以上“特级教师”专场培训。 行交流~评出十位“最佳书评动~在相互交流与学习的过程中促进 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 奖”。 教师的专业化发展。 8、形成 “青年教师才艺大7、力争1~2名教师在市级评比 赛”制度~鼓励青年教师钻研教中得奖~5~10名教师在区级层面各类 育技能。 竞赛中得奖。 9、组织部分优秀青年教师8、为优秀教师创设出国考察和 去深圳、珠海等地幼儿园交流学学习的机会~开阔教师的视野~提高 习~给教师的专业发展注入新鲜教师的综合素质。 血液。 10、每一位教师制定新一轮 的“教师专业发展三年计划”,各 分园长对每位教师进行指导,。 调整措施: 家长、社区工作 第一年措施 第二年措施 第三年措施 第四年措施 ,2007、9--2008、8, ,2008、9—2009、8, ,2009、9--2010、8, ,2010、9--2011、8, 1、建立《幼儿园综合信息管理系统》中“家园互动”子1、积累家园互动经验~形1、积极参与社区的志愿者活动、系统~使家长能及时、直观地与老师沟通~帮助家长建立科学成“父母老师活动指南”~筛选公益的文艺演出等~在奉献爱心、发的育儿观。 出经典的“父母老师”活动进行挥特长的同时~塑造东方教师的群体 2、继续完善“家长手册”~组织教师参与由我园资深教宣传和推广~争取更广泛和长效形象。 师开展的“家长工作”培训~力求家长工作制度化、规范化、的教育资源。 2、鼓励家长参与幼儿园活动~细致化和人性化。 2、 2、家长学校向完善幼儿园工作,不断发挥家委会的 3、主动与社区联系~了解并关心社区的贫困家庭~每年社区延伸~举办“0-3岁乳婴儿作用~倾听家长的建议和意见~自觉与社区4-6名贫困家庭优秀学生结对帮困~每学期两次邀请他亲子活动”、“3-6岁幼儿亲子接受家长的监督。 们参加幼儿园组织的活动。 活动”~邀请幼教界专家开设系3、尝试开展幼儿园男孩子教养 4、结合我园“探索型主题活动”继续开展“父母老师”列专题讲座~将优质教育资源向工作研究。 活动~并组织教师总结经验~逐渐形成“父母老师活动指南”。 社区开放。 3、与社区内的中小学建立 合作伙伴关系~每年两次开展社 区学校联谊活动~家庭、幼儿园 和社区共同做好幼小衔接工作。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 4、协助各级领导做好联洋 社区招生工作分流任务。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs
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