

2017-09-16 27页 doc 77KB 19阅读




春季疾病预防小常识春季疾病预防小常识 3月21日是“春分”节气。天文专家说,春分在天文学上是个重要的转折点,此后昼长夜短,气温渐高。 “春分”是反映季节和气候的一个节气。“春分”一是表示昼夜平分的意思,二是表示春天一半的意思。按二十四节气讲,立春为春季的开始,谷雨为春季的结束,春分恰为其半。 “春分”在天文学上也是个重要的转折点。这一天,太阳正好直射赤道,在地球上绝大部分地方,昼夜平分。只是北半球是春天,南半球是秋天。所以古代春分、秋分称为“日夜分”,民间有“春分秋分,日夜平均”的谚语。 春分过后,北半球日照时间一天天长起来,气温也一天天升...
春季疾病预防小常识 3月21日是“春分”节气。天文专家说,春分在天文学上是个重要的转折点,此后昼长夜短,气温渐高。 “春分”是反映季节和气候的一个节气。“春分”一是示昼夜平分的意思,二是表示春天一半的意思。按二十四节气讲,立春为春季的开始,谷雨为春季的结束,春分恰为其半。 “春分”在天文学上也是个重要的转折点。这一天,太阳正好直射赤道,在地球上绝大部分地方,昼夜平分。只是北半球是春天,南半球是秋天。所以古代春分、秋分称为“日夜分”,民间有“春分秋分,日夜平均”的谚语。 春分过后,北半球日照时间一天天长起来,气温也一天天升高。此时,冰雪消融,草木复苏,鸟语花香的春天来到人间。 初春时节,天气由寒转暖,各种致病的细菌、病毒随之生长繁殖。有关专家建议,为避免春季疾病的发生,要常开窗,使室内空气流通,同时加强自身锻炼,提高机体的防御能力。此外,注意口鼻保健,防止温热毒邪侵犯肺部。 春天气候宜人,万物待发,同时又是疾病的多发季节,原因何在呢, 春天的冷暖骤然变化,使人免疫与防御功能下降,加之细菌、病毒等致病微生物大量滋生肆虐,上呼吸道感染发病增多,for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 轻者仅限于上呼吸道,如鼻炎、咽喉炎、扁桃腺炎、普通感冒,重者发展至肺炎,尤以小儿更为多见。 此外,尚有麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎及流感等病毒性传染病亦常在春季流行。 这种气温骤变的天气,容易造成机体交感神经失调,引起毛细血管收缩、血压上升、血液粘稠度增高,从而诱发中风、心绞痛、心肌梗塞等症发生。春暖花开亦多风的天气,空气中飘浮着各种花粉颗粒、杨柳絮、尘埃、尘螨等,易使过敏体质者引起过敏性皮炎、过敏性鼻炎、哮喘,以及荨麻疹等。各种免疫性疾病、消化性溃疡、风湿性关节炎、精神病、哮喘、结核病等,也都容易在春季旧病复发,加重甚至恶化。 所以,春季疾病预防甚为重要,可具体采取以下措施: 1、调适寒温。春季气候多变,老幼病弱者应随时增减衣服,不宜过早脱去冬衣,以免受寒,老年心脑血管者更要注意。 2、早睡早起,运动身体。睡眠不足会降低人体的免疫功能,亦易激动生火,招致外感内伤。3、保持心境平和。春季忌怒,处事勿过于急躁,要时常保持心境平和。 4、戒烟、少喝酒及咖啡。吸烟最易损害呼吸道表面屏障,诱发疾病发作。烟酒及咖啡都会刺激神经兴奋,有些人想借以“消除紧张和疲劳”,其实反而削弱了人体的抗病力。 5、远离过敏源,远离人群密集场所。6、 饮食宜清淡富营养而易消化,少吃油腻煎炸及辛辣刺激的食品。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 总之,春天气候多变,对人生理和心理过程影响较大,因此春季应顺应自然变化,改变生活方式,以适应春天生机勃发的特点,才能维护身心健康。 预防流行性疾病 阳春三月,天地俱生,万物以荣,大地一片生机,人们也在经过一个冬天的蛰伏后开始活动频繁。 随着气温的升高,细菌、病毒也开始生长繁殖,因此,春天是疾病多发的季节,尤其是一些传染病,如流感、麻疹、流脑、结膜炎、腮腺炎等。另外,春天气温气压变化较大,一些慢性疾病和精神方面的疾病也容易复发。那么怎样做好防病保健呢, 首先要有防病意识和坚强的信念。在思想上做好防病的准备,提前了解疾病的防治知识,如遇气候突变带来身体不适时,要静心养气,防止旧病复发,要坚持服药,相信自己能抗击病症。 其次是预防接种,可去医院或防疫站注射疫苗,如流感疫苗、流脑疫苗等。 第三,日常调摄方面要多加注意。多开窗户,保持室内空气新鲜,保证充足的睡眠,不要太快地脱去冬衣。饮用泡有贯众的水(取贯众500克洗净,放入水桶中,每周换药一次),也可在室内放置薄荷油以静化空气。如果家中有流感病人可用食醋熏蒸,每周二次,可以预防其他人患感冒。另外,每for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 天按摩足三里、风池、迎香等穴位也有预防疾病的作用,而且还能增强机体的抵抗力。 惊蛰节气是传染病多发的日子,要预防季节性的传染病的发生,还应多吃清淡食物,如糯米、芝麻、蜂蜜、乳品、豆腐、鱼、蔬菜、甘蔗等。一般选服具有调血补气、健脾补肾、养肺补脑的补品,像鹌鹑汤、白木耳煮麻雀、清补菜鸭、枸杞银耳羹、荸荠萝卜汁、枸札蛇肉汤、虫草山药烧牛髓、扁豆粥等,或食用一些海参、龟肉、蟹肉、银耳、雄鸭、冬虫夏草等,燥烈辛辣之品应少吃。 哮喘 惊蛰春分前后,慢性疾病患者最易复发,正所谓“百草回芽,百病复发”。其中哮喘多发于此期,饮食调养的很适宜于哮喘轻度发作或缓解期。 因此,应该避免进食过饱,吃的食物不宜太咸,忌烟、酒,慎用辛辣刺激食物,特别要禁食海腥油腻之物。发作期鼓励患者多饮水,利于排尿。食物以充足碳水化合物保证热能供应,以乳、蛋、豆制品保证蛋白质的给养。 肾阳不足的虚喘病病人以海马焙黄研末,每次冲服3克,或以当归6克,海马3克,水煎服;五脏气血虚衰、中气不足的虚喘病人以鹌鹑1只,不去毛,焙烧研末,每次10克,for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 加红糖水融化,再兑入黄酒50克,一次服完,每日2次,予以调养。 风湿 甘四节气的“惊蛰”。《月令七十二候集解》曰:“……万物出乎震,震为雷,故曰惊蛰,是蛰虫惊而出走矣。”其意为春雷响起,惊动万物,也就是说从这时节起冬眠的生物苏醒了。上周还是料峭春寒,现快到万物复苏时,天气多为浓雾、微雨。人体常感四肢麻痹、关节活动不利。小编特推荐老桑枝煲鸡肉汤这款有效祛痹,口感好的药方。 中药老桑枝煲鸡具有益精髓,祛风湿、利关节的功效。广东民间亦常用它辅助治疗风湿性关节炎、四肢挛痛麻痹、颈背牵引疼痛,慢性腰脊劳损等症。 [材料]老桑枝60克、雌鸡一只去毛及内脏(约500克)、生姜3片。 老桑枝性平味苦,入肝经,功能祛风湿、利关节、行水气,《本草汇言》说它能“去风气挛痛”,《本草备要》亦认为它能“利关节、养津液、行水祛风”,《岭南采药录》还记载它有“去骨节风疾,治老人鹤膝风”的功用;鸡肉性温味甘,入脾、胃、肝经,功能温中、益气、补精、添髓,《别录》说它能“补益五脏,续绝伤,疗劳,益气图”,《食疗本草》亦认为它能治“踒折骨疼”,《日华子本草》也记载它有“止劳劣,for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 添髓补精,助阳气”的功用。二者合一,倍增祛风湿、利关节、益精髓的功效。 [烹制]用清水把老桑枝洗净,并稍浸片刻;雌鸡宰净,去毛及内脏,洗净。与生姜一起放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗水量),先用武火煲沸后,改用文火煲约2个小时,再加入适量食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用,可把鸡捞起,拌入酱油佐餐用。 肾结石 春日,万物复苏,百草萌生。随着人们活动的增多,隐伏在胆道和肾脏的结石也容易发作。怎样防止和对待胆石症和肾石症在春天的发作呢,胆石症发作往往同时伴有胆道感染,严重者可致中毒性胆管炎,若救治不及时可致命。因而预防胆石症的发作至关重要,凡确诊而愿意接受手术者应尽早手术,一时不能手术者要注意避免过度劳累。患者饮食宜清淡,因为油腻的食物会刺激胆汁的排放和改变胆汁的成分,容易促发胆道感染甚至胆源性胰腺炎;可以服一些利胆的中、西药物;一旦发生右上腹疼痛、发热和黄疸,要及时送医院治疗。为防治可能引起的休克,运送时须用担架或车辆使病人取平卧位。凡既往有排尿石史,目前已无症状者,要多饮水、多活动,防止结石再形成。明确仍有尿路结石者,如结石直径在1厘米以上,须手术取石;而在1厘米以下者,可大量for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 饮水并增加运动,特别是跳跃式活动,如骑马、跳绳等,以 促进结石排出,亦可佐以排石的中药。 疼痛发作时可用止痛剂。病者应了解,虽然尿路结石引起的 疼痛剧烈难忍,但一般不会有生命危险。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 针对中医划分的9种不同体质,春分养生应该分别注意如下: 平和体质,就是人们说的正常体质,春分养生只要注意饮食搭配合理就可以了。 气虚体质,表现为虚弱,感到疲劳,常出虚汗,容易感冒。除了饮食上调养,还应适量多运动,因为运动对补气有作用。 阳虚体质,表现为手脚怕冷,胃部怕冷。春分本来应是阴阳平衡的时期,但阳虚之体,阳弱不能与阴平衡,容易发生腹泻,应该科学膳食,注意温补。 阴虚体质,表现为皮肤干燥,手脚心发热,脸潮红,眼睛干涩,口易渴,大便易干结。可多吃点鸭肉莲藕汤、百合、芝麻。 瘀血体质,表现为有黑眼圈,女性痛经,年龄大的人血液黏稠,皮肤易出现瘀血斑点。适合吃一些紫菜、海藻、黑豆、柚子、山楂。 湿热体质,表现为易生粉刺和暗疮,有口臭,小便黄。可适量吃冬瓜、西瓜、芥菜、黄瓜、苦瓜、通心菜。 气郁体质,表现为情绪低落,易失眠。可以喝小柴胡汤、黄花菜鸡蛋汤、麦片牛奶。春分时节,郊游踏春很有效果。 痰湿体质,表现为人较肥胖,感觉肢体困重。该体质的人应多吃点冬瓜、萝卜、海藻、海带和薏米。 过敏体质,易起荨麻疹,易过敏,皮肤一抓就红。这种体质的人应该少吃海鲜与辛辣刺激之物,少饮白酒。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 春季疾病预防小常识 春季气候干燥,麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎及流感等病毒性传染病常在春季流行。这种气温骤变的天气,容易造成机体交感神经失调,引起毛细血管收缩、血压上升、血液粘稠度增高,从而诱发中风、心绞痛、心肌梗塞等症发生。春暖花开亦多风的天气,空气中飘浮着各种花粉颗粒、杨柳絮、尘埃、尘螨等,易使过敏体质者引起过敏性皮炎、过敏性鼻炎、哮喘,以及荨麻疹等。各种免疫性疾病、消化性溃疡、风湿性关节炎、精神病、哮喘、结核病等,也都容易在春季旧病复发,加重甚至恶化。 所以,春季疾病预防甚为重要,可具体采取以下措施: 1、调适寒温。春季气候多变,老幼病弱者应随时增减衣服,不宜过早脱去冬衣,以免受寒,老年心脑血管者更要注意。 2、早睡早起,运动身体。睡眠不足会降低人体的免疫功能,亦易激动生火,招致外感内伤。 3、保持心境平和。春季忌怒,处事勿过于急躁,要时常保持心境平和。 4、戒烟、少喝酒及咖啡。吸烟最易损害呼吸道表面屏障,诱发疾病发作。烟酒及咖啡都会刺激神经兴奋,有些人想借以“消除for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 紧张和疲劳”,其实反而削弱了人体的抗病力。 5、远离过敏源,远离人群密集场所。 6、饮食宜清淡富营养而易消化,少吃油腻煎炸及辛辣刺激的食品。 总之,春天气候多变,对人生理和心理过程影响较大,因此春季应顺应自然变化,改变生活方式,以适应春天生机勃发的特点,才能维护身心健康。 幼儿春季疾病预防小知识 2013-03-04 16:11:35 来源: 华龙网(重庆) 有0人参与 幼儿春季疾病如何预防,春季时冷时热,气候变化无常,父母应在穿衣、饮食、皮肤护理与常见疾病防治等方面加以注意,帮助宝宝健康换季。下面就来看看幼儿春季常见的5大疾病,提早做好预防。 春夏交替之际,空气中的粉尘和细菌都比平时要多很多,这很容易让幼儿出现过敏症或其他疾病。本期列出5大幼儿春季常见疾病,妈妈赶快恶补一下,提早做好预防吧。 幼儿春季疾病预防No1.感冒 即便是到了春末,偶尔来的一股“冷空气”,也会让一些抵抗力较为低下的宝宝患上感冒。在这春季疾病高发季节里,幼儿似乎会一次接一次地“次次中招”。事实上,单只在宝宝出生的最初2年里,宝宝就会得8-10次的感冒,发病一次或更多次的流感。 患病指数:????? for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 患病症状:流鼻涕、鼻塞、打喷嚏、咽痛、气喘、咳嗽等;偶尔有轻微地咳嗽,说话声音嘶哑;眼睛发红、潮湿;肌肉疼痛;呕吐、腹泻;发烧,体温可达39?,40?。 护理要点: 1.让孩子充分休息。患病时让孩子充分休息,有利于病的痊愈。在此时不要外出,也不要长时间逗孩子玩。 2.多饮水。大量饮水除了可对咽部的病毒、细菌起到冲刷的作用,发热时消耗身体的热量、同时能及时补充因退热出汗所丢失的水分。喝水时宜采用少量多次的方法,如果孩子不爱喝白开水,也可适当加些果汁,让孩子能多喝些水。 3.保暖。根据情况增减衣物,有些父母爱用被子为孩子捂汗,这可造成高热抽风。当孩子出汗后,用温水为孩子擦干汗,及时换上干净的衣物;在室内,就不必穿得太多,与成人穿得相当即可,甚至要比成人穿得少一些才好。 4.合理饮食。孩子感冒时多不爱吃东西,家长需给流质、半流质食物如牛奶、酸奶、稀饭、面条、面包等,同时还要多吃新鲜水果(苹果、猕猴桃)、蔬菜,这样可保证有大量维生素C抗病毒的作用。 5.使用鼻腔滴液或喷剂不要超过3天,因为它们会使鼻腔组织变厚,受到刺激,从而进一步阻塞鼻腔通道。 6.不要给宝宝使用阿司匹林。如果宝宝需要服用退烧要的话,可在医生帮助下选择醋氨酚或布洛芬。在没有医生建议的情况下不能给2岁以下的宝宝使用抗组胺剂。 预防指南:首先勤开窗通风換气,保持室内空气清新,是预防感冒最为简便、有效的。进行适当户外锻炼,接受日光照射,有助于宝宝的身体健康,减少患感冒的机会。外出时,尽量避免带宝宝去人群聚集的共公场所。另外,培养良好生活习惯,保证充足睡眠,保持正常生活规律。 幼儿春季疾病预防No2.肺炎 肺炎是肺炎组织的一种感染,会引起咳嗽、呼吸短促、发烧、呼吸频率加快中的一种或是全部症状。一旦宝宝的感冒如果得不到很好的控制时,尤其是身体虚弱的宝宝容易从感冒发展为肺炎。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 患病指数:???? 患病症状:呼吸急促、吃力,有时候伴有呼吸疼痛;鼻孔张开(预示着宝宝呼吸困难);发烧,体温一般在38?,39?之间;胸痛,呼吸时会加剧;腹痛、食欲不振;持续咳嗽、气喘。 护理要点: 1.降低热度:首先是要为宝宝退烧,醋氨酚和布洛芬的使用对宝宝是相对安全的。同时,也可以在宝宝额头上放一块凉毛巾来达到物理降温的效果,有条件时,可以在家进行温水浴。 2.多喝水:尽量让宝宝多喝一些水,以防止脱水。大量的液体还能疏松分泌物和粘液,使痰液更容易被咳出。 3.调整宝宝的睡姿:这段时间,当宝宝入睡以后,不妨在他的头部和肩膀之后多放一个枕头,以帮助他呼吸更为顺畅。 4.胸(背)部叩击法:让宝宝坐在沙发上,“轻拍”他的背部,以帮助他气道内分泌物的排出。家长也可以向医生咨询一下具体该如何操作。 预防指南:如果家人患感冒或者其他呼吸道感染性疾病时,尽量让宝宝与患病的亲人隔离,避免宝宝受到传染;室内经常通风;保护宝宝不会受到被动吸烟的危害;如有可能,让宝宝注射预防肺炎的疫苗,也是预防宝宝得肺炎的一种有效途径。 Tips 当宝宝患有肺炎,并出现以下症状时,需立即送往医院。 出现呼吸困难、脸色发紫; 精神萎靡或异常烦躁; 嘴唇或指甲发青; 呼吸时发出呼噜声; 由于咳嗽和气喘而无法入睡; for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 无法摄入足够的液体,或是不断地呕吐; 出现了发烧和腹痛; 咳出了发黄、发绿或是带血丝的黏液; 持续不断地咳嗽。 春季要预防的小儿疾病有哪些 在这个枝头绽绿~万物复苏的季节~宝宝的身体也如同春天的幼苗~正是拔节生长的好时候。这个时候生病可就比较影响宝宝发育啦~所以爸爸妈妈要注意防护哦。 春天宝宝容易得哪些病 春季宜防“三疹” 第一,麻疹。麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的急性全身发热性传染病。它一年四季均可发病,但以初春为主要发病季节,患者多为小儿。 现代医学研究认为,麻疹主要症状有:发热,常在39?~40?以上,还有流鼻涕、打喷嚏、眼结膜充血,此期约3~4天,称为麻疹前驱期。这时,约90%的病儿口腔内可见有麻疹黏膜斑,据此可明确诊断。在一般情况下,发热第4天见疹,出疹的顺序是耳后、发际、颈部、前额,然后迅速地由上而下遍及全身,最后四肢。随着体温的逐渐恢复,皮疹也依出疹顺序而消退,出现麦粒状的脱屑,并留下棕色的沉着。 研究儿童病学的专家们指出,麻疹患儿如果治疗护理不当,也容易出现并发症,较常见的有麻疹肺炎、麻疹喉炎、脑炎等。因此,必须引起足够的重视。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 预防麻疹的有效方法是:注射麻疹疫苗,与麻疹病人密切接触者应观察14日。在麻疹流行期间,对易感者在接触麻疹病人的两天内,应立即接种麻疹病毒活疫苗,以达到防止麻疹流行的目的。 第二,风疹。春季是风疹的高发季节。风疹是由风疹病毒引起的一种常见的较轻的急性传染病。其主要症状是低热、轻度上呼吸道发炎、出疹和耳后与枕部淋巴结肿大。 风疹病人是唯一传染源。患儿体温一般比麻疹低,为低热或中度发热,有流鼻涕、流泪等现象。常在发热后的24小时内出疹,疹子在面部和颈部,可在一日内遍及全身,第三天可以融合成片,极似麻疹。但是,其疹子比麻疹小,呈浅红色,疹子从第四天起依次消退。退疹以后,无棕色的色素沉着斑。 风疹对孕妇有很大的危害。怀孕3个月以内的孕妇,如果感染风疹病毒,容易发生胎儿畸形、死胎、流产等,最好终止妊娠。 风疹无特殊的治疗方法,一般以对症治疗为主。并要加强护理,让孩子卧床休息,给孩子营养丰富的流质或半流质饮食。风疹病儿在出疹5天后,就没有传染性了。 第三,病毒疹。病毒疹主要在春季以飞沫经呼吸道传播。病毒疹一般为柯萨奇病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒等所致。近年来,春季患者日见增多,感染者多为1~12岁的儿童。它的主要特点是疹子出现无顺序,以胸、腹部疹较多,其他部位少见,且皮疹消退快,最后不留痕迹。感染病毒疹时,可有耳后、腋下淋巴结肿大。病毒疹传染性较强,感染了病毒疹,需立即住院隔离治疗。患儿家里及学校教室都要进行空气消毒,且要常开门窗换气,使空气新鲜,阳光充足,以利防病保键 春季宜防水痘 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 由水痘- 带状疱疹病毒引起的传染性极强的儿童期出疹性疾病,多发于2-6岁的幼儿,水痘的潜伏期一般为14-16天,尤以冬春多见。大部分患儿出疹前有低热、不适、厌食等前驱症状,24小时内成批出现红色斑疹或斑丘疹,迅速发展为水疱,在口腔、结膜、生殖器等处粘膜也可出现疱疹,易破溃形成溃疡。一次感染可获终身免疫。 防治措施:经常给幼儿洗澡,换衣服,保持皮肤清洁,手要勤洗,指甲勤剪,坚持体格锻炼,增强抗病能力。任何年龄只要未患过水痘都是易感人群,尤其是10岁以下的儿童,因此,没有患过水痘的儿童不要与水痘病人接触,以免受到感染。水痘通过直接接触、飞沫、空气传播,水痘患儿居住的房间要经常通风换气,患儿用过的衣物、被褥要在阳光下曝晒,接触过传染期患儿的人手要消毒,以除去沾染的水痘病毒,以防传染给其他易感人群。家长注意在宝宝患病期间不要带宝宝去公共场所,隔离至皮疹全部结痂变干后为止。水痘减毒活疫苗已有使用,副作用少,在接触水痘后立即给予可以预防,即使患病也较轻微。 春季宜防流行性结膜炎 流行性结膜炎通常发生在冬末春初或气候急遽变化的时候。眼睛发痒、有刺激感、畏光、流泪等。幼儿双眼结膜充血,分泌物增多,有时发生眼睑水肿,并发轻度角膜炎。 防治措施:春季气候多变,加强预防是防治小儿流行性结膜炎的根本途径,尽量少带孩子去人口密集的公共场所。如宝宝已患病,应采取以下措施:1、暂时不要让患儿去幼儿园,不要去小朋友家串门,不要到理发店、浴池,以免疾病蔓延;2、患儿使用过的毛巾、手帕和脸盆要煮沸消毒,晒干后再用,并为患儿准备专用的洗脸用具;3、教育孩子注意个人卫生,做到不用脏手揉眼睛,勤剪指甲,饭前便后要洗手。眼屎多时,要用干净手帕或纱布拭之;5、患眼不能遮盖,否则眼分泌物不能排出,反而加重病情。 春季宜防小儿感冒 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 感冒, 一年四季均可发生,对小儿来讲,是习以为常的事,似无大惊小怪的必要。但是,发生在春季不同于其他季节,因为它与此季节常见的呼吸道传染病有着千丝万缕的联系。因此,春季宜防小儿感冒。 感冒又称上呼吸道感染,发生在呼吸道的门户——鼻与咽喉部。主要表现为:鼻塞、流涕、打喷嚏、咽干、咽痛、音哑和咳嗽、咳痰等,还可因吸收病原体毒素,出现发热、头痛、流泪、周身不适、恶心、呕吐、食欲不振等全身症状。这些表现与春季常见的呼吸道传染病,如流行性脑脊髓膜炎、流行性腮腺炎、麻疹、白喉、百日咳、猩红热的初期症状极其相似,有的甚至完全一样,几乎成了这些疾病的前奏曲。 鉴于呼吸道传染病的初期症状与普通感冒难以鉴别,在春季高发季节,对小儿发生的感冒,切不可掉以轻心,应及时去医院就诊,不要乱用感冒药,要由医生检查,确诊后再行治疗。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet
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