

2018-08-24 33页 doc 107KB 12阅读




胖人的穿衣方法胖人的穿衣方法 胖人的穿衣之道: 深色有收缩感,浅色有扩张感,胖人穿衣尽量选择深色系服装,面料要挺括一点,不要选太软的面料(太软的面料紧贴你的身体,也会显胖),可以选细的竖条纹面料(宽的竖条纹反而显胖),如果喜欢花的面料,要选小碎花图案的面料。最后,选择服装型号要合适,不要过紧,也不要过松,不要穿紧身衣。如果你喜欢浅色衣服,在穿两件套时,可以选浅色衬衣穿在里边。只要你照我的建议去做,肯定效果会不一样的。 胖人服装搭配技巧 胖人,常常会因为自己的体形不好而犯愁.但如果衣服穿得巧妙,看上去体形就会显得匀称得多了. 有人做...
胖人的穿衣方法 胖人的穿衣之道: 深色有收缩感,浅色有扩张感,胖人穿衣尽量选择深色系服装,面料要挺括一点,不要选太软的面料(太软的面料紧贴你的身体,也会显胖),可以选细的竖条纹面料(宽的竖条纹反而显胖),如果喜欢花的面料,要选小碎花图案的面料。最后,选择服装型号要合适,不要过紧,也不要过松,不要穿紧身衣。如果你喜欢浅色衣服,在穿两件套时,可以选浅色衬衣穿在里边。只要你照我的建议去做,肯定效果会不一样的。 胖人服装搭配技巧 胖人,常常会因为自己的体形不好而犯愁.但如果衣服穿得巧妙,看上去体形就会显得匀称得多了. 有人做过实验, 看上去竖线比横线要长的两条线,用尺子量一量,两条线竟一样长.心理学家叫这种现象为"横竖错觉".胖人如果穿上竖条文的衣服,就会把人的注意力吸引到竖向的线条上,从而抵消了胖人横向的长度,使胖人看起来变苗条了. 又由于明色调给人以发散的感觉,暗色调使人产生收缩的感觉,所以胖人应当穿深颜色服装,而不适宜穿浅色的,尤其是白色的衣服. 心理学家指出,线条和色彩的作用可使人产生一定的视觉效应.胖人衣服穿得巧妙, 正是"视觉效应的妙用. 胖人服装搭配的秘籍 身材胖的人在选择上应该注意些什么呢,下面给大家介绍一下,提供一个穿衣的方法。身材胖的人可以试试~ 身材胖的人不宜穿质料厚重的衣服,如厚毛衣会使人显得臃肿。也不可选择过于宽松的款式,以薄型合体的服装为宜。另外,上衣应选择尖型领口和长过臀部的款式,下身则以直裤为最佳选择。 胖人如欲隐藏微凸的发胖肚子,应采用深色系列服装的搭配,如衬衣、毛衫、皮带、长裤、外衣皆为深色,而领部可以选择亮丽的领带、装饰花结和鲜艳的丝巾等,以吸引别人的视觉焦点。 身材胖的人的臀部一般宽而且丰满,在穿着上应选择长衫、宽松的长外衣和长风衣,切忌强调臀部的曲线。女士不可选择短上衣,瘦腿裤。总之,加长上衣的长度,隐藏臀部,形成长而完整的线条是最佳。 胖人的服饰选购技巧 胖人的服饰选购技巧是什么呢,不要以为身材苗条的人才是“衣服架子”,事实上身材胖的人如果掌握了穿衣要领,也会别有风韵的,以下几点可供参考: (1)应选择面料柔软而挺括的,忌太厚或太薄的料子,因厚料有扩张性,会使人显得更胖;太薄易显露体型。 (2)色彩以深色为佳,因深色有收缩感,会使人显得瘦削。 (3)胖的妇女应选择小花纹与直条纹的衣料。 (4)把较明亮的颜色放在上身,能使人不注意你体态较差的下半身,身穿高腰裤可使臀部看起来瘦小一些。 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government (5)胖的人一般有脸盆大,颈粗短的特点,而穿窄小领口和领型的衣服会使脸型显得更大,应选择宽敞的开门式领型。船型领有使肩膀看来较宽的作用,能与肥大的下半身成一协调平衡的视觉效果。 (6)避免穿过于贴身的毛织服装,那些带静电而贴身的套裙或贴身衣服容易显现线条,胖人应忌穿。 (7)穿衣系腰带,给人以臃肿笨重之感。 (8)穿相应选择旁边或侧边开叉的半截裙,垂直线条再加上令腿半隐半现的裙叉,能使你的双腿看起来更加修长。 (9)穿鞋应选择线条简单,细跟或有尖头的鞋子。袜子的颜色要与鞋子相配合,加长腿部线条的感觉。 (10)皮包肩带的长度不要刚好落在臀部的最宽大处,这种会使本来肥大的臀部显得更大。 胖人怎么穿衣服才能显得瘦呢 者常常为穿衣发愁,第一是因为合体的衣服很难买到,市上的成衣大部分是根据体形的身材来设计的,而且随着身体的增胖,原有的衣服更显瘦了,甚至系不上扣。第二者穿衣不太好看,本来身材就臃肿,再配上一件不合体的衣服就更加显胖了。那胖人怎么穿衣服才能显得瘦呢,下面我们提供一些穿着搭配方法,使您看起来苗条些。 首先,在花色选择上应选用竖条纹中等大小花型、颜色较深的衣服,可以给人一种轮廓模糊的朦胧感觉。其次,应该将较明亮的颜色放于上身,使人不注意您体态较差的下半身。第三,夹克类的上衣大小要合身,特别是袖圈部分,长度最好在臀部以下,加上长而窄的衣领,可以掩盖形体的不足。第四,服装的样式采用垂直分割法,把胸围、腰围、臀围分割为几部分,利用装饰缝使人产生挺拔秀丽之感。第五,应选择线条简单、细根或尖头的鞋;将手袋夹在手臂间,吸引别人的注意力在您的上半身等等。不要穿过于贴身的毛织服装,夹克切忌紧束于腰间。不宜戴对比颜色太鲜明的配件,如腰带、鞋等。同时,应避免选择打褶的或过短的裙子。总之,者选衣服尽管很难,但只要稍动点儿脑筋,多留意些,定会穿上满意的服装。 胖mm如何打扮自己 胖mm对于自己的穿着打扮,成了他们很发愁的问题。那胖mm们该如何打扮自己才能更好看呢,下面小编教你几招,爱美的你们可以试一试哦~ 胖mm在衣着上面需要注意的就是,胖人不一定非要穿深色衣服。如果胖到一定程度,穿上暗色衣服也不会显瘦,而且趁的人灰暗无神,如一个庞然大物。试着穿一件白色稍微修身的短袖,感觉也很不错的,非常简洁的样式,胸前有褶皱,将胸部趁的更为挺拔。再搭配一条眼下流行的九分裤,会让你的朋友们觉得你更加靓丽年轻,人也会显得瘦了。所以要多穿鲜艳或清爽的颜色,胖就按胖的来,只要搭配的漂亮。著名的肥肥沈殿霞不是也常穿鲜艳的衣服嘛,而且穿的很漂亮。并且九分裤比裙子能遮掩体形。牛仔裤就穿微喇的,也能修饰腿形。而且牛仔裤有收腹作用。记着胖人穿衣,一定要避免宽松和紧身,要比自己的身材稍微多出一点就最好了。 小肚子与美丽 平挺的腹部让人感到精神,但不是人人都保持着这种优势,各种各样的生理原因有时使人腹部的脂肪多了些,通过一些小小的窍门,会让你看起来腹部平挺不显眼。松紧的、大小合pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 适的裙子或裤子,深色调有压缩视觉的效果;长度超过腹部的罩衫、或是束腰外衣是你的选择;拉链尽可能装在身后,前面只能用隐形拉链。 走起来精神矫健,扬起一股青春的劲风,健美体态,激荡起战无不胜的活力。 贴身窄裙、双片裙、包臀裤使凸出的腹部曲线毕露,碎褶裙、大圆裙令体态更显粗大,腰间的松紧带或是宽皮带更突出腹部,很显然,应避免这些款式。走路的姿态更要挺胸昂首,步履洒脱大度,你会有足够的信心享受人生。 小腹凸出者整体服饰的造型 凸出的小腹,往往影响穿衣的美感。但如果将整体眼饰设计成X或Y线条的造型,也就是把上半身的衣服束入下半身的裙或裤内,便可掩饰这个缺点了。 (1)白衬衫束入深色长圆裙内 白色的衬衫束人深色的长圆裙内,并以两公分宽的皮带系紧,造就X型的线条,能使腰部更纤细,以掩饰凸出的小腹。 (2)全身穿冷色,以细条纹的长裤分散视线上下身衣服,包括皮带、丝巾、鞋、袜等都采用冷色系的搭配,而贴紧肩部的外套是造型设计的重点。冷色条纹的长裤能分散视线,巧妙地掩饰了小腹凸出的缺点。 (3)以直统牛仔裤搭配长西装外套直统牛仔裤可使凸出的腹部不那么明显,配上稍长的西装外套,效果更佳。 (4)腹部凸出者颇适合萝卜形长裤搭配宽松毛衣冬天,小腹凸出者可选择萝卜形长裤来搭配下摆宽松的毛衣,并用配件(帽子、围巾、皮带)将重心置于上方,这样的穿着也是很出色的。 (5)用宽松打褶的短裤掩饰缺点宽松打褶的短裤最能掩饰凸出的小腹。上半身的背心装饰繁多,加上帽子、围巾的搭配能使视线上移。 胖人着装要领 不要以为身材苗条的人才是“衣服架子”,事实上胖人如果掌握了着装要领,也会别有风韵的。 (1)应选择面料柔软而挺括的,忌太厚或太薄的料子,因厚料有扩张性,会使人显得更胖;太薄则易显露体型。 (2)色彩以深色为佳,因为深色有收缩感,会使人显得瘦削。 (3)体态丰满的妇女应选择小花纹与直条纹的衣料。 (4)把较明亮颜色放在上身,能使人不注意你体态较差的下半身,身穿高腰裤可使臀部看起来瘦小一些。 (5)体态丰满的人一般有脸盘大,颈粗短的特点,而穿窄小领口和领型的衣服会使脸型显得更大,应选择宽敞的开门式 领型。船型领有使肩膀看来较宽的作用,能与肥大的下半身成一协调平衡的视觉效果。 (6)避免穿过于贴身的毛织服装,那些带静电而贴身的套裙或贴身衣服容易显现线条,胖人应忌穿。 (7)穿衣系腰带,能给人以臃肿笨重之感。 (8)穿裙应选择旁边或侧边开叉的半截裙,垂直线条再加上令腿半隐半现的裙叉,能使你的双腿看起来更加修长。 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government (9)穿鞋应选择线条简单,细跟或有尖头的鞋子。袜子的颜色要与鞋子相配合,加长腿部线条的感觉。 (10)皮包肩带的长度不要刚好落在臀部的最宽大处,这样会使本来肥大的臀部显得更大。 胖女孩着装技巧 许多自认身材偏“肥肥”的女生,对夏天厌恶,对冬天痛恨,其实归根结底还是不自信~只要拥有自信,加上合理的着装技巧,也同样是街头一道亮丽的风景线~ ?如果人士在发型和衣着上都简洁干净的话,配搭几件做工精湛的首饰,无论是黄金、白银还是宝石,只要是设计独特,都会分散别人对于你身材的注意力,并赞叹你与众不同的审美情趣~ ?另类服饰会令人士摆脱常人看待你你的寻常眼光,比如选一条纯羊绒大披肩或者专门去订做一些设计颇具新意的衣着,但要注意面料一定要上乘。 ?黑色被认为最具收身效果,其实在炎炎夏日,胖人穿上一袭黑衣,不会带给人凉爽,而是令人感觉到一堵黑墙的密不透风的压迫感。 ?过于疏松的条格款式也不适合人士,无论纵条还是斜格,只要条格的宽度超出大拇指的宽度,就不可能体现收身效果,而只是突出胖人的“横向”宽窄。 ?胖胖的女士最好的瘦身搭配是选一双鞋跟粗细中等的高跟鞋。 ?过分袒露身材的衣着人士尤其要避讳。 ?选一款简洁的发型,如短发、束发等等,不要令发型与身材一样臃肿。 胖人如何配衣服更恰当 胖人如何配衣服更恰当呢,要根据身体的各个部位来避免。来看看下面的几招秘诀吧,很快让你的衣橱动起来的。 1.选择服装时尽量选择那些使用线型图案或大花型图案的面料制作的服装。裁剪时最好使用立裁的方法。这样会给人以“瘦”的感觉。 2.服装做得不要过紧、过松。过紧会显露出的外型,过松会使你显得“体积”更大,看上去就更丰满了。 3.身体丰满的女士穿裙子不要太短或太长,长度应以下摆在膝盖附近为宜。裙子过短就会把大腿上的丰满显露出来。过长就会给人“矮而胖”的感觉。如果穿出分出“上中下”三段来,就显得你自然增高了,就是上身、裙和长筒袜用不同的颜色,看上去就会产生一种修长的感觉。 4.如果您小腿很胖,您的袜子和鞋不要穿得太让人注意。越大众化越好,颜色也不要太鲜艳了。以免人们对您的腿部和脚部过于关注,给别人带来不协调的感觉。 5.如果您的脖子不太长的话,那么千万不能穿圆领内衣。你的衣服领子用V 型的,有利于使你的脖子看上去长些。如果短脖子的女士想戴项链,要注意您的项链不能太长,但也不能太短,选择时要戴着看,选择戴上去最好看,长度最合适的。项链的下面最好有一个下垂的装饰物,比如一些时尚的小装饰。 6.另外建议丰满女性要选购专业胖体女装公司出品的服装。因为他们有多年的胖人服装经验,独特的版型( 胖人穿什么显瘦 体型发胖的人,常因服装选择的不合适而显得臃肿,过早地显露老态。胖人穿什么才能显得瘦呢,为弥补这一缺陷,要从面料的质地、色彩,衣服的款式等方面挑选服装。 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government (1)面料。衣料宜用薄的或中等薄厚的、质地光滑的织物,避免用厚的花呢。否则,会给人以肥厚感。 (2)色彩。以深色为佳,但不能暗淡无光,即使在夏季也不要选择过于浅淡的服装,而以深窄条或印花的为宜。上衣和裤子或裙子偏差不宜过强,否则,容易使别人的注意力转移到体型上。 (3)款式。胖人一般脸圆、颈短,因此领型以开门为好,领 角不宜过宽,但也不宜太窄;胸转不宜肥大,中腰稍收进,以 适体为佳;式样不宜复杂,力求简洁,朴实;上衣纹不宜横破。 运动衫或厚毛衣是胖人最理想的服装,它能掩饰大肚子,但 切忌太短或太紧。 胖人穿短上衣或用垫肩能使人产生长线条的错觉。穿西服 时,宜选用长领带,避免用蝴蝶结。 胖人服饰搭配小秘籍 丰满的女性常常为自己的身材苦恼,不知如何穿着才漂亮。其实,只要成功地运用颜色的搭配、设计的技巧,便能装扮出迷人的风采。向你推荐一个胖人服饰搭配小秘籍。 (1)以暗色的直条纹套装展现优雅的品味细长的白条纹套装有修长感。裙子的皱褶可掩饰过粗的腰围,白色的衣领非常典雅,颇适合丰满女性在正式场合穿着 (2)暗色圆领的外套加非褶裙可添加优雅感圆领外套加非褶裙的装扮,可显示纤细的一面,白色衬衫是重点的点缀,给人清爽的印象,整体看起来也会不失优雅。 (3)连衣裙、袜裤和饰品统一为黑色,表现外套的细致 ,穿单件西装外套时,以黑色的连衣裙、袜裤、鞋子、手套、 帽子、手袋作组合,并以金质项链来点缀,表现外套的细致,更使你在神秘之中显现出迷人的身段。 (4)在飘逸的白色圆裙上,搭配合身的上衣 ,想穿着白裙子时,圆裙比长筒紧身裙更能掩饰过胖的身材。 合身的深色上衣和白色大圆裙,巧妙地衬托出纤细的腰身。一串复古的长项链点缀,使你成为韵味十足的淑女。 (5)以冷色系的眼饰来表现年轻和帅气膨胀色是者的穿衣禁忌之一。但一味穿着黑色等冷色调的衣服,往往给人不明快的感觉。不过,可以选择冷色调的绿色格子服饰,以表现年轻。格子长裤,也能给腰部和臀部带来多余的空间,窄小的衣领显出轻快感,格子的帽子作点缀,是帅气无比。 (6)以深色的牛仔裤束起上衣,穿出最棒的身材。牛仔裤一直深受人们的喜爱,穿上适合体形的牛仔裤,不仅可掩饰身材的缺点,还能表现一份年轻与自信。的人只要将深色的牛仔裤束起上衣,并用皮带点缀,有份量的身材就变得纤细许多了。 女人有很多种类型,每种类型的女人都有其可爱之处,把一句伟人的话乱改一下,照样成立:世上从不缺可爱的女人,缺的是发现女人可爱的(男人的)眼睛。相信自己~胖胖的身体也会很美丽~ 胖女人的穿衣之道 在这个几乎所有漂亮衣服都是为纤瘦MM 所设计的世道,丰满型MM的满腹苦水也是可以理解的。但只要掌握好穿衣之道,就能成为别人羡慕的焦点。 1、衣型必须要“有型”,面料的质地要挺括。走形的身材唯有通过能“塑形”的衣服来修饰。 2、深色系上衣,有竖条纹为佳,也不用强求,别非要竖条纹搞得跟医院里的病友服一个样。 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 3、上衣短俏,裤子修长,高腰。调节上下身比例,强化修身视觉效果。 4、裙子可以巧妙掩饰胖胖双腿。冬天可以穿中长A字裙配靴子、中长圆裙配上紧身袜裤。有腰身且下摆圆弧设计的长外套与过膝圆裙的组合,配上黑色的紧身袜裤,能使过粗的双腿看起来纤细不少。夏天可以穿及膝裙加高跟鞋,会令双腿看上去很长。 5、 白色裙子。胖MM唯一能用白色的就是裙子,和深色上衣搭配有轻盈之感。 6、 围巾、丝巾添亮,提升视线,掩饰脖子、胸部、腹部、腰部等缺陷,是胖MM的首选饰品来着哩。 7、 肩膀为斜线接缝,最好是两种色块拼合,显得肩瘦削,上身明显加长。 8、 裤子上的修饰性长线条,可造成拉长效果。在裤子的两边加些深色修长的图案边,令裤子看上去窄些,这种则为阴影效果,原理如同化妆时打阴影使脸型变小。 胖MM穿衣之忌讳要素胖MM如何穿衣 1、 面料过软的贴身衣服。那些软绵绵的贴身衣服,是为身材本身已经“很有型”的MM准备了,这一点丰满MM要谨记喔。千万不要穿那些会贴在身上的衣服~不然的话肉肉都会暴露在众目睽睽之下喽~ 2、 衣服色彩繁杂、颜色艳丽、图案夸张。因为这类衣服滴繁杂的色彩和臃肿的身材纷繁迭至令人目不暇接,会给你更加的感觉的,所以尽量避免唷。 3、横条纹。这个不用多说了,地球人都知道。包括衣衣裤裤(不包括内衣唷,嘻嘻)好避免就避免~免得更加“引人瞩目”, 4、腰部过多细节和装饰。阿尔伯特(费雷说过:“如果你腰粗的话,就不要放太多细节在腰间处引人注意。其一改善就是穿质地柔软遮盖性好的连身裙。”千万不要把那种宽宽的皮带或腰带挂在腰上~那样只会添加横向的视觉效果~这可是真的很不高明的呀。 5、上衣长裤子短。这不仅是胖MM要避免的,更是矮MM的大忌。失去整体的平衡感~美由何而来呢, 6、手挽大包大袋,导致横向空间累积。因为过大的大包大袋会让你看上去更加臃肿不堪的哦~ 7, 上身避免穿白色的衣服。因为很容易造成视觉膨胀~只会让胖MM看上去更加圆滚可爱, 8, 运动风格强烈,毫无剪裁的运动衣。这类衣衣虽然可以遮盖DD和大PP,不过毫无剪裁,只会让PMM看上去更加像油桶一样肥肥唷~ 9, 款式陈旧,过时的衣服。因为胖MM本来身材方便就比较臃肿,再穿一些比较“老土”款式的衣裤,难免会有被误以为是阿姨的嫌疑哦, 胖MM穿衣之成功要素 1、衣服剪裁必须要“有型”,面料的质地要挺括为佳。走形的身材唯有通过能“塑形”的衣服来修饰。 2、深色系上衣,原因大家想必都知道,深色衣衣有视觉收敛效果~自然感觉就会显瘦一些啦, 3,有竖条纹的衣衣裤裤可以考虑选择,不过也不用强求,别非要竖条纹搞得跟医院里的病友服一个样。^_^ 4,上衣短俏,裤子修长,高腰。调节上下身比例,强化修身视觉效果。(不过腰特别粗,PP特别大的MM这样穿可能会有反效果唷,) pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 5,裙子可以巧妙掩饰胖胖双腿。冬天可以穿中长A字裙配靴子、中长圆裙配上紧身袜裤。有腰身且下摆圆弧设计的长外套与过膝圆裙的组合, 配上黑色的紧身袜裤,能使过粗的双腿看起来纤细不少。夏天可以穿及膝裙加高跟鞋,会令双腿看上去很长哩。 6,白色裙子。胖MM唯一能用白色的就是裙子,和深色上衣搭配有轻盈之感。(PP大的MM这条不适合) 7、巧妙借用围巾、丝巾添亮,提升视线,掩饰脖子、胸部、腹部、腰部等缺陷,是胖MM的首选饰品来着哩。 8、肩膀为斜线接缝滴衣衣,最好是两种色块拼合,显得肩瘦削,整体感明显变的修长。 9、选择裤子上有修饰性长线条那种,可造成拉长效果。在裤子的两边加些深色修长的图案边,令裤子看上去窄些,这种则为阴影效果,原理如同化妆时打阴影使脸型变小 胖MM如何穿衣 1、胖MM如何穿衣面料过软的贴身衣服。 那些软绵绵的贴身衣服,是为身材本身已经“很有型”的 MM准备了,这一点胖MM要谨记喔.衣型必须要“有型”,面料的质地要挺括。走形的身材唯有通过能“塑形”的衣服来修饰。 2、 色彩繁杂、颜色艳丽、图案夸张 3、横条纹。这个不用多说了,地球人都知道.深色系上衣,有竖条纹为佳,也不用强求,别非要竖条纹搞得跟医院里的病友服一个样。 4、腰部过多细节和装饰。 阿尔伯特?费雷说过:“如果你腰粗的话,就不要放太多细节在腰间处引人注意。其一改善办法就是穿质地柔软的连身 5、 上衣长裤子短。 这不仅是胖MM要避免的,更是矮MM的大忌 6、 手挽大包大袋,导致横向空间累积。 7裙子可以巧妙掩饰胖胖双腿。 胖mm冬天可以穿中长A字裙配靴子、中长圆裙配上紧身袜裤。有腰身且下摆圆弧设计的长外套与过膝圆裙的组合,配上黑色的紧身袜裤,能使过粗的双腿看起来纤细不少。夏天可以穿及膝裙加高跟鞋,会令双腿看上去很长。 8、 白色裙子。 胖MM唯一能用白色的就是裙子,和深色上衣搭配有轻盈之感。 9、 围巾、丝巾添亮,提升视线,掩饰脖子、胸部、腹部、腰部等缺陷,是胖MM的首选饰品来着遮掩, 肩膀为斜线接缝,最好是两种色块拼合,显得肩瘦削,上身明显加长。 胖MM的穿衣掩饰法 其实我觉得穿着一般因人而异,而且我坚信每个女人都是美丽的,问题就在于善于不善于发现自己的美,这是关键所在 例如我虽然有些胖,但是胖的比较均匀,而且我有一点很满意就是肩部线条很流畅,于是我很爱穿露肩衣,尤其是一字领的简单剪裁的,使我穿起来不仅露出美丽的肩部,掩饰了了腰粗的缺陷,而且显得女人味十足。而且我的背部也结实挺拔,不过我没有胆量穿露背装,不过穿吊带装的时候背部的优势,掩饰了前面比较胖的缺陷。 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 而且胖MM的穿衣守则最重要的就是:简约,简洁明了的线条有利于掩饰身材的缺陷。切勿麻木的跟从潮流,尤其现在非常流行波西米亚风格,美则美已,但是对身材的要求也颇高。 还有如果你的胳膊跟我一样比较粗的话呢,穿6分袖或者7分袖的衣服掩饰效果不错。 如果腿粗的话,穿深色的裤子,而且最好比你立正的时候长 3~5公分,加上一双4公分左右的中跟鞋子,即拉长了视觉效果,也不会让别人觉得你在刻意的拉长身材。效果真的不错。 如果肚子比较突出的时候最好选择前面设计比较简洁的裤子或裙子。 冬季的服装搭配,深色的裤子,衣服颜色内浅外深即有气质又显瘦哦。 最重要的就是找出你自己的优势所在,大方的突出优势,就可以转移别人的视线,起到掩饰其他部位的效果 附: 淘宝网胖女孩儿大码服装、时尚服装店铺10强TOP20 (友情提示:在店铺地址上按住键盘Ctrl键,单击你要选择的店铺,即可进入) NO1.店铺名称: , 兰兰大码女装维C大码 掌柜:悠悠vs然然 店铺所在地:浙江宁波 信用等级: 好评率:98.97% 宝贝数量:424 店铺地址: WJ%2Bin0XJRAdhuF14FMVCWx2%2Fa%2Bg83RitN3%2FurF3yOdKstaqK9wbWGvOQLEgs W83u7fpVHmCVMPcCzQZeZ%2BPDZDO87xf44 NO 2.店铺名称:维C大码 掌柜:wvw99 店铺所在地:黑龙江哈尔滨 信用等级: 好评率:98.83% 宝贝数量:411 店铺地址: KpWJ%2Bin0XJRAdhuF14FMbcIiidaBSCoxq3IhSJN6GSOdKstaqK9wbWGvOQLEgsW83u7fp VHmCVQMQb%2Bnh3MVH%2FWstRpQwvI NO 3.店铺名称:Nancy的传奇 掌柜:nancy的传奇 店铺所在地:江苏南京 信用等级: pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 好评率:99.78% 宝贝数量:253 店铺地址: NO 4.店铺名称:我的老婆是胖妞 掌柜:qianzhilv_0 店铺所在地:北京 信用等级: 好评率:99.80% 宝贝数量:527 店铺地址: NO 5.店铺名称:衣伊衣 掌柜:衣伊衣 店铺所在地:江苏无锡 信用等级: 好评率:99.32% 宝贝数量:1109 店铺地址: NO 6.店铺名称:?幸福菓子? 掌柜:baby930717 店铺所在地:广东东莞 信用等级: 好评率:99.18% 宝贝数量:510 店铺地址: NO 7.店铺名称:香草胖胖 掌柜:等雪0911 店铺所在地:广东东莞 信用等级: 好评率:99.04% 宝贝数量:279 店铺地址: ), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government WJ%2Bin0XJRAdhuF14FMVUyY1xroc7%2Bt4hWD5k2kjOOdKstaqK9wbWGvOQLEgsW83u7fpVHmCVEeSrlxHpUJ8gwx%2FtLc5sN NO 8.店铺名称:艾尚大码女装馆 掌柜:jolin8800 店铺所在地:福建泉州 信用等级: 好评率:98.53% 宝贝数量:658 店铺地址: NO 9.店铺名称:bobotree 掌柜:悬在空中的鱼 店铺所在地:上海 信用等级: 好评率:99.73% 宝贝数量:364 店铺地址: NO 10.店铺名称:宜家大码女装馆 掌柜:疯癫d 店铺所在地:福建泉州 信用等级: 好评率:98.77% 宝贝数量:465 店铺地址: NO 11(店铺名称:MILADY 掌柜:xiaohuei小惠 店铺所在地:上海 信用等级: 好评率:99.21% 宝贝数量:333 店铺地址: NO 12.店铺名称:EVER 掌柜:feixiang1299 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 店铺所在地:上海 信用等级: 好评率:98.15% 宝贝数量:158 店铺地址: NO 13.店铺名称:乐乐大码 掌柜:努力天天乐 店铺所在地:河南郑州 信用等级: 好评率:98.64% 宝贝数量:587 店铺地址: NO 14.店铺名称:韩号鸟 掌柜:木三飞奇一 店铺所在地:广东广州 信用等级: 好评率:99.17% 宝贝数量:196 店铺地址: NO 15.店铺名称:【心款屋】时尚大码女装店 掌柜:心款屋 店铺所在地:广东东莞 信用等级: 好评率:98.15% 宝贝数量:158 店铺地址: NO 16(店铺名称:大码秀衣坊 掌柜:大码秀衣坊 店铺所在地:广东广州 信用等级: 好评率:98.85% 宝贝数量:141 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government 店铺地址: NO 17.店铺名称:依依大码女装旗舰店 掌柜:依佳依网店 店铺所在地:广东广州 信用等级: 好评率:99.23% 宝贝数量:666 店铺地址: pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and "anti-" established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), "anti-" players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xiaocen served as the KMT's County Clerk, Shen Yuezhen after entering the County, deftly juggling between elites, was Chang Shen Liqun, who appreciated, has created favorable conditions for gathering intelligence. Meanwhile, Shen Yuezhen introduce jindapeng (Kanewaka Wang), xiaoxin was joined the "resistance", also actively doing the standing political instructor Yu Qingzhi Shen Wenchao, Secretary of Justice and County Government
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