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安瑞普治疗仪龙卷风机构网络营销方案安瑞普治疗仪龙卷风机构网络营销方案 第一个版块:界面: 第二个版块:产品特点 安瑞普三大特点 一(效果好、见效快:当时使用当时就有感觉,当天就有效果,每次治疗15分钟,轻松一整天。 二(同步治疗三大问题:失眠、抑郁、焦虑同步治疗,不必再大把吃药,也不必再考虑花样繁多的治疗方法了。 三(安全可靠、绿色环保:摆脱药物依赖,从此告别药物伤害,10毫安电流、15伏电压,安全可靠,每天30分钟,睡足8小时,不仅睡得着,而且睡得香。 安瑞普六大优势 一(世界前沿科技:Cranial Electrotherapy Stimu...
安瑞普治疗仪龙卷风机构网络营销方案 第一个版块:界面: 第二个版块:产品特点 安瑞普三大特点 一(效果好、见效快:当时使用当时就有感觉,当天就有效果,每次治疗15分钟,轻松一整天。 二(同步治疗三大问题:失眠、抑郁、焦虑同步治疗,不必再大把吃药,也不必再考虑花样繁多的治疗方法了。 三(安全可靠、绿色环保:摆脱药物依赖,从此告别药物伤害,10毫安电流、15伏电压,安全可靠,每天30分钟,睡足8小时,不仅睡得着,而且睡得香。 安瑞普六大优势 一(世界前沿科技:Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation波纹技术在全球都是公认的最先进最安全的失眠、焦虑、抑郁症波纹治疗技术。 二(使用寿命长达10年:全机采用航空nm塑材制成,中心处理芯片由Intel公司专门定制,较之同类产品3—5年的使用寿命,性价比超出一倍。 三(操作简单、一学就会:专业研制的家用型治疗设备,小巧灵便、携带方便,一用就灵、一看就会。 四(全程服务、周到细致:一年包换,终生保修,专业咨询师24小时辅导患者治疗。 五(薄利经营、取信于民:价格只有同类进口产品三分之一,使用寿命更是高出五年以上,性价比没得说。 六(国家注册,准字号医疗器械:安瑞普经过中国食品药品监督管理局严格审核及临床实践,批准为准字号医疗器械,批准文号为:奥食药监械(准)字2009第2260382号。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 睡不着,爱着急,想不开,心里不爽,用安瑞普吧~ 失眠————抑郁症————焦虑症——儿童多动症和抽动症——把这几个以图片的形式重点来讲述 ——哪些人急需安瑞普, 1.心理疾病患者:失眠、抑郁、焦虑及多动症患者。 2.身心疾病患者:原发性高血压、冠心病、消化性溃疡、紧张性头痛和偏头痛等。 3.需要减缓压力和放松的健康人群:安瑞普可以使人保持放松状态,减缓压力,提高注意力,非常适合于备考的学生、商海精英、公司白领等高压力人群。 第三个版块:病痛折磨 您还在忍受失眠、焦急、头痛、大脑混沌、记忆力下降的折磨吗,——配图 一(您是否感到沮丧、懊恼、情绪莫名其妙地低落~ 二(您是否经常感到目涩、头疼、脑胀,不清醒~ 三(您是否经常过事就忘,想说的话,到了嘴边又忘了~ 四(您是否经常失眠,半夜梦醒,怎么睡都还是觉得乏~ 五(您是否神疲乏力,记忆力下降,经常感到精力不够用。 六(神经衰弱、颈椎病、高血压、高血脂,动脉硬化症已经与您相伴。 警惕:您可能已经患上了失眠症~焦虑症~抑郁症~ 他们被人们称为社会精英,为什么以自杀方式结束人生的旅程, ——抑郁症正在不为人所知地侵蚀我们的生命和思维 2009年4月28日武汉一博士生自杀; 2009年10月31日,某著名女歌星自杀; 2009年11月11日晚,汉诺威96俱乐部足球队队长,德国国家队主力门将恩克卧轨自杀身亡; 2009年11月26日,河北某县一名局长自杀; provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 无独有偶,还是在11月26日6时许,湖南省某市常务副市长在其宿舍坠楼自杀身亡。 他们被人们称之为“社会精英”,受人敬仰,却出人意料地以“自杀”方式结束了自己的生命,为什么,在他们光鲜的生活后面是否有不为人知的苦闷和隐情, 据相关媒体披露,他们在离世前都曾有过睡不着觉、沮丧、苦恼等情绪的低落,从医学的角度来看,都有不同程度的精神抑郁。我们一直以为抑郁症离我们很远,其实它一直就在我们身边,就在我们身上,只是不为我们所知罢了。 今天您睡了吗, ——失眠会导致人精神分裂~ 失眠症是睡眠障碍的一种现形式。睡眠不足是对人体健康的一种潜在威胁。失眠的人,由于长期处于睡眠不足状态,严重引起感知方面变化,如视野变化、幻视、免疫功能降低、消化功能和性功能减退、记忆力下降、脾气变得暴躁、性格改变、也会诱发高血压、冠心病、中风、糖尿病,妇女导致皮肤干燥、月经失调等疾病。 严重时会导致精神分裂和抑郁症,焦虑症,植物神经功能紊乱等功能性疾病。 失眠症判断 1、入睡困难. 2、不能熟睡,睡眠时间减少. 3、早醒、醒后无法再入睡. 4、频频从恶梦中惊醒,自感整夜都在做恶梦. 5、睡过之后精力没有恢复. 6、发病时间可长可短,短者数天可好转,长者持续数日难以恢复。 7、容易被惊醒,有的对声音敏感,有的对灯光敏感。 8、睡觉时喜欢胡思乱想。 9、患有神经衰弱和抑郁症。长时间的失眠会导致神经衰弱和抑郁症,而神经衰弱患者的病症又会加重失眠。 安眠药助眠,当心肾衰竭~ provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 长期使用安眠类药物可形成依赖,甚至成瘾。由于中老年人肝肾功能正在随着年龄的增加而减退,随便吃安眠药可造成肝肾功能衰竭,产生耐药性,引起精神障碍,还会诱发高血压、冠心病、中风、糖尿病。 安眠药在体内是经过肝脏、肾脏代谢的,对肝肾伤害大,会引起肝脏肿大、肝区疼痛、黄疸、浮肿、蛋白尿、血尿及恶心、腹胀、食欲不振、便秘等肝肾功能损害及肠胃反应。有的安眠药还会导致精神不振、智力减退,血压下降等蓄积中毒症状,甚至引起呼吸循环功能障碍情况,肺功能障碍患者服用安眠药有生命危险。 抑郁症患者——我该怎么办, 得了抑郁症——自己不知道~ 人之不如意十之八九,生活中,谁还没有个烦心事,问题是这种不良情绪迁延日久,自行不能开解,有些人逐步就患上了抑郁症。很多人以为抑郁症离自己很远,其实抑郁症离我们很近。据北京市精神卫生治疗中心调研数据,在30——50岁人群中,抑郁发病率为46.7%,患有不同程度抑郁症的人群超过了35%,几乎80%的患者是在医生诊断后才知道自己患有抑郁或抑郁症,很多患者都瞪大眼睛,不相信自己患上了这种精神性疾病。 医生资职——专业性待提高 在欧美国家,从事抑郁症和心理咨询的医生资职认定是非常严格的,比一般医生的认证要难的多。在国内,无论是精神科的医生还是心理辅导的医生,都是由一般的医生担任,专业性很难说,很多患者都反映治疗后症状未见减轻,人反而变得呆滞了。 心理辅导——看上去很美~ 前几年,心理辅导和心理医生的热潮传入中国后,短短几年间,全国各地出现了多不胜数的心理咨询师,而且收费不菲。但是真正能帮患者解决痛苦的名师并不多,更多的心理辅导人员属于滥竽充数型,国家在这方面也缺乏相关的法律规范。 药物治疗——危害不比疾病少 很多人可能都见过服用抗抑郁药物的患者,反应迟钝、表情呆滞、记忆低下、语言能力provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 也相应下降,生活和社交受到严重影响。据研究表明,几乎所有抗抑郁的药物都有副作用,口干、便秘、膀胱疼痛、排尿困难、性能力下降或消失、视觉模糊、头晕、嗜睡、恶心、紧张、失眠,这些都是服用抗抑郁药物后常见副反应,同时药物对肝肾的损伤也不容忽视。 当心,您有抑郁症了~ ——很多人得了抑郁症,并不知道自己抑郁了。 抑郁症患者最终归属三条路——自杀、杀人、精神分裂~ 抑郁症表现:——你抑郁吗,——有下列症状4项,你就是抑郁患者 如果您具备了其中四项,您就是抑郁症患者,请及时治疗~ (1)情绪低落、闷闷不乐、悲痛欲绝。 (2)对日常生活丧失兴趣,无愉快感; (3)看到以交车来了,明明走快几步就能赶上,却懒得赶。 (4)精力明显减退,无原因的持续疲乏感; (5)自信心下降或自卑,或有内疚感; (6)失眠、早醒或睡眠过多; (7)睡到半夜会醒过来,然后难以入睡。 (8)食欲不振,体重明显减轻; (9)有自杀或自杀的观念或行为; (10)性欲明显减退; (11)注意力集中困难或下降; (12)联想困难,自觉思考能力显著下降。 (13)抑郁心境一天中有较大波动,常以早上最重,然后逐渐减轻,到晚上最轻。 从抑郁到精神分裂症只有两步路 从抑郁到抑郁症—— 一步之遥, 从抑郁症到精神分裂(自杀)——也只有一步只遥~ 抑郁症: 抑郁症又称忧郁症,精神病之一,是以情绪低落为主要特征的一类心理疾病。 轻型患者临床表现:外表如常,内心有痛苦体验。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 中型患者临床表现:情绪低落、愁眉苦脸、唉声叹气、自卑等,有些患者常常伴有神经官能症症状,如:注意力不集中、记忆力减退、反应迟缓和、失眠多梦等症状。 重型抑郁症患者临床表现:出现悲观厌世、绝望、自责自罪、幻觉妄想、食欲不振、体重锐减、功能减退、并伴有严重的自杀企图,甚至自杀行为。对人类健康构成严重威胁,因此必须高度重视,及时治疗。 失眠抑郁死亡四步曲 ——列图来表示 焦虑——失眠——抑郁——自杀(精神分裂症—自杀或杀人) 失眠会倒致抑郁症 焦虑和抑郁会导致失眠 焦虑会导致抑郁 抑郁的症状包括有失眠和焦虑 平均每3个焦虑症患者就有一人曾经尝试自杀 平均每6个焦虑症患者就有一人自杀身亡 当焦虑症出现时,植物神经系统就会紊乱,进而免疫系统的功能就会紊乱,从而会出现各种顽固性疾病。 1、慢性咽喉炎、口腔溃疡; 2、肠易激综合症、结肠炎、慢性胃炎; 3、神经性头痛、头晕、头昏、失眠 、多梦; 4、多汗、虚汗、盗汗、怕冷、怕风; 5、心脏神经官能症、胃神经官能症; 6、脖子肌肉僵硬 、关节游走性疼痛、幻肢痛; provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 7、记忆差、反应迟钝、神经衰弱; 8、阳萎、早泄、性功能障碍、易感冒、免疫力低下。 焦虑性与失眠是孪生兄弟~ 焦虑性失眠症在临床上最常见的失眠症类型,大多数患者长期失眠,越想睡而睡不着,越急越睡不下,才引起焦虑症,其原因多数因精神紧张,工作或思想压力大、生气,环境变化等因素,有的焦虑症患者常常说心烦意乱,坐立不安,心理紧张、睡眠不下、胡思乱想,并引发头痛失眠,困倦没力、多汗、心悸等现象。这种也称为焦虑症。 焦虑症是狼、抑郁症是狈,相互共存,危害健康~ 焦虑症和抑郁症共病是一种更严重的病症。在临床实际工作中,这两组症状常常同时出现于同一个人身上。研究发现,焦虑症和抑郁症在遗传、生化、免疫、内分泌、电生理和影像学等方面既有联系又有不同。与单纯的焦虑症或抑郁症相比,焦虑症和抑郁症共病的患者具有症状重、病程慢性化、社会功能损害重、自杀率高和预后差等特征。 失眠、抑郁、焦虑——导致精神障碍三个恶棍 失眠、抑郁、焦虑三者之间存在着大量相互依存的关系,因长期失眠而引起抑郁症的病例比比皆是,而焦虑症和抑郁症往往都伴有失眠症状,焦虑症和抑郁症往往是共存的。换而言之,患上其中任何一种疾病,都会伴有其他两种病症。患者往往是三病并存,痛苦不堪~ 医学上将抑郁症和焦虑症划为了精神类疾病。除了疾病本身带来的伤痛,长期服用药物带来的副作用和身体损伤同样让患者难以承受。更可怕的是患者背上了“精神病”的恶名,精神压力不亚于身体痛楚。近年频频发生的抑郁症患者自杀事件,正是向全社会发出的人性悲鸣:关注精神卫生、关爱精神疾患病人,是家庭、医疗、政府、乃至全社会的共同责任~ 抑郁症治不好,最终结局只有四条路 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 一(自杀:近年因抑郁症而自杀的名人就是例证。 二(自残:99%的抑郁症患者会有自残行为和自杀的念头。 三(杀人:很多杀人疑犯都有长时间的抑郁心态,特别是那些丧心病狂让人无法理喻的杀人行为。 四(精神分裂症:抑郁症长期得不到科学的治疗或心理辅导,最终会走向精神分裂,成为社会隐患。 中国人每年“自杀”30万 一项最新发表的全球性医学研究指出,世界各地每年约有100万人自杀,其中30%来自中国。 牛津大学自杀研究中心的霍顿教授与比利时根特大学医院自杀研究组的黑林根博士联合在《柳叶刀》期刊发表的这项研究指出,在中国,自杀占全国所有死亡事件的3.6%;占全球自杀事件的30%。一般来说,男性的自杀率比女性要高,而且春季的自杀率比其他季节都要高。另一方面,专家们说,近年来年轻男性的自杀数字增长最快。 在每年因自杀死亡的30万人中,89%以上曾有过失眠、焦虑和抑郁症状,失眠、焦虑、抑郁是导致人自杀最主要的精神性因素。 第四个版块:产品介绍 出身豪门,30年精心打造,世界前沿科技~ 安瑞普出身豪门,为美国一级电子科技实验室CES研究应用中心开发研制,问世初期,为大型医疗机构专用设备。进入21世纪,随着计算机技术的发展,电脑微型处理器的问世,制作微型家用CES治疗仪满足广大失眠抑郁病症患者在家治疗的愿望在技术上成为可能,2001年,美国CES研究应用中心携手intel公司生产出了家用微型CES中心处理器,实际上就是相当于在治疗仪中装上了一台微型电脑,让广大患者在家治疗的愿望成为了现实,尽可能地保护了患者的隐私权,保证了患者治疗方便性~ 安瑞普诞生30年来,在全球100多个国家和地区,已经有超过200万的用户,2001年获准进入中国,目前在国内有100多家医院、心理机构、以及10万个人用户在使用安瑞普治疗失眠症、抑郁症、焦虑症。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 有了安瑞普,睡觉那才叫做一个“香”~ 人到中年,还有多少人能找回年轻时倒下就能睡、一觉睡不醒的感觉出来。上有老、下有小,忙买房忙养家,忙工作忙创业,一直忙到睡不香了、睡不着了、睡不实了,甚至要依靠安眠药才能入眠。 安瑞普采用世界前沿科技Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation经颅微电流刺激疗法,是一种以特殊的波形和频率的微电流弥散性刺激大脑边缘系统,影响和改善异常的脑电波,并使得大脑分泌能够调节人的情绪认知,及各项生理活动的神经激素,从而实现对失眠、 焦虑、抑郁进行有效治疗。使用过安瑞普的患者反映最多的是:睡得着了、睡得深了、睡得香了~ 安瑞普为什么会有如此高的疗效, ——配上临床实验报告图片 安瑞普Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation波纹技术是全球公认的最先进最安全的波纹治疗技术,其治疗方法称为经颅微电流刺激疗法。安瑞普能以特殊设计的波形和频率的微电流弥散性刺激大脑边缘系统,影响和改善异常的脑电波,并使得大脑产生能够调节人的provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 情绪和改善疾病的神经递质和激素,从而控制和缓解人的焦虑、紧张、抑郁和注意力不集中的情况。 安瑞普所发出的特殊波形是经过长达30年的医学临床研究中发现的,是在符合人体生物电波频率当中唯一的一种能起到治疗效果的波纹。临床实践,只有这种波形才能对失眠、抑郁、焦虑起到最好的治疗作用。这一波纹已经在美国国家专利局申请了特殊专利,受法律保护。 同样是治疗,安瑞普有何不一样, 安瑞普 药物治疗 进口同类仪器 国产同类仪器 价格 低,一天不到一元长期服药,价一般在6000元以价格相同 钱 格不菲 上 治疗效果 见效快、效果稳定 效果差 见效快 一般 副作用 无 副作用大 无 未知 预后 预后好,不反弹 预后差,停药预后好 预后一般 易复发 安瑞普治疗焦虑症就是一个好~ 1.睡眠好了:不着急了、不失眠了、不紧张了、不恐慌了、天蹋下来有高个子顶着,从此学会放心了,凡事都能泰然处之了。 2.并发症好了:因为焦虑症引起的胃肠疾病、神经性头痛,性功能障碍、慢性炎症都好了,身体免疫力提高了,不会再动不动就感冒了。 3.抑郁症好了:都说焦虑、失眠、抑郁是孪生病,焦虑症好了、失眠好了、人也不抑郁了,凡事看得开了,从此轻轻松松过日子,欢声笑语伴人生~ 抑郁症用安瑞普两个字形容——轻松~ 1.思想轻松了:情绪放松了,压力放下了,思维活跃了、不钻牛角尖了,想不开的事没有了,生活有新目标,人生又重新燃起了希望之光~ 2.身体轻松了:不失眠了、吃饭香了、运动快了、记性好了、思维快了、肠胃好了,身体棒了~ 3.生活轻松了:爱沟通了,朋友多了,生活好了,家庭美满、工作顺利、社交场上挥洒provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 自如、快乐人生好享受~ 失眠者用了安瑞普,不约而同有三个反映: 1.睡得着:失眠状况逐步消除,效果快的当天就睡着了,效果慢的两周后也能睡着了。 2.睡得快:入睡快了,以前几个小时都睡不着,现在只需要15分钟就能进入梦乡了。 3.睡得香:睡得安稳了,不会半夜醒了;睡得甜了,不做恶梦了;睡眠质量高了,早上醒来不会再有疲劳感了,甜美的睡眠又回来了~ 思立暜是如何治疗失眠症的, 思立暜通过微量电流刺激人的大脑,能够调节失眠患者异常的脑电波,增加患者的深度睡眠时间,这是一个能够达到深度放松作用的睡眠阶段。 思立暜所分泌的内啡肽起到的镇静作用,能够缓解失眠患者在面对失眠时的紧张、恐惧情绪,通过使患者达到一种放松、平静的状态,从而更易入睡。 另外,思立暜能够增加患者体内的GABA的分泌量。通过提高GABA的含量,抑制觉醒系统神经元的活动,促进睡眠的发生。 乙酰胆碱是一种对个体的认知功能存在密切联系的神经递质,通过提高其分泌量,思立暜还可以改善失眠患者在次日白天精神萎靡、注意力下降、反应迟钝等症状。 思立暜是如何治疗抑郁症的, 关于抑郁症病因及发病机制的研究发现,情感障碍的出现是以中枢神经系统结构和有生物活性神经化学物质为基础,5-HT功能活动降低,当5-羟色胺递质减少时,个体的兴奋性就会降低,精神就会迟钝,就会产生抑郁情绪。另外,低水平的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)会削弱个体对于这些反应的抑制性,导致焦虑、抑郁情绪的增加,从而增强焦虑症和抑郁症的发病可能性。 思立暜通过提高5-HT和γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的分泌量,增强神经细胞活动的兴奋性,从而起到缓解个体抑郁情绪的效果。通过促进分泌具有镇静作用的内啡肽,思立暜能够使患者保持一种放松、舒适的精神状态,有利于更好地缓解之前消极、沮丧的情绪状态。另外通过对患者脑电波的改善和各项生理指标的改善,思立暜能够起到对抑郁患者的各项躯体症状provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 的改善作用。 思立暜是如何治疗焦虑症的, 生物学研究发现,焦虑症的发生与人体大脑的神经递质变化、神经系统和内分泌的紊乱 -HT)的过有关。大量研究发现,焦虑症是由于多巴胺的生物合成及代谢紊乱和5羟色胺(5低所造成的精神上的恐慌感和其它病理状态。低水平的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)会削弱个体对于这些反应的抑制性,导致焦虑、抑郁情绪的增加,从而增强焦虑症和抑郁症的发病可能性。一些脑电研究还发现,与正常人相比,焦虑病人的α活动明显较少,且前额肌电活动较多、收缩压较高、心率较快,皮肤电反应变化较正常人小。 思立暜的作用原理正是针对焦虑的发病机理,通过改善焦虑患者异常地脑电波,增强其原本活动强度较低的α波,提高5-HT、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的分泌量,改善患者心率、血压、肌电等各项生理指标,有效缓解焦虑症患者各项躯体表现。思立暜还能够提高内啡肽的分泌量,内啡肽是一种起到镇静作用的神经递质,能够使患者保持一种放松的、舒适的精神状态,缓解患者的焦虑情绪。 安瑞普使用方法: 一看就懂,一学就会,一用就灵,携带方便 第一步:带上耳夹电极 首先将耳夹的棉贴用导电液润湿,以使得特殊波形的微量生物电流能够从此传递,然后将电极夹在两侧耳垂根部。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 第二步:打开电源开关,设置治疗时间 打开电源开关,液晶显示屏会有数字时间显示,按下时间选择按钮,选择治疗时间,按下后,液晶上的数字时间就开始倒计时。 第三步:调节刺激强度 调节强度旋钮,设置治疗强度,逐步向大强度调节,耳垂逐渐会感觉到微弱的钱刺感,再向大强度调节会有头晕感,这个时候稍向下调一点,刚好到自己能适应的一个刺激强度上就可以了。 关于治疗强度的说明:每个人之间都存在个体差异,治疗强度并不是千篇一律,以自己感觉合适为主,个别患者因为急于求成,加大治疗强度,引起头晕,反而不利于病情。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 思立暜的使用次数怎么定, 思立暜治疗的一个的疗程是4周,每次15或30分钟,前两周是每天使用一至两次,两周后是两天使用一次。 【刺激强度与时间设置】 刺激强度 时间设置 每天次数 弱,4 档 30分钟 1 , 2 次/天 5 ~ 强 档 15分钟 1 , 2 次/天 【疗程设计】 疾病类型 疗程设计 焦虑症 前两周每天1,2次,两周后每天1次,症状消失后停用。 抑郁症 前三周每天1,2次,三周后每天1次,症状消失后停用。 失眠 前两周每天1,2次,两周后每天1次,症状消失后停用。 儿童多动症 前两周每天1,2次,两周后每天1次,症状消失后停用。 病痛 药物副作用 高额治疗费用 是压在患者头上的三座大山 无论是失眠、焦虑症,还是抑郁症患者,都面临一个长期治疗的过程。患者不仅要长时期的忍受病痛带来的煎熬,还得大把大把服药,默默承受药物副作用带来的伤害,而支撑这一切的背后就是巨大的经济支出。问题是,高额的医疗费用并没有带来疾病的痊愈和快乐的生活,很多患者因病致贫,思想负担加重,加速走上了崩溃之路,最终精神分裂或自杀。 反对暴利,推翻三座大山,今天得解放了~ 反对暴利,是患者发自内心的呼唤,赚取阳光利润,是每一个企业应具备的社会责任感。安瑞普出身豪门,但是和同类产品动辄五六千的价位相比,价格确实是低得不能再低。和那些滥竽充数、效果差强人意的产品相比,安瑞普几乎可以称得上是立竿见影。 安瑞普也赚钱,赚的是薄利,凭的是不到同类产品三分之一的价格;安瑞普也要利润,provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 要的是阳光利润,凭的是立竿见影的效果和10年使用寿命的质量保障。 花1980元换来一生的欢乐、一世的健康,换来丢失已久的欢声笑语和亲人欣慰的目光。全球300万通过安瑞普找回快乐和睡眠的患者会告诉您:“安瑞普,把我们从痛苦中解放出来了~” 放心使用安瑞普,三大保障确保无忧治疗~ 第一大保障: 全程服务保障:一年包换,终生保修,专业辅导师全程跟踪指导治疗~ 第二大保障: 14天无效退款保障:使用14天,如果感觉无效,可以无理由无障碍退货退款~ 第三大保障: 一年后达不到临床治愈标准全额退款保障:使用安瑞普一年,症状如果没有消除,病情出现反复,通过安瑞普的治疗不能得到有效控制,全额退款~ 安瑞普为什么敢于承诺~ 没有金钢钻,不揽瓷器活,效果过得硬,我们敢拍胸~ 安瑞普为什么敢承诺,源于CES30年专业研究成果; 安瑞普为什么敢承诺,源于顶尖世界科技的信心; 安瑞普为什么敢承诺,源于对患者渴望解除病痛折磨的理解; 安瑞普为什么敢于承诺,源于对患者的责任心和医者父母心; 安瑞普为什么敢承诺,源于临床应用中高达94.51%的综合有效率; 我们相信,只有不到5%的患者会退货,这也是安瑞普的承诺~ provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and
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