首页 > 房地产抵押的概念及房地产特性


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房地产抵押的概念及房地产特性房地产抵押的概念及房地产特性 一、房地产的概念 房地产是指土地以及建筑物等土地定着物,是实物、权益、区位三者的综合体。 房地产的实物,是指房地产中看得见、摸得着的部分。房地产的权益,是指房地产中无形的、不可触摸的部分,包括权利、利益和收益。房地产的区位是指房地产的空间位置。房地产的区位是该宗房地产与其他房地产或事物在空间方位和距离上的关系,除了其他地理坐标位置,还包括它与重要场所(如市中心、机场、港口、码头、火车站、汽车站、政府机关、同行业等)的距离,从其他地方到达该宗房地产的可及性,从该宗房地产去往其他地方的便捷性以及...
房地产抵押的概念及房地产特性 一、房地产的概念 房地产是指土地以及建筑物等土地定着物,是实物、权益、区位三者的综合体。 房地产的实物,是指房地产中看得见、摸得着的部分。房地产的权益,是指房地产中无形的、不可触摸的部分,包括权利、利益和收益。房地产的区位是指房地产的空间位置。房地产的区位是该宗房地产与其他房地产或事物在空间方位和距离上的关系,除了其他地理坐标位置,还包括它与重要场所(如市中心、机场、港口、码头、火车站、汽车站、政府机关、同行业等)的距离,从其他地方到达该宗房地产的可及性,从该宗房地产去往其他地方的便捷性以及该宗房地产的周围环境、景观、配套设施等,包括所在地区的人口状况、该地区的声誉、政府提供的服务设施、学习的教学质量、犯罪率等。虽然任何资产在某一时都有有关具体的位置,但房地产不可移动,其位置固定不变,其他资产可以移动,其位置能随时改变,因此,区位对价值的决定作用几乎市房地产所独有的。两宗实物和权益状况相同的房地产,如果所处的位置、交通、周围环境、景观、外部的基础设施和公共服务设施等区位状况不同,价值可能有很多差异。 二、房地产抵押的概念 房地产抵押----是指抵押人,以其合法的房地产,以不转移占有的方式,向抵押权人,提供债务履行担保的行为。债务人不履行债务时,抵押权人有权依法以,抵押房地产的拍卖所得,优先受偿。 一、不转移占有--抵押权人既可以获得债权的担保,又毋须保管抵押物;作为抵押物的房地产必须具备以下条件:一是,抵押房地产必须是合法的,当债务到期不能清偿时能够依法顺利处置,不会引起纠纷;二是,抵押房地产依法处置后的价值应当不小于贷款的本息之和。 二、防范房地产抵押行为不规带来的操作风险。有些抵押房地产权属上存在一些瑕疵,手续不是完全合规的,当事人也许可以通过关系,办理抵押登记,这样就给以后的处置带来隐患,存在处置分险。 三、房地产抵押价值应当是假设债务履行期届满债务人不能履行债务,拍卖、变卖抵押房地产最可能所得的价款或者抵押房地产折价的价值扣除优先受偿的款额后的余额。由于房地产同时具有独一无二和价值量大两个特性,无论从专业能力要求,还是从防范风险的角度看,金estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 融机构难以依靠自己的力量确定房地产的抵押价值,更难以预测处置抵押房地产时的价值。 1.抵押人:是指依法取得的房地产提供给抵押权人,作为本人或者第三人履行债务担保的公民、法人、或者其他组织;(第三人,就是平时我们讲的,用自己的房地产,为别人的贷款提供抵押,这时签订抵押时,抵押人是自己,借款人是第三人,办理登记时,登记机关不需要提供借款人的资料,只是对业主的资料、权属进行审查) 2.抵押权人:是指接受房地产抵押作为债务人履行债务担保的公民、法人或者其他组织; 3.预购商品房贷款抵押:是指购房人在支付首期规定的房价款后,由贷款银行代其支付其余的购房款,将所购商品房抵押给贷款银行作为偿还贷款履行担保的行为; 4.在建工程抵押:是指抵押人为取得在建工程继续建造资金的贷款,以其合法方式取得的土地使用权连同在建工程的投入资产,以不转移占有的方式抵押给贷款银行作为偿还贷款履行担保的行为; 最高额抵押:是指抵押人与抵押权人协议,在最高债权额度内对一定期间5. 内连续发生的债权作担保。(最高额抵押与普通抵押的最大差别,在于最高额抵押所担保的债权的是不特定的,这种抵押权是从属抵押人与抵押权人的协议,并由此而产生的一系列连续的债的关系。就是双方签订一个总的贷款金额和贷款期限,办理登记,登记机关一般要求最高额抵押合同配综合授信合同;在登记的期限和最高金额内,随时可以用款,这里说的随时用款,是指不用在为用款办理抵押登记,具体贷款发放的金额和时间,要根据银行和抵押人的协议,对此,《最高院司法解释》中还有一些规定: 1(当事人对最高限额、抵押期间进行变更的,不能以其变更对抗顺序在后的抵押权人。(指用抵押物的余额部分在另外一家银行贷款时,如果最高额抵押合同发生上述变更,就不能优先受偿,受偿的次序向后顺延。) 2(最高额抵押权所担保的债权的范围,不包括抵押物被查封或债务人、抵押人破产后发生的债权。 二、房地产抵押权的设定 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 1.不可以抵押的房地产: ?权属有争议的房地产; ?用于教育、医疗、市政等公共福利事业的房地产; ?列入文物保护的建筑物和有重要纪念意义的其它建筑物; ?已依法公告列入拆迁范围的房地产; ?被依法查封、扣押、监管或者以其它形式限制的房地产; ?依法不得抵押的其它房地产。 2.同一房地产设定两个以上抵押权的,抵押人应当将已经设定过的抵押情况告知抵押权人。房地产抵押后,该抵押房地产的价值大于所担保债权的余额部分,可以再次抵押,但不得超过余额部分。 3.以两宗以上房地产设定同一抵押权的,视为同一抵押房地产。但当事人另有约定的除外。 4.预购商品房抵押的,商品房开发项目必须符合房地产转让条件并取得商品房预售许可证。 5.以出租的房地产抵押的,抵押人应将租赁情况告知抵押权人,并将抵押情况告知承租人。原租赁合同继续有效。 三、房地产抵押登记 (一)抵押登记 1.房地产抵押合同自签订之日起三十日内,抵押当事人应当到抵押物所在地的房地产管理部门办理抵押登记。 2.房地产抵押合同自抵押登记之日起生效。 3.抵押的房地产在抵押期间竣工的,当事人应当在抵押人领取房地产权属证后,重新办理房地产抵押登记。 4.以享受国家优惠政策购买的房地产抵押的,其抵押额以房地产权利人可以处分和收益的份额比例为限。 5(订立抵押合同时,抵押权人和抵押人在合同中不得约定在债务履行期届满,抵押权人未受清偿时,抵押物的所有权转移为债权人所有。 6.以依法取得的房屋所有权的房地产抵押的,登记机关应当在原【房屋所有权证】上作他项权利记载后,由抵押人收执。并向抵押权人颁发【房屋他项权证】。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. (二)以西安市登记机关的抵押物登记范围为例说明: 1. 西安市房地产交易中心;(个人住房按揭贷款、在建工程抵押) 2. 西安市土地局;(以土地为主的抵押) 3. 西安市房产局产籍产权处;(有产权证的抵押,包括房产证、房产土地权 属证书齐备的房地产) 4. 西安高新区房地局;(高新区范围内的房地产) 四、抵押期间房地产的占用与管理 1.已抵押的房地产,由抵押人占用与管理。抵押人在占用与管理期间应当维护抵押房地产的安全与完好。债权人有权按照抵押合同的规定,监督、检查抵押房地产的管理情况。 (抵押物非认为风险有保险公司理赔,同时也存在人为损坏风险,是因为抵押人在其抵押期限内对房屋的损坏造成抵押物价值下降而产生的。抵押人在抵押期限内,对房屋的处分权受到限制,抵押人未经抵押权人同意不得擅自改变房屋结构,不得损坏列入房屋估价内容的配套设施。) 2.抵押权可以随债权转让(抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让)。抵押权转让时,应当签订抵押权,并办理抵押权变更登记。 抵押权转让后,原抵押权人应当告知抵押人。抵押房地产的转让或者出租,须经抵押权人同意。抵押房地产转让或者出租所得价款,应当向抵押权人提前清偿所担保的债权。超过债权数额的部分,归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。(抵押前已经出租的,按前面讲的应该告知承租人,租金已经收归抵押人了;抵押后出租的,租金收入应该提前偿还银行贷款) 3.因国家建设需要,将已设定抵押权的房地产列入拆迁范围的,抵押人应当及时书面通知抵押权人;抵押双方可以重新设定抵押房地产,也可以依法清理债权债务,解除抵押合同。 4.抵押人占用与管理的房地产发生损毁、灭失的,应当及时将情况告知抵押权人,并采取措施防止损失的扩大。抵押物因抵押人的行为造成损失,使抵押房地产的价值不足以作为履行债务的担保时,抵押权人有权要求抵押人重新提供或者增加担保,以弥补不足,或者直接向保险公司行使求偿权。抵押人对抵押房地产价值减少无过错的,抵押权人只能在抵押人因损害而得到的赔偿范围内要求提estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 供担保。抵押房地产价值未减少的部分,仍作为债务的担保。 5.已抵押,未经抵押权人同意的房屋不得出租;房屋所有权抵押的,该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权必须同时抵押。 五、抵押的效力 1.抵押物在抵押期间是否可以转让, 《担保法》规定,抵押期间,抵押人转让已办理登记的抵押物时,应当通知抵押权人,并告知受让人转让物已经抵押的情况;抵押人未通知抵押权人或者未告知受让人的,转让行为无效。 转让抵押物的价款明显低于其价值的,抵押权人可以要求抵押人提供相应的担保;抵押人不提供的,不得转让抵押物。抵押人转让抵押物所得的价款,应当向抵押权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与抵押权人约定的第三人提存。转让所得的收益,超过债权数额的部分,归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。 2.抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其它债权的担保。 3.抵押人的行为足以使抵押物价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。抵押物价值减少时,抵押权人有权要求抵押人恢复抵押物的价值,或者提供与减少的价值相当的担保。抵押人对抵押物价值减少无过错的,抵押权人只能在抵押人因损害而得到的赔偿范围内,要求提供担保。抵押物价值未减少的部分,仍作为债权的担保。 4.抵押权与其担保的债权同时存在,债权消灭了,抵押权也消灭。 六、抵押权的实现 1.债务履行期届满,抵押权人未受清偿的,可以与抵押人协议,以抵押物折价或者以拍卖、变卖该抵押物所得的价款受偿;协议不成的,抵押权人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。抵押物折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。 2.同一财产向两个以上债权人抵押的,拍卖、变卖抵押物所得的价款的清偿有一定的分配顺序: ?抵押合同已登记生效的,按照抵押物登记的先后顺序清偿;顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿; ?抵押合同自签订之日起生效的,该抵押物已登记的,按照本条第?项规定estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 清偿;抵押物未登记的,按照合同生效时间的先后顺序清偿,顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿。抵押物已登记的先于未登记的受偿。 3.城市房地产抵押合同签订后,土地上新增的房屋不属于抵押物。需要拍卖该抵押的房地产时,可以依法将该土地上新增的房屋与抵押物一同拍卖,但对拍卖新增房屋所得,抵押权人无权优先受偿。按照本法规定以承包的荒地的土地使用权抵押的,或者以乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物占用范围内的土地使用权抵押的,在实现抵押权后,未经法定程序不得改变土地集体所有和土地用途。 4.拍卖划拨的国有土地使用权所得的价款,在依法缴纳相当于应缴纳的土地使用权出让金的款额后,抵押权人有优先受偿权。(划拨土地不交土地出让金) 5.为债务人抵押担保的第三人,在抵押权人实现了抵押权后,有权向债务人追偿。 6.抵押权因抵押物灭失而消灭。因灭失所得的赔偿金,应当作为抵押财产。 七、抵押房地产的处分 1.有下列情况之一的,抵押权人有权要求处分抵押的房地产; ?债务履行期满,债权人未受清偿,债务人又未能与抵押权人达成延期履行协议的;?抵押人死亡,或者被宣告死亡而无人代为履行到期债务的;或者抵押人的合法继承人、遗产受赠人拒绝履行到期债务的;?抵押人被依法宣告解散或者破产的;?抵押人违反本办法的有关规定,擅自处分抵押房地产的;?抵押合同约定的其它情况。 2.有上述规定情况之一的,抵押当事人协商,可以通过拍卖等合法方式处分抵押房地产,协商不成的,抵押权人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 3.抵押权人处分抵押房地产时,应当事先书面通知抵押人;抵押房地产为共有或者出租的,还应当同时书面通知共有人或承租人;在同等条件下,共有人或承租人依法享有优先购买权。 4.同一房地产设定两个以上抵押权时,以抵押登记的先后顺序受偿。 5.处分抵押房地产时,可以依法将土地上新增的房屋与抵押财产一同处分,但对处分新增房屋所得,抵押权人无权优先受偿。 6.以划拨方式取得的土地使用权连同地上建筑物设定房地产抵押的,进行处分时,应当从处分所得的价款中,缴纳相当于应当缴纳的土地使用权出让金的款estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 项后,抵押权人方可优先受偿。法律、法规另有规定的依照其规定。 7.合同约定期届满,抵押人未还清债务的,《房屋他项权证》仍具有法律效力,他项权利人可凭《房屋他项权证》行使他项权利。(建设部《关于抵押期届满抵押人对抵押物是否丧失优先受偿权的请示》的复函) 8.抵押权人对抵押房地产的处分,有下列情况的,可以中止: ?抵押权人请求中止的; ?抵押人申请,愿意,并证明能够及时履行债务,并经抵押权人同意的,可以中止; ?发现被拍卖抵押物有权属争议的,应中止; ?诉讼或仲裁中的抵押房地产; ?其它应当中止的情况; 9.处分抵押房地产所得金额,以下列顺序分配: ?支付处分抵押房地产发生的费用(评估费,拍卖费等); ?扣除抵押房地产应缴纳的税款; ?偿还抵押权人债权本息及支付违约金; ?赔偿由债务人违反合同而对抵押权人造成的损害; ?剩余金额交还抵押人。 处分抵押房地产所得金额不足以支付债务和违约金、赔偿金时,抵押权人有权向债务人追索不足部分。 三、房地产的特性 房地产主要有不可移动、独一无二、寿命长久、供给有限、价值量大、流动性差、用途多样、相互影响、易受限制和保值增值十大特性。 不可移动 由于不可移动,每宗房地产的温度、湿度、日照、交通、周围环境、景观、与其他地方(如市中心)的距离等,均有一定的状态,从而形成了每宗房地产独有的自然地理位置和社会经济位置,使房地产有区位优劣之分。同时值得注意的是,房地产的自然地理位置虽然固定不变,但其社会经济位置却有可能发生变化。因为周围环境、交通条件、与公共服务设施及商业中心的接近程度等,均可以影estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 响房地产的社会经济位置,而这些是可变的。 独一无二 独一无二特性又称独特性、异质性、个别性。每宗房地产都有自己的独特之处,可以说没有两宗完全相同的房地产。有时即使两处的建筑物一模一样,但由于坐落的位置或朝向不同,地形、地势不同,周围环境、景观不同,该两宗房地产实质上也不相同的。房地产的独一无二性使得不可能出现相同房地产的大量供给,从而房地产之间不能实现完全替代,房地产市场不能实现完全竞争,房地产价格千差万别并容易受交易者个别行为的影响。 寿命长久 供给有限 价值量大 流动性差 房地产由于价值量大,加上具有不可移动和独一无二的特性,使得同一宗房地产的买卖不会频繁发生,一旦需要买卖,通常要花费相当长的时间。 用途多样 相互影响 房地产具有相互影响的特性,从而房地产的价值不仅与其本身的状况直接相关,而且与其周围房地产的状况密切相关,受其邻近房地产开发、利用的影响。例如,在一幢住宅附近兴建一座工厂,可导致该住宅的价值下降;但如果在其旁边兴建一个花园,可使其价值上升。修筑一条道路或者建造一个购物中心,对其周边房地产的价值有着更大的影响。 易受限制 由于房地产具有不可移动、相互影响的特性,世界上任何国家和地区对房地产的使用和支配都有一些限制,甚至使严格控制的。 保值增值 房地产由于寿命长久、供给有限,其价值通常可以得到保持,甚至随着时间的推移,价值会自然增加,即自然增值。 引起房地产价格上升的原因主要有4个方面:(1)对房地产本身进行投资改良,如装修装饰改造,更新或添加设施设备,改进物业管理;(2)通货膨胀;(3)estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 需求增加导致稀缺性增加,如经济发展和人口增长带动房地产需求增加;(4)外部经济,如交通条件或周围环境改善。其中,对房地产本身进行投资改良所引起的房地产价格上升,不是房地产的自然增值;通货膨胀所引起的房地产价格上升,不是真正的房地产增值,而是房地产保值;需求增加导致稀缺性增加和外部经济所引起的房地产价格上升,是真正的房地产自然增值。房地产的保值增值特性是从房地产价格的总体趋势来说的,是波浪式上升的,不排除房地产价格随着社会经济发展的波动而波动,房地产本身的功能变得落后、周围环境恶化使房地产价值下降,甚至过度投机、房地产泡沫破灭后出现的房地产大幅度贬值。在某些情况下,房地产价格出现长时期的连续下降也是可能的。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction.
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