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南艺大学英语重修2翻译复习资料南艺大学英语重修2翻译复习资料 Translation English-Chinese 1 The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. 高档一点的古玩店,为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜里,那里往往令人望而却步。 2. A truly dedicated ...
南艺大学英语重修2翻译复习资料 Translation English-Chinese 1 The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. 高档一点的古玩店,为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜里,那里往往令人望而却步。 2. A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it. 一个一心一意想要淘宝的人,首先要有耐心,最重要的是要有识货的能力。 3. It is the consumer, not the designer or manufacturer, who determines what will be in fashion by accepting one style and rejecting another. 是消费者,而不是师或生产商,通过接受一种款式或拒绝另一种来决定时尚的流行。 4. Although advertising and other promotional efforts by manufacturers and retailers help to generate sales, they do not dictate what stales will be accepted by consumers. 尽管生产商和零售商的广告以及其他促销手段有助于推动销售,但他们不能决定消费者接受哪一种款式。 5. If you had been a very successful banker or businessman during the 1980s, you might well have worn an Armani suit. 如果你是二十世纪八十年代成功的银行家或商人,你身上穿的很可能就是阿曼尼的西装。 6.Many of his garments featured the color that now bears his name the combination of beige and grey that came to be known as “Armani greige.” 他许多服饰的特点在于那种用他名字命名的颜色,即混合了淡棕色与灰色的“阿曼尼灰棕色” 7.Young children react to the color of an object before they react to the shape. 小孩子对物体颜色的反应先于对形状的反应。 8. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. 如果你碰巧喜欢褐色,你是一睁眼或至少一旦能看清周围就有此偏爱了。 9. As our survey, we found that significantly more parents encouraged their daughters to take dance than they did their sons 从调查中我们发现鼓励女儿去跳舞的父母明显多于鼓励儿子跳舞的家长。 10.Body type was the number one factor that kept the men from excelling when their training was delayed 当训练被耽搁时,体形就成了阻碍男性胜出的首要因素。 11. Linear perspective is the visual phenomenon of diminishing in size as an object recedes. 线形透视是当物体后退,尺寸减小的视觉现象。 12. A picture-world is distinct from the real world as what is represented in a picture is only a visual and illusive phenomenon rather than the physical reality. 图片的世界和现实世界不同,因为图片上所展示的只是视觉的虚幻现象而不是客观现实。 13. He was one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance, a period when the arts and sciences flourished. 他是意大利文艺复兴时期最重要的艺术家之一,那一时期科学和艺术高度繁荣。 14. He devoted himself to painting, poetry, calligraphy and seal carving. During this period he earned his living by painting portraits and selling his works. 他钻心致力于绘画,诗歌,书法和篆刻。在这期间,他靠卖画为生。 15.The subjects of his painting were wide and various, and the flowers, birds, fish, shrimp and insects he painted are most admired by his public. 他的画题材广泛多样,其中的花,鸟,鱼,虾以及昆虫最受到人们的喜爱。 16. Andrea’s love of opera was also apparent from an early age, and he feels he was also destined to sing. 很小的时候,波切利就表现出对歌剧的热爱,他认为自己天生就是唱歌的料。 17. Along with his tours, he received numerous offers to sing opera, a dream he had cherished since his childhood. 此后的巡回演出中,他收到了许多让其演唱歌曲的邀请,这就是他儿时就珍藏的一个梦想。 Chinese-English 1.玛丽一心想成为一个音乐家,从早到晚苦练钢琴。 Mary, bent on becoming a musician, practices the piano hard day and night. 2. 那件瓷器原来是一件真正的古董,价值几十万美元。 That piece of porcelain proved to be a real antique and was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. 3. 正是时尚影响着我们生活的方方面面 It is fashion that affects every aspect of our lives. 4. 消费者关心的是服装的款式、色彩、面料和价格。 What consumers are concerned with is clothing style, color, fabric and price. 5. 他设计的系列女装使得女性上班族有了全新的形象。 His collection of women’s clothing made the professional urban woman take on a new look. 6. 这外套将休闲装与正装的款式相融合,是当下很流行的时装样式。 The coat blends casual and formal looks, which is a very popular fashion. 7. 人们常常把颜色和不同的物体,感觉和假日联系在一起。 People associate colors with different objects, feelings and holidays. 8. 她没有对老师的忠告做出任何反应。 She didn’t react to the teacher’s advice at all. 9. 他擅长处理形形色色的问题。 He is good at dealing with different kinds of problem. 10. 这个新规则可适用于二十岁的年轻人。 The new rule may be applied to the young people at the age of 20. 11. 那个村子里的人连电灯都没见过,更不用说电视了。 People in the village have not seen the electric light bulbs, let alone TV set. 12. 齐白石是中国最著名的现代画家之一。 Qi Baishi is one of the most famous modern artists in China. 13. 他接受了朋友的建议决定改进自己的作画方法。 He took his friends’ advice and decided to reform his approach to the painting. 14. 多亏了你的支持,我们取得了如此巨大的成功 Thanks to your support, we have obtained such a great success. 15.她得到这份工作是因为她比你有优势。 She has got the job because she has the advantage over you. 16.学习民间舞蹈对他们是非常重要的。 It was very important for them to learn folk dance. 17. 成功只是一种机缘,重要的是不要沉溺其中。 Success is just a matter of chance and it’s important not to get too attached to it.
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