

2017-09-02 50页 doc 378KB 42阅读




驾驶证理论考试驾驶证理论考试 您的考试成绩单 89分 重新考试 考试时间:2011-2-10 编号 题目 图片 答案 正确答案 您的答案 结果 A 按原来车速行驶 机动车通过没有交通信号或没有管理人员的铁道路口时,应B 减速或停车观察 1 B B 正确 ______。 C 加速尽快通过 D 紧随前车行驶 A 违章行为 机动车驾驶人、行人违反道路交通安全法律、法规关于道路通行规B 违法行为 2 B B 正确 定的行为,属于______。 C 过失行为 D 过错行为 ? 3 机动车灭失申请注销登记时,机动车所有人应提交灭...
驾驶证理论考试 您的考试成绩单 89分 重新考试 考试时间:2011-2-10 编号 题目 图片 正确答案 您的答案 结果 A 按原来车速行驶 机动车通过没有交通信号或没有管理人员的铁道路口时,应B 减速或停车观察 1 B B 正确 ______。 C 加速尽快通过 D 紧随前车行驶 A 违章行为 机动车驾驶人、行人违反道路交通安全法律、法规关于道路通行规B 违法行为 2 B B 正确 定的行为,属于______。 C 过失行为 D 过错行为 ? 3 机动车灭失申请注销登记时,机动车所有人应提交灭失。 ? ? 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 机动车交通事故责任强制保险 对未按照规定投保______的机动车所有人、管理人,公安交通管理B 机动车车身险 4 A A 正确 部门可以按规定投保最低责任限额应缴纳的保险费的2倍罚款。 C 机动车盗抢险 D 机动车第三者责任险 机动车驾驶人因服兵役、出国(境)等原因,无法在规定时间内办 理驾驶证期满换证、提交身体条件证明的,可以向机动车驾驶证核? 5 × × 正确 发地车辆管理所申请延期办理。延期期间机动车驾驶人可以驾驶机× 动车。 A 发动机损坏 B 制动失效 6 对______的被牵引车,应当使用硬连接牵引装置牵引。 B B 正确 C 喇叭失灵 D 灯光失效 违反道路交通安全法律、法规的规定,发生重大交通事故,构成犯? 7 ? ? 正确 罪的,依法追究刑事责任,并由公安机关交通管理部门吊销驾驶证。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 从前方车辆两侧穿插 B 停车等候 8 机动车在遇有前方机动车缓慢行驶时,应当______。 D D 正确 C 从前方车辆两侧超越 D 依次排队行驶 A 查明事故原因 发生道路交通事故造成人员死亡、受伤的,当事人应当保护现场并B 与对方协商损害赔偿 9 C C 正确 ______。 C 立即报警 D 找现场证人 在实习期内驾驶机动车的,应当在车身后部粘贴或者悬挂统一式样? 10 ? ? 正确 的实习标志。 × ? 11 机动车在高速公路上,不得骑、轧车行道分界线或者在路肩上行驶。 ? ? 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 1年 B 2年 12 机动车驾驶证有效期分为 ____、10年和长期。 D D 正确 C 5年 D 6年 A 未满两年不得 B 可以立即 13 吊销机动车驾驶证后______申请驾驶证。 A A 正确 C 终身不得 D 可以到异地 A 扣留行使证 非法安装警报器、标志灯具的,由公安机关交通管理部门______,B 扣留驾驶证 14 D D 正确 予以收缴,并处200元以上2000元以下罚款。 C 收缴号牌 D 强制拆除 机动车驾驶证被依法扣押、扣留或者暂扣期间,机动车驾驶人不得? 15 ? ? 正确 申请补发。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 借道超车 B 依次交替通行 16 在车道减少的路段、路口,机动车应当______。 B B 正确 C 加速通过 D 抢道行驶 ? 17 机动车未放置检验合格标志,可以上道路行驶。 × × 正确 × 申请机动车转移登记时,当事人应当向登记该机动车的公安机关车? 18 ? ? 正确 辆管理所交验机动车。 × A 罚款 B 拘留 19 对酒后行为失控或者拒绝配合检验的,可以______。 C C 正确 C 使用约束带或者警绳等约束性警械 D 批评、教育 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 20 机动车行驶中,车内人员不得将头伸出窗外,但可以将手伸出窗外。 × × 正确 × ? 21 持有C2准驾车型驾驶证的驾驶人可以驾驶各类小型汽车。 × × 正确 × A 迅速通过 机动车通过没有交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线或者交通警察指B 减速慢行 22 B B 正确 挥的交叉路口时,应当______。 C 适当加速 D 保持行驶速度 A 铁路道口 B 桥梁 23 准许机动车掉头的地方是______。 D D 正确 C 隧道 D 环岛 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 机动车 饮酒后驾驶机动车的,处暂扣______,并处200元以上500元以下B 行驶证 24 C C 正确 罚款。 C ,个月以上,个月以下驾驶证 D 3个月以上驾驶证,由民警 A 从前方车辆两侧穿插 B 从前方车辆左侧超越 25 机动车遇有前方机动车停车排队等候时,应当______。 D D 正确 C 从前方车辆右侧超越 D 依次排队 A 不能处罚 B 可罚款100元 26 行人闯红灯如何处罚_______ 。 C C 正确 C 可罚款20元 D 只能教育处理 A 出租汽车可在规定的道路停靠点停车上下乘客,但不得待客 B 公共汽车在规定的道路停靠站内停车待客 27 下列关于停车待客说法正确的是_______。 A C 错误 C 出租汽车只能在道路停靠点停车上下乘客 D 公共汽车可在道路停靠站以外的地点停车上下乘客 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 电动自行车 B 残疾人机动轮椅车 28 下列哪种交通工具不需登记许可就可上道路行驶______。 C B 错误 C 畜力车 D 拖拉机 A 机动车方应负20%的赔偿责任 机动车和行人在高速公路上发生交通事故,有证据证明机动车一方B 机动车一方承担5%至10%的赔偿责任,至于具体数额不限制 29 已采取必要处置措施的,由保险公司在机动车第三者强制保险限额C 机动车一方承担5%至10%的赔偿责任,但赔偿金额最高不超过1C D 错误 内赔偿后,机动车方再怎样赔偿 _____。 万元 D 机动车方不承担任何赔偿责任 A 道路较空闲时,可停在机动车道内 B 只要是车辆靠边了,按顺行或逆行方向停放都可以 30 关于车辆停放.下列说法正确的是______。 C C 正确 C 夜间且无路灯时开启危险报警闪光灯 D 营运车辆可在高速公路上停车下客 A 减速或停车让行 B 鸣喇叭示意其让道 31 驶近没有人行横道的交叉路口时,发现有人横穿道路,应______。 A A 正确 C 抢在行人之前通过 D 立即变道绕过行人 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 鸣喇叭示意其让道 B 让其先行 32 行车中遇有非机动车准备绕过停放的车辆时,应______。 B B 正确 C 加速绕过 D 紧随其后鸣喇叭 A 鸣喇叭警告 B 加速通过 33 行车中,遇非机动车抢行时,应______。 C C 正确 C 主动减速让行 D 临近时突然加速 A 主动减速或停车避让 B 鸣喇叭驱赶 34 行车中发现牲畜抢道时,应______。 A A 正确 C 加速绕过 D 低速用车驱赶 A 加速行驶 B 绕道行驶 35 驾驶人行车中看到注意儿童标志的时候,应______。 C C 正确 C 谨慎选择行车速度 D 保持正常车速行驶 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 加速通过 B 减速通过 36 驾驶车辆通过无人看守的铁路道口时,应做到______。 D D 正确 C 匀速通过 D 一停、二看、三通过 A 不能变换挡位 B 可以变换挡位 37 驾驶车辆驶入铁路道口前减速降挡,进入道口后______。 A A 正确 C 可换为高挡 D 停车观察 A 减速,保持足够间距,随时准备停车 车辆驶近停在车站的公交车辆时,为预防公交车突然起步或行人从B 保持正常车速行驶 38 A A 正确 车前穿出,应______。 C 随时准备紧急制动 D 鸣喇叭提醒,加速通过 A 左转向灯 B 危险报警闪光灯 39 驾驶车辆驶出环岛前,应开启______。 C C 正确 C 右转向灯 D 远光灯 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 右转弯车辆 通过没有交通信号的交叉路口时,应在进入路口前减速或停车瞭B 左转弯车辆 40 C B 错误 望,______优先通行。 C 直行车辆 D 掉头车辆 A 以正常速度行驶 B 持续鸣喇叭示意其让道 41 雨天行车,遇撑雨伞和穿雨衣的行人在公路上行走时,应当______。 D D 正确 C 加速绕行 D 提前鸣喇叭,并适当降低车速 A 停车避让 B 保持正常车速行驶 42 车辆行至交叉路口,遇有转弯的车辆抢行,应______。 A A 正确 C 提高车速抢先通过 D 鸣喇叭抢先通过 A 借人行道 B 鸣喇叭后迅速从两侧 43 在没有中心线的道路上超车时,应开启左转向灯,______超越。 D D 正确 C 从被超车右侧 D 从被超车左侧 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 应“减速、鸣号、靠右行” B 可靠弯道外侧行驶 44 山区道路车辆进入弯道前,在对面没有来车的情况下,______。 A A 正确 C 可短时间借用对方的车道 D 可加速沿弯道切线方向通过 A 继续加速行驶 B 减速,靠右侧行驶 45 驾驶的车辆正在被其他车辆超越时,应当______。 B B 正确 C 靠道路中心行驶 D 加速让路 A 加速选择理想位置 B 减速,低速会车或停车让行 46 会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应立即______。 B B 正确 C 向左占道,让对方减速让行 D 打开前照灯,示意对方停车让行 A 可直接驶入交叉路口 B 不能驶入交叉路口 47 在堵车的交叉路口绿灯亮时,车辆______。 B C 错误 C 在保证安全的情况下驶入交叉路口 D 可借对向车道通过路口 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 迅速减速或紧急制动 B 让出适当空间加速行驶 48 遇后车发出超车信号后,只要具备让超条件就应______。 C C 正确 C 主动减速并示意后车超越 D 靠道路右侧加速行驶 A 加速超越 进入左侧道路超车,无法保证与正常行驶前车的横向安全间距时,B 并行一段距离后再超越 49 C C 正确 应______。 C 放弃超车 D 谨慎超越 A 借对向车道行驶 B 急剧制动低速通过 50 驾驶车辆行至道路急转弯处,应______。 D D 正确 C 靠弯道外侧行驶 D 充分减速并靠右侧行驶 A 堤坝路 B 易滑 51 图中标志的含义是______。 B B 正确 C 急转弯 D 傍山险路 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 限制轴重10吨 B 限制载质量10吨 52 图中标志的含义是______。 C C 正确 C 限制总质量10吨 D 道路编号 A 划分同方向的车行道 B 表示道路边缘 53 图中黄色标线的含义是______。 D D 正确 C 准许车辆跨线超车 D 禁止车辆跨线超车或压线行驶 ? 54 图中是立交直行和向左转弯标志。 ? ? 正确 × A 禁止大型客车驶入 B 禁止驶入 55 图中标志的含义是______。 C A 错误 C 禁止小型客车驶入 D 禁止机动车驶入 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 56 图中警察手势为停止信号。 ? ? 正确 × A 直行和左转弯车道 B 转弯直行车道 57 图中标志表示______。 C B 错误 C 分向行驶车道 D 直行和右转弯车道 ? 58 图中是允许向左向右转弯标志。 × × 正确 × A 禁止路边长时停放车辆 B 禁止路边临时停放车辆 59 图中所示为______标线。 A A 正确 C 禁止路边长时或临时停放车辆 D 路边可以长时停放车辆 A 向左或向右转弯 B 禁止通行 60 图中标志的含义是______。 D D 正确 C 双向通行 D 十字交叉路口 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 中心圈 图中所示标线一般用于交通流量较小的交叉口或其它出入口处,表B 禁止临时停车的简化网状 61 B B 正确 示______。 C 禁止掉头标记 D 停车位 A 学生通道 B 步行街 62 图中标志表示该处为______。 C C 正确 C 人行横道 D 儿童通道 图中辅助标志的含义是确定主标志规定区间距离为左侧100米内? 63 ? × 错误 的路段。 × A 加速通过 B 禁止通行 64 闪光警告信号灯为持续闪烁的黄灯,提示车辆、行人______。 D B 错误 C 可以继续通行 D 通行时注意瞭望,确认安全后通过 A 禁止借道行驶 B 禁止超车 65 图中标志的含义是______。 C C 正确 C 解除禁止超车 D 禁止变更车道 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 注意危险地点 B 按标志指示的路线、方向行驶 66 图中指示标志的作用是指示车辆、行人______。 B B 正确 C 注意行驶 D 可以通行的方向,但可以不按指示的方向通行 ? 67 红色方向指示信号灯的箭头方向向左,表示准许车辆左转弯。 × × 正确 × A 前方事故 B 禁行 68 图中标志的含义是______。 D D 正确 C 停车 D 注意危险 A 停止线 B 让行线 69 图中垂直于路边的白色实线为______。 A A 正确 C 减速让行线 D 禁驶区标线 A 注意危险 B 注意横风 70 图中标志的含义是______。 B B 正确 C 注意落石 D 傍山险路 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 机动车在高速公路上遇前方交通受阻时,应当跟随前车顺序排队,? 71 ? ? 正确 并立即开启危险报警闪光灯,防止追尾。 × ? 72 夜间通过无交通信号控制的交叉路口时,不得变换远、近光灯。 × × 正确 × 夜间会车时,若对方车辆不关闭远光灯,可连续变换灯光提示对向? 73 ? ? 正确 车辆,同时减速靠右侧行驶或停车。 × A 挂入空挡滑行 下长坡时,车速会因为惯性而越来越快,控制车速最有效的方法是B 利用发动机制动 74 B B 正确 ______。 C 踏下离合器滑行 D 用行车制动控制车速 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 逆风向转动转向盘 大风天气行车,由于风速和风向往往不断地发生变化,当感到转向B 顺风向转动转向盘 75 D D 正确 盘突然“被夺”时,一定要______并减速。 C 采取紧急制动 D 双手稳握转向盘 ? 76 车辆在高速公路匝道上可以停车。 × × 正确 × ? 77 车辆在高速公路行驶时,可以仅凭感觉确认车速。 × × 正确 × ? 78 在冰雪路面上行车,必须降低车速、加大安全距离。 ? ? 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 减速行驶 B 集中注意力谨慎驾驶 79 在暴雨天气驾车,刮水器无法刮净雨水时,应当____。 C C 正确 C 立即减速靠边停驶 D 以正常速度行驶 车辆在高速公路匝道提速到每小时60公里以上时,可直接驶入行? 80 × × 正确 车道。 × A 将车辆向上坡道方向行驶 B 用车身靠向路旁的岩石或树林碰擦 81 下坡路制动突然失效后,不可采用的是______。 D D 正确 C 利用道路边专设的避险车道停车 D 迅速拉紧驻车制动器操纵杆 ? 82 车辆撞击无法避免时,驾驶人应当尽力避免侧面相撞。 ? × 错误 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 83 安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的车辆制动时,可用力踏制动踏板。 ? ? 正确 × ? 84 侧面碰撞部位发生在驾驶座部位时,应迅速设法跳车。 × × 正确 × ? 85 安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的车辆制动时,制动距离没有变化。 × × 正确 × 发生与前车追尾碰撞时,驾驶人应紧靠椅背,双手迅速置于脑后合? 86 × × 正确 并护住头后部。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 87 制动突然失灵,避让障碍物时,要掌握“先避人,后避物”原则。 ? ? 正确 × A 运行的前方 B 翻车方向 88 发生缓慢翻车有可能跳车逃生时,应向______跳车。 C C 正确 C 翻车相反方向 D 翻车一侧 下坡路制动突然失效后,在不得已的情况下,可用前保险杠侧面撞? 89 ? ? 正确 击山坡,迫使车辆停住。 × A 握紧转向盘,适当修正 B 向相反方向大幅度转向 90 车辆在高速公路意外碰撞护栏时,有效的保护措施是______。 A A 正确 C 迅速向碰撞一侧转向 D 迅速采取紧急制动 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 制动系出现异常 B 缺少润滑油 91 行车途中,仪表板上的“(如图) ”灯亮起或闪烁,表示______。 A A 正确 C 可能是油路故障 D 轮胎过热 专用备胎不仅是在轮胎漏气或者发生爆胎时临时使用,也可作为正? 92 × × 正确 常轮胎使用。 × A 离合器 离合器踏板是离合器的操纵装置,用以控制______与传动系动力的B 变速器 93 D D 正确 接合与分离。 C 差速器 D 发动机 ? 94 行车途中,仪表板上的“(如图)”灯亮起,提醒需要添加机油。 × × 正确 × A 发动机温度 B 点火正时 95 发动机舱的日常检查与维护的项目有______。 C C 正确 C 机油、冷却液、制动液量 D 发动机有无异响 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 观察 B 包扎 96 抢救失血伤员时,应先进行______。 C C 正确 C 止血 D 询问 A 血管下方 伤员较大动脉出血时,可采用指压止血法,用拇指压住伤口的B 近心端 97 B B 正确 ______动脉,阻断动脉运动,达到快速止血的目的。 C 远心端 D 血管中部 ? 98 伤员上肢骨折固定时,肢体要伸直捆绑。 × ? 错误 × ? 99 腐蚀品着火时,可用水柱直接喷射扑救。 × × 正确 × 抢救有害气体中毒伤员时,首先应迅速送到有新鲜空气的地方,以? 100 ? ? 正确 防止继续中毒。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 考试时间:2011-3-1 考试成绩:88分 A 保持原有状态行驶 在没有道路中心线的道路上,遇后车发出超车信号时,前B 加速行驶 1 D D 正确 车应当______。 C 迅速停车让行 D 在条件许可的情况下,降低速度、靠右让路 A 应当加速超越 道路养护车辆、工程作业车进行作业时,过往车辆和人员B 应当注意避让 2 B B 正确 ______。 C 应当连续鸣号 D 应各抢其道 ? 3 机动车可以选择交叉路口进行倒车。 × × 正确 × ? 4 机动车载物的长、宽、高有限制规定。 ? ? 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 有听力障碍的机动车驾驶人驾驶机动车时,应当佩戴助听? 5 ? ? 正确 设备。 × A 原籍地 驾驶证转出原车辆管理所管辖区的,驾驶人应当向______B 就近地 6 C A 错误 车辆管理所申请换证。 C 转入地 D 以上都可以 A 15 日以下拘留 将机动车交由未取得机动车驾驶证的人或机动车驾驶证被B 吊销驾驶证 7 吊销、暂扣的人驾驶的, 由公安交通管理部门处200元以B A 错误 C 扣留车辆 上2000元以下罚款,还可以并处______。 D 扣留行驶证 A 驾驶人 机动车交通事故责任强制保险赔偿的责任对象是发生交通B 本车人员、被保险人以外的受害人 8 B C 错误 事故造成______。 C 被保险人 D 乘车人 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 可以随意喷涂、粘贴 机动车喷涂、粘贴标识或者车身广告应当遵循的原则是B 主要考虑美观 9 C C 正确 ______。 C 不得影响安全驾驶 D 根据客户要求 A 注销其驾驶证 超过机动车驾驶证有效期1年以上未换证的,车辆管理所B 注销行驶证 10 A A 正确 应当______ 。 C 扣留机动车 D 处以罚款 在没有中心隔离设施或者没有中心线的道路上,机动车遇? 11 相对方向来车时应当减速靠右行驶,并与其他车辆、行人? ? 正确 × 保持必要的安全距离。 ? 12 使用伪造、变造机动车号牌、行驶证的,依法扣留车辆。 ? ? 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 在道路两边通行 没有划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的道路,机动车B 在道路中间通行 13 B B 正确 ______。 C 实行分道通行 D 可随意通行 A 速度快的让速度慢的 机动车在没有道路中心线的狭窄山路行驶,会车有困难时,B 重车让空车 14 D D 正确 ______先行。 C 让靠山体的一方 D 让不靠山体的一方 违反机动车停放、临时停放规定,驾驶人不在现场,妨碍? 15 其他车辆、行人通行的,公安机关交通管理部门可以将车? ? 正确 × 拖至不妨碍交通的地点或其指定的地点。 A 左转向灯 机动车从匝道驶入高速公路,应当先在加速车道内提速,B 右转向灯 16 并开启______,在不妨碍已在高速公路内的机动车正常行A A 正确 C 危险报警闪光灯 驶的情况下驶入车道。 D 前照灯 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 公告其驾驶证停止使用 机动车驾驶人累计记分达到12分,拒不参加公安机关交通B 扣留其驾驶证 17 管理部门通知的学习,也不接受考试的,由公安机关交通A C 错误 C 吊销其驾驶证 管理部门______。 D 对其加倍处以罚款 机动车驾驶证被依法扣押、扣留或者暂扣期间,机动车驾? 18 ? ? 正确 驶人不得申请补发。 × 机动车驾驶人在1个记分周期内记分未达到12分,所处罚? 19 ? ? 正确 款已经缴纳的,记分予以清除。 × 机动车在高速公路上发生故障或者交通事故,无法正常行? 20 ? ? 正确 驶的,应当由救援车、清障车拖曳、牵引。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 卖给附近废品收购站 已注册登记的机动车达到国家规定的强制报废标准的,机B 交售给规定的机动车回收企业 21 B B 正确 动车所有人应当将车辆在报废期满前______。 C 自行处理 D 大修后转售 机动车通过没有信号灯控制的交叉路口,应当减速慢行,? 22 ? ? 正确 并让行人和优先通行的车辆先行。 × A 吊销行驶证 B 拘留驾驶人 23 机动车行驶超过规定时速,,,的,依法______。 D D 正确 C 吊销驾驶证 D 扣留机动车驾驶证 被保险人故意制造道路交通事故的,造成受害人的财产损? 24 ? ? 正确 失,保险公司不承担赔偿责任。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 机动车灭失申请注销登记时,机动车所有人应提交灭失证? 25 ? ? 正确 明。 × A 故意污损机动车号牌 B 进出道路停车泊位时故意妨碍行人正常通行 26 下列哪项行为不是交通安全违法行为_______。 C C 正确 C 在会车时使用近光灯 D 在大城市主要街道上见前面有行人故意连续使用喇叭 A 在人行道上,红灯亮时也可以通行 B 在道路上以招揽生意为目的招引车辆 27 下列关于行人通行规定正确的是 ______。 C C 正确 C 在站台等候车辆 D 在高速公路上等候车辆 A 借道超车 遇前方道路受阻或者前方车辆排队等候时,下列哪项驾车B 穿插等候车辆 28 C C 正确 行为是符合交通安全规则的_______。 C 在网状线区域内停车等候 D 占用对面车道 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 车辆来历证明 申请非机动车登记的,下列哪种材料不是法定必须提交的B 整车照片 29 B B 正确 ________。 C 整车出厂合格证明 D 所有人身份证明 A 超车道 正常情况下,高速公路上的下列哪些地方是允许停车的B 港湾 30 B B 正确 _______。 C 行车道 D 路肩 A 加速通过 B 正常行驶 31 当驾驶车辆行经两侧有行人且有积水的路面时,应______。 C C 正确 C 减速慢行 D 连续鸣喇叭 A 靠边减速或停车让行 行车中遇抢救伤员的救护车从本车道逆向驶来时,应B 占用其他车道行驶 32 A A 正确 ______。 C 加速变更车道避让 D 在原车道内继续行驶 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 能见度低、不利于观察道路交通情况 B 路面复杂多变 33 夜间道路环境对安全行车的主要影响是______。 A A 正确 C 驾驶人体力下降 D 驾驶人易产生冲动、幻觉 A 鸣喇叭警示 B 迅速从一侧绕过 34 行车中遇醉酒的行人时,应______。 C C 正确 C 减速慢行,保持足够的横向间距 D 紧随其后行驶 ? 35 行车中遇残疾人影响通行时,应主动减速礼让。 ? ? 正确 × A 提前减速慢行,必要时停车 B 鸣喇叭催其让路 36 行车中遇行为异常行人影响车辆正常行驶时,应______。 A A 正确 C 从一侧加速绕过 D 开启前照灯警示 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 在下坡超越人力车后制动或停车时,要给人力车留出足够? 37 ? ? 正确 的安全距离。 × A 鸣喇叭示意其让道 B 迅速绕过 38 行车中遇盲人时,应当______。 D D 正确 C 紧随其后行驶 D 减速、避让 A 变长 B 变短 39 夜间驾驶人对物体的观察明显比白天差,视距______。 B B 正确 C 不变 D 无规律 A 提前加速抢行 B 停车让行 40 行车中遇列队横过道路的学生时,应当______。 B B 正确 C 降低车速、缓慢通过 D 连续鸣喇叭催促 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 41 遇到享有优先通行权的车辆时应主动礼让。 ? ? 正确 × ? 42 漫水道路行车时,应挂高速档,快速通过。 × × 正确 × A 紧靠道路中心行驶 B 主动给对方让行 43 行车中遇到对向来车占道行驶,应______。 B C 错误 C 用大灯警示对方 D 逼对方靠右行驶 A 电器设备易受潮短路 B 能见度降低,视野模糊 44 冰雪道路对安全行车的主要影响是______。 D D 正确 C 行驶阻力增大 D 制动性能极差,方向极易跑偏 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 胆大心细 谨慎驾驶的三条基本原则:集中注意力、仔细观察和B 手脚麻利 45 C C 正确 ______。 C 提前预防 D 低速行车 行车中遇到盲人和其他行动不便的行人,应该减速慢行,? 46 ? ? 正确 必要时停车。 × ? 47 遇儿童在公路嬉戏打闹时,应连续鸣喇叭,快速通过。 × × 正确 × A 继续穿插绕行 B 选择空当逐车超越 48 发现前方道路堵塞,正确的做法是______。 D D 正确 C 鸣喇叭示意前方车辆快速行驶 D 按顺序停车等候 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 制动距离延长 B 抗滑能力变大 49 冰雪路行车时______。 A A 正确 C 路面附着力增大 D 制动性能没有变化 A 连续变换远、近光灯 B 不断鸣喇叭 50 夜间驾驶车辆遇自行车对向驶来时,应______。 D D 正确 C 使用远光灯 D 使用近光灯,减速或停车避让 A 下陡坡 B 滑行 51 图中标志的含义是______。 A A 正确 C 下行 D 上陡坡 A 禁行 B 禁止转弯 52 图中所示为______标线。 C C 正确 C 禁止掉头 D 禁止停车 A 急弯路 B 连续弯路 53 图中标志的含义是______。 B B 正确 C 曲线行驶 D 禁止转弯 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 无人看守铁道路口 B 禁止通行 54 图中标志的含义是______。 A A 正确 C 禁止通过铁道路口 D 有人看守铁道路口 A 向右行驶 B 绕行 55 图中标志的含义是______。 C C 正确 C 向左急弯路 D 向右急弯路 A 注意儿童 B 人行横道 56 图中标志的含义是______。 A A 正确 C 学校 D 村庄 A 左侧通行 B 右侧通行 57 图中标志的含义是______。 A B 错误 C 两侧通行 D 禁止通行 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 58 图中是双向交通标志。 ? ? 正确 × A 平均时速限制 B 最低时速限制 59 图中标志表示机动车驶入前方道路的______。 B B 正确 C 解除最低限速 D 最高时速限制 A 停车让行 B 会车让行 60 图中标志的含义是______。 D D 正确 C 禁止让行 D 减速让行 A 前方事故 B 禁行 61 图中标志的含义是______。 D D 正确 C 停车 D 注意危险 图中所示黄色虚线内的专用车道,用以指示仅限于某车种? 62 × × 正确 行驶,其他车种可借道超车或长距离行驶。 × A 直行 63 图中交通警察的手势为______信号。 B 转弯 A A 正确 C 停止 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to D 示意车辆靠边停车 A 中心圈 图中所示标线一般用于交通流量较小的交叉口或其它出入B 禁止临时停车的简化网状 64 B B 正确 口处,表示______。 C 禁止掉头标记 D 停车位 ? 65 图中警察手势为示意车辆靠边停车信号。 × ? 错误 × A 禁止拖车 B 禁止非机动车驶入 66 图中标志的含义是______。 C C 正确 C 禁止某两种车驶入 D 禁止所有机动车驶入 A 禁止通过铁道路口 B 人行横道 67 图中标志的含义是______。 D D 正确 C 无人看守铁道路口 D 有人看守铁道路口 A 道路编号 B 限制总质量7吨 68 图中标志的含义是______。 D B 错误 C 限制载质量7吨 D 限制轴重7吨 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 驼峰路 B 房屋 69 图中标志的含义是______。 C C 正确 C 隧道 D 村庄 ? 70 图中是双向弯路标志。 × × 正确 × A 《道路交通安全法》 在标志、标线齐全的高速公路上行车,应当按照______规B 标志或标线 71 B B 正确 定的车道和车速行驶。 C 车辆说明书 D 地方法规 ? 72 夜间起步前,应当先开启近光灯。 ? ? 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 73 车辆下长坡时要减挡行驶,以充分利用发动机的制动作用。 ? ? 正确 × ? 74 车辆驶离高速公路时,应当经减速车道减速后进入匝道。 ? ? 正确 × A 允许超车 B 不准掉头 75 驾驶车辆驶入高速公路匝道后,______。 B B 正确 C 允许停车 D 可以倒车 A 缓踏 车辆涉水后,应保持低速行驶,______制动踏板,以恢复B 间断重踏 76 D D 正确 制动效果。 C 持续轻踏 D 间断轻踏 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 通过山区危险路段,尤其是通过经常发生塌方、泥石流的? 77 ? ? 正确 山区地段,应谨慎驾驶,避免停车。 × ? 78 车辆在下坡行驶时,可充分利用空挡滑行。 × × 正确 × ? 79 车辆不得在高速公路匝道上倒车。 ? ? 正确 × A 挂入空挡滑行 下长坡时,车速会因为惯性而越来越快,控制车速最有效B 利用发动机制动 80 B B 正确 的方法是______。 C 踏下离合器滑行 D 用行车制动控制车速 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 立即减速停车 B 关闭点火开关 81 行车中发动机突然熄火后,应______。 D D 正确 C 将变速器操纵杆置于空挡行驶 D 开启右转向灯,将车缓慢滑行到路边停车检查______ 车辆驶出高速公路隧道口时,经常会遇到横风的袭击,此? 82 × ? 错误 时应迅速向逆风方向转向,并迅速减速。 × A 采取制动措施 行车中与其他车辆有迎面碰撞可能时,应先______,并迅B 向左侧转向 83 C C 正确 速踩踏制动踏板。 C 向右侧稍转方向,随即适量回转 D 采取保护自己的措施 A 匝道 B 加速车道 84 在高速公路除遇异常情况停车外,应选择______停车。 D D 正确 C 减速车道 D 服务区 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 85 高速公路行车中遇紧急情况时,应迅速转动转向盘躲避。 × × 正确 × 车速较高时发生紧急情况,应先转方向避让,再采取制动? 86 × ? 错误 减速,以减小碰撞损坏程度。 × 驾驶人发现轮胎漏气,将车辆驶离主车道时,不要采用紧? 87 急制动,以免造成翻车或后车采取制动不及时导致追尾事? ? 正确 × 故。 A 连续踩踏制动踏板 行车中制动突然失灵时,驾驶人要沉着镇静,握紧转向盘,B 利用“抢挡”或驻车制动 88 B B 正确 ______进行减速。 C 迅速踏下离合器踏板 D 迅速拉紧驻车制动器操纵杆 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to ? 89 车辆撞击无法避免时,驾驶人应当尽力避免侧面相撞。 ? × 错误 × 高速路上,车辆因故障不能离开应急车道时,驾乘人员不? 90 × ? 错误 得下车随意走动, × A 发动机温度 B 点火正时 91 发动机舱的日常检查与维护的项目有______。 C C 正确 C 机油、冷却液、制动液量 D 发动机有无异响 仪表板上的“(如图) ”灯亮,是提醒驾驶人座椅位置调? 92 × × 正确 整不当。 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 在车辆行驶过程中使头部放松 B 车辆发生追尾事故时保护颈椎 93 座椅安全头枕的主要作用是______。 B B 正确 C 车辆发生追尾事故时保持正确姿势 D 长时间驾驶时使颈部放松 A 抵住脖子 B 与颈平齐 94 调节座椅头枕高度,使头枕中心______。 C C 正确 C 与头平齐 D 抵住颈椎 A 1.6毫米 检查轮胎时,从轮胎表面到沟槽底部的橡胶厚度应不低于B 1.2毫米 95 A A 正确 ______,否则应更换轮胎。 C 1.0毫米 D 0.8毫米 在没有绷带急救伤员的情况下,可用毛巾、手帕、床单、? 96 ? ? 正确 长筒尼龙袜子等代替绷带包扎。 × ? 97 伤员上肢骨折固定时,肢体要伸直捆绑。 × × 正确 × the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to A 允许改变损伤时瞬间的位置 B 应避免活动 98 关节损伤(扭伤、脱臼、骨折)的伤员,______。 B B 正确 C 尽量自行复位 D 可适当调整损伤时的姿势 伤员大腿、小腿和脊椎骨折时,一般应就地固定,不要随? 99 ? ? 正确 便移动伤者。 × A 观察 B 包扎 100 抢救失血伤员时,应先进行______。 C C 正确 C 止血 D 询问 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to
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