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红薯蘸油吃润肠通便:现在正是红薯成熟的季节,街头巷尾时常弥漫的香味也在提醒着你这是吃红薯的好时候。红薯味道甜美,含有膳食纤维、多种维生素及钾、硒、钙等矿物质,营养价值很高,是世界卫生组织评选出来的“十大最佳蔬菜”的冠军。   红薯中含有大量的膳食纤维,能够有效刺激肠道蠕动和消化液的分泌,对消除便秘很有帮助,同时还能降低肠道疾病的发生率。此外,红薯还富含钾和维生素C,有助改善人体水肿现象。日本管理营养师浅野麻美子称,在膳食纤维基础上再摄取少许油分,润肠通便的效果更好。因此,红薯煮熟后淋上少许初榨橄榄油,风味更佳,润肠效果也会更好,可以替代部分主食...
:现在正是红薯成熟的季节,街头巷尾时常弥漫的香味也在提醒着你这是吃红薯的好时候。红薯味道甜美,含有膳食纤维、多种维生素及钾、硒、钙等矿物质,营养价值很高,是世界卫生组织评选出来的“十大最佳蔬菜”的冠军。   红薯中含有大量的膳食纤维,能够有效刺激肠道蠕动和消化液的分泌,对消除便秘很有帮助,同时还能降低肠道疾病的发生率。此外,红薯还富含钾和维生素C,有助改善人体水肿现象。日本管理营养师浅野麻美子称,在膳食纤维基础上再摄取少许油分,润肠通便的效果更好。因此,红薯煮熟后淋上少许初榨橄榄油,风味更佳,润肠效果也会更好,可以替代部分主食。   除此之外,红薯的热量只有同等重量大米的1/3,几乎不含脂肪和胆固醇;同时又能有效阻止糖类变为脂肪,有利于体重控制。但是,红薯的含糖量高,空腹吃时会产生大量胃酸,使人有“烧心”的感觉;红薯还含一种氧化酶,在胃肠道里会产生大量二氧化碳气体,吃得过多,会出现腹胀、打嗝等症状,因此红薯别一次吃得太多。   补充阅读:红薯的保健作用   1、减肥,美容。吃红薯会不会使人发胖。根据科学研究,吃红薯是不会使人发胖的,相反红薯还是一种理想的减肥食品。它的含热量非常低,比一般米饭低得多,所以吃了之后不必担心会发胖,反而可起到减肥作用。红薯中还含有一种类似雌性激素的物质,对保护人体皮肤,延缓衰老有一定的作用。因此,国外许多女性把红薯当作驻颜美容食品。   2、抗癌。饮食中最具有抗癌作用的营养物质是β-胡萝卜素(维生素A前体)、维生素C和叶酸,而在红薯中三者含量都比较丰富。一个小红薯(约2两重)可提供2倍量的人体每天所需维生素A、三分之一量的每天所需维生素C和约50微克的叶酸;其中膳食纤维的含量高于一碗燕麦粥。常吃红薯有助于维持人体的正常叶酸水平,体内叶酸含量过低会增加得癌症的风险。红薯中高含量的膳食纤维有促进胃肠蠕动、预防便秘和结肠直肠癌的作用。   3、 有益于心脏。红薯富含钾、β-胡萝卜素、叶酸、维生素C和维生素B6,这5种成分均有助于预防心血管疾病。钾有助于人体细胞液体和电解质平衡,维持正常血压和心脏功能。   β-胡萝卜素和维生素C有抗脂质氧化、预防动脉粥样硬化的作用。补充叶酸和维生素B6有助于降低血液中高半胱氨酸水平,后者可损伤动脉血管,是心血管疾病的独立危险因素。   4、预防肺气肿。为什么一些长期吸烟者活到90岁以上但没有发生肺气肿,可能与他们日常饮食中维生素A含量丰富有关。研究人员建议那些吸烟者或被动吸烟者最好每天吃一些富含维生素A的食物如红薯,以预防肺气肿。   5、 抗糖尿病作用。日本的研究人员发现糖尿病肥胖大鼠在进食白皮红薯4周、6周后血液中胰岛素水平分别降低了26%、60%;并发现红薯可有效抑制糖尿病肥胖大鼠口服葡萄糖后血糖水平的升高;进食红薯也可以降低糖尿病大鼠甘油三酯和游离脂肪酸的水平。   6、调节血糖的作用。红薯中所含的膳食纤维,对促进肠道蠕动和防止便秘非常有益,还可以延缓餐后血糖的升高。红薯中的硒元素,可以起到辅助调节血糖的作用。   吃红薯的不适人群   腹泻患者和糖尿病人不宜吃红薯。胃病的人不能吃得太多,以免胀胃。中老年人可适当吃些红薯馒头,馒头谁都吃过,但用红薯做的红薯馒头,您就不一定吃过了。这种馒头远比白面馒头好吃,尤其适合中老年人。   红薯馒头做法很简单。先把买来的红薯洗净,去皮,蒸(煮)熟后,用力捣烂,再加上与红薯等量的面粉和一定量的水搅拌均匀。如果在夏秋季节,半天左右,和好的面便会自然发酵。此时,即可按照平时蒸馒头的方法将其蒸熟。气温较低时,为了帮助发酵,面中可加入酵母、酵面之类。   红薯馒头有一个显着特点是,不加糖也带有几分甜味,因而美味可口。红薯馒头有利于消化吸收,并有通便作用。从营养学上来看,每100克红薯含蛋白质0.9克,粗纤维0.5克,钙77毫克,且含有缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苏氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、色氨酸等多种氨基酸,这些营养成分正是中老年人所需要。 Sweet potato: now is the season of maturity, streets and lanes are oftenfilled with the fragrance also remind you this is a good time to eat sweet potato. Sweet potato sweet taste, containing dietary fiber, vitamins and potassium, selenium, calcium and other minerals, high nutritional value, is the who list of the "ten best vegetables" championwww.jiyinyugen5.com. Contains large amounts of dietary fiber from sweet potato, can effectivelystimulate the intestinal peristalsis and secretion of digestive juice, is of great help to eliminate constipation, but also can reduce the incidence of intestinal diseases. In addition, the sweet potato is also rich in potassiumand vitamin C, helps to improve the body edema. Japanese managementnutritionist Asano Mamiko says, in dietary fiber based on the re uptake in a little oil, Runchang effect is better. Therefore, the sweet potato cooked a drizzle of olive oil, better flavor, Runchang effect will be better, can replacepart of the staple food. www.wangpaiche.com In addition, the sweet potato heat only the same weight of rice 1/3, almost no fat and cholesterol; at the same time, and can effectively prevent the carbohydrates into fat, helps control weight. However, the high sugar content of sweet potato, empty stomach will produce a large number of gastric acid, make the person has "heartburn" feeling; sweet potato also containing an oxidase, in the gastrointestinal tract can produce large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, eat too much, can appear abdominal distention, belchinwww.jiyinyugen6.comg symptoms, so sweet potatoes do not eat too much at once. Supplementary reading: health function of sweet potato 1, weight loss, beauty. Eat sweet potato will make people fat. www.jjyg2.com According to scientific research, eat sweet potato is not make people fat, instead of sweet potato is an ideal diet food. It contains the heat very low, much lowerthan the general steamed rice, so after eating do not have to worry about fat, but can play a role in weight loss. Sweet potato contains a substance similar to estrogen, the protection of human skin, resist senility. Therefore,many foreign women in the sweet potato as www.meiguoqianggen3.com a food totale beauty. 2, anticancer. Nutrients most has anti-cancer effects in the diet is beta carotene (the precursor of vitamin A), vitamin C and folic acid, and in the sweet potato three contents are very rich. A small sweet potato (about 2double) can provide 2 times the amount of the daily required amount ofvitamin A, 1/3 daily vitamin C requirements and about 50 micrograms of folic acid; wherein the content of dietary fiber is higher than a bowl of oatmeal porridge. Helps maintain the body's normal level of folic acid to eat sweet potato, risk is too low in folic acid content increases cancer. High dietary fiber content of the sweet potato is to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and colon rectal cancerwww.mgqggw.com. 3, good for the heart. Sweet potato is rich in potassium, beta carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, these 5 components all contribute to theprevention of cardiovascular disease. Potassium helps the cells of the bodyfluid and electrolyte balance, maintain normal blood pressure and cardiac functionwww.jiyin290gw.com. Beta carotene has anti lipid oxidation, and vitamin C in prevention ofatherosclerosis. Supplementation with folic acid and vitamin B6 to help reduce homocysteine levels in the blood, which can damage the arteries, isan independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 4, to prevent emphysema. Why do some long-term smokers live for more than 90 years without the occurrence of emphysema, may be related totheir daily diet rich in vitamin A content. The researchers suggest thatthose who eat some vitamin A smokers or passive smokers is the best dayof food such as sweet potato, in order to prevent emphysema. 5, the anti diabetic effect. Japanese researchers found that diabetic obese rat eating white sweet potato 4 weeks, www.weige9.com6 weeks after the blood insulin levelswere decreased by 26%, 60%; and found that sweet potato can increase blood glucose levels are effective in the inhibition of oral glucose in diabetic obese rats; eat sweet potato can also reduce triglycerides in diabetic ratsand free fatty acid levels. 6, regulates blood sugar. Contained sweet potato dietary fiber, to promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and very helpful, but also can delay the postprandial increase of glucose. Selenium in the sweet potatoes,can play a supporting role in regulating blood glucose. Eat sweet potatoes not people Diarrhea patients and diabetic patients should not eat sweet potato.Stomach can not eat too much, lest the bulging stomach. The elderly may be appropriate to eat sweet potato, steamed buns, who have eatensteamed buns, steamed buns but sweet potato sweet potato do, you would not have eaten. The steamed buns than flour steamed buns delicious,especially suitable for the elderly. www.driver2004.com Sweet potato steamed buns approach is very simple. First bought sweet potatoes washed, peeled, steamed (boiled) cooked, forced mash, addequal amount of flour and sweet potato and a certain amount of water for mixing. If the day in the summer season, left and right, and the surface will be natural fermentation. At this time, can the method according to the usualsteamed steamed buns will. When the temperature is lower, in order to help the fermentation, yeast, yeast surface can be added to the like surfacewww.hongjiumugualiangtang9.com. Sweet potato, steamed buns are a significant feature is, no sugar also somewhat sweet, so delicious. Sweet potato steamed buns is conducive to digestion and absorption, and has a laxative effect. From the nutritionalpoint of view, each 100 grams of sweet potato containing 0.9 grams of protein, crude fiber 0.5 grams, calcium 77 mg, valine, leucine, isoleucineand containing, threonine, lysine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, a variety of amino acids, these nutrients are needed in the elderlywww.gsnc1.com.
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