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圣迪奥服饰广告媒体策划书1圣迪奥服饰广告媒体策划书1 圣迪奥服饰媒体策划书 姓名:辛文佳 学期:11-12第一学期 班级:08广告本科 课程:广告媒体研究 学号:200810010062 老师:孔紫君 Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of...
圣迪奥服饰广告媒体策划书1 圣迪奥服饰媒体策划书 姓名:辛文佳 学期:11-12第一学期 班级:08广告本科 课程:广告媒体研究 学号:200810010062 老师:孔紫君 Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac 目录 项目背景................................................................................................................... 内容.................................................................................................................... 一、项目的市场调研 1 企业与产品品牌分析 2 目标及竞争市场分析 3 市场发展机会分析 二、项目战略 1 项目目标 2 项目重点 3 项目对象 三、项目媒体策略 1 媒体策略 2 创意策略 3 实施策略 四、媒体预算 1 媒体费用 2 费用总额18300万 五、效果评估 1 产品知名度,产品使用者 2 产品的销量和市场 附录....................................................................................................................... Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac 项目背景 圣迪奥品牌名称从英文S DEER音译而来。SMALL DEER 英文意指简单、不起眼的事物。寓意着圣迪奥“服务无小事”的理念,也反映了我公司崇尚简约的风格,更寄托了圣迪奥事业从简单开始、最终成就辉煌的美好愿景。 圣迪奥不仅提供服装,更是一家提供文化的企业。圣迪奥产品设计包含着丰富而又特别的文化元素,凸显了圣迪奥人追求人文文化的渴望与激情。2005年,中国纺织工业协会授予圣迪奥品牌“中国纺织品牌文化优秀奖”荣誉。 随着公司的快速稳健发展,圣迪奥企业的价值观更多地体现在对企业员工和社会群体的关注和责任上。回馈社会,增强社会责任感,做一个有灵魂的企业,强大的凝聚力激励每一位员工为实现企业目标而努力奋斗。 2005年开始,圣迪奥公司领导和各部门员工分别领养资助泗洪当地8名贫困学生,支付他们三年学费完成初中学业,并每年从当地选拔出色的学生进入圣迪奥班免费学习。 2006年8月,通过盱眙政府引荐,圣迪奥捐资80万元为革命老区黄花塘重新修建黄花塘中学。 2005年~2007年,圣迪奥累计向西藏贫困地区墨竹工卡县、堆龙德庆县当地牧民、学校、援藏干部捐助物资近350万元。 2006年,圣迪奥与南京莫愁职业技术学校联合办学,成立圣迪奥连锁经营与管理班,开始了更深层次支持教育事业的公益行为。 内 容 一、项目的市场分析 1 企业与产品品牌分析 圣迪奥是一家提供时尚服饰的企业。其中国区总部位于南京。圣迪奥在中国展开业务十年以来,已经获得长足的进步。如今,圣迪奥服饰专卖遍布中国沿海的大部分省市,内陆省份也有开始进入。可以预见的是,在不远的将来圣迪奥的业务将以更快的速度发展。从一开始圣迪奥就不仅仅是一个提供服装的企业,从本质上说,圣迪奥更是一个提供文化的企业。圣迪奥服装设计的风格包含了丰富而又特别的文化元素。正是这种文化元素的吸引力使得圣迪奥得以从激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。圣迪奥产品系列以休闲装为主,主要定位于城市年轻一族。他们是这样的一个族群:追求时尚且不流于大众;彰显个性且不特立独行;风格简约且不失大气;富有文化品味且不显清高。圣迪奥产品风格完全地现了我们追求人文文化的渴望与激情。 2 目标及竞争市场分析 首先是在特定的地理区域内建立起一种小范围的集中竞争优势,是目标集聚模式中的一种。我们会见到小城市开大店,即在中小城市店租相对较低的情况下,开设大的形象店铺;相反,在大城市开设小店的形式,并且拥有随处可见的店铺数量,两种形式都是能迅速在大中小城市建立品牌竞争优势和影响力。另外,是在某一个核心商业街圈内集中开设多家不同面积、不同级别的形象店铺,第一时间抢占有限的商业资源,从而形成壁垒并抵御咄咄逼人的竞争对手,这种模式在国内的运动品牌和时尚休闲品牌已广泛运用。也可以说是企业的一Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac 种经营战略,其实经营战略也是一种商业模式。 3 市场发展机会分析 在目前的女装市场上,具有优厚的资源环境、优异的市场开拓能力和设计水平,能配套供应面料的女性品牌服装生产企业,具有巨大的发展空间和强劲的发展势头。但由于国内女装品牌带有强烈的区域色彩,还没有多少个能在全国形成规模和影响,因而,谁能及时填补此项品牌空白,谁就能赢得国内女性品牌服装的天下并有条件与国外同类服装著名品牌一较高低。女装各品牌开发的重点在少女装上或25~35岁之间,谁能最大限度地满足不同年龄层次、不同经济地位、不同文化背景的消费者的需要,谁就将获得最大的发展空间并取得最大的经济利益。经济发达地区大中城市25~35岁的中青年白领女性是品牌服装的主力消费群。高端的国际名牌的销售将有所上升,同时,中低档消费开始渐渐向中、高档消费转变。来自大自然的“环保”高科技产品是今后高消费的大趋势。女性服装消费在兼顾朴素、大方、实惠的同时,将向前卫、时尚、自然、舒适、高雅方向转变。 二、项目战略,目标及重点 在对消费者进行全面的分析之前,首先要将消费人群按照不同的条件进行分层,以便于更好地了解不同层面的消费者在市场中所占的比重和作用。 从消费阶层来看共分三类: 首先是名牌服装消费群,这个阶层人员包括外企工作人员、著名演艺界人士、农民企业家、涉外机构高级人员、金融界人士等,约占总人数的0.61%,而消费量却占到3% 。 然后是中档服装消费层,这个层次主要是城市中的工薪层和农村的富余户,约占城市人口的60% ,农村人口的20% ;最后是低档服装消费层,主要是城镇中低收入者、失业人员以及农村主要人口,约占城镇人口的25% ,在农村约占60%。 同时,不同的年龄段也存在着各具特色的消费特征。15岁~25岁的青少年女性:这个年龄段的消费群,主要是学生和刚走上工作岗位不久的人,经济大都不独立或不完全独立。这群人对服装的追求主要是在流行和新颖性上,是更换服装最快的一群,他们对品牌有一定的认知,但大多无力购买名牌服装。他们是品牌服装的潜在消费群。 25岁~45岁的中青年女性:这个消费群大都已经工作或工作多年,有一定的经济基础和文化素养,强调生活的品质,注重生活品位。服装是个人品位和身份的象征,故对其要求比较高。这群人是品牌服装的主要消费群。 46岁以上中老年女性:这个年龄段的消费群,在社会经济活动中不占有主导地位,经济收入处于衰退或者停滞的阶段,对服装的要求不高或者不能要求太高,不是品牌服装的主导消费者。 三、项目策略 1 媒体策略 1、电视广告 Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac 选择在目标消费群体中最具吸引力的明星作形象代言人,拍摄电视广告: 30秒(套拍5秒、15秒)。 对形象代言人的要求是:不很漂亮,但美丽;五官柔和,但个性化;眼神是清纯的、齿是洁白的、唇是清新的、内秀外强、给人轻松、清爽的感觉。 影视画面的基本特征是:在一个年轻朋友相聚的场合,一个圣洁、温柔、俏丽的少女在羞涩地撒娇、洁净地生气,非常个性化地说:“我,就是我~” 画外音:圣地奥服装。 字幕:S DEER 中远景:美丽的环境、相伴的同龄男孩子等 电视广告选择播出:(1)CCTV——3套节目 2 创意策略 建议选择北京、上海、广州、深圳等大都市和省会城市主要商业中心区的街道,如北京的王府井大街、西单大街、上海的南京路、淮海路、广州的北京路、农林下路等。 有地铁的城市最宜在地铁车站做灯箱广告,一是灯箱广告牌最能体现美 的效果;二是地铁人流多而且集中。(主要地铁站分别是:北京的复兴门站、前门站、北京站、长椿街站;上海的人民广场站、淮海路站;广州的体育西路站、公园前站等) 销售终端的卖场促销广告 在终端市场设置一些娱乐因素,比如声音、气味和招贴。背景音乐和节奏、香味和味道、材料和花色、促销员和体验者,所有的娱乐因素突出品牌,展示品牌的魅力,从而使消费者驻足停留,产生观赏或购买的冲动。例如在各个商场搭起表演舞台,用强劲的音乐,奔放的舞蹈来达到促销的目的,吸引了大量的消费者。 在物欲横流、信息爆炸之后,消费者不再需要品牌承载太多的承诺,而是需要品牌带给人们的感觉。娱乐元素是品牌通向感官的媒介,反过来说,多感官延伸的媒介及其内容就是我们所指的娱乐元素。 这些素材必须和品牌形象,品牌个性相吻合,产生足够的感染力。结合品牌的核心价值,品牌个性表现,来充实品牌,来演绎品牌,使品牌充满朝气,充满活力。 3 实施策略 产品类别定位:时尚休闲服饰 市场细分定位:15——25岁的都市女性。这一细分市场的特点是: ?占总人口的比例虽然逐年下降,但每个人的消费能力却呈逐年上升的趋势; ?消费群体更重视自我,重视消费的感受,在乎别人对自己的评价,希望得到别人、社会的认同; ?生活、竞争的压力加大,在乎休闲,极力争取自由和心灵的解放; ?期望自己有丰富多彩、甚至疯狂的生活经历; Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac ?关注时尚,关注流行与时髦; ?接触的媒体多,接收信息的渠道多; ?对媒体、资讯的敏感度高; ?拥有更多的自由支配的金钱和时间; ?重视外表,重视身份; ?喜欢运动,追求健康; 产品形象定位:青春、活泼、时尚、前卫 企业形象定位:引领休闲服饰文化新潮; 创造顾客时尚美学价值。 四、预算 1 媒体费用 电视广告费用:CCTV1,CCTV3,CCTV5,CCTV8,还有地方卫视的时尚节目初步估计要用8000万 直邮广告大概需要2000万 POP平面广告费用:主要的KA渠道的POP广告需要2000万 网吧桌面广告大概需要1000万,其他费用2000万 2 费用总额15000万 五、广告效果评估 1 产品知名度,产品使用者 不同的年龄段也存在着各具特色的消费特征。15岁~25岁的青少年女性:这个年龄段的消费群,主要是学生和刚走上工作岗位不久的人,经济大都不独立或不完全独立。这群人对服装的追求标准主要是在流行和新颖性上,是更换服装最快的一群,他们对品牌有一定的认知,但大多无力购买名牌服装。他们是品牌服装的潜在消费群。 25岁~45岁的中青年女性:这个消费群大都已经工作或工作多年,有一定的经济基础和文化素养,强调生活的品质,注重生活品位。服装是个人品位和身份的象征,故对其要求比较高。这群人是品牌服装的主要消费群。 46岁以上中老年女性:这个年龄段的消费群,在社会经济活动中不占有主导地位,经济收入处于衰退或者停滞的阶段,对服装的要求不高或者不能要求太高,不是品牌服装的主导消费者。 2 产品的销量和市场 名牌是一种象征,是高质量的寓意,消费者选购奥尼森休闲服饰,不仅是买衣服,而是在体验一种精神上的满足,享受一种休闲文化。 ?名牌服饰不单应有优质商品的质量保障,同时名牌还是身份的象征,个性的展现,以及穿着者体现个人修养、兴趣爱好的一种表现。 Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac ?当消费者认定一个品牌适合自己穿着时,便对其情有独钟,于是乎对这种认准了的名牌有了感情上的依托,因此,名牌的真正存在意义是一种情感的存在 ,至少是一种能激发人们情感的形式而存在。 ?名牌服饰除了外观和内在的质量以外,还拥有浓郁的文化意味,如浪漫的巴黎情调、传统的东方韵味、经典的精工细作;自我的青春体验等,吸引人们对名牌的向往和追求,而这种意识追求也都是人们一种情感上的向往。 ?名牌服饰还有名店、名厂、名人等各类参与完成,名厂保证优质的商品出笼,名店消除人们购物时的疑惑,名人的使用可提高其可信度,而这三者的存在也是使人们对名牌误区的感性消除,在情感上增加可信度,在个性品味上以辅助确定。 附录 与其将之视为应尽的义务,不如做为一项义不容辞并且乐意为之的。 多年来S•DEER始终致力于如何将回馈社会的短时力量转化为可持续性的发展计划, 并注重给予员工更多的保障与信赖。 ?2006年8月,S•DEER捐资80万元修建盱眙县“圣迪奥黄花塘希望学校”。 ?2006年9月起,S•DEER与国家重点职校——南京莫愁中等专业学校联合办学,开创“S•DEER连锁经营与管理班”,主要生源来自贫困地区或当地贫困生。 ?2005-2007年,S•DEER卡车五次进藏,为当地生、贫困牧民、支边医务人员送去温暖。 ?2007年9月起,由员工发起成立“S•DEER员工爱心基金会”,用于救助员工及家属。基金会款项主要来源于员工内部认捐、S•DEER企业赞助以及S•DEER合作伙伴的倾囊相助。” ?2008年“5•12”地震,S•DEER企业积极自救,并对外捐款捐物,救助灾区群众和学生。 ?2010年“4•7”玉树地震,S•DEER第一时间捐赠出33万元物资,以解决灾区群众御寒问题,并同步启动S•DEER员工爱心基金会,共计捐款179700元。 ?2001年-2009年间,S•DEER陆续向贫困地区、外来打工子弟、院校贫困学生、残疾人以及少数民族群众累计捐款捐物达三十余次,价值1000余万元。 … … Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac
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