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2015广东深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘2015广东深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘 为及时解决坪山办事处人员紧缺问题,进一步确保办事处有关工作有序、高效开展,经党工委、办事处研究,决定面向社会公开招聘10名从事法律、文秘、财务管理及人力资源管理的工作人员,2015广东深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘具体事项公告如下: 有关附件下载以及更详细的资料欢迎登陆广东中公事业单位招聘网: 8 一、深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘职位、对象及范围 具体职位详见《坪山新区坪山办事处招聘工作人员职位表》(附件1),符合职位招聘条件的社会人员均可报名。每人限报一个职位。 二、深圳坪山新区事业单位...
2015广东深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘 为及时解决坪山办事处人员紧缺问题,进一步确保办事处有关工作有序、高效开展,经党工委、办事处研究,决定面向社会公开招聘10名从事法律、文秘、财务管理及人力资源管理的工作人员,2015广东深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘具体事项公告如下: 有关附件下载以及更详细的资料欢迎登陆广东中公事业单位招聘网: 8 一、深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘职位、对象及范围 具体职位详见《坪山新区坪山办事处招聘工作人员职位》(附件1),符合职位招聘条件的社会人员均可报名。每人限报一个职位。 二、深圳坪山新区事业单位招聘报名条件及要求 (一)报名条件 1.具有中华人民共和国国籍; 2.遵纪守法,品行端正; 3.符合报名职位所规定的资格条件; 4.具有正常履行岗位职责的身体条件; 5.符合本及招聘职位表所规定的资格条件。 有下列情况之一者,不予接受报名: 1.正在接受纪律审查的人员以及涉嫌违法犯罪正在接受司法审查尚未作出结论的人员; 2.曾被追究过刑事责任的人员; water to 35mL (vegetable oil, no additional water). Absorb arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0mL standard solution (arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0 µ g), placed in a bottle of arsenic measured respectively, plus 5mL of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), 5 drops of acid stannous chloride hydrochloride and 5mL, add water to the 35mL (determination of vegetable oil and water to 60mL). Yu Cheng digestive liquid samples, reagent blank solution and standard solution of arsenic arsenic measured plus 3G zinc tablets in a bottle and immediately stuffed in advance with lead acetate cotton of measuring arsenic and mercuric bromide paper tubes, place 1h at 25 ?, remove the mercuric bromide reagent for sample and reagent blank Paper compared with the arsenic standard spots. 21 per cent with the 14th chapter. Results statement: the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 22 permitted deviation under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average value of 20%. Four principle 23, borohydride reduction colorimetric method samples were digested, arsenic to pentavalent form. When the solution when the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than 1.0mol/L, add potassium iodide-thiourea and combined heating, can restore the pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic. Under acidic conditions, potassium borohydride restore trivalent arsenic to trivalent form arsine gas, import absorption in liquid is yellow, yellow shade is proportional to the content of arsenic in the solution. Compared with the standard ration. 3.违反生育政策的人员; 4.其他属法律法规规定不能应聘的人员。 (二)有关要求 1.学历必须与职位要求相符。报名者所学专业须与招聘职位表要求的学历专业一致。 2.符合报考职位所规定的资格条件,工作年限和年龄计算截止至2014年12月31日。 三、招考程序 本次招聘将采取半结构化面试的方式。 (一)报名及资格初审 1.报名方式 (2)现场报名。要求报考者必须本人到场报名,不可委托他人代办理。本人填写《深圳市坪山新区坪山办事处招聘工作人员报名表》,并提交报名所需的一系列材料。 2.报名材料 (1)《深圳市坪山新区坪山办事处招聘工作人员报名表》(附件2)、近期大1寸正面免冠彩色照片3张、近期大1寸正面免冠电子照(电子照发送至邮箱); (2)身份证(验原件,收复印件); (3)学历、学位证及验证证书(验原件,收复印件); (4)证明本人符合职位资格条件要求的工作证明,需由考生现工作单位盖章确认或单位缴交两年及以上的社保清单; (5)无犯罪记录证明; water to 35mL (vegetable oil, no additional water). Absorb arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0mL standard solution (arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0 µ g), placed in a bottle of arsenic measured respectively, plus 5mL of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), 5 drops of acid stannous chloride hydrochloride and 5mL, add water to the 35mL (determination of vegetable oil and water to 60mL). Yu Cheng digestive liquid samples, reagent blank solution and standard solution of arsenic arsenic measured plus 3G zinc tablets in a bottle and immediately stuffed in advance with lead acetate cotton of measuring arsenic and mercuric bromide paper tubes, place 1h at 25 ?, remove the mercuric bromide reagent for sample and reagent blank Paper compared with the arsenic standard spots. 21 per cent with the 14th chapter. Results statement: the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 22 permitted deviation under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average value of 20%. Four principle 23, borohydride reduction colorimetric method samples were digested, arsenic to pentavalent form. When the solution when the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than 1.0mol/L, add potassium iodide-thiourea and combined heating, can restore the pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic. Under acidic conditions, potassium borohydride restore trivalent arsenic to trivalent form arsine gas, import absorption in liquid is yellow, yellow shade is proportional to the content of arsenic in the solution. Compared with the standard ration. (6)计划生育情况调查表(附件3)。 以上材料在报名时若无法及时提供,须在报名期间到现场签订承诺书并在入职前提供,否则取消聘用资格。 3.报名时间及面试通知书 (1)2015年1月28日至2月4日(上午09:00—12:00,下午14:00—17:30); (二)资格复审 资格复审由坪山党工委组织部组织相关部门实施,主要审查报考人所提供的材料是否真实,是否与公告及报考岗位所列条件要求相符。复审合格者入围面试。 四、面试 面试委托龙岗人才流动中心负责,采用半结构化面试形式。考生凭面试通知书、身份证参加面试(两证缺一不可)。 面试合格分数线为60分。面试合格的考生,依面试成绩高低排序,根据拟聘名额1:1的比例确定体检人选。如体检出现不合格人员,按面试成绩排名顺序依次递补。 面试时间及地点另行通知。 五、体检 体检标准参照《广东省事业单位公开招聘人员体检通用标准》执行。体检者必须在规定时间内到达体检地点,迟到或不按时参加的,视为自动放弃,组织部即通知等额替补人员参加体检。 体检时间及体检医院均由组织部另行通知。体检费由报考人员自理。 六、确定拟聘人员并公示 water to 35mL (vegetable oil, no additional water). Absorb arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0mL standard solution (arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0 µ g), placed in a bottle of arsenic measured respectively, plus 5mL of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), 5 drops of acid stannous chloride hydrochloride and 5mL, add water to the 35mL (determination of vegetable oil and water to 60mL). Yu Cheng digestive liquid samples, reagent blank solution and standard solution of arsenic arsenic measured plus 3G zinc tablets in a bottle and immediately stuffed in advance with lead acetate cotton of measuring arsenic and mercuric bromide paper tubes, place 1h at 25 ?, remove the mercuric bromide reagent for sample and reagent blank Paper compared with the arsenic standard spots. 21 per cent with the 14th chapter. Results statement: the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 22 permitted deviation under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average value of 20%. Four principle 23, borohydride reduction colorimetric method samples were digested, arsenic to pentavalent form. When the solution when the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than 1.0mol/L, add potassium iodide-thiourea and combined heating, can restore the pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic. Under acidic conditions, potassium borohydride restore trivalent arsenic to trivalent form arsine gas, import absorption in liquid is yellow, yellow shade is proportional to the content of arsenic in the solution. Compared with the standard ration. 资格复审、面试及体检合格人员确定为拟聘人员,名单将在坪山新区政府在线和坪山办事处一楼公示7天。公示期间有异议的,可以向中共深圳市坪山新区坪山党工委组织部进行投诉 七、办理聘用手续 公示期满后无异议的,或有异议但不影响聘用的,党工委组织部通知聘用对象办理入职手续,并按规定签订劳动。签订的劳动合同含试用期3个月,试用期满考核合格者予以聘用;不合格者,取消聘用资格。根据有关规定,首次聘用期限为3年,期满后经考核合格者方予以续聘。 八、薪酬待遇 按照坪山办事处聘用人员工资待遇标准执行。 九、其他事项 (一)各单位和相关人员在本次招聘工作中,要严格遵守规定,坚持原则,公开接受群众监督。凡查实在招聘过程中弄虚作假、徇私舞弊者,按照组织人事工作纪律给予严肃处理。 (二)应聘者应对自己所填报资料的真实性负责,诚实应聘。对伪造、涂改证件证明,或以其他不正当手段获取应聘资格、考试考核过程中作弊等违反公开招考纪律的应聘人员,将取消应聘资格。对已聘人员,一经查实,即予解除聘用合同。 (三)应聘人员应在报名时提供准确的、确保可随时联系的手机号码,如因应聘人员未提供有效联络方式或无法联络造成的后果由应聘人员自行承担。 (四)聘用人员必须在规定的时间内报到。逾期不能报到的,取消聘用资格。 (五)本方案由中共深圳市坪山新区坪山办事处组织部负责解释。 原标题:坪山新区坪山办事处公开招聘工作人员的公告 water to 35mL (vegetable oil, no additional water). Absorb arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0mL standard solution (arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0 µ g), placed in a bottle of arsenic measured respectively, plus 5mL of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), 5 drops of acid stannous chloride hydrochloride and 5mL, add water to the 35mL (determination of vegetable oil and water to 60mL). Yu Cheng digestive liquid samples, reagent blank solution and standard solution of arsenic arsenic measured plus 3G zinc tablets in a bottle and immediately stuffed in advance with lead acetate cotton of measuring arsenic and mercuric bromide paper tubes, place 1h at 25 ?, remove the mercuric bromide reagent for sample and reagent blank Paper compared with the arsenic standard spots. 21 per cent with the 14th chapter. Results statement: the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 22 permitted deviation under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average value of 20%. Four principle 23, borohydride reduction colorimetric method samples were digested, arsenic to pentavalent form. When the solution when the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than 1.0mol/L, add potassium iodide-thiourea and combined heating, can restore the pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic. Under acidic conditions, potassium borohydride restore trivalent arsenic to trivalent form arsine gas, import absorption in liquid is yellow, yellow shade is proportional to the content of arsenic in the solution. Compared with the standard ration. 点击下载>>> 1.坪山新区坪山办事处招聘工作人员职位表.xls 2.深圳市坪山新区坪山办事处招聘工作人员报名表.doc 3.计划生育情况调查表.doc 中共坪山新区坪山工作委员会组织部 2015年1月26日 water to 35mL (vegetable oil, no additional water). Absorb arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0mL standard solution (arsenic 0,0.5,1.0,2.0 µ g), placed in a bottle of arsenic measured respectively, plus 5mL of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), 5 drops of acid stannous chloride hydrochloride and 5mL, add water to the 35mL (determination of vegetable oil and water to 60mL). Yu Cheng digestive liquid samples, reagent blank solution and standard solution of arsenic arsenic measured plus 3G zinc tablets in a bottle and immediately stuffed in advance with lead acetate cotton of measuring arsenic and mercuric bromide paper tubes, place 1h at 25 ?, remove the mercuric bromide reagent for sample and reagent blank Paper compared with the arsenic standard spots. 21 per cent with the 14th chapter. Results statement: the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 22 permitted deviation under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average value of 20%. Four principle 23, borohydride reduction colorimetric method samples were digested, arsenic to pentavalent form. When the solution when the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than 1.0mol/L, add potassium iodide-thiourea and combined heating, can restore the pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic. Under acidic conditions, potassium borohydride restore trivalent arsenic to trivalent form arsine gas, import absorption in liquid is yellow, yellow shade is proportional to the content of arsenic in the solution. Compared with the standard ration.
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