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代码如何查PACC代码? PACC代码是《Physics Abstracts,Classification and Contents》的缩略。PACC专业代码是英国科学文摘(INSPEC)用于论文分类的代码。按照论文的内容将其分为十大类有0000,1000,……5000,……9000表示,例如:凝聚物质由6000及7000表示,其中6000内包括凝聚物质的结构、热学和力学性质,而7000内包括凝聚物质的电子结构、电学、磁学和光学性质。再仔细分则由6100……6200等表示,例如6100表示液体和固体结构。而X射线晶体结构测定及精确...
如何查PACC代码? PACC代码是《Physics Abstracts,Classification and Contents》的缩略。PACC专业代码是英国科学文摘(INSPEC)用于论文分类的代码。按照论文的内容将其分为十大类有0000,1000,……5000,……9000表示,例如:凝聚物质由6000及7000表示,其中6000内包括凝聚物质的结构、热学和力学性质,而7000内包括凝聚物质的电子结构、电学、磁学和光学性质。再仔细分则由6100……6200等表示,例如6100表示液体和固体结构。而X射线晶体结构测定及精确化技术表示固体结构的测定包含在6100中,而用6110M来表示。所以要查出某一论文的PACC专业代码,应先确定该论文主要内容属于哪一大类,就在那一大类中找出其代码,其次再找出该论文包括的其它次要内容的代码。 国际物理学分类表 PACC(Physics Abstracts, Classification and Contents) 0000 总论 GENERAL 0100 通讯、教育、历史和哲学 communication,education,history,and philosophy 0110 通报、消息和组织活动 announcements, news, and organizational activities 0110C 通报、消息和颁奖 announcements, news, and awards 0110F 会议、演讲和学会 conferences, lectures, and institutes 0110H 物理学组织活动 physics organizational activities 0130 物理学文献及出版物 physics literature and publications 0130B 讲稿的出版(进修学院,暑期学校等) publications of lectures (advanced institutes, summer schools, etc.) 0130C 会议录 conference proceedings 0130E 专著和著作集 monographs, and collections 0130K 手册和字典 handbooks and dictionaries 0130L 物理数据、汇编 collections of physical data, tables 0130N 教科 textbooks 0130Q 报告、学位论文、论文 reports, dissertations, theses 0130R 评论及教学参考论文,资源通讯 reviews and tutorial papers, resource letters 0130T 书目 bibliographies 0140 教育 education 0140D 课程设置与评价 course design and evaluation 0140E 中小学科学 science in elementary and secondary school 0140G 课程设置,教学,策略和评价 curricula, teaching methods, strategies, and evaluation 0140J 教师 teacher training 0150 教具(包括设备和实验及教学用材料) educational aids(inc.equipment, experiments and teaching approaches to subjects) 0150F 视听教具、电影 audio and visual aids, films 0150H 计算机在教学中的使用 instructional computer use 0150K 试验理论和技术 testing theory and techniques 0150M 示范教学的实验和设备 demonstration experiments and apparatus 0150P 实验室实验和设备 0150Q 实验室课程设置、组织和评价 laboratory course design, organization, and evaluation 0150T 建筑物和设备 buildings and facilities 0155 普通物理 general physics 0160 传记、历史和个人笔记 biographical, historical, and personal notes 0165 科学史 history of science 0170 科学哲学 philosophy of science 0175 科学与社会 science and society 0190 其他一般论题 other topics of general interest 0200 物理学中的数学方法 mathematical methods in physics 0210 代数、集合论和图论 algebra, set theory, and graph theory 0220 群论(量子力学中的代数方法见0365;基本粒子物理学中的对称见1130) group theory(for algebraic methods in quantum mechanics, see 0365; for symmetries in elementary particle physics, see 1130) 0230 函数论,分析 function theory, analysis 0240 几何学、微分几何学和拓扑学(0400相对论与引力) geometry, differential geometry, and topology(0400 relativity and gravitation) 0250 概率论、随机过程和统计学(0500统计物理学) probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics(0500 statistical physics) 0260 数字近似及分析 numerical approximation and analysis 0270 计算技术(数据处理与计算见0650) computational techniques(for data handling and computation, see 0650) 0290 物理学中数学方法的其它论题 other topics in mathematical methods in physics 0300 经典及量子物理学;力学与场 classical and quantum physics; mechanics and fields 0320 离散系统的经典力学:一般数学问题(离散系统的应用经典力学见4610;天体力 学 见9510) classical mechanics of discrete systems: general mathematical aspects ( for applied classical mechanics of discrete systems, see 4610; for celestial mechanics, see 9510) 0330 狭义相对论 special relativity 0340 连续介质经典力学:一般数学问题 classical mechanics of continuous media: general mathematical aspects 0340D 弹性力学的数学理论(4620连续介质力学,4630固体力学) mathematical theory of elasticity(4620 continuum mechanics, and 4630 mechanics of solids) 0340G 流体动力学:一般数学问题(4700流体动力学) fluid dynamics; general mathematical aspects(4700 fluid dynamics) 0340K 波和波传播:一般数学问题(4630M机械波和弹性波;4320一般线性声学) waves and wave propagation; general mathematical aspects(4630M mechanical and elastic waves, 4320 general linear acoustics) 0350 经典场论 classical field theory 0350D 麦克斯韦理论:一般数学问题(应用经典电动力学,见4100) Maxwell theory: general mathematical aspects(for applied classical electrodynamics, see 4100) 0350K 其它具体经典场论 other special classical field theories 0365 量子论;量子力学(0530量子统计力学;相对论性波动方程,见1110) quantum theory; quantum mechanics(0530 quantum statistical mechanics;for relativistic wave equations, see 1110) 0365B 基础、测量理论、其它理论 foundations, theory of measurement, miscellaneous theories 0365C 形式论 formalism 0365D 泛函分析方法 functional analytical methods 0365F 代数方法(0220群论;3115分子物理学中计算方法) algebraic methods(02 20 group theory; 3115 calculation methods in molecular physics) 0365G 波动方程解:边界态 solutions of wave equations: bound state 0365N 非相对论性散射理论 nonrelativistic scattering theory 0365S 半经典理论和应用 semiclassical theories and applications 0367 量子信息 Quantum information 0370 量子场论(1110场论) theory of quantized fields(1110 field theory) 0380 散射的一般理论(1120 S-矩阵论;1180相对论性散射) general theory of scattering(1120 S-matrix theory, and 1180 relativistic scattering) 0400 相对论与引力(狭义相对论,见0330;相对论性天体物理学,见9530; 相对论性宇宙 学,见9880) relativity and gravitation(for special relarivity,see 0330;for relativistic astrophysics,see 9530;for relativistic cosmology,see 9880) 0420 广义相对论(0240几何学和拓扑学) general relativity (0240 geometry and topology) 0420C 基本问题和普通形式论 fundamental problems and general formalism 0420F 典型的形式论、拉氏函数和变分原理 canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles 0420J 方程解 solutions to equations 0420M 守恒定律和运动方程 conservation laws and equations of motion 0430 引力波和辐射:理论 gravitational waves and radiation: theory 0440 连续介质;电磁及其它混合引力系统 continuous media; electromagnetic and other mixed gravitational systems 0450 统一场论及其它引力理论 unified field theories and other theories of gravitation 0455 引力替代理论 alternative theories of gravitation 0460 引力的量子论 quantum theory of gravitation 0465 超引力 supergravity 0470 黑洞物理学(参见9760L 黑洞) physics of black holes (see also 9760L black holes) 0480 广义相对论的实验检验及引力辐射观测 experimental tests of general relativity and observations of gravitational radiation 0485 中程力(包括第五和第六力) intermediate range forces (inc.fifth and sixth forces) 0490 相对论和引力的其它论题 other topics in relativity and gravitation 0500 统计物理学和热力学(0250概率论、随机过程和统计学) statistical physics and thermodynamics(0250 probability thory,stochastic processes,and statistics) 0520 统计力学 statistical mechanics 0520D 分子运动论 kinetic theory 0520G 经典系综论 classical ensemble theory 0530 量子统计力学(6700量子流体;7100凝聚物质的电子态) quantum statistic al mechanics(6700 quantum fluids, and 7100 electron states in condensed matter) 0530C 量子系综论 quantum ensemble theory 0530F 费米子系统和电子气 Fermion systems and electron gas 0530J 玻色子系统 Boson systems 0530L 任意子和仲统计学(量子统计力学) anyons and parastatistics (quantum statistical mechanics) 0540 涨落现象、随机过程和布朗运动 fluctuation phenomena, random processes, and Brownian motion 0545 混沌系统的理论和模型(流体系统中的混沌,见4752) theory and models of chaotic systems(for chaos in flowing systems,see 4752) 0547 非线性动力学系统和分岔(流体系统中的分岔,见4752) nonlinear dynamical systems and bifurcations (bifurcations in flowing systems,see 4752) 0550 点阵理论和统计学;伊辛问题(7510H伊辛模型) lattice theory and statistics; Ising problems(7510H Ising models) 0555 分形(流体系统中的分形,见4752) fractals (fractals in flowing systems,see 4752) 0560 输运过程:理论 transport processes:theory 0565 自组织系统 Self-organized systems 0570 热力学(4460热力学过程;6400状态方程,相平衡和相变;6500凝聚物质的热性质 ; 化学热力学,见8260) thermodynamics(4460 thermodynamic processes; 6400 equation s of state, phase equilibria and phase transitions; 6500 thermal properties of condensed matter;for chemical thermodynamics, see 8260) 0570C 热力学函数及状态方程 thermodynamic functions and equations of state 0570F 相变:一般问题 phase transitions: general aspects 0570J 临界点现象 critical point phenomena 0570L 非平衡热力学、不可逆过程(3430势能表面;8200物理化学) nonequilibrium thermodynamics, irreversible processes(3430 potential energy surfaces, 8200 physical chemistry) 0580 经济物理学 Econophysics 0590 统计物理学和热力学的其它论题 other topics in statistical physics and thermodynamics 0600 测量科学、普通实验室技术及测试设备系统 Measurement science, general laboratory techniques, and instrumentation systems 0620 基本度量学 metrology 0620D 测量与误差理论 measurement and error theory 0620F 单位 units 0620H 测量标准和校正 measurement standards and calibration 0620J 基本常数测定 determination of fundamental constants 0630 基本变量测量 measurement of basic variables 0630C 空间变量测量(包括空间延伸的所有变量如:直径、重量、厚度、位移、表面 拓扑学、粒子尺寸、弥散系统区) spatial variables measurement(inc.measurement of all variables extending in space e.g. diameter, weight, thickness, displacement , surface topography, particle size, area of disperse systems) 0630E 质量与密度的测量 mass and density measurement 0630F 时间与频率的测量(天文学方面的,见9570) time and frequency measurement(for astronomical aspects see 9570) 0630G 速度、加速度和转动测量(流速测量,见4780) velocity, acceleration and rotation measurement(for flow velocity measurement see 4780) 0630L 基本电磁变量测量(0750电学仪器和技术) measurement of basic electromagnetic variables(0750 electrical instruments and techniques) 0630M 机械变量测量(包括弹性模量,力,冲击,应变,应力,力矩和振动)(压力测 量, 见0630N;声学变量测量,见4385D;固体力学测量,见4630R;粘度测量,见4780;材料试 验,8170) measurement of mechanical variables(inc.elastic moduli,force,shock ,strain,stress,torque,and vibration)(for pressure measurement,see 0630N;for acoustic variables measurement,see 4385D;for measurement in the mechanics of solids, see 4630R;for viscosity measurement,see 4780;for materials testing,see 8170) 0630N 压力测量(真空测量,见0730D;高压技术,见0735) pressure measurement(for vacuum measurement, see 0730D;for high-pressure techniques, see 0735) 0650 数据处理和计算(0270计算技术;2980核信息处理;光学数据处理,存贮及检索, 见423 0;地球物理数据采集和存贮,见9365) data handling and computation(0270 computational techniques; 2980 nuclear information processing;for optical data processing , storage and retrieval see 4230; for geophysical data acquisition and storage see 9365) 0650D 数据搜集、处理、、数据显示(含数显技术) data gathering, processing, and recording, data displays (including digital techniques) 0650M 计算装置与技术 computing devices and techniques 0660 实验室技术 laboratory techniques 0660E 样品制备 sample preparation 0660J 高速技术(微秒到微微秒) highspeed techniques (microsecond to picosecond) 0660S 微检验装置、微定位器和切片机 micromanipulators, micropositioners , and microtomes 0660V 车间技术(焊接、机械加工、润滑作用和轴承等) workshop techniques ( welding, machining, lubrication, bearings, etc.) 0660W 安全(2880辐射监测和防护;8760M辐射剂量测定法;8760P辐射防护) safety( 2880 radiation monitoring and protection, 8760M radiation dosimetry, 8760P radiation protection) 0670 普通测试设备 general instrumentation 0670D 敏感元件和探测器 sensing and detecting devices 0670E 试验设备 testing equipment 0670H 显示、记录与指示器 display, recording, and indicating instrument s 0670M 换能器(电磁辐射换能器见0762;声换能器见4388;液流换能器见4780) transducers(for electromagnetic radiation transducers see 0762; for acoustic transducers see 4388; for flow transducers see 4780) 0670T 伺服及控制装置 servo and control devices 0690 测量科学、普通实验室技术及测试设备系统中的其它论题 other topics in measurement science, general laboratory techniques and instrumentation systems 0700 物理学中普遍使用的专用测试设备与技术(各分支学科的 专用测试设备与技术入 各自的分支学科) specific instrumentation and techniques of general use in physics(within each subdiscipline for specialized instrumentation and techniques) 0710 机械仪器与测量方法(固体力学测量见4630R;材料试验见8170) mechanical instruments and measurement methods(for measurement in the mechanics of sol ids, see 4630R; for materials testing, see 8170) 0710C 微机械器件和系统(微光学器件和技术,见4283) micromechanical devices and systems (for microoptical devices and technology,see 4283) 0710F 隔振 vibration isolation 0710Y 其他机械仪器和技术(包括摆、陀螺仪、离心器) other mechanical instruments and techniques(inc.pendulums,gyroscopes,centrifuges) 0720 热仪器和技术(4450物质的热性质;4460热力学过程;热辐射的辐射度学和检测, 见 0760D和0762) thermal instruments and techniques(4450 thermal properties of matter, 4460 thermodynamic processes;for radiometry and detection of thermal radiation see 0760D and 0762) 0720D 温度测量 thermometry 0720F 量热学 calorimetry 0720H 加热炉 furnaces 0720K 高温技术及测试设备;测高温术 hightemperature techniques and instrumentation; pyrometry 0720M 低温实验法 cryogenics 0725 测湿法 hygrometry 0730 真空产生与真空技术(包括低于1个大气压的压力;稀薄气体动力学入4745;8115 G 真空淀积) vacuum production and techniques(inc.pressures below 1 atmosphere; 4745 rarefied gas dynamics; 8115G vacuum deposition) 0730B 排空能力、除气、剩余气体 evacuating power, degasification, residual gas 0730C 真空泵 vacuum pumps 0730D 真空计 vacuum meters 0730G 真空设备及试验方法 vacuum apparatus and testing methods 0730K 辅助设备、器件及材料 auxiliary apparatus, hardware and materials 0735 高压产生与技术(包括大于1个大气压的压力) high pressure production and techniques (inc.pressures above 1 atmosphere) 0750 电学仪器及技术 electrical instruments and techniques 0755 磁测量仪器及技术 magnetic instruments and techniques 0758 磁共振谱仪、辅助仪器和技术(6116N电子顺磁共振和核磁共振测定) magnetic resonance spectrometers, auxiliary instruments and techniques(6116N EPR and NMR determinations) 0760 光学仪器和技术(辐射探测见0762;光谱学和光谱计见0765;全息术见4240;光源 和标准见4272;光学透镜和反射系统见4278;光学器件、 技术和应用见4280;光学试验和加工 技术见4285;辐射谱仪和光谱技术见2930;辐射测量、检测和计数见2970) optical instruments and techniques(for radiation detection, see 0762; for spectroscopy and spectrometers, see 0765; for holography, see 4240; for optical sources and standards, see 4272; for optical lens and mirror systems, see 4278; for optical devices , techniques and applications, see 4280; for optical testing and workshop techniques, see 4285; for radiation spectrometers and spectroscopic techniques, see 29 30; for radiation measurement, detection and counting, see 2970) 0760D 光度学和辐射度学(包括色度学,辐射探测入0762) photometry and radio metry(inc.colorimetry;0762 detection of radiation) 0760F 偏振测量术与椭园偏振测量术 polarimetry and ellipsometry 0760H 折射测量术与反射测量术 refractometry and reflectometry 0760L 干涉量度学 interferometry 0760P 光学显微术 optical microscopy 0762 辐射探测(测辐射热计、光电管、红外波与亚毫米波探测) detection of radiation (bolometers, photoelectric cells, IR. and submillimetre waves detection) 0765 光谱学与光谱计(包括光声谱术) optical spectroscopy and spectrometers(inc.photoacoustic spectroscopy) 0765E 紫外和可见光谱学与光谱仪 UV and visible spectroscopy and spectrometers 0765G 红外光谱学与光谱仪 IR spectroscopy and spectrometers 0768 照相术、照相仪器与技术(光敏材料参见4270;照相过程的化学参见8250) photography, photographic instruments and techniques(for light sensitive materials see also 4270 for chemistry of photographic process see also 8250) 0775 质谱仪与质谱测定技术(质谱化学分析见8280) mass spectrometers and m ass spectrometry techniques(for mass spectroscopic chemical analysis, see 8280) 0777 粒子束的产生与处理;(2925基本粒子和核物理中的粒子源和靶;4180粒子束和 粒 子光学) particle beam production and handling;(2925 particle sources and targets in elementaryparticle and nuclear physics, 4180 particle beams and particle optics) 0779 扫描探针显微术及其相关技术(包括扫描隧道显微术,原子力显微术、磁力显微术 ,摩擦力显微术,和近场扫描光学显微术,(结构测定方面,参见6116P) scanning prob e microscopy and related techniques(inc.scanning tunnelling microscopy,atomic force microscopy,magnetic force microscopy,friction force microscopy,and nearfield scanning optical microscopy)(structure determination aspects, see also 6116P) 0780 电子与离子显微镜及其技术(6116D凝聚物质中的电子显微术;6116F凝聚物质中的场离子显微术) electron and ion microscopes and techniques(6116D in condensed matter electron microscopy, 6116F field ion microscopy) 0781 电子和离子谱仪及其相关技术(参见2930辐射谱仪和光谱技术) electron and ion spectrometers and related techniques(see also 2930 radiation spectrometers an d spectroscopic techniques) 0785 X射线与γ射线仪器与技术(包括穆斯堡尔谱仪和技术) X-ray, gamma-ray instruments and techniques (inc.Moessbauer spectrometers and technique s) 0788 粒子干涉量度学和中子仪器(粒子束的产生与处理,参见0777;中子谱仪,参见 2930H ,原子干涉量度学,参见3580粒子光学,参见4180) particle interferometry and neutron instrumentation(for particle beam production and handling,see 0777;for neutron spectrometers,see also 2930H;for atomic interferometry,see also 3580;for particle optics,see also 4180) 0790 专用设备中的其它论题 other topics in specialised instrumentation 1000 基本粒子物理与场(宇宙线见9440;高能实验技术和设备见 2900) THE PHYSICS OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES AND FIELDS(for cosmic rays ,see 9440;for high energy experimental techniques and instrumentation, see 2900) 1100 场和粒子的一般理论(0365量子力学;0370量子场论;0380散射的一般理论) general theory of fields and particles(0365 quantum mechanics, 0370 theory of quantized fields, 0380 general theory of scattering) 1110 场论 field theory 1110C 公理法 axiomatic approach 1110E 拉氏函数和哈密顿函数法 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach 1110G 重正化 renormalization 1110J 渐近问题与特性 asymptotic problems and properties 1110L 非线性或非局域理论及模型 nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models 1110M 史文格源理论 Schwinger source theory 1110N 规范场论 gauge field theories 1110Q 相对论性波动方程 relativistic wave equations 1110S 束缚与非稳定态;贝特-沙耳皮特方程 bound and unstable states; Bethe-Salpeter equations 1110W 有限温度场论 finite temperature field theory 1117 弦理论和其他扩展物质理论(包括超弦和膜) theories of strings and other extended objects(inc.superstrings and membranes) 1120 S-矩阵论 S-matrix theory 1120D 散射矩阵和微扰论 scattering matrix and perturbation theory 1120F 色散关系和S矩阵的分析特性 dispersion relations and analytic properties of the S-matrix 1130 对称和守恒定律(0220群论) symmetry and conservation laws(0220 group theory) 1130C 洛伦兹与庞加莱不变性 Lorentz and Poincare invariance 1130E 电荷共轭、宇称、时间反演和其它分立对称 charge conjugation, parity, time reversal and other discrete symmetries 1130J SU(2)和SU(3)对称 SU(2) and SU(3) symmetries 1130K SU(4)对称 SU(4) symmetry 1130L 其他内部对称和高度对称 other internal and higher symmetries 1130N 非线性对称和动力学对称性(谱生成对称) nonlinear and dynamical symmetries (spectrumgenerating symmetries) 1130P 超对称 supersymmetry 1130Q 自发性对称破缺 spontaneous symmetry breaking 1130R 手征对称 chiral symmetries 1140 流及其特性 currents and their properties 1140D 流的一般理论 general theory of currents 1140F 流代数的拉格朗日算法 Lagrangian approach to current algebras 1140H 部分守恒轴矢量流 partially conserved axialvector currents 1150 色散关系与求和定则 dispersion relations and sum rules 1150E n/d法 n/d method 1150G 靴襻 bootstraps 1150J 交叉对称 crossing symmetries 1150L 求和定则 sum rules 1150N 多变量色散关系(包括曼德尔斯坦表象) multivariable dispersion relations(inc.Mandelstam representation) 1160 复合角动量;雷其(理论)体系(0380一般散射理论;1240强相互作用中的复合角 动 量) complex angular momentum; Regge formalism(0380 general theory of scattering, 1240 in strong interactions) 1180 相对论性散射理论(0380一般散射理论) relativistic scattering theory (0380 general theory of scattering) 1180C 运动特性(螺旋性和不变振幅、运动奇异性等) kinematical properties (helicity and invariant amplitudes, kinematic singularities, etc.) 1180E 部分波分析 partialwave analysis 1180F 近似法(程函近似法,变分原理等) approximations (eikonal approximation, variational principles, etc) 1180G 多道散射 multichannel scattering 1180J 多体散射和Faddeev方程 Many-body scattering and Faddeev equation 1180L 多次散射 multiple scattering 1190 一般场论和粒子理论的其它论题 other topics in general field and particle theory 1200 具体理论和相互作用模型;粒子分类系统 specific theories and interaction models; particle systematics 1210 统一场论和模型 unified field theories and models 1210B 电弱理论 electroweak theories 1210C 统一化标准模型 standard model of unification 1210D 标准模型以外的统一模型(包括GUTS,颜色模型和SUSY模型) unified models beyond the standard model(inc.GUTS,technicolour and SUSY models) 1220 电磁相互作用模型 models of electromagnetic interactions 1220D 量子电动力学的具体计算和极限 specific calculations and limits of quantum electrodynamics 1220F 量子电动力学的实验检验 experimental tests of quantum electrodynamics 1225 引力相互作用模型(0460引力的量子论) models for gravitational interactions(0460 quantum theory of gravitation) 1230 弱相互作用模型 models of weak interactions 1230C 中子流 neutral currents 1230E 中间玻色子 intermediate bosons 1235 粒子的复合模型 composite models of particles 1235C 量子色动力学的一般特性(动力学,禁闭等) general properties of quantum chromodynamics (dynamics, confinement, etc.) 1235E 量子色动力学在粒子特性和反应中的应用 applications of quantum chromodynamics to particle properties and reactions 1235H 粒子的结构和反应的唯象复合模型(部分子模型,口袋模型等) phenomenological composite models of particle structure and reactions (partons, bags, etc.) 1235K 其它复合模型(包括复合夸克模型和轻子模型) other composite models( inc.c
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