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《帝国:全面战争》名人名言全集(中英双语)《帝国:全面战争》名人名言全集(中英双语) 《帝国:全面战争》名人名言全集(中英双语)——“但愿你身上的铁链不要太过沉重,但愿后世子孙忘记你曾经是我们中的一员” #### 1 #### 战争中最简单的策略就是最好的。In war the simplest manoeuvres are the best. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 2 #### 在战争中,没人能确保胜利,只能去赢得胜利...
《帝国:全面战争》名人名言全集(中英双语) 《帝国:全面战争》名人名言全集(中英双语)——“但愿你身上的铁链不要太过沉重,但愿后世子孙忘记你曾经是我们中的一员” #### 1 #### 战争中最简单的策略就是最好的。In war the simplest manoeuvres are the best. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 2 #### 在战争中,没人能确保胜利,只能去赢得胜利。No one can guarantee success in war, but only deserve it. Sir Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister 温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,英国政治家、演说家、军事家和作家。带领英国获得二战胜利。 #### 3 #### 没有机会才干等于零。Ability is nothing without opportunity. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 4 #### 战胜成就一个帝国,战败则一无所有。Between a battle lost and a battle won, the distance is immense and there stand empires. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 5 #### 心中没有希望,就无法体会到痛苦和哀伤。Not without hope we suffer and we mourn. William Wordsworth, British poet 威廉·华兹华斯,英国浪漫主义诗人。 #### 6 #### 士兵们!这是你们期盼已久的战斗!Soldiers! Here is the battle you have so long desired! 今后的胜利将取决于你们;我们需要它。Henceforth victory depends on you; we have need of it. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 7 #### 身处闹市而心如止水者,必有坚韧不拔之志。Strongest minds are often those whom the noisy world hears least. William Wordsworth, British poet 威廉·华兹华斯,英国浪漫主义诗人。 #### 8 #### 骑兵的力量要均衡地分配到战斗的前期、中期和后期。Charges of cavalry are equally useful at the beginning, the middle and the end of a battle. 如果可能,要将他们尽量安排到步兵的侧翼,尤其当后者在前线鏖战时。They should be made always, if possible, on the flanks of the infantry, especially when the latter is engaged in front. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 9 #### 发出屠杀的号令,让战争的猛犬四处蹂躏!Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! William Shakespeare, English playwright 威廉·莎士比亚,英国文艺复兴时期杰出的剧作家,诗人。 #### 10 #### 对骑兵而言,火炮比步兵更不可或缺。Artillery is more essential to cavalry than to infantry, 因为骑兵没有火器藉以自卫,只能依靠手中的军刀。because cavalry has no fire for its defence, but depends on the sabre. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 11 #### 那些被授予武器的人,应该是利益与国家一致者。Those entrusted with arms should be persons of some substance and stake in the country. William Windham, British MP 威廉·温德姆,英国下院议员。 #### 12 #### 士兵打胜仗,将军得功劳。Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 13 #### “怎么,造反了?”“不,陛下,是革命。”Louis XVI of France: "Is it a revolt?" A Duke of France: "No, Sir, it's a revolution." Louis XVI, King of France, upon hearing of the revolution 得知巴士底狱被攻占后,法国国王路易十六与利昂古尔公爵的一段对话。 #### 14 #### 伙伴们,决不能惧怕死亡;向它挑战,把它留给敌人!You must not fear death, my lads; defy him, and you drive him into the enemy's ranks. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 15 #### 年逾古稀却风采依旧者少之又少。There are so few who can grow old with a good grace. Sir Richard Steele, Irish writer and publisher 理查德·斯蒂尔爵士,爱尔兰作家,曾创办《闲谈者》和《旁观者》。 #### 16 #### 革命队伍里只有两种人:扛梯子的和摘果实的。In revolution there are only two sorts of men, those who cause them and those who profit by them. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 17 #### 英才易早逝,皆因尘埃填心渴欲饮,烛烧成灰泪方尽。The good die first, and they whose hearts are dry as summer burn to the socket. William Wordsworth, British poet 威廉·华兹华斯,英国浪漫主义诗人。 (出自华兹华斯长诗《漫游》(The Excursion),原文在summer和burn之间还有dust一词。该句我推测大意是成功人士追求功名像尘土吸水,奋斗到最后一刻像蜡烛燃烧到烛 台,故英年早逝。中国古诗中也有“尘埃填心渴欲死”“渴心知我生尘埃”“尘埃眯目浸填胸”等句) #### 18 #### 想象力统治着这个世界!Imagination rules the world. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 19 #### 败仗之军,犹如春雪消融。Like an army defeated the snow hath retreated. William Wordsworth, British poet 威廉·华兹华斯,英国浪漫主义诗人。 (出自华兹华斯《Written In March》) #### 20 #### 今日事今日毕。Never do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow. William Pulteney, Earl of Bath, English MP 威廉·普尔特尼,巴斯伯爵,英国下院议员。 (据说是18世纪最有权力的国会议员之一) #### 21 #### 诸位,请记住,正如一位罗马皇帝所说:敌人尸体的气味总是那么香甜。Remember, gentlemen, what a Roman emperor said: "The corpse of an enemy always smells sweet." Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 (1812年,拿破仑攻陷斯摩棱斯克,面对俄国人败退后的焚城,他如是说) #### 22 #### 照我说,还是战争好;它胜过和平就像白昼胜过黑夜。战争是活泼的、清醒的、热闹的、兴奋的。Let me have war, say I; it exceeds peace as far as day does night; it’s spritely, waking, audible, and full of vent. William Shakespeare, English playwright 威廉·莎士比亚,英国文艺复兴时期杰出的剧作家,诗人。 (出自莎士比亚历史悲剧《Coriolanus》第四幕第5场,中译为“大将军寇流兰”) #### 23 #### 自由!自由!多少罪恶假汝而行!Oh Liberty! Liberty! What crimes are committed in your name! Madame Roland, French revolutionary, her last words before being guillotined 法国大革命时期著名的政治家,罗兰夫人在走上断头台前,向着革命广场上的自由雕像鞠躬并留下了这样一句话。 #### 24 #### 毫无疑问,我等不到整个国家化为焦土的那一刻了:因为我会奋战至死!There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin: I will die in the last ditch. William III, King of England 威廉三世,英国国王。早年曾率尼德兰联省共和国军队抵御英法两国入侵,失利后拒签城下之盟。 #### 25 #### 在一个彻底堕落的时代,随波逐流是最好的办法。In an age that is utterly corrupt, the best policy is to do as others do. Marquis de Sade, French aristocrat and novelist 萨德侯爵,法国贵族。为人放荡不羁,曾长期身陷囹圄,被称为色情文学鼻祖。 #### 26 #### 英格兰的空气太纯洁以至于奴隶是呼吸不了的,所以能够呼吸到它的人必定拥有自由身。The air of England is too pure for a slave to breathe, and so everyone who breathes it becomes free. 每个来到英格兰的人都有权得到我们法律的保护,Everyone who comes to this island is entitled to the protection of English law, 不管他在此之前受过何种压迫,他的皮肤是何种颜色。whatever oppression he may have suffered and whatever may be the colour of his skin. William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, British judge, speaking on slavery, 1772 威廉·穆雷,曼斯菲尔德勋爵,英国王室法院首席大法官。他于1772年宣布了这份关于废止奴隶制的判词。 #### 27 #### 第一印象总是最自然的。First feelings are always the most natural. Louis XIV, King of France, "The Sun King" 路易十四,法国国王,自称“太阳王”。 #### 28 #### 战争这场游戏取决于才智,因此国王们不敢怠慢。War's a game, which, were their subjects wise, Kings would not play at. William Cowper, British poet 威廉·柯珀,英国诗人,浪漫主义的先驱。 #### 29 #### 我清白地死去;我原谅我的敌人;I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I pardon those who have occasioned my death; 但愿我的血能让上帝不再迁怒于法兰西。and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited on France. Louis XVI, King of France, his last words before being guillotined 路易十六,法国国王,在上断头台前的最后一句话。 #### 30 #### 吵闹的人总是理直气壮。A noisy man is always in the right. William Cowper, British poet 威廉·柯珀,英国诗人,浪漫主义的先驱。 #### 31 #### 兵马未动,粮草先行。An army marches on its stomach. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 32 #### 法制的坟墓,恰是暴政的温床。Where laws end, tyranny begins. William Pitt the Elder, British Prime Minister 老威廉·皮特,英国首相。英国打赢七年战争,他功不可没。 (有些地方说出自William Pitt the younger(小威廉皮特)。通常译为“哪里没有法制,暴政就从哪里开始。”) #### 33 #### 不要总是与同一个对手较量, 不然你会教给他战争的艺术的。You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 34 #### 祖国!我怎能离开我的祖国!Oh, my country! How I leave my country! William Pitt the Younger, British Prime Minister, his last words 小威廉·皮特,老威廉·皮特次子,24岁时成为英国史上最年轻首相。这是他的临终遗言。 #### 35 #### 我见到了从不敢想象会出现的情景:一队单列步兵I have seen what I never thought to be possible - a single line of infantry 突破了三列骑兵的轮番攻击,并将他们击垮。break through three lines of cavalry ranks, in order of battle, and tumble them to ruin. Marquis Louis de Contades, French general, 1st August 1759, Battle of Minden 路易·德·康塔德斯侯爵,法国将军。1759年,在英法七年战争的明登战役中。 #### 36 #### 山羊能去的地方人就能去,人去的话枪炮自然跟着走。Where a goat can go, a man can go, where a man can go, he can drag a gun. William Phillips, British artillery general 威廉•菲利普,独立战争期间任英国陆军少将,以擅用火炮闻名。在收复提康德罗加要塞的战役中,他如是说。 #### 37 #### (死亡)最有趣不过了。It has all been most interesting. Mary Wortley, Lady Montagu, her last words 玛丽·渥特莱·蒙太古夫人,以信著名,曾为预防天花作出贡献。这是她的临终遗言。 (好像也叫Lady Mary Wortley Montagu) #### 38 #### 身为大英帝国子民,我会这样想:假如我是一个美国人,当外敌入侵之时,我决不会放下手中的枪,决不-决不-决不!If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I would never lay down my arms - never - never - never! William Pitt the Elder, British Prime Minister 老威廉·皮特,英国首相。英国打赢七年战争,他功不可没。 #### 39 #### 感谢上帝,我已经尽到了自己的责任。Thank God I have done my duty. Lord Horatio Nelson, British admiral, 21st October 1805, Battle of Trafalgar, his last words 霍雷肖·纳尔逊勋爵遗言。1805年特拉法加海战,他带伤指挥英国舰队取胜,直至生命最后一刻。 #### 40 #### 恐惧来源于不确定。当你心无疑虑的时候,不管结局怎样,你已经克服了恐惧。Fear comes from uncertainty. When we are absolutely certain, whether of our worth or worthlessness, we are almost impervious to fear. William Congreve, English dramatist 威廉·康格里夫,英国戏剧家。擅长写“复辟喜剧”。 #### 41 #### 一个海军将领要么因为站得笔直而受褒奖,要么身怀绝技却无处施展。Admirals extolled for standing still, or doing nothing with a deal of skill. William Cowper, British poet, "Table Talk", 1782 威廉·柯珀,英国浪漫主义诗人。出自《席间杂谈》。 #### 42 #### 每个国家都有它应有的政府。Every nation has the government that it deserves. Joseph de Maistre, Savoyard lawyer and diplomat 约瑟夫·德·迈斯特,萨瓦(法国东南部地名,昔为一公国)律师和外交家。 #### 43 #### 如果有人能使你相信荒唐之事,那他也有能力使你犯下滔天罪恶。Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire, French author, wit, and philosopher 伏尔泰,法国启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家。被称为“法兰西思想之父”。 #### 44 #### 我要死了!I die. Leonard Euler, Swiss mathematician, his last words 伦纳德·欧拉,瑞士数学家。他在与同事讨论了天王星轨道计算以后疾病发作,留下这最后一句话。 #### 45 #### 上帝并不眷顾千军万马,他青睐的只是当中的佼佼者。God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best. Voltaire, French author, wit, and philosopher 伏尔泰,法国启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家。被称为“法兰西思想之父”。 #### 46 #### 我坚决应战!难道罗马元老院还在为选择被奴役还是死亡争个不停吗?天啊!My voice is still for war. Joseph Addison, English poet and essayist 出自约瑟夫·艾迪生著名悲剧《加图》。在美国独立战争低潮时期,华盛顿将军曾演出该剧以激励士气。 (补充后半句:Gods! can a Roman senate long debate which of the two to choose, slavery or death?) #### 47 #### 想要和平,就得先准备战争。Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. (Let him who desires peace, prepare for war.) Vegetius, Roman writer 维吉休斯,古罗马军事思想家,他的《罗马军制论》是西方最有军事影响力的巨作。 #### 48 #### 就从这里,让残暴好斗的国家知道,民众的不满泛滥起来有多么可怕!From hence, let fierce contending nations know, what dire effects from civil discord flow. Joseph Addison, English poet and essayist 出自约瑟夫·艾迪生著名悲剧《加图》。在美国独立战争低潮时期,华盛顿将军曾演出该剧以激励士气。 #### 49 #### 任何难都迈不过深思熟虑这一关。No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking. Voltaire, French author, wit, and philosopher 伏尔泰,法国启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家。被称为“法兰西思想之父”。 #### 50 #### 任何舰长,当他的军舰和敌舰紧密靠近时,都不会犯下太大的错误。No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy. Lord Horatio Nelson, British admiral 霍雷肖·纳尔逊勋爵,拿破仑战争时期任英国海军司令。 #### 51 #### 我不同意你的观点,但是我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire, French author, wit, and philosopher 伏尔泰,法国启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家。被称为“法兰西思想之父”。 (此语出自《伏尔泰的友人们》一书,是作者赫尔归纳伏尔泰的思想后写出,並非直接出自伏尔泰之口。) #### 52 #### 英格兰企盼人人恪尽其责!England expects that every man will do his duty. Lord Horatio Nelson, British admiral, 21st October 1805, Battle of Trafalgar 霍雷肖·纳尔逊勋爵,拿破仑战争时期任英国海军司令。这是在特拉法加海战开战前他打给友军的旗语。 #### 53 #### “法国绅士们,请你们开第一枪。”“我们从不这样,你们先。”Gentlemen of France, perhaps you would care to fire first? Lord Hay, British general, 11 May 1745, Battle of Fontenoy 1745年丰特努瓦战役中,英军的查尔斯·海伊爵士与法军安特罗切斯伯爵的一段对话。 (据维基百科The alternative story, according to Voltaire, is that Sir Charles Hay said "Gentlemen of the French Guard, fire first!", the French officer Count d'Anterroches replied: "Gentlemen, we never fire first, fire yourselves.") #### 54 #### 军队是国家的一部分。但在普鲁士,国家是军队的一部分。Where some states possess an army, the Prussian Army possesses a state. Voltaire, French author, wit, and philosopher 伏尔泰,法国启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家。被称为“法兰西思想之父”。 #### 55 #### 把任何诋毁你的国王的人当成敌人,You must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your King, 还要把每一个法国人当成恶魔来对待。and you must treat every Frenchman as if he were the Devil himself. Lord Horatio Nelson, British admiral 霍雷肖·纳尔逊勋爵,拿破仑战争时期任英国海军司令。 #### 56 #### 在这个国家,人们认为偶尔杀掉一个海军上将来提气是值得的。In this country we find it pays to shoot an admiral from time to time to encourage the others. Voltaire, French author, wit, and philosopher, commenting on the execution of British admiral John Byng for "failure to do his utmost" during the Battle of Minorca 伏尔泰,法国启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家。被称为“法兰西思想之父”。 就以米诺卡战役中“未能尽最大努力”之名处决英国海军上将约翰·拜恩一事所做的评论 (出自伏尔泰的《Candide》第23章,暗指在七年战争期间John Byng将军被处死一事。这句话的另外两个版本是“In this country it is considered wise to kill an admiral from time to time in order to encourage the others”“In this country it's a good thing to kill an admiral now and then to encourage the others”) #### 57 #### 我还没开打呢!I have not yet begun to fight! John Paul Jones, US naval captain 约翰·保罗·琼斯,“美国海军之父”。1779年与英国舰队战斗时,战舰中弹下沉,面对劝降他如此回应。 #### 58 #### 狐狸的脑筋跟狼的獠牙一样凶残。The cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf. Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 (出自Thomas Paine的著名文章《The American Crisis》) #### 59 #### 什么!你们就这样来躲一颗子弹?What? Men dodging this way for single bullets? 那他们要是排成一溜来开火该怎么办?What will you do when they open fire along the whole line? 我真替你们害臊。这么远的距离,他们根本连大象都打……I am ashamed of you. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance… John Sedgwick, US general, his last words before being killed by a sniper 约翰·塞奇威克,南北战争中任北方联邦军少将,在斯波茨尔瓦尼亚战役中被狙击手射杀前留下的最后一句话。 (在南北战争的Spotsylvania一役中,联邦少将John Sedgwick惊讶地看到他的人马在南军狙击手的攻击下畏缩不前。相传他说:「你们这样逃,真是太可耻了。距离这么远,他们根本连一头大象也打不到。」 话没说完,他就被射杀了,成为这场战争中阵亡的最高阶联邦军官。) #### 60 #### 当今大不列颠国王的历史,是接连不断的伤天害理和强取豪夺的历史,The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in 其直接目标就是要建立一个凌驾于各州之上的独裁暴政。direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. US Declaration Of Independence, July 4th 1776, regarding King George III of Great Britain 《美国独立宣言》,谈及英国国王乔治三世。 #### 61 #### 战争不过是国王们的交易。War is the trade of kings. John Dryden, English poet and playwright 约翰·德莱顿,诗人,戏剧家。英国第一位“桂冠诗人”。 #### 62 #### 斗争越是艰巨,胜利就越光荣。The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 (出自Thomas Paine的著名文章《The American Crisis》) #### 63 #### 我宁可失败,也要进入最伟大的名人行列中。I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest. John Keats, British poet 约翰·济慈,英国浪漫主义诗人。 #### 64 #### 优秀的政*府充其量是必要之恶,糟糕的政*府则是无可容忍之恶。Government, even in it's best state, is but a necessary evil; in it's worst state, an intolerable one. Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 #### 65 #### 我必须研究政治与战争,让我的后代能拥有研究数学与哲学的机会。I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. John Adams, 2nd US President 约翰·亚当斯,第二任美国总统。《独立宣言》起草人之一。被誉为“美国独立的巨人”。 #### 66 #### 看在上帝的份上别冒险点燃大炮。For God's Sake be sure you do not risk the cannon. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, British general 约翰·丘吉尔,马尔伯勒公爵,英国名将。曾在西班牙王位继承战争中的布伦海姆之战大败法军。 #### 67 #### 今天是四号吗?This is the fourth? Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President, his last words 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统,他的临终遗言。他死于1826年7月4日,时逢美国建国50周年。 #### 68 #### 只有好人才会打从心底热爱自由,其他人只是热衷于拥有放纵的特权罢了。None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but licence. John Milton, English poet 约翰·弥尔顿,英国诗人、政论家。著作有长诗《失乐园》。 #### 69 #### 要么带领我,要么跟着我,不然就靠边站。Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 #### 70 #### 以力取胜,半胜而已。Who overcomes by force, hath overcome but half his foe. John Milton, English poet 约翰·弥尔顿,英国诗人、政论家。著作有长诗《失乐园》。 (出自《失乐园》) #### 71 #### 对于这样一个政府来说,除了频繁的战争和敲诈勒索外,我们对它还能有什么好期待的呢?From such beginnings of governments, what could be expected, but a continual system of war and extortion? Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 (出自《The Rights of Man》第二章) #### 72 #### 观点愈新反对愈烈,无它,只因其不落俗套耳。New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. John Locke, English philosopher 约翰·洛克,英国哲学家。其著作《论政府》系统阐述了宪政民主思想,对美、法革命影响深远。 #### 73 #### 个性的保持比恢复要容易。Character is much easier kept than recovered. Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 #### 74 #### 人都会犯错误,在许多情况下,大多数人是受欲望或兴趣的引诱而犯错误的。All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it. John Locke, English philosopher 约翰·洛克,英国哲学家。其著作《论政府》系统阐述了宪政民主思想,对美、法革命影响深远。 #### 75 #### 想要收获自由的果实,必须先承受维护自由的劳苦。Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Thomas Paine, British radical, pamphleteer, and intellectual 托马斯·潘恩,英裔美国思想家、作家、革命家、激进民主主义者。《独立宣言》起草人之一。 #### 76 #### 该死!这是战争。我们将不得不冒犯某些人。We're in a war, dammit! We're going to have to offend somebody! John Adams, 2nd US President 约翰·亚当斯,第二任美国总统。《独立宣言》起草人之一。被誉为“美国独立的巨人”。 #### 77 #### 我已经受够了一场战争,更别提再来一场了。I have seen enough of one war never to wish to see another. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 78 #### 我深知我们需要付出多少苦难、血泪和财富来捍卫这个宣言,I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, 以及支持和保卫这个国家。然而透过雾霭我能看到冉冉升起的光辉与荣耀。and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. 我们所实现的结果比实现它的手段更有价值和意义。I can see that the end is worth more than the means. John Adams, 2nd US President 约翰·亚当斯,第二任美国总统。《独立宣言》起草人之一。被誉为“美国独立的巨人”。 (出自亚当斯在《独立宣言》签署的前一天写给妻子的信) #### 79 #### 顺从政府的无限权力,会招来最不幸的灾难。The greatest [calamity] which could befall [us would be] submission to a government of unlimited powers. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 80 #### 他们都应该上断头台。They shall all be guillotined. Jean-Paul Marat, French revolutionary, his last words 让·保罗·马拉,法国大革命时期激进派革命家。据说女刺客夏洛蒂·科黛在杀死马拉之前, 向他口述所谓暴动的吉伦特派人士的名字,马拉逐一记下这些名字后说出了这最后一句话。 #### 81 #### 就风格而言,随着潮流走;就原则而言,要如磐石般坚定。In matters of style swim with the current, in matters of principle stand like a rock. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 82 #### 你必须征服或是顺从,必须取胜或是蒙羞,必须是铁锤或是砧。You must either conquer and rule or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be the anvil or the hammer. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and polymath 约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德,德国杰出的剧作家、诗人、思想家。 (出自歌德《阔夫塔之歌》) #### 83 #### 什么,敌人已经败退了?那我可以高兴地死去了。What, do they run already? Then I die happy. James Wolfe, English general, his last words following news of the fall of Quebec 詹姆斯·沃尔夫,英国名将。1759年英法争夺加拿大,他在魁北克之战阵亡,年仅33岁。这是他的遗言。 #### 84 #### 自由之树有时要用爱国者和独裁者的鲜血来浇灌。From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 (出自杰佛逊1787年11月13日致William Stephens Smith之信) #### 85 #### 责任要比铁还沉重,死亡则轻若羽毛。Duty is heavier than iron, yet death is lighter than a feather. Japanese proverb 日本谚语 #### 86 #### 享用自由的代价,是永远保持警惕。The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 87 #### 如果暴政与压迫出现在这片土地上,它一定是以抵御外敌为借口。If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. John Adams, 2nd US President 约翰·亚当斯,第二任美国总统。《独立宣言》起草人之一。被誉为“美国独立的巨人”。 James Madison, 4th US President 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,第四任美国总统。被誉为“美国宪法之父”。 #### 88 #### 如果曾经有一场圣战,那必定是一场给我们带来自由和独立的战争。If ever there was a holy war, it was that which saved our liberties and gave us independence. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 (出自杰佛逊1813年致John Wayles Eppes之信) #### 89 #### 一场无谓的战争要背负多少恶名?Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. John Adams, 2nd US President 约翰·亚当斯,第二任美国总统。《独立宣言》起草人之一。被誉为“美国独立的巨人”。 (另一个版本是how great would be the guilt of an unnecessary war?出自亚当斯致妻子之信,当时美国正处于与法国交战的边缘,后来亚当斯在总统任期内制止了这场可能发生的战争。他认为自己的最大功绩是避免了一场 “不必要的战争”。他的墓志铭上写道:“此处安葬着约翰·亚当斯。他于1800年担负了与法国讲和的责任。”) #### 90 #### 在任何情况下我们都乐于用战争来向任何人致敬,无论他是谁。We prefer war in all cases to tribute under any form and to any people whatever. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 91 #### 分而治之,这是至理名言。合而御之,却更显明智。Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and polymath 约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德,德国杰出的剧作家、诗人、思想家。 #### 92 #### 让和平与友爱伴随着人类是最明智之策,我期望我们能够以此为追求。Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 93 #### 战争的本质是暴力,战争中的中庸便是低能。The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility. John (Jackie) Arbuthnot Fisher, British admiral 约翰·阿巴思诺特·费舍尔,费舍尔男爵,英国杰出的海军将领和军事改革家。 (人名、头衔据维基百科翻译,此君曾参加过第二次鸦片战争) #### 94 #### 战争对于解决问题毫无裨益;它只会加剧错误,而不是弥补损失。War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 95 #### 我已是将死之人,但你们千万别放弃这条船。你们能打败他们。Don’t give up the ship! James Mugford, US naval captain, his last words 詹姆斯·马格福特,美国海军“富兰克林”号舰长。于1775年在波士顿港与英国海军战斗中留下的遗言。 (疑与第100句雷同,经查证,原文应为“I am a dead man, but do not give up the vessel. You will be able to beat them off.” 另,美国海军驱逐舰多以战功显赫的海军将领以及知名国会议员的名字来命名。从资料上看,美国海军史上有两艘马格福特号,第一艘马格福特号(DD-105) 于1918年下水;第二艘马格福特号(DD-389)是格里德利级驱逐舰中的一艘,1936年由马格福特舰长的后人为其掷酒瓶庆祝下水,该舰曾参加过二战 太平洋战场上的多场重要海战。) #### 96 #### 宪法只赋予你追求幸福的权力,要实现它还须靠自己的双手。The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 #### 30 #### Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 97 #### 每一个要求公平的人都应该被公平对待,这是合乎情理的。It is reasonable that everyone who asks justice should do justice. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 (出自杰佛逊1792年致George Hammond的信中) #### 98 #### 一些人是明智的,不在于他们的经验,而在于他们经验的容量。Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience. James Boswell, Scottish diarist and author of "The Life of Samuel Johnson" 詹姆士·包斯威尔,苏格兰传记作家,其著作《塞缪尔·约翰逊传》让他成为传记作家的代名词。 #### 99 #### 想想看有多少人徒劳地在疾病与痛苦之间挣扎、倒下,而不是光荣的在战场上死去。Think what thousands fell in vain, Wasted with disease and anguish, Not in glorious battle slain. The ballad of "Admiral Hosier's Ghost", 1726, based on a real event where 4000 of 4760 men died of disease in a single expedition 出自英国诗人理查德·格罗弗创作的民谣《霍希尔将军的灵魂》。英国舰队1726年出征封锁西班牙的殖民地西印度群岛。 在那次由4760人参加的远征中有4000人死于疾病,该作由此而得。 #### 100 #### 告诉大家开火再快些,直到把他们击沉。别放弃这条船!Tell the men to fire faster and not to give up the ship; fight her till she sinks. James Lawrence, US naval captain, his last words 詹姆斯·劳伦斯,美国海军“切萨皮克”号舰长。于1813年在与英国海军战斗中留下的遗言。 (出自James Lawrence船长,1813年6月,他率领美国军舰Chesapeake号与英国舰队的Shannon号激战,据说Lawrence在被炮火击中前下 的最后一道命令是:「告诉大家开火再快些,直到把他们击沉。伙计们,别放弃这条船!」虽然这场海战以失败告终,但他的这句话流传了下来。Lawrence 的生前好友Oliver Hazard Perry为纪念他,将“Don’t give up the ship!”这句话缝在旗舰的旗帜上。3个月后,Oliver Hazard Perry在伊利湖(Lake Erie)战役中统率美国舰队击溃英国舰队,从而一战成名。) #### 101 #### 我发现上面有三个拼写错误。I see that you have made three spelling mistakes. Thomas de Mahay, Marquis de Favras, French aristocrat, his last words upon reading his death sentence before being guillotined 托马斯·德·马海,法瓦拉侯爵,法国贵族。 法国大革命期间因协助路易十六出逃而被判处绞刑。临刑前他看着宣判书如是说。 #### 102 #### 就像你的行为原则会被定为全世界的准则那样行事。So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world. Immanuel Kant, Prussian philosopher and geographer 伊曼努尔·康德,德国哲学家和天文学家。启蒙运动时期重要的思想家。 #### 103 #### 全军为上,破军次之;全旅为上,破旅次之;全卒为上,破卒次之;全伍为上,破伍次之。To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is better than to destroy them. 是故百战百胜,非善之善也;不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。(孙子兵法·谋攻第三)For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the supreme of excellence. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 104 #### 王者最后的论据。Ultima Ratio Regum. (The final argument of kings.) Inscription on French cannons, by order of Louis XIV 路易十四下令在法国所有的大炮上铭刻这句话。 #### 105 #### 围师遗阙,穷寇勿迫。(孙子兵法·军争第七)This does not mean that the enemy is to be allowed to escape. The object is to make him believe that there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair. After that, you may crush him. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 106 #### 过去靠着公民清醒的判断我们才能It was by the sober sense of our citizens that we were safely 安全、稳定地把君主政体引向共和主义,and steadily conducted from monarchy to republicanism, and it is by the same agency 现在只需要靠代理我们就能避免历史倒退。alone we can be kept from falling back. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 (出自杰佛逊1797年致Arthur Campbell的信中) #### 107 #### 我在这丢了第二条腿,还有第四十二只脚。For here I leave my second leg, And the Forty-Second Foot. Thomas Hood, British poet and humourist, "Faithless Nelly Gray", 1826 托马斯·胡德,英国诗人兼幽默大师,其诗作多用双关语以产生滑稽效果。出自《不贞的内莉格雷》。 #### 108 #### 知识将永远支配着愚昧和无知,Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean 谁若想支配自己的人生,就得用知识来武装自己。to be their own Governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. James Madison, 4th US President 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,第四任美国总统。被誉为“美国宪法之父”。 #### 109 #### 上帝想让我们高高兴兴地活着,啤酒就是证据。Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 托马斯·杰佛逊,第三任美国总统。《独立宣言》的主要起草人。 Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 110 #### 你们给了我一个不愿得到的褒奖:美国宪法的执笔者。You give me a credit to which I have no claim in calling me 'the writer of the Constitution of the United States'. This was not, like the fabled Goddess of Wisdom, 这部宪法不是智慧女神或其后人的杰作,它应该归功于众人的智慧与汗水。the offspring of a single brain. It ought to be regarded as the work of many heads and many hands. James Madison, 4th US President 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,第四任美国总统。被誉为“美国宪法之父”。 #### 111 #### 我们书写了极不平凡的历史;但和平安宁的日子却鲜有记载。War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading. Thomas Hardy, British novelist 托马斯·哈代,英国诗人、小说家。著作有《苔丝》、《无名的裘德》。 #### 112 #### 一个受欢迎的政*府不去获取受欢迎的信息,A popular Government without popular information nor the means of acquiring it, is but 那闹剧、惨剧就会逐一乃至同时上演。知识将永远支配着愚昧和无知,a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, 谁若想支配自己的人生,就得用知识来武装自己。and a people who mean to be their own Governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. James Madison, 4th US President 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,第四任美国总统。被誉为“美国宪法之父”。 #### 113 #### 本·贝托是个勇敢、警觉的战士,但是大炮夺走了他的双腿,所以他放下了手中的武器。Ben Battle was a soldier bold, and used to war's alarms, But a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. Thomas Hood, British poet and humourist, "Faithless Nelly Gray", 1826 托马斯·胡德,英国诗人兼幽默大师,其诗作多用双关语以产生滑稽效果。出自《不贞的内莉格雷》。 #### 114 #### 在法律上,一个人若侵犯了他人的权利,他就有罪。In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. 在道德上,一个人若只想着侵犯他人的权利,他就有罪。In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so. Immanuel Kant, Prussian philosopher and geographer 伊曼努尔·康德,德国哲学家和天文学家。启蒙运动时期重要的思想家。 #### 115 #### 善用兵者,屈人之兵而非战也。(孙子兵法·谋攻第三)One need not destroy one's enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 116 #### 有条理的知识即科学。有条理的人生即智慧。Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Immanuel Kant, Prussian philosopher and geographer 伊曼努尔·康德,德国哲学家和天文学家。启蒙运动时期重要的思想家。 #### 117 #### 知己知彼,百战不殆。(孙子兵法·谋攻第三)Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 118 #### 那就好。T'is well. George Washington, 1st US President, his last words 乔治·华盛顿去世前对秘书说丧事要从简,并问对方是否听明白了,得到肯定答复后,他留下了这最后一句话。 #### 119 #### 我只是个在海边独自玩耍的小孩I seem to have been only a boy playing on the seashore 偶尔会为捡到几个美丽的贝壳而欣喜若狂,and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, 却对面前浩瀚的真理大海无所察觉。while the ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me. Sir Isaac Newton, English physicist 艾萨克·牛顿爵士,英国物理学家,微积分和经典力学的创建者。 #### 120 #### 一把剑宁可满身崩口也不愿锈迹斑斑。I would rather wear out than rust out. George Whitefield, British Methodist preacher 乔治·怀特菲尔德,英国卫理公会牧师,曾推动英美的宗教大复兴运动。 #### 121 #### 这再明显不过了...在一个新兴国家,战争与繁荣是不可调和的。Nothing is so evident...as that war is inconsistent with the prosperity of a modern state Sir James Denham-Steuart, British economist 詹姆士·斯图亚特爵士,英国经济学家,重商主义后期代人物。 #### 122 #### 政*府并非任何时候都是理智和动听的。它不时有火一样的破坏力,它既是一个危险的奴仆也是一个可怕的主人。Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 123 #### 上好刺刀,在看到敌人的白色眼珠之前不要开枪!By push of bayonets, no firing until you see the whites in their eyes! Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, British colonel 洛克农的安德鲁·安格纽爵士,英国上校。出自奥地利王位继承战争中的德廷根战役。 #### 124 #### 宪法授予国会宣战的权力;The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress; 因此不会有试探性的进攻直到therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after 国会审议这一话题并授权采取相应措施。they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 125 #### 英国陆军应该像炮弹一样被英国海军发射出去。The British Army should be a projectile to be fired by the British Navy. Sir Edward Grey, British MP, speaking to the House of Commons 爱德华·格雷爵士,英国下院议员。在下议院的一次发言。 #### 126 #### 人拿起武器可能是因为微不足道的原因,或者什么原因也没有,Men rush to arms for slight causes, or no cause at all, 而一旦拿起,对法律、对神灵、对人类的敬重便荡然无存。and once taken up there is no longer any respect for law, divine or human. Huig de Groot, Dutch jurist and philosopher 雨果·格老秀斯,荷兰法学家兼哲学家,因其著作《战争与和平法》被后世尊为“国际法之父”。 #### 127 #### 不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。(孙子兵法·谋攻第三)The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities...It is best to win without fighting. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 128 #### 我们越是谨慎,良心受到的谴责越大。Prudence approaches, conscience accuses. Immanuel Kant, Prussian philosopher and geographer 伊曼努尔·康德,德国哲学家和天文学家。启蒙运动时期重要的思想家。 #### 129 #### 是故胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜。(孙子兵法·军形第四)Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 130 #### 把我的头展示给民众,它值得一看。Show my head to the people. It is worth seeing. Georges Danton, French radical, his last words before being guillotined 乔治·雅克·丹东,法国大革命领袖,在上断头台之前说的最后一句话。 #### 131 #### 向我们胜利的领袖致敬。Hail to the chief in triumph advances. Sir Walter Scott, Scottish poet and novelist 沃尔特·斯科特爵士,苏格兰诗人和历史小说家。他开创了历史小说先河。 #### 132 #### 我活着时是个哲学家,死时是个基督徒。I have lived as a philosopher and die as a Christian. Giacomo Casanova, Venetian clergyman, soldier, musician, and alchemist, his last words 贾科莫·卡萨诺瓦,意大利作家、间谍、外交官和冒险家,“追寻女色的风流才子”。他的遗言。 #### 133 #### 兵者,诡道也。(孙子兵法·始计第一)All war is deception. Sun Tzu, Chinese general and author of The Art of War 孙子,中国春秋时期吴国名将和军事理论家,其著作《孙子兵法》是世界上最早的兵书。 #### 134 #### 任何为国效劳的岗位都没有卑微这一说。Every post is honourable in which a man can serve his country. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 135 #### 如果你爱钱财胜过自由,爱奴役胜过自由,那么你现在静悄悄的回家吧。我们不需要你的劝告或者武器。If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. 弯下腰去亲吻那给你喂食的手吧。但愿你身上的铁链不要太过沉重,但愿后世子孙忘记你曾经是我们中的一员。Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget ye were our countrymen. Samuel Adams, US statesman, writer, and political theorist 塞缪尔·亚当斯,美国革命家、作家和政治理论家。曾策划著名的“波士顿倾茶事件”。 #### 136 #### 毫无疑问,依靠民兵是没有保障的。To place any dependence upon militia, is, assuredly, resting upon a broken staff. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 137 #### 要么全撤,要么不撤!Both regiments or none. Samuel Adams, US statesman, writer, and political theorist 塞缪尔·亚当斯,美国革命家、作家和政治理论家。曾策划著名的“波士顿倾茶事件”。 (“波士顿惨案”发生后,塞缪尔·亚当斯鼓动波士顿市民要求英军撤出当地。) #### 138 #### 战争即和平。自由即奴役。愚昧即力量。War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell, British author and journalist 乔治·奥威尔,英国作家和记者。《一九八四》和《动物庄园》是其著名的政治讽喻小说。 #### 139 #### 有哪两个概念是比啤酒和大不列颠还要密不可分的?What two ideas are more inseparable than Beer and Britannia? Reverend Sydney Smith, English clergyman and writer 西德尼·史密斯教士,英国圣公会牧师,作家。 #### 140 #### 备战是维护和平最有效的手段之一。To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 141 #### 战争中唯一的真理:死亡。There's only one truth about war: people die. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Irish playwright and MP 理查德·布林斯利·谢立丹,爱尔兰著名喜剧作家,国会议员。 #### 142 #### 历史学家反过来说就是预言家。A historian is a prophet in reverse. Friedrich von Schlegel, German poet 弗里德里希·冯·施莱格尔,德国文学理论家、作家、语言学家。德国早期浪漫主义代表人物。 #### 143 #### 你们认为他疯了?我倒希望他能刺激一下我的将军们!Mad, is he? Then I hope that he will bite some of my other generals! George III, King of Great Britain, speaking of General Wolfe 詹姆斯·沃尔夫围攻法军的魁北克城时,用坚壁清野的野蛮方式火烧周边村镇,英王乔治二世觉得战争就需要这样的疯狂。(据史料,George III应为George II) #### 144 #### 当一个人能够用微笑代替谩骂时,他就具备了成为领袖的资格。When a man is able to take abuse with a smile, he is worthy to become a leader. Reb Nachman of Bratslav, Nachman from Uman, Ukrainian Jewish teacher and spiritual leader 布拉斯洛夫,“乌曼的纳赫曼”,乌克兰犹太教师和精神领袖,被尊为犹太民族拉比先人。 (拉比是犹太人中的一个特别阶层,主要为有学问的学者,是老师,也是智者的象征。每年犹太新年的第一天,都会有成千上万的犹太人到乌克兰城市乌曼市布拉斯洛夫墓前去祷告。) #### 145 #### 我的第一愿望,是将人间的瘟疫——战争——从地球上清除出去。My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the earth. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 146 #### 纪律乃军队之灵魂。它使寡者不可小觑、弱者所向披靡,令天下人对你俯首称臣。Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak, and esteem to all. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 147 #### 一个国家应该独立自强,而我们也应该对物资充裕感到满意。The country shall be independent, and we will be satisfied with nothing short of it. Samuel Adams, US statesman, writer, and political theorist 塞缪尔·亚当斯,美国革命家、作家和政治理论家。曾策划著名的“波士顿倾茶事件”。 (英国扶植下的东印度公司茶叶以极低的价格流入北美,不仅损害当地商业,而且使北美人感到受英国殖民者的压迫、剥削。这成为了发动“波士顿倾茶事件”的最好借口。) #### 148 #### 战争是一出让意愿得以实现的暴力戏剧,谁要是反对就让他去扮演敌人。War - an act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 149 #### 战争很恐怖,但是我们应该学着去喜欢他。It is well that war is so terrible. We should grow too fond of it. Robert E. Lee, US general 罗伯特·李,美国南北战争时期著名战将。 #### 150 #### 任何太过强大的军事政*府对自由都是一种威胁,Over-grown military establishments are under 尤其对共和制度下的自由产生极大威胁。any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty. George Washington, 1st US President 乔治·华盛顿,在美国独立战争中任大陆军总司令。美国开国总统,被美国人尊称为“国父”。 #### 151 #### 善果岂能靠作恶而得来?Let us do evil, that good may come? Romans 3:8 《新约·罗马书》 3:8 #### 152 #### 越是耽于安逸,越会丧失勇气。The more comfort, the less courage there is. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 (其人堪与同时代的拿破仑媲美,可惜两人从未有机会交手。另外,他高超的军事理论和晚期的不得志,与刘伯承元帅颇相似。) #### 153 #### 如果不把他们赶进地狱,就轮到地狱来吞噬我们。If we had not driven them into hell, hell would have swallowed us. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 154 #### 一分钟可以决定一场战斗的结果,一小时能令一次战役见分晓,One minute can decide the outcome of the battle, one hour - the outcome of the campaign, 一天则决定了一个国家的命运。and one day - the fate of the country. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 155 #### 打胜仗靠的是能力,不是兵力。Win with ability, not with numbers. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 156 #### 职责与疏懒都会令你复归于孤寂。Duty and dereliction guide thee back to solitude. Percy Bysshe Shelley, British poet 珀西·比希·雪莱,英国著名抒情诗人。出自其诗作《忏悔》。 #### 157 #### 场面倒是壮观,但这不叫打仗。It's magnificent, but it's not war. Pierre Bosquet, French general, observing the Charge of the Light Brigade, 25th October 1854 1854年10月25日,在克里米亚战争中的塞瓦斯托波尔攻防战,超过664人的英国轻骑兵旅冒着枪林弹雨袭击俄国火炮部队。 由于指挥失当,英、法骑兵伤亡惨重。法国将军皮埃尔·博斯克特对这次自杀式的袭击如此评价。 #### 158 #### 子弹是个疯狂的玩艺,只有刺刀才了解它的脾气。The bullet is a mad thing, only the bayonet knows what it is about. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 159 #### 死去的人会有教堂替他们祷告,活着的人去享有名誉与荣耀吧。The Church will pray to God for the dead. The survivor has honour and glory. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 160 #### 要使自己习惯于拥有不倦的活力。Accustom yourself to tireless activity. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 161 #### 敌人安然撤退,是我们的失败;敌人被分割,包围和驱散,是我们的胜利。When the enemy is driven back, we have failed, and when he is cut off, encircled and dispersed, we have succeeded. Prince Aleksandr V. Suvorov, Count of Rymnik, Russian general 亚历山大·瓦·苏沃洛夫,雷姆尼克伯爵,著名军事家、战略家、统帅,俄国军事学术的奠基人之一。 #### 162 #### 即使我们出于卑怯,想退出战斗也为时已晚。If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. 退路已经切断,除非甘受屈辱和奴役!囚禁我们的枷锁已经铸成!叮当的镣铐声已经在波士顿草原上回响。There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! 战争已经无可避免——让它来吧!我重复一遍,先生们,让它来吧!The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come! Patrick Henry, American governor and radical 帕特里克·亨利,美国革命时期杰出的演说家和政治家。出自1775年3月23日在弗吉尼亚州议会的演讲《不自由,毋宁死》。 #### 163 #### 难道生命是如此珍贵,和平是如此甜美,Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased 以至于不惜为此戴枷锁、当奴隶吗?万能的主啊,制止这种做法吧!at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; 我不知道别人会如何行事;对我而言,不自由,毋宁死!but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Patrick Henry, American governor and radical 帕特里克·亨利,美国革命时期杰出的演说家和政治家。出自1775年3月23日在弗吉尼亚州议会的演讲《不自由,毋宁死》。 #### 164 #### 在战争中,胜利的四分之三取决于士气;人数和火力仅占余下的四分之一。In war, three-quarters turns on personal character and relations; the balance of manpower and materials counts only for the remaining quarter. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 165 #### 我唯一的憾事,就是只能为祖国奉献一次生命。I have only one regret, that I have only one life to give for my country. Nathan Hale, US spy, his last words prior to his execution for treason by the British, 1776 内森·黑尔。在1776年的长岛战役中,他自愿为华盛顿将军侦查英军情报,遭俘后被施以绞刑,死前留下了这句遗言。 #### 166 #### 荣耀转瞬即逝,平凡才是永恒。Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 167 #### 一遍又一遍地诵读关于亚历山大,汉尼拔,凯撒,Read over and over again the campaigns of Alexander, 古斯塔夫二世,蒂雷纳元帅,欧根亲王和腓特烈大帝等人的传记,Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus, Turenne, Eugene and Frederic… 这是成为伟大将领的唯一秘诀。This is the only way to become a great general and master the secrets of the art of war. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor and general 拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。法国近代军事家,政治家。 #### 168 #### 先生们,战争的胜负不仅仅取决于力量对比;它还取决于机警、主动与勇敢。The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Patrick Henry, American governor and radical 帕特里克·亨利,美国革命时期杰出的演说家和政治家。出自1775年3月23日在弗吉尼亚州议会的演讲《不自由,毋宁死》。 #### 169 #### 难道生命是如此珍贵,和平是如此甜美,Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased 以至于不惜为此戴枷锁、当奴隶吗?万能的主啊,制止这种做法吧!at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! Patrick Henry, American governor and radical 帕特里克·亨利,美国革命时期杰出的演说家和政治家。出自1775年3月23日在弗吉尼亚州议会的演讲《不自由,毋宁死》。 #### 170 #### 战争应该成为王子的必修课。和平只不过是课间休憩,War ought to be the only study of a prince. He ought to consider peace only as a breathing-time, 好让他有时间去谋划和布置下一场战争。which gives him leisure to contrive, and furnishes ability to execute military plans. Niccolò Machiavelli, Florentine historian and author 尼可罗·马基雅维利,文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨政治思想家、历史学家、军事理论家。代表作有《君主论》、《论战争艺术》。 #### 171 #### 我们英国人经常宽恕敌人,这有助于把我们从对朋友的义务中解放出来。We English are good at forgiving our enemies; it releases us from the obligation of liking our friends. P.D. James, British author 费利丝·多萝西·詹姆斯,英国作家,上议院终身贵族。有“侦探小说女王”之称。 #### 172 #### 任何能让敌人绝望的东西都是最美妙的。Everything which the enemy least expects will succeed the best. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 (出自腓特烈大帝的《与诸将书》(Instructions to His Generals)) #### 173 #### 确保获胜的最有效方法The most certain way of ensuring victory is to march briskly 就是在对抗敌人时军容整齐、军纪严明,并且一往无前。and in good order against the enemy, always endeavouring to gain ground. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 #### 174 #### (训斥犹豫不前的士兵)混蛋,难道你还想长命百岁不成?Rascals, do you want to live forever? Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 (出自“七年战争”期间,腓特烈大帝在科林战役(battle of Kolin)中,对犹豫不前的普鲁士士兵说) #### 175 #### 没有补给就没有士气。Without supplies no army is brave. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 (出自腓特烈大帝的《与诸将书》(Instructions to His Generals)) #### 176 #### 你的一举一动,以及对你所谋划的It is your attitude, and the suspicion that you are maturin the boldest designs against him, that imposes on your enemy. 大胆行动的猜忌,正是这些欺骗了你的敌人。 Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 (出自腓特烈大帝,原文应该是It is your attitude, and the suspicion that you are maturing the boldest designs against him, that imposes on your enemy.) #### 177 #### 上主是战士。The Lord is a man of war. Exodus 15.3 《旧约·出埃及记》 15.3 #### 178 #### 长久以来人们对破坏者给予的慷慨赞美As long as mankind shall continue to bestow more 多过给馈赠者,对武功的渴望liberal applause on their destroyers than on their benefactors, the thirst of military 成为位高权重者挥之不去的恶习。glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters. Edward Gibbon, English historian and MP 爱德华·吉本,英国近代杰出的历史学家,下院议员。著有《罗马帝国衰亡史》。 (出自Edward Gibbon的《罗马帝国衰亡史》(The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)) #### 179 #### 历史只不过是人类的罪行、蠢事与不幸的记录。History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. Edward Gibbon, English historian and MP 爱德华·吉本,英国近代杰出的历史学家,下院议员。著有《罗马帝国衰亡史》。 (出自Edward Gibbon的《罗马帝国衰亡史》(The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)) #### 180 #### 我们通过战胜自我来完善自我。这里面肯定有竞争,而你一定要赢!We improve ourselves by victories over ourself. There must be contests, and you must win. Edward Gibbon, English historian and MP 爱德华·吉本,英国近代杰出的历史学家,下院议员。著有《罗马帝国衰亡史》。 #### 181 #### 战争不过是为需要它的人而准备的。Wars are just to those to whom they are necessary. Edmund Burke, British author, philosopher, and political theorist 埃德蒙·柏克,英国作家、哲学家和政治理论家,西方近代保守主义思想的开创者。 #### 182 #### 面对愚昧,即使神自己都束手无策。Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain. Friedrich von Schiller, German poet and philosopher 弗里德里希·冯·席勒,德国诗人、哲学家、历史学家和剧作家。出自其著名剧作《奥尔良的姑娘》。 #### 183 #### 要留心那些和妖魔做斗争的人,免得他们也变成妖魔。He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. 当你注视着深渊的时候,深渊同样也在注视着你。And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher 弗里德里希·尼采,德国哲学家,西方现代哲学的开创者。 #### 184 #### 不,不能赤条条的,我要穿上我的军装。No, not quite naked. I shall have my uniform on. Frederick William I, King in Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg, his last words 腓特烈·威廉一世弥留之际听到神父布道“人赤条条地来,也赤条条地去”的时候,从病榻上挣扎起来回答。 #### 185 #### 即使是世界上最美丽的女人也不能吸引我,The most beautiful girl or woman in the world would be a matter of indifference to me, 但高大的士兵例外——他们是我的弱点。but tall soldiers - they are my weakness. Frederick William I, King in Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg 腓特烈·威廉一世不仅自己身高二米有余,而且到处搜罗身高伟岸的巨人,编入一个特殊的掷弹兵团用以作战。 #### 186 #### 叶卡捷琳娜女皇和我只是普通的强盗。我很好奇奥地利的特蕾莎女王The Empress Catherine and I are simple robbers. I just would like to know how the Empress Maria-Theresa 是怎样向神甫忏悔的呢?当她攫取的时候总是哭哭啼啼的;她哭得越厉害,攫取的就越多!?calmed down her father confessor? She cried when she took; the more she cried, the more she took!? Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 #### 187 #### 我们生下来就是为了活动,活力是治愈所有疾病的特效药。We are made for action, and activity is the sovereign remedy for all physical ills. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 #### 188 #### 防御战容易让我们疲于奔命。那些初出茅庐的将领往往会寸土不让;A defensive war is apt to betray us into too frequent detachment. Those generals who have had but little experience attempt to protect every point, 而经验老到的行家们只关注咽喉要地,他们防范的是敌人的致命一击,因而总能够舍小利保大局。while those who are better acquainted with their profession, having only the capital object in view, guard against a decisive blow, and acquiesce in small misfortunes to avoid greater. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 (出自腓特烈大帝的《与诸将书》(Instructions to His Generals)) #### 189 #### 如果士兵都学会了思考,那么就没有人肯从军了。If soldiers were to begin to think, not one of them would remain in the army. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 (出自腓特烈大帝著作《战争原理》(die General Prinzipia vom Krieg)) #### 190 #### 永远不要忘记战祸和兵燹,你手中的枪,就是王者的权利中最权威的论据。Do not forget your dogs of war, your big guns, which are the most-to-be respected arguments of the rights of kings. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 #### 191 #### 火炮提供一种彰显尊严的手段,可以用来代替粗俗的怒骂。Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 腓特烈大帝,普鲁士国王,杰出的军事理论家和统帅。 #### 192 #### 战争中的暴力是说不清道不明的;The violence of war admits no distinction; the lance, 长矛,有时因罪孽和霸权而被高举,有时因无辜和顺从而被放下。that is lifted at guilt and power, will sometimes fall on innocence and gentleness. Dr Samuel Johnson, essayist, biographer, and poet 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士,英国作家,批评家。他编纂的《英文字典》对英语发展作出了重大贡献。 #### 193 #### 在战争中,胜利没有替代品。In war, indeed, there can be no substitute for victory. Douglas MacArthur, US general 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟,二战时期美国名将。 #### 194 #### 我马上就要——或者说我即将——死去了;这两种表达方式都是正确的。I am about to - or I am going to - die; either expression is correct. Dominique Bouhours, French Jesuit grammarian, his last words 多米尼克·鲍赫斯,法国耶稣会文法学者,他的临终遗言。 #### 195 #### 除国家外没有谁配得上称为真正的元首;除人民外没有谁是真正的立法者。There is no true sovereign except the nation; there can be no true legislator except the people. Denis Diderot, French writer and natural philosopher 德尼·狄德罗,法国启蒙思想家、哲学家和作家,百科全书派的代表。 #### 196 #### 噢,亲爱的…Oh dear… David Garrick, British actor and theatre manager, his last words 大卫·加里克,英国著名演员和剧作家,他的临终遗言。 #### 197 #### 所有勇敢的普鲁士人,跟我来!Let all brave Prussians follow me! Count von Sedgewick, Prussian general, his last words prior to being killed by a cannonball 冯·塞吉维克伯爵,普鲁士将军,在被炮弹击中前的最后一句话。 #### 198 #### 我们赢得了一场胜利,除此以外别无所获。We have won a victory, but may I never see such another. Count Maurice de Saxe, French general, 11th May 1745, Battle of Fontenoy 莫里斯·萨克森伯爵,驻尼德兰法军总司令。1745年5月11日,他于丰特努瓦战役战胜英、奥、荷联军。 #### 199 #### 这就是终结?这就是全部?这就是让我畏惧并祈祷不要发生的无情的死亡?Is this dying? Is this all? Is this what I feared when I prayed against a hard death? 噢,我能忍受!我能忍受!Oh, I can bear this! I can bear this! Cotton Mather, American puritan minister, his last words 科顿·马瑟,北美殖民地时期著名的新英格兰清教徒,他的临终遗言。 #### 200 #### 一支军队必然包含被社会抛弃的无用之人。An army must inevitably consist of the scum of the people and all those for which society has no use. Comte de Saint-Germain, French courtier and alchemist 圣日尔曼伯爵,法国朝臣和炼金术士。 #### 201 #### 在战争面前,法律总是噤若寒蝉。Silent enim leges inter arma. (Laws are silent in times of war.) Cicero, Roman statesman and philosopher 西塞罗,古罗马政治家、哲学家和演说家。 #### 202 #### 我敢说,还没有哪场战争能斗得过民众的意志。I venture to say no war can be long carried on against the will of the people. Edmund Burke, British author, philosopher, and political theorist 埃德蒙·柏克,英国作家,哲学家和政治理论家,西方近代保守主义思想的开创者。 #### 203 #### 好人袖手旁观,是恶人得逞的必备条件。All that is essential for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke, British author, philosopher, and political theorist 埃德蒙·柏克,英国作家,哲学家和政治理论家,西方近代保守主义思想的开创者。 #### 204 #### 当坏人们拉帮结伙时,好人们也要互相团结起来,When bad men combine, the good must associate else 并且前仆后继,在无数卑劣的斗争中牺牲。they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. Edmund Burke, British author, philosopher, and political theorist 埃德蒙·柏克,英国作家,哲学家和政治理论家,西方近代保守主义思想的开创者。 #### 205 #### 凭“过去”是算计不出“未来”的。You can never play the future by the past. Edmund Burke, British author, philosopher, and political theorist 埃德蒙·柏克,英国作家,哲学家和政治理论家,西方近代保守主义思想的开创者。 #### 206 #### 自由,也必须要受到节制;以免人们对它着魔。Liberty, too, must be limited in order to be possessed. Edmund Burke, British author, philosopher, and political theorist 埃德蒙·柏克,英国作家,哲学家和政治理论家,西方近代保守主义思想的开创者。 #### 207 #### 没人会异想天开地像水手一样把自己扔进监狱;No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; 冒着被淹死的风险,待在一艘船上就如同待在一座监狱里…for being in a ship is being in jail, with a chance of being drowned… 在监狱里更宽敞,食物更好,通常还有更不错的伙伴。A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. Dr Samuel Johnson, essayist, biographer, and poet 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士,英国作家,批评家。他编纂的《英文字典》对英语发展作出了重大贡献。 #### 208 #### 如果不想遇到任何一丝可能的反对意见的话,最好什么事也别去做。Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must be first overcome. Dr Samuel Johnson, essayist, biographer, and poet 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士,英国作家,批评家。他编纂的《英文字典》对英语发展作出了重大贡献。 #### 209 #### 对一个好战且拮据的人来说,入侵富国是百利而无一弊的。To a people warlike and indigent, an incursion into a rich country is never hurtful. Dr Samuel Johnson, essayist, biographer, and poet 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士,英国作家,批评家。他编纂的《英文字典》对英语发展作出了重大贡献。 #### 210 #### 苏格兰人有很多机会,如果他们在年轻时能把握住的话。Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young. Dr Samuel Johnson, essayist, biographer, and poet 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士,英国作家,批评家。他编纂的《英文字典》对英语发展作出了重大贡献。 #### 211 #### 爱国主义是流氓无赖们最后的避难所。Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Dr Samuel Johnson, essayist, biographer, and poet 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士,英国作家,批评家。他编纂的《英文字典》对英语发展作出了重大贡献。 #### 212 #### 战争中大量的不确定因素源于一切皆在变动,The great uncertainty of all data in war is because all action, 一定程度上,在混沌中实施计划——如同雾中漫步——to a certain extent, planned in a mere twilight - like the effect of a fog - 原本正常的东西也会呈现出夸张的规模和形态。gives things exaggerated dimensions and unnatural appearance. Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military theorist 克劳斯·冯·克劳塞维茨,普鲁士军事理论家、军事史学家。其《战争论》被誉为西方近代军事理论的经典之作。 #### 213 #### 战争没什么大不了的,但引发的政治斗争却别有深意。War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means. Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military theorist 克劳斯·冯·克劳塞维茨,普鲁士军事理论家、军事史学家。其《战争论》被誉为西方近代军事理论的经典之作。 #### 214 #### 面对面的肉搏,被认为是战斗的真谛。Close combat, man to man, is plainly to be regarded as the real basis of combat. Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military theorist 克劳斯·冯·克劳塞维茨,普鲁士军事理论家、军事史学家。其《战争论》被誉为西方近代军事理论的经典之作。 #### 215 #### 战争不是被某一个人发起的,确切地说,No one starts a war - or rather, 任何一个正常人都不会那样做,除非他的意识中被灌输了no one in his senses ought to do so - without first being clear in his mind 在战争中可以得到什么,以及怎样去得到。what he intends to achieve by that war, and how he intends to conduct it. Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military theorist 克劳斯·冯·克劳塞维茨,普鲁士军事理论家、军事史学家。其《战争论》被誉为西方近代军事理论的经典之作。 #### 216 #### 吹毛求疵,是一个好计划的最大敌人。The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan. Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military theorist 克劳斯·冯·克劳塞维茨,普鲁士军事理论家、军事史学家。其《战争论》被誉为西方近代军事理论的经典之作。 #### 217 #### 战争不过是双方开展的一场大规模决斗。War is nothing but a duel on a larger scale. Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military theorist 克劳斯·冯·克劳塞维茨,普鲁士军事理论家、军事史学家。其《战争论》被誉为西方近代军事理论的经典之作。 #### 218 #### 战争这条恶犬总能找到我们。War always finds a way. Bertolt Brecht, German poet and playwright 贝托尔特·布莱希特,德国诗人和剧作家,表现主义戏剧大师。 #### 219 #### 战争守则第一页的第一条是:不要向莫斯科进军…Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is: 'Do not march on Moscow'… 第二条是:别拿你的陆军跟中国打仗。Rule 2 is: 'Do not go fighting with your land armies in China.' Bernard Law Montgomery, British general 伯纳德·劳·蒙哥马利,二战时期英国名将。 #### 220 #### 努力发掘自身的潜能就是把自己带到美好前程的跟前;To be thrown upon one's own resources, 因为在这个过程中,我们的才能得到发展,我们的活力得到展现,is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development 而这些才能和活力在以前很可能都是被忽略掉的。and display an energy of which they were previously unsusceptible. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 221 #### 阁下,我已经活得够久了。我现在越是多活一天,就越能看透本质:I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth 上帝主宰人类一切的事务。如果上帝不允许一只麻雀栖息于枝头,- that God Governs the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, 那么一个帝国怎可能不沐浴他的恩典而崛起?is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 222 #### 战争是一座烧钱的炉子。Nervos belli, pecuniam infinitam. (The sinews of war, unlimited money.) Cicero, Roman statesman and philosopher 西塞罗,古罗马政治家、哲学家和演说家。 #### 223 #### 让和平取代战争,欢声笑语取代军功章。Cedant arma togae, concedant laurea laudi. (Let war yield to peace, laurels to paeans.) Cicero, Roman statesman and philosopher 西塞罗,古罗马政治家、哲学家和演说家。 #### 224 #### 突如其来的怀疑,并非一无是处。Mistrust first impulses, they are nearly always good. Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, French diplomat 夏尔·莫里斯·德·塔列朗,法国拿破仑时期政治家,外交家。 #### 225 #### 战争太过严肃以至于要交给军人来处理。War is too much a serious thing to be left to military men. Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, French diplomat 夏尔·莫里斯·德·塔列朗,法国拿破仑时期政治家,外交家。 #### 226 #### 别担心!Don’t be afraid! Charles XII, King of Sweden, his last words before being killed in battle 卡尔十二世,瑞典国王,据说是在1718年攻打挪威的哈尔登时被自家炮火击伤后留下的遗言。 (为避免与欧洲其他王室混淆,故按瑞典语写为Karl XII) #### 227 #### 我已下决心不再发起任何不义的战争,但也不会终结任何旨在消灭敌人的合法战争。I have resolved never to start an unjust war, but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies. Charles XII, King of Sweden 卡尔十二世,瑞典国王。因在“大北方战争”中对抗俄国、萨克森、丹麦三国而闻名。 #### 228 #### 和上帝交流我说西班牙语,和女人说意大利语,和男人说法语,和我的马说德语。I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. Charles V, King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor 查尔斯五世,西班牙国王和神圣罗马帝国皇帝。他在名义上或实际上统治过的领土几乎囊括了大半个欧洲。 #### 229 #### 向我靠拢,我勇敢的掷弹兵们!Stand by me, my brave grenadiers! Charles Lee, US general, his last words 查尔斯·李,美国独立战争时期军事将领,这是他的遗言。 (此君1780年退伍,1782年死在费城,死因不详,貌似当时已经停战了。) #### 230 #### 我走得很轻松。I die happy. Charles Fox, English politician, his last words 查尔斯·福克斯,英国辉格党资深政治家。他曾担任下议院议员长达38年之久, 期间饱受来自国王、政治对手的压力和各种丑化抨击。这是他的遗言。 #### 231 #### 我曾替士兵们算过,在功成名就之前,他们每天都冒着被射杀的风险去挣那六便士。For a soldier I listed, to grow great in fame, And be shot at for six-pence a day. Charles Dibdin, British dramatist and musician, "Charity" 1791 查尔斯·迪布丁,英国戏剧家和作曲家,出自其1791年的剧作《慈爱》。 #### 232 #### 即使是和平,也要出不菲的价钱才买得到。Even peace may be purchased at too high a price. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 233 #### 嘴巴不紧,生活不宁。He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows or all he sees. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 (出自Benjamin Franklin的《穷汉理查的历书》(Poor Richard's Almanac)) #### 234 #### 那些愿意牺牲必要的自由以换取些许安宁的人,They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, 根本不值得拥有自由或者安宁。deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 235 #### 从来就不存在好的战争,I have been apt to think that there has never been, nor ever will be, 也不存在坏的和平。any such thing as a good war, or a bad peace. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 236 #### 衡量一个人真正的品质,要看他在知道自己永远不会被人发现的情况下做些什么。The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out. Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay, British poet, historian, and MP 托马斯·巴宾顿·麦考莱男爵,英国诗人、历史学家和下院议员。著有《英国史》。 #### 237 #### 不可思议的是,我两手空空地降临到世上,Strange, that I came into the world with nothing, 离开时却身负滔天的罪恶!我睁开眼,只看到神明…and now I am going away with this stupendous caravan of sin! Wherever I look, I see only God… 我罪孽深重,不知道会有什么样的惩罚在等待着我。I have sinned terribly, and I do not know what punishment awaits me. Aurangzeb, the last Mughal Emperor, on his deathbed 奥朗则布,印度莫卧儿王朝末代皇帝。他的临终遗言。 #### 238 #### 我这一生中还从未见过如此多被甩坏的帽子。I never saw so many shocking bad hats in my life. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister, upon entering the House of Commons 英国1832年的议会改革扩大了选民范围,使选民人数大大增加。威灵顿公爵在参观完下议院后发出了这样的感慨。 #### 239 #### 我过去常常说,拿破仑只要出现在战场上就能令四万名士兵的面貌焕然一新。I used to say of him that his presence on the field made the difference of forty thousand men. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister, speaking of Napoleon 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,曾如此评价他的对手拿破仑。 #### 240 #### 查斯特菲尔德勋爵在提到与他同时期的将领时曾说过,As Lord Chesterfield said of the generals of his day, “我只希望当敌人看到这份名单上的名字时,会跟我一样心惊胆颤。”'I only hope that when the enemy reads the list of their names, he trembles as I do.' Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 #### 241 #### 一直以来,包括现在,我希望我们总是被法国所痛恨。We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be detested in France. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 #### 242 #### 所有人都不外乎这三种类型:一种是不轻易改变的,另一种是变化多端的,还有一种是可以改变别人的。All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 243 #### 什么都没准备的话,那就准备失败吧。By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 (也可译为“凡事预则立,不预则废。”) #### 244 #### 民主就是两只狼和一只羊投票决定午饭吃什么,而自由就是一只武装的羊反对这次投票。Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 (补充了下半句,意义更完整。) #### 245 #### 世界上惟有死亡和税收是无庸置疑的。In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 246 #### 人终归要被上帝或暴君支配。Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 247 #### 其实并不存在狡猾欺诈这一说,如果不是这样,There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily 好人会比那些欺骗人民的政府更容易倒下。and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 (出自Benjamin Franklin的《穷汉理查的历书》(Poor Richard's Almanac)) #### 248 #### 言语反映一个人的才智,行动则彰显他的意图。Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 249 #### 人有时会踌躇不前,但时间不会。You may delay, but time will not. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 250 #### 这已形成了共识,即我们的事业是全人类的事业,'Tis a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, 在捍卫自身自由的同时,我们也在为全人类的自由而奋斗。and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own. Benjamin Franklin, US statesman, author, and scientist 本杰明·富兰克林,美国杰出的政治家、作家和科学家。 #### 251 #### 先生们,给我狠狠地打。看谁撑得最久。Hard pounding, gentlemen. Let's see who pounds the longest. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 (这是他在滑铁卢战役中说过的一句话。) #### 252 #### 我唯一担心的东西就是恐惧。The only thing I am afraid of is fear. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 #### 253 #### 卫兵!起立!准备战斗!Up, Guards, and at 'em. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 (这是他在滑铁卢战役中说过的一句话。) #### 254 #### 战争的艺术在于你对山头另一边的情况了如指掌。The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 #### 255 #### 战场上除了失败以外最大的不幸就是胜利。Nothing except a battle lost can be half as melancholy as a battle won. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 (这是他在滑铁卢战役中说过的一句话。) #### 256 #### 我不知道他们对敌人造成了什么影响,I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, 但上帝啊,他们着实吓了我一跳。but by God, they frighten me. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 (出自威灵顿公爵1810年的一份战报,当时他正指挥英、西、葡联军在伊比利亚半岛同拿破仑军队作战,战绩不俗。) #### 257 #### 对一个士兵来说最艰难的事情莫过于撤退。The hardest thing of all for a soldier is to retreat. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 #### 258 #### 战场上除了失败以外最大的不幸就是胜利。Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, British general and Prime Minister 阿瑟·韦尔斯利,威灵顿公爵,英国首相和陆军元帅。因滑铁卢战役击败拿破仑而名扬天下。 (与#255雷同) #### 259 #### 在毫无才智的人看来,才智才是看不见的东西。Intellect is invisible to the man who has none. Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher 阿瑟·叔本华,德国哲学家,唯意志论的创始人。 #### 260 #### 战争的号角声The most persistent sound which reverberates through man’s history 在人类历史的每一个角落里回荡。is the beating of war drums. Arthur Koestler, Hungarian Jewish author and polymath 阿瑟·库斯勒,英籍匈牙利作家,记者和批评家,犹太人。著作有政治小说《中午的黑暗》。 #### 261 #### 自傲,愚者嗜之久矣。Pride, the never failing vice of fools. Alexander Pope, English poet 亚历山大·蒲柏,英国诗人,出自其著作《批评论》。 (通俗点可译为“骄傲是傻瓜们永远改不了的坏毛病。”为了跟#264对应,故改之。) #### 262 #### 战争总是由老家伙发起,年青人上阵。Wars are always fought for old men, by young boys. anon 匿名 #### 263 #### 回想过去,战乱与和平一直交替伴随着我们;Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; 无论我们有多么地温良恭俭,也不能凡事中庸,that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, 或寄望于野心家们束手作罢。or hope to extinguish the ambition of others. Alexander Hamilton, US Secretary of the Treasury, economist, and political theorist 出自亚历山大·汉密尔顿执笔的《联邦党人文集》。他是美国开国元勋之一,首任财政部长。 (见《联邦党人文集》(the Federalist Papers)第34篇。) #### 264 #### 凡人多舛误,唯神能见宥。To err is human, to forgive divine. Alexander Pope, English poet 亚历山大·蒲柏,英国诗人,出自其著作《批评论》。 #### 265 #### 拔剑的那一刻,人的热情会被无限地激发。When the sword is once drawn, the passions of men observe no bounds of moderation. Alexander Hamilton, US Secretary of the Treasury, economist, and political theorist 出自亚历山大·汉密尔顿执笔的《联邦党人文集》。他是美国开国元勋之一,首任财政部长。 (见《联邦党人文集》(the Federalist Papers)第16篇。) #### 266 #### 究竟为什么要建立政府?因为在毫无约束的情况下,Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will 人的感情会跟理智与正义背道而驰。not conform to the dictates of reason and justice, without constraint. Alexander Hamilton, US Secretary of the Treasury, economist, and political theorist 出自亚历山大·汉密尔顿执笔的《联邦党人文集》。他是美国开国元勋之一,首任财政部长。 (见《联邦党人文集》(the Federalist Papers)第15篇。) #### 267 #### 先生,上周一我还在想会不会被邀请上你的船去做客,Sir, I had little hopes on Monday last but to have supped in your cabin: 但谢天谢地最后没去成。至于那些开小差抛弃您的船长们,but it pleased God to order it otherwise. I am thankful for it. As for those cowardly captains who deserted you, 看在上帝的份上吊死他们吧,这是他们应得的。您的杜·卡斯敬上hang them up, for by God they deserve it. Yours, Du Casse Admiral Jean du Casse, to Vice-Admiral John Benbow following the Action of August 2nd 1702 1702年8月,英国中将约翰·本鲍在加勒比海率领七艘军舰追击法国少将让·杜·卡斯的四艘军舰。 由于部下临阵脱逃,约翰·本鲍不仅在战斗中丢了一条腿,还让对方成功脱身。事后他收到这样一封来信。 #### 268 #### 历史总是在重演,只因我们不能吸取教训。History repeats itself because no one was listening the first time. anon 匿名 #### 269 #### 惟有战争能带来和平。We make war that we may live in peace. Aristotle, Greek philosopher 亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家和智者。
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