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酸奶加红糖减肥法  何谓酸奶红糖减肥法   酸奶红糖减肥法,是网上流传的一种减肥方法。网帖称“酸奶+红糖”一个月可减肥24斤。专家提醒,科学的减肥方式应是合理饮食、适当运动,节食等减肥方法应慎用。酸奶加红糖是网络上最近特别流行的减肥妙方,有人甚至称,坚持这样吃法,一个月瘦了24斤。有的人认为,酸奶热量低,含蛋白高,红糖热量高,含丰富的微量元素和维生素,两者可以互相补充。   减肥温馨提示:   从营养学的角度分析,红糖和酸奶虽没有什么冲突,但也没有互帮互助的功能,只是将两种能量物质叠加而已。如果用酸奶加红糖代替正餐,它们无法提供你一天的能量需...
  何谓酸奶红糖减肥法   酸奶红糖减肥法,是网上流传的一种减肥方法。网帖称“酸奶+红糖”一个月可减肥24斤。专家提醒,科学的减肥方式应是合理饮食、适当运动,节食等减肥方法应慎用。酸奶加红糖是网络上最近特别流行的减肥妙方,有人甚至称,坚持这样吃法,一个月瘦了24斤。有的人认为,酸奶热量低,含蛋白高,红糖热量高,含丰富的微量元素和维生素,两者可以互相补充。   减肥温馨提示:   从营养学的角度分析,红糖和酸奶虽没有什么冲突,但也没有互帮互助的功能,只是将两种能量物质叠加而已。如果用酸奶加红糖代替正餐,它们无法提供你一天的能量需要,一周以后就有可能出现头晕、耳鸣、注意力不集中等低血糖症状。   机理作用   一杯酸奶+2克红塘搅拌均匀,饭前或饭后喝,一天两到三次,调整肠内环境。断食后脂肪更容易燃烧,为了避免有胃酸过多的感觉。红糖有利尿的作用,酸奶中的好菌能促进肠道的消化,不会对身体有任何的副作用。三餐可正常的吃,有人成功的减掉24斤,不过具体的数值还是要看个人体质和坚持了。   酸奶的营养价值   腹胀导致营养吸收障碍,因而导致脂肪积于胃周围。酸奶消除腹胀,消除营养吸收障碍。因此酸奶有显著的减肥功效。这是中西医结合分析方法。减热减肥“学说”,没有科学和安全实践道理。随着酸奶的营养价值被确定,喝酸奶成为了一种时尚。酸奶是牛奶经过发酵制成的,口味酸甜细滑,营养丰富,深受人们喜爱。专家称它是“21世纪的食品”,是―种“功能独特的营养品”,能调节机体内微生物的平衡。和新鲜牛奶相比,酸奶不但具有新鲜牛奶的全部营养成分,而且酸奶能使蛋白质结成细微的乳块,乳酸和钙结合生成的乳酸钙,更容易被消化吸收。   红糖的营养价值   红糖的含钙量是白糖的10倍,含葡萄糖量是白糖的22倍,含铁量是白糖的3.6倍。红糖还含有人体生长发育必不可少的核黄素、胡萝卜素、烟酸和微量元素锰、锌、铬等各种元素。   减肥温馨提示:   空腹不宜喝酸奶,在饭后2小时内饮用,效果最佳。饮用酸奶不能加热,夏季饮用宜现买现喝。酸奶中的某些菌种及所含的酸性物质对牙齿有一定的危害,容易出现龋齿,所以饮后要及时用白开水漱口。不要用酸奶代替水服药,特别是不能用酸奶送服氯霉素、红霉素、磺胺等抗生素及治疗腹泻的一些药物。胃肠道手术后的病人、腹泻或其他肠道疾患的患者适合喝酸奶。酸奶在制作过程中会添加蔗糖作为发酵促进剂,有时还会用各种糖浆调味,所以糖尿病患者要特别注意。   不少人都会认为酸奶和牛奶是不同的东西,但是经专家证实,对牛奶过敏的人也不能喝酸奶的。也就是说,对牛奶过敏的朋友是不适宜采用这种减肥方法的。 What is yogurt and brown sugar diet   酸奶红糖减肥法,是网上流传的一种减肥方法。网帖称“酸奶+红糖”一个月可减肥24斤。专家提醒,科学的减肥方式应是合理饮食、适当运动,节食等减肥方法应慎用。酸奶加红糖是网络上最近特别流行的减肥妙方,有人甚至称,坚持这样吃法,一个月瘦了24斤。有的人认为,酸奶热量低,含蛋白高,红糖热量高,含丰富的微量元素和维生素,两者可以互相补充。 Yogurt and brown sugar diet, is a kind of method reducing weight circulated on the internet. Net post said "yogurt + brown sugar" one month weight loss of 24 kg. The expert http://pibaowg.com/post/53.html reminds, loses weight the way science should be a reasonable diet, proper exercise, diet and weight loss methods should be used with caution. Yogurt and brown sugar is the network recently particularly popular strategies, some people even said, adhere to the way of eating, a month thin 24 catties. Some people think that, yogurt, low heat, with high protein, sugar, high calorie, rich in trace elements and vitamins, the two complement each other.   减肥温馨提示: Slimming reminder:   从营养学的角度分析,红糖和酸奶虽没有什么冲突,但也没有互帮互助的功能,只是将两种能量物质叠加而已。如果用酸奶加红糖代替正餐,它们无法提供你一天的能量需要,一周以后就有可能出现头晕、耳鸣、注意力不集中等低血糖症状。 Analysis from the point of view of nutrition, brown sugar and yogurt is no conflict, but also no mutual assistance function, but the two energy superposition. If www.jindiaosu.com you use yogurt and brown sugar instead of dinner, they are unable to offer you a day of energy needs, a week after it may appear dizziness, tinnitus, attention is not centered, hypoglycemia.   机理作用 Mechanism of action   一杯酸奶+2克红塘搅拌均匀,饭前或饭后喝,一天两到三次,调整肠内环境。断食后脂肪更容易燃烧,为了避免有胃酸过多的感觉。红糖有利尿的作用,酸奶中的好菌能促进肠道的消化,不会对身体有任何的副作用。三餐可正常的吃,有人成功的减掉24斤,不过具体的数值还是要看个人体质和坚持了。 A cup of yogurt +2 grams of brown sugar mixing evenly, before meals or after dinner drink, a day two to three times, adjust the intestinal environment. Fast fat burning more easily, in order to avoid excessive stomach acid feeling. Brown sugar has a diuretic effect, good bacteria in yogurt can promote intestinal digestion, will not have any side effects on the body. Meals can be normal to eat, some www.sz-frsz.com people successfully lose 24 pounds, but the specific numerical or personal physique and adhere to the.   酸奶的营养价值 The nutritional value of yogurt   腹胀导致营养吸收障碍,因而导致脂肪积于胃周围。酸奶消除腹胀,消除营养吸收障碍。因此酸奶有显著的减肥功效。这是中西医结合分析方法。减热减肥“学说”,没有科学和安全实践道理。随着酸奶的营养价值被确定,喝酸奶成为了一种时尚。酸奶是牛奶经过发酵制成的,口味酸甜细滑,营养丰富,深受人们喜爱。专家称它是“21世纪的食品”,是―种“功能独特的营养品”,能调节机体内微生物的平衡。和新鲜牛奶相比,酸奶不但具有新鲜牛奶的全部营养成分,而且酸奶能使蛋白质结成细微的乳块,乳酸和钙结合生成的乳酸钙,更容易被消化吸收。 Abdominal distention caused impaired absorption of nutrients, resulting in lipid accumulation in the stomach. Yogurt to eliminate bloating, eliminate the impaired absorption of nutrients. So the yogurt slimming effect significantly. This is the method of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Reduction of heat loss "doctrine", no scientific and safe practices. As the nutritional value of yogurt was determined, Suannai become a fashion. Yogurt is milk after fermentation, taste sweet and smooth, nutrient rich, loved by the people. Experts say it is "twenty-first Century food", is for "features a unique nutrition", can regulate the body microbial balance. And compared with fresh milk, yogurt, not only has all the nutrients of fresh milk and yogurt, protein can form a block of fine milk, lactic acid and calcium binding calcium lactate formation, is more easily digested and absorbed.   红糖的营养价值 The nutritional value of brown sugar   红糖的含钙量是白糖的10倍,含葡萄糖量是白糖的22倍,含铁量是白糖的3.6倍。红糖还含有人体生长发育必不可少的核黄素、胡萝卜素、烟酸和微量元素锰、锌、铬等各种元素。 The calcium content of sugar is 10 times that of sugar, grape sugar content is 22 times that of www.njjinshan.com sugar, iron content is 3.6 times that of sugar. Brown sugar also contains essential for human growth and development of riboflavin, carotene, nicotinic acid and trace elements manganese, zinc, chromium and other elements.   减肥温馨提示: Slimming reminder:   空腹不宜喝酸奶,在饭后2小时内饮用,效果最佳。饮用酸奶不能加热,夏季饮用宜现买现喝。酸奶中的某些菌种及所含的酸性物质对牙齿有一定的危害,容易出现龋齿,所以饮后要及时用白开水漱口。不要用酸奶代替水服药,特别是不能用酸奶送服氯霉素、红霉素、磺胺等抗生素及治疗腹泻的一些药物。胃肠道手术后的病人、腹泻或其他肠道疾患的患者适合喝酸奶。酸奶在制作过程中会添加蔗糖作为发酵促进剂,有时还会用各种糖浆调味,所以糖尿病患者要特别注意。 Fasting should not drink milk, drinking within 2 hours after dinner, the best effect. Drinking yogurt can not be heated, summer are advised to drink are bought and drink. Some strains of acid in yogurt and contains a certain harm to the tooth, prone to dental caries, so after drinking should be promptly with white boiling water gargle. Do not use yogurt instead of water medication, especially drug can not use yogurt delivery service, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, sulfonamides and other antibiotics and treatment of diarrhea. The patient after the operation of gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and other intestinal diseases patients suitable for drinking yogurt. Yogurt added sucrose as fermentation www.grnj.net accelerator in the production process, sometimes using various syrup flavored, so diabetic patients should pay special attention to.   不少人都会认为酸奶和牛奶是不同的东西,但是经专家证实,对牛奶过敏的人也不能喝酸奶的。也就是说,对牛奶过敏的朋友是不适宜采用这种减肥方法的。 Many people will think of yogurt and milk are different things, but demonstrated by experts, people allergic to cow's milk cannot drink yoghurt. That is to say, is not suitable for use this kind of method reducing weight of cow's milk allergy friend.
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